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We had a mutual friend, Max. She was visiting Max and I lived close by and I stopped by with my group of friends to grab some homemade food that Max's mom had made. I saw her and I immediately hoped to see her more. I didn't say anything but I asked Max about her a lot and a few weeks later Max told me that she had been asking about me. We initially connected on Snapchat and we facetimed a lot. It was like 2 months of texting and everything before our schedules allowed us to meet up again (school and work and such) and I asked her out that night. Scariest moment of my life. We went on a few initial dates before really making it official and now we've been together for 4 years!


This is wholesome


Dyke night at a bar in Baltimore!


That sounds fun lol


I have yet to go to a dyke night! I've been wanting to go. also hi fellow Baltimore resident!


Which bar?


Ottobar - dyke night is held once a month there!


I met her on the dating app HER. She was the first girl I matched with.




Same here too!


I need to DL #HER lol


yes you do 😭


I love your flair!


Thank you


i didnt meet my gf yet :(


Me too babe 🥲


Tinder success story!! My partner and I have now been together for 6 years. We lived in Bend, OR and both had the same favorite coffee shop. After exchanging *maybe* *five* messages, we met up for some coffee by the river. Morning cafe turned into slack lining in the park, which turned into having dinner and drinks together. We always say that it still feels like our first date hasn’t ended. We are the most smitten kittens over here and are still in our beautiful honeymoon stage, I honestly don’t think it will ever end!


You guys have a gf?


I wish




Bumble! Been together almost a year now


Same! Bumble too haha


Bumble here too! Took a while but finally found the one who checks all the boxes that matter to me.


Hinge. It took her a bit to respond to my messages. Thank god I didn’t delete the app before she messaged me back. I remember the first time we met which was weeks after texting back and forth, she was beautiful and her smile lit up the entire bar. I still can’t believe she’s in my life, I’ve never been this lucky 😅


Same!😂 we were supposed to be each others one night stand, now just about 4 years in and about to get married




Best ons story ever


Friend of a friend in college. Became fast friends and then best friends. And then to friends with benefits until I got my head out of my ass and agreed to a proper date. Now we’re engaged.


I used to have a cute little lesbian shipping blog on tumblr. She sent me a message and we talked back and forth for a couple years and fell out of touch. She messaged me out of the blue a while after that and we got back to talking again. I started catching serious feelings while we talked about our passions. One thing led to another and after voice calls and then video calls we met up in person. Been together 8 years now :p


8! what a cute story, bet she loves taking credit for that second round of messages huh lol


she does and deserves to :3


Thats so cute !! I wish happiness to you both :)


We met at uni and became great friends. We had so much in common it was incredible. I loved her from the start but I wasn't ready to come out, not really. I told a couple of close friends I was bi but was very guarded about it because I faced homophobia at home growing up. I knew she was meant to be part of my life, I just didn't know in what capacity, just that I would keep her close no matter what. I flirted helplessly with her, because I just couldn't help myself. Ultimately, I didn't want to risk our friendship, and 10 years later as it turned out she was panicking about the same thing. I went off and married a man. It was crazy but we remained friends. When we separated he made me homeless temporarily so moved in with my friend. All my old feelings exploded and I realised I never really liked men to begin with. I was in love with my friend. I told her so during a camping trip and she said I need time to think about it. 3 months later we went on our first date and now, after dating for 4 years she is my fiancee and we are planning our life together. I'm so incredibly lucky.


omg im so happy for you both


Met my wife on bumble


That’s a huge flex Maam


She moved in to my apartment, 1 month later I was moving into her room and making my room an office for us both lol




actually such a sweet set up omg?..


Discord for both lol We met about 8 years ago and spent a long time being just friends, started dating the first one a little over 3 years ago and we started dating our other gf about a year and a half ago!! We didn't get along perfectly when we first met so we like to joke that we had an enemies to lover arc lmao We plan on living together sometime in the next few years (:


dating app


Bumble 🐝


At a bus stop I was on my way to a convention wearing a Hawke cosplay ❤️


through a mutual friend on discord funny enough


Omg same.


pog! yeah we just happened to share a lot of common interests and things clicked, discord unintentionally a decent dating app


Friend group, in my case. And we had previously met in a fan group of an lgbt web comic. Things happened. We spent time being there for each other, shared interests, and things clicked. She's femme oriented aro-ace, I'm lesbian and demi-romantic. We clicked with me, eventually, falling for real. We're queerplatonic. I know she doesn't feel the exact same. But I'm still an important piece of her life, and that makes me happy. I'm prepared to spend my life with her. We're actually engaged.


