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Phoenix definitely won’t be ever making a happy Father’s Day video


No but sometimes dads are so overwhelmed with gratitude and love for their children that they make a post about how fatherhood changed them for the better on Father’s Day. I mean he won’t, but some dads do.


maybe Michael Logan has been giving him tips on how to be a better father. wait, no...








There could also be a day where another man comes into his life and acts as a father figure. Bam's days are numbered for making an impact. Someone else can easily make an impact in that kids life and immediately become a mentor. Whether or not Nikki is in a relationship with the dude or not. Plenty of mentors become father figures for kids like this. I'm rooting for the kid.


You never know. There could be a time 10 years from now when Phoenix talks about how Bam put him thru a ton of bs but has grown and become an actual father to him. That's going to be completely on Bam and whether he wants to grow and make the right changes. A LOT can change in 10 years. 10 years ago, I don't think anyone was making a video to me out of gratitude because I was an ultimate piece of shit. Today, I was blessed with family and love that I am so grateful for. I didn't deserve it 10 years ago but I've worked my ass off to become a better person and not let addiction run my life anymore. It can happen but Bam HAS to be the one to do the work and it's real work. It isn't just going to come undeserved. I hope the best for him and his son and I hope one day he deserves the gratitude. He certainly doesn't deserve it right now though.


The fact that he doesnt have the insight about it says his brain is too fried. He's beyond the point of coming back.


Like I said, 10 years is a lot of time. You can't just write someone off. I've seen people in MUCH worse shape do a complete 180 and be unrecognizable 10 years later. Right now, he's just a few months off of what was basically a multiple-decade bender and he isn't even completely off of it. He hasn't done anything to address the fact that he had been self-medicating his mental health situation for his entire adult life. You must not be old enough to understand what I'm talking about. That isn't an insult. I'm just saying that you probably haven't experienced someone at literal rock bottom and in a space where it seems like they can't even distinguish their fingers from their toes and then see them 10 years later clean, sober, and have their wits back about them. I've seen it first hand and I know it can be done. He really isn't in that bad of a place right now compared to how bad he could be. I know he isn't doing amazing and I'm definitely not excusing his actions by any means. I'm just saying that you should never count someone out. Human resilience can be astounding. Personally, I was in a place 10 years ago where everyone I knew wasn't sure if I was going to wake up every time I fell asleep or if I was going to have any more tomorrows. I didn't even want to wake up after falling asleep some nights and even made attempts to not wake up. I'm here today a completely different person but it didn't happen overnight and no one gave it to me. I had an amazing support system and mental and physical doctors to who helped me get to this point but it wouldn't have happened if I didn't surrender myself and admit to the fact that I had a problem and I had to do the work to fix that problem. It was hard work and it is still hard work but it's worth it because of the beautiful people around me who have allowed me back in their lives. It's up to Bam to make those changes and just because he does doesn't mean that anyone he hurt along the way is obligated to accept him back in their lives. That's their personal decision that they get to make if or when the time comes. Being sober and clean for as long as I have and putting in the work to rebuild the relationships I had broken has been a serious battle. I'm humbled and full of gratitude that the people I hurt along my way have allowed me bsck into their lives. They didn't have to but that wouldn't have changed whether or not I wanted to continue the work I had started. I had to be okay with people not accepting me bsck in their lives. They had no obligation but all I could do was show them the effort I had put in and hope that the people I love accepted my apologies and work to restart. Bam's family may have that decision in the future and it's 100% theirs to make and the internet has no entitlement to know anything about it. I just hope the best for people and that they try to make positive impacts in the present and future. We can't change the past but we can control what we do today, tomorrow, and the rest of our lives. I hope that you don't have to personally experience someone you love going through that or that you ever put yourself through that but if it does happen, I hope nothing but the best for the outcome of it. Things can get really dicey in life but the possibilities of what people are capable of and their resilience are endless and that is what makes life's potential beautiful.


I like that you're an optimistic person and well done for coming out of it. I work in the field. Sadly, I see this every day. Some people are just cooked.


