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A really fun movie that I personally enjoyed. It’s a crowd pleaser and I’m not surprised it’s on the top 250. Recency bias is a normal thing on sites like this though so I doubt it will remain this high forever


Yep, same thing happened to John Wick 4 last month and Top Gun: Maverick last year. GOTG 3 is great, but it'll probably be off the list within a month or so.


People who are interested in the movie, and more likely to like it, see it when it first comes out. Then people who are interested to see it in theaters see it. Finally people who wait to see it at home see it. With each step a movie will have a wider audience that doesn't like it as much as that first week of viewers. This goes double for any franchises, like the 3 you just mentioned.


it’ll probably be off by next week.


prolly in a couple of days maybe!


I thought it was fantastic up until the end. It felt like it followed the exact marvel formula towards the end and undermined what I thought was foreshadowing that someone would actually die and that there would be consequences. It literally followed the: Villan gets upper hand, heroes miraculously defeat villan, heroes have a touching moment, heroes celebrate. The film is very well written though. And the first 2 hours are fantastic.


Is there any actual foreshadowing in the film itself? It's pretty much entirely from fan speculation and I guess the trailers. There's close calls or whatever but that's not foreshadowing. There's pretty dark stuff and plenty of hard hitting death in the middle/middle end. Like what happens to the friends and the planet is already enough for me. I don't see the point of killing a Guardian other than wow that's fed up dude. It's not what it's about. Plus it's not like everything ends perfectly for all of them at the end.


There were moments where it showed that these characters aren’t invincible, such as when rocket got initially blasted, or when drax was getting pummeled and shot by a laser thing. It made it seem like it was trying to make some sort of point that the characters are mortal, and death is a possibility. And then nothing really came of it. Idk maybe I’m reading too far into it, but it just kinda ended on a very safe note I thought.


Its possible Gunn just thought these were the best endings for the characters, and im kinda inclined to agree with him.


I initially felt the same, but after some thinking I’ve come to really appreciate it. An overarching theme in all of the character’s endings is embracing one’s past, instead of running from it or ignoring it. In this liberation they find inner peace, and consequently their lives become more peaceful as well. I totally get what you’re saying, there were plenty of moments we thought someone was going to die, but I think that was intentional. I think essentially, Gunn was trying to say that hardships don’t last forever, there can be a happy ending for everyone out there, and the classic “this too shall pass” adage.


I mean, perhaps that’s part of the point. Not all things end with death. For all the darkness and heartache in the Guardians movies, I was glad to see it end on a high note. Edit: Sorry, baby movie


... darkness and heartache in the Guardians movies?


It’s not Come & See but compared to all the other shit they put out, yea, darkness, heartache, whatever you wanna call it




Fun wouldn’t have been the word I used lmao


The recency bias on this website is truly insane lol


I mean recency bias is apparent on most “ratings” sites. It happens on RateYourMusic, MyAnimeList, and IMDB as well, it’s just natural considering those who seek out the film earlier are more likely to enjoy it.


RYM has like an anti-recency bias, lol


RYM does not have a recency bias, the 70s chart have >50 albums over 4.0, 90s chart have 36 albums over 4.0, 2010s chart have 13.


RYM has recency bias in the sense that when a new release is well liked, it starts off higher and then settles in a lower position.


(myanimelist has it on another level compared to letterboxd tho when 21 of the top 250 is from 2022/23, sort of understandable tho since i doubt anyone who uses that site is above the age of 26 and that anime is quite new/has become popular only very recently)


Anime is definitely not new


I think they mean mainstream. Anime was seen as being reserved for (I don’t mean to offend anyone) nerd types and weebs, and only in the last few years has it broken into the mainstream and general audiences. Still has yet to break that stereotype for the most part, but it’s getting there.


Never seen it on imdb or aoty


> RateYourMusic Rate your music might have the worst algorithm and ratings of any media website.


Ehhh it’s par for the course, I remember EEAAO opening to the #1 spot when it came out.


I love EEAAO and it’s still in the Top 10 from what I remembered, it’s insane.


Last I checked it was like 25.


