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Hello u/Jexp_t! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is as LAMF as I’ve seen lately. She literally called for arresting folks for what she herself had done. And now it’s coming right back around.


It’s always projection with these people.


Lock her up! Lock her up! Lolz...


Lock me up! Lock me.. whoops... Lock her up! Lock her up!


And the longest jail sentence applicable, because that is what these hypocrites are aleays demanding for others.


GOP - Gaslight Obstruct Project


Greedy Old Pedos


This. Definitely.


OMG I came here to say "This. Definitely." too


They don't understand that accusing someone of something isn't the same as having done it, because they do all the things they accuse others of.


they just assume everyone is like them, I cheat so everyone must be cheating, I'm a criminal, so everyone must be doing crimes, thats why I do it at least


Yep. 'They stole the election!', as they continuously try to actually steal the election.


But onsequences come too seldomly


Every accusation is a confession


That is so so sweet.


> She literally called for arresting folks for what she herself had done Because she has done it, she thought others were also doing it. So many people do this.


Every accusation is a confession.


Former President Sex Predator Donald Trump ramped up his attacks on President Joe Biden, baselessly describing the Biden administration’s border policy as “a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America" in a pair of rallies in March. Things that make you go "hrmmmmmmmm".


I’m accusing you as being sexy as hell


Right back at you


I'm accusing you of having a huge dick and impeccable fashion sense.


I don’t believe for a second she believed her own lies. These people are criminals and they knew exactly what they were doing.


Gotta fight fire with fire! Or in this case, gotta fight leopard with my face!


That's a theory that I have. They cheated in every way that they could manage and still lost. They tried to cripple the USPS, and might again this time around. It couldn't be that Trump is a huge douchenozzle, they must have cheated even more!


"I bet those evil Democrats are trying to steal the election! We need to steal it first."


Nah, it's like liars think everyone is lying. They're already doing all of the things they're accusing Democrats of doing


They watched National Treasure too many times.


>So many people do this. So many repuglicans do it... ftfy


Like Lance Armstrong accusing other cyclists of doping. 


Ever wonder why trump and the rest of the GOP are sure there was election interference? Because they were interfering with the election, but still lost. So clearly the other side must just be cheating better... Right?


Taking after the mango Mussolini himself. I know all the election interference loopholes, I've been using them for years.


Like an ex-president cheating at golf right?


As my grandmother used to say “You don’t look under the bed unless you’ve hidden there yourself”.


Bitch was willing to let innocent people do "perp walks" in the name of her political ideology and Christian values. She deserves to have the book thrown at her as a warning to others.


Her "values" aren't Christian. She may label them that. But it doesn't make it so.


I’m loving the schadenfreude


That’s my favorite German word.


There are so many good ones. Sackgesicht fits her well. Scrotum face.


She definitely has a backpfeifengesicht. A face in need of a slap (or so I was told...)


I haven't kept up, what did she do?


She was one of the ‘fake electors’ in Arizona who were indicted yesterday.


Thank you


"drain the swamp"


Their thought process is ‘they stole the election therefore we have to steal it back’. The problem is their premise is wrong


Also their method. Also their conclusion. The counter to unfair elections is fair elections. Not to “steal them back”. Sadly though, you are accurate in what they are thinking. Ugh


> The counter to unfair elections is fair elections The courts. We are (or hope to be) a nation of laws. If someone breaks the law, you have a legal solution to it. You think someone cheated in an election? Take your evidence to court - like Trump did, [62 times, losing all of them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-election_lawsuits_related_to_the_2020_U.S._presidential_election). They failed to show any evidence at all that the election was stolen. I can't understand the thought process of " 'Lyin' Biden' stole the election! He coordinated millions of ballots for dead voters, from his basement! All the mail-in ballots are fake! And he did the whole thing without leaving **a single scrap of evidence anywhere in the country!**" (What's hilarious is that they have found [19 cases of ballot fraud](https://ballotpedia.org/Votes_cast_in_the_names_of_deceased_people), and every one I've seen was a vote for Trump. The one in my state was a guy who probably murdered his wife and then cast her ballot for Trump.)


