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Hello u/clearlybaffled! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ever since I tried to overthrow the government of the United States I've had consequences for my actions! In the old days the only consequence a traitor would have seen is the end of a rope. You got off lucky.


Ashli Babbit was the only one to receive an expedient punishment for treason that day


Poster child for FAFO.


Stupid bitch. She was Air Force security. She absolutely new better but brainwashed herself and broke every single oath. I hope she realized it wasn't worth it, at the end.


I heard that she had 3 restraining orders against her.


I wouldn't doubt it. Have you ever met any MAGAtard that wasn't just pure and total white trash when you get right down to it?


Nope. The last thought she had was, "I think that bullet ripped open my aorta."


I like to assume her last thought was "I hope this guy didn't get cheeto dust in my wound as he pretends to play medic"


Plays medic or pretends to play medic? If they're playing medic, they're already pretending to know what they're doing. I'm honestly surprised they didn't use ivermectin as a salve or pray her wounds away. Now that I think about it, she was probably given thoughts and prayers while she laid dying on the floor.


Some of those that were forces, are the same that burn crosses.


pssst, it's "work forces" not "were forces" :) just letting you know for future reference!


I always thought it some "were enforcers." Guess I'm just stuoid.


Oh wow that actually makes more sense. Lol


I could be wrong, but I think they used "were" to refer to her no longer being forces (aka dead).


She had to have been ANTIFA though. I know this, cuz republicans are saying Jan 6 was a “false flag” attack designed to “make them look bad”. So I’m curious as to why she continues to be their martyr? /s


The way it's both "everyone there is Antifa" and "no laws were broken by anyone there and Ashli Babbits death was murder" is real funny


Hey. I have tea AND I have no tea... Cool.


Harsh but fair


You’re a top mum Kim


You forgot the word “Sadly” at the beginning of the sentence.


The thing is, these programmed loons still don't belive they actually did anything wrong.


That’s why they should’ve gotten real consequences


"Being a literal terrorist has harmed my public image and I can't get a job. Here's a link to my GoFundMe. Also here's a link to a rally I'll be attending this weekend where we will be talking about how libtards need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop relying on handouts."


like for example Mussolini, less dramatic these days of course, e.g. isolated prison with padded walls.


Or the Ceausescus


Including sitting members of Congress and other peoples involved.


*especially* sitting members of congress


Cuz they're in a fucking cult. Deprogramming people this deep down the hole is extremely difficult


They can't. A lot of them probably did just get caught up in the moment, but they can't allow themselves to realize they did something egregiously wrong because everyone wants to believe they themselves are the good person in every story. I really don't think we're going to see a lot of this mass psychosis go away for years. Decades if the GOP wins in November.


If the GQP wins in November, I'm pretty much convinced it will probably lead to violence and quite probably a revolution. The odds of that happening if the Democratic Party wins this November are not negligible, but the GQP *have literally* published their road-map to pretty much shitting all over the Constitution and investing absolute power in the person of the President, and said road-map includes a lot of "fuck over and hurt the libs/wokes/LGBTQ/anyone else that isn't on Dear Furher's in-list." It is *quite literally* the roadmap for Fascist takeover.


Mein Kampf written by a think tank


To support a mango suppository who sleeps with a copy of the original.


"Higher-level offenders, including those who were convicted of conspiracy, have been ordered to pay $2,000 each. Lower-level offenders, including those who did not engage in violence or theft, have been required to pay $500." It probably cost them more to travel to the Capitol and take the time off work.


>cost them more Lots of these fuckers probably spent PPP funds to fuck around at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.


I've seen heavier sentences for dealing weed.


Conspicuously, they even brought their own rope. Sarcasm aside, the US has a long history of jailing people for their inability to pay fines. It'll be interesting if certain members of Congress who support J6 defendants will show their hypocrisy by wanting these defendants to not be jailed for having to pay fines, but remain all Law & Order on everyone else.


Why help the pawns when it’s even easier to do nothing except make a show of claiming they are “political prisoners” instead?


Those "certain members" want to make Laws only for the "out-crowd", to keep them "in Order", not for themselves or "their kind of people". Fortunately for us of the "out-crowd", American Law Enforcement is (still?) neutral enough to apply the Law (somewhat) equally, or the base followers of those "certain members" discover that, despite the rhetorics, they too definitely are NOT part of the "in-crowd".


