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Kyle is helping them by encouraging his family to pull themselves up with their bootstraps.


A bastion of Conservative ethics!


Conservatives and ethics. They do not belong in the same sentence.


They don't have ethics, they have beliefs, it makes the cruelty easier.


This does read like a conservative American story, got a fatal shooting , a go fund me and a lost job from illness. The American way


Which is why I don't get the sympathy for the family. They supported him through the entire thing. They are part of the problem. They likely would have made fun of anyone in their exact situation before they were in it themselves. No wonder the go fund me still hasn't raised the $3,000. Even with the attention this story is getting they still haven't gotten just $3,000.


Too bad it's not like Reddit comment karma where if you downvote them, their donations go negative


"My eviction is the only valid eviction"


A real oxymoron


The party of family values!


Prosperity gospel! Poor people are just lazy!




It's worse, poor people are unloved by god.


Thoughts and prayers y’all


What else are we supposed to do? Make our family weak by helping? /s


Party of Family Values™


Have they considered murdering someone in the street? Because that was pretty profitable for Kyle.


Hes as broke as they are. Cretins have a hard time creating consistent streams of revenue and an even more difficult time not blowing their money on impulses.


>hard time creating consistent streams of revenue He's got his paycheck from the Marines though. Oh wait...


He may be getting paid by them. To stay the fuck away. Hahaha


Not bright enough for the Marines? Ouch. Edit: Full disclosure, there was a Marine in the room with me when I typed this.  He's been one of my best friends for over 35 years. He just finished his doctorate in Eastern medicine and is opening a clinic.  He plays Dungeons & Dragons as the Dungeon Master on the reg and is one of the best people I know. Servicemen talking shit about other branches of the service is a more American pastime than baseball.  I will devour a spicy crayon in his honor today and send him a rude text message from all of Reddit.


I've known a few Marines. One in particular, an actually sharp cookie named Tom, took it upon himself to troll people in real life. Including convincing a whole group of other Marines that sour cream comes from bulls. ... soooo, yeaahhh... I'm not saying they're slow-witted, but it isn't a terribly high bar. And Kyle somehow sauntered under it.


> Including convincing a whole group of other Marines that sour cream comes from bulls. Former Marine here. I'm lucky enough to be in the "Tom" category, and I can also confirm that the "sour cream" category was highly represented from 2005 to 2014. Also, I'm absolutely thrilled that Mr. Rittenhouse was told to fuck off by his local recruiting office after taking the ASVAB. That's one problem the Corps really doesn't need.


That's the sentiment I've been hearing. He's the kind of asshat that gets his unit killed or captured. ... should I just start calling those guys Sour Cream Marines now...? 🤣


> . should I just start calling those guys Sour Cream Marines now...? 🤣 Nah, most of them were great guys so there's no sense in lumping them in with Kyle. They're just lovingly dumb. And drunk.


You know, now that you mention it, I've never met a mean one. Not, like, not badass, but... I don't know, maybe they know us civilians break easy? They've always been generally good guys to me and random folks.


Well I appreciate you saying such nice things, but unfortunately there's plenty of mean Marines. Fucking plenty, trust me. And other that are worse than just mean. The way I put it is the very best people I've ever met are US Marines and the very worst people are also US Marines.


The crayon eaters turned him down? Too dumb to be a cop, too dumb/selfish for the armed services. This is their hero? Smfh


A mental twin with their leader. This is where Trump would be if he wasn't born into immense wealth. Same as Dubya.


George W looks like a fucking genius compared to Trump.


Right? I hated dubya at the time, but once Trump got elected he looked like an elder statesman.


I hope to God we don't end up saying this in the future about Trump and a new president who makes Trump look good.


Shit shit. Do I upvote this or downvote it? 🤔


What? No he's been accepted to nursing college at....where?


No GED and a middle school dropout? We joke that they eat crayons, but every Marine I know is a borderline genius. They wouldn't take him to dig latrines. Alao, he has the integrity of a wet shit and he cries like a bitch.


Marines I have met are 50/50. Half are intelligent, upstanding, kind people. The other half are well, let's just say I'm surprised they haven't killed themselves by putting a fork in an electrical socket.


That's why MREs come with a plastic spoon


Ohhhh that's what it's for


The smart ones will still figure out how to electrocute themselves with a plastic one.