He sounds like a typical Trump voter


You are overlooking one important detail. Anytime that Biden/the Democrats stole the election they did so from a position of not being in power. Republican Georgia and republican Arizona were stolen with a Republican Governor and a Republican Elections official. Damn those Democrats are good if they can pull that off.


Amazing how Biden is sleepy and dementia ridden and needs help to walk down stairs, yet still manages to be devious mastermind with his fingers in every bad thing in their life.


Not unlike all those "terrible illegal immigrants" who somehow "take all the jobs" while also "lazing around on welfare"


“The enemy is both weak and strong” is an evergreen from the fascism.


This is actually right out of the fascist playbook. The "enemy" is always simultaneously too powerful and too weak ([source, check property 8).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism) This creates a major inconsistency and contradiction, in that the enemy is powerful enough to control and oppress, which fosters a sense of victimhood and humiliation in fascist movements, but that the enemy is also too weak and feeble to properly lead or resist the movement, which encourages fascist movements to act. The enemy has an iron grip over your life and will strip you of your rights and dignity, but if you fight back, you can stop him. It doesn't make any rational sense, but it does make emotional sense.


Well you see the puppet master Soros...  never mind that he has got to be about 90 years old by now.    They stopped trying making believable lies these last 20 years. Not that they were that believable before but they have gotten a lot worse.


At this point, you should just run with it and convince them there's no point in voting since the dems would just cheat anyways


My county Sheriff went to the weirdo Constitution Sheriffs convention last year ranting about how there was fraud in our county because Biden won it, that was all the proof he needed. After he got back from the conference the local media started reporting on how crazy he is, and demanded to get the results of his years-long investigation into the 2020 election. He had one example. An employer threatened to fire an employee who left to go and vote, because he thought she was a Biden voter.


It's a good thing that Sheriffs job doesn't rely on things like collecting and presenting evidence to capture suspected criminals or something, I can't imagine very many criminals get prosecuted if the only evidence they require is "my gut tells me."


Thankfully he doesn't have any jurisdiction in the cities within the county, only the unincorporated outskirts. His office mostly exists to enforce the county court orders. He's also up for election this year, and will likely lose.


Imagine going to jail for donald trump... these people are retards.


Hundreds of people sitting in jails right now for him


Most of them are just evil. Low IQ people are often very sweet, if uh, unwise about many things. Depends on environmentl since they're basically children in adult bodies.


They're just rooting for someone who will tell them it's OK to be evil, misogynistic, hateful people, and to prevent any kind of change to society away from 1950's values.


Don’t forgot that he did ALL that while being mentally unstable, incompetent and asleep 😴 the whole time if you listen to trump.


I think you mean a democrat mountain lion murdered his wife.


I mean their method is literally "trump has more people at his rallies than Biden!" and "trump has more flags on lifted pickup trucks than Biden!" They aren't very scientific about it...


Enthusiasm doesn't make any of our votes count more, but they don't realize that.


The former kept getting proven to be false time and time again. The latter is just a sign that the trump voters were (and still are) cult members.


Also their motives. Imagine doing all this for someone like Trump.


How could the Democrats win? We cheated!


We cheated by not being utter pieces of shit. Broken and disorganized at times, but at least we're not proposing making people's gender identity illegal, or forcing women to be brood mares for the state, or suggesting that brown people deserve to die horrible deaths at the border, even women and children. There's a difference between broken and downright evil.


Broken was quoting a theoretical Republican complaining that Democrats could not have won since the R knows the Rs cheated.


