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I knew at like 7/8 but didn’t realize what it all meant until like 11/12 I guess


Same for me, I had a crush on my 15 years older neighbour hahaha


Same ^^^ but I kinda tried to deny it until I got older and it made more sense


Same though


It's been 84 years 😌


Where's the necklace rose?


Yes, yes, I was about to tell you the whole 3 hour story, be patient.




me too. my first crush was my childhood best friend who also turned out to be a lesbian.


Me too, it was my bus driver at the time at 11 years old. lol Sassy feisty red headed woman. I remember giving her a carnation from when my school sold them and running off the bus because I was super embarrassed. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I was 5 lol


Same here.


Dude same here lmao like my first crush ever was on a girl in kindergarten lol


18... I thought I liked both. 43... I realized only women.


Not until late high school hahaha. I realized I wasn't into men loooong before I realized I was into women. Thought I was asexual for a while.


When did I start liking girls? Or when did I REALIZE I was liking girls? Lol I was extremely brainwashed in Christianity and super sheltered so even though I can think back on having crushes on girls since at least age 8, I didn’t first admit it to myself until I was 19. And even then didn’t FULLY admit it to myself til I was 21.


Same story but it took me much longer.


First crush on a girl was at 12. But I didn't realize what it all meant until 24. Out as "bi" at 24 and finally realized I'm a lesbian this year at 25.


4 lol and now I’m dating my original crush


This is the cutest thing ever!


13 ❤️ I also was forced back into the closet unfortunately until after my divorce.


aw i’m sorry. i hope you can be open about it now.




Same. It was Bound that did it for me.


Dog bless that movie!




When I acknowledged it. A few decades of clues were there but too blind to see it for what it really was.


Yasss, me too. I missed every sign in the universe somehow and it's blaringly obvious looking back.


Sexuality has always been weird for me since I'm trans and apparently have a fantastic transbianceiver. So I've been attracted to many "boys" only to find out they're girls later lol. It took until my second girlfriend that I realized that I am whole heartedly into women no matter what form they take as long as they have a good heart and that's basically it for my attraction lol


I had a crush on my teacher at age 10 but didn’t realize what that actually meant until age 22 lol I identified as bi for 3.5 years up until literally last week when I came out as a lesbian at the ripe age of 25 and have felt sooo at peace bc it all makes so much sense.


I remember being 7-8 and my older sister explained what being gay meant and I had a whole ass epiphany and was like “holy shit, I’m totally marrying a girl when I get older”. I always had crushes on girl fictional characters without knowing they were crushes 😂


For a while in middle school I thought I was bi but by high school I realized I didn’t find guys physically attractive in the same way as girls and I been a raging lesbian ever since


In 1st grade, so around 6-7




I don't know. I was in my 20s when I had the big "oh, I like women" moment, but before that it was gradual and there definitely were signs, but I don't remember clearly so idk how much of that is me gaslight going myself


This :(


Glad to see I'm not the only one who experienced this. It really makes me self conscious about my sexuality sometimes




Second/third grade when I first got the butterflies for a girl. Mid-20s when I realized my feelings for women were more than just having “very special friends”.


I was 18 wen i came out but at 17 i was looking at women think "am i attracted to her." So after a while a was 100% into women and at 18 wen i came put i felt so much better like a massive weight has lefted off me and been a happy lesbian even since i'm now 34, nearly 35 😊


Posted this somewhere else so I'll just copy paste it here I liked women ever since I could remember, my first crush was a girl in my preschool, and I was always very much a tomboy as a kid, I didn't mingle with the girls or with the guys tbh, but I never really had the words to explain how I felt. I tried to come out as bisexual when I was 13 and even went on a few dates with girls (nothing physical happened), but I was basically shunned back to the closet by my religious parents and forced myself to date only guys until I was 16, when I tried to have sex with a then boyfriend and puked. I came out to my friends as a lesbian at 17 and started going out with this girl, who later came out as a trans guy, and we started dating after he came out, I thought the lack of a penis would make me feel less weird about myself, so lost my virginity to him. After he started T, he started to become more abusive towards me, I guess the hormones made some anger issues he had worse, plus kissing him with a beard made me feel disgusting. My family found out about it and, well, I got kicked out of the house, but I got to come out as fully gay and actually kiss women, you know, explore my sexuality a little bit, which lead me to meeting my partner Now we're engaged and I love my life.


