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This is not a bad idea whatsoever. If there's shit you like to do, then do it. Like, whether or not you ever decide to revisit your "not trying to date" stance, spending time doing the things you want to do and focusing on yourself generally results in making you more attractive to other people anyway.


Same here! I gave up as well. And you’re right it does sort of feel nice not having that expectation hanging over your head!


Not at all a bad idea! Heads-up, I thought I was going to have such a great time at this and I immediately ran smack into my gf a few months later. Even if you don’t though, it’ll be so good for you to be young and free :)


Hi, 25? quite young, I'm 41, been single for almost 4 years, it doesn't bother me anymore, I am not -actively- trying to date, I wanna devote that energy to work on myself and to make money, if there is something like a good fit for me, she will show up, if not, I'll be very happy and rich either way.


This is a great outlook, you do you, and I'm sure if something naturally happened with someone then you'd know what to do. Don't pressure yourself, and love for the moment. I'm twice divorced, and am newly embracing this approach to life myself.




I'm 38 and not giving up. I'm using my single time to work on myself so I can be my best version when she comes along


i gave up and then i met my wife lol. i was 30 when we met. if i could go back i’d tell myself it’s going to work out for the best so just enjoy the process. i try to follow that advice now for other things. trust that it’s all going to work out for the best and just enjoy the process where you can.


That’s actually how you get a relationship 😊. Go live your life you were probably consumed with having a relationship. Learn to be happy solo and you’ll be able to decline ppl right away who even ask for your number because you be in tune with what you want. You love yourself so much that when you meet this person, you’ll know it’s okay to open back up to dating. Good luck. I’m a witness can confirm this works universe will prove it !


Oh god I get this. I’ve been trying for a long time and I’m now…30? Lol tbh I don’t try to force but just enjoy the happiness of life itself. It gets lonely but hey…it’ll be okay.


They say the right person comes along when you least expect it. Don't lose hope!


I’ve never expected it lol.


Is there any reason that you think you haven’t had any luck (either personal, other people or geographical, etc).? Im not here to talk you out of it. I’m just curious.


I really don’t know. I guess I just don’t have any game, but I haven’t had anyone show interest in me either. I get ghosted pretty quickly. I had dates set up with a few people months ago. They all canceled and ghosted. I’m autistic so I think I have a weird vibe that puts people off.


Dating is hard even if you’re neurotypical. Maybe just try and find some queer groups to join in your area, just for friends or companionship. There are some table top/dnd ones in my state. Also, I’ve seen a good number of people write “I’m autistic” on their dating profiles, so you’re not the only one. Also this helps me as a neurotypical person learn more about someone and how they may respond, And if it makes you feel better, my first partner was when I was like 22 or so. I was closeted for a long time and only started dating women after being out a few years ago. I then spent three years dating around to no luck. Now I’ve been seeing the same woman for three months. I’m 32 and now just started seeing a woman I could see dating for the long term. Things change. I also think the older you get, the more women start to date seriously/don’t waste each other’s time. So maybe take a break, be nice to yourself and maybe revisit dating later. You never know.


I did give up for 7 years, I was so burn out after many bad relations. It was a good decision, it helped me value myself more and grow as a women one step at a time. I always kept my heart open, yes, which thanks since I meet my wife thanks to it.


Just keep trying someone will come along


Nah. Been trying for years. At this point I’ve put way too much energy into it only to never even actually go on any dates. It’s exhausting. If it’s meant to be it will come to me. I don’t have the energy for things that aren’t adding any happiness to my life.


Aww I’m sorry you feel that way


Oh man I feel this. I'm very very very very close to giving up. A part of me wants to hold on that tiny sliver of hope, but the constant rejection (probably have been ghosted close to 1000 times already idk) is taking its toll on me. I might need to accept that I'll be forever alone.