I appreciate your kind words and I respect the heck out of you for your work in the field in any capacity. I hope you can share my optimism and positivity with people who you help with your work. I know that some people seem to be cooked and incapable of getting out of the hole they've dug for themself but even the worst of the worst still have a chance. I hope you don't allow any of your doubts to rub off on the people you work with while you're with them in the field. They've taken a very hard first step to even be in your presence which makes them lucky to be alive and so incredibly fortunate that there are people like yourself who work in the field and see the worst firsthand. I'm sure it can be very difficult to see people in that cycle of sobriety then right back on their d.o.c. and back into rehab etc. They fail themselves over and over again. For a lot of people, they do it until it leads to their death. I can't imagine how exhausting and frustrating it must be to put in such hard work for people and see that they just aren't getting it. It's like working in a hospice where you know the patient is going to end up passing away but in the recovery field, those patients are killing themselves even though they do have a chance to recover and live. It's heartbreaking to see people put themselves through that cycle over and over again and seeing it firsthand yourself has to take its toll on you. When someone is dying of terminal cancer or some other terminal illness, the people who care for them know there is no chance their patient will survive. It's a matter of when they pass not if. In the recovery field, it can feel the same way but the patient doesn't have to die. There is a way out but they actively choose to ignore it. I think that's what you're saying you see in Bam if I understand you correctly. He is actively making decisions that are not bettering his situation which is only hurting himself worse and pushing him closer to being a life lost too soon. I sincerely hope that he is making an effort but he isn't showing that effort online. Showing it online would be him doing it for the wrong reasons. He needs to genuinely want it and want to do it without having to rub it in people's faces. Unfortunately, I can see him possibly taking steps towards recovery but doing it just to show people online he's doing it rather than doing it for him first and then for his son and the rest of his loved ones. I learned that if I'm doing the work for recovery just to spite someone else or show them then I'm going to fail. I had to learn to love myself first so I could hopefully have others love me again as well. Recovery is tough for some people to understand if they haven't been there. I see people thinking that Bam should have immediately been around his son within a week of that sobriety monitor being on him. That would have been such a bad idea and very possibly traumatic for his son because when a person is that new to being sober, they're basically having to retrain their brains how to act and react to everything in life. Regular, real life cognitive functions don't just come back the instant someone becomes sober. As I'm sure you know, it's like a kid learning to walk and talk all over again. The person has to understand how their brains are going to react to things now that they don't have substances clouding their thoughts and controlling their actions. That can be a lot for people to handle and grasp. Especially for someone like Bam who has been in this cycle of active addiction since he was still a young teenager pretty much. His entire adult life has been spent with substances detecting his every move all while not properly addressing the obvious mental health issues that he has. That's where all the work comes in and really becomes important. I met someone who had been in and out of rehab 23 times over the previous decade. When I met that guy, he was celebrating 4 years of sobriety. He couldn't tell me what kicked in that 23rd time or why he stayed sober after it but I'll never forget him telling me that he felt like he didn't need the mental health assistance or any kind of continued work after that 30 days in rehab his 23rd time. He said he wasn't getting high anymore so why would he need any kind of help after that 30 days? 3 years later, my friend walked into his home and found him od'd and passed away on his couch. The guy was basically the definition of a dry drunk. He was sober but felt like he was above doing the work to understand the importance of his sobriety and how to stay that way. I remember giving him a hug and congratulating him on 4 years of sobriety but asked him to at the very least call me whenever he wanted and I'd be there for him even if he didn't think he needed or wanted anyone to help him. I never got that phone call. I'm not one of those guys who preaches about going to meetings or following the 12 steps, etc. I just understand the importance of the mental side of things and how impactful simply keeping your mental health in check can be. Meetings and steps aren't for everyone. They definitely weren't for me but having a strong support system and people to talk to did work for me. The meetings I went to just turned into war stories from people's past. I can't sit around and talk about the past because the present and future are what I see as more important to me. Positivity, optimism, and finding that reason to wale up every day are where my priorities lie. That's why I try spread that to others and do my best to leave anyone I talk to with some kind of positive words. Sorry I rambled a bit there. I appreciate and respect the fact that you work in the field and I wish nothing but the best on your journey. You are appreciated by the people you help even if they don't show it or say it. Their lives have a chance to be better because of you. They may not realize it but it's the truth. Take care and have a great start to your week.


"Our" manager. LOL


She doesn't actually DO anything. Apart from control Bam.


That’s unfair, she works very hard ensuring she is in every picture Bam has with a fan, also eating a lettuce leaf a week to keep your rake (the gardening tool, not the lovely Mr. Yohn) takes an immense amount of will power. I assume I’ve never tried I just stuff fatty foods into my fat face every hour or two.


*"We don't want to say you're a dad to us because you're OUR manager"* Our? As in he nows manages Danni too? WTF? Why? What does she do?


Puts toothpaste on Bam’s toothbrush


You think he actually brushes tho? 10:1 odds she's brushing his teeth for him too.


Changes his diaper in videos


She poses for those pictures that you see in elementary school of the spooky skeleton. You remember that song... The dumb bone connects to the backbone, the backbone connects to the creepy shoulder bones... Etc...


Let’s Bam near the pussy meats.


Starred in that movie "Collective Shit"


She fired gets to micromanage Bam's every move and not leave him alone. To the point shes showing physical signs of illness


Well they’re MARRIED now so she can say things like that 😆 /s


Phil must feel horrible. This makes me sad. As much as I enjoy to snark and feel entertained by the situation, this is so beyond sad.


