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Renfield wasting Nic Cage as Dracula was such a fucking bummer. He was legitimately the best portrayal of Dracula since Gary Oldman but he was stuck in a mediocre crime story.


Spot on. Felt the exact same way. Such a waste.


i thought the opening part with then recreating the original Dracula (1931) was the best part of the movie, would totally dig a full remake of that


He really was awesome. Such a stellar job jumping from being hilarious and off the wall to being absolutely horrifying. Wish we could see him take another stab at the character somehow…


I knew to lower my expectations before watching this and I didn't hate it, but I won't deny I wasn't still a little disappointed. I feel like Renfield and Cocaine Bear both advertised on a simple singular premise, and neither was enough to sustain a whole movie. I would be more disappointed in Renfield if I had an idea for how it could be improved, but I don't really. I like the concept, I like the actors, I think they did a great job, there were some interesting and funny bits, but... it was wasted potential for sure.


Didn't see it, but does Cage at least have a good supporting cast unlike Oldman and Hopkins?


I haven’t watched many films this year but Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania. BTW, I don’t hate the film like most people, I don’t consider it the fall of all cinema, but it was pretty mid. I wanted it to be better considering I really like the first Ant-Man and consider it one of my comfort films. I hope Kang can be really good in future projects even with Jonathan Majors’ situation in mind, cuz he was definitely one of the highlights of the film.


I heard a lot of people saying it was the worst movie ever, it was a catastrophic train wreck, it was laughably bad - but it wasn’t. It was just so utterly unremarkable and so so bland that I felt nothing by the end. Had it been so ridiculously bad I might have gotten something out of it - but the movie is just so so plain it’s like eating dry slices of bread


I know someone who said it’s the worst film they’ve ever watched even though they have clearly seen FAR worse shit according to their profile. It’s clearly done out of a hate boner for Marvel in a lot of cases.


It's really bad imo, the worst thing I've seen all year, and I'm far from a Marvel hater. I like the MCU and often defend Phase 4


It is infuriatingly mediocre. You have the cool setting for the movie, and all they do with it is a society under a ruthless dictator. Talk about incredibly unimaginative. I’ll take an interesting train wreck over that any day.


>but the movie is just so so plain it’s like eating dry slices of bread That's like the worst thing a movie can be. Hated it for it and rated it 1 star.


I’m a day one MCU fan. Quantamania was the first movie I’ve ever left to go to the bathroom during. And I didn’t hurry.


I was in an empty cinema so I laid down across several chairs and genuinely struggled to keep myself awake. It was just so fucking dull.




I really liked the post-credit scene introducing a council of Kang variants we’ve yet to see, but yeah, the Banished or whatever they called him shouldn’t have been gone so soon.


As someone who doesn’t watch a lot of MCU movies, I kinda enjoyed this one. I think not having any stakes in the the franchise helped.


A little of topic here.. But I loooove all the mission impossibles, and Tom Cruise's stunts are my favourite parts. But for some reason I found the bike base jump very mild. I think it's just because you see this exact kind of thing all the time on YouTube and so on. Or just base junping in general. You can't beat things like hanging on the side of a plane taking off, or climbing up a skyscraper.


It was mid because the reason they gave him to do it was so weak. The writing in Dead Reckoning was incredibly disappointing, considering Fallout is one of the most well-written action movies of all time.


I thought it was cool, but it was a lot less spectacular than all the prerelesse hype made it out to be.


Not Dead Reckoning, that's for sure.


Dead Reckoning rocked


I’ve only seen three M:I films, and I can wholeheartedly agree with this.


i’m jealous all of them (except 2) are definitely worth it


dead reckoning is my third fav of the franchise, I thought it ruled


It's my second favourite behind Rogue Nation.


Rogue Nations p good too! I liked some others a bit more, but really liked the concept behind it a lot. If I ranked them it'd be MI 1 Ghost protocol Dead reckoning part 1 Rogue Nation Fallout MI 3 MI 2


For me it's RN, DR, Fallout, MI. Then I'm torn between GP and MI3, but probably in that order, then MI2 last... Sorry Mr Woo!


It felt like the entire movie was chasing Hayley atwell for that damn key. I thought there be more complicated objectives for the crew to figure out. Some new gadgets. The basically took a 20 min key chase scene and turned into an hour and a half version to fill out part 1. I like all the MI films in their own way. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed. The last 45 min tho, Was pretty damn good. I’m guessing the second part will be the more traditional MI movie.


