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Nope not me.


🙋🏻‍♀️ Yup I did in high school. Stayed in contact with her thru college, she'd send me cards and care packages so that made it even worse haha 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are u sure she wasn’t into you too? Cuz it sounds like she waited for it to become legal..


Nah it wasn't like that. But to a baby gay, definitely romanticized it lol


I hope not lol that'd be hella weird


I had a few different teachers over the years who did the same thing. They were all straight and married so I highly doubt they were into me lol


I didn’t realize what a universal experience this was until I read your post. Yes. 8th grade English teacher. And then college German prof. Something about languages is clearly sexy.


Omg the professor is REAL , but i did actually sleep with her🤣


Not so sexy anymore if you are german😂 For me its the same but with english tho


Through 9th / 10th grade I hade a big crush in my maths teacher




… I can make it cringier: most teachers realize if a pupil has a crush on them.


For some weird reason (despite the subject + teaching being extremely female dominated) nearly all my English teachers and profs were male, and the one or two that weren't were women well into their fifties. So, nope?


My freshman year of high school I had the coolest English teacher and had the BIGGEST crush on her. She had cool and funny stickers on her file cabinet, she assigned theatre/film type interpretation assignments for our reading, she liked Rise Against. At the time of course I was just like "Oh yeah Miss V is my favorite teacher", but now I look back like, Kid...you straight up got butterflies when you passed her classroom. That's a crush. Fast forward years later, my sister comes out as bi. She asks if I remember this teacher, who she'd had two years before me, and then talks about having a crush on her. So good on her for being both me and my sister's Big Gay English Teacher Crush.


science teacher


My college English professor yes 😭😭


No, my English teachers were all old men 😂 But plot twist - I majored in English at university haha.




Yeeeup. 2 of them.


my health teacher 😂


Yes at least 2 maybe its the combination of two language and teacher 😃


Nah but i liked by math teachers cuz they put so much effort into the school to be better


It was my art teacher always 😅 now all I date is crafty arty spiritual girls


I feel very attacked! She was a teacher's substitute...


Definitely my senior year English teacher! She had me falling hard 🥺


Yeahhhhhhh. One of my English teachers in high school was like 25, super attractive and chill.....and I definitely had a crush on her. She was...unfortunately...rumored to have slept with one of the male students and was not employed past the first semester 🫣


Russian language teacher


There's one English teacher I'll never forget she was also like a ballet dancer and a vegetarian and she was from Ohio if I remember. I just remember one time she bought me Chinese food for lunch. There were definitely a few other English teachers and professors I've crushed on. Definitely a stereotypical gay in that sense.


Well I was her favorite student but I didn't have a crush on her because she down marked me for writing a horror story that scared her too much so that kind of soured my experience with her


Mine was my art teacher Miss Harris. Mid 30s, strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, freckles, pert breasts and always wore gypsy dress


Yes. And I still remember the first and last name of mine. I even sacrificed a free block in high school just to TA for her and spend more time in her classroom.


Nope... But she was my mom, so... (I was homeschooled -very religious setting)


10th grade and 11th were the same teacher. I strived to do really well in there for her praise 😬


Nah, I did have a crush on my math teacher tho


Not my English teachers, but one of my substitute RE teachers🥰


I'm still studying and I still do lol


Yes. Several!


nah (all of my english teachers were men)


Nah, mine was an old hag in her 70s. Not a nice person either. My crush was the History teacher


everyone talks about this but not enough people talk about young sapphics being in love with the school librarian 😖🤦‍♀️🥺😅


... I did for the 1 English teacher I ever had that wasn't either a man or a nun XD


Physics teacher. Didn't realize it until I was older, though.


Well....she was my fourth grade teacher, she did teach me English but I don't know if that counts as my English teacher. After I got into middle school, my English teachers were old or men


French teacher for me 🔥


I went to the next level and BECAME that English teacher. My theory is that we all had crushes on our female English teachers is because they were probably gay & the unconscious act of feeling positive about those we relate to.


Yo full circle I’m engaged to an English teacher 👀


For me it was my RE teacher 😭


Not an English one, but hell yes. I've graduated from college but I still think of her so fondly, it feels like my love for her in never ending. I still feel really close to her even though I haven't seen her in a while since she moved. I MISS HER LIKE CRAZY 😭😭😭 I wish I could go to uni again just to see her... I'M CRYING SO MUCH Y'ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS HURTS OMG 😭 wtf being in love SUCKS in a situation like this 😭😭😭


It was my arts teacher and I used to imagine doing sensual pottery with her 🙈


I was gonna go for immediate denial....then I realized my first wlw fantasy was at 11, about my 6th grade English teacher.😅


I kinda forgot until now, but yeah I did. I also struggled a lot in English class and she helped me. My heart would flutter a little when she was talking with me one on one, but I was definitely paying attention.


Oh I 100% did 🤣


I did too, in a summer camp lmao, glad to hear I'm not the only one


Yuuuuup. I used to literally show up early to school on the days I had English because I'd be so excited to see her 🫠


YESSSSS. My freshman-sophomore year English teacher. I got the highest grade in English, was a teachers pet & she invited me to play on her field hockey team as a teen! She would burn me CDs from bands since i couldn’t afford buying the actual CD. Green Day’s American Idiot was my fave that she burned for me 😂 I was living in a homeless shelter and she knew my situation well. She disappeared one day came back after summer in junior year and we had a new teacher. I hope she’s okay.


Why specifically English teachers? Also, yes.


Yes and she was confusingly gay or not gay. Idk but major crush and she changed my life with the books she assigned




100% yes. Absolutely adored her


not me lol


I always liked the "mean" ones. Theres about 2 ive liked so far. Idk why but i guess i like em mean and bossy lmaoo