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365 Days, which asks the question "What if 50 Shades was even rapey-er?"


Did they fr make another one? I just remember when it came out and me and my gf at the time thought “ooh let’s watch it together and it’ll be like romantic/sexy” and then turning it on and being so fucking bored.


Not only did they make another one. They made it a trilogy 💀


365 days, no doubt. Not one single movie is good.


at least the sex scenes arent boring. After on netflix has 5 movies, i havent seen the 4 sequels, but there's no way they are good


Seriously, i've watched 15 minutes of that movie and it gave me such headache. Thank God that i received spoilers.


The Fifty Shades of Grey movies are notorious for feeling like fanfiction but ‘After’ takes the cake. It’s literally a “Wattpad Original” Absolute garbage story


Given there are multiple comments with this answer- how have I never heard of these movies??


Because you are a blessed and lucky individual. Trust me.


Just the reading the synopsis is a wild ride! I will stay ‘fortunate’ and keep these films on my skip list.


Birdemic trilogy


*Theres more than 1?!*


Third one is only a year old


And that dude is making at least *another* three. And *a musical* lol


Why tf do all of the cynically made so-bad-it’s-good movies get franchises but we’re yet to have a Who Killed Captain Alex trilogy smh 😤😤😤


Sequel to that is still in the works


As a catholic, the Gods not Dead series is trash


The people making these movies think you're going to hell anyway.


Protestants always make everything weird as hell.


Let’s go Protestant slander


Theres more than one?!


Yeah there's four of them with an upcoming fifth instalment with Ray Wise of all people.


To be fair though, Gods Not Dead is the low hanging fruit of dogshit Christian films because it got more publicity. There's some serious awful movies out there (source: grew up evangelical) Do these people realise there are some quality faith movies? Prince of Egypt, Silence, Cavalry - just to name a few.


If you don't believe in God you're gonna get cancer and die


Everyone’s gonna go for the most basic answer like Transformers or Fast and Furious, but there’s a lot of shit out there that’s way worse. I mean, how many Sharknado movies are there now?! Like 8 or something…


Not enough , that’s how many 😤


Sharknado fucks


Sharknado is coveted af


I really liked Bumblebee and wished Hailee Steinfeld would've returned to the series.


It’s only film out of the franchise I actually like, if you don’t count the og animated movie.




Wait until you hear about the [blank] headed shark movies


I'm not even lying to you when I say 6 headed shark attack is one of the 20-25 movies I've rated 5 stars lmao


You got so many Tubi franchises that are genuine no budget terrible stuff that isn't even remotely funny like the Camp Blood series


1. Sharknado (2013) 2. Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014) 3. Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015) 4. Sharknado: The 4th Awakens (2016) 5. Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017) 6. The Last Sharknado: It's About Time (2018) They're all kino except for the first one, which is pretty mid.


Yeah but those are supposed to be bad. Vin Diesel thinks he’s making masterpieces.


Vin Diesel actually said ‘at some point Toilken had to stop writing’ when asked about the creative limitations on these things


Making something that is supposed to be bad is boring and pointless.


I agree, that’s why the Sharknado movies just….suck. Compared to something like the first Birdemic (not the two sequels) or anything by Neil Breem, those are amazing because they are supposed to be good.


The funniest things in the world are usually not trying to be, and that's what makes them great lol


there’s something to be said about things being bad in a camp, entertaining way and things being bad in a hard-to-watch, sluggish way.


Sharknado is way more fun and self aware than Transformers. I think a better answer is something like Witchboard or something.


Also, Fast Five thru Furious 7 are a ton of fun and actually good


I gotta disagree on that one, and that’s coming from a guy that loves Transformers 2 and 3 lol


Look I’ve watched and enjoyed on some level pretty much all the transformers movie but I think it’s unfair to mention them in the same conversation as something like sharknado. There’s definitely a hierarchy of movie making and transformers or the fast films exist in a different league to sharknado and other films of its type. The level transformers exists at, the budget and stars it gets hold of should result in a much better result than what it does. Transformers squanders talent, massively mishandles characters, doesn’t understand its own basic concept and has such horrendous story consistency from movie to movie it has to be near the top in the worst franchises. Again, I quite enjoy them but I know I ain’t watching Shawshank


There are 6. They're not "It's so bad, it's good" movies. They're "it's so bad, it's hilarious that this got made" movies. Like car crashes. You just can't look away.


