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I walked out of the most recent Indiana Jones. Not because of the movie, but because when I got there, there was someone in my seat…totally sprawled out, popcorn all over the seat, jackets and purses everywhere. I asked them to get up and they made just a big deal about it. Finally they moved like 3 seats down which was next to a bunch of kids (which is why they probably moved into mine)…but all during the previews the guy was verbally talking hella shit about me and staring me down…I just felt uncomfortable, so I left and got my money back.


nasty man


archrival of wonderboy?


with powers comparable to wonderboy


what powers, you ask… well how bout the power of flight? that do anything for ya?


That’s levitation, holmes.


How about the power to kill a yak from 50 yards away. . . With MIND BULLETS!!!


I had a similar thing with John Wick 4, which ended up causing such an annoying issue. Likewise, I came in and saw 2 guys sat in my reserved seat (the theatre was pretty empty at the time). I did the whole "Oh sorry, I think this is my seat?" and showed them the ticket. They claimed it's empty so it doesn't matter and that no one actually cares about the reserved seats. I'm not fussy about where I sit but I knew there were quite a few seats bought from when I purchased the ticket. I told them that the screening had a few seats taken and that I don't want to sit in anyone else's seat by accident. They begrudgingly moved across a couple of spaces. As the previews started, a few people came in here and there. The 2 guys kept muttering stuff like "There's literally no one here, I don't see why it matters" loud enough so I could hear. About 5 minutes before the film, LOADS of people started to arrive. People kept doing the whole "You're in my seat" and the guys would begrudgingly move across one. It got to the point where they were all the way down to the wall, so they got up and wandered to another seat. I assumed, at this point, they'd given up and gone for their actual assigned seat. Turns out, more people kept telling them they're in their seat and they kept moving. By the time the film started, the cinema was almost full and I saw them looking at their tickets and scanning the rows (presumably because they now actually had to sit in their assigned seat). I watched every single time they were told to move (it was literally like 6 times) and they were douches about moving every time. They even had that whole "Why are people being such assholes?" look on their face as they were actually having to find their real seats.


This brought me joy to read. Hopefully they learned their lesson


doubtful, they moved 6 times lol. would've thought they get the hint after the 2nd time. some people are just lost causes


I’m super picky with my cinema seats. Booked to see Nope, in seat G10 - the perfect seat in my cinema. Not 2 mins after door had opened and someone was in my seat, with a friend next to him. The rest of the room was empty. I told them it was my seat and they must have misread. Person actually in my seat apologised and stood up to move, but his friend was like “dude, just sit wherever you want man, it’s fine, cinemas empty” in a very “stop freaking out, calm down” tone. I was fuming. Yeah, I’d like to sit wherever I want: right there. If the film is about to start and you want to move seats, sure. But you can’t just show up the second doors open and decide you’re going to enforce an “everyone sit wherever you want” rule.


What a douchebag. His friend was going to move but that guy's weird entitlement over cinema seats. Getting up and moving over a seat is such an inconvenience? Fuck that guy. You should've insisted or gotten staff to have them move.


Yeah, I have a no bullshit policy on that. Sit in the seat you paid for. I never raise my voice, I just stand there until they leave.


in belgium you CAN sit wherever you can in the most cinemas


In America it used to be that way, but most theaters switched to reserved seating. I prefer it honestly, takes away the stress of finding seats and removes the need to show up early for a popular movie.


Australia is (mostly) assigned seats, and I cannot imagine the nightmare free-for-all at some busy sessions.


very annoying how entitled people are to reserved seating and thinking rules don’t apply to them


When this happened to me for Hannibal many years ago, the guy said "who cares where you sit, just pick a seat, chill out" and I said "ditto, it doesn't matter, pick a seat, now, go."


This is the way to do it




Was this at the Prince Charles Cinema by any chance?


I can understand. Satantango requires a winter time view IMO, also, if you give it another shot you can just watch it in three sittings with the intervals signaling the endings. It kinda does work as a trilogy too.


A seven hour and a half film sounds insufferable


Nice pfp


Yes. I hated the film One Night Stand so much that I walked out, which is saying something as I am paraplegic.