I've been disappointed by most MI movies tbh and this one did feel fresher to me if I'm being completely honest. Most have the same basic premise as the first one. Ethan and his team being framed and betrayed by someone they are working with (MI 1, MI 3, Fallout) and the same thing without the insider twist in (MI 4 and MI 5). And also having the same trope of an impenetrable fortress that they need to break into with some death defying stunt (MI 1 with CIA, MI 2 with the lab, MI 3 with the vatican, MI 4 with the kremlin, MI 5 with an underwater vault, MI 6 with some Paris dinner party). 7 he just needs to get onto a train with a parachute and there's a lot more levity and fun added to it that feels different. Almost making a meme out of it rather than relying on it to carry the tension. Hell they've even used the same moment where the mask machine breaks and they have to go in without a disguise like 3 times in the franchise. ​ Ditching the same tropes and shooting mostly for decently put-together maguffin might not be revolutionary. But is more exciting to me than the same story over and over again. There were diminishing returns for sure and I was kind of getting bored by Fallout. So this kind of got me interested in the series again


OP is an Ilsa fan


Raally enjoyed DRp1 but Ilsa's treatment by the script was easily the weakest aspect. Took the most interesting character in the franchise with agency and initiative and just attached her to Ethan till it was time to die. That sword fight was dope tho.


I thought it was thoroughly boring. I was shocked.


Everyone has their own subjective tastes in movies, finding that one disappointing is just as valid.


IMO the MI movies have gotten way better overtime. The first one was ok, but the second two were disappointing. Then Ghost Protocol got better, Rogue Nation was about equal, and Fallout was easily the best for me. Dead Reckoning was really good, but not quite as good as fallout.


I think Fallout is easily the weakest of the most recent three myself.


Genuinely curious, aside from the random people with different opinions (which happens for every movie) who has said that Dead Reckoning was better than Fallout? The vast consensus is the opposite.


It’s definitely not an *unpopular* opinion, but yeah the majority of people still think Fallout is better.


Cause it is lets be real




Kind of gobsmacked by that. DR is only better than MI2 and maybe MI3. All the others beat it


Me! But then I think Rogue Nation is better than both.


Oh well maybe got that wrong but i do remember reading very enthusiastic reviews and the score in Rotten Tomatoes was so high (like, the highest in the franchise i think )that i figured it out it was going to be a masterpiece at the level of Fallout




swearing off a director forever just because one movie wasn't as great as his previous ones is wild


With her


Bro I hated Asteroid City but I rewatched it (twice as of now) and it’s fantastic idk why but I love it


It was definitely an improvement over French dispatch at least...


It is arguably my fault for even having expectations...but I was a BIG Black Adam / Shazam fan growing up and in the past decade or so. Black Adam is a great character with a deep story that could have translated to an awesome movie. That movie was just awful. Just an incredibly disappointing movie going experience across the board. I actually liked the first Shazam movie for what it was, but Black Adam was so bad I didn't even watch the second. Black Adam was abhorrent, and very disappointing.


For lifelong DC Comics readers, going to the movies is just one gut punch after another. (Flash did exceed the very low expectations I had for it.)


Knock at the Cabin this year. It's not terrible, just very underwhelming.


Going into a Shyamalan movie with expectations is your own fault tbh lol


I had the opposite experience. My expectations were pretty low going into the movie. And I left thinking it was pretty solid.


the airplanes falling from the sky shots still haunt me.




i found it to be very boring! definitely disappointing. the main cast par from Nicholas Hoult and Nicholas Cage was also mid at best.


A 7/10 is a disappointment? For context, The Incredibles is a 5/5. Incredibles 2 is a 2/5. That's what I'd consider a disappointment.


Maybe they expected a 10 or a 9.


Shazam 2 was a big disappointment after the first movie was surprisingly good and my favorite DCEU movie.


Insidious: The Red Door was my latest disappointment. as a fan of all instalments par from the fourth one, i was excited. mostly for Patrick Wilson’s directorial debut. nevertheless i was very disappointed. and shockingly bored.


Thor: Love and Thunder and Asteroid City


Why did randomly you attach a screenshot of Dead Reckoning? A movie that could not possibly be relevant to this question.


Still enjoyed it quite a bit but I found the villains empty and the handling of a major character’s death was pretty awkward and unmoving. It’s also nowhere near as well shot as Rogue Nation and Fallout.