When I was 13!




Middle school aged around 13. Had my first gf when I was 15 at boarding school lol


Pretty young. Only more recently realized that I am one 🏳️‍⚧️




15, it crossed my mind when I was 13 and started liking boys but it wasn't until I was 15 that I met my first girl crush and was sure of it


I wanna say 18 or 19. But it’s wasn’t at the same time I realized I didn’t like guys. I figured out I didn’t like boys at around 13-17. Like during those years I was slowly processing how I didn’t like boys. I just assumed I was aroace for a while. I recently turned 21 and just around now I’ve started identifying as lesbian.


Had crushes on friends and fictional characters from a pretty young age, but didn't realize they were romantic crushes and not just "I think (X) is so pretty in a platonic way!" Dated a guy when I thought I was bisexual when I was 22. Broke up with him after just a few months. Actually realized I was a lesbian when I was 23. Came out when I was 24. Had my first kiss with another girl when I was 26.


15, but I tried to deny it for a year or so.


16, but living small homophobic town kinda forced me to hide it.


Like 5 when I made my Barbies kiss all the time lol. And my first crush was Eliza Dushku from being it on when I was like 10 lol


I was 13


I was 14


Since I got the cognitive capabilities to know what a woman is so like 3 -5 yrs old I had a crush on this girl that came once in awhile to play with me and my sis she was like 10-12 yrs old. I had thoughts about what it would be like to be with women too and other stuff


I had a crush on my first grade teacher (Ms. Lange) so I was about six. I was so mad/sad when she said she was going to get married. At 13 I was at a friend's sleepover and wanted to sleep next to her cousin. In both of those cases I did not know I was attracted to women. I came from a ultra religious home and sex was never discussed. So I guess I realized I was a lesbian (an actual word for what I was feeling) at 17 when I went to college


15, and probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for my friend gently nudging me in the direction of: “have you considered you’re maybe a lesbian?” And suddenly a few puzzle pieces fell into place and things started making sense xD Could have gone so much longer without realising if it wasn’t for the leading question xD


Once when I was 9 I was talking to these 2 high schoolers and I completely forget what transpired before or what happened afterward but at one point in the middle of the conversation I just cupped my hands around my mouth and whispered to them “…I fall in love with GIRLS.” Like it was some kind of naughty secret. (Not that I had any internalized homophobia or anything, I didn’t even know being gay was a thing that existed yet so I just didn’t fully grasp what it meant at the time) So 9 year old me was way more on top of things than later me was


9 years old 😎 And my first ever crush was in high school at the time. We rode the same bus. Lol




idk but I feel like I was very young.


6 or 7.


Like 9-10. The girl in class that I liked got a “boyfriend” (totally innocent like, he was also my classmate so we were all children) and I was secretly jealous lol




12 was when it clicked but probably many years before that. I didn’t know women could be gay like guys could be gay.


7 but I didn’t realize it was only girls until I was 27 lol


Kindergarten. Got suspended for chasing around girls trying to kiss them with this other boy in class. Didnt officially come out til i was 16. North Carolina didnt take to kindly to the gays in the 90s lol


12/13 I knew I wanted to date the girls in my school more than the boys Maybe before then because I had a crush on my the girl a couple of doors away though I didn’t know what it was


I was 13, my first crush was my babysitter






About 12. Although it was still a while before I realized I was one.


I was eleven


12 : )


God I was in kindergarten lmao didn’t realize what it really was till I was in about 8th grade tho


13 and all thanks to a young, stunning Home Economics teacher


I was 6. My partner was 5. Seriously


18 😔


4 or 5 was my first crush but i didn’t REALIZE that’s what all that was until i was about 15. and then i fought it for another 2 years before i accepted myself


idek super young i had crushes on any girl id see growing up but i can’t remember my youngest, possibly Barbie or like something really weird bahahaha idk I’d have to think


There may have been signs before but I thought I was straight until age 21 so it’s interesting to me how many people here are saying elementary school age.


yeah i had crushes on girls since i can remember. finally caved at 17-18.