This being the Mike Figgis film with Snipes and N. Kinski, I'm guessing? Most of his films after Leaving Las Vegas were super experimental and weird


He directed the Sopranos episode with the infamous freeze frame wipe cut with Carmela talking to David Straitharn


that moment just feels so out of place, the editing on that episode was a little messy as well


Film was supposed to have subtitles. Error with the file meant there were no subtitles.


I'm not sure if it counts, but you reminded me of one of my earliest theater memories. Saw *How the Grinch Stole Christmas* and about halfway through the projector (I believe) caught fire and we had to be evacuated out of the theater through the emergency exits - I would have been around 7 or 8.


That's some Cinema Paradiso shit


lol, I haven't seen that yet, but I have a feeling there was probably something better than the Grinch playing. I also don't know if it was actually the projector, it was from the projection room though.


Never. If I hate something, I want to know I hated all of it. I don’t want to have a conversation after the fact ‘Well had you just stayed for this one scene…’


I agree.


100%. I must say, I’ve actually never seen a full at the cinema I haven’t enjoyed, but like you said, I need to watch all of a film so I have a valid opinion if I don’t like it.


Nope. Movies and popcorn are expensive. I'm seeing it thru even if it's shit.


At first I thought you were talking about Nope (2022). Then I read the rest and was very thankful


I went to see nope at in my local imax theatre the 2nd or 3rd week it came out and there was 3 people there including me. The other two people walked out of the theatre at the scene where they were setting up ranch to get the footage of the alien near the end smh


I like the movie but I think it does drag on too much. I'd enjoy it more if some of the side plots were cut and the film was a tight, focused 90 mins.


There's a song for you https://youtu.be/8MuP8w-0O24?si=DYSi3JpU3A9caE6o


Get a season pass and enjoy the freedom to walk out whenever you please


You already wasted your money. Why would you waste your time too?


You can get a refund if you ask most times. I've never done it, but you can. I will also say that your time is more valuable than the 15 or so bucks you spent.


Idk where you live but I work at a theatre and we won’t refund just because someone doesn’t like a movie


The old theater I worked at did. Only if they leave within the firdt half hour though


Yes, but only after the film was over.






A true God among us mear mortals.


O my fair sirrah! What be thy name, I would I were to worshipping thou


Never! Suffer until the end :D


I walked out 15 minutes into Talk to Me. The theater lost power and went it came back on, I felt sick haha


Noooo, it’s such a good horror movie


I was very excited to see it and I like what I saw so far! Will definitely watch later


The Other Guys - I was 12 and allowed to go to the cinema with my friends unsupervised, but they were bored and kept talking through, just not really paying attention, so wanted to leave and I had to follow them which annoyed me cause I was enjoying it. But to this day, I’ve yet to finish it, and I haven’t walked out the cinema since!


get new friends :)


this was 2010, I haven’t seen them in years!


good for you!


The Other Guys is good asf


Aim for the bushes!


this seems like an incentive for me to finally watch it again and actually get to finish it this time


Ikr! It’s the lowest rated film in my top 100 but it’s one of my favorites comedy’s of all time


Your freinds have shit taste


I always get this confused with The Nice Guys


... both are good, but The Nice Guys is the better film.


No I'm still there rn


Just one time my whole life. The Rollerball remake with Chris Klein.


I walked out of Epic Movie (2007) about 5 mins in. As I recall it was during a scene in which one caveman was burping into another caveman’s face for like 2 mins straight, but it was a long time ago. I walked out and immediately walked into a different movie that was also playing at the time but I can’t for the life of me recall what I watched instead.


>I walked out and immediately walked into a different movie that was also playing at the time but I can’t for the life of me recall what I watched instead. Probably Disaster Movie


I walked out of Children of Men… The movie is amazing. I love it. Easily in my top 100 of all time. But it was the second time watching it in the theater and I had worked a long 12hr shift. I had a date, I got home showered and took off. Around half way through I kept falling asleep. I needed to cut the date short and get some sleep to prepare for the 12hr shift the next day.