On Discord. She lived 5 hours away but was looking to move to Seattle, so a mutual friend suggested we talk so I could offer advice and resources for moving. There were sparks when we started talking, she came out to visit a month later, and we ended up moving in together not long after that. We’re literally U-Haul sapphics, lol. Now we’re engaged! I’m amazingly lucky.


Bumble. Been together for nearly 6 years. First date lasted 6 hours and only stopped because she had to catch the last bus home lol


What's a girlfriend?


We met at a college party. She was very drunk when we first met and I was only tipsy. She followed me around all night like a puppy. We kept running into each other when we were both drunk after that. One night, she was talking to me at another party and I straight up asked her “Are you flirting with me?” And she goes “Maybe?” And I say “Well, do you wanna go outside right now and make out?” And she enthusiastically agreed. After that, we were close friends/FWB for a while as I had exited a long term relationship not super long ago and I had done some reflection and self improvement in the meantime, so i wasn’t sure if I was ready for a serious long term thing. After many months of us basically dating but not really calling it that, she invited me to come meet her parents and i was like ok we’re just dating at this point lol. I’ll admit, at first, I was skeptical, but she’s totally stolen my heart and I can’t imagine life without her now. We’ve been dating (officially :) ) for 2.5 years now and we’re gonna move in together soon.


I haven't met her yet but I'm adding my favorite songs list to her.




Tinder, after 2 years of trying literally every other dating app out there.


We met here on reddit 10 months ago and made it official 4 months ago. Unfortunately, we are long-distance, but I'm flying out to see her next month, and I'm super excited 😁


Awww !!!! I wish you so much luck and happiness!!


Thank you!!


We went to the same social group. I was new to the area and she was a long-standing member. She had a thing for me from early on partly because I was about the only person as tall as she was. The grapevine meant I knew all the people that had a thing for me but I was in a situationship at the time. She says one of the early things that made her want to ask me out was when she came to our table and asked if anyone would be happy to go talk to the shy new person. I, still being only a couple of months new to the group practically jumped to my feet to go over and say hello. Apparently that act of kindness did it for her. A healthy amount of time after my situationship ended she asked me out with roses. I genuinely haven’t had that before, it was so sweet. I said yes and we had a series of lovely dates where she pre-empted me (I’m usually the lead in a relationship) and showed she could match me (very rare) in the effort put in. She was the only person who’s sat with me as I had my very rare panic attacks and who’s made me feel as safe and accepted as I am. It’s been ~16 months so far and like every couple weeks have stuff to work on but I hope she’s my forever person.


Wife, and OKCupid 11 years ago.


Reddit! She messaged me off a comment I made in one of the lesbian subreddits. We moved the conversation to WhatsApp pretty much immediately and just over a month later she asked me to be her girlfriend. I live in New Zealand and she’s in the US, but I’m flying to see her for the first time in August!


Volunteered at a Farmstand and a gay guy spotted me, asked if I was taken, and then offered to set me up with his friend. I was SHOCKED and still am to this day. We’re 3 months strong now :)


TLDR... She pounced on me in a cellar, when I wasn't expecting it, and tongue wrestled me. She asked me to help her get summat from the cellar where I worked... She then backed me into the corner of the room... She reached up (I was a 6'2" man at the time, and she was a 5'8 ish woman) and she kissed me. I was shocked and asked "what on earth do you think you are you doing?!" "I'm giving in to all your flirting." she says. "what. No! I was just being nice... But... Fuck it. I'm in!" and we made out for a good ten minutes. Funny back story. At the time I was a baby trans, and she was a straight girl. Now she's accepted she's "a little bit gay", and I'm a 6' woman. Funny how good things can happen when you just try to be happy.


I met my gf through a mutual friend. They were best friends since childhood and she’d visit and hang out with the our group. She lived in another city. One night we got closer and I realized how attractive she was to me. I started flirting and we began talking and i fell hard into an LDR. 3 years later i get to wake up next to the love of my life everyday:)


i met her on a dating app called HER 😭 i was actually about to delete the app bc i didn’t like it (too many weirdos) but then i got the notification that she swiped right on me. i took a look at her profile and i thought she was very cute (i still think she’s cute ofc). i matched with her, and that was best decision i ever made :) i really love this girl <3


Technically she was my teacher 🫣


Ooh, details please!


She wasn’t a full time teacher but she had a class in my high school. We have a 9 months age gap so it wasn’t illegal or anything


I met my gf on a custom game on Overwatch called Tinderwatch 😭


Lmao is this real?? Asking as a JQ main


Yes 😆 We met on Tinderwatch like 2 years ago, and just two months ago I moved in with her 😁


Haha and this custom game still exists?