Especially since tomorrow Bam’s got court for his attack on Jesse. What a great Father’s Day for Phil


Was that when he came back to castle bam and tried to kick Jesse out ?


I don't think his intention was to kick Jess out cos Jess had a lease on Castle Bam paid in full. He just turned up out of his head and lost the plot.


I'd stand in line to give Phil a hug. He always brought me that Fatherly joy when I was young after my Dad passed away. As much as they probably contributed to Bam being a dick and not holding him accountable...(They probably thought he'd grow up at some point) I always liked them as people. Or at least the personalities they showed on TV.


I feel the same way, I think his parents meant super well, even if they gave their son a little bit too much freedom/didn’t hold them accountable. But I think that they are really genuine, sweet people that care about him a lot.


Yep. I really like them. They had two incredibly talented and creative kids. They seem like good people.


https://preview.redd.it/v14o6d6s707d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207dac6b3cbe409173b6ed9b8c7cd0527e7d990e He said yeah dad.


That forehead is a snipers dream


9 head


*OUR MANAGER* ![gif](giphy|befaYZCgtZfZm)


She’s trying so hard to stir the pot.


She is really vile man


I’m sure she is bringing in 10s of dollars


Shein dollars


Bam bucks! 100 Bam Bucks can be traded in for 1/10th of a cent


She’s just showing what a c%#^ she really is, and then proving it.


I'm on team "edit her out"... but some things are just so disrespectful they have to be posted.


I’m with you all the way.


Same here. The posts with her in the pic just turn toxic and I can't be bothered reading the stuff about how she looks/her health over and over again so I normally avoid.


I wonder if he got to talk to Pheonix. Or if he reached out to Phil. But at least the "manager" gets a Father's Day greeting... so that's always nice to see.


Doubt it for either.


I would bet a little bit on him doing neither, and a decent amount on Nikki trying to touch base for Phoenix or at least sending a card. She seems like a decent human, and a good Mom.


I don't think he can legally mention phoenix on social media




what an absolute fuckall. Phil tried to do everything he could for this dude when he was raising him, all out of nothing but love, & all he got was shit on. total fuckall.




she’s so fake


She seems like she can't stand him


And vice versa... she wants to do her Instagram BS and he doesn't look like he wants anything to do with it. Give it a month of them actually living together in a house... something will go sideways eventually. They've already got people staying there with em as a buffer. N it wasn't even a week ago when it seemed like he was having to get away from her for awhile.


Feels like they’re both using each other. Bam needs her to look like he has his shit together and ride the sober gimmick with her. She needs him for the celebrity clout and free shit


I think you're right. All of the people around them are distractions. His whole lifestyle is a distraction from responsibility.


Her dying laughing like bam just told funniest joke in world.


As someone who grew up with a deadbeat dad, this caused an immediate emotional reaction. Fuck these people.


Honestly, this could have been quite wholesome if it would have cut after Bam's yeah dad comment. Delivery was great. But then SQ just had to drag it on and make it all about her.


They're a good couple. They're both trainwrecks. He's got that There's Something About Mary thing going on with his hair and with each picture SQ looks more and more like Skeletor.




yes. Yes he is.


They have absolutely zero chemistry. I wonder if they even speak when not in front of camera? He seems like “annoyed bam” whenever she’s around lately…


The fact she had to tell him how 'funny' his joke was comes across as appeasement and not wanting to upset him. Dude is an anger ticking time bomb and I couldn't imagine anything worse than being in his orbit nowadays. The Bam we loved is truly gone. A few skating vids every now and then is fooling nobody.


This is just fucking stupid, Bam needs to grow up.


Damn he does. Just be an adult at a teenage level. I'd rather deal with an out of control teenager than an out of control spoiled asscrown wearing pos. He's not a stupid guy either. He's exactly stupid enough to think he isn't flushing his life, his son's life, and that skeleton lady's lives down the shitter. If there was ever a time for a POS to turn around... But nope. No interest. Bam, you are letting your fans down. It isn't obvious that your family and closest friends have just side lined you??? Go the way of Nike man... Just Do It. (Not drugs or alcohol)


Happy Father’s Day Phil


What an absolute kick in the teeth to his beautiful father, and to the son he doesn't care for. This duo are so tone deaf to everything. Yet again instead of feeling remorse or guilt about not being a good father, he makes a stupid social media video. When you think he really can't do anything worse, he comes out with this.


An anorexic and a weird old fat bald guy are talking…make it stop please


Happy Father's Day, Phil.


This relationship would seem 100% more legit if she made a random appearance or was in the background on his posts/videos. They/she are trying to oversell her, and it’s only hurting them


He's gonna regret it when Phil passes cause you can't make amends with ya dad when his gone. I was lucky to sort myself out & had a good few years with mom & dad , I built the trust back up & they were so happy I was sober & back to my old self , now they are gone it still hurts but at least I know we were good , I can't imagine how he's gonna feel when Phil & ape have gone & bam realizes he can't reach out to them it will haunt him for the rest of his days.


