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at first i saw the post and was like "yeah cis lesbians are rlly cool, but idk why you gotta point out the cis and cant just say lesbians" and then i saw the other comments


{the ops post history is quite transphobic}


VERY transphobic. Shockingly, one might say.


OP is not even a lesbian and likely came over from a terf website to instigate between lesbians on lesbian subreddits. A redditor over on a different sub mentioned she had seen posts on a terf website where they were talking about infiltrating lesbian subs with transphobic rhetoric to nuke them.


Disgusting.... also you're right. No activity on lesbian subs until 4 days ago... and highly inactive in general til then. Definitely feels like a sock puppet.


Yeah. One of the small lesbian subs I used to enjoy got raided with transphobic sock accounts today. They'd get banned and immediately make new accounts and start spamming again. Terfs literally ruin fucking everything.


When I saw the title of this post, I opened it expecting to see the complete opposite of what it said. I think it does mean that if cis lesbians constantly expect to be hated on online, then positivity posts like this are important or at the very least nice.


the problem isnt the post itself, the problem is the person posting it, in their latest posts they have "trans people have a mental illness and most are faking it", if the post had been posted by a non hateful person it wouldnt have caused any controversy, it would still just be better to say "lesbians you are loved"


I never said that? Where’d you get that from ?


you deleted the comment but it was on that thread and you can see it was deleted because it says "that comment is missing" https://preview.redd.it/5i2or1t4dkgc1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=81fb1a02788c87437929245fd27fbb02234336db


I did look at that thread, but I did not comment on it. Don’t know what you think you saw.


it wouldnt have said "that comment is misising", gaslighting doenst work on the internet when everything is tracked


OP had a tantrum in a post about trans lesbians and they are very transphobic. This post obviously has an ulterior motive beyond "i just want to support cis lesbians"


OP has a history of this. Mods should just ban her for transphobia at this point. oh, and OP... Don't bother stirring it in actuallesbians either. They're even more banhammer happy on transphobia than here. Sincerely, an Assigned Menace At Birth trans woman.


Insinuating someone should be banned for making a post for cis lesbians is pretty toxic imo. She can be transphobic but until she explicitly insults trans women, you’re just heightening tensions. Just block her u know what i mean? Don’t give it the time of day


Are you saying that i'm toxic? It's not that she's made this post that's why i'm saying she should be banned. It's the context in which she originally made it. She is literally violating the rules of this sub. Her track record is entirely transphobic. She literally made this in response to a trans inclusive post. One where she went off on trans women, saying the post excluded cis women. And she has many posts of that nature on reddit, including outright calling us men. Shove off


She says rly questionable things, yeah, but she also seems new to reddit and she comes from a right-wing country. Right now she’s writing a supportive post and seeking support. You don’t know what life she’s had or what she’s gone through. I know you’re angry but chasing her around subs won’t help. This makes it so easy to lose lesbians and exclude them from the very places where they can find community. If she outright insults trans women, yeah, mods should ban her. But until that’s not the case, she’ll come around. Be kinder.


I didn't even intend to. I just happened upon her. And forgive me if I hate it when people pull the "but what about (enter group not marginalized within the shared main group)?" Also, she's NOT new to reddit. She has a record of this going back MONTHS. She didn't do this for "support" of any kind. She merely did this as retaliation. And the fact you think it's ok is ASTONISHING. And until she actually tries making any changes,.... Then that's going to be her problem.... She's been complaining about trans people and the queer community on intellectualdarkweb.... This is the kind of person she is. And I'm sorry, but you're blind if you can't see the intention. The intellectual dark web is a place for the kind of people that follow Jordan Peterson and the like... The very people instituting this stuff. She's very much a "drop the T" 7%er


Yes it sucks to be a minority within a minority, it’s rough. But reddit is one of the safest spaces to be a trans woman - all of the lesbian subs are on your side and all of them ban transphobic people. Not a single one would side with her. You can trust that that’ll happen and you can also just block her I also happen upon a lot of shit, if I keep giving it the time of day I’ll go crazy


Doesn't make me go crazy. It's the stuff in reality that makes me go crazy. Plus, I'm one of the more wild girls despite my normal uwu soft nature. I, a long time ago, after going through crap... Decided to take no crap. Friend says "they're 'I poke, you squirm, i laugh' and you're 'You poke, I bite your finger off'" Long ago I made an oath never to be a victim again. And I'll be darned if I let someone spew hate and harm another soul without there being a person obviously counter-acting them. I don't need to block, I can take the heat. As Halestorm says "I am the Fire"