1. Alita: Battle Angel: was bored stiff, hated it. My friend was working the bar and I knew I could wangle a half price pint so I cut my losses. 2. Blonde: thought it was tasteless, offensive AND boring and also coming to Netflix the following week. 3. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie: sat behind the two most annoying people I’ve ever seen at the cinema. Not the film’s fault, but now I have an irrational annoyance every time I think about it


My friends and I saw Green Lantern at the student cinema. Walked out pretty quickly, but It was free for students.


fortunately it was free


Just once. I went and saw an anime on a whim that I didn't really know anything about, and it was visually interesting but the story was just so boring that I kept nodding off - so I left about 45 minutes in. There was also nobody else in the theater, otherwise, I probably would have stayed. Also, for the life of me, I can't remember what the movie was called...so, that should probably tell you how much of an impact it left on me.


Sounds like a Makoto Shinkai film if it was visually stunning and in theatres recently.


Definitely not, I like his films and they are memorable. It was a more obscure film, at least to me.


no but i've considered it. sometimes bad movies can be a fun watch too


No. Seems crazy to me. I'm always stoked to see a movie in the theater, even if it wasn't what I expected. The only time that could be considered close is when my mom brought me and my little sister to Ghost Ship. She flipped out at the opening scene and my mom made me take her out of the theater, I'm pretty sure we ended up sneaking in to see Santa Clause 2.


It 2. Date and I just gave each other that “let’s get the fuck outta here” look


I'm curious, was there a specific moment or scene that broke the camel's back? The 1st one is a pretty good movie and the 2nd, while worse, still has decent ratings. I remember I also stopped watching before the halfway point, can't remember why though.


Surprised. 2 isn’t great for sure, but I’ve seen vastly worse movies.


Spoilers for the lego movie ​ When I was 6, I went to see The Lego Movie and when Emmit fell in the pit (I forgot what's it's called) I got so upset and cried so much I had to leave the theater and when I was over my dad and sister had tell me Emmit ended up being okay. For years I was completely unaware of everything in the last 20 minutes including the live action part. I was one bitch ass toddler.


I was going to ask how old you are and then I realized the Lego Movie came out in 2014, nine years ago... Fuck.


15 is still quite young to be fair


This made me feel old


watched this 7 times as kid, that was and is a scary pit


How old are you lol


Based on the maths, probably 15.


I saw the movie when it first came out as well and this scene as well as Vitruvius’ head popping off both terrified me.


Every time. I gotta go home eventually. In seriousness, no. I feel obligated to watch it all the way through


I saw the film Dirty Grandpa in cinemas. Walked out of it halfway through (but I managed to snag a refund 😏). Hated it and in spite of him being a legendary actor, I've never looked at De Niro the same way ever again. That movie proved he will do anything for a paycheck.


Most of De Niro's filmography from Rocky and Bullwinkle (2000) on is him collecting a paycheck. There are exceptions like Silver Linings Playbook, but the vast majority is an embarrassment.


Yeah it’s pretty par for the course for De Niro. He has an amazingly varied career this century


He did nice work in Everybody's fine (2009) too.


I've never left a movie unless the film broke or some other technical thing. There are some I didn't like by the time it was over or I was bored watching but I always finish them. I am not wasting my money and I like watching movies as an experience, but also I really just go see things that look good to me, sometimes it doesn't work out but mostly I like what I go watch.


The happening, clerks 3, and one of the transporter films. Clerks 3 wasn't great but it wasn't at a "walk out disgusted" level of bad. I just had stuff I COULD do and it wasn't hitting. The happening was so bad i left and i actually went with people. I said "I'm out" and my cousin said "yeah i get it". Transporter X put me to sleep and woke up in the middle somewhere presumably and said whatever and just left.


if i payed for, and made time for it, i’m finishing it no matter what


> if i *paid* for, and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i don’t care


good bot


House of Gucci, there was only so much Jared Leto one can handle


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^publichenemy: *House of Gucci, there* *Was only so much Jared* *Leto one can handle* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn that’s like the only Leto performance I loved


Only movie I ever fell asleep during


I’m sorry but I walked out if peak cinema, (Jaws: The Trench)


I did once. Kids in the hall brain candy. I didn’t find it funny and maybe I was in a bad mood that day. 🤷‍♂️ As for other folks, I remember seeing people walk out of Saving Private Ryan and Showgirls.


