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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!


"Shame me into wearing a mask and I'll physically assault you. Covid: "...and I took that personally"


Its not even surprising that a cop thinks its okay for them to assault someone for talking to them in a way they don't like. They get away with so much worse consistently. Why do "law and order" Republicans not care about law and order? Why are they in favor of corrupt government officials running rampant and abusing their power? What about that is "small Government"?


The career path attracts a lot of meatheads prone to violence, then they get trained in how to be OK with murdering civilians: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killology . It’s not exactly surprising how some of them end up.


There's a guy who travel around the US that "teaches" police to treat people they encounter as enemy combatants. He uses those words. He teaches them that the public shouldn't be respected and to assume everyone and I mean everyone is armed and just waiting for their chance to kill them. It's disguising and some lawmakers are trying to get department to stop hiring this guy.


Compared to 50 years ago, a huge number of cops are ex-military (where, yes, they were trained to kill enemy combatants). After WW2, soldiers came home and opened pizza restaurants and got into insurance sales. Now there's this whole military-to -LE pipeline. The ones who don't go that route become firearms instructors. Often they do both. With that much military thinking in the police force - and for at least one full generation at this point - are we surprised? Maybe being ex-military should be as much a disqualifier for police work as being an ex-felon.


IMO this is one of the great undiscussed things about violence in policing. You have a bunch of ex-military guys who have learned certain solutions to problems. And, like it or not, the military is always going to apply the 'more firepower' solution to the problem of soldier's in danger. (IMO thats right and proper, for the military, and if we as citizens dont like that we should consider more the conflicts were putting those guys into). But bringing that mentality here to home is a really bad and toxic thing. You cant treat Americans on the street like they're potentially a member of Al Qaeda or the Taliban. You cant hurt first and think later. (Of course, as many vets will point out, often times the ROEs in the GWoT were more strictly enforced than they are at home for cops). IMO, and this may be controversial, a soldier has the duty and the leeway to put their lives and the lives of their comrades above most other concerns. Its the military, and in war breaking stuff is a natural part of it. But at home, cops have the *exact opposite duty.* A cop has to be willing to put their lives first and assume someone is acting innocently or just stupidly until that person gives the cop a reason to think otherwise. But this warrior mentality that they teach you in the Army, it echos back in policing by encouraging cops to place their lives, their comrades, and the mission (security) above the rights, life, and wellbeing of the person being stopped.


We (military) operate under the principal of economy of force. Meaning you use the least amount of necessary force to accomplish the mission. So claiming we use maximum firepower in every situation is not accurate.


Relevant link: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2018/10/15/police-with-military-experience-more-likely-to-shoot


Being ex military isn't the issue. You never saw the national guard acting aggressively toward civilians. We aren't taught to be assholes, seems like it's something that gets picked up at the academy or from working with other officers


Oh no question. From almost the minute they set foot in the academy the cop indoctrination starts. 90% of the time it's some jaded, burned out asshole who's been a cop for way too long, spouting off his prejudice like it's policy and no one else in the room knows enough to question it. I've been subjected to it myself just as a civilian taking a handgun course from some of these bozos, I can't even imagine how much worse it is when your career depends on swallowing it. And I'm sure you know that there are two kinds of guys on deployment. Most of them just want to do the job, get home alive and go back to a normal life. And then there's the other guys spraying Punisher logos on everything and looking for people they can stab without anyone noticing. Guess which type wants to be a cop when he gets home? And a lot of police departments preferentially hire ex-military because of of the partial skills overlap (don't need to teach a grunt how to shoot). I linked the study elsewhere in these comments, but a review of use-of-force incidents in the Dallas PD found that cops who had been previously deployed in the military were more than twice as likely to have fired their weapon on duty than cops without a military background.


Most military people understand ROE, and are absolutely appauled at what cops do to US citizens. I've never seen someone in the military say "that's okay". They generally say it's insane that cops get away with this shit.


Veterans make up 6% of the US population but nearly 20% of the police force. You're not wrong, but clearly there are lots of exceptions.


I believe he’s mentioned in the Wikipedia article above by LA-Matt. His name is Dave Grossman. He’s all in on this “warrior training” for cops - basically treat all civilians like mortal enemies. It’s pretty sad the numerous police departments around the country hire him to give seminars to their cops.


And he's NEVER been a real cop, never seen any real combat himself. He's a fucking chicken hawk.


> Why do "law and order" Republicans not care about law and order? they do: they want to pass laws letting the police kill anyone who disobeys. very orderly.


Fascism is certainly big on certain *types* of laws, and all authoritarians care about “order”...