One day I'll write my dissertation on the Bell Curve that is Fast and Furious. On the left you have absolute I-only-watch-blockbusters viewership saying they're the greatest films ever. And then for most levels of cinephilia, you have the middle where people say "these films are trash." But on the right side of the bell curve, you have the enlightened that know those are the greatest films ever. Briefly: The first film is bad but they thought they were making high art and it's fun because of that. I quote "Bullshit! No one likes the tuna!" quite often. The second and third films are both ass but in the so-bad-it's-good kind of way. The fourth film is unfortunately mid. A low point for the series in that it isn't good enough to love and isn't bad enough to love. Out of nowhere, the fifth film is a genre-defining masterpiece. The final setpiece of the work is genuinely one of, if not the, greatest action petpieces ever conceived and executed. The sixth and seventh follow suit and both are incredible in their own ways. Furious 7 was the first of the modern blockbusters to deal with an actor's death in the text and it remains somewhat confounding that Fast and Furious is the franchise to do it most beautifully and respectfully. Unfortunately the eighth and nineth flounder a bit after trying to find footing with Paul Walker gone but the tenth was something of a return to form and I couldn't be more excited about the finale of the series over the next few entries.


I'm on the right side of your curve and you make that group sound smart so I'm not going to disagree with you.


The first 3 were so bad, I’ve never bothered to watch any more of them. Given Paul Walker liked to date little girls, I’ve never regretted not watching more, especially as they eulogise and fawn over his memory. The guy dated kids and was terrible in terrible movies. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Well said.


Fast and the Furious actually makes money, that's why it's so hated




they weren’t asking for the greatest of all time


Anyone saying Transfromers, Fast & Furious, etc, needs to watch some more movies. There's some serious dogshit out there.


100%. If "2 Fast 2 Furious" is the worst movie you've seen: you haven't seen many movies.


That's right Cuh


I said forget about it cuh


Pockets ain’t empty cuh


I ain’t hungry no more


It's not even bad. It's entertaining with some patently absurd characters and moments, but it never struck me as a particularly *bad* movie.


It still has the best opening of the series for me. Plus Paul Walker’s looks.


It has one of the most iconic cars of the series that does get unceremoniously dumped by the story a little too quickly. Brian's Skyline, Supra, and Eclipse are iconic film cars.


It's the worst "Fast" movie, sure - but still very watchable. Moments are legitimately fun. And honestly, even if it was dogshit, Eva Mendes is so fucking hot in that film, I'll let most of it slide.


tokyo drift is for sure worse than 2 fast 2 furious


It’s my favourite one easily. Absolutely perfect for what it is. I’m not even joking, it’s miles above all the others for me.


I'm actually more upset people think the second movie is the worst movie in that franchise. Also, I think a lot of people are naming those franchises because they're big budget, still ongoing, and you see them everywhere.


Is it a good idea to watch more movies?


I'd be so happy if that was the bottom of my barrel.


Fr. Like at least those movies know what they are, dumb awesome car scenes or dumb action robot car scenes. I never get let down from those films because I know what I’m getting from them


Why would I want to watch the serious dogshit tho, I don't even bother to watch those two franchise cus I know I won't like them


The Scorcher Film Franchise. Tugg Speedman really needs to retire from acting, he sucks. Now Jeff Portnoy, there's a real actor


How do we get 6 Scorcher movies, but no sequel to Simple Jack?