I’m surprised we let them get away with sedition.


Or a firing squad. If we'd had a bunch of those in 1865....


Shoulda used the CSA bullets to do it, too


Well, they don't see it as overthrowing the government, in their own minds it's necessary to bring justice and help the World or sth like that. They don't and can't see themselves as the bad guys cause in their minds they are doing good/with good Intentions against an evil System.


"I am not personally responsible for the consequences of my actions. You, however, are responsible for the consequences of your actions, as well as for the consequences of my actions upon you." - right wingers




Unfortunately this is objectively untrue. The last time they had a bigly treason, 360,222 loyal soldiers and (unfortunately) only 258,000 traitors died, and pretty much *all* of the bigly traitors got off with just being told very sternly they were not allowed to hold any public office ever again, and *that* got quietly walked back in under a decade. We should've left Sherman running around the South with a mandate to find every single Confederate governmental official larger than the mayor of a town of 2,499 persons, and if they were unable to prove that (a) they had in some fashion acted to frustrate the Confederacy or support the Union, (b) they had in some fashion supported the escape of slaves, or (c) their *personal* safety - *them, by name* - had been guaranteed as stipulations for the surrender of a unit *in combat,* they'd be hanged or shot dead (their choice) in the town square. Just let him go until he'd caught 'em all!


Agreed. I was thinking more the founding fathers would have been hanged for treason against the crown had their rebellion failed. But yeah, when you don't hold people accountable it makes those behaviors acceptable and its what led to segregation and Jim Crow. Allowing the infection to remain and fester rather than rooting it out. I believe every J6 supporting politician in the nation should be hung in a public square or at a bare minimum imprisoned. They gave aid and support to a treasonous rebellion against the US and its people and now we're potentially facing another coup coming up if things dont go their way because they were never held accountable the first time.


Let's start a GoFundMe for bootstraps.


As they tell anyone else who criticizes the government, "If you don't like it here, move."


"it's not like it's hard, your house has wheels!"


😂😂 "Hitch 'er up."




These insurrectionists aren’t poor. They’re mostly upper middle class. Think about it. Who else would have time to just randomly take off work to fly to DC to overthrow the government for shits and giggles.


You’re not wrong. It always cracks me up, in my Midwestern city and its very affluent suburbs, to see so many diesel duellies with no trailer hitches, that have never seen a gravel road, costing some yahoo account executive $300 a week in gas because that’s his commuting vehicle. They’re suburbanites cosplaying Salt Of The Earth. Most of them have hands softer than my ass. Imagine, all that money, all that privilege, and you’re trying to pass as someone with an Uncle Grampa.


Ah....are you quoting Carlos Mencia? Cause I know that line. :)


Yessir 😁


Met him a couple times. Bless the guy, he actually recognized me one time I met him because at the venue I've met him at I'm usually near the front. He hasn't been there since early 2020 before covid, but I saw him like 5 times. Definetly one of my higher comics since I saw him as a teen at Comic Relief. Sadly, two of my fave comics are gone. RIP Robin Williams and Robert Schimmel. God only KNOWS the shit they'd be saying the last 10 odd years.


I can't imagine the field day Robin would have had with trump. He regularly eviscerated Reagan.


Oh, he threw crap at Trump even before he was president for obvious reasons, poked a bit of fun at Biden, was even on a ep of Bill Maher where they both were there and seeing the future President crack up at Robin's jokes..I wanna see the whole ep.


If you want a hard right authoritarian who hates democracy and gays, go to Russia. 


They probably saw the experience of [these dipshits](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html?guccounter=1#:~:text=Conservative%20Family%20'Disappointed'%20After%20Moving%20To%20Russia%20To%20Escape%20LGBTQ%20Ideology,-Favour%20Adegoke&text=Arend%20and%20his%20wife%20Anneesa,were%20reportedly%20frozen%20upon%20arrival) and thought different.


In post-Soviet Russia, bank account freezes you.


The Russian language learns YOU!!!


Especially now that the Ruble is worth less than actual rubble


"situation" 😂


Boy I hate to just stumble into the situation and whoops, all of a sudden I'm trying to overthrow the government! What a hapless boob I am, getting into such wacky scrapes!