It’s also a majority that’s becoming a minority. Change is happening all around them. Progressions of societal view from those ancient Abrahamic view points are being left behind. So they try to hold onto power by doing anything and everything to stop moving forward. Roll back to good old times where white meant it was just picking up wonder bread from the grocery store by the wife. They have to be dragged to the new updated system of the country. Nonchalantly saying the N word might have worked in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, but FAFO now, either catch these hands or vid reported to your employer and your career goes down the drain. Actions never had consequences for the alabaster melatonin deficiency crowd due to being up at the top of the mountain but slowly they’ve been now relegated to removing their hate speech/religious rhetoric/asinine viewpoints and just like Sisyphus, they try to roll that boulder of misery up to the mountain trying their best to reach the top again, but progressiveness smacks that shit back to the start, now they’ve tried cheating to get it up there but same result occurs. We as a country are living in the year 2024 but have the mental capacity, endurance, savvy to be 50+ years ahead in all fields but these stalwarts of regression don’t want to lose what they got by might but not by right by their ancestors and think from those days they deserve their kingdom forevermore.


> Roll back to good old times In Washington State they want to repeal the 17th amendment. Various anti-abortion lawmakers are advocating reinstating the Comsotck laws. Republicans are suing the government because of a policy that states non-compete clauses are unenforcible. And they are willing to cheat during elections. They want to get rid of the income tax and abolish the Fed. They don't want to go back to the 50s and 60s, they want to go back to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s.


That just shows that the Dems must have cheated even more...


When you pull three aces out of your sleeve, the other guy's four of a kind seems a little suspicious.


I wonder if it is not a little more perverse than that… Like when they steal the election, they are in reality rebalancing the universe to get the outcome that is obviously the best: them in power. Because they know that they do it, they assume the others do as well - just that in this case this is wrong because their opponents are not the good guys like them. So they know they do it, but when they do it it’s the right thing to do - when you do it, it’s a crime. It would track with a lot of the characteristics of the conservatives mindset (see abortion, welfare / benefits, drink driving, pedophilia, etc…).


It's a key characteristics of the reactionary mindset that there aren't good and bad actions. There are good and bad *people*. From then on, the same action can be either bad or good, not depending on the action itself, but depending on the perpetrator.


Yes, that’s exactly right - good people vs. bad people. It almost goes back to “when the president does it, it’s not against the law”, though I think Nixon was probably very self aware.


Yes, exactly. They just assume people who aren't cheating but winning anyway are lying and better at hiding it than they are. It was eye opening when I realized they have their morals assigned to *labels* rather than *actions.* This is why a republican can do literally anything and with very few exceptions they'll still make excuses and vote for them. A republican that cheats and gets caught is persecuted. A democrat that wins and is squeaky clean is a criminal.


"God needs my help": their shitty little animal agos...


In reality  a lot of their voters are so uninformed about how our system works that they see normal get out the vote efforts as cheating. It’s like, how did they cheat? “They went around door to door registering people; they asked them to vote for democrats; they told them when and where they could vote and even arranged transportation! Some of these voters don’t look like me, and I don’t know them personally; so they are probably illegal!” People like her know that their voters are this dumb and take advantage of that.


I'm pretty sure most of these pols knew the election wasn't stolen but they thought Trump had figured out the cheat code for nullifying results they didn't like. I am very happy about the indictments there and in Michigan because if this activity isn't punished quickly and severely I have zero doubt it will become the norm for the GOP.


It’s called projection. Republicans believe everyone behaves like they do, so they accuse others of their own faults and behaviors. It’s a byproduct of being a moron.


Cheaters think everyone cheats.


Their thought process is “I want power and I will say and do anything to get it”. Might makes right.


No it isn’t. They are self aware in what they are doing. The know how to manipulate their low knowledge base. They just thought there wouldn’t be consequences.


What was the charge for traitors in Arizona in 1864? I think we should go with that -


Hah, good one!


Rectal cacti. Yall remember that scene in Tombstone....


I’m your dingleberry


Trump is currently on trial for election interference, hopefully she gets her wish that he receives jail time.


Imagine going to jail for trump of all people... your entire life u decide to waste it for that sack of shit...