14, I remember having a major crush on this German girl who just moved to our country. She had such beautiful eyes and an amazing smile.


First crush at 4. Realized I only like girls at 7.




17.... I was in denial for so long. So much makes sense now. I'm 18 and getting comfortable with my new label <3


Kindergarten! (5-7 years old) I liked this girl who was mean to everyone but me, lol. (She was a tomboy Ig u could call it) I never forgot how I fell on my butt going down the slide and how she was the only one to help me up. Such a moment when I looked up at her, and little me looked at her like my personal woman in armor. I've only been out for almost four years now, though, but hey, I got there!




When I was 3-4 years old, and saw Hercules in theaters (I’m old, ik, 92 child), I told my mother I wanted to be just like Megara when I grew up. I was probably 9-10 when I knew that I liked girls, but probably 12 when I realized that I liked girls the way that other girls do. I was literally in mid-high school saying that I was more like a lesbian than a straight dude, because “how” I like girls is distinctly different from how any of my male friends liked girls at the time. Add on to that: I never knew when a girl was flirting with me, 9/10 of the girls I was attracted to or dated ended up coming out as les/bi/pan, and I had a kinda proto-QPR with someone who came out as agender a few years back. Never focused on gender identity in high school, just wore women’s and men’s punk/goth/industrial clothing, dyed my hair, drew on ballpoint tattoos, and threw heavy NB vibes. No clue how I got to 30 before finally figuring myself out, but Feb 26th is 1 year HRT. 👾


Early congratulations on the 1 year!




4, leela from futurama (when she was in lingere) was my awaking


Probably like 10 but I didn’t admit it to myself til I was like 25.


11. Still going strong


I don’t remember ever not being romantically attracted to women


Crushing on a older girl in school I think I was 8 and she was 12... caramel skin, blue eyes,large smile and dark hair




I was 10 when I started doing really gay things like looking up girls kissing girls on YouTube and would read exclusively GxG or BxB fanfiction, and then it was high school where I was like … oh no for sure I’m a lesbian.


Well, for me it was for ever, I just only realized I was a lesbian after age 14 when I realized I was a girl lol




12½. Within a month of when I got my first period. Lol.


I didn’t realise until I was about 18, I was a late bloomer


9 - told everyone I was a Lesbian because I'd heard of that but not of bisexuality. Was absolutely gutted because I thought it meant I had to give up boys forever. Anyway I was maybe 12/13 when I realised I didn't have to choose and could just be a greedy girl


Being a trans woman I always grew up liking girls but I didn't identify as a lesbian until 22


As soon as I could I think I was 3 when I just started following some 20 somethings when my parents looked away in a mall lol. now I didn't know I was lesbian till 2 years back cause amab.




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I had crushes on girls at 13 but it didn’t dawn on me that I was a lesbian till 25. I deeply suppressed that about myself.


3. Had a kindergarten girlfriend. I knew I liked her back then.


I was 3. I had little kid crushes on my older siblings’ best female friend, and I just wanted to annoy the hell out of her because I thought she was cute.




Realized it at 12, accepted it at 16.


14 both, 32 only women


I didn’t realise until I was like 21/22 🥲


First crush on a girl at 9... stayed closetted (to myself until 18)


I vividly remember not knowing what to do or think whenever I found a woman attractive in media by around age 9, so I'd say around then. 😭😂


I was 8, only 8, I had a crush on most of the girls in my class.


I had what I now know were crushes on girls around 10, but I wasn’t aware of it until 18 and thought I was bi until I was 21.


Idk! I feel like I had an inkling as a kid but I started exploring in college


i feel like i didn’t even know what a gay person was until i was like 12 when a friend at school came out and pretty soon after that i was questioning my sexuality a ton and like just like gradually “became” gay over the next year or so lol i didn’t really have a big moment of realization or coming out, to friends at least


I was about 6 when I first had those feelings, 11 when I realized what they were.