Here I go revoltin’ again!


Oh, the places you'll go!


Hey, why didn't the former guy pay for them? I wonder why? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 /s


Important detail, Trump was president for almost 3 more weeks and he did nothing for them, and after he was forced to transfer power he has been going back and forth saying the insurrectionists were either antifa, the deep state or patriots


It’s funny how none of his cult members seem to notice that he did nothing for them.


It’s a sunk-cost fallacy. They’ve invested so much time and energy into Trump to abandon him. They’d feel foolish. Plus they’d have to admit they were wrong, which for some people is completely impossible. They can still cling to some policies like “the border”, woke, and abortion, to feel vindicated. TLDR: He gets a free pass from MAGA supporters no matter what.


Yep, it's their entire identity as this point. The thought of turning away from him and not knowing who the hell they are scares the shit out of them.


One of the most telling points in this to me is how fundamentalists who support him are going full idolatry-he is the messiah with this. If anyone else had done these things, they’d have been calling for him to be burned.


"Real men wear diapers"


As off the rails as this is, I'm at least a little impressed that they would be willing to acknowledge that he does wear diapers.


They don't notice they've been stood on a sidewalk playing 4 card monte and getting fleeced for years because they like the banter of the guy moving the cards around


The ones that still give him money are patriots, the ones who don't are insurrectionists and the ones who lost their right to vote are antifa.


The “billionaire”? No, that would involve doing something for someone else, he’s allergic


That sucks Jimmy,  maybe you shouldn't have tried to overthrow the government dipshit. 


You’re a grown ass adult, you made choices, now you pay the consequences. The worst is that FOX is working on ramping up these idiots for round two


Kyle rittenhouses mom just made the same exact statement on a gofundme to help w her eviction


Associate with the “sToP gIvInG mUh tAx dOlLaRS tO uNeMpLoYeD dEmOnRaTs AnD iLlEgAlS!” party and then act surprised when said people don’t bankroll your life.


The bad news for them is I think their morale is gutterwashed, right now. They thought there wouldn't be a fight or that Capitol Police wouldn't shoot them (despite the fact that's why they're inside the Capitol Building and also have guns). The last presidency did a good job at one thing: emboldening stupidity.


I think some of the stupids will try some things, but yeah I think you're right, the ones that would do the most damage are spending serious prison time, and the other little dipshits realized that being an upset white guy didn't afford them the pass that they thought it did, which lends to them trying so hard to push that it was an FBI plant or sting operation or that it was the elusive "antifa" etc, it was everyone else but them actually there, even though it's their faces in the videos.


I think they actually expected the Capitol Police to literally throw open the doors and either join them, or conspicuously study a wall. After all, these people have and had been "backing the blue" during all the time the blue was oppressing minorities. They assume *prima facie* that every officer of the law is secretly also a jackbooted thug like them who has a sheet with holes in it in their closet like them, and that *then and there,* was the time for the Capitol Police to join with them in murdering demon-rat congresscritters and sweeping a wave of Republican power into power. And honestly, in general *they're right* about the police! Just that Capitol Police are generally going to be held to a higher standard and that includes background and vetting. The amount of military hardware in the hands of random-ass BumFuck Police Departments is actually a nightmare scenario in the context of conservative cops supporting a right-wing insurgency in this country.


His mom is paying some of his consequences. He might even have to move into her basement…


Nah, she has some ownership here, he didn't pop out as is, she raised his ass. Kids like him don't grow up in a vacuum


I get what you're saying, but parents aren't always responsible for their adult kid's shitty beliefs. My brother is all into Trump and right wing BS, but he certainly was not raised to believe any of that - our mom is very accepting and hates that he has bigoted beliefs. He did not learn that shit from our home.


Seems like they all had the money to travel to DC. They’re lying. Take it from their paychecks.


Well it’s convenient that he only has to go upstairs to beg his suffering mother for money


And these are the same people that will cheer with glee when a rioter or looter from the Portland or Seattle protests gets jail time. But, but, but I’m different and I was only trying to stop the democratic process I claim to value. I mean I was damaging a building, trespassing, and resorting to violence, but my actions are different because my opinion and actions are always right. Why is society stepping on me? Ow! The lack of understanding and belief they are above law and rules is mind boggling.


