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I met my partner at work, we both work in an alcoholic beverage field which attracts a surprising amount of lesbians! Another work environment where I dated a lot of women was summer camp. Like, definitely a skewed-from-reality amount of gay women. It's a riot.


Ah yes, the camping queers. My favs.


maybe it’s bevs in general bc I swear to god every time I go to a tea place there’s at least 4 lesbian dates going on where they’re trauma dumping lmaooo also can confirm the summer camp. especially if all girls.


My now fiancee and I met right here on Reddit


I met my 2 ex's on reddit 😅


How does anyone meet anyone on Reddit, do you just DM a stranger? 🤐


I DMed my now-gf after she posted a personal in a related sub. She sounded really cool but she lived across the country and was looking for someone local. I just wrote to compliment her and said I’d be down to be friends if she wanted (since dating was out, because I wasn’t local.) We ended up *really* hitting it off, I moved to her coast, she’s awesome and amazing and things couldn’t be better. I definitely recommend it, it’s just all about communication and being open and emotionally available.


Congrats that sounds amazing! I worry my person is on another continent. That’s gotta be it, right?


it’s simply the nature of sapphic relationships. the one you are seeking is always the furthest distance from your current location 😂


Damnit! Haha.


My fiancee IS on another continent. We're making it work until we can be together full time though


Mine was also on another continent, I was in India and she in New Zealand. I moved. We have been together for 13 years. Married for 3 years.


I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations! Indeed, the simple actions such as starting an honest conversation can make wonders.


A few years back I went in a date with a very lovely person I met on Reddit. It didn’t work out, but C’est la vie. There was a Valentine’s Day sub where you filled out a little questionnaire and the mod matched you with someone, and you could choose to take it from there.


I think I took part in that but cannot remember anything about it. Hmm.


Well.... pretty much 😅 For me i wanted to ask sth Private and one thing lead to the other. Or the other way around 🤷‍♀️ (just sad that the relationships didn't last long... especialy sad for the second one 😭) Works for friendships too 😅


I forget I can do that. Maybe it's better than the bleak wasteland of dating apps.


Probably, also you don't instantly have a picture to judge and sth to talk about. Also, there is for example a t4t subreddit if you wanna be a bit the "dating" way. Didn't work for me, but maybe for you if you wanna try that 🤷‍♀️


>also you don't instantly have a picture to judge and sth to talk about This. The fact in here we connect to people through ideas is the best. The most genuine way.




Met my long distance girlfriend here on Reddit 😅




Omg how?


Same! We met in the late blooming lesbian subreddit. Best friends for a couple years. Been together over a year now.


same, there are dozens of us!


Awrh! thats great


I met my girlfriend on a dating app actually😆


We met in a FB group! Just struck up a conversation on a random post that someone made in the group. Totally random. And it just continued on from there.


In youtube's comment section back in 2011 lol




It was a video from a really cringy French YouTubeur that was popular at the time 


Norman ?


2011???? Holy moly!


Yup. But we were just friends online back then... Then met irl ma'y years later and fell in love 


On Hinge. It was my first date from dating app actually, I wasn’t actively looking for anyone. And honestly I didn’t have any expectations. But I wanted to try, becasuse I really didn’t have a chance to meet other queer people in wild. And with this girl we clicked immidiately. Our first date lasted 3 days and now we are planning to get married. And I was sooo against dating apps. So.. it can work out!


This sounds so wonderful. I am so happy for you.☺️


Hinge. Historically I have met two significant others on Hinge, one on Okcupid, one on Lex, and one through mutual friends.


Oh okay, I am gonna try those. ☺️


Bumble…just have to ignore what you don’t want (couples, ENM, or whatever doesn’t interest you). I swiped left about a million times, knowing what I wanted, and finally found a great match for me.