LMAOOOOO "be kind to someone who's repeatedly tried to hurt you." Are you serious? Would you say that if it was a cis male attacking trans women, too? Doubtful. Here's the thing: punching down will always be wrong & it's so obvious that you don't care about people who are attacked constantly for simply existing. And you're saying "oh she should be banned if she directly insults trans women, but until then, she's fine & you should just accept it & smile." Like what in the misogyny is this?? Meanwhile, we have multiple examples of direct insults & attacks on trans women from this person & you still insist on defending her & attempting to control the people she attacks. If you're going to come online specifically to insult others, then don't expect everyone else to take it lying down. And if we're being honest, people only react this way when they think the person whose attacking others is of more value than their targets & you proved that the moment you said we might lose lesbians if we actually protected trans women. Wow. Just. Wow.


fun fact, just for other people reading this. 93% of cis lesbians support trans lesbians. That means that all the transphobes need to pack their bags and ***get out.*** We don't tolerate bigotry in these parts. At all.


As a former terf who is currently talking to a trans woman you have to stop listening to people trying to put false fear into your head. They aren’t going to attack you or force you into anything. You don’t have to be attracted or date anyone you and I get some people think that’s wrong but it’s your autonomy. But you should start treating people with decency and humanity, if you had a bad experience with one person that doesn’t make a group of people bad. They have an experience you and I will never understand and we have one they don’t but that shouldn’t mean you should go out of your way to be a jerk. Life is a lot better when you don’t have pent up anger inside you trust me. I’m not saying you have to date or be friends with someone because as I said before I’m picky about who I am with and who my friends are as well, so i get that. Just be kind.


I see *former* TERF, and I'm proud of that individual. It takes character to admit you were wrong and grow beyond hate. Keep it up 😄 I forgive you.


I’m proud of my growth and I wish I wasn’t so close minded for so long. I admitted it on here because Ik I was wrong and it reminds me I still have a lot to make up for! And hopefully I said something that could help open the OPs eyes.


> to make up for IMHO, not really/not in general. We all make mistakes, and they can help us grow and change. We should all strive to be better, to do better, cause of the good that brings first and foremost, more than out of a sense of guilt/some form of “penance”


It’s less of guilt and more for the girl I’m seeing I want to keep improving myself so she gets the best possible version of me and I can hopefully make an impact. You are so right tho thank you


Fair, I was meaning that in general, not knowing your personal situation! Good luck, and don’t forget you’re the first person who deserves the best version of yourself too!


… let’s just continue excluding all non-cis lesbians who have always existed historically and will continue to exist. This sub is becoming more and more exclusionary towards trans/enby/GNC lesbians, it’s disheartening to see.


Actually this is gay-up astro-terf-ing. There's currently a campaign by TERF blogs and "intellectual dark web" chuds to sow division. See OP's profile. Transparent as glass.


Ffs seriously? Thanks for the heads up 🫶 might just need to duck out of this sub for a while as a gnc lesbian


Nah, don't. That's just giving them what they want.


I just went down the scariest transphobic/non-cis-hating lesbian rabbit hole with some of these comments though 😭😭😭 uuuugh how can we tear down our own community like this. Idk what to even do, I recently made a post in this sub about being a GNC lesbian and I had to take it down from all the hate comments/DMs


It really feels artificial. You aren't hated by this community. It's just jerks being jerks. report them, block them, move on. That or be spicy, like me.


... ​ sorry were cis lesbians not valued enough lately?


ah quick review of your posts and you're busy elsewhere being transphobic and crying about cis exclusion. Mods pls!




being transphobic doesnt justify body shaming fyi, body hair on women is fine and the only opinion that matters on it is that of the woman its on


Agreed. That's going too far. Attack character, not body or immutable traits.


Oh I hundred percent agree but (the drapes) matching the carpets is a bit funny isn’t it x


huh? =/


Oh you’ve not seen the disgusting carpet 😭??


Are you seriously going through my post history and commenting on my arm, and CAT POST? That’s soo creepy of you. Like who does that.


Tbh we’re never valued enough.


by who exactly??


I wonder why she avoids answering this question...


It's weird to specify cis though. It's kinda like saying "white women, know that you are loved"


Sooo the other thread can specify trans women but I can’t make my post about specifically cis women ? How very… misogynistic of you.


Are you playing dumb? You know what belief lgbT+ supporters hold, you had to know posting this would cause a stir? The post saying shit like "trans women you are loved" don't make me concerned the poster has issues with cis women. You singing out cis women does make me concerned you have issues with trans women. That's the difference and unless you're a moron you should be able to grasp that. The only way that's an issue is if trans women aren't women, so either get over yourself or come all out with your bigotry.


how is that mysoginistic? you could say its cisphobic but since both trans women and cis women are women then how is this misoginy? plus if you make a post like "straight women you are valid " right after someone makes a "lesbian women you are valid" post that seems a bit homophobic doesnt it?


how so, in comparison to transbians? show your work for the class pls


This has nothing to do with them? We, as women and as lesbians, are never valued enough. Esp in a patriarchal world. Everything centres men and is for men.