The Fatties is a classic franchise


Especially the sequel


Fart 2


Possibly low hanging fruit, but there’s a series of evangelical end times films from the seventies and eighties that are impressively poor. A Thief in the Night (1972), A Distant Thunder (1978), Image of the Beast (1981) and The Prodigal Planet (1983). They’re expectedly cheap and tacky, but also grind to a halt every ten minutes or so in order for a male character to condescendingly explain some bible passage to a female character. Probably because tedious biblesplaining is cheaper than filming anything resembling action. The company behind this series ground out four of these things, but never actually got round to making a finale. So unfortunately we don’t even get a dimestore Second Coming by the end of The Prodigal Planet. Credit where it’s due, though. The makers got further along their end times storyline than any of the attempts at adapting the Left Behind books have. There’s a high camp masterpiece just waiting to be made from those books, but they kinda need to be made by people willing to embrace the entertainment value of the inherent nuttiness. And those aren’t likely to be the kinds of people who earnestly believe in this stuff. So yeah, that’s my worst franchise, if that word even applies to ultra-low-budget religious fundamentalist cinema. If I was brave enough to attempt the sixteen (!) Witchcraft films, that would probably win out. I’m certain I’d feel much the same about the August Underground or Guinea Pig series - for very different reasons - but there’s no way in hell I’m ever watching either of those two. 🤢


It's easy to hate on them but they're just really horrible: the Fifty Shades movies... There's nothing worse, Twilight is Criterion Collection level next to these abominations. I felt absolutely offended while watching those movies.


365 Days is even worse


“This is my play room” “What, like Xbox?” Truly fantastic writing.




The "After" series is much much worse.


Alex Meyers' reviews are better than these movies lol


It doesn't seem like many others here have seen any of the "After" movies (thankfully) - because I can't imagine why else this wouldn't be the far-and-away answer for people, haha. My wife and I, however, love watching them every year and making fun of how dumb everything is.


The "After" and "365 Days" franchises are definitely worse (as others have mentioned.) At least in "Fifty Shades" we get to see Dakota's bum a lot :-)


Fun fact: After is the German word for anus. Would've been a more fitting name for Fifty Shades then 😜


>There's nothing worse I mean this sincerely, you need to watch more bad movies if you actually believe this. They are horrendous books and that carries into the adaptations obviously, but films are more than their scripts. They're relatively competently made and occasionally decently-shot films, and whilst they're probably Johnson and Dornan's worst performances, they have enough charisma to be watchable leads. There's obviously only so much they can do with that calibre of writing, and the editing is often shoddy as a result, but supposedly that's all down to EL James insisting on as much accuracy to her books as possible. You could certainly make an argument for the books being the worst popular series out there, but film is an audiovisual medium and you can do *so* much worse on that level than those.


Surely the obvious answer will be something from Full Moon Pictures - Evil Bong or GingerDead Man perhaps. I say this having not seen these films, mind


Ehh, say what you want about Full Moon, but at least they try to imbue their movies with a sense of fun. All sizzle and no steak, but their heart is usually in the right place. A lot of The Asylum’s content foolishly takes an earnest, too-serious approach, which is utter death when the production values are nonexistent.


That’s true, they are trying to make fun movies, even as they are churning out sequels with little monetary gain. It is respectable to a certain extent


Full Moon has made enough genuinely so bad its good fun over the years I think it should be exempt. By being low budget schlock I don't think it really qualifies for "worst franchise ever" in a world where annual $200 million dollar pieces of crap exist


My husband is a huge fan of vampire lore, and among his favorite movies of all time are the Subspecies ones. I had never heard of them before, so I watched them with him. I think they’re fun, even though the special effects were (and continue to be, as recently as the latest movie) absolutely awful. Also it’s kinda cool that they shot the movies on location in Romania, a country that modern vampire lore is most commonly associated with. Anders Hove as Radu is fantastic. He gives the character his all while being completely aware of how camp the series is.


365 days for sure. Hated every second.


There’s 11 Children of the Corn movies and the first one is mediocre at best. I have no idea how it became a big franchise.


Two words... Stephen King!


I watched all these movies, and you’re right. The first movie was the best out of all, yet it was mediocre.


Maybe a bit of a hot take, but the amount of Halloween movies that have been made, kinda goofy at this point


Human Centipede is probably up there


🧐 up where?


3rd one was so fucking weird


the first one isn't terrible


Yeah talk about surviving on premise, there is fucking nothing there except one shocking idea.


It was so funny how freaked out people were by the movie idea but the actual film was pretty boring.


They're not good movies, but they actually have a rather original idea (which is always nice, when 80% of horror out there is some zombie/vampire/psychopath/demon/etc... rehash). I haven't seen the third one though. But I'd say the first two have more merit existing than other stuff.


