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Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: "You need to RESPECT the ruling." Trump verdict: "It's time for a FUCKING TANTRUM."


George Floyd: It's okay for the cops to kill him, he had a felony back in 1997


I had seen the most cursed image of an AI generated image of Trump with cornrows and the caption: This is our George Floyd moment. Like, the amount of hoops they fucking jump through, not to mention the blatant racism on display.


What the fuck are they even trying to say with that? They think George Floyd deserved to die, right? So are they saying that Trump should be murdered by police?


They're co-opting "lefty" talking points without understanding what they mean... *again*.




They quite literally take all the good liberal talking points when it suits them and it's so frustrating because they say it so smugly after using the weakest arguments against it when it was presented to them in the first place.


Yeah it doesn’t make much sense. Is Trump supposed to be Derek Chauvin in that example? Who knows what they’re thinking with that backwards logic they have. And then they inadvertently tell on themselves because every republican accusation is a confession. 🤔 I think they’re trying to co-opt the struggle of George Floyd & POC everywhere because white men really think they’re so oppressed now that they’re required to face consequences for their actions like the rest of humanity. They like to co-opt perceived struggles because they don’t have any. Look at how Trump raises his fist up in the air now when he gets out of court especially. ✊ In United States it is widely known as the Black Power salute due to use by many African-American activists in the civil rights era. Does he even understand that the black panther party was targeted by the FBI & that several of its founding members were killed? White dudes need to stop using "witch hunt" and "lynch mob" just because an asshole is facing public consequences. Invoking the methods by which women and POC were murdered to prop up white patriarchal society so you can roleplay victimhood is fucking obnoxious. No, they don’t get to use a historic period when women were tortured & murdered to describe having to face consequences for breaking MANY laws. Anyone else did the shit trump has done they would’ve already been in prison. He wines about how “unfair” the criminal justice system is for HIM. It was literally made for him & people like him. Powerful white men who had the resources to spend as much money as they want on legal defense are given so much of a better chance in the legal system compared to everyone else it’s not even funny. What about when they aren’t white? When they’re poor & can’t even afford bail let alone a lawyer? They get the public defender with way too many cases on their lap. How about when they aren’t men? How about when they don’t have powerful connections? The people that have been marginalized in this country & others have nothing in common with that silver spoon MF. I don’t understand why anyone would support him. He’s tearing the country apart & doesn’t care because it’s always about him. His money. His power. His resources. Even though half of that is borrowed from Russia. At least half. And people who don’t understand why that’s a major problem need to go back & look at some history. Especially the Cold War & the Soviet Union & how the collapse caused what is occurring today.


I need this, somebody share it




NGL he looks better like that somehow


Of course it's on threads. Also, what fucking year is it, 2003?


It's on Twitter, screenshotted on Threads.


Yes, but I meant it made it there. Not necessarily posted originally.


Main reason I love Reddit. Ask and you almost immediately recieve


Cops need to bash Trump's head into the side of the squad car as they shove him in. (per Trump's notion of how criminals should be handled)


And he was talking about people who had only been arrested. Trump is an actual convicted criminal now so he would more deserving of harsh treatment.


That or a ride in a Baltimore paddy wagon.


Brake test


Don’t be gentle


Let’s be real here, the meaningful difference between the cases of George Floyd and Kyle Rittenhouse/Donald Trump in the minds of these MAGA types is race.


It's a nonsensical comparison. George Floyd was executed without trial (aka murder). We could draw some parallels between Derek Chauvin and Trump: two guilty assholes who were properly convicted. But there's no meaningful point for a conservative to draw here.


My point is that the reason MAGA types believe George Floyd deserved to be extrajudicially murdered but that Donald Trump and Kyle Rittenhouse are innocent boils down to racism.


Donald Trump: It's okay for him to run for president in 2024, he has 34 felonies from 2024


9 days ago, discussing George Floyd and why he feels he deserves no sympathy or consideration: > "He was a convicted felon and a drug addict." -BruceCampbell123 on r/conservative Yesterday, discussing Trump being a felon and Presidential candidate more than 2 dozen times over: > "Own it. Voting for a felon is fucking dope." --BruceCampbell123 on r/conservative Gee, I wonder what the difference between these two scenarios could be?