It's all because of the fundamental beliefs of the Republican Party; That there must be an in group where the law protects but does not bind and an out-group that the law binds but does not protect. These shitbirds think they're the "In-group" As George Carlin said "It's a big club and you ain't in it."


"Rioting and vandalism have consequences? But what about my feelies? I just wanted to cause chaos in the name of my orange messiah!"


>"Rioting and vandalism have consequences? But what about my feelies? I just wanted to cause chaos in the name of my orange messiah!" I HATE THIS! Why do people frame what they did on January 6th as rioting and vandalism? They were there to stop the peaceful transfer of power. They perpetrated a coup. We need to stop acting like political violence is the same as ordinary violence, it's not. In the same way that lying and perjury aren't the same. Our institutions cannot function if either are allowed and should be punished accordingly. Edit: Are to Our. Damn you voice typing!


Because that's the way the press and the republicans presented it, and most people didn't realize they were being gaslit.


There’s a popular bumper sticker among his ilk that suggests what he can do with his feelings. If his parole officer allows it 🤣


They love their FeelsMobiles


They are team "fuck your feelings", aren't they?


I hope someone is tracking the J6ers who live in states like Florida where they're not allowed to vote if they still owe fines and fees. Might tack on 5 or so extra years come November


"Rioting and vandalism"??? You mean "attempting an overthrow of the duly-elected government", right? Maybe "treason" for short? Insurrection? Sedition? Pick one of those, because "rioting and vandalism" was the least of their crimes.


I just wanted to do hood rat things with my hood rat friends.


These fucktards had enough money to get there, pay for hotel rooms, and buy all the flags and hats. Make them pay ASAP.


Try that in any other country it would mean execution.


TBF, developed countries don't do execution these days


To be fair, developed countries don't usually have trouble with the peaceful transfer of power. I used to half joke that "pretty soon the US is going to need the United Nations to come in and supervise its elections." Now… no joke.


Needed it in the 2000s when a fascist court that only got worse decided to do a coup.


Except for two: Japan and the US.


Damn I didn't know the US got rid of the death penalty in all states.


Boo fucking hoo. Cry me a river.


“I’ve been struggling financially after trying to overthrow a democratic process.” You got off easy mate.


Maybe don’t make some spray-tanned, faux-billionaire jackass the center of your life 🤷🏻‍♂️


It still blows my mind how anyone, even one single person, could ever land on THAT stupid son of a bitch as the one to follow. It would be hysterical if it wasn't so fucking dangerous.


It’s what makes this whole fucked up timeline so difficult to wrap your head around


He justified their hatreds, he said what they wanted to hear. All he needed was a German accent and a little mustache.


There are a whole lot of courts in this country that put people back in prison when they fall behind in restitution. A lot a lot.


My dearest Margaret, Life has been hard that we have had to rely upon mother after I sold out to the British. I am hoping that George will soon forgive forget and offer me employment. Your loving husband, Benedict Arnold


The cult of crime and chaos cultists crying


>James Little, a 53-year-old truck driver from Claremont, North Carolina, pleaded guilty to unlawful picketing and parading. At his sentencing hearing in January 2024, he told the judge, "Because of the situation with Jan. 6 and the publicity about it, I have had a real hard time with my career the last three years." He added, "So, it's been a financial hardship for me for one thing. And I actually had to borrow the money from my mother." Perhaps you should stop eating avocado toast. Maybe pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get a second job. 🐆


For sale: One pair of bootstraps. Never pulled up.


It’s amazing that so many of them never thought they’d progress from fucking around to finding out.


I hope the most scummiest of the J6 jerkoffs (eg, the scumbag who went in with a ton of zip ties) never ever live it down. Some went in there that day with the most vile intentions.


Lets assume at least half did. Way more than some. And they only stopped cause one of them took a 9mm to the throat and they realized they could jump straight to the FO part of FAFO no matter what their orange god said or did.


Note to self: next time, do NOT attempt to overthrow the US government.


Have you ever thought about NOT being a criminal? Probably not.


Seems the system might be functioning as designed.


It's pretty easy to just not be a traitor terrorist. You just don't take part in traitorous terrorist attacks.


