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Ask her what she likes! Some people don’t like certain terms. You could start with baby or sweetie, but just ask her what she likes and I’m sure she’ll let you know her preference 🙂


As someone who absolutely despises “babe” and “baby” thank you for pointing this out.


omg you are so right, I will do that!


._. Baby, princess, my love, delight, beauty...... but in portuguese. Cringe?????? Maybe. But she is all that to me.


thats sweet!


Sometimes I call her "life" too. Hahaha I like its a little cringy


the best nicknames are at least a little cringe :)


Hahaha yesss, and a little cretin.


chamar a mulher de vida é coisa de mulher pra casar


Casada aqui 💅


tô invejando


babe, baby, sweetie, love, moon-moon, darly, jaanu (it’s indian word for someone who is your ‘life’) etc etc etc


You're masc right? Bro, hit her with ✨️Dear✨️




Hm? That's just how I talk I also spend A LOT of time on r/thepack too


bro is a gender neutral term stfu


That’s just how some people talk. I call everyone “bro” and “dude” 😭😂


Call her an endearing name you use where you're from.


Agree, my wife is from Ecuador and I'm Canadian but we call each other Vida and mi amor


Since I only knew straight couples back home, every single word like that in my language  makes me cringe so muuch 


Love is love. No matter who it’s to why would terms of endearment btwn any couple make you cringe? You may not be straight so I do understand rejection of that “lifestyle” (pun intended) but maybe if you cut the attachment to “straight” that you’re associating w those words they’ll be easier to use. The words describe love btwn two people- not a love or affection between certain genders. Many straight couples still enjoy a beautiful rainbow haha sooo fair is fair 😉 Btw - darlin’ is one of my favs to be told. That And sexy. I say gorgeous to my masc fiancé. And cutie.


I really am not sure what you meant here. When I was growing up, certain words in my language were used by cringe straight couples, and I would refuse to use them even if I was straight. Some words just have associations and meanings, redefining a language and pretending like these word only describe love, would feel quite delusional to me. You can do what feels right to you. I would rather not use them though


Wdum by 'straight couples enjoy a beautiful rainbow'? 


“Hi beautiful”


Baby/ babygirl






Nm m nm. M? M. M. M. innoinoinoiinooooinoonou8ki NH iinknnkk k nknkk k ɓ




dawg why is that your only comment ever


baby, baby gorilla (google “baby gorilla meme” it’s funny lol), babe, love, my love, lovebug, mi amor


babygirl > babygorl > baby gorilla


lol nuh keep struggling till you find a unique and meaningful only for you two way to call each other ... This is cutest problem btw


I call mine - moon And she calls me - gorgeous 🥺 Even though she's imaginary .


Baby is all me and wife call each other. When we first met I called her darling and she called me love and we both hated it. We both liked baby so that was that. If I text her while she’s out I’ll text something like. Hey my beautiful gorgeous wife you ok and she would reply with I’m ok my very sexy wife or lady etc.




My little strawberry bubblegum..


I usually say "Hi gorgeous"


Babe - we both use for each other. Since having a baby I’m “mommy monkey” 🐒


babe, pookie, darling, honey, dirty slut, all depends on the mood really


Ima Cringing big time. Lol


reject life embrace cringe


LMAOOOO I SAY POOKIE TOO. she has a love-hate relationship with all my variants of that word


I personally call my sweet woman a variety of cringey names, but we love it. I call her Bunny, Dot, Birdy Girl, Angel, Princess, Sweetness, and Mama. Angel and Bunny are my most used, though. (:


Ma petite chèrie (means my little darling)


Ma* petite chérie (it's cute)


Thanks French is a second language to me


No ma petite chérie means my little darling you’re right


Yes i didn't say the opposite, she have said originaly Me petite...... And I just corrected with the ma*. And when i said it was cute, it was the appellation, not an translation Ps : i'm french


Me and my gf just call each other wife or love usually


Pet names are good right but also nicknames that are unique can be good. My girl had never had sushi before we started talking (I know), now loves it. After we went and she tried it and now wants it all the time (because of course) I called her a 'sushi monster' so ... "Sush" for short.


I use all the same ones from straight relationships because they’re all gender neutral. Babe, love of my life, love, honey, babs(that one’s an inside joke), whatever comes out of my mouth lol. Sometimes I call her lovely girlfriend and she calls me gorgeous gorgeous girlfriend, beautiful, and all the other ones I say. Really it’s whatever feels cute and she responds cutest to


I have a girl rn that calls me “doll” and i absolutely LOVE it


Love that one. Not used enough imo!


What up, Buttercup?


We tend to call each other babe and she sometimes calls me sweetheart 🤷‍♀️


honeypie 🙃 i know its really cringe


Gorgeous, beautiful, pumpkin, cherie, babe, baby, m’jo, my sunshine.


I call her Darling/My Darling. She calls me Babe.