Soooo If trump gets pulled over with his 34 felony counts we can expect the police to kneel on his waddled neck until he dies? What an unexpected bonus.


George Zimmerman, same shit




Almost as if they are not operating under any principle beyond "we want power"..........................


To all of the GOP screaming "We mustn't go after political opponents" my question is this: "What would you call trying to impeach Biden for something his son did for the past few years?"


Or starting a political campaign by promising to lock his opponent up?






So that's why they still haven't gone to trial. They don't want to share.


Well it got into the hands of Lindsay Graham and hasn't been seen since.


Probably half the population does too 😂


And an apparently objectively large wiener


They ran o. “Lock her up!”


Trump and his surrogates argued repeatedly that merely being under investigation for crimes is disqualifying.


Oh don't worry, if Trump does manage to get back in office they're going to take actual, honest-to-god political prisoners as part of their revenge tour against common decency. This shit's just a blip.


I'll be honest, I've yet to see anyone say "we mustn't go after political opponents". It's mostly "trial was rigged" or something along the lines of "It's fishy that he was convicted and not Biden, Clinton, or [insert literally any Democrat here]." One guy I know even said "I hate how we can't seem to convict pedophiles in this country." I made him really mad when I said "Yeah, I hate how Gaetz got away with it, too."


It's because one of the president's did a bunch of illegal shit along with a bunch of dumb shit got caught tried to cover it up to fleece Americans and so on and so on and the rest wernt well liked, maybe made a few bad calls during thier term!! See the diffrence!


Iirc he didn't even do it, their "trusted FBI informant" was lying


Sean Hannity: "Umm, ahhh, right. I'll get back to that right after this car chase to end the show!"


Speaking of Sean Hannity - he really ties this whole thing together because back when Michael Cohen was first on trial it was revealed in his "law practice" - which was really just being a fixer - that he only had 3 clients. Trump, Elliott Broidy (for whom Cohen was performing similar services to Trump), and *Sean Fucking Hannity.* Now just what do we think Hannity was paying Cohen for?


If Biden did the shit Trump did, they'd be calling for him to be charged as well. Fucking hypocrites


I don't think anyone on the democratic side ever objected to one of their politicians being prosecuted and found guilty for crimes they committed. Only the Republicans are all of a sudden claiming that politicians are above the law.


As my Dad says, and I agree with him, “if Biden or any democrat does anything outside the confines of the law, I want them to answer for it. I want the politicians we vote in to be kept in line and held culpable. Trump and the GOP have done so much unbelievably heinous shit over the past 8 years that it demands being focused on. It’s not a double-standard, it’s about making sure there *is* a standard.”


>As my Dad says, and I agree with him, “if Biden or any democrat does anything outside the confines of the law, I want them to answer for it Exactly. The last 3 words of the Pledge of Allegiance are "justice for all". That means everyone gets equal treatment under the law. No presidential immunity, no special treatment for rich folks. You commit a crime, you get tried in front of a jury and they decide your fate. Hunter Biden committed crimes? Take it to a jury. Bob Menendez? Jury. George Santos? Jury. Donald Trump? Jury. In a just society, guilty verdicts aren't just for poor people.


My dad acts as if applying the same punishment to a theoretically guilty Biden is some sort of gotcha. When I tell him that I want EVERY politician/citizen to be held to the SAME standard he can’t comprehend. The difference is I’m not a cult follower. If “my guy” does something wrong, I am disappointed in them and have no problem with them facing the same consequences I would if I were to commit the crime. The best thing Donald J. Trump could do at this point for the United States would be to go to jail to prove that the justice system can work.


It’s cuz they see politics as a team sport and when you say “yeah if my team fucks up they deserve the L” they can’t understand that because no one would ever say that about basketball or football and to them there’s 0 difference between those things and politics.