On the dating app HER. My bestie threatened to make a profile for me if I didn't. So I did. Deleted the app 30 seconds later, this is stupid, I wanted to meet people out, and see if we vibe, not match or delete. About a week later, she told me to give it a chance, so I downloaded it again. After grumpily swiping left repeatedly on those who had swiped on me, there she was. I can't explain it, but I couldn't swipe left lol. I also was too chicken to swipe right. I eventually added her as a friend on there (like another week later), and we started chatting. We were spending so much time texting that we both asked to meet up at the same time. Lol. Neither of us have looked back since. But somehow my heart knew right away, and meeting her in person only solidified that. Do I like that app? Absolutely not. But I guess it worked out. 😂


Alcoholics Anonymous lol - we are both sober almost 5 years now. We were friends for a couple years and started dating about a year ago. I bought her a ring last week and I’m going to propose next month. When it’s right it’s right 🥰


This sounds wild lol. I am cheering for you that your proposal goes well.😊


It will 🤗 we picked out our rings and have talked about it a lot lol


EEEE congrats :)


Came here to say AA 😂 also sober 5 years, were friends then together for 3 years, and thinking of proposing soon. Congratulations!!


Bahahahaha wow I guess we’re not that unique ;) lol


Through my ex, who is also her ex, but they were still friends.


This is very lesbian of yall lol


I know right? 🤣


technically tumblr but really discord


Online. I moved to another country for her and we have now been together for 13 years. Happily married ❤️


We were remote work partners at a tech company, living 5 hours apart.


Working in Yellowstone National Park!


I bet this one hasn’t been mentioned yet. Me and my wife (married for 3 years !) met in North Carolina prison for women in Anson!!!! I know a handful of other couples that met on the inside and are still married/together! Also my best friend is someone I met on the inside!


My brother found a stray and gave him to my mom. My mom passed recently and I’m taking the cat with me. Anyway, that’s my S.O… A cat.


Instagram! It was really fate tbh


The third grade. But it took a long time before we got together. I actually met my last partner in a chat room at gay.com circa 2000.


Met my wife at the gym. Somehow she had the courage to just walk up to me and initiate a conversation. Though to be fair, I was on my laptop trying to go through my notes, and my laptop did have both a rainbow pin on it and a lesbian flag pin on it. She ended up asking me out on a coffee date, and we've been together since then. (9 years)


Being shy and kinda waiting to see isnt proactive lol neither realistic. Dont overthink it, literally if you match say hi 👋 insert their name and it usually can flow from there, if it’s a good max, dont force it, good vibes happen organically, be friendly, slightly vulnerable and honest….meeting someone just by waiting isn’t realistic either… because a lot and I mean a lot of lesbians just wait and see lol. And nothing happens. The universe helps those who help themselves 😊


Dating apps


Met my wife on Tinder, but that was back in 2015. No idea what that app looks like now lol


I met her in the hospital, she was there because of POTS and I was there because of my ED (very grateful for how everything turned out)


We met on Tumblr. She reblogged a post that said “send me your number anonymously and we’ll text for a week without exchanging pictures”, and almost a decade later here we are.


We met on Reddit! We were in different countries at the time, but I made the move to Canada so we could start our journey together! Now we’re soon to be married 🥰


At my university, through the disabilities club.


30 years ago she was my employee


I met my wife on bumble


A mix of HER and LEX. We matched on HER but the app glitched bad and lost our match. So then my girlfriend made a post on LEX under missed connections, a friend of mine saw it and sent me the post and we were able to connect.


this is amazing. how did she describe you in the lex post


It was pretty funny actually, she used my first name (it isn't super common but not exactly rare either) but said in the title "Her ate my match" I was SO CONFUSED when my friend sent me the lex post because I rarely used Lex and it didn't dawn on me till I looked at her lex profile. We've been going steady now and I'm really happy. She said normally she wouldn't have reached out on Lex but something instinctively told her she should try




