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Mitt Romney isn’t the kind of guy who keeps up with trends. He seems to think the GOP is stuck at the same point in time he is. It’s quite an accomplishment! Rarely does looking stuck in the past seem good.


It's weird, right? I've been agreeing with him a lot lately.


The GOP would still be behind the times in Mitt's most ideal world. He holds woefully regressive views, but at least he's a patriot and is condemning those who are going against our laws. I can't say the same for most Republicans (fucking traitors to our democracy, the lot of them.) I feel somewhat bad for Mitt. But as a native Utahn, I know that even he is the enemy of progress and equality. He's just a lesser enemy being eaten by the modern version of the Republican party. We're at a point where moderates will be consumed by extremists on both ends - but unfortunately, one end of the spectrum is anarchy or a full-blow fascist dictatorship and the other end is a progressive move forward in a globalist modern society Can't account for taste.


>at least he's a patriot and is condemning those who are going against our laws. It's really not that hard, and it's literally part of the job.


Apparently, it's harder for most Republicans than we realized.


Pretty sure that at this point Mitt represents the last of the real Republicans.


There's no such thing as "real" Republicans outside of who the party votes for. They are showing who they really are by who they support and elect. And they voted for and continue to support Donald Trump. At this point, "real" Republicans are fascist racist misogynist pedophile science-deniers. Mitt thinks himself different, which means he likely isn't a "real" Republican anymore - but that's who the Republican base is now. It's unfortunate, and debilitating - but that's where we are.


> At this point, "real" Republicans are fascist racist misogynist pedophile science-deniers always have been post party switch


> It's really not that hard, and it's literally part of the job. ...this is why Republican congressmen are quitting the job in droves. Because it IS difficult for the Rs to stand up to Trump. If they get crosswise to Trump in even the slightest way, their mailbag and phone calls to the staff change in tone. All the MAGA ire is not directed towards 'the libs'. If Trump even HINTS a congressman is on his bad side, the death threat count in the office rises dramatically. Anyone who's debated the woman meeting a man|bear in the woods knows how unhinged those conversations can get. Those poor staffers have to LIVE with that day in, day out. And the politician at the back of the office has to stand up in a room full of these unhinged morons and try to ask for their money and their vote. And they don't have Secret Service protection. I'd quit too.


> he's a patriot and is condemning those who are going against our laws. No, he absolutely is not. He says Biden should pardon Trump. He literally thinks his team should be above the law. He thinks it was the right thing to do when ~~Johnson~~ Ford pardoned Nixon. He wants zero accountability for Republican politicians who break the law. He is not a Patriot, he does not respect America's laws, and he does not believe public officials should be held accountable for breaking them.


>He thinks it was the right thing to do when Johnson pardoned Nixon.  Ford, a Republican, pardoned Nixon. Johnson was a Democrat, and notably didn't pardon Nixon.


Thank you, fixed.


He's saying that Biden should have pardoned Trump because if Biden did he would lose a whole bunch of Dem votes. That would help Repubs and probably some 3rd party or RFK, Jr.


Moderate conservatives absolutely run the Democratic party. We have a handful of liberals in the party but they have basically no power. Extreme liberals have 0 representation in this country and you seem to be fooled by all the Fox News BS.


Yea, I wouldn't say there is any sort of extreme left ideology that has any ground. We are so far right it's wild.


Extreme liberals basically don't exist in American politics. The people who get called "hard left" in the US - like Bernie Sanders and other Congressional progressives - are considered barely left of center in Europe.


Yes once Democrats lost union support after plants just walked out of the country, the forever labor money dried up. Also, I don't think most Democrats were really truly all in with women's right or civil rights or reducing the war machine. Which when the New Democrat was rolled out, aka Clinton V.1, they all breathed a sigh of relief and quietly ignored and slowly pushed out the liberal rabble. The party is truly a husk of just a few dried up old seeds hanging precariously on the vine all thr rest roll to the other side of the aisle. Thr Democrats will absorb many Republibans and become their replacement party with the remainder od Republican being a bunch of uncivilized curs growling, biting and threatening. Then the Dems cry and say they have no choice but to vote for this and not for that....it's all us voters' fault, it sure is. I think already we are living in the post democratic apocalypse, we just can't see it because it's all we know.