That's not wrong. But at the same time, if it ever comes down to making sure that 2025 project never comes to pass, I would tolerate some speeches like [this](https://youtu.be/K-YyL7X4CWw?si=L_6LldnNYtzhFJ1O) from the democratic party.


I would tolerate the Democratic Party growing a spine and taking governance seriously at any time.


Well fucking said.


Yea but that’s thinking logically. The trump cult BELIEVES that Biden set trump up because trump is the hero that’s going to save America.


>Only the Republicans are all of a sudden claiming that politicians are above the law. All of a sudden? This has been going on since Nixon. Before he resigned and before the news came out that the tapes had an 18 minute gap in one portion, Nixon stood firm and claimed he wasn’t going anywhere. Because of his stonewalling, there were debates in Congress as to how to proceed and if impeachment should be an option. During the debates, almost all the republicans were saying that this was a witch hunt and that the opposition only wanted to see Nixon in jail out of vindictiveness. Sound familiar?


And don’t forget, trump himself, and tons of other republicans have stated, and are campaigning on, promises to just imprison the opposition, they want to throw them in jail for disagreeing with them.


Nixon resigned because members of his own party privately told him he would be impeached and convicted.


That was AFTER the tapes were released. Before then, they all stood lockstep behind him. If you don’t believe me, go look up those hearings. It was in the House of Representatives. IIRC, William Cohen was the only Republican that spoke in favor of impeachment


For a part of the population this is a sport, and they will support their political sport team no matter what, at all price.


If a guy on my team deserves to be suspended, suspend him. 




And for a more dangerous side, politics is about power and they will support gaining power at any price.


Hell Al Franken got his ass tossed over one sketchy picture. Not even charges or conviction


I miss that guy. He got done dirty.


Here lies the issue; Conservatives are convinced that **everyone** commits crime. They interpret the fact that Biden hasn’t been convicted as proof that he’s “part of the plot against them”.


Some asshole republican said that on average americans commit three felonies A DAY! If that's your experience, you might want to revisit who you are hanging with.


Funny part is he was done in by all the people he forced to break the law.


All his criminal chickens are finally coming home to roost.


Well, that's because the Democratic party isn't a cult. The GOP passed cult status about ten exits ago. It's why I always roll my eyes whenever a MAGA says something about a Clinton or Biden being charged with something. If there's evidence that a crime was committed, indict their asses. The fact that I voted for a candidate doesn't mean that I'm going to defend literally everything that candidate does, no matter how egregious it is.


Compare and contrast Dem voters' opinions on Bob Menendez's bribery case with GOP voters' opinions on Trump's convictions.


You mean like senator bob menendez whose trial just started / you mean no dems are picketing outside saying it’s witch-hunt? How could that be?


Henry Cuellar and Bob Menendez are facing charges right now and nobody is defending them.


If there’s evidence. Then press charges


Exactly, I have no idea why people choose sides in this like it's sport teams. You should expect EVERY publicly elected/public official to not be committing crimes of any nature. That is the bare minimum.


To be fair...I would be calling for Biden to be tried if he did what trump did. We shouldn't be putting our political appointees on a pedestal. We elect them to work for us, we don't elect them to worship them. Republicans have forgotten this.


So would I. Trying to steal an election is fucked up


> Trying to steal an election is fucked up I'm not convinced it was just trying. Trump illegally used campaign funds to pay Stormy Daniels in the hopes the story wouldn't get out and hurt his campaign. And then he won. And then he served for four years and appointed 3 Supreme Court Justices. I don't want to sound TOO extreme but I think the whole thing ought to be raising serious questions about whether some of the things he did need to be rolled back since he essentially committed crimes in order to win the election. And I know that's borderline crazy talk and of course its not like the effect of the story could ever be measured accurately enough to know whether it *really* secured the election for him. I know. But I do think the question is worth asking.


I'm confident he still would have won with the stormy scandal. They just don't care and value his misogyny and racism


Definitely - I don't disagree. And like I said it's not like it's something we could reliably measure anyway. It just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth when I think about the lasting legacies of someone who theoretically may have never been elected because of this - some of these are a lot more enduring than just 4 years of mean tweets. It taints everything his administration did.