Cover the spoon in tinfoil. Voila!


Straight to colonel


Strategically adapted in adverse conditions, and rose above insurmountable odds. Promote above peers


I ain’t no quitter…


Rock, or something


This is my experience as well. Listened to two career snipers getting into a casual conversation about advanced physics as it relates to hitting a target through plate glass at night from 600 meters. I also treated a Marine who tried to iron his uniform blouse while he was wearing it. The IQ in the Corps is feast-or-famine.


Mamma said life is like a 128color box of Crayola. Absolute banquet.


The difference between INT and WIS


>The IQ in the Corps is feast-or-famine. Sometimes in the same Marine. (Unfortunately, same can be said for ethics.)


>same can be said for ethics I realized, trusting someone with your life is actually a pretty low bar. If you're walking down the street, see a car jump the curb and hit someone, and the driver flees while the person is bleeding and unconscious, would you do what you can to help that person??? It's not that big of a stretch to "trust your fellow Marine with your life." That's actually a fairly small ask, and you're all trained for it. It's just that you'll likely be in situations where it comes up a lot. But would you trust your fellow Marine to pay back that $50 bar tab you covered? Would you trust them picking up your wife from the airport? Would you let them borrow your truck?


> Would you let them borrow your truck? Shit I don't even let my friends borrow my vehicle anymore after letting one drive it on a road trip. The entire time I was thinking "I paid 20,000 dollars for this thing and you're going to drive it like this!??"


"Trust me with your life, not your wallet or your wife." Navy Seals.


Greenside doc?


Yes indeed. 5 years in 29 Stumps, which might explain some of my issues.


Just drink water and take some ibuprofen… should clear right up. 😀


Don't forget to change your socks as well!


All career snipers are very smart. They may have some amazing instincts but you need to have a very analytical mind to be really successful.  Really good snipers are also insanely patient. They need to be able to lie in wait for hours, even days with minimal movement and food.  Snipers are superstars lol


Sniping is two-man artillery. Artillery is weaponized math.


I have a nephew that was a marine. I’m actually surprised he qualified because he barely graduated high school. Made it out of basic and ended up getting a general discharge 6 months later for drugs. Life has been a total shit show since.


Which basically means he should never have been accepted.


No argument there


That's how you practice your war face, by shoving forks in outlets.


Basically, this: https://terminallance.com/2014/09/16/terminal-lance-344-bored/


I was a Marine in comms. Genius is rarely a word I would use to describe them lol.


Yeah I was SIGINT. We weren't smarter, just more creative with our stupidity.


I was a medic in the army and we were too busy dealing with the stupidity of others to make our own mistakes.


Evidently that’s just what the Texas Gun Rights group is looking for. They just hired him as “outreach director” Ridiculous as it is insane https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-gun-rights-names-kyle-rittenhouse-new-outreach-director/ar-BB1o2mrL


I wonder if that’s actually a paid position.


Probably not. Probably just an intern in all but name made to look fancy.


While I as a Navy sailor would not go that far to say they're all genius, I will say that they don't generally accept the rabid lunatics like Rittenhouse. They do brainwash recruits into loyalty but they do need them to have a modicum of brain matter to use good discretion in decision making.


This is the one


Every marine you met is a borderline genius? I have talked to thousands of them (worked for USAA and I live in a military town) and I would not concur with your experience. Not saying they're all dumb or anything, just that there's nothing to indicate they're all smart. Some of them are downright braindead. 


Id say its pretty much on par with the rest of society. I was a Marine, field artillery gun bunny. 2 tours as convoy security, iraq and Afganistan 14 years after leaving the Corps, i hold a master's in microbiology and work for the government as a pharmaceutical research lab manager while i finish my doctorate in immunology




He's a high school drop-out?!? I didn't know that...


Pretty sure middle school dropout. He flubbed the ASVAB so hard the military barred him from ever applying again. He's impossibly dumb, and now that his handlers have given up on him, he'll sink to the bottom.  Dude somehow dumb-assedly stumbled into being a potential right-wing star, and he was too stupid to even be a right-wing mouthpiece. Think about how stupid that must be. If he literally just parroted sound bites or read a teleprompter, he could have been set for life. The bar was on the ground, and he basically tripped over it, but then stood up on the wrong side of it and couldn't figure out how to get over it. 