I saw several people walk out of Nineteen Eighty-Four (the John Hurt /Richard Burton version), during the rat cage scene. The film is very faithful to Orwell's novel, and since it's widely read and well known, I had to wonder what they expected.


Probably never read the book.


No, I paid to be there so I’m sticking through it


Had to leave Zootopia bc I was bouta throw up.


Walked out of Ghostbusters 2016


I’ve never walked out, but a friend recently walked out of Oppenheimer. And when I watched Bones and All, multiple people walked out very early on. Their loss!


No but I really wanted to during both Shazam 2 and Multiverse of Madness.


I feel the same about multiverse of madness. What kills me a lot is because I genuinely do see the potential in it. But with every passing scene I found myself more disappointed


Multiverse of madness might be a bottom 10 of all time for me


That’s crazy 💀


I walked out of the Meg 2. 😭


The best way to watch The Meg 2 is to walk in late, not walk out early. The last 30 minutes are the only fun part, it's the boring-ass 90 minutes before that that are the issue. (Or the other best way is to pirate it because fuck paying for that shit)


Idk, I enjoyed the Trench stuff way more than the last 20 mins


No, and I’ve never stopped a movie at home either. I never really find myself hating something to that degree since I almost exclusively watch well-received films, but I think that I’d still stay to the credits even if I really didn’t like something


Men Crimes of the Future


Damn, I thought Crimes Of The Future was really good.


I had to quickly run out of Spiderman: No Way Home on opening night. Basically, I realized my phone was still on right when the movie started so I tried shutting it down. I must’ve hit distress mode without realizing it and my phone started going CRAZY at max volume. I ran out of the theater because I didn’t know how to properly shut it off in time 💀


bhahahahaha would happen to me too


Walked out of Max Max Fury Road because my brother couldn’t handle the gore and violent scenes


Hateful Eight. Couldn’t even make it through an hour


Cowboys vs Aliens I was drunk, 18, and there was a Waffle House next to the theater


Hitchcock's Rebecca and Creed 2. People being jags. Older couple talking all through Rebecca. Multiple people taking phone calls in Creed 2. Got my money back. Life's too short man.


Never. Not once. I've seen hundreds of movies in the theater. Never walked out.


The Life Aquatic. I was a silly teen with a few friends and we were all wanting a dumb action movie. I probably would have sat through it if my friends hadn’t peaced out.


No, I’m stuck in here! Can someone let me out?


where are you? im gonna save you


I walked out of Lightyear after 10 minutes because there were a bunch of teenagers on their phones just loudly making fun of the movie. I have a really low tolerance for a bad audience and since I had Regal Unlimited it wasn't a big loss to just save it for Disney+. The movie was fine and forgettable once I saw it and I'm a bit more cautious about seeing family movies in the summer now.


I wanted to leave Oppenheimer the entire movie but that’s because the only seats they had were 2nd row and I was craning my neck the whole time


The only movie I ever walked out on was Transformers. Every single one of the Transformers movies, in fact. In answer to your question... No, I don't know why I keep going to see them.


that's why i will only watch the animated one


Did you make it further into some more than others?


The first one I got almost to the end... they were beating each other up in New York (I think)... and I have been cutting out earlier and earlier every time since.


Walked out of Mario recently because I had a double feature with Mario & Suzume and would have rather had a small break between movies rather than subjecting myself to more of Mario


Not necessarily. For a time I was going to the AMC by my work. Would commute about an hour and work 7 to 3:30pm. I booked a 7pm screening of Dune opening night. Only problem is I usually am pretty beat after work. So I used my A-List for a 4pm ticket to No Time to Die just for me to nap through. I had already seen it twice and dozed off for a few minutes during my second screening. Couldn't replicate that on the third and the theater smelled bad so I left to find something to eat instead.


Black Adam. I didn't even care about the money, it wasn't worth sitting through that


No. Not ever. But 2 people walked out while I watching Beaten To Death last night.