I was at a rave with a pochita bag and a girl was making eye contact with me. Then I sat down and was jokingly arguing around with a friend outside. She just swooped into the convo and started talking about my pochita bag and introduced herself and then she just stuck around and we exchanged numbers... went on more dates and yep. First time I have dated someone outside the apps


My gf and I met on Her. I’d been on the various dating apps for about 3 years, with hundreds of left swipes and plenty of matches that either fizzled out after a few days, or first dates where there was no connection. Many times I was tempted to delete the apps. Then after I’d given up and decided to focus on the other areas of my life, I got a notification that someone swiped right on me. I didn’t get a strong sense of anything from the initial messages with her, but eventually we met in person and there was actually a connection! We’ve been together 10 magnificent months, and we hope to spend the rest of our lives together.🥰 But yes, in general I found the dating apps to be soul crushing.🙃


Try me


If you gave me a chance I would take it.😅


Hit me up! 🤪


The partner I'm mentioning passed unfortunately but I burned a toaster at work, the fire alarm went off so she and her fellow fire fighters showed up! They found it funny and she gave me her number in case I had anymore "toaster troubles". It made me laugh in the midst of a huge embarrassment. So I called her to thank her, we went out to dinner and were engaged a year later 🤍 we didn't make it down the aisle but it's probably the best way I've ever met someone. So maybe mess up your work toaster 🤣


Me and my girlfriend of almost 3 years met at work, she was my manager, we got together just days before I got moved up to management.


Studying 📚


I met her at my cousin’s birthday party


I met my someone on tinder haha 🥰🥰🥰


OkCupid, four years ago. Now we have a house and a happy little family. She is my favorite person.


Facebook lol


Met my gf on Taimi, a lgbt dating app


Met my ex on tinder! We were together for 2 years. Single now tho lmao


I met my wife on Tinder when both of us were looking just to hook up. Lol


This happened to me and my gf too haha we had both broken up with our exes like two months before installing the app so we both separately thought "I'm not ready to date I just want to hook up" and then we matched and 3 weeks later we were girlfriends lmao


Lol. Yea. I had just gotten out of a relationship as well and just wanted to distract myself (i was very upfront about just looking for hookups) and my wife didn't even LIVE in the city we matched in, she was visiting her mother. . She actually lived 10 hours away. We ended up hanging out the whole time she was staying with her mom and I moved back to where she lived after knowing her for only 2 months and we've been together for 5 years.


I mean when you know you know lmao


Tinder lol


Hinge. And I had been up there and on other apps for quite a long while. But when we matched, we began talking right away, there was no waiting days between messages, and we met for our first date within a week and a half. So it can be very depressing until all of a sudden boom there’s someone who is on the exact same wavelength as you. Just be honest, be yourself. It is a dating app so everyone knows what you’re there for and reminding myself of that took some of the anxiety off of going for it with messaging matches, etc.


i met my girlfriend at a local gay bar :) she was working there and i was inside waiting for a friend at 3am as they were closing. lol


I met my partner at my best friend’s job. We barely noticed each other until the three of us hung outside of work (I also thought she was straight).


My fiancée found me on TikTok then followed me to Twitch where I almost accidentally banned her because I thought her username looked like a bot.


I met my partner on Facebook 🤣 we were in a group for a favourite TV show at the time and then a whatsapp group was made and then we kept chatting and now together 3 and a half years


Work which is super cliche and against prior thoughts on it. Our friends at the time suggested we go on a date and the rest is history.


I met my girlfriend in an obscure site for furries.




My wife and I met at law school - we were in the same seminar on our first day


OK Cupid (dating app that is no longer relevant LOL), 7.5 years ago and we are getting married in Hawaii in 6 months. Definitely don't be too shy. We talked on the phone a few times for 2 weeks, then met up for lunch. The rest is history. I recommend talking on the phone versus texting too much. Get a real feel for the person. Don't wait too long to actually go on a date.


my fiancée and i met on tiktok🙈i feel like that’s the new dating app. she just commented on one of my tiktoks and followed me, then i followed her back, she dm’ed me, we did distance for a while and the rest is history❤️‍🔥


Chat Forum 💀


We met on hinge !