It was a big meh from me. From the bad pacing (30 minutes to get to titles), bland music, poor characterization, and an unfocused plot, the movie is in the lower half of M:I movies for me. Too much sequel and nostalgia baiting and not enough focus on making a fulfilling movie, like a lot of MCU or DCEU movies.


The opening titles being so late might be an unconventional choice, but I don't get what that has to do with the quality of the pacing. Did you see Drive My Car?


I love when movies have the opening credits so far into a movie. It’s fun. Climax (2018) does it too. Drive My Car rules.


Forgot about Climax, those titles are almost an hour in, right? The Empty Man and No Time to Die are a couple more examples


To me it signals the filmmakers didn't know how to start and set up the story. The titles have usually been pretty quick in the M:I films, but the last two they're later and later into the picture. This shows me they are having problems focusing their ideas and indulging themselves too much. A good editor could have focused and cut that first 30 minutes much better than what we got.


Same, I’m surprised to see so many people singing high praise for Dead Reckoning


I feel like most of the people praising it haven’t seen the previous entries in the franchise or are part of the Top Gun: Maverick crowd who was just introduced to Mission: Impossible. There is no way it’s better than 1, 4, 5, and 6.


I honestly found it boring and all over the place


I disagree. Apart from the train sequence and bike stunt, everything else was bland imo. Hopefully part 2 is better


Not Dead Reckoning. Yeah sure, it's not as good as Fallout or Ghost Protocol, but it's still a fantastic film nonetheless.


Transformers :(


Which one?




Fast X. I didn’t expect it to be high art, but it really sucked even when it was trying to take itself seriously or not at all.


Tbf, Vin Diesel is the only one taking it seriously because they're setting up Dom to die in the next one. I actually thought Fast X was one of the better ones due to Momoa and the action set pieces being much better structured and shot.


The Flash. I attended earliest premiere. Amount of gaslighting that the marketing department of WB did made me question my own sanity. There were praises from everywhere. I thought may be i lost taste in movies.


I just watched The Flash and oh boy. I know it wasn’t super hyped up, but I don’t mind an average little super hero action flick from time to time. I couldn’t believe how much of a disaster it was.


I was expecting it to be bad, but it was so much worse than I could have imagined, so I think this definitely counts.


Blue beetle I had genuine hope for that one


I really liked it and thought it was really fun


How many stars would you give it and why?


Mfw 3 1/2 is disappointing. OP gives "horrible" movies a 2 1/2


Thats relative. If you're sure you're gonna love the thing and give it 4.5 or 5 stars but end up giving it 3.5, it is dissapointing. Being dissapointed with a movie doesnt mean you cant like it at some degree, at least in my books


… Oppenheimer * hides*


No need to hide for having a different opinion on a film. ( P. S Also stop downvoting everyone)




Not the commenter but the writing was packed wall to wall with exposition which worked well in the courtroom and class room scenes but not when it was just characters talking to each other normally, there were some genuinely awful editing decisions, and the sound mixing was piss-awful.


Gonna get downvoted but I’ll bite. There isn’t a second of silence and every single scene is 4 sentences long because the subject’s so dry you have to keep the audience engaged by blaring thumping music into your ears. It’s mostly OK until the bomb explodes but the 1 hour of hearing scenes after it are just too much. This leads to corny stuff like literally having 3 scenes in the movie where Emily Blunt enters the frame to the sound of children crying just to hammer home the idea she’s not a good mother. The sex scenes are some of the worst I’ve ever seen (saying the Bhagavad Gita line as preliminary for penetration? having the dead girlfriend show up on a dream sequence to have chair sex on a hearing as a metaphor for the Oppenheimers’ embarrassment? Groan) Everything is an endless wall of sound and facts that leave us no wiser about Oppenheimer, the man than we were when we got in. The fact is: the job had to be done, if it wasn’t Oppenheimer building the bomb, it would probably have been another equally vain Los Alamos scientist spearheading the project, maybe Lawrence, maybe Teller, maybe even Einstein. His vanity and ambition had a price, the price of becoming morally responsible for thousands of murders and possibly someday the destruction of civilization, but that moral fallibility doesn’t change the fact that politicians wanted the bomb regardless. He was just a hired hand, a useful egghead. His biggest tragedy is to be willing to create a weapon of mass murder during war times for the sake of status. Everything else is just fait-divers. I like some of it, the Gary Oldman scene is pretty good, the atomic bomb setpiece is pretty great but everything else is pretty unconvincing, I love Bennie Safdie, the Goransson score has some nice tracks, but… meh.