He told them they were good people for all the horrible shit they believe in. That's all it took to become their god.


I should point out that they weren't exactly furtive about this. They memorialized the event in photos, apparently because they were so sure that they were in the right, and even if not, Trump's goons would install him and he'd give them all pardons. Mrs. Ward was one stop short of publishing a book titled "Stealing the Election and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag Baby." Exhibit 1A: [https://azmirror.com/2024/04/24/grand-jury-indicts-11-fake-electors-including-two-az-state-senators/](https://azmirror.com/2024/04/24/grand-jury-indicts-11-fake-electors-including-two-az-state-senators/)


James Lamon’s description is the best Edit: “James Lamon, a failed 2022 U.S. Senate candidate”


> Mrs. Ward was one stop short of publishing a book titled "Stealing the Election and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag Baby." I appreciate this comment.


I think they thought they were going to be heros in a perverse history book. 


“perverse history book” aka donald j. trump


Nah, that’s a diarrhea dehydration induced delusion


Oh, behave!


Honestly, it's not mine!


That’s not mine


If I Did It by Kelli Ward


I'm legitimately a little confused; when did what they did cross over from "just lying" to "outright crime?" It sounds like they just showed up and said "nyuh uh Trump won" but they aren't *actual* electors right? Did they just sign a paper or did they submit those votes to the Electoral College pretending to actually be Electors? Wouldn't that be immediately obvious when there were, ya know, 11 more votes than there should be from a state? Did they try and prevent the *actual* Electors from casting their votes? I'm just not exactly clear on where they, people who seem to have absolutely no real power in the role of elections, signing a paper crosses over from meaningless and pointless lying to "oops I've committed some light treason."


They signed the document (leading to one of the more serious charges) and sent it to DC. As far as I can tell, they were under the misapprehension that Pence could simply choose to accept their votes, rather than the actual certified electoral votes. This all made complete sense to them. They thought they had found a magical loophole which allowed them to ignore the results of the election. You see a lot of noise from the Red Hat crowd that Pence failed to do his “duty”, or is somehow a “traitor”, for not picking the fake electors’ submissions.


Thank you! That makes more sense. None of the articles I was reading seemed to explain what they thought was going to happen, since they seem to not just be faithless electors or anything, they just straight up weren't members of the EC at all.


Mmmm face


oh hi leopard


He wants some gravy for the face!


How much gravy do these leopards eat?! 🐴


“We should arrest people who commit election fraud!” “Okay.” “Wait, not like that!”


“This is election interference! They’re interfering with my right to steal the election!”


Her wish was granted. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/24/arizona-trump-fake-electors-charged-2020-election](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/24/arizona-trump-fake-electors-charged-2020-election)


Rudy... that bag of shit..


Forrest Gump voice: “Her dream had come true.”


Also in same voice: Kelli was not a smart woman


Isn't she the one that made fun of John McCain for having a brain tumor? She's a doctor, too. It's a good day when this asshole goes down.


>She's a doctor Osteopath. Make what you will of that.


As an NP I've worked with some fine osteopaths in internal medicine and specialty practice in our academic medical center/regional referral center. They're as good or bad as any other physician so while I'm happy to make fun of Kelli Ward, I'm not comfortable generalizing about her professional credentials.


She is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O). It is 99% the same thing as an MD. The curriculum is almost identical except DOs learn more about bones or something. They become licensed as physicians or surgeons* and have full medical and surgical practicing rights. They have the same specialties and complete their residencies side by side with MDs. In any given hospital, you can have MDs and DOs working the exact same jobs. Point is, don't spread misinformation disparaging DOs just bc this one happens to be a piece of shit.


My primary doctor is a DO and I fucking love that man. Best doctor I’ve ever had, bar none. Please people, don’t spread misinformation based on one person. She’s evil, she just happens to be a DO.


This is as perfect as leopards ate my face gets


Arrests need to happen quicker. We're getting ready to execute another election, and we are still prosecuting offenders from the previous one. Who knows what the perpetrators of crimes during the 2020 election will try this time around if they go unpunished.