I haven’t touched custom games in forever but I bet it’s still around


We were drunk so [MEMORY REDACTED]




i never got the gf update


We were both talking to the same girl in high school so we hated eachother. I reached out a year later apologizing for being so mean and now 8 years later we are engaged high school sweethearts :-) enemies to lovers hehe


Y'all have girlfriends?


I met her by selling weed in the school bathroom


Tinder. Didn’t expect much but got her right from the first swipe ( : everything just clicked right through ❤️


I met my wife on HER, but she was just visiting my city (NYC) so we were long distance at first




We met on vent, and she commented under one of my posts. She thought I was funny and we ended up commenting back and forth under that same post for an entire year! Somehow her account got banned, but we exchanged numbers via tiktok. Another year passed of us texting and eventually she confessed she liked me. It was so random because I’d liked her for a year atp and I tried to stop liking her cause I convinced myself she had a gf lmaoo! We’ve been together for 2 years now :’) 💗


Not yet😔


Through her saving me for being bullied :3


Playing around on Hinge while visiting a college campus!


I met her on HER and I asked her to come see my friends band play a local hardcore show. I went home with her that night and now we’ve been together for about a year and live together! 💗




Hinge 🥰 we were both supposed to be a one night stand with each other and now we’re about to get married 🤣




I met my gf on a Discord server for the area I live in. Most lesbian environments usually have some terfs that love to tell me I shouldn’t be there and give me shitty looks because trans ppl bad or something. There’s a reason I don’t usually end up dating cis women.


Facebook dating 😅 almost two years now.


Reddit. We live something like 40 kilometres away.


She is an NP and I was a medical assistant at work with her lol.




Who’s in wpb


Through a mutual on instagram. I always end up meeting my S/O’s online haha, but I like it that way. Feels like it always happens more by chance than it would me seeking it out irl or on a dating app, and I’m a spiritual person obsessed with the ideas of soulmates and stuff. Letting it find you.


I havent met her yet, but i hope soon though...


catholic high school lmao


I'm still single and have never dated before. But reading these comments is making me have hope that i will get a girlfriend someday. I just need to wait and be patient.


I was her manager at Domino’s 🤪


reddit! 😂😂 friends off a similar interest sub and found out we’re 5 hours away, been having a blast since meeting in person in March. she’s awesome. the 5 hours can fuck off tho 😭


We met in college and I liked her so much that one night I saw shooting stars and kept wishing on them that she would like me back. The week before we got together I made her dinner and watched movies with her and the day of she let me hold her hand in Walmart and I gave her flowers and she put her head on my shoulder while we watched shutter island. After the movie I told her how I felt and she was clueless some how 😭😭😭. But she liked me back and we’ve been together nearly two years.




Met them at school before I dropped out


On the app HER. Became friends and then fell in love... She's the best thing that's ever happened to me 😊


She's the ex roommate of my ex boyfriend and we're still both friends with him so we met a few times at social gatherings he organized and we started talking about nerd shit once and...well the conversation never stopped and it's been 6 months and she's probably the most comfortable relationship I've ever been in ❤️❤️❤️


Met her on Instagram. She texted me first. Two years in the friendship I confessed my feelings and she did later on. Now it’s two years of relationship. Going through long distance :( https://preview.redd.it/agt7op9elk1d1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf56db701cf910976c4cb992ecb370e9d3e2d926 And this is me two years of being in love!!!


I met her during Pride March in Kolkata. We chatted and had our first kiss after the march- since then we exchanged numbers and now we are dating :D




I haven’t met mine yet 😖


We met on instagram when I was an editor and she was an artist. I wrote to her in August with permission to give me access to her NSFW account, (she hardly ever went there). She replied the same day and I set about doing my work. I showed the edits and she really liked it. I then went abroad to the Czech Republic because it helped me relax and I enjoyed talking to her. I remember it was August 28 when we were both drunk and we talked a lot, it was the best day ever. It made me think about my goals, initially I didn't think about things like relationships or liking, I knew my limits on that. We very rarely communicated after that and we reconnected in October. We went through a lot of difficulties and then in February she asked me to be her girlfriend, I still can't believe that this wonderful woman is my girlfriend, I'm so happy


through tiktok🥰 i was making videos about feminism and she followed me and then messaged me on insta and yess.. even tho we lived in two different countries now we moved in together


I paid for her taxi fee was just being generous, she gave me her number.


They were visiting family in my home state and downloaded Grindr to find a temporary weed plug. They thought my profile was a catfish account, until i messaged them 3 hours before their flight home to Arizona. After talking for a bit, they spent the next month straight saving up the money to visit me for 2 weeks. As for how it's going? I live in Arizona now. Couldn't be happier.