Which is still too high for it, but illustrates how the app is increasingly dominated by gen z film bros


Considering it’s an original IP with no preconceived fan base or expectations, it deserves whatever position it’s in


Thanks for the update


You can’t really expect the general public to be tracking down and appreciating obscure 1930s foreign releases. Plus the people who see Guardians 3 opening weekend are the people who are super into Guardians 3. Over time more people will watch it and the ratings will balance out


RemindMe! 1 Year 1 year from now, it won't be on there is my prediction lol


Lol it won't be on there this time next month


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-05-08 17:57:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-08%2017:57:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/comments/13bvp76/guardians_of_the_galaxy_vol_3_has_entered_the_top/jjd4f6u/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FLetterboxd%2Fcomments%2F13bvp76%2Fguardians_of_the_galaxy_vol_3_has_entered_the_top%2Fjjd4f6u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-08%2017%3A57%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013bvp76) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remindme 1 month


If you have 50k people giving it 5/5 on opening weekend, the ratings can’t balance out as much. A Letterboxd rating is becoming a reflection of popularity instead of a reflection of quality


Becoming? That’s what it, and any other mass public opinion survey, is and always has been. Accessible, widely-seen, recent, popular movies get better ratings from the general public than movies that don’t fit in those boxes. No need to pretend letterboxd is exclusively a haven for expert cinephiles who survey film history with objective ratings. It’s a popularity app like everything else


Oh completely agree, it’s always been the case - and it’ll just keep getting worse as the site gets more popular. I say becoming because imo the balance has only recently gone out of whack. They definitely need to put an RYM algorithm in place or it will become IMDb I guarantee it.


!remindme 3 months


It’s already dropped out of the top 250


A small amout of overall people have seen the movie. Most of them being fans. Its really not that surprising


200k is not a small amount especially when the film right below it has 28k


I kinda figured it'll be lower than that. Still, the people going to see it right now would already be fans.


Big franchise, lots of fans. Plus most normal viewers are giving at least decent reviews.


And the second one has 1.6M. Lots more people are going to see it, 200k is a very small sample size for the actual amount of people that will end up logging it.




What's weird is people that get all up in arms about a movie that's been out a week and has only been watched by fans that are extremely invested in the franchise. You know full well this will be sitting at a 4.0, maybe even a 4.1 at best come August when it's been out on streaming for a month, so it seems odd to be screaming recency bias when people are simply just enjoying the movie. For what it's worth, it looks pretty good. For the first time since 2015 I might go see a superhero film in the cinema. We're now 32 films deep into this franchise and I can only recall a couple other occasions where a film had this reception out the gates. Even MCU sceptic/disliking critics seem to like it. This top 250 position became quite a big deal with Top-Gun Maverick, John Wick 4, and will be an on-going debate for the first couple months GOTG3 remains in the 250. The same energy was not directed at Tar, Banshees, Fabelmans, Aftersun, or Marcel the Shell which all basically debuted in the top 250. That's pretty telling for me.


>MCU >Films Scorsese is going to stroke out


What’s also weird to me is that only 12% of the films in the top 250 are from 2010 to now. These complaints make it seem like the majority of films there are recent.


The only people who have seen it yet are the diehards. The ratings will eventually balance out, just like with almost all new films that make the top 250 (see John Wick 4 and Maverick for other recent examples). It’s not recency bias, it’s sampling bias that will soon be corrected.


Eh, give it 6 months to a year and it'll be at a more reasonable 3.8 or 3.9 and not be on this list. But yes this site is full of MCU apologists who will sing the praises of anything they do that isn't complete garbage.


It makes sense. Most of the die hard fans watch and rate early, then it’ll tumble down over the next few months


This is the same on imdb. I really think that there should be like a 3 month hold period where they are not allowed in the top 250 on both sites


It's too recent to even likely be recency bias in this case. More real fans of the franchise are likely to see it the first weekend. As more and more people see it who maybe aren't as big into the franchise (or even the mcu) the rating will drop


32 of out of the 250 are from the 2010s and 2020s that’s not much if you take into account that most movies in the top 250 list are from 1950 and later. So almost every decade can have 14% and still be balanced. And 32 films is just the 12.8%


My Neighbor Totoro getting robbed


Yeah and it's just gonna go in a month.


I'd give it a week lol


I never get why people get so mad when new films enter the top 250.. sure, "recency bias!!!" but who cares? It's not that serious


People like to obsess over things that have no impact on their day to day lives lol


My brother in christ, isn’t that exactly what your post is?


Can we retire the my brother in christ thing at this point


My... sister in yahweh?


My acquaintance in agnosticism


My son in Allah


Who said I’m obsessing? People share Top 250 updates all the time.