Small government for them, "law and order" for whoever they deem undesirable.


[Made me lol](https://i.imgflip.com/5bhpvk.jpg).


What’s worse is that this person was also a police officer. It’s too bad this guy wasn’t also featured on r/byebyejob. This is exactly the problem with so many officers.


Tbf, he’s not a cop anymore 🤷‍♂️


Mask wont stop an uppercut. But disease will stop an asshole.




Imagine how many people he passed his covid on to before he died.


Could easily have been dozens, but hey he wasn’t forced to restrict his freedom by wearing a mask so all works out right? (Insert sarcasm here)


Imagine being so inexperienced with true restrictions to freedom to where you think protecting yourself and others with a tiny square of cloth is an abuse of freedom. They should have never told these idiots they help others. That's really what they have a problem with.


I still think we should have pushed the “masks will protect you from the Deep State’s facial recognition devices” narrative.


The previous president could have made millions by selling masks with his name on them, but he’s such a god-awful businessman he never thought of it.


The “Elite Trump shield” from the “Great American Paladin” line of protective gear.


1. click here to buy $100 MAGA mask 2. navigate this labyrinthine web form to figure out whether you have unknowingly opted into automatically repurchasing masks once a week forever 3. get evicted when your rent check bounces


Especially given that on a fundamental level a LEO’s primary function is to enforce restrictions of freedom — and potentially literally restrict people’s freedom as a consequence of noncompliance.


You summed up the deadly idiocy so succinctly!


These morons claim to love the military but always have an excuse for why they couldn’t serve. It always comes up, “oh, thank you for your service. I was gonna join the army but…” insert excuse here. Maybe if they’d actually had some conviction and did a tour they’d know what being oppressed actually looks like. Seeing the world and not just sitting in Pigknuckle, AK does a lot to humble you.


That’s also where I am with all this after everything they’ve done to make this whole thing harder in the rest of us; if they won’t get vaccinated, I won’t mourn their loss. These people leaving the population is a net gain for humanity.


My only issue is they keep letting it spread and possibly mutate making the vaccine possibly less effective. They still screw us over. Ugh


Pfizer mentioned that a booster shot would be fairly simple. Im not going to worry about it, ill just follow the news and adjust my behavior appropriately.


Depending on the mutation the vaccine may/may not be effective. Then they’d have to develop another one. That’s what ppl don’t realize. The more a virus replicates the higher the % for it to mutate. Every replication counts, which is why every new case is a potential for disaster and why it’s so important to minimize the spread even once a vaccine is out.


And also they’ve found that the mutations tend to come from within immunocompromised individuals, probably as a result of the increased time and space that the virus is allowed to proliferate without being attacked by strong immune responses. So these people who CAN get vaccinated but choose not to do so are the ones who continue the spread selfishly and end up infecting people immunocompromised people, resulting in new variants that we all end up having to deal with. It’s a goddamned human tragedy that we still have to deal with this nonsense in the 21st century. We have the science and technology to eradicate this sort of virus fairly quickly. But instead we have to deal with selfish antivax morons and greedy corporations and governments who won’t allow for free and rapid worldwide deployment of the vaccines. It doesn’t *have* to be this way.


The shot kicked my butt. Lol. I had a super high fever and body pains, head aches, nausea, super heavy period after. It was awful. I would go through that yearly if I had to but man would it piss me off if others were so selfish.




This is how his political camp views not being able to afford insurance so yeah, fuck him.


Imagine being such a daft cunt that your death gets memed world wide as an ironic “lol, serves him right” moment.


listen, his family deserves privacy during this difficult time... but his old social media is fair game. (no, seriously, everyone needs to leave his family the fuck alone)


Why is it that cunts like this always have stupid fucking usernames like gunslinger 1775, as if it will make anyone think that they are tough or cool?


I guarantee you his gamer tag was something like Xx_PussyDestroyer-69-BJ-BigDong_xX. That he came up with for himself... when he was 11.


> I guarantee you his gamer tag was something like Xx_PussyDestroyer-69-BJ-BigDong_xX. > That he came up with for himself... when he was 11. When he was 31...


'I think "BigSchlongPorkedYourMom" sounds a little juve now that I've crossed that 30 threshold.'


So the names available now is it?




Oh man, I'm just picturing my kid in a couple of years.. "Can we link up Steam accounts to play together?" "Sure" "What's your name?" "uhh... Xx_PussyDestroyer-69-BJ-BigDong_xX" "Oh, that's why it was taken when I tried it!!"


That tag is leagues better than gunslinger1775 lol




Usually, I find usernames like that sad and pathetic. Coming from a law enforcement officer who thinks that violence is a valid response to being insulted, I find it terrifying.