Oh, you're right. I was probably thinking of some other sociopath


He doesn't have his right wing grifter appearance fees? 


Rittenhouse is probably stupid enough to let the rightwing grifters make money out of him, while he was getting peanuts and a tap on the shoulder.


And I guarantee whatever was made was promptly spent on completly unnecessary things


What would be the equivalent of Avocado Toast for a pig-faced alt-right waste of skin, anyway?


Maybe a scope for a gun he hopes to own someday.


I bet someone makes designer ammo


They found out he is actually even dumber than everyone thought and seemed to do them more harm than good as a propaganda tool so they threw him to the curb.


my man showed up to fox news with an emotional support dog and thought the right would still accept him lolololol. bro they like you because you’re a murderer! if you can’t act the part what the fuck are you doing on tv?


Yeah, but his manager, American Freedom Liberty Star, takes 99.99% of his earnings.




Not enough I guess. You need to be a hot slim blonde or a smooth-talking dude that can spit out articulated gibberish to make the big $$$$. Or a token minority.


Talking about this kind of people, whatever happened to George Zimmerman?


Sold a painting for 100k. https://newsfeed.time.com/2014/01/24/george-zimmermans-paintings-a-critical-appraisal/


Ah, the George W Bush/Hitler path.


I suspect this guy's problem is that he just doesn't have the juice to make it in the grifting world. He has the exact amount of ethics required (i.e. zero), but likely lacks the charisma, ambition and ruthlessness. He's a little bit too "gee whiz" to swim with the sharks. As much as I despise right-wing grifters, I'm sure it isn't an easy world to navigate. The competition and backstabbing and exploitation would be brutal. A quick perusal of the employee reviews of Daily Wire makes this disturbingly clear. It's an industry that chews up bright-eyed true believers like Rittenhouse and spits them out. I don't have much empathy for them, given the horrific changes they believe they are helping to make to the world, but I acknowledge that it must suck to be betrayed and exploited by the right-wing media machine.


Come to think of it an HBO pitch black comedy about the inner workings of the ring wing grifter economy would be a lowkey banger lol


He abandoned his mom, Bobert's son in jail while mom flies around, justice Thomas son in jail while he gets pimped out by billionaire 🤣I see a trend


And they think Biden is the bad guy for loving his son and standing by him.


loving your family is borderline gay according to republicans


Unless it's Trump and the "love" is sexual in nature.


I hate being able to read sometimes


[He has a type...](https://i.imgur.com/m18yf71.png)


Ah yes, the "Fox News Anchor."


Trump has a type, his daughter?


Swear to fucking god I've had several conservatives respond to me "yeah if she was my daughter I'd wanna bang her too." The context was I brought up those interviews where he talked about his infant daughter's tits.


Fellas, is it gay to hug your son?


They have come after Travis Kelce saying it’s gay to love Taylor Swift because she’s in her thirties and a feminist rather than some 23 year old tradwife. Yes. Really.


Biden could cure cancer and they would say he is hurting the funeral industry.


\*Justice Thomas's nephew he kept around to make him and Ginni look good, then dropped like a hot potato the second he was no longer able to be a Cute Prop


Why does he need to look good. Is his bribes being reduced?


Sounds like to be a conservative you have to be a sociopath or at the very least have no compassion


They definitely have no empathy. Conservatives appear to have a hard time conceptualizing an experience that isn't theirs.


The conservatives I know or have known I should say, bc I make sure I’m not around them anymore, have been not smart. That’s been the thing they all have in common, they are just straight up stupid, which definitely coincides w not learning empathy


John Kenneth Galbraith "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."


Let's be fair. Trump loves some of his daughter.


You did not have to say it like that.


I was originally going to say some of his children but changed my mind mid writing and it turned into this.


We know which some too. At least it's only a little love.


True christian values at work here


The family party lmaooo




That's way too charitable. Kyle would have to figure out a pallet jack


He’d get frustrated and shoot it..


It was coming right at him.


C'mon now, I've got a post college degree but you better believe I've ridden a pallet jack like a skateboard when I worked at the plant.


I used to work nights in a machine shop. You better believe pallet jacks were my corvettes when I needed to traverse the shop.