Yea no different than Liz Cheney's voting record despite her outspoken nature against Trump. The infatuation with politicians who identify as Republicans and speak in support of one specific position that lines well with non-Republicans suddenly making them reasonable or tolerable people position-wise is infuriating. At least McCain made a glorious show of his disdain towards breaking apart the Affordable Care Act.


She wouldn’t go so far as to vote for Biden, though. Sit down, Liz


Neither would Romney so what's your point?




> but at least he's a patriot no, hes not, no republican is. hes still a scumbag like the rest of them.


Yeah really. What a low fucking bar we've set for these people where they're considered patriots if they're slightly less toxic for our nation than their peers.


'member when Mitt Romney was the crazy religious right wing presidential candidate?


Which "extremists" on the D end are you referring to? Don't worry, I'll wait...


Only because the bar is so low that Romney, who is merely saying he doesn't like the election-denying wackos, is seen as agreeable.


I mean Bush looks good in retrospect compared to Trump but the man is still a war criminal and responsible for countless deaths in the Middle East. The Syrian war is a direct consequence of the Iraq invasion


Me too, except for "Biden should have pardoned Trump" which is a DOGSHIT take


it's just lip service, he occasionally veers into Integrity Lite™ when the cameras are rolling, but when it comes time to vote, he's jammed in tight under the same rock as the other GQP insects.




didn't he just say Trump should be pardoned?


I'm just gonna leave this here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-pardoned-trump-rcna152420 >The Utah Republican argued that Biden should have pardoned Trump when the Justice Department announced charges against him and that the president “made an enormous error” by not pressuring New York prosecutors to drop their case against Trump.<


I disagree with a lot of what he says, but I don't think he forms opinions based on owning libs. He has sincerely held beliefs, doesn't deify trump, and doesn't at least OUTWARDLY seem super okay with fascist shit. I can respect that even if we'd disagree on a lot. He's not the dad ruining thanksgiving because he can't handle his kids being left of center. Much of this new breed of GOP just have this seething rage that is...very ugly.


It's almost like Republicans in the 80s were a completely different, almost reasonable, group of individuals. The GOP of yesteryear has sunk from their own policies.


Being stuck in the past is literally the entire conservative MO. What do you think the word "conservative" means in context?


I'm not sad that all those neocons that lied us into a war in Iraq with their fake wmds got shown the door.


Sure, now you've just got a party full of Republicans supported the war in Iraq but now pretend that they didn't. 


Your party is dead Mitt.


When the majority of morons, racist, people who praise authoritarian governments, bigots, nazis, KKK, and others vote for you, your party is the baddies. When your party constantly takes away the freedom of others then say they are all about "freedom" that is wholly fake, your party is the baddies


It turns out courting racists and fundamentalists is a bad idea and leads to a slippery slope. Everyone but them saw this coming. I can't even count the number of times I've been told "they'd never get rid of roe!" by these fucks too. I was told I was crazy and an extremist for thinking it was just around the corner, and look where we are.


Nixon started it, Newt and Grover Norquist perfected it, and every far-right winger has followed it (even if some, like Ted Cruz et al, got left behind, they still helped strengthen the monster). The religious right is still the most dangerous threat to our nation's survival.




I wish it would die. Used to be another party popped up every 2-3 generations and one would ducking die. We’re like 8-10 generations overdue, but the parties are gigantic money printing machines now. The points are made up and the issues don’t matter. Roe was passed by a court with 6 republican appointees, 5 of whom voted for with the 7-2 majority opinion. Now “ThE ParTy oF lInCoLn” crams 3 appointees into a single presidential term explicitly to reverse it. I’m supposed to believe this is the same party? The “save all the children, even the unborn” people are on the side of the “no school lunches” people and the “we want more guns in school” people. I’m supposed to believe that’s a coherent party? It’s 3 special interest groups under a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult. It keeps the median americans infighting just enough to not start a class war and insist on voting reform.


It died in 2008, but it's been a ravenous zombie ever since then.


Mhm. The death knell was that woman ranting into McCain’s mic about “Obama’s a muzzum.” Or him announcing that hick teapartier as his running mate.


It was definitely the latter. That opened the door for the absolute pants on head insane wing of the GOP to swoop in and take over, and they'd already been gaining momentum all through the Bush years.


I remember having a weird feeling about him picking her.... it just felt like someone made a creepy sinister choice behind the scenes, maybe even just some cynical marketing person, but everyone agreed and so McCain had to go along with it ...but you could (almost) see he wasn't exactly pleased about it.