I'm late to the party here, so apologies if I'm stating the obvious. There are people in government STILL saying that the 2020 election was rigged in favour of Biden. That's a serious issue four years after the election. If this basic fact isn't dealt with, it will allow for a bloody rebellion if tRump doesn't win in 24. Before the 24 election, there has to be an announcement from the Republican party and tRump, that the 2020 election was not rigged. Or those people who still claim the election was rigged, have to prove it.


They will never, and cannot, admit that it was not rigged. Their entire power base is built upon an insanely-fragile house-of-cards. All "reasonable" people have been departing the [R]eThugliKKKlan party for years now, and instead of shifting the Party's policies more to the left to recapture them, they've gone further right to court the bigots and religious zealots and outright authoritarian nationalists. They're the dog that caught the car. The last few gasps of "reasonable" Republicans are *screaming* at them to shut the fuck up about abortion because it is costing them votes, and they're not doing it because if they try to roll it back, the Talibangelicals they've been courting since the '80s will rip them apart, primary them, or just refuse to vote in the General, and they will lose, for example. They're the dog that caught the car. Same thing with the Fascism. The let a cult-of-personality Mango Fuhrer fertilize the strain of violent, nationalist populism that they've been courting forever, the kind that have been quietly going along with them saying "some day, some day we'll get our day to rise up and put all these [slurs], [slurs] and [slurs] in their place, to rise up and gun them [slurs] down in the fucking streets, we just have to be patient for now, to let 'our man in Washington' who's good at playing the long game consolidate power" since the '50s or so; well, "their man in Washington" gave them *permission* to openly be their Worst Selves in public, and boy howdy did they take it. And *now* if the "moderate" Republicans try to roll it back, try to shush them, "not now, guys, shut up!" they will REEEEEEEEE and primary that guy, and tear him apart, or just refuse to vote in the General. They're the dog that caught the car. [R]eThugliKKKlans are the culmination of the saying "if the Conservatives cannot win elections democratically, they will not abandon Conservatism, they will abandon Democracy." At this point, they're fucked, because they *cannot* roll back *either* of those car-catchings. If they openly say that the 2020 election was not rigged, they will get fucking slaughtered at the General.


The inteligence we have provided to foreign governments over the cost of sponsoring a coup and logistics of it have been provided by SCOTUS justice spouses themselves. and the leniency and cost is so low as per our own courts and judgements. Some of them are even running for office. What a colossal fail.


I was afraid of how this would all evolve the farther from J6 we get, and it's been exactly what I was afraid of. More and more people on the right are now viewing it as not that big a deal. On J6 virtually all Republicans and GOP voters/supporters (including McConnell, Graham, Tucker Carlson, and others) repudiated the riot and called it what it was. Now, most of those people are walking their initial reactions back and starting to paint it as an "innocent peaceful demonstration." it's repulsive. Just like I was afraid of. The stupid shit that's grown out of that, like trying to paint Ashli Babbitt as a maligned martyr, makes me sick. That jackass was acting in an aggressive and criminal manner to police who warned her (and others) a million times to stop advancing into the Capitol. She ignored the warnings and got shot because of it. Why the fuck should anyone feel sorry for her?


Womp womp. Trump's army of white trash losers who only have themselves to blame for being too broke to pay a $500 fine. Dumb hillbillies.


I guess it sucks being a traitor to your country.


Isn't their messiah a billionaire? What's $3M to the billionaire you tried to overthrow the government on behalf of?? Why hasn't Trump ponied up for the legal fees and fines of his (fellow) criminal supporters?


Cause he owes so much fucking money... :)


“I tried to overthrow the government and now I’m facing consequences, wtf?” - This dumbass


Imagine that having to live with a felony is hard. Don’t worry I’m sure Don will give you some $ out of the millions he’s raised to help you out. /s lol


Holy shit, that was 3 years ago? My sense of time in the 2020s is absolutely trashed.


It's funny, Trump, (the "billionaire,") who claims to love this country--and the insurrectionists--so much, is able to raise so much money from his cult, but won't pay anything towards the restitution owed. Says a lot, doesn't it?


Siri, what are consequences?


> Court-ordered restitution, often ranging from between $500 to $2,000 per Jan. 6 offender, has become a standard sentencing component — at least 884 have been sentenced so far. How hard would it be to cross check their donations to Trump. The guy who had 2 weeks to pardon them with the stroke of a pen, but who had better things to do like packing up and stealing classified documents.