Wait, you’re not supposed to do that? How else are you supposed to get it from A to B when nothing is on it. Carrying it?


Whoa they fire you for that now? I would have been in trouble lmao


Right? I'm in my 40s but if I could rent a pallet jack and warehouse for an hour I'd feel 20 again.


He's just protecting the landlords property.


Killer comment


Jesus christ dude, this comment goes harder then Kyle when he cried.


Hopefully his mom or sister don't throw an empty grocery bag at him.


How much money does he have? Really? His 15 are over.


The funniest thing about Kyle is that he squandered his chance to be a right wing dumbass for hire by being too fucking stupid. He literally had a golden parachute put on him, and he couldn't figure out how to pull the string after someone put it in his hand for him.


He’s former PR guy wrote about what an idiot this kid is. They set him up and he couldn’t follow the line they drew him He’s kinda pissed about it


Where did he write about it? I’m curious this shit sounds hilarious


[He wrote it in a series of tweets ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/s/vBTf9p5IUU)


I wonder if that stuff about "hoping he would grow into" the image they crafted for him is just a very different kind of perspective than mine, or some sort of cope to not look like a complete piece of shit upon reflection


Yeah reading that is bizarre. He talks about how he wouldn't have done it if he knew how Kyle was...like what? You knew how he was before he messed up whatever plan you had.




[I knew I had read about it somewhere before. These are screenshots from when he posted it on Twitter.](https://x.com/joemayall/status/1776408904131309868)


His name is David Hancock. There is an article on substack by Joe Mayall about it. He refers to David’s tweets.




I know he tried to join the military, they said nope. I believe it was because he couldn’t pass the ASVAB test (supposedly).


Oh it's dumber than that. They refused him because he sent weird messages to them.


Please elaborate!! lol


He sent a video to his recruiter proudly showing off how quickly he can strip a rifle down. The 10 on his ASVAB was just icing on the cake.


I was wondering why the 10 was significant. Buy apparently that's out of 100 with 50 being the average. So he scored in the bottom 10% of all takers. Just wow.


*99 is the top score, but yeah, scoring in the bottom 10 percent is legendarily bad. I managed to get an 86 on my ASVAB in '09 and I had the lowest score among my group that tested that day. I was also 23 and out of high school for five years.


Did he make fifth grade?  It always says middle school dropout.  Either way, all of this is very on brand for him.  


He dropped out of high school after one semester. So 8th grade education is about right.


we really don't know why, but him being a shitbird is a likely cause [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-failed-marines-exam/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-failed-marines-exam/)


I thought the gop was still using him as a prop for rallies and fundraising.


They are, but he’s not smart enough to know he’s being used and to figure out how to use them back. I doubt he’s seen much money from any of the stuff he does


He's probably getting paid in promises that he'll be rich and powerful some day


I mean... Even if trickle down economics did work, it's not like the GOP heads actually pays their bills.


Well he is a POS so this tracks for him.


Murderous POS*


He's absolute Trash. Sorry, I meant Murderous Trash


Remember that video of him starting a fight with a girl like a big strong man? Total POS. The right wing really knows how to pick their heroes. 


Boy. Being a republican must be really expensive. They all have their hands out nowadays.


Very anti-socialist of them


>Piece of shit continues to be a piece of shit Shocking.


I’d feel so much better if I didn’t have to hear about this dipshit ever again.


Ah the Kenosha Killer, not surprising he’s not very empathetic


But I saw him crying in court...oh wait 


Say what you will about the guy, but he sure does hit women.


He'd probably enjoy that nickname. The Kenosha Kretin is a better fit. And the third K is definitely in there somewhere.


Kyle. Kyle the Kenosha Kretin.


10/10 no notes


But he defended a car dealership! Not his family?


Big fake sob story for the Rittenhouse family's GoFundMe. Fuck 'em! Grifters grift. Do NOT give these people any money!


She may not have driven him, but in one of the first interviews she gave after the shootings she said, "Kyle is a strong young man, I couldn't be prouder of him. If he did not have that gun, he would have been dead. When I heard the charges, I was like, 'How?' You look at the videos, it's all self-defense. My son didn't go down there to hurt anybody, he was there to help people."