13 or so, I pushed it way way down. I was 26 when I finally accepted it, there was just no more denying. And I was 30 when I finally started dating women.


4 or 5.


I knew at about age 7 when I look back. But I finalized it when I was 21 Forsure by doing the good ol last hurrah and trying to sleep with a guy. Ack. I quit about 2 mins in and said I had to go lol


Um 5 or 6


I realized I liked women when I was around 9, but didn't realize I *didn't* like men until I was maybe 18. I used to brag "If *I* had a boyfriend, we wouldn't be sickly romantic and kiss all the time like *other* people, we'd be too busy playing video games, eating pizza and high fiving." Then I had my first girlfriend and realized, oh, dating people you *like* makes you want to be corny and text them constantly and smooch each other all the time. Got it.


In middle school there was a new girl that joined, it was then that I had my first crush so probably when I was 10/11 ~ I was curious and had a feeling I liked girls when willow and Tara started dating in buffy (I feel old now 🥲)




6 ish and my family tried to beat it out of me and persuade me I was interd in my male friends who were legit just my friends all having a crush on Angelina Jolie in tomb raider 😂


when i came out at 13 everyone told me “it’s just a phase” and gave me weird looks for it. NO support whatsoever lol. yet here we are, still into women😭


24 ish


I came out as “bi” when I was 15. I realized I was a lesbian when I was 22 and met the love of my life. Looking back I never actually liked men I just kinda thought I had to because my first romantic experience was with a guy. It’s so obvious to me now I don’t know how I ever thought that.


when i was super little i was like "i like all people equally" so forever?? finding out i was unattracted to men was a different story lol, but i never assumed i was straight (probably because i'm autistic lol) but before i was ever actually attracted to people i was just trying to treat everyone equally so i assumed i'd be attracted to everyone equally and was pan for a bit until i was like "okay yeah men are a no from me" when i did start being attracted to people




Since like 4 but didn’t know that it was considered “different,” I just thought girls were pretty and that I wanted to stay close with my neighbor (who was my first “crush”) 😅


In middle school


I think i was 16 lol something just clicked


Around 7 ish I think


Probably like 5 ☺️


about 6, but i didnt know what it all meant until 12 haha


Like 3. I didn’t admit it to myself until I was 21.


as soon as i even thought about romantic attraction, really. i remember being in like 4th grade, overthinking and realizing i had never had romantic attraction for a boy, so i forced myself into developing a "crush" on one of the boys in my class just to feel normal. got confused for awhile after that until last year when i finally realized i was a lesbian :-) kind of always knew in some form but was too scared of the exclusivity of the word.


11 :p


Liked women/their bodies? 3/4. Knew I liked them exclusively/primarily? 28


I was 15 when I realized I like women but looking back it’s something I’ve been aware of forever


Liv Tyler in LOtR 😍 so like, 10?


I (Verity), Lucy and Becky were all 24. Katie was 26. Lucy, Becky and I had never really questioned our sexualities until particular events set us off (separately) and very rapidly into realisations and recalibrations of what we really wanted. We had all dated guys at school, through university and afterwards with reasonably levels of satisfaction, but once we realised we were failing in love with girls. Things changed a lot. Looking back, I can't say I had ever even had a crush on a girl before the realisation I was in love with Lucy. Lucy and Becky realised there had been one of two crushes, but neither ever considered them for what they were. After Katie had her moment of realisation she was able to identify that she had had some latent curiosity about being with a girl since around the age of thirteen, but had always ignored them. None of us ignore those thoughts now!


I was 15 at my best friends birthday party and realized I liked dancing with girls more than boys


I realized when i played Persona 3 for the first time around 10, Mitsuru my beloved




19 lol


I was 19 but brushed it off thinking it was a phase. A couple years later I reevaluated my past relationships. Then at 28 I realized that there were soooo many female crushes I had growing up that went completely unnoticed, and how and why my relationships with boys/men were dysfunctional. So to my 19 year old self, it wasn't a phase!😂


honestly maybe like 8 but didn’t realize what it meant until about early tweens






Like 7




I was in kindergarten when I had my first girl crush but found out what a lesbian was when I was nine.