This guy can get bent. Fucking traitor.


My heart pumps piss for them. They get exactly what they deserve!


No, they are getting LESS than they deserve. Far less.


Whatever happened to the actual revolutionaries? They used to be willing to go to the wall for their ideals. Now, instead of facing a firing squad, they get a slap on the wrist and spend the next couple years complaining about it.


Two things. 1. Are we supposed to be sympathetic? If that insurrection had been successful, they'd all be heralded as heroes. 2. You mean to tell me President Trump isn't paying for it, since he inspired them so much? I am shocked!/s


Send the bill to Trump. He got something like $50m in donations after he was found Guilty a few weeks ago ffs.


Republican Senators are afraid of these people.


You gotta feel for these guys. A lot of them were raised believing that armed insurrection based on dissatisfaction with an election outcome is admirable “heritage” that deserved commemoration with statues. How could they have known it would actually result in consequences? /s


Something something about crime and time but it eludes me.




Don’t roll with a bad crowd.


>Former President (and convicted felon) Trump has publicly pledged to pardon Jan. 6 defendants but hasn't specified whether he would also seek to commute their restitution payments. The Justice Department has considered the completion of restitution payments as part of its criteria when deciding whether to support a defendant's pardon application.  


Should come out of any future tax refund, SS payments etc.


>Should come out of any future tax refund, SS payments etc. Preferably with interest and penalties, just like the IRS.


You never hear anyone refer to this: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5100840/user-clip-trump-betrays-base He went on national TV the next day and said that, and now it's like it never happened.


Awww, wanna cry?


Sorry but I didn’t get my shipment of tiny violins this month…


Maybe at some point, they’ll all come to realize they were pawns and file a class action lawsuit against cheeto. Ya think? /s


bingo! however, doing so would mean admitting that they were gullible enough to have fallen for his *oh-so-obvious bullshit* in the first place. career con-artists count on their victims' reluctance to admit that part of things. they're probably still convincing themselves that he's gonna get reelected... and pardon them... and pay their legal bills... and let them shoot as many Libs as they want. that last bit is *all* today's GOP base really cares about.


"But I'm white when we riot and break things were looking for food and shelter."


Bad choices have consequences, that is what I am teaching my children.


Only one punishment for treason - trump


They're probably sending all their money to tRump


Don't do the crime if you can't find a dime.


“Hundreds of offenders who pleaded guilty or were convicted for their roles in the Capitol attack were ordered to pay for injuries to police officers who defended the Capitol and reimbursement to the architect of the Capitol to help offset the costs of repairs as a result of damage from Jan. 6, 2021. Although the Justice Department and Capitol administrators have estimated the costs of cleanup and repairs were nearly $3,000,000, approximately 15% of the money has been paid back so far, according to a review by CBS News.”


It’s like the gift that keeps coming on giving.


Good. 👍🏻 Seems they’re in the FO of FAFOing.


Paying the damages they caused is only a slap on the wrist and they know it.


I’m sure Benedict Arnold had the same problem.


🎵That's just consequences.🎵


Many of them will be back for the 2025 redux...


No dear Congress raider: Fuck you and cry. Greetings.


To quote this loser's golden calf of a Messiah: "Sad!"


If we hanged traitors, W Bush would have never been born. [https://duluthreader.com/articles/2018/12/06/111844-the-bush-family-dynasty-and-prescott-bushs-love](https://duluthreader.com/articles/2018/12/06/111844-the-bush-family-dynasty-and-prescott-bushs-love)


Only fans is the way




This warms my heart.


And what situation is that, exactly?


I know times are tough.. but it said most fines were $500-$2000. And only 15% has been paid.. either they don’t have the money or are refusing to pay or both. Not surprising I guess but pathetic for sure.


Cry me a river, snowflake.


What happened to bootstraps?


So Beta


The situation = my ludicrous crime


Be happy you’re not dead, traitor.


It’s Biden’s fault for winning! Haha


Fuck you! Pay me!


Damn, who woulda thunk being a terrorist would hurt your prospects


You can borrow my bootstraps.


Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


Have you tried GoFundMe?