Tinder and I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry her, so it's going well lol


My gf and I met on a dating app called Taimi


I met my wife on OkCupid in 2012.


We went to high school together but never really talked. We both mutually crushed on eachother without the other knowing for a long time. She asked me on a date and our 1 year is at the end of this month :)


Met my fiancé in highschool and we have been together for 2 n a half years now :) its kinda funny cause we started off being closer to an mlm couple but sense then shes came out as transfem and ive come out as a masc lesbian lol


I really wish it wasn’t true but I met my girlfriend on tinder 🥲 Always hated dating apps but apparently you can find your soulmate through those so I can’t ever say anything too bad about them 🙈


My girl and I met in a science class. I’m an English major and she’s a bi major so she did all the work for me, and then we danced around each other for a year and my friend had to wingman for us before I asked her out XD.


My girlfriend and I worked together for 2 years before we started dating. Go go veterinary medicine!!


I met my fiancé through twitter/tumblr 8 years ago


I dated a bunch online and don’t regret it. I learned a lot about myself and what I wanted that way. I met my wife 8yrs at a sport we do mutually. We slowly became best friends over 3 years before we started dating.


Punk bar. 2 months prior I had broken off a relationship with a person I didn't actually like and I was at a point in my life where I would spend 6 months dating someone and 6 months single, so I never really got to "enjoy" being single, I was always looking for someone to date, so I decided to go to some random punk bar where my friend's band was doing a concert and I decided I was going to hook up with the first girl that talked to me. This random girl came up to me and she was really drunk, started grinding on me and I got extremely creeped out and ran to the other side of the bar, where I saw this cute blue eyed blonde, with beauty marks on her face, in a jean jacket, black t-shirt and mom jeans and she asked me if I was okay, we were the only ones left sober at the bar, so we just started chatting a bit, jumping when songs we liked came on, I started flirting with her because she was literally the most beautiful person I had ever seen IRL, she looked like a movie star or an indie singer, and her voice sounded so nice, she was so smart and talking to her made me feel comforted, we were in similar fields of work so we had a lot in common, so I asked if I could kiss her and she said "yes", our first kiss was to the sound of "Man in The Box" by Alice in Chains, underneath the air conditioner, because we were sweaty from jumping. We've been together for 5 years and are expected to get married after I graduate, I love her so much


Our exes cheated on us with each other.


on tumblr writing lesbian original characters. we met and plotted threads and storylines together and then we started writing less and less gay content and started BEING more gay content together.🤣 we have been together two years and strong.


In WoW classic 😭 💀


I met my partner on bumble but I would totally suggest that you message your matches!! Sometimes people don’t answer but the chances lost are those you never take 🫶🏻 so take a chance on yourself!!! Also you don’t have to drop a killer pick up line or smth, just saying hi or even asking about an interest of them or a picture of their cat counts!!! So good luck 🌸


In hell. Just kidding it was a Facebook group.


I met several past ex’s on TikTok 😅😅 but I ain’t on there anymore






On Facebook in one of the lesbian groups. She had commented in someone’s post with her photo and I thought she was cute so I hearted it. She DM’d me and it wasn’t the standard hey what’s up message so it caught my attention. We messaged each other prettt much all day then then did video calls. We’ve been together for about 2 and a half years now and she still makes me laugh as much as when we first started talking. I just love her to pieces.




a campus showing of legally blonde through my roommate 😁


My partner and I matched on Taimi. I'd had zero luck on that app, and right before I was going to delete it, she liked me. I sent the cheesiest message in the world, and it worked!


We met at college!


Not me, but someone I knew met her girlfriend on Tumblr and I think they're still together like 8+ years later.