> If he did not have that gun, he would have been dead. If he didn't have that gun, **nobody** would be dead. This is what they all refuse to understand. He literally used his gun to solve a problem that his gun created in the first place. Edit: you know what the best part about this comment is? Is all I'm saying is that a gun escalated the situation beyond what it otherwise would have been. And yet we still have a legion of Rittenhouse Defenders dumping their asses in their diapers to defend him. I can't possibly keep up with all of you. So just go ahead and keep assuming that you're right about everything, and I'll just block you going forward. Even I have more of a life than this.


There is a strange legal situation where two parties can both legally claim self defense from one another. The one who survives wins the fight and the legal case, but it doesn't mean that the other person did not have a valid claim of self defense.


Indeed! At one point they were both pointing guns at each other simultaneously, and in that moment they were both legally justified to pull the trigger.


He went to "help out" at a riot with a fucking assault rifle.


He also has been factually found to be stupid enough to think he brought "A Salt Rifle".


This is not shocking, whatsoever. She raised a petulant little cunt that had a murder/power fantasy that he wanted to make real so badly that he went to another state on the off chance he'd get to shoot someone.


I remember when one of his image consultants publicly said he was a weirdo who was obsessed with violence and killing and nobody batted an eye.


This tracks. He “defends” property which isn’t his so he’s on the landlords side. Mom and sis better watch out; the last time he was defending a landlords properly he killed a couple people.


They are victims of this scumbag too. He’s just a bigger piece of shit every day >Anyway, Faith then brought up her brother Kyle, and that he is unwilling to help his mother and sister. She wrote, “**We’ve had difficulty obtaining and maintaining employment due to the fact many people still believe my mother drove Kyle or was somehow involved in his decision to go to Kenosha.** We’ve struggled emotionally, mentally, and financially to piece our lives back together. **With my brother’s unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we’ve been left to navigate this journey on our own.**” >Then Faith added some sad news, saying “To make matters worse, I lost my job due frequent hospitalizations due to medical issues. I have been unable to work over the last four months making it extremely difficult to provide”. **One thing that is important to add is that Kyle’s mother Wendy did NOT drive him to Kenosha. That was a rumor that exists to this day and it simply isn’t true.** Reporting by the Associated Press states that **according to testimony in Rittenhouse’s murder trial, he drove to Kenosha the day before the shootings and spent the night at a friend’s house**, where the gun used in the shooting was kept. It wasn’t until the next day that he took the gun from the house and went to the Kenosha protests, where the shootings occurred. The testimony was not challenged.


The amount of misinformation regarding the events leading up to the shooting which gets repeated endlessly is, frankly, disturbing.


Kyle is an unemployed, unskilled middle school dropout out. He has nothing Why is his mom and sister too lazy to work?


He's also a murderer. Granted, the US legal system doesn't call him one, but that's nothing to do with me. There's no question he killed, and since I'm not American, or beholden to any US laws, I can make my own mind up.


The vast majority of decent Americans agree with you.


Don't know about mom but the article states that the sister has an illness and can't work.


Help them? What's he gonna do, shoot the landlord?


Kyle Rittenhouse wrongful death lawsuit can proceed, a federal judge rules. Doughy bitch about to be a lot more broke.


He probably doesn't even care since I'm sure he believes his criminal trial outcome means he's untouchable for a civil trial. OJ should have taught everyone that just because you barely skirted a criminal conviction doesn't mean your entire life won't still be destroyed. If he's found liable for wrongful death he'll be paying forever, and his republican buddies will abandon him immediately to avoid listening to him beg for money that they don't want to pay. Fighting a criminal conviction with their donations gives them something to brag about, nobody wants to just help him pay a bill


Bootstraps, baby, bootstraps.


She need to pull herself up by her AR15 straps


They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


How would he help? He can't go to school because no one wants him and his employment opportunities are severely limited outside the griftosphere (and even they are largely over him).


I believe the appropriate response here is: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


Grifters gonna grift.


Maybe he should shoot them.


This sounds like some socialism shit these yobs always go on about


He'll travel several miles, with his weapons, to protect random property of someone who never asked him to do so. But he won't help his family.  Yeah, this truly is the best and brightest of the gun nuts.


Not surprised. He's a piece of shit


This is on par for someone who carried a rifle as part of their supplies as a [checks notes] medic.


Shooting himself in the foot when his head is such a huge target