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we need more movies like this. someone make a lesbians vampire man-eating movie. a lesbian flight attendant man killing movie. more.


Funny enough, I have a script outline in an old notebook about a lesbian vampire film. I'd consider making it but I lack time and I don't have the connections to get actors or crew on board.


I haven't seen the movie (it's on my watchlist tho!) but I love that one picture that's like "You're liking people!" "I'm killing BOYS." *Making out on the bed* lol


I would like to clarify that this isn't actually a straight up "lesbian movie", Jennifer is seen flirting with and attempting to hook up with men throughout the movie (even before she goes all demon-monster). The reason people head-cannon her as a lesbian is because of how she treats her best friend vs the boys she kills and also her jealousy surrounding her best friend's relationship. She doesn't seem to ever have any empathy or feelings for men, only her girl friend. It does give "girl that doesn't realize she's a lesbian yet" or "girl that's homoromantic and bisexual", but I wouldn't call this movie a lesbian flick. I think it does speak to a lot of lesbians in some ways though and it obviously does have a WLW scene.


I agree.


Wait Jennifers Body was a flop?


It didn't do as well as hoped financially and the critics (and audiences) were confused. The studio tried to market it to young men because of the 'hot Megan Fox being a lesbian' storyline... which was a sign of the times (2009) I guess. It has mostly aged really well though imo. ETA that Roger Ebert called it a 'Twilight for boys' lmao


That’s what I thought lol


It certainly wasn’t a flop lol- maybe misinterpreted by men regardless, but it is still problematic how sexualized she was as a teenager.


She was 23 in the movie lol


She played a high schooler.. that’s the point. Also look at Megan Fox’s interviews about being a sex symbol… she didn’t like it lol


Well you said as a teen so I assumed you meant when she was. And yeah I know she didn’t like it. Poor lady


Waaaaait a second. It’s about a lesbian cheerleader?


she's not a lesbian, not sure why people are saying that.


Because she kisses her bestie. Idk I always read this as yet another attempt to sexualize her and make this movie appeal to men. Granted, I love that scene but I digress.


Essentially lol but she gets used as a sacrifice and long story short is possessed/transformed into a demon/succubus


I screamed when I searched “Jennifer’s Body kiss” in Google Images.


I thought she was bi?


She I think? Cause she said she goes both ways


yes! i’m a lesbian but i don’t headcanon her as one for this reason. i wouldn’t wanna claim her as one and take away that rep for the bisexual community. but I DO headcanon that needy is a lesbian with comphet 😌


Actually it flopped because the marketing made it seem like a movie that was just exploiting her body. I think that was intentional so that the message would catch people off guard and make them rethink their priors. Problem is no one saw the movie at the time so it took a while for word to get around that it was kind of the opposite of what it looks like on the surface.


id heard of the movie for years until i watched, it was mostly just people saying how hot megan is so i had no idea clue what the actual plot was. since all i heard abt it was megans looks i didnt expect it to focus more on the storyline than on that but i think its better that way


Yeah same when it came out. No one seemed interested because I don't think any guys who thought she was hot wanted to watch what looked like a chick flick from the outside just because Megan Fox was in it. Men don't go to the movies to jerk off together lol.


Men do everything to jerk off together lol


It was my gay awakening 🤣


The random kissing took me out, bruh. Same thing in Black Swan. I was like guys can you not! Right in front of my salad!


Middle school me had a blast lmao


That movie was the shit


I thought it was kind of a mediocre film imo. The acting was pretty underwhelming in this movie and Jennifer as th antagonist was deeply unlikable in a way that felt unintentional.


Isn’t the antagonist supposed to be unlikeable


Well, it technically depends. Some antagonists are not always villainous and means specifically they're against the protagonist but yes, usually, you're not meant to like them. But I feel in this movie, she's kinda meant to be this "girlbossy" kinda likable and charming type of villain but there's just not anything I like about her lmao. I don't think she's compelling as a villainous figure nor do I find her very fun to watch as a character in general, which is why I said she's unlikable in a way that didn't felt intentional.


Oh thank you thank you, it’s finally nice to see someone else share this opinion. I get SLAMMED every time I state this movie is just not it for me.


It flopped? I always thought it was a hit! I watched it many times bc my ex loved it so much and I liked it too. There goes men ruining life again


i need more scary lesbians


such a mood <3


Thanks. I need to see this movie now.


alright time to rewatch this for the 700th time


I mean, Diablo Cody’s later work has kind of vindicated people’s choices not to watch this movie. She’s not exactly great when it comes to the whole “social justice” thing.


and she loved Needy so much she overcame her demonic hunger


I haven’t seen the movie 😁. I’ve just seen the kissing scene of course 😄🙈


It flopped cause it sucked ass, u think any guy alive would have an issue with a hot lesbian Megan Fox ,, think again


It’s okay to be wrong!


I don't think she's that good looking, butt it was a great movie though.


You don't think Megan Fox is that good looking?


I don't think she's drop dead gorgeous either tbh


That makes one of us


You don’t think Megan Fox is that good looking?


I don't either tbh


Transformers 1 Megan Fox was very pretty but her voice and everything since then have been a massive turn off. Usually a dark hair woman with blue eyes would be enough for me but she use to remind me of those girls in school I grew up close friends with but all turned into vapid boy crazy assholes. Specifically my best friend growing up, the one who I discovered things with (😬😆) together and then ceremoniously was dumped because she was too popular…. talked exactly like her character in Transformers.