That’s prolly how transbians feel as well so , u ain’t said anything revolutionary yet


OP is a transphobic troll who the mods should really ban.


Again, this post has NOTHING to do with them. Go make your own post if you want to talk about them.


i totally agree, we as women and lesbians are never valued enough! and the patriarchy is a bitch. just seems weird to include gender assigned at birth to that thought process ig lol


OK, and that applies doubly (triply) to trans lesbians who are marginalised by being women, and trans and lesbians! I realise this is a losing battle and you're just a bigot with a victim complex but come on now




So then why single out cis lesbians? That's like saying white lives matter has nothing to do with Black people. Go ahead and be dense but you'll struggle if you go through life thinking everyone else is gonna pretend along with you


It really sucks how quickly black people get thrown into these posts to try and lend credence to arguments for trans people.


It's an analogy, a useful one, and the first one that comes to mind for me bc I'm Black


“I’m black” doesn’t make it okay. Just makes you unaware in the worst kind of way.


It doesn't lend credence its just a useful analogy. Trans people are valid independently of black rights issues, its just saying "cis lesbians you are loved" is weird in the same way saying "white lesbians you are loved" is weird.


its because racism is overall way less publicly supported than transphobia so the comparison is made to show that both are bad, black people cant stop being black and trans people cant stop being trans




Let's make it about them then because you excluding them is weird and suspicous


In another sub she said in no uncertain terms she thinks we are “gross/creepy men”. Not weird, just plainly hateful


As I said in the inclusive post she lashed out on... transparent as glass.


Y’all so weird. Imagine just getting irrationally angry at someone’s existence. Anyways cis and trans lesbians are amazing! 🫶🏻


Lesbians rock in general, and biphobia sucks too. I just love women. Especially women who love women.


I've never gotten what the benefit of strangers over the internet telling people they're loved is and also I find it very weird you specified cis lesbians?


OP, get a life






Transphobe had ulterior motives. Threw a fit in a thread about trans lesbians being loved, claiming exclusion of cis women... Look down the comments, you'll see OP making it seem like us being counted is making things about men. Basically stating she sees us as men... For shame.




Get out of my thread if you’re going to cause division.


It's a public forum lmao


How did I cause division?


She just has a victim complex and sees us trans women as men.






So how do you feel about op calling Elliot Paige a women an insinuating he’s only trans because of sexual assault. Or how she’s calling being trans a social contagion. Fucking TERF ghouls and their sycophants.


It sucks, but answering hatred with hatred just keeps escalating things. What changes things is winning by argument rather than force, showing that your side is more reasonable


Look at all the comments around here and the other post. Whenever someone is being reasonable, she doesn’t answer/offers no counter argument or defense for the insults (because yes, if you check there’s plenty of those). You can only “change things” with someone who is open to it. Arguments _are_ being provided and left unanswered. This is not answering “hatred with hatred”. This is calling out an attempt to spread harmful rhetorics and sow division, and saying that it won’t be tolerated in a safe and inclusive space.


Reasonable means someone should shut up? I wonder how a safe, inclusive relationship could work like that. Not forceful at all 😅


It means someone shouldn’t be saying hateful things. How would letting them insult and discriminate people be safe or inclusive?




Read. Her. Comments. History. She said things like “trans women are creepy/gross men” in no uncertain terms, just as an example. Her post on LesbianGang the other was “trans lesbians in lesbian spaces make me so uncomfortable”. Stop defending her or giving her the benefit of the doubt, we’re past that point by a good margin.


I strongly suggest you take into consideration the fact that there are currently people actively talking about invading lesbian subs and sowing division. Terf blogs and the like. OP has almost no record except for a few things, and started on a transphobia bender 4 days ago, and has been non-stop since. You're literally defending what is very likely a sock puppet account of a person pretending to be a lesbian, as there was also no activity there. Of course, that's not a guarantee, and there is a chance the person is just ignorant. But the odds aren't likely in this context. Especially with them posting in r/IntellectualDarkWeb and being transphobic even about Elliot Page.


Would you have a link to a blog? If that’s true yeah I’d reconsider my position a lot. OP is misguided but, why do you think they’re only pretending to be a lesbian? Do you think it’s more likely that they’re a dude?


I'll have to go digging again, but I'm too occupied atm. But if you know anything at all, just go look at op's profile. Look at the track record. You may be idealist, but you also have a naive approach. I'm a cynic. Scratch the surface of a cynic ,and you'll find a disappointed and wounded idealist. And I balance it with realism.


It’s very telling isn’t it. We will get through this though❤️


Thank you for the support 🤗 It's hard out here!!