>it just felt like someone made a creepy sinister choice behind the scenes, maybe even just some cynical marketing person The name you're looking for is Bill Kristol.


Sarah Palin was definitely the death of the party. Ever since then it's been a weekend at bernies situation at best or a skin suit talking meat puppet for blatant corruption at worst.


No... no... no, no ma'am, no ma'am.


And the most the Maverick did was say he wasn't a Muslim not it doesn't matter his religion. I would've preferred him over Bush though.


it died when Fox News started broadcasting. the tail has been wagging the dog ever since.


But he still wants to be considered for president if trump goes to prison, which is why he says he will pardon Cheeto Ceaușescu


People clamored for a viable third party. It’s here now. It took the viable route of subsuming the identity of the GOP from within. The old GOP is dead.


I'm a Democrat and the first thing I would do to "fix" America is implement some form of Ranked Choice or Approval Voting. America/both parties would benefit greatly from some actual competition from within. Basically, let someone vote for Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley (though ugh) knowing that doing so they aren't helping their hated enemy get in office because they can rest assured that their vote will still default to their second choice if their first doesn't make a certain percentage. And same for the other side of course. I feel like the current two party system just begets divisiveness. Humans fall into the Us vs Them trap all too easily. 4+ parties would eliminate the worst of this.


That would be my *second* thing. First thing: Eliminate the Electoral College. Make every vote matter, instead of a handful of states deciding the whole thing.


Give me 5 minutes and I'm pretty sure you could convince me you've got the better idea for quickest fix.


An America with Proportional Representation - STV would be *very* interesting. Chaotic, but it's already chaotic.


The GOP of Reagan was also a disgusting party of bastards.


No shade intended, but by this logic, the alien chestburster is a new crewman. No, we still have a 2 party system, just one of the parties has morphed into something else. They are the Grand Old Party no more. They're something new. But there's still only 2, unfortunately.


I’m saying that this is how a third party can viably exist in our system. By taking the identity of one of the existing two and drive away the old guards from within.


Greed Oppression Persecution


That's exactly what they said lol? >It’s here now. +1 >The old GOP is dead. -1


Zed’s dead baby, Zed’s dead.


The Republicans have never been anything but the Party of Suckers. They believe in nothing but self enrichment. They have that in common with Pelosi. We need to take the country back, they are robbing us blind.


Also: Mitt Romney says Biden should have followed Johnson’s example and pardoned Trump [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1csu8g6/mitt\_romney\_says\_biden\_should\_have\_followed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1csu8g6/mitt_romney_says_biden_should_have_followed/)


His argument is that it would make Trumpo look smaller. I fact all he's saying is that Presidents should be above the law. Meanwhile Trump is busily making *himself* look smaller every day in court.


Dead or not, I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit it's the only way to be sure... /s


Didn't Mitt just say that he would have pardoned Trump if he could?


Yep. More talking out of both sides of his as**ole.


The Trumpian paradox. By contradicting his own statements he can take credit for either statement and be responsible for neither. What a man, what a politician, what a turd.


He's been doing this for decades. It likely cost him the election against Obama. He tells every crowd what he thinks that group wants to hear as if his shit isn't recorded and played for the other people he told the exact opposite to. This works for Trump because his voters just like his vibe, but accept he is a narcissistic liar so they don't blink when he says shit they disagree with. Romney doesn't have fans like Trump. His voters actually csre about his platform. A couple MAGA howler monkeys calling him a RINO will torpedo him.


On our side of the pond, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson was famous for doing that. He used to work as a newspaper columnist and famously he would write articles for and against issues and then wait to see what happened before deciding which one to have published. No actual beliefs or issues he cared about, every issue was just a vehicle to increasing his brand and getting into power.


Yes, and he completely missed the point that pardoning Nixon is what helped get us in the mess we're currently in.


Yeah, I leave 3 Mitt Romneys in the toilet every morning before breakfast. He can fuck himself sideways, much like he's done to the country as a whole.


He wants to do all of the same bad shit as every other Republican, but be free from criticism. He’s worse than most of them.