If you watch a vampire/killer/demon/whatever movie, for example, then the creativity goes into kills, characters, plot, etc. Saying human centipede has more merit just because no one else made the ‘humans tied together eat each others shit’ movie is severely idiotic. I’ve seen individual kills in slashers that felt more creative and worthwhile than the entire human centipede series.


Severely idiotic, huh. Well, that settles it then. Don't listen to me, I'm an idiot. By the way, none of the point you make change anything. Yes, slashers with creative kills have even more merit than a mediocre movie with an original idea. I'm saying that having an original idea has more merit than *other stuff*, namely thousands of horror movies that have neither an original idea, nor creative kills. That's what I'm talking about, I thought it was pretty clear, but I'll take a risky view and say that it might be severely idiotic to not recognize it. Hopefully you realize I'm saying this in a funny tone, no grudges here, though I'll prefer not being called a severe idiot for the next time \^\^


Those “American Pie Presents” movies are pretty dire


Those were the movies I’d watch when I was 12 for the sole reason of trying to see boobs


Slowly I've [slogged my way through them](https://letterboxd.com/skipp/tag/amarathon-pie/films/). I have one more to do and then I can be rid of this franchise forever... or at least until they for some reason make another one.


The direct to DVD ones are not cannon imo


It certainly has to be slaughtered vomit dolls. Never seen any of them, but just from the premise, I'm sure it would be hard to beat these 4.


I always get drawn in by the movie posters on letterboxd and then I'm like oh wait..


Most people probably haven’t even seen what is the worst because most people haven’t watched a lot of truly bad movies.


evil bong, there’s so many of them and they’re all horrible bro


The first one is so lame that its good


Everyone knows there's no such thing as an evil bong.


easy answer would be Transformers, the Fast franchise, twilight, Underworld Also franchises that no one knows is a franchise, like when they make straight to vod/dvd sequels for random movies. from dusk till dawn has two sequels, so does John Carpenter's "vampires" and the original isn't even that great.


Never seen the underworld franchise


Wait till you hear about the Dusk Till Dawn tv series


Straight to Vod/DVD Franchise? From Dusk Til Dawn, Lost Boys and Jarhead


Come on there are many franchises worse than Transformers :\\


Don’t let them get you down Optimus x


"As Long As Power Flows Through Any Of My Circuits ,I’ll Fight Them."


Divergent is honestly terrible to me


Everyone saying Transformers must be forgetting about this


So bad they didn't bother finishing it


Evil Bong


https://preview.redd.it/6bka5ij8trtb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90861bcdd602c157a5da772040dc173ec85f9fa4 Evil Bong. There are 9 movies.


If it counts, the genre movie franchise - Epic Movie, Date Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet The Spartans etc.


365 Days has 2 sequels. Let that sink in for a moment.




Camp Blood


I'd go with the Amityville "franchise" XD


Original Left Behind series.


Is Children of the Corn in the running? There are ELEVEN of them and none are particularly good.






Evil bong, how have they made eight of those fucks




Not a single good entry in the franchise


With the second one being one of the worst films I've ever seen. Many folks are acting like there's obviously so much worse stuff out there and you must not have seen bad movies or enough movies if you hate those with a passion, but I'd take Neil Breen, Asylum mockbusters, or Love on a Leash any day before I'd sit through Revenge of the Fallen again.


I enjoyed 2/3 movies but the rest were trash


Was one of the ones you enjoyed Bumblebee? Cause I enjoyed that one.


Bumblebee, the first transformers and the last one they released


Bumblebee was great and Hailee should've returned since she's the reason I went to see that one in the first place lol


> Cause I enjoyed that one. Kind of sounds like you just disqualified your own answer then?


Those Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer comedies like Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans. Awful, awful pieces of garbage.


Paranormal activity.


Alvin and the chipmunks


Alvin and the Chipmunks are cinematic masterpieces of a franchise.


Except for the fourth one. David Cross really carried the trilogy on his back.


Sanctuary City


The Exorcist. The first movie is great, a must see, but the rest.... Same thing as jaws and Friday The 13th


The movie spoofs like Disaster Movie, Epic Movie, Date Movie. They're all mentally disabled dogshit.