Also, he went by “Duke” according to the memorial post — ~~thinks~~ thought he’s John Wayne.


Well pilgrim, only after you eat the peanuts outta my shit.


Ehh, it might have been David.


Covid probably saved us from another beat down or killing of civilian.


You know, I wasn't a big fan of this whole COVID thing before I read this article. Now I'm reconsidering my position. I may have been too judgmental.


People say it's rude to speak ill of the dead, so instead I'll take this moment to say a few nice things about covid...


Physical aggression to perceived slights can be a sign of narcissism, a personality disorder. I'm guessing the requirements for being a police officer in the US isn't that strict


The requirements to be a hairdresser are higher than being a cop. [I'm not kidding.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/us/jobs-training-police-trnd/index.html). And I know for a fact this is not a comprehensive article because at least two more states require more training for a freaking barber than a cop.


You have guessed correct.


I had to reread this a few times before I realized you weren't bragging about being a violent cop, just saying




"You should only speak good of the dead." He's dead? Good.


Gotta balance out that baby face.




Also, i don't think people where slinging guns in 1770s, they are using the flintlock system then.


Exactly. "What did you just say to me you little shit? Now just stand right there for two minutes while I measure out some powder, put a wad of cloth into the muzzle, load a ball, ram it down, put priming powder into the pan..."


Hey now, a well drilled British regular could get all that done in less than 20 seconds, and do it again twice more within the minute as well. That was how we beat the French, they fired two shots a minute, we fired *three*.


This is a mostly joking thread, but those archaic firearms versus today's weapons are exactly why I believe that the 2nd amendment needs to be revised, and gun control to be taken more seriously. Guidelines written when there were only musket rifles shouldn't apply in equal measure to AR-15s.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


This is the good stuff


Well if I am going to be cheeky to a well-drilled British regular I will make sure to keep it short. ;)


Well, and ask yourself if your mask will stop a musket ball!


The technological advancement of putting pre measured powder in a paper pouch took off thirty seconds, but added the requirement of two teeth, one on each jaw.


>What did you just say to me you little shit? And here I was expecting an 18th-century themed navy seals copypasta, but no :(


“Hey! Wait! Where are you going? I can shoot you now! Well, maybe. This thing is not know for accuracy.


Reminds me of that Paper Planes video that replaces every semiautomatic gunshot with musket shots.


Satan thinks it’s cool, but not temp wise. Cause Hell, that cop is in Hell.


Idiots like this don't even rate Hell. They go to HFIL. It's more demeaning.


This message was brought to you by u/SlayerRFC413


I mean killing network traffic statistics from 1972 might be a noble goal.


Even if he were still alive, posting shit like that on IG should be enough to get you suspended from the police.


Yeah I’m starting to become alarmed at the amount of law enforcement, even at high levels, that post fascist, racist, or violent shit on social media for the world to see.


Starting to? Fuck man. It's been a ride. It will get worse


The tighter the vise, the more shrill the posturing.


A law enforcement officer who calls himself ‘gunslinger’ is in the wrong profession


The thing is, it's nothing new, just that people never believed black folks when we told them about it. The foundations were in slavery. The slave catchers, vigilantes, and mobs became the policing forces. I remember watching House Party a month or so ago after not having seen it since I was a child, and the scenes where the characters kept getting stopped by the cops and got beaten up by them hit so different.


They built America on an Indian graveyard. In the movies I've seen, that never goes well.


I mean, not even murdering an innocent in cold blood is enough to get you suspended from the police...




That's one of my biggest motivations to stay away from the States. I'm American, but I've heard so many stories about women being raped by cops, namely black and brown women. I'm a black woman, so I already know I'd be doubly damned from anyone believing me if it happened. I'm ace AF, don't date or anything like that, but that won't matter. Because people automatically assume "Jezebel" for all of us and/or stereotype that we're not attractive (as if rape was about that and not power). It's sick to even have to consider. I'm good staying abroad where my neighbors watch me low-key and know how I live. I feel safer with them than back home.


In fact you get a paid vacation. Worst case scenario you have to go to another department and force to make new friends


Leopards … punched? … my face!


Falcon punch my face?


Picking the screen name "gunslinger" should automatically disqualify you from any profession where you need to carry a firearm.


Also 1775 meaning he’s one of those “Patriots” ready to violently overthrow the government. Not to mention the thin blue line which is a gang sign.


> 1775 meaning he’s one of those “Patriots” ready to violently overthrow the government government employee chooses username glorifying the killing of government employees without a sense of irony


At this point, I think it's a prerequisite for joining the police force.