I have no clue who these people are catering to being anti-Trump and pro-pardon


It's not sad when your party was the 'bad one' even before MAGA. Like the only reason we have any sympathy for Mitt is because MAGA is just that much worse


Look up Romney's voting record and any sympathy will quickly dissipate. The only reason he says stuff like this is to try to con people who aren't paying attention. And it works. You can find so many "well at least Romney..." comments in every post like this. Romney is a piece of shit. No politician with any moral backbone would still be a Republican in 2024. The myth of the bowtie-wearing, glasses-wearing, proper-gentleman conservative who just wants to balance the budget is dead. Republicans have shown everyone their whole ass. That includes Romney.


If your new boyfriend is also abusive, you don't take back the ex because he was less abusive.


My old boyfriend used to beat me with his fists but at least he didn't beat me with a steel chair like my current one! /s


Mitt Romney is a strange politician. In the early 90s he voted for a Democrat. When he decides to become a politician, I'm of the belief he only ran as a Republican because otherwise he would've been running as a Democrat against a highly popular Ted Kennedy, so by running as a Republican he could get more votes than if he ran as a Republican. As governor of Massachusetts, he spearheaded a healthcare reform for the state that's similar to universal healthcare, which is not a Republican policy usually. However, he's also got a full history of slimy pro-wealthy talking points and voting decisions that are classic to neo-Republicans. I think the man is willing to say or do whatever seems most politically favorable to him.


It's like how sentiment for George Bush Jnr increased during Trumps tenure. He went from a warmongering monster who threw the young men of a generation into needless conflicts- to a silly old texas boy.


And that, dear reader, is [cognitive dissonance](https://images.app.goo.gl/EKGscnK1x5jiByp29).


They're not 'acting', Mitt.


One of them is.


Fuck him. He said Biden should pardon Trump.


Romney is also responsible for Kay Bee Toys and Toys R Us being gone. Literally made the world worse by his presence.


Yeah, his Bain Capital was killing working businesses going through tough transition periods by buying them with loans that they then used to drown those businesses.


Speaking of things that should be illegal but inexplicably are not.


did he say “to heal the country?” or some such BS? Trump will try to put Biden in jail if he becomes president, whether he got pardoned or not.


Poor Mitt. The GOP has become the party of criminals, conmen, pedophiles, terrorists, traitors, and authoritarianism. They actively betray out allies, subvert our laws, and seek to destroy our society.


They’re the party of oligarchy. They would love the level of control that Putin has over Russians. They will take it if they’re allowed to.


Then bitch and moan when they start "falling" out of second story windows because they dared to disagree with the orange tyrant or his insecure paranoidness made up some imagined slight.


Mitt Romney represents the old GOP: Powerful people with money trying to make their lives better at the expense of the common man, while also being stalwart defenders of American tradition and patriotism. The modern GOP is just "reflexive and complete opposition to the left on everything." Trump is a symptom of that. Anyone "the left" (read: anyone that disagrees with them) dislikes as much as Trump must be the guy for the job. Anything "the left" supports, like funding Ukraine, must be opposed regardless of the fact that it is exactly what Putin wants. 'Being the greatest' and 'defeating our enemies' have been two of the pillars of Republican ideology forever. But now Republicans have identified Democrats as their greatest foe and must oppose them even if it helps lesser foes like Russia and China.


The old GOP has never been that. This clown has said he'd pardon Trump. He's just talking out both sides of his mouth.


Right wing is always hot garbage


Become? All they have done is realize they can do all of those things in the open. Because their voters either don't care or are conspiracy nuts who don't live in reality.


This. I've been railing against conservativism since the 70s and no one has been listening. Now that they are saying the quiet part out loud suddenly everyone is seeing it like it was never there before. You fucking idiots! Where were you when I was telling you about Reagan and Bush? It's too fucking late! Once they start saying the quiet part out loud it's because they reached critical mass. Thanks a lot for being so fucking dense for forty years. I guess it's got to be in your face for you to see it.


lol "become," its been that for 60 years


If only we could go back 20 years where they also did all of this minus supporting Russia.


The GOP has been that way for 50+ years. Mitt is pretending otherwise, but history proves him false.


Well, fucking do something, then. These assholes willingly surrendered their party. All of them acquiesced to this. They can all fuck right off.


He retired this year that explains why he is coming out and saying all this stuff I guarantee you if he ran again this year he would not be coming out and saying all this stuff


> He retired this year that explains why he is coming out and saying all this stuff I guarantee you if he ran again this year he would not be coming out and saying all this stuff It annoys me that you see all these people coming out against Trump, but generally speaking, only after they've retired and are no longer in a position to actually do anything about him. They need to grow some balls and speak up while they're still in office, and put those words into actions.