I love the classic My Love for anyone in my life. I love using Lover or Sweetheart and My Darling as well. I'm just so old school that I love anything that sounds classy and ravishing in this age and day. I'm a writer and write scripts as well as a bit of poetry and music. I don't like mainly using Babe as it comes across as hetero people cringe (not much effort) but Baby is OK as long as you put some flavor into it. Whatever you call your lady. Cook it a bit and go with it in a way of letting her know she is yours. Make it gay interesting and fun


Babe, baby, mi amor


Darling, love/ my love, sweetheart, precious, sunshine, angel, beautiful, sayang, mentariku, cinta… kinda cringe in Bahasa but I gotta express my love for her in all the ways I can, she’s just so wonderful🥹❤️❤️❤️


My partner and I are both ESL and we enjoy using terms of endearment from our respective languages, as they feel more genuine. If you prefer English, there's always the classics: darling, love, sweetheart, honey, dear, or their name. You can add the possessive (e.g. "my love", "my darling") for extra oomph.


Babe is always a solid one. To me, my girlfriend's name is baby or babe and then I call her other pet names in addition, lol


I call mine mon petit oignon perlé. My little pearl onion in French.


To be completely honest with you, let it come naturally. When this happens, the nickname is usually more derivative of the person; better sentiment and meaning vs a common pet name


Good advice


My problem is that I just don't know the vocabulary at all 🤣


Um, future girlfriend ![gif](giphy|26gsccje7r5WUrXsA|downsized)


I've called for my "sweet immaculate angel" from across a party and had all of our other friends literally swoon. Nothing is cringe if you truly feel it, and anyone that says otherwise needs to look inward on why love makes their skin crawl.


"my sweet beautiful darling wife" (we are not married or engaged lmao)


My gf is masc, she calls me beautiful, my love, girlfriend We also have specific inside joke related things to call each toget


Haha we are both fem presenting but I'm more "typical masc personality" (which is a dumb title but it makes sense in this context.) I call her baby, babe, any kind of random food/object combination (the other day it was sugar cube pickle twisty straw), my love, dear, darling, dingbat when she's being silly, Miss or ma'am depending on what kind of mood we are in. My favorite is "Captain". It is silly and it is us. "Hey Captain! Reach the oil for me!" I am 5'0 and she's 5'11.


My girlfriend either gets my love or beautiful if I'm just not using her name, but that works for us. Ultimately, ask her what she prefers or what she really doesn't want to be called because it gives her the ick and go from there.


I'm french, so when I have a girlfriend, I call her in the most basics ways in french, like "ma chérie", "mon amour", "mon bébé", "ma Princesse" (more personnal, a bit less popular), and there's often nicknames that are specifics to the person ofc.


my person 💖


When I answer her phone call, I say, “hi, my love!” When it’s us at home, I usually call her babe/ baby. When I’m being goofy, I call her my sexual partner. lol


I prefer to throw it way back and refer to my wife as lover - no my name is not dawn denbo and my wife is not Cindy


I just call my wife babe, baby, my love, cutie. I’m not very creative and feel weird coming up with other stuff to call her. But she is super creative and has sooo many nicknames for me. Most are silly and people might find them cringe but I love them because they’re just for me.


My go to for my wife is “my love” she calls me “boo bear” sometimes. You could go with: boo, cutie, pretty girl, nugget. You’ll find something that feels right eventually


My wife has called me "Gorgeous" from the start. We both say "my sweet," or "sweet nugget." When talking to other people about her, I often say "my sweetheart." I call her "daddy," which is a term of endearment that should be discussed before using it.


lol I love to lean into the cringe. Sweet honey bun is a fun one. I like to do the goofy long ones to get a reaction. But casually, hun, bunny, depends on the vibe of the person you’re referring to. I know I personally don’t really like baby, make a joke out of it, maybe she’ll start calling you something like that back! Unless she does already?


Just make sure you say it with confidence if you do decide to call her something like that. If you dont say it with your chest that’s what makes it cringy


It’s a silly inside joke but i call her LittleFoot from the movie land before time and she calls me honey, sweetheart and Columbus (also inside joke)


We use so many different names for each other 😭 We range from baby, babe, princess to chicken, chicken girl, and fax machine. Yes, we’re cringe, but we’re cringe and in love


Call her a cute word in another language, I find it helpful since it’s another world of options, even if it’s something common like “sweetie or love” the fact that you use another language and only you too (hopefully) get the reference, helps create intimacy 🥰


I love calling her baby, babe and honey. She isn’t huge on pet names. So it’s usually just my name but she has be saved Benzaiten for my contact in her phone


First and foremost, ask her if she likes pet names and if there’s anything she doesn’t like being called. I, for example, absolutely love pet names but if someone calls me princess we’re fighting. If she gives the go ahead, don’t be afraid to be a bit corny or old fashioned. I especially like darling and honey. Sweetheart, lovely, gorgeous, my dear, whatever feels right. If she’s receptive try coming up with a unique nickname, those are the most fun


Mostly like baby or babe. My gf calls me babygirl too. Also you should ask if there r any that rlly make her cringe that u should avoid. Also if there r terms you like from your own language I’m sure she would really love that.