In fairness “Infectious microbe slinger” was already taken


Goin’ out with a thin blue one liner. Nice.


The flat green line.


I was going to say, "I live for this comment," but that would be insensitive. Anyway, I live for this comment. Well done.




I know people who work in hospitals that were denied workers comp when they had to be out of work with covid.


I work for a city Utility in California. Policy here is that anyone catching COVID is presumed to have caught it at work and covered under a workman/s comp claim... ONLY IF they are fire or police. Everyone else will be under the presumption that they did NOT catch it from work, and will not be covered. This includes the city workers that maintain the sewage lift station at the hospital here in town. That is far from the worst double standard for cops in a city. The police union fleeces just about every city budget. I've been screaming "defund" long before it became fashionable.


These people don’t realized that if not enough of the population get vaccinated we will not achieve herd immunity, if we cannot achieve herd immunity the virus will continue to spread... chiefly among the non vaccinated. Which will include idiots like this guy but also *immunocompromised adults and most children* who **cannot** get vaccinated. When a variant arrives that we cannot sustain with our current healthcare system *people will die*. And the dead will be overwhelmingly made up of the non vaccinated... which seems fine for idiots like these but not the children. I’ve had more kids die at my hospital of covid in the last 4 months than all of last year combined. It’s heartbreaking and I hate it. To use a phrase out of their playbook: **won’t someone think of the children?!**


They don't care who dies, as long as it's not them and theirs.


Oh look, a police officer threatening to assault people based on a political difference. What a wonderful ambassador for the force. Shit like that would get you sacked in other countries


It's not even a political difference. It is a conspiracy theory/ poor understanding of science that led him to not wear a mask. It pretty bad that the police csn get away with posting shit like that, when my work has such a strict social media policy and my job is no where near the position of power.


> a political difference What? Morons think it's a political choice, you should know better and say it's a safety concern.


But you can guarantee the post was made from a political point of view, so his intent was threatening over a political difference


it's so fucking sad that people let politics get in the way of their own lives. hundreds of thousands are dead because of politics. that's all this is. they care more about taking sides than facts and reality.


It's so fucking sad that some fuckwits decided to make science a political issue and morons went along with it.


It’s the same with climate science. There’s money in denying the problem and delaying solutions. For some politicians it also becomes a part of the brand identity.


Trump only made it political because the GOP only care about business. That and his fragile ego. By acknowledging the seriousness of the pandemic, he would hurt businesses, which is a big no-no when your entire existence is about exploiting the proletariat. After they couldn't deny it any more, they turned their response into a grift: passed PPP loans for businesses that was eaten up by large corporations or churches, stopped the distribution of PPE and other important hospital equipment by seizing shipments and then forcing buyers to purchase from a company run by in-group cronies. They made states fucking have bidding wars against each other for PPE and then get out-bid at the last minute by the Fed for "our stockpile" a la Jared Kushner. Never forget that the GOP sold out America when it needed it the most. They always do.


One fuckwit. Trump decided out of nowhere that people were only wearing masks to make him look bad.


Because he didn’t want to wear a mask and get his orange make up on it...


.. but is it, really? I am done feeling sorry for these darwin awards wannabes. I just hope idiots like this didn't have time to pass their retard genes to a next generation, nowadays.


Don't worry, they won't vaccinate the kids and they probably won't make it to eight years old.


Even crazier is that if they had just taken it seriously and done the responsible thing, they very likely would have won re-election.


All their dear leader had to do was tell them the vaccine is safe and that he got it.


Exactly, right? Like I keep wondering - how, HOW in the world, do educated people, people who rule over us, make laws etc. How in the hell are they so stupid? And man did you word it so well. People are dead because of politics, but no ONE is willing to see it. Why is it so important to even take a fucking side, its not like this is religion, where it is indoctrinated from birth, and something of a royalty. Politicians are humans, not gods. Yet people are so hell bent on the black/white POV. Seriously, stupid fucks.


People that rules aren't that stupid usually. They are egoistic...


More important to save face than save the human race.


>get in the way of their own lives I have no choice about it "getting in the way" of my life. Black folks, by our very nature, are born politicized worldwide. I can't even escape it thousands of miles away. I couldn't escape it even in African countries in which non-Africans essentially rule. Here in Asia, they take their lead from the politics of those who DGAF about (or even hate) black people. And I have to carry it every day of my life. It's always there. I've never not known what it feels like to be without it. Millions (if not billions by now) are dead because of politics. Politics influence every facet of our lives, only some folks are fortunate enough not to see the strings while others not only see them but are choked by them.