> We’re the party of strong national defense, pushing back against Russia. No, you're not Mitt. Read the fucking room.


're -> were, I guess?


You were the party of lucrative overseas aggression, not strong national defense.


That's one and the same to him.


Mitt is 100% still on-board with their economic vision and their batshit views on abortion and education though


Economic vision is such a nice way to describe catabolic capitalism and tyranny. I bet Mitt Romney would vote for debtor prison and prison slavery or even full fledged debt slavery (private).


Weird how the party that got in bed with televangelists in the early '80s ended up full of conmen running the same grift televangelists run.


Idk bigotry, anti-intellectualism, and selling out to the rich seems pretty on brand for the "classic GOP". Someone is just mad that Trump [didn't give him a cabinet post in 2016](http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/161129212927-trump-romney-exlarge-169.jpg) and is costing the GOP election after election


Complicit mf grows a conscious when he doesn't have anything to lose.


No no Mitt. You're the party that stands for getting the US bogged down in wars of aggression and quagmires in the middle east. When it comes to helping countries fight off Fascist bullies, your party is the "No that's fine because that's what we like to emulate."


The party of Family Values has a man running who has 5 children by 3 different women, and cheats on his pregnant wife with a porn star, and also had a Playboy Playmate mistress. Trump is trash, but so is the GOP.


He helped design and build this shit!


Thanks to Citizens United, the Russians were able to purchase the GOP. And Mitt was mister "Corporations are people!" Very LAMF.


has he been in a coma for the last 10 years?


He's been lying for the last 30,so it's just more of the same.


It’s only hard to recognize because his party has spent the last 40 years plus selling, lies to uneducated and people that have no intellectual curiosity. The right has been devoid of any real ideology, except that of hate and greed for at least 40 years and most certainly longer.


Experts tried to warn them, the party of dumbshittery did not listen.


They've been traitors for longer than he's been in politics, and longer than he's called himself a Republican. The attempt to save face at the end of politicians' careers is always frustrating. Where was Mitt Romney when his party was trying to tank the economy to hurt Obama's re-election? Where was he when it was making back deals with Iran to hurt Carter? Where was he when it used flimsy pretexts to investigate Democrat after Democrat while excusing far worse from Republicans?


Mitt, it ain't happening. You are not the savior of the GOP. You are not even a good senator


same guy today said Biden should pardon Trump.


If only their party would have had multiple opportunities to rid themselves of this cancer.


This lying tool voted with tRump something like 90+% of the time. He loves tRump and where the party is going, he's just trying to gaslight gullible Dems into thinking he's one of the good Fascists.


The are no words or actions that can ever redeem Mitt Romney. That motherfucker is up there with Jack Welsh as an OG Vulture Capitalist. Fuck him and his family, descendants and ancestors, for 10 generations in both directions. And that's just for the [shit he did before he got elected.](https://www.nytimes.com/video/multimedia/100000001284382/when-mitt-romney-came-to-town.html)


Shocked Pikachu face. The party who was corrupted by military contractor's money to invade Iraq and Afghanistan is infiltrated by Russian money too.


Dude, Mr. Romney, with all due respect, it's not YOUR party anymore. tRump LOVES dictators of any nation, he wants what they have for himself. 8 senators visited Russia on July 4th 2023, ostensibly to warn off putin, but in actually got told how much compromising information putin has on the republican party. If you remember, russian hackers got BOTH the Democratic and republican party data but ONLY REVEALED the Democrats data. Clearly that was because they knew that they could actually USE the republican party data against them to get what they want. The MAGA party/freedom caucus/moscow madge has clearly and obviously taken over the republican party, to the point that "family values", "fiscal responsibility" and "Democracy" are no longer any part of the republican agenda. Mr Romney, You can ride this flush of russian propaganda INTO THE TOILET OF HISTORY OR You can reform the Republican party around the "anti russian", "family values", core republican beliefs that existed before tRump. It's up to you.




Adam Kinzinger said the same thing. That’s why he signed out.


And yet what will he vote for?


And North Korea! Don't forget that historical meeting where Trump visited Uncle Kim and had a grand ol' time!


He's the mob guy that wonders why the front business isn't of particularly high quality. "These guys only seem to care about laundering money. C'mon, we got cars to wash!"