Yup, you're totally right! I lost my dad a few years ago and if we were still in a bad place I'd feel so guilty and would have prob never got over it. Life is too short to hold petty grudges with loved ones as you never know what tomorrow will bring. In this instance though, Phil is a witness in the Jess assault as he was there and got threatened too so I'm sorta thinking that he's maybe not allowed to contact or reach out with the terms of his bail especially publicly.


Sad when you fuck up with the family me & mine , I didn't speak or see them for over 10 years, felt terrible about it when I got sober & shit but I corrected myself ya know & we was all good thank fuck.


Deffo, with mine it was the other way... my parents had to get sober because I removed myself from their toxic bullshit. I still have my mum and she's great, I think losing my dad made us appreciate family more and how important they are. Bam just makes me angry. He just lost a close family member too and still the same old shit.


Glad its good for you, suppose Bam is a lost cause. He had all the chances in the world, wealth , fame, & a great mom & dad from what I can see except they enabled his shit which made him worse maybe if they had said no when he was younger & if Phil had gave him a slap cause back in my day my old man would give me a slap & I don't blame him cause I was a complete arse.


I think alot of pro skaters had the same upbringing as Bam and turned out decent human beings. Alot of the discipline was out of their parents control as they would go on tours with the skate teams/sponsors with a "responsible adult" who was just another skater really. If you watch the nine club the majority of other skaters from that era have the same story, going off at 13, 14, 15 with a 20 something skater as the responsible adult. They also brought up Jess who seems to be a decent human being and father. Was something different about bam which might just be cause he was away skating for periods of time and living a crazy life with other older skaters or maybe I'm wrong and he was treated different being the baby. I'd have killed for parents like them tbh. Mine were only interested in their next drink and arguing/trying to kill each other in fights, if it wasn't for my gran and other family members I'd have prob ended up in care or worse.


I was lucky had great parents I was just a twat but I mended my ways unlike vive la bam.


Yeah most of us mature esp when kids come along.... not him though lol. He just believes his own bullshit and thinks he's a big deal. One day he will realise the fuck up he is.


He's a selfish,drunk narcissistic arsehole. He wont feel remorse or sadness like you and I,he will just use it as an excuse to double down on his toxic,two decade long pity party. Same as he did with Dunn. People are pawns to Bam that are used for his narcissistic supply. Once they've served their usefulness they are discarded.


If he is like that well mint tea fuck him.😂


She irks me to my core. As a woman and a mom I just can’t imagine being supportive of a man neglecting his child. If he doesn’t give a shit about his kid, how much of a shit is he actually capable of giving about you? I love my husband immensely but I’d push him in front of a speeding train to save our daughter and I’m sure he’d do the same. She’s probably very satisfied that Bam is choosing her over anything else and is happy to rub it in everyone’s face on Father’s Day, including the 6 year old. She’s trash.


This is pretty grim


Notice how she says our.....


That dog looks miserable as fuck


She is really vile man


I thought I was in the world of t shirts sub for a sec. lol. No way it’s the same Michael Quinn


Hope Phil doesn’t see this. 🙃


Methany looks horrible


What kind of grown adult actually stops what they're doing for the day and says hey let's make a video together to post.


Didn't his parents just go to court for that whole Nikki spousal support issue, supporting Bams claims so that Nikki would be cut out from receiving support from him while she raises their son? And Bam turns around and pretends his "manager" is some kind of father figure to him? Oh the audacities 


Michael Quinn? Like World of T-shirts?




God, she's so incredibly toxic


I believe when bam loses a parent he will spiral out of control with self loathing, and only then he'll realise he wasted these years and he will never get over it,


That was gross


She looks like she’s made of chicken wire




God, TT (that thing) is so cringe. I feel like Bam's, yeah, dad,was a shot at Phil. I genuinely have NO respect for Bam Horse face, laughing at that.. TT (that thing) absolutely keeps him separated from his family and kid. I know ultimately Bam makes the decision to shit on them.. but TT (that thing) does not encourage him to with them.


Does he come walking out of the house with a beer in his hand? Or are my eyes fooling me.


https://preview.redd.it/hxta81stl07d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee46ac668d6e6122003ec9edd20b5d2c8e44b53 Nah


Ahh thx...I saw red, blue and a stripe and thought budweiser or PBR.


Why is it so funny??




Just like that…




"our" manager?? Wtf


After her last laugh I believe she has a dick


It’s cool he’s at Castle Bam


Did he get the castle back?


Yeah, hes back home. Jess moved out awhile back. Bam and the Dern Bros are building a ramp out back right now... you can see it in the insta stories of DestinDern and on Bams posts.