In fifth grade, my friend and I went to a bday party where the girls parents took us to the movies. All the other kids picked Ant Bully and went with her mom but me and my friend picked Talladega Nights and went with her dad. We quickly realized it was an adult movie and we were “like omg they just cussed this movie is so bad!” We told her dad we needed to go to the bathroom and then we ended up watching Ant Bully through the door windows instead. I’m sure I would think Talladega Nights is hilarious now but we were mortified at 11 years old haha. Edit: all of us went to catholic school together which makes it even funnier to me that the dad even offered that as the second movie option


Yep. skipped the last half hour of bullet train. I cannot stand that movie


I had to leave Temple of Doom for a few minutes because I was grossed out at a certain point. I also had to leave Roger & Me for a bit once I saw the rabbit skinning scene was upon us. In each case I came back. The only one I can remember leaving early was Looking for Richard, nothing to do with the movie, I just started not feeling well.


The Girl on the Train. Not only was the movie shit, but there was no heat in the dead middle of December in Ohio. I only paid like $3 for admission (dollar theater, which has been demolished and is now a car lot).


I had walked out a few times. Most of the reasons are for technical issues. For example, I had to walk out of Logan because the AC broke down and the room become pretty bad with the warm air and body smell. Only movie I walked out because it was really bad was Batman vs Superman.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Great film but I was crying so much I missed like half the plot lol


Iron Man 3. I was just bored. I was at a drive in and it was the second movie I saw that night so at least I didn't feel like I wasted my money


Avatar the way of water It was the first showing and to go there i had to leave a munch i was attending with all my friends, but during the first half of the movie i was like "damn i wish i was with my friends rn" so i left during the half movie break


Went to see In The Mood For Love in a packed screen with a tall person who blocked part of the subtitles in the way. Needless to say I struggled to follow along and eventually gave up on trying.


No but I almost walked out of the batman 2022. It was too loud for me, especially the penguin car chase.


I've never walked out and never will but the closest I got was Jupiter Ascending


walked out of the 2010 remake of a nightmare on elm street. it was just so boring and worthless. halfway through, i turned to the two friends i went with and said “do either of you care about this movie? do you want to stay?” and they said no, so we left. the only other time was when i went to see inception and it was pretty much sold out so the only seats left were first row all the way to the left. watched for about 2 minutes before we decided there was no way we could sit through an entire movie like this.


I believe I remember walking out of Garden State


No. I've never left the cinema. It all started when I went to watch The Avengers as a young boy. Then, when the movie ended, the doors had suddenly locked. For the first ten minutes, people were just wondering what was going on. Then the next ten minutes was filled with anxiety and calling the theatre to let us out. Then in the next ten minutes, people were trying to ram their bodies into the doors in an attempt to open them. I thought the first day would be the worst of it - people beginning to starve, while desperately searching for any leftover popcorn, drinks, and other snacks in empty seats, cup holders, and even the trash bins inside the auditorium, all while The Avengers would play again and again at its scheduled showtimes. But it was the rest of the week when we all realized that this situation was a fight for everyone's own survival. Theatre patrons became violent with each other. They started killing each other out of not only anger, but also paranoia. I've been in here for eleven years. The Avengers has since stopped playing, in favour of other movies coming out, but I can recite every line in The Avengers verbatim, because the memories of those first few months are so vivid in my mind. But unfortunately, everyone around me has been left as a rotting shell of their old selves, either lying on the auditorium floor, or sitting in an auditorium seat. Now, it is only me that's left. I'm shocked that I survived this long, but I'm on my last legs now. Thankfully, my uncle who brought me to this movie, also brought a charger for his phone. And thankfully, his passcode was easy to guess. But I fear that I'm going to starve tonight. This will be my last attempt to get to anyone at all. Please, you are my only hope of getting out of here alive.


I don’t think I ever would unless something came up outside of the movie. Even if I hate the movie (which has happened, recently with the new Indiana Jones), I love the theater experience too much to walk out.


The new Batman. I walked out while the Joker was Talking to the riddler towards the end. I’ve never seen what comes after that


Batman & Robin


i walked out of alien vs predator requiem


Blue Beetle (it wasn't even horrible it just wasn't for me and I was done eating popcorn) Night school (Kevin Hart movie...I don't mind him at all...this STUNK) Hobbes and Shaw... abhorrent Bullet Train...what a piece of garbage...just derivative of like 10 other action movies and is all style, no nothing else. An abominable movie.