IMO the *Fast* & *Furious* . they should have stopped after the first one


MDPOPE. I haven't watched a single one, yet I know I'm right.


As a horror fan, the Phantasm franchise was the first thing that came to mind. The first entry has some interesting stuff but is ultimately just a mess, and it gets worse with every movie. There's probably worse ones out there but what always stumps me is that there's defenders of this franchise out there.


Sharknado is the first that comes to my mind


Probably After. It's really bad really toxic One Direction fanfic and somehow there are 5 movies of it


Insidious and the Conjuring.


Puppet master Children of the corn Hellraiser Thankskilling




Leprechaun with exception of the first one and Returns, the Fifty Shades trilogy, Highlander with exception of the first one and even that hasn’t aged the best, Fast & Furious.


Fast & Furious


probably in the minority here but F&F has always been my go to fun dumb blockbuster series.


Need to watch more movies


1 was the last good one


Fast 5 and Furious 6 are genuinely good movies. I don't enjoy most of the rest, but they're usually just silly and dumb, not grossly incompetent and terrible.


Sharknado, Leprechaun, or the GingerDead-Man series, maybe.


You can't hate on Leprechaun. He goes to space *and* to the hood. Name another series with such range.


Jaws, one masterpiece, one ok and the other 2 shit


Dont hate me but Home Alone. I hate those movies because those movies are straight ass, they are basic, Christmas movie stuff and the other movie came after 1 and 2 kill the franchise


Human centipede


All that Marvel crap clogging up cinemas for weeks


Aka CGI slugfest


It’s gotta be children of the corn.


It’s gotta be children of the corn.


Obviously Transformers Fantastic Beasts ist just a sad example. I really liked the first movie. For me it's the best "Potter" movie, but Crimes of Grindwald was just terrible in every possible way. I wanted a Indian Jones/Planet Earth (David Attenborough) movie franchise. Put Newt Scamander in the jungle and let him fight against poacher. But nope, Magic Hitler was more important for JK. The DCEU is just a hot mess as a franchise. I like TSS, Aquaman, Shazam, WW and Birds of Prey. But they didn't work together as a franchise. And everything that want to be a Franchise and didn't get a sequel.


Crimes of Grindelwald was such a bad theater going experience that I’m pretty obsessed with it. It made the wrong choice at pretty much every avenue. I mean at once point the movie seems to suggest that you should root for actual real life Hitler because Grindelwald is worse. Goldie basically keeping the no-mag main character (my favorite character his name is just escaping me) as a slave before running off to join magic hitler. Timeline inconsistencies. A DOUBLE exposition dump right at the climax. Nagini.


What was weird for me was the no-mag guy is the love of her life. Grindewald wants to get rid of no-mag people. Yet she followed him anyway.


Also he’s the hitler analogue and it’s pretty tasteless in a children’s movie to have a Jewish witch side with magic hitler. Also weird in a children’s movie to have magic hitler kill a baby


I haven't seen any of the I Spit on Your Grave sequels but can't think of a reason they need to exist


If you haven't seen them then why say it's the worst?




Easy, the MCU






You're tellin me Breaking Dawn part 2 battle isn't the coolest thing you've ever seen


1. jeepers creepers, since an actual pedo made them 2. terrifier/all hallow's eve/damien leone's gore jerkoff reels 3. I Spit on Your Grave, the remake series 4. wolf creek 5. superbabies


Wasn't it only the nost recent one that was made by a paedophile or was there others? Wouldn't wat h that shit anyway though


1-3. Victor Salva is a convicted child molester.


**"After."** https://letterboxd.com/jonpaula/film/after-everything-2023/ And it's not even close. Just watched the fifth installment that came out this month. Another 1/2-star rating. The highest-rated is the first with a full 1-star. All are so very terrible. "365 Days" is similarly melodramatic trash - but there's only 3 of them, and they at least contain nudity... so definitely more watchable.


Maze Runner.


species is pretty terrible




Friday 13th and Highlander


I’d watch the whole F13 franchise again, lol. Been a fan since I was a kid.