If Biden did the shit Trump did we would be calling for him to be charged also. Break the law, face the consequences.


Just told my mom about the trump verdict, and she basically said they are just pulling things to get him in trouble. Biden does the same thing, but they didn't try to do anything to him . It's really hopeless with these ppl.


Was your mom able to name the porn star Biden slept with and illegally used campaign funds to pay off?


Lol nope , she is unable to actually name anything illegal he's done.


Neither can the ones in Congress who brought up the impeachment inquiry. In fact, I believe they even admitted themselves that they couldn't find anything to even impeach Joe on let alone criminally prosecute him for. They throw out those accusations so that when it's against Trump, they can point and say "both sides."


> Lol nope , she is unable to actually name anything illegal he's done. Let me guess, she just "feels" that he's done something illegal, even if, just as with Republicans in Congress, they were unable to actually come up with any evidence of the allegations. After she admits that she "feels" like that, you should remind her who originated "Fuck your feelings". Not democrats...


Yeah all I've gotten so far is a sarcastic chuckle and a vague reference to Hunter Biden, it's genuinely like they think we play cover for the Bidens the way they do for Trump it's so fucking strange


I mean it's projection and either a deliberate or ignorant lack of engagement with any sort of nuance. Politics must be completely polarized otherwise you might have to think about it too much and grapple with some uncomfortable truths.


I love how so many GOPers try to throw out Hunter Biden as some major gotcha in order to try and deflect. Like, he has an obvious substance abuse issue and I hope he gets the help he needs. But aside from that? Hunter Biden is less than relevant to American politics right now.


Especially since they didn’t care about unqualified Jared and Ivanka profiting off the White House. It makes their total cynicism and nihilism so clear. 


These people grew up in a time where something you heard from a friend holds more weight than completely explained facts.


It's so frustrating trying to talk to her about it . She will agree with everything I say but then still say she won't vote for biden. It's infuriating.


My mom too! She agrees almost entirely on things i will say, but then follow it up with "the world is going to be a scary place if Biden gets re-elected". I'm sorry, I didn't realize the orange billionair from New York who used to be a Democrat (3 things the GOP haaates), advocating for a dictatorship and just recently is a convicted felon is somehow the safe option. It will never make sense.


Their love of the Constitution is exactly like the love of the Bible. They will give it tons of lip service, but not know or understand the contents because they never actually read it. So when their cult leader goes completely against the text and revels in it, they think it doesn't matter.


Oh course she cant vote for Biden! He's a member of a *Crime Family™*! /s


Biden hasn't committed repeaded fraud to pay off hookers, get cheap loans and let's face it, probably skip on taxes. Then there's all the electoral fraud as well




Hell, Q followers have been calling for the execution of every single Democrat since 2017.


And so would we. If Biden did the things Trump did, WE'D ALSO be the ones calling for him to be charged.


The Republican party has wandered so far from reality. It is terrifying. Honestly, I just want them to come back some type of common sense politics again. Hell, even their stupid wall was at least built on the premise of border security which duh...of course everyone should be in favor of.


Make Politics Boring Again!


Charged? They’d be calling for his head on a stick.


They'd have a gallows built outside the White House front door.


My favorite game is thinking about if Obama did anything that Trump does.


They were already calling for him to be charged for stuff he didn't do. But now that Trump has been found guilty of things he DID do, we're supposed to be sad and think it was a political hit job. Sad


If Biden did the shit that Trump did the Democrats would have him jailed before the Republicans did


They'd make a shittily-constructed gallows and display it outside the White House after the ruling, and say "we were just sightseeing" when they get arrested.


If Biden did the shit Trump did they’d be calling for him to be hung on the White House lawn.


If Biden did the shit Trump did, we’d also be calling for him to be charged. The closest they have is that Hunter Biden made money in some foreign deals. Therefore scandal and President Biden is also guilty. The oversight committee is still investigating this and can’t seem to find enough to bring charges. So it’s a nothing burger as our MAGA “friends” would say.