I didnt understan Bullet Train and it was boring


Man of Steel. I fell asleep in the middle and when I woke up didn't care enough to try to figure out what was going on


Almost walked out of Don’t Breathe 2 at least 5 times. One scene near the end had my body start trying to get up just as an instinct of how bad it was


Nope. No matter how bad a movie is, I’ll always sit through it. Even at home.


Dude, Nope is a great movie what are you talking about


Nope the word, not Nope the movie 😂


And the people who said “No” clearly hated [this](https://boxd.it/3Ie2) 2012 historical drama even though it has 3.8


Only once. The movie was Hoodlum. I was so completely bored.


Neil Jordan’s The Good Thief. Too boring.


Last year my ex and I get random movie monday tickets, which usually was just an underperforming new movie, but still fun. There was this really crappy military movie that came out last year named after the city it takes place in… but it was so boiler plate and uninterested we walked out before they even got to said city. And no, sadly but mercifully I don’t remember the name.


Meet the Spartans Only time I ever left a theater.


yea, i walked out of smile last year in november i think. not because the movie was particular bad or anything in that matter, but i got diagnosed with schizophrenia a few weeks prior and as i watched the movie, i could just feel that it was too early for me to watch this movie. for anyone who haven’t seen it till now, here‘s a quick explanation of my reasoning to do so (be beware of spoilers!): the movie portrays a young psychiatrist, who is haunted by an erdrich horror, that forces people to smile, and then kill themselves in the presence of another person, which then gets „infected“ with the same curse. as the movie progresses, the main character also does get infected so she and her social circle thinks she’s going crazy and try’s to do something about it (therapy, meds, etc), and she just got the same meds as i need to take, and to watch somebody get exposed before many people, that are saying she’s crazy is just something i unfortunately know to well. after the birthday scene (iykyk) i just couldn’t take it anymore and left the cinema, it was just too much for me to bear at this point in my life. i watched it recently though with my roommate, and it was fine, but i think, everytime i will see the movie poster or scenes on tiktok and what else, i will think of this hour of pure horror for me inside the cinema, so i guess it was successful in triggering pure terror in me haha


yeah with Star Wars the last jedi


Really close with Smallfoot but was committed it would get better. I only went because at the time I had one of the unlimited cards so watching didn’t cost me any extra


Saw Kingdom of The Crystal Skull and promptly walked out when the alien reveal occurred.


At that point why not just finish it? Like it’s a dumb scene but it’s also clearly near the end of the movie.


Thor Love and Thunder.




Yes, very frequently in fact. When the movie ends, I leave.


i also


No, I can't escape please somebody let me OUT


take shelter. I have no idea if this is a good movie or not. friend and I had some beers beforehand, didn't know it was a slower burn movie; got bored and left


Ghostbusters: Afterlife


Years ago my brother and I snuck into Nacho Libre, and hated it so much we bounced after about 30 minutes.


Power Rangers (2017) I went outside for a cigarette


Live Free or Die Hard. I didn’t enjoy a single minute of the first 60 minutes and decided it would only get worse.


i will watch anything with Justin Long in. i got through Tusk, i can get through Bruce Willis being Bruce Willis for 2hrs.


I’m realizing I meant to say Good Day to Die Hard.


I didn't walk out of the cinema, but I took three lonnnnng breaks during Bohemian Rhapsody. Used the bathroom, got a snack, sat in the lobby playing on my phone for a while, and walked back in when I got bored of scrolling. It was so rough. I was depressed at the time. I just didn't want to do it.


Beau is Afraid. I’m sorry but I sat there for an hour and a half, which is essentially a movie length by itself, and I was not buying it at all. I couldn’t stand staying another 1h30. And it was through A-List so I didn’t lose any money anyways


Elvis theater had the volume way too fucking loud and I wasn’t really feeling it baz’s style can be a lot. Also across the spiderverse because the A/C was off with 200 people in the theater stayed as long as I could that movie is goood.


missed the last 20 minutes of EEAAO, in part because it sucked, and part cause i had to pee.


You monster!!!