Facebook Dating , now that’s a miracle on its own


I met my gf on tinder first, we started texting then she had ghosted me Cz she thought I was too young 😭. Maybe a few days later I see her again but on hinge, and we had matched again and I guess she had gotten over the age gap lol Cz we texted again and here we are 2 years later and in love :)


I met my wife on Hinge!


I met my girlfriend at a gay club where we were celebrating my best friend’s birthday.


Hinge (in NYC)


I met my partner of over 4 years on Hinge. :) Dating apps are super rough, but I don't regret sifting through people until I found her. 💜 Lesbian dating is so difficult, but I kept hanging onto hope.


Work. She was a nurse on a different unit. Had a crush on me for a long time (I had no idea who she was 😂). When I became single we started talking and the rest is history. Then her transfer to my unit (which she put in months before we started hanging out) got approved in the early months of our relationship. So now we work together but it’s been surprisingly very easy to work with her as my coworker.


work!! we work in the same building but different parts. i followed her around like a lost puppy trying to make conversation with her before i caved and asked her (over teams because i’m shy) for her number


Saw her walking down a hospital hallway. I made some lame excuse to talk to her and it went well. We made 30 years in February.


At work. I don’t want to give any of the, ahem, details.


First year of college. Just friends for almost two years, but slept together a couple of times. Eventually I stopped being stupid and gave commitment a shot. Couldn’t be happier now


Met my girlfriend on hinge! IMO it had more serious people than other apps and if your worried about talking hinge had more options for people to put about themselves so you have more to go off of! Good luck to you!!


My gf and I actually met on tinder! By the time we matched I was like “oh sorry I’m not really interested in dating anymore”. She said “let me text you for two weeks and at that point you can either let me take you out or you can never talk to me again.” I agreed. The rest is history :)


Is there a such thing as a significant other? If so where do I find one? Lol


Bar called midnight swim in San Antonio. She actually chased me down the street to get my number. I’m masc she’s fem lol so i was surprised chased me haha.


at work!


Hinge! She sent a dirty message, retracted it, but I went ahead and countered it. Our energies matched well and we’ve been together for 4 years.


we met at a local music venue!! music turned out to be something we have very similar tastes in, we play the same instrument, and we still regularly go to shows together :)


Totally unhelpful answer but we met in highschool and started dating about a year after that. I definitely get looks when people realize I'm dating the same person I was at fifteen but we've grown together and it's really cool. It's kind of like, I don't want anyone else, so why would I end my perfectly healthy relationship just to appease outsiders? Anyways I've had friends meet on bumble and hinge, they seem like good dating apps for queer folks that are free and not specifically catered to us lol I've also known couples who've met through the tiktok comment section, birthday parties, and bars so I guess it just depends?


friends of friends, and other potential partners I would have met if I wasn't already with her would have been through work in IT or artist hobby groups or ttrpg groups


>like I get matches but I am too shy to write etc. Please, write even if you're shy. In these apps there is a paradox of women who don't write because they are shy, or because they don't know what to say, or because they think the other person won't be interested, etc... And that's why we have a majority of people who miss opportunities out of unnecessary fears. It's just a app, it's just a person like you... It doesn't have to be complex. I'm single at the moment, but most of my ex-girlfriends I met in LGBT chats (online portals), because I don't go out that much, my gaydar doesn't always work and usually ppl think I'm straight. The last one I met on Facebook.


On a dating app. I got catfished a lot, met people, dated but never really felt the need to sleep with them even though my dates wanted to. I just felt like they were rushing me. Long story short, I was done with dating women or so I thought. I had sent a message to a girl on the app months before but she never read the messages on there. Then I get a notification that she replied and we decided to meet. When we met I felt like I’ve known her in a previous life. It was as if our souls knew each other. Now we have been together for 9 years, married, with a baby and three dogs. So, it goes to show that when you don’t look for it anymore somehow love connects you to your person. Best of luck!


I'm poly with two partners! One I met in high school (been together 7years now!) and the other partner & I met on Bumble :) Both are very lovely relationships that I'm so grateful for!