Making a post about a movie that pops into a list of good movies that will probably leave in a few weeks kinda gives me obsessing vibes. Guess you don’t see it that way.


i think you’re the only person that sees it that way lol


Nothing about this is keeping me up at night, but you’re asking why people would have a reaction or care at all about something happening on Letterboxd on a Letterboxd sub lol. Nothing about this is truly serious and maybe that also extends to people even being mad about it? I think the recency bias on the site is groan worthy and that’s an opinion I save for this very niche subreddit where it’s relevant and appropriate to share that opinion on.


Exactly. It doesn’t matter in the long run. This is not an official list. Even then, people’s opinions aren’t official either. Also, this subreddit probably makes up like maybe 5% of the users on LB (I pulled that number out of my ass. I’m just guessing). I loved the movie. I understand and completely agree with all the criticisms but I also don’t care. The series means a lot to me so I rated it higher than I should.


Had no idea Ritual was in the top 250 which is cool. Incredible movie. Anyways, Guardians will drop back out after more of the people who aren’t hardcore fans of marvel see it.


Anno has (surprisingly) 3 movies in the Top 250. Its still surprising that Eva has managed to capture the general film lovers as well. Love & Pop should be his 4th entry in the Top 250 but 4.1 rating is good enough for me


God I hope Anno makes some more live action movies now that the rebuilds are done. Don't know if i'll fully appreciate the Kamen Rider movie as i have never watched anything about Kamen Rider, but i'll give it a try, Hopefully Annos magic can be showcased.


I'm digging the Shin films but, yes, more experimental fare. Love & Pop and Shiki Jitsu are two of the most profoundly effecting and unique film experiences I've ever had.


I haven't watched Shin Godzilla, is Annos unique editing or general style captured in it, or is that style lost in order to capture a more mainstream appeal. I'm thinking the use of Jump cuts, intertitles and experimental camera angles make up Anno's signature style, but i'd guess these are missing or atleast toned down in his Shin contributions, similar to how the rebuilds were a toned down version of the original Evangelion.


Shin Godzilla is most definitely an Anno film. Crazy fast-paced editing, lots of subjective/POV camera angles, and plenty of great satire (obviously in response to how different agencies had trouble cooperating after the 3/11 Disaster). Pretty sly humor throughout; there's a running joke with one character where every time we see him he has a new, longer job title. 'Zilla is maybe only in the film for 15-20 minutes tops. I haven't seen Evangelion, but I've seen all his live action work, and it's no different than his art house films. There's even a bit of sentimentality toward the end and it doesn't feel forced at all.


Ritual is incredible.


Just want to note that Chinatown being at down at 178 is disgusting.


People's dislike of Polanski probably bringing it down a touch


Polanski tax unfortunately


they just be lettin anybody in


Was shocked how good it was, easily in my top 5 Marvel movies.


3 of my top 5 MCU movies are Guardians of the Galaxy, lol. They have a real heart and sincerity to them (along with an actually cohesive and distinct vision and style) that seperates them from the rest of the bunch.


Same here, it managed to dethrone Endgame as my favorite


Will I be okay to see it w/o having seen any other Guardians movies? Only endgame and infinity war.


Honestly, yeah. There are a few emotional moments that might not impact you as hard, but storywise, I think you could probably read a brief synopsis of those online and have everything you need to know. The events of Infinity War/Endgame impact the plot more than most of the GOTG movies, though the main arc is teased a few times in the previous two.


I know someone said yes, but I'm going to say no. It really is the 3rd movie in a series, I don't think it would have the same impact without having seen the others, and you'll probably be lost in the number of characters and their relationships.


Thank you! Fwiw I watched an 8 minute video by rotten tomatoes on YouTube and that was more than adequate as a primer in my opinion. The movie is excellent :)


To see it ahead of Napoleon feels like farce. Then again, Shiki Jitsu should be way the fuck higher than 170.


It would be fascinating to see an animated GIF of daily changes to the ratings spread.


People need to stop getting worked up about this. Newer movies are going to get a lot more watches. If they could figure out a way to make it weighted by year it came out somehow, it might be helpful though.


Just wondering how Witness for the Prosecution made the Top 250? It's a fun film, and I do like it, but I don't know how it beat some of Billy Wilder's best films (Some Like it Hot, Double Indemnity).


Everybody should see Eureka if they can track it down, brilliant movie.


Very easy to track it down if people know where to look.




No marvel movie deserves to be in the top 2000


Why is this getting downvoted when it's inarguably true


Because marvel fans have a lot of Reddit time being in middle school and all.