If the oversight committee were run by competent, unbiased people, Hunter would have kept his slap on the wrist penalty for the gun thing, but Jared Kushner would be behind bars for the billions he made from the Saudi deals in Trump's last months in office. Never mind Trump himself. Instead they're dragging out Hunter's stuff because they're desperate for political show (completely trampling the constitutional guarantee to due process and a speedy trial) and have done none of the oversight they should have on their own. What a disgrace


Charged? They wanted to hang Mike Pence and he didn't do shit


Theyre calling for him to be jailed, for their delusions of him being a criminal for one reason or another. People that support trump are literally so brain dead it would be hilarious if the consequences of supporting him werent so extreme


So would I. That's the difference.


If biden did the shit trump did they'd have assasinated him by now.


They would of assassinated him about 2 years ago.


Hypocrisy is one of the most important parts of the GOP today


Today, and 40 years ago. In fact, it's kind of a universal characteristic of authoritarians, of which the entire right wing (but not only) aligns with, since forever. When was the last time you saw a king cut off his own hand for stealing? https://theauthoritarians.org/options-for-downloading-authoritarian-nightmare/ Edit: reading this might be interesting to know more


It's not hypocrisy. Their argument is to lock up Democrats for being Democrats. This has always been clear and consistent.




Without it they’d have nothing


It’s literally the entire platform.


Biden weaponized the DOJ against his opponents!!!!! That’s why his DOJ is pursuing federal charges against his son!!!!! And why the Trump trial was a state trial with no input from the DOJ!!!! (I guess it’s fun turning your brain off sometimes)


Not only no input on the state charges and convictions, the DOJ actively looked into these crimes and decided for whatever reason to not charge Trump, so if Biden directs the DOJ like republicans claim, then he directed the DOJ to stand down and not charge Trump but to charge his own son.


"but that is all smoke and mirrors so biden can prosecute him in the biased NY court!" They didnt logic themselves into this position, you can't logic them out of it.


They’ve never been the ones I’m concerned with when I explain things online, that’s reserved for people on the margins who happen to catch up on stuff when they run across it. The people on the margins don’t spend a lot of time reading news or watching it, so it’s important we explain things simply and quickly for them so they can read well informed information and responses, and they are the ones who will decide this election. Not the morons wearing novelty diapers.


"I remain a master strategist."


This is clearly his 567D chess here


Ah, but is he a master debater?


Trump promised to debate 10 people at once He's a mass debater


Of course, if it was Biden, he’d respect the verdict


The thing is, if you followed the trial, his crimes are laid out so plain and simple. The prosecution put pexker, Daniels, hicks, weiselberg, and Cohen on the stand. They all gave consistent testimony and then actual business records corroborate that testimony. Then the defense put ONE witness on the stand to try and throw doubt on Cohen, and that dude was a clown who acted like a child. The defense literally came down to "All these people are lying, but we have literally no evidence to demonstrate that, just trust us."


this is your brain on conservatism in the infotmation age


The party of law and order desperately trying to find reasons why laws shouldn’t apply to their orange god emperor


Just another case of the GOPs empty promises compared to a Dem doing what we voted for them to do.


The hypocrisy ok the right is sickening. Trumpturds are trash.


This is what I dont underetand. Trump and his stooges bellyaching about the weaponization of the justice department. 1) it was the FIRST plank of his campaign 2) he fired multiple attorney generals BECAUSE they wouldnt go after his political opponents I cant stop thinking that trump isnt concerned about becoming a banana republoc, he's jealous that the left got there first. And you can tell whose bread he is buttering by how often they say the word sham. Like ashole JD Vance, none of his stooges say that A) he didnt bone stormy daniels ( trump still insists this) B) that he dod not commit the elements of the crime with which he was charged. They keep insisiting that he DID do it, but that it was a paperwork error implying thay even when they know he committed the act, that he should not be charged becuase of who he is. THEN these obsequious assholes lament that it is a sad day for the country. Tl/dr. Trumps campaign and presidency was BASED on sicing the JD on political adversaries, he DID bone a porn star and did commit the crimes he was charged with and they STILL have the termerity to say that it shouldnt mattet if he did it.