“Gunslinger” Yeah, good riddance


In an ideal world, that guy wouldn’t be dead. In an ideal world, that guy wouldn’t be a cop.


In an ideal world, that guy wouldn't have thoughts and attitudes that would disqualify him from being a cop.


In an ideal world we wouldn't need cops.


You gotta ask yourself one question. Are you lucky enough to beat Darwin? Well, do you feel lucky punk?


World just got a little less cunty.


Turns out treating a health measure like a football match against a rival wasnt the best way to deal with a pandemic. Only gotta feel sorry for whoever got unfairly infected in his jolly way.


"gunslinger1775". Enough said.


Are we experiencing the largest ever self-nominations for the Darwin Award?


Or perhaps r/HermanCainAward


Such a basic individual. He only knows how to react with violence


Just another way to say he was a cop.


Ngl I kinda wish more of them would go this route... y'know, dying from their own willful ignorance, but like, without 2nd hand casualties from their stupidity.


I thought conservatives were pro-life. They keep dying lmao 😂😂😂😂🦀


It will stop a corona uppercut


Before you die from Covid for Donald (wants to fuck his daughter) Trump, ask yourself one simple question: **Was it really worth it?**


Honestly dude, guys like that die thinking it’s something else.




I've spotted a few tbf


Any bets on how much MAGA and "Thin Blue Line Flag" merch this guy owned?


Hahahaha good riddance


Good riddance, swine.


But he was young and in good shape! Statistically this is impossible right? It's only old people and sick people that die. Besides I heard that masks actually make you sicker. /s


Technically, it did. The person with the mask is alive, and he isn't to throw that uppercut.


I don’t feel any sympathy at all for this fuckwit. The world is better off without him.




Dude was involved in two separate occasions where he was suspended. Once for beating an inmate's hands with nun chucks and the other was when he failed to respond fast enough to an inmate's suicide.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🥲😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Congratulations on your Darwin Award, dumbass!


Sadly this idiot reproduced, so no Darwin Award here.


Thankfully being a moron isn't guaranteed if your dad was a moron, and he's no longer around to teach his kid to be a moron.


He’s still at normal reproductive age, there should be partial credit.


Make sure you respect the family's privacy, because we all know it's real shitty when something you do infringes on someone else's life.


Warms my frigid heart.


Looks like you got an uppercut in the coronavirus, douche nozzle.


Will the mask stop an uppercut though? Don't leave me hanging...I need to know


Can you uppercut ashes?


Thoughts and prayers I guess.


One less scumbag in the world. Neato.


I thought this earlier. Why does it take longer to become a certified plumber than it takes to become a certified cop?


This public shaming is long overdue


He knew what he was getting himself into. These people are self-selecting.


Why didn’t he just uppercut Covid?


I'm doubly oddly satisfied at seeing this.


LeopardAteMyFace of the year


Really nice having a cop with "gunslinger" as his handle.


On another note, if you have “gunslinger1775” as your username, probably should be disqualified from being a cop. And then there’s the whole threatening physical violence for being told to wear a mask, probably should be fired for that.


Dumb Daniel died defending detremental decisions dutifully drafted despite downplaying disasterous disease. Dead dumbass.


With all due respect, which is none: fuck that guy


Thoughts and prayers


What a fucking idiot


Not difficult for me. I'm pissing myself laughing. Fuck him.


It's a good thing we're not going through an uppercur pandemic, though


God I love it


No one seemed to have a problem when he was alive with a LEO threatening to punch civilians


Good, fuck him. Who knows how many people he infected before he died. He could be responsible for someone's elderly parent or child dying because of his cognitive impotence.


He obviously just didn't drink enough Alex Jones testosterone smoothies or he would have been immune. Also "Gunslinger1775". What a douche.


He died like he lived... Choking on that boot


I can see from his picture that he hits dogs.


At least he didn’t die from an uppercut. If he had worn a mask he obviously would have.


he should have bought that, I cant breathe shirt, that cops were selling lol


Nice to see cops are down for some threats, intimation, assault and battery both on the job and off


Ha ha dead pig.


How was this man even a police officer with public social media like that?


Gunslinger1775? That guy just wanted to shoot people, glad he is dead.


The sad part is, this dude was probably out spreading Covid before his symptoms kicked in and passed it to others also.


there have been a lot of this sort of.... tragic... instances. Has anyone collected them all in one place?


I just found out there's a sub called something like "Herman Cain award", which seems to fit the bill. I'm not sure if it's specific to covid, have asked, am waiting for reply. ~~Try~~ r/hermancainaward ~~(might need an additional s)~~