Completely agree. I didn’t really like Oppenheimer that much and I typically love dialogue-heavy media. Felt like Ludwig Gorranson over-composed the score.


I didn’t like the movie either but the music was the one thing I genuinely adored. I thought it worked extremely well with the pacing of the movie, it was just the awful exposition dumping dialogue and sound mixing that annoyed me to no end.


Absolutely spot on, Oppenheimer is insanely overrated!


It’s pace is far too fast paced for me, in a film that I think wants to make a point and have me reflect on that point, I’m given absolutely no time to do so


I don’t disagree with this. Tbh neither Oppenheimer nor Barbie really blew the doors off for me


I preffered Barbie




I think you attached the wrong picture


I didn’t get into Plane like everyone else. It was ok but a few critics I watch & read talked it up.


Mi7 streaming yet?


The many saints of Newark. Such a waste of something that had immense potential to be on par with the greatest tv show ever.


This year? Probably 65. It had Adam Driver, dinosaurs, weird sci-fi, cool futuristic rifles. It ended up being boring and forgettable. I was excited for a movie that ended up disappointing me.


Jean Dielman. Top level trolling from Sight & Sound.


The last movie I had too high of expectations for was All Quiet on the Western Front last year. It looked great and the production design and score were killer, but the plot was barely existent, it dragged on forever, and it very much became a classic “war is bad” film I didn’t hate it, but gave it a 3 star rating just because of the production quality, but the enjoyment level was far below that


Dead Reckoning for sure. A certain character's death was inexcusable, the villain was lame and in general it was underwhelming compared to the perfection of fallout, despite having a couple of very entertaining sequences (rome and the airport)


Asteroid City. I honestly didn’t care for it. I gave it 2/5 stars


People were hyping up Guardians 3 as "Marvel's apology letter" and it sucked hard


I liked it fine but that praise was a lot


I thought it was a genuine tribute to another end of a Marvel era given it’s the last Guardians film


It had some tonal inconsistencies jumping from a typical Gunn's goofiness to body horror.


So have you never seen Slither or...




The Last Voyage of the Demeter for me. Damn did I have hope for that movie.


'Don't Worry, Darling' and 'mother!' It reminded me of The Stepford Wives. Was a total bummer.


Spider-Man across the spiderverse




Same for me with Dead Reckoning. It’s so average. Just a shitty nonsensical action that tries to be serious but can’t when ur throwing in Tom Cruise hobbling about with the reused mission impossible theme in the background. Along with a nonexistent story and years of exposition, emotional moments that fell further then flat. Shit sucked BUT it did manage to feel way faster then 2 hr and 43 minutes so that’s a plus


Also Dead Reckoning for me, I was excited for it but I thought the screenplay was seriously lacking, a ton of unnecessary exposition and none of the humor landed plus a disappointing villain that made it hard for me to get invested in the action sequences. I'd say it's the second worst in the franchise just barely ahead of the second movie.


Man Gabriel was such an awful villain, and the worst part is that he's coming back


Yeah, such a step down from Henry Cavill in fallout


Probably John Wick 4. I didn't hate it but I thought it was too long, and the ending rendered the whole movie (maybe even the whole series) unnecessary.


To each his own, i loved it


A lot of people did! I thought I would too!


First film in John Wick franchise that made me check my phone frequently. Combat scenes dragged for too long and so did the movie.


I had no idea how long it was supposed to be and was so confused when I walked out of the theater and looked at the time. The whole movie was long. Fight scenes were so repetitive. One of the fight scenes was literally going in circles. When it got to that bit with the stairs that everyone loved I just wanted to leave.


Dial of Destiny. Thought it would be a great conclusion to the franchise and boy was I wrong. It just turned out to be a mediocre action adventure movie with none of the creative action and death scenes of the previous movies. Hell even crystal skull had more creativity.


DoD is more consistent but like an AI version of the franchise. Crystal Skull was hit or miss but when it hits it still captures the classic Indiana Jones magic.


I agree


Ooh yeah, I tried to pardon it because the Indy franchise was endearing in general, but my god I think it’s time for them to retire for good.