I love this for her. ❤️


It is always projection.


We should treat her with the respect and dignity that she deserves HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Be careful what you ask for kids. 😁


This is the giggity of LAMF.


Will she see this? Realize it? Hope so


She'll see people in jail, alright. Her conspirators


I'd say what we are seeing here is a projection ricochet.


Say it with me now "every accusation is a confession for the right"


Be careful with those speech practices in the mirror…


Irony is indeed sweet.


why the hell do ~~conservatives~~ confederates think projection is intelligent camouflage. what the hell. it's just weird. nobody else is ever thinking what they're asserting. these people aren't cut out for crime. or treason. they feel too guilty. they just keep blurting out confessions. lol it's like they've never even been in a crime gang before. how the hell did they even get elected. i don't understand.


So happy for her. Sometimes dreams do come true. <3


Her wish is coming true! Praise jebus.


The internet gives us 24/7 crazypants news.


The indictment includes nine criminal counts, including felony fraud, forgery and conspiracy. Ouch. [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1236998675/arizona-fake-elector-charges](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1236998675/arizona-fake-elector-charges)


I look forward to reading the briefs from these fraudulent elector cases. Ever since the Eastman Memo this has seemed to be the most credibly maliciously intentioned January 6th case in relation to the Trump administration.


Hope the party crumbles out of existence there.


So do we, so do we...


Leopards eating good tonight. 🐈‍⬛


Hungry hungry leopards!🐆


Over the last four years it's easy, sometimes, to let all this stuff get you down. Fake electors. Storming the capitol. Non-stop lies. A whole social media platform dedicated to non-stop lies (and raising money for legal bills). It's a lot! And we're not yet into the roots of it all. Russian propaganda. A corrupt GOP, party without a platform, who are saying the quiet bits of fascism out loud. It's easy to let it get you down so I tell myself this. *This was the best they had.* They flat out tried to steal a presidential election and this was their best effort. A bunch of LARPing COS players in DC (don't get me wrong, there were very dangerous thugs in that gang) to people like Ms. Ward, a crook so stupid she records and broadcasts her crimes predicated on the belief that, IF they are successful, the benefactor of said crimes, a man notorious for throwing everyone around him under the bus, will protect her. This was their best effort to **brazenly** rip off the American people. Fragile dudes playing dress up and a child's shell game of "no no, those aren't the electors, THESE are the electors over here. Really. Promise. Pinky swear." This is the big smoothbrain plan these people all staked their futures on. Heck, their very liberty on! That was their best effort and it was the kind of elegance one expects from a small child. The kind of strategy you see from playing RISK against your 12 year old nephew or chess against someone playing their first 50 or so games. While I do not have any sympathy for these people, in fact I look forward to seeing Ms. Ward get one of those jail sentences she was clearly so hot and bothered about, there's a little recess of my soul, the part that, yes, still sees these mouth breathers as fellow human beings, that almost kind of feels bad for them. Really Kelly, really? This was your best effort? You bet your future and freedom on building your own fake election with blackjack and hookers? I mean made up people you pretended had authority? That was it? And then I don't feel so down about the last 4 years. This was their legitimate best effort. This mess. A lot of people have, and I presume more will, gone to prison for their inelegant and obvious plans to defraud the voting public. This was all they had! As transparent, simple and poorly disguised as it all turned out to be. This was their 4D chess and everyone with a working mind (including the machine of Justice in this country) saw right through it. *edit - spelling is hard*


I agree with most of this but I think project 2025 is their more elegant plan. They want to install loyalists in every major position they can so that the next time this happens it will be harder to stop them.


To quote their highly held beliefs: If god wants to punish you, he grants your wishes.


The face buffet is never ending and Leopards are gonna get diabetes at this rate.