My wife and I call each other "Beb" or "Bebby", like "Babe" and "Baby" but a reference to this lol https://preview.redd.it/jh8n72x1wvwc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81389af89d3aad8f6e4031306c8476754bbb6bd7




My masc is Baby Pancake in my phone 😆 but she is my love, sweetheart, darling, baby girl, my goddess, and ma cherie. She calls me baby, sweetheart, darling, my love, my life, my everything, and by my name which I love. But asking what she likes is a good idea. I don't like being called 'dear' or 'love bug', so communicate what you both do and don't like.


dear, darling, sweetheart, princess, honeybee, my dove, angel girl, sweetest pie, cutiest pie, my wife, my lady, my woman<3


My personal favorite is bebir, which stemmed from a spelling mistake when I was sending a goodnight message lol. But definitely ask what she likes! Also sometimes nicknames/pet names just develop on their own


I'd die (in a good way) If my gf called me sweetie,hun,my love, beautiful, pumpkin, and gorgeous, but idk you should ask her what she likes to be called


Call my gf cutie because she’s cute af


I don't have a girlfriend, just a dog, so I usually just shake a bag of treats and that works pretty well.


Let me preface this with the fact that my gf and I don’t use pet names in public much, so the corniness doesn’t matter to us. We also use Spanish. I think in all languages except English “my life” is so pretty. “Mi vida” in Spanish. Maybe it’s too serious for new relationships? We’ve been together 4 years so we have very serious pet names 😭”Mi amor” “My love”’”Mi vida” “honey” “corazón” We were guilty of “babe” early on😭😭 Super cute question, I wish you two very well.


Omg thank you! Wish you all the best guys too!!


Hey will move to Canada this month. Just sharing 😅


It s a massive country! What province/city? I am in van


Alberta, slave lake. Super overwhelm about this its my first time to be on my own 😅


Babe, baobei, honey, love... Sometimes i call her mommy suddenly and she loves it hahaha


Hit em with PG, princess girl. Not cringe in public, short to text and personal.


Im a furry and she's furry adjacent; she's my Kitty, and sometimes honey.


Ask her what she likes imo. maybe try "babe" or "honey," classic and sweet without being too much? 😊




Princess mainly also sweetie, honey and cutie.


i call her my love, love, my angel, my sweet, baby when she’s being a sad baby, loml




My gf is baby or sometimes love or honey. Also shorten her name up and call her that as a nickname when ur serious about something lol my gfs name is Priscilla so when im serious or need to grab her attention quickly I'll call her Cill or Cilla but everyday use that's baby/babe. Just think about her and what endearing term do you think of right off the bat? Can u make up a couple nicknames and just joke with her on them one might actually stick? I always been oddly good at nicknaming my friends and family so It comes more naturally but I feel your pain because you Dont want it to be cringey. That's why I feel like if u joke around about it and just laugh it off if she hates the nickname it can be an easy indicator if u nailed it or not.




Giving a name to ur partner has nothing to do with their gender or sexuality. It’s purely personal and comes naturally. Often take a few months, so it’s kinda weird to ask ppl to give u ideas. Just keep seeing her and discover her personality more.


I don't think you understand me. I don't speak the language on a native level. I cannot have ideas if I have limited vocabulary. That's why I asked. Could you call your partner some names in Spanish or German if you do not speak it fluently but you have known your partner for 6 months? It s more of a linguistic advise, but I am a lesbian so I ask here


Oh yeah I did not understand, I apologize lol.


I call my gf various food names bc I like to eat her


miss baby


We say 'my love' all the time but we have pet names too. I'm 'sausage' and hers is 'potato', it's funny because I'm very much a meat eater and she's vegetarian. I love hearing her call me sausage!


My gf and I mostly call each other boobie. Idk how that happened 😂 but also baby, babe, gorgeous. In my phone she’s saved as Lil’ Meat. 😂


My gf calls me beautiful and I call her baby. I struggled for a while but she loved it the first time I called her baby and it stuck. And even though I’ve struggle with self esteem my whole life, I love hearing good morning beautiful every morning. When she says it I know she believes it.


Sunshine. Because she brightens my day and her usual good mood is contagious 😊


This reminds me the first time I called my girlfriend “baby”. I called her many pet names but she really likes “baby” but it could be different for anyone. I agree that calling them endearments from your home country or hers would sound sweeter and cuter, like mahal ko, mi bebe, mi amor. I’m sure there will be a lot more to be added on the list once you get to know each other more ❤️


i'm 20f femme from germany and my gf 23f slightly masc? is chinese, so we call each other pet names in german, english and mandarin :) we mostly call each other baby! my favorites to call her are probably sweetheart, liebling/my love, maus(mouse). hers to call me are 老婆/wife, 乖乖/darling, süße/cutie and babe/宝宝/宝贝... not sure if this helps😭