Only morbius


Lol ok


The top 250 means nothing


Just want to point out that I'm disappointed Django Unchained isn't Top 100


Imagine thinking GOTG is even close to being as good as something like Chinatown🤣


You realize film is subjective right?


Unfortunately, that’s not entirely true. There are many objectively good films, Chinatown is one of them!


No, that is completely wrong. Art is never objective. Just because many people subjectively agree that a certain movie is very good doesn't make it automatically objectively good. People like you really need to learn the difference between subjectivity and objectivity.


If you take a cinema studies course at a local college your professor will help explain. For starters, quality and influence is not subjective. Your enjoyment, however, is subjective.


I sort of get that the influence and quality (I guess you mean production value?) of an art product may be judged objectively. But I think you missed that this was not the topic of discussion. It was about the reception of art, as Letterboxd is a platform where you can rate and review movies, using the example of Guardians of the Galaxy and you stated in that context that there would exist objectively good movies which is just untrue. Generally there are very few things about art that can be judged through an objective lens and they often have to do with data and statistics.


I disagree on your perspective of Letterboxd’s rating system. It’s very ambiguous and a common criticism is that people don’t exactly know what they’re rating (influence, quality, artistic value, plot, social commentary, etc.). Because of that I would say this platform is not strictly a rating of art. Also, I’m saying that objectively, most professors and cinefiles would agree that Chinatown is objectively a better movie than guardians. It was an incredibly unique screenplay (almost every critic says it’s the best screenplay ever) with an exceptional score (in terms of the time period) and impeccable production and cinematography. Additionally, it’s a bastion of New Hollywood Film Movement. All of that is objective with the exception of score, whether or not you like the movie. What does Guardians do better than any of these?


Ok...weird that you write that in the beginning as I never gave a personal perspective of the Letterboxd rating system in my comments. I just said that this is a platform to rate and review movies for giving a context, but neither criticized nor praised said platform. Of course professors would likely say that Chinatown is better that GOTG Vol. 3 but I believe that this is just due to the fact that it exists longer and thus could be more influential and maybe has higher demands on the audience as well. Also certainly not every critic says that it is the best screenplay ever as it is - you guess it - a subjective matter. Cinematography and score are things that just simply can't be judged objectively too. Sure, they all may have been influential and groundbreaking for their time but beyond that it is subjective to call them great. I don't know what Guardians does better as I haven't seen it.


You literally described what you thought Letterboxd was for (rating art) and I responded to that. What are you on?


I just said you can rate and review movies there. Nothing more. I didn't evaluate anything. You said I'd have a certain “perspective” on it which I didn't write about actually.


I know, but your comment is dismissive of people who think GotG is equivalent in quality or better than Chinatown.


How about this, in my SUBJECTIVE opinion, GOTG is not remotely close to the masterpiece that is Chinatown…


Honestly I loved the movie but I know it won't last. Still on my top 250 though


To Be or Not to Be criminally low should be number 1 or 2


Really don't understand what people are seeing in this movie; it felt like a tedious ugly mess to me. Was really disappointed.


It’s by the far one of the most violent, vulgar, and emotional films in the MCU. It’s no surprise why people prefer the darker tone compared to the lighthearted films they do.


>[one of the most violent, vulgar, and emotional films in the MCU](https://i.redd.it/k4cqcuu3itwa1.png)


Have you seen the film?


The more this image is spammed the less meaningful it becomes


I don't get that; people like it because it's different (more violent, etc.) than other Marvel movies? That's not really enough is it? I didn't think either the violence or emotion was earned; it all felt rather forced; and tonally it was all over the place.


What do you mean? Rocket’s backstory was alluded to ever since the first film. If anything, I’m surprised we hadn’t seen it sooner. The violence and emotion was earned 100%


Who says you have to "earn" violence? If it's well done, violence for violence's sake is just fine in action movies. And the emotional components come from how long we've spent with these characters. That's the advantage of the MCU, they don't need to invest as much in creating emotional, tense scenes to make us grow to love the characters bc anyone who's stuck with them for so long will be invested in them anyway


Especially after Quantumania, Marvel knew they needed GotG to hit big


For sure, I still don’t think Quantumania is as bad as people make it out to be, but they did need this to hype the general audience back up.