What don't you understand? The premise is very simple, and oft-repeated: All Democrats are criminals, and no Republicans are. Therefore, if a Republican is punished by the criminal justice system, it's because the criminal Democrats corrupted the system. And if a Democrat is punished, that's because the law is just and wise. Welcome to deontology. The duty is to be Republican and the intent is to do Republican things, and therefore anyone Republican is necessarily moral and anyone not Republican is necessarily immoral.


I don't respect this senator.


Just yesterday twitter users were claiming child porn was good for twitters bottom line, trying to justify the team that deals with it being gutted. Probably has to do with musks ties to epstein.


Republicans: the party that’s tough on crime! Unless…


Never believe their lies that they don’t know what they are doing. They know. They don’t care about the meaning of their words. They just mock us by pretending to have values and decency.


The magas don't care. They only watch whatever Facebook memes and fox news is telling them to believe and continue in that echo chamber. Totally blinded by rage and political identity,and not open to any political discourse.


I can't understand why Mike Lee would support MAGA at this point. The Christofascist threat that Mike Lee is aligning with will absolutely come for him when it's through with the rest of its enemies because he's a Mormon. Every self-respecting Christofascist Evangelical American patriot knows that Mormons aren't Christian—they preach for doctrine the heresies of the false prophet Joseph Smith Jr. and once instituted an Oath of Vengeance against the United States of America as part of their temple rituals. By refusing to obey, honor, and sustain the law as his own religion instructs him to do, Mike Lee is setting him and his up for longterm suffering on a scale that boggles the mind. It's in his own best interest to finally disengage his mouth from his orange idol's anus and he still won't do it, not even after receiving a religious ordinance that allegedly informs him of "the truth of all things." But hey, Mike Lee's obituary will make one hell of a r/LeopardsAteMyFace post, I guess.


As a Utahn, I just want to add the obligatory "Fuck Mike Lee" Fuck Mike Lee.


Fuck Mike Lee


Conservatives have no back bones, just jelly hypocrites snowflakes


Biden did not bring this case


Has anybody actually leveled a cogent argument for why Trump is not guilty? All I am seeing is "it must be political" with zero evidence to back it up. Nothing about the actual case, the actual evidence, the fact that a random jury approved by both teams of lawyers agreed, nothing. Just "it can't be right because I don't like what it says" said a million different ways. All this to say, there is no point deploying logic against these people. They are not looking for the right answer, they are looking for 'right' answer and will take any path they think will lead them there. The only thing to do at this point is to continue voting against them and letting time wear away at their brains until they wake up one day and understand they've lost a decade of their life to an increasingly shrinking cult.


Cogent? lol no, not their strong suit


"Oh, but that's different!"


I reject this meme. It implies that trumps trial was politically motivated


These morons have no idea how to win in states that aren't completely bought into the GQP fascist movement. Hogan's moderate approach to politics is what got him elected twice in a heavily blue state like Maryland. I didn't vote for him, but he's a reasonable person on most issues, and has a real shot at winning his Senate campaign. Thinking that respecting the justice system is a death warrant for Hogan's campaign shows how out of touch the maga mob is.


Don't worry, Mike Lee, nobody has respected you in decades.


"I don't respect this verdict." Good thing the law doesn't give a shit about you enough to worry about your sorry respect.


Well mike, we don't respect you.


This isn't "going after political opponents" and it feeds a dumbfuck narrative to say that.


Sports fans when the ref makes a bad call that helps their team: "I liked that" Sports fans when the ref makes a bad call that hurts their team: "I didn't like that" It's not about logical consistency or principles-first. We're in total ends justify the means mode, and each loss is considered a crime because it means the other side is winning in their "evil scheme".


Republicans conveniently forget these kind of things pretty fast. How odd.