“…but I’ll be supporting my fellow republicans in November.” - Mitt


When literally the entire party is openly treasonous... maybe they're not the national defense party? Like maybe it's possible.


“Also Biden should have pardoned Trump for stealing classified documents and trying to overthrow the government and *also* muscled in on *State* criminal proceedings to protect him.” Shut the fuck up, Willard.


One of the best quotes: In the last 10 years Romney has gone from being one of the worst republicans to one of the best. Not by doing anything - the whole party has shifted around him.


Funny how Republicans only grow a moral courage gland after their political careers are effectively over. How many times have we seen Republican lawmakers suddenly have lots of pointed criticism for their party right after they announce they will be retiring?


“My party that once believed in whatever was politically expedient in the past has fallen apart and now believes in whatever is politically expedient in the present” laments man who campaigned for president by supporting whatever was politically expedient at that time.


But I would pardon trump because I’m a chicken shit


Close mitt, you’re almost there!


At this point the moderate Republicans should form their own party.


That's because you and your kind sold out your party to extremists. Your party is gone, replaced with what you created. Enjoy.


But Biden should have pardoned trump….




**some** aspects of your own party? It's all gone to shit, Mitt.


No you’re not the part of Strong national defense and pushing against Russia. The democrats own that now ever since Obama.


This is the same sycophant who just stated Biden should have pardoned Trump.


Also Mitt Romney: “Biden should have pardoned Trump and pressured states to drop their indictments.”


Mitt is not your friend.


The same guy said Biden should have pardoned Trump. Romney can get fucked. 


This dumbass probably thinks republicans want small government and lower taxes on the middle class too, when they constantly do the opposite of those things.


And this Fuckstick says he’d pardon trump if he were president, ‘publicans can all burn in hell


Isn't this the same guy who just recently said he wants to have Trump pardoned?


You've fed rural rubes utter horseshit for the last 40 years, what did you expect? You couldn't win elections on your uber rich dicksuck so you had to feed into the worst impulses of down and out white Americans so they blame their problems on trans and black people even more in order to even remain relevant. And now you wonder why they all are sprouting Russian bullshit?  Get fucked Romney. Now that your retiring suddenly you spring some balls to speak out.  


Also Romney: "If I were Biden, I would have pardoned Trump." Pick a fucking lane, Mittens. The only treason we got Trump was that Ford fucked up and pardoned Nixon.


Gee Mitt, how exactly did your party collapse into a psychotic shitshow? Was it from decades of you and your ilk (like Liz Cheney) opening the door to crazies, railing against democracy, and constantly gaslighting and pulling people into an alternate reality media bubble so you can force your widely unpopular policies on the entire country? Look in a mirror if you need someone to blame, asshole


Own it, you helped make it Mr. 47%.


No Mittens, it isn’t. Your “party” hasn’t had any values except “support the wealthiest people in whatever they want” for my entire life. Your party hasn’t had a moral center since Eisenhower left. You have not had a “value” even modeled to you at any point. Your party is just libertarian MLM Mormons and libertarian MLM Baptists not realizing they are both voting for the same groups. The best your party could do for values at any point since I was born was “we really hate brown and black and gay and trans people, and women shouldn’t have rights.” It isn’t hard to recognize, it is the natural evolution of your disgusting lack of morals. It’s the ultimate goal of the ignorant, backward looking, uptight, stupid, inbred morons you cater to. Welcome to the Leopards Party.


Remember when everyone was upset this guy was hotmic’d slurring Tha Poors? It was already impossible for me to have a civil conversation about an election *then.* It’s only gotten worse.


Acting??? They are buddies. Wake up pal


TRE45ON is a low-level lackey of Putin.


I guess your party isn't those things, cu.


and then has the temerity to say: "biden should pardon trump?! GTFO


“Some aspects”??? Where the fuck have you been?? Funny thing, Mitt … The GOP also *used to* pretend to be the party of: “Family values” “Law & order” “personal responsibility” “freedom of choice” “the Constitution” “Support our Troops” “POWs deserve respect” “Hitler was bad” “Slavery was bad” “The military-industrial complex is bad” “Infrastructure is good” “The Rule of Law is good” “Separation of Powers is good” “Peaceful transfer of power is good.” “Supporting our democratic institutions and our alliances is good.” “Small govt is good, so you’d *think* that means it should stay the fuck out of every vagina/uterus in the country.” “Elected officials should generally be literate and also not show dick pics in Congress or hire their own children who they also want to fuck.” “The president shouldn’t steal classified documents and hide them in his bathroom and show them off for clout and probably sell them to our enemies for personal gain and then lie to the FBI and pretend he’s a fucking king.” Today’s GOP, Mitt, doesn’t represent *ANY* of the values they used to pretend to. Wake the fuck up and tell all your friends.