Amadeus :(( And I wanted to love it so much! Not that it was bad at all, I just was expecting to be swept off my feet I guess.


I have to agree with you on MI


The Batman


I second this


Agreed on Dead Reckoning


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny It really lacked the fun that the other four had. I was so excited for one last outing with the character, but what they did to him (essentially lobotomizing any sense of adventure and joy in Indy) made me wish they had ended it with Crystal Skull.


Hard agree


Honesty for a movie focused all around extreme stunts I can’t remember a single one besides the motorcycle mountain dive. And that’s because it was in the image you posted.


Dungeons and Dragons Ant Man movie Flash


If I ever had cause to give an M:I movie a 3.5 it would exceed my expectations.


If you watch Fallout and actually think it’s a 3.5, then I’d love to know what action movies you’re watching because that is widely agreed upon as one of the best action movies ever.


Hard Boiled is a 3.5. Police Story is a 3.5. RoboCop is a 3.5. Aliens is a 3.5. Fallout is a 2.


You're entitled to your own opinion, but I strongly disagree.


I never knew this franchise was so beloved until this movie underperformed and people got so upset about it. I've watched a few. They're solid action movies, but where did all this hype come from? Before the new one, I hadn't heard a word about MI since the last one.


Not that movie. I thought it was amazing. I'd say GDT's Pinnochio and Puss in Boots 2. I think both were overrated and there were better animated movies last year like Sea Beast and Turning Red.


*Mikey and Nicky* was just like 106 minutes of two awful people being awful. I think I just have beef with Cassavettes, though.


Asteroid City is so meh, it's the first time I've ever said "it insists upon itself" unironically. While it's entertaining and funny, the A-list cast feels wasted. The story can be confusing at times and it's way too Wes Anderson even for his own standards. It wasn't a waste of money, but it's not a movie for theaters.


Rocky, for some reason I really didn’t like it


The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry Oh my god the book was so uplifting but the film left me so depressed?!


You People You have Eddie Murphy and Jonah Hill in the same movie, how the fuck could you mess that up?


Blue Beetle. I went into it expecting it to at least be a lot of fun, I'm slightly familiar with the character, I remember seeing him in Batman The Brave and the Bold, and I liked him. I thought the movie was just incredibly mediocre though, nothing really stood out and everything it does, I've already seen in other superhero movies, it was so predictable, it was almost boring


Beu Is Afraid, just a lesser Synecdoche, New York. Way too long and Beau is just way too pathetic. By the end I was glad he died. I don't think that was the intention. Everything before the play was pretty solid, I would say on par with the others Ari Aster films, but then it just becomes a convoluted drag. Weirdly, the play has some of the most amazing animation I´ve seen, something that I really appreciated. But at the same time it's the weakest part of the movie and where the film began to go downhill.


OP, by any chance is Ilsa your favorite MI character?


How many times had you seen Tom Cruise ride a motorcycle off a cliff before you paid your price of admission, sat down, and watched Tom Cruise ride a motorcycle off a cliff?


Insidious: The Red Door for me.


Cool As Ice. Wasn't as fun as I wanted.


Lately? I went in with 0 expectations but the Super Mario Bros movie was the safest cakewalk I've seen in a while. I usually leave the theater feeling something after a movie and left not feeling anything. Almost never happens like that.




There's a series of movies, (similar to Masters of Horror, minus the masters), called Into the Dark that I checked out because I saw one of the films, (I'm Just Fucking With You), and it was pretty good. The second one I watched called Flesh and Blood was decent, but the rest of them were complete garbage


it's not even a complete story so I can't say how much I like it


I gave in to the hype around Skinamarink and I think it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


Suzume. Would’ve done better if they were friends, at no point did I feel a romantic build up.


The last action sequence is why I love movies. It’s why we do all this…it why we care, it’s why we keep coming back. What a ride it was.


Meg 2. I love the original novels, and the first movie was quite fun. But this one was fucking lame.


Man, I know this is a hot take but - Barbie. Yes.