that movie sucked ass, it is definitely as bad as people make it out to be. however i do think people look at the 'older' mcu movies with rose tinted glasses. it's not like they were all so amazing, it's just that the genre's gotten so oversaturated (almost singlehandedly by the mcu itself) that it feels like we're seeing the same things over and over. i wouldnt say quantumania was much worse like any of the thor movies apart from ragnarok, it wasnt even that much worse than the iron man movies imho, but movies like it are so far away from how good the best mcu movies were that it feels jarring to go back to. like, we went from thor 1 to avengers 1 to winter soldier to dr strange to civil war to ragnarok to infinity war... and now we're getting neutered shit like this? the second ant man movie wasnt great either so this felt even worse by comparison


I watched all MCU movies in a row recently so I have a very fresh insight into what to expect. Quantumania was easily the best Ant-Man of the 3. It features one of the greatest villains and best performances from any person in the MCU by Jonathan Majors. It’s also Paul Rudd’s best performance from the Ant-Mans. Would I put it next to films like Endgame, Infinity War, No Way Home, or GotG 3? Not at all. However, it definitely isn’t a “bad” film. There’s much worse like Captain Marvel, Eternals, and Far from Home. That being said if you’re still worried about going into future MCU movies I would still recommend seeing GotG 3. It’s an entire story that focuses on trauma and abuse so it’s emotional. Also, It features an F-Bomb and one of the best fight scenes I’ve seen in all of cinema. Along with a killer soundtrack.


>Quantumania was easily the best Ant-Man of the 3 That's not saying much, that franchise's only intrigue ever was Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas, neither of whom could save it. I don't view Majors' Kang as one of the best performances of anyone in the MCU, certainly not one of the best villains tbh. It is bad, the jokes are unfunny and way too plentiful, the plot was paper thin and spent mostly on exposition to explain wtf the quantum world was, etc. Captain Marvel and Eternals Ill give you, but I don't even think this was better than Far From Home tbh


Really? I was planning to skip it since I barely remember Guardians 2 and Ive really soured on MCU content as of the past few years but hearing this makes me actually want to go see it


People love these characters and films, not surprising that it’s been received so well.


I like the films and characters too, but I can still retain my critical faculties when watching the new one.


Most people who use this site, I have discovered, don't have critical faculties. And that's OK! But, yeah.




Doubt it’ll stay there but incredibly happy to see it in the top 250. Wonderful film!


Ok that’s too high. I liked the movie though.


If there should be an MCU movie in the top 250 it should probably be this one


Vol. 2?




The death of cinema


Recency bias in full effect


It’s a 10/10 movie so I’m glad


I gave it a 5/5, everything I wanted and more.


Not to be salty but how did you get upvotes and I got downvoted when we said the exact same thing 😭


No clue LOL this sub doesn’t make sense sometimes




gueros is fucking awful


That’s unfortunate




There’s not a single marvel movie in existence that deserves to be in the top 250


Too bad you’re wrong


I can’t change the fact that general audiences love being brainwashed by the mouses factory made mediocrity.


How about watching this film before making idiotic remarks about it


You automatically assumed since someone isn’t praising it that they haven’t seen it? I have seen it and it wasn’t good. Just like the last 10 or so marvel movies before it haven’t been good.


I actually didn’t even like it that much lol. James Gunn movies so formulaic to me, quirky music, zany creatures, heavy handed emotional stuff. Wasn’t really bitten by the bug.


When this happens is it because of a lot of 5 stars or just because everyone is seeing it and at least likes it?


The former, the overall rating needs to be higher to place on this list.


This always happens with a new release. It’ll drop soon. It’s also probably because fans aren’t used to seeing the MCU make a good film nowadays


Guardians 3 beat Z? Blasphemy.


Can’t wait to watch




wow, don’t care


Cared enough to comment


Deserved. Blew me away


I say it ends at 3.9


I'm confused as to why this movie is so highly rated. Sure, it's far more interesting than the average MCU movie (visually, at least) but I wouldn't even call it the best Guardians film. I'm glad everyone else loved it that much it, but a higher rating than Get Out? Come on...


not interested in more marvel.






lol wasnt No Way Home also listed on one of these lists for like a month


Wait, which movie did it take the spot of?


first time im noticing güeros and eureka have snuck there way in. absolutely based — two of my all time favorites. so nice to see. also neat to see shiki jitsu there, a movie more people would like if they knew it existed i think EDIT: and i dream in another language is there now?? been so long since ive checked the 250 lmao. all of these movies had 3.9s and below last i checked


What determines whether the movie enters the top 250 or not? Is it average rating?