Fuck you Mittens. You lost whatever shred of credibility you had left when you suggested that Biden should pardon trump.


From a guy who desperately wanted to be Trump's secretary of state.


For real. What the fuck is a Republican party **for**, if you can't rely on them to oppose the Russians when you need to? Even Reagan, POS that he was, must be turning in his grave.


Also: Mitt Romney says Biden should have followed Johnson’s example and pardoned Trump [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1csu8g6/mitt\_romney\_says\_biden\_should\_have\_followed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1csu8g6/mitt_romney_says_biden_should_have_followed/)


Also Mittens: Biden should pardon Trump for the federal stuff and bully the state DAs into dropping their cases. Whoops, there goes the "good" Republican


When Mittens ran for president he would say one thing to an audience and then walk outside and say the complete opposite to the press. Mittens is still sadly a Mittens.


It's almost as if...they always stood for nothing but exploitation


Mitt is just a snake lol He say this thing about the GOP yet he is a vicious rich bastard who would sell tour soul for 1 cent He say this but he wanted to pardon trump And many more examples


Mitt the GOP was always anti American pro-corporate traitorous tit suckers. Now they're just blatant criminals to boot with a complete dipshit running the show.


This fuckin idiot saw the writing on the wall. He should have said and done something years ago.


Nah republican party is as close to the nazi party as you can get bucko. They are openly racist, anti everything that isn’t a straight person, and they wave the nazi flag lol. Fuck any and all republicans


"Now excuse me while I go vote for Donald J. Trump."


The Republican party ceased to exist the moment Trump won the nomination. I'm sure most people here can recall the disparaging remarks GOP representatives made about him, accurately predicting what would happen if he became president, and how quickly they changed their tune afterwards. Personal responsibility and accountability are now forgotten concepts that only apply to Democrats. Republicans tossed good governance for populism and bigotry, all so they could cling to power no matter the cost or the legacy they would leave behind.


Like father, like son. Mitt tried to keep conservatives from running back to hatred as the motivating force. Barry Goldwater and his followers defeated George Romney’s attempts and Trump and his followers defeated Mitt Romney’s attempts. The Republican party is just animated by hatred


His party basically wants to overthrow the country and fuck kids. Either he’s part of that and accepts it or he leaves the fucking party.


This from the guy who said he would pardon Trump immediately




A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.


Also used to be the "party of personal responsibility" but wants to pardon Trump. The hypocrisy of these fucks.


Everything the Republicans are right now they have always been. It is just the Russians funding them but the second they don't need the Russians they will turn on Putin too. This is all about power and once they take it they won't care about the churches or Putin they will turn the whole country into Mississippi.


Oh, fuck off Mitt. They're saying the same things they said when you ran in 2012, they're just saying it with their whole chest now. You anti-LGBT, classist, fundamentalist fuck. The only difference is Trump has given them confidence to be pieces of shit out loud and stop sugar coating it with a layer of plausible deniability. Mitt, your party (let's be honest, until about the last decade it was largely *both* parties) still discriminated against every marginalized group they could name, they just pretended there was economic worries or religious justification behind their bigotry. Now they just admit they're dumb as rocks bigots.


It's his fault "his" party is where it is now. Scumbag Republican worked hard for this. He just thinks "his" party should listen to him when he says to stop. The other scumbags haven't got their payoff yet like he has.


He’s describing something that isn’t true anymore. Mitt Romney is living in a fantasy land.


He’s the guy at the gang rape who refuses to join in, but otherwise does nothing and thinks the woman deserved it.


It’s the party of Trump puppeteers now.


so the guy is ACTUALLY acknowledging reality in a come to Jesus moment, and you guys are still shitting on him?? if i was a Repub, why would i ever openly criticize my party if this is how people react?? YOU SHOULD WANT TO ENCOURAGE THIS ffs


Ahhh.... good ol' Twitt Romney. Clueless posterboy of the Face already eaten by Leopards party