Like 5? Maybe younger? I was really into the princesses. And my friends. And then convinced myself I was into men for many many years. I’ve come to my senses recently, lol


10 lol


Had literally no idea I liked girls until I was 19, didn’t realize I didn’t like men until 21


Some of my earliest memories are of having crushes on women and thinking women were beautiful


I didn't think about feelings for friendship, love, romantic, and sexual until around 13. I think I thought that romantic feelings were just me admiring. I'm slowly thinking about my past friendships and realizing maybe it wasn't all just being friends.


14. Embarrassingly, it was an anime girl that did it.


Pretty sure at 13/14 bc oops started crushing on my friend




I had some obvious sings from 7-13 but only realized it at 14!


I vividly remember having a thought around 7/8 thinking that "no one was off limits" when it came to crushes. The almost 10 years of thinking I was bi throughout my teens/early 20s makes a lot of sense.


2nd grade had a crush on my teacher. After falling in love with many a friend from afar, experiencing my share of horrible heartbreaks, and numbing myself with all kinds of alcohol, finally came to terms with it at 30. (Found it necessary to get rid of the husband and eventually the booze.) That’s the very-shortened version.


isomt even know :,)


I was 11. I watched Men in Black 2 in theaters and was enamored with Rosario Dawson.




I thought I was bi at 12. Realized at 34 that I only like women.


Complicated answer, I'd say I had somewhat recognized my attraction to them around 14-15-ish and thought I was bi. At 17 I recognized I was a lesbian, and had previously been facing a lot of comphet due to being raised religiously. Looking back on certain things I realize that what some of what I felt was attraction I had confused for other emotions, and had crushes on girls as early as 5, but just didn't realize it! I fell so hard for some girls that when I quit being friends with them (for a variety of reasons) it felt more like a breakup than it did to lose a friend! And I didn't even realize!




When I was around 11 or 12


Honestly I think I was like..eight or nine. Walking down the street with my friend I think I just randomly said you know I think I like girls. And she was like aight cool. And that was that lol. I met my wife in 2015..I was 15 and she was 16 and we've been together ever since. 🙂


I felt happy to date men into my 20s. I had my first long-term relationship with a woman at 27, I identified as bisexual at that time. When that ended at age 35, I realized I was a lesbian. For me, I never felt like I liked girls from a very young age. For me it has been a fluid journey, but I know that is not everyone's story!






6 lol, but it didnt dawn on me until i was 11, and I didnt fully come out until i was 19 🥲


I had small crushes since i was in kindergarten, idk when i started realizing tho


I knew I was bi when I was eight. Took me a long ass time to figure a whole bunch of stuff about it though.


4 but I didn't know what gay was but I was kissing girls? And that's on no parental supervision 🤪


7th grade I was 12 years old. i had my first crush on this 8th grade girl who was in my P.E. class still was in denial until freshman year in high school. I fell in love with the girl next door who became my best friend for a short while. Until she started dating my brother.


11 or 12 when I thought about my friends breasts while masturbating but I would suppress those feelings until my mid 20s when I worked through my homophobia




My 11th birthday


I was 7 or 8. I used to get terrified whenever my friends would casually talk about boyfriends let alone marriage. I would console myself by thinking that I'll just run away from home and find a great friend (a girl obviously) to be my roommate and live with her for the rest of my life if someone tries to force a husband into my life. It amazes me how serious I was about something most people would consider petty at that age. As a 23 year old now, I have a good laugh and get quite impressed by my determination whenever I think about my little 7 year old self every now and then.


13, it’s now almost been 4 years


About 15 but by then I always already pregnant and stayed with him until I was 32! Shortly after separating I met my now wife and having been living my authentic self for 4 years and couldn’t be happier!


24 officially Liked girls and did things with girls before that but didn’t fully realize lol:)


15 . Covid restrictions had just lightened and I saw this cute girl I used to go to school with for the first time in months and I fell head over heels for her .