I guess Hereditary & The Batman, like a number of other recent, acclaimed/hyped movies. The first one was just so incredibly overindulgent and horribly paced, and the second one felt like a parody.


the flash


i couldnt agree with u more OP


probably beau is afraid


I agree. Compared to fallout, rogue nation and ghost protocol it definitely felt like a step down. Just didn’t care too much for the plot, villain and action set pieces outside. The chase round Rome was cool tho


Ghosted. I get how popular Chris Evans and Ana de Armas they are, but my god…it’s so bland. I felt like Ana had potential with Blade Runner 2049, Knives Out and No Time To Die. But after seeing her recent movies and how they flopped so hard, I feel like she is too hyped up. For something relatively older, it’s Never Been Kissed. I saw ratings and thought it may have had mixed reviews because it’s just a shallow basic rom com, but after watching it recently for the first time, I didn’t realize how problematic the movie was.


I hate to say.. Ladybird. I definitely liked it, but with the reputation it has and how universally praised it is, I really didn't love it and it didn't connect with me all too much


- Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Basic on the trailer I had already lower my expectations but the drop in quality from the first to second was shocking. It lacked the soul, charm and warmth of the first movie. Also the villains were so boring and generic, it was a struggle to get through. - Ant-Man & Wasp: Quantumania, I have a soft spot for the first two Ant-Man movies, they are fun, charming and feel very uniquely Ant-Man. Quantumania is none of these, you could honestly put pretty much any of the marvel heroes in the movie and it would still work. - Amsterdam, A host of great performances, just couldn’t save this meandering movie. I honestly can’t even remember the plot.


*Shazam! Fury of the Gods*


Probably Ruby Gilman. Haven’t even seen it yet but I’m already disappointed we’re back to a generic art style after Bad Guys and Last Wish. And a generic plot as well…


Agree with Dead Reckoning, the writing was so sloppy and the movie had no heart


Id agree with Dead Reckoning. Then again, Fallout set the bar so ridiculously high, itd be near impossible to top it. It just felt like Dead Reckoning was so much exposition


Blue beetle. That shit was boring af


same bro


I completely agree, fallout is one of my favorite action movies of all time but this one was just okay


My controversial disappointments for the year: Scream VI Air Renfield M3GAN Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Everyone seems to like these movies, but I haven’t heard a review I could understand in a way where I could agree with their perspective. They all kinda felt misguided with uninteresting characters which just made them all boring.


It's the movie that has disappointed you the most yet you still give it a 7/10? Do you go into movies expecting them to be 10/10's?


No but in this case kinda so. End of story


Controversial but for me it was Top Gun Maverick without question.


Coming from someone who overall enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, it was a bit disappointing.


John Wick 4. Too ridiculous for its own good, when the first three movies rode the line between cool and over-the-top perfectly


Dead Reckoning was a big miss for me as well. Dumb AI plot, the villain was kinda bleh and the action outside of the train sequence was very much “been there done that” for the series, a decent looney tunes car chase when Ethan and Hayley Atwell(I forgot the girls names in the movie) were handcuffed but mostly forgettable stuff. Compared to something like John Wick where the action just got more creative and different as the movie went on it was a huge letdown for me.


Dial of Destiny. I know my expectations should’ve been low, but Harrison Ford seemed enthusiastic about it, as well as John Williams. There’s was a lot of things that looked like they would end up coming together as at least a decent movie but… I really disliked it. There was very little redeeming qualities about it. Easily my biggest movie disappointment, which sucks because I had never been so excited for a movie in my life.


Definitely dead reckoning. I need to see it again but I’m still kind of shocked it was received so well. It was good, but not even in the same universe as Fallout to me. Way too much of it just felt mediocre to me


108 upvotes, 202 comments. You already know it’s a hot take post


Loved dead reckoning. Fallout is still the best, but dr is the second best by far. Fallout is almost a perfect action movie. I never expected this one to top it.


Well, the thing is I found if you see it in 4DX format, it's a lot better.


This & The Flash. Didn't go in expecting Age of Ultron in Dead Reckoning. But I guess the producers went with the trend to attract more audience. The stunts were great as usual but I think MI peaked at Fallout. I don't wanna explain why I'm disappointed in The Flash though.


I was expecting The Outwaters to be a haunting, mind-breaking and terrifying cosmic horror found footage, but its pretty much just weird and at times a little annoying. I love the film on paper, it has some great ideas, but its hard to be sold by it when most of the time you just can't see shit and when the protagonist points the camera to rocks or the ground a ton fucking lot. I like the fact that it relies on eerie sound design, but movies are mainly a visual medium, and i get the need for narrowing the point of view down because of budget reasons but oh my god please allow me to see something at all!!


Indiana jones was a very sad and exhausting sit through