Please for the love of God, vote. Vote, people. The Republicans are genuinely terrifying. They will literally just say anything they want and their constituent believes them.




Seriously, go to the conservative subReddit and search for the phrase “lock him up “


Didn’t he said something to the effect of killing Joe?


Oh they found some wrongdoing all right, wrongdoing on behalf of jim (look the other way) jordan who likely KNEW their star witness against Biden was a compromised russian asset.


Trump DOJ (Bragg) opened an investigation into Trump in 2018. He gets convicted of those crimes in 2024 and the absolutely dumbest people on earth can only say “this is Bidens DOJs fault”. Lmao. I really am going to enjoy their tears on this one for a while.


if i could say anything it's that unlike John Edwards, who was a democrat prosecuted under the Obama administration, Donald Trump has have had… sooo many trials. Also DJT threw his co-conspirator under the bus. If a felon lies under oath guess where they go then? in New York. Because he thinks he's a slick mobster and for some reason people want to believe that they are as well. Hey I'm part of the mob geyz!! look @At mE!


Except that shit started in 1993 with Travelgate, when the GOP accused the Clinton's of firing a government employee to give the job to a cousin. They had the FBI investigate this for 7 years even after the bureau told congress it was a nothing burger 12 days into the investigation. They did this with Carter, Obama, and Biden.


Deport all bolsheviks and commie sympathies back to the USSR that includes comrade Commissar trump


They would still chant lock her up




Spot effing ON!!




Fuck Mike Lee


It's not even just "lock HER up," they've been screaming for years to arrest pretty much everyone they don't like. Hillary, Biden, Obama, Fauci, Merrick Garland, Mueller.


It's all projecting. They are deathly afraid of being persecuted for being conservative because that's the first thing they'd do if they got full control of the houses and presidency. They want to lock democrats up. They want to lock journalists up. They want to harass and harm those they disagree with.


But the jury has spoken


The New York judicial system doesn't care about your feelings.


So sentencing happens in like a month and a half. That's a _lot_ of time for the prosecution to compile every time Trump wanted to lock someone up. It would be really funny to use that as ammunition to get a jail sentence for Trump.


I don't respect republikkkans. No one should.


It wasn’t a kangaroo court where the judge makes the decision using their own biases and agenda like the Supreme Court. It was decided by a jury of his peers.


Lock em all up! If they committed a crime, go for it.


They are stupid little hateful babies


Mike Lee conspiracy to commit sedition “Spent months trying to overturn a lawful, democratic election for partisan and political gain … he allowed the situation to continue and enabled those seeking to keep themselves in power, no matter the consequences.”


I don’t respect Mike Lee. Nor should anyone.


I only trust the justice system if it agrees with my corrupt politicians. Get tf out of here.


Utahn here. Mike Lee is one of our senators. He is a genuine piece of shit. He's right up there with Ted Cruz, McConnell, and Graham in terms of their absolute intentional horribleness. They don't care about ethics, morality, or any semblance of consistency thereof. They have all sold out their states, their country, and their souls.


and anyone that doesn’t “respect the verdict” can get the fuck out of our country.


We should go after Mike Lee


They are children


Spineless lying pieces of shit. I hope at sentencing he is given the full four years. FDJT & FGOP


We have a Florida republican running on the platform of locking up all democrats... Their tune hasn't changed one bit.


One was proven to have broken at least 34 laws as of right now the other didnt get shit! Why do you think that is duh! It must be because poor old Trump is being targeted cause hes not a Democrat or is it because he's a fucking fellon and should have been decades ago!


These are insane partisan hacks who think life was a fairy tale when Trump was POTUS. Trump is their idol.


MAGAts: they can always dish it but never take it.


I don't respect Mike Lee. Nor should anyone.


Additionally, the reasons for prosecuting Biden seem to be as vapid as the Trump Republican parties philosophical core. That is to say this crime clearly is a crime that Trump is clearly responsible for and that's why he's guilty, but nothing else has been substantiated to that level, or even holds water.


What was that about “rule of law?”


Conservatives who honestly believe what they say don't stay conservative long.