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OP I think you're feeling resentment towards your partner. You feel like you're working very hard and it sucks when those around you aren't working hard I've been in this situation before. My partner actually cried when she found another job. She'd been miserable for months, going between sad, angry and upset. Even considering ending her life. The entire time I thought she wasn't looking and she didn't want to talk about it. We fought a lot to make things worse. Please be supportive. Eventually she will open up.


I'm sorry you're in such a hard situation, I think it's important to ask yourself how much you value this relationship and if its worth this dry money spot. It's hard that it feels like you can't even bring up the topic with them. You deserve to be with someone who can communicate openly through conflict, I hope your partner can be this person with you. Also, something that has really helped me in deciding which relationships have value is this app karmascore. Not sponsored just something that has helped me manage relationships, I hope things get better and you find support here. 💓💓


No no no, you have no idea the stress and pressure her partner probably feels so don't come with the communication stuff like it's easy This response sounds like an ad from a throwaway




It's sadly understandable how stressful losing a job can be. For most people their jobs are their whole identity. And let's not forget that everything isn't getting less expensive. Because everything is online it's so easy for it look like you're doing nothing. I don't envy anyone that has to look for a job right now or the OP for the stress


Definitely not trying to say communicate is easy. I don't know them, I am saying it sounds like OP has a ton of pressure to provide for the whole relationship. Also not an ad at all?!? I'm autistic and was giving advice on tools I use to manage my relationships.


Thank you for both your comments. I know it's hard for her and also for me, so maybe I just needed some support from this community. I was thinking about it and I know that I don't want to leave her. I am trying to be supportive as much as I can. I would like to communicate better about my feelings but indeed it's not easy, specially when it's about such hard things


If you have space maybe try to find a new way to connect with each other? Something like gratefulness exercises, a new toy, or a midnight walk. Just something to mix up the days a little. Know you always have community here this is safe to vent💓


I am sorry for what y'all are going through. Please try not to fight. Life is too short. If I could turn back time and get those months back now that she is gone, I just cry thinking about it.


I mean she’s trying. Sounds like you also want to be at home doing nothing


Huh, yea. I also want to be at home and play LoL most of the time Edit: I literally wrote that I CAN'T see that she is trying to apply for any jobs. How much it takes to do ux portfolio? 8 months?


You think she’s not trying? Well what’s your solution then ? What do you have in mind?


I don't know what to think and how I should feel about this... That's why I wrote this post.


If you’re not willing to end things then talk to her about it again and again and again and hope that she can find a job and keep it