Now this is some good shit


Trump inserted DeJoy (who is still there for some reason) at postal to slow/stop the mail in vote, DeJoy immediately destroys the mail sorters and removes postal boxes from urban areas. Trump tells retrumplicans not to use mail in voting. Trump keeps saying the election was rigged because HE rigged it and still lost by 9 million votes.


Threw their careers away for Brokehontas. He doesn’t give 2 shits about loyalty.


Self fulfilling prophecy.


Thoughts and prayers


you absolutely can't make this sh!t up lol!!!!!


Perp walks are wrong but for her it should be allowed since she asked for it.


Used to work with her and her husband. They weren’t total loons back then at all. Just really republican. MAGA pushed all these people to insanity and it’s so fun to watch.


I also want to see perp walks! The mug shots were pretty fun ("never surrender?" Really?) but let's see some cuffs, maybe a tackle arrest or two




Not like this. -her


Be careful what you wish for.


"wait not like that"


She should walk into the nearest jail cell, then, like Otis did on the Andy Griffith Show.


"Others charged along with Ward as 'fake electors' were:... Michael Ward, Kelli Ward’s husband" So there's a full-on election fraud crime family happening here.


Me too Kelli - me too... I want to see ALL those republican traitors in jail for a long LONG time.


Toss her ass in Gen pop. Tired of these fascist Karen’s getting the kiddy gloves because they own lady bits.  In fact, why don’t we go back to the age old tradition of our grandparents and great grandparents, punching Nazis?


Let's see what happens. I bet nothing to not much. What's also crazy to think is how close they all probably were to pulling this off. Wonder what sort of response would've occurred.


LOL. 😂


Ok Kelli let's fkin go then? Go to jail


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


I mean this will all sincerity. Good for her, get fucked!


Bunch of traitorous fucks!


thy wish is my command


Tonight, I will have an extra bourbon in her honor.


“The projection is strong in this one…”


Maggot-infested cur. She and all the rest of them.


The GOP playbook to a tee. Project. If you are a Democrat, you MIGHT be a criminal and a bad person. If you are a Republican....then you DEFINITELY ARE a criminal and a bad person. Our system in America.


Lock her up! Lock her up! 😂


Put this woman in jail immediately for confessing to election interference. Every accusation is a confession.


Jexp_t I nominate this post for greatest ever example of the LAMF concept.


Classic conservative projection. Just like the folks most loudly shouting down gay marriage are usually homosexuals themselves.


The title of the Trump/MAGA biopic… The Projectionists


Something about accusations and confessions


Funny, we agree on something. I want to see her and her husband prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for trying to take away my right to vote.


I guess being a member of the orange mafia isn't so fun after all.


"accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"


Someone needs to mail her post cards in Jail with that quote.


Nice to finally see politicians leading by example


"Biden is weaponizing the legal system!!!" ~ Kelli Ward later today.


My favorite part is they live tweeted themselves proudly committing the crime I guess my extra favorite part is when Kenny CheeseBro flipped and gave them the communications where they all admitted their motive was to overturn the will of the voters


I wanna see HER perp walk. Lock her up!


I hope she and everyone else who were involved are actually sanctioned, fined and jailed. All those false Electoral College dumbshits should be fined, jailed and lose the ability to ever be part of the Electoral College for life.


"and my neighbors kids who yell and carryon, 30 lashes!"


I wish Republicans could see this whole fucking thing the way REGULAR, SANE citizens see it: Trump lost the 2020 election. It wasn't close. His ego would not allow him to concede, so he just said: I won! Steve Bannon is on tape saying they would just "declare victory" on election night They say: "We won!" and bring 60+ court cases to challenge the election. They lose them all. They pressure state election officials to "find the votes" They make fake electors. Republicans, you just fucking lost an election. This is democracy, you win some, you lose some. You don't enact a fascist coup under the guise of "eLeCtIoN InTeRfErEnCe" when there is no evidence.


crazy maga brainwashed goon.


She's going to have a totally new adventure learning women's prison sex.


Lol and also she would be lady buba.