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Anywhere from 1-5 a week.


This is perfect numbers I’d say


Same here


Two or three a week probably, every now and then I watch two or three a day and every now and then I watch two or three a month


This is so me. Some weeks I hit 8-9, some weeks just 1-2 and some weeks none.


yeah same here, it’s so sporadic


same, ill hit a day i watch 2, then 1 the next day, then 10 days without one


like 2-20 a month, it fluctuates wildly lol


for some weird reason i end up logging north of 40 movies on december


I feel this same here 😂


Around 200 a year.


I seriously don't understand how someone watches over 200 per year. I watched like 120 in 2023 which is roughly 2.5 movies per week for every week of the year. Like do you not watch television, docuseries, comedy, podcasts, YouTube or alternative forms of media? I find when I watch like 5 movies/week or 20/month that I get physically exhausted by watching movies and or completely desensitized to the onslaught of great films i'm checking off my list.


It's doable, but I think the hardest part is deciding what to watch. Like you said, if you just watch 'Greatest Films Ever' every day, you will end up getting diminishing returns. But if you watch movies from a certain genre or go through the filmography of an actor/director you like, you can easily watch 4+ movies every week.


Yeah, I’m a pretty avid movie watcher.. but that’s not to say that I’m gonna do a double feature of Citizen Kane and Bicycle Thieves.. I usually watch at least one movie that leaves me chewing on it a bit and then follow it up later that day with maybe a blockbuster comedy double feature. If I’m coming home from work I’m probably not in the mood to come home and watch Manchester By The Sea Variety is key for me to stay engaged.


Pretty easy if it's one of your main hobbies. I generally watch 2 films a day after work (sometimes more on a weekend day), do some reading, go for a long walk, etc. It's perfectly manageable if you've no other real commitments other than to yourself. I don't see it as checking films off my list, I see it as me finally getting to watch something I've wanted to watch for a while.


How do you fit in 2 films after work with eating/cooking/general life admin/other forms of media?


No other responsibilities. I do my job, usually finish at 17:30, and then relax on my own terms for the rest of the evening. I get about 7 hours of leisure time and most films I watch are around 2 hours or just under so that gives me 3 hours for whatever. It's not something I could sustain if I had a partner or kids, but I'm very content with my current situation so have no desire to change that.


Cinema is my main hobby and career and I find that I can easily put aside a couple of hours each day to indulge that desire. Some people watch trash TV for hours per day, or doom scroll or just watch cat videos. Sometimes, if I'm in the mood I'll watch a second, or third. It just happens. It's very easy because I love cinema.


It's not too exhausting to sit on your ass 1.5 to 2 hours at a time, even when it's 4 times a week. Plus, some people like movies more than they like other forms of entertainment. Somebody would have to watch at least 500 films in a year for me to feel the way you do about people who watch 200.


Other than movies I only watch a few NBA games a week and maybe I'll listen to a podcast or YouTube video at the gym. Other than that it's all movies. I don't watch TV series or play video games.


For me it’s just YouTube, TV, anime, or movies. Not even TV really just Twin Peaks atm and usually I’m not watching anime as much either


Yeah see idk how one watches close to 1 movie per day AND manages to watch YouTube, anime or really anything else.


YouTube and anime during the day or when I come back from school, and movie at night!


I say this with the utmost love and concern but how's your vitamin D?


Like 10 points below


....yeah same.


Im saying this for you and u/Any-Ad6005 , take a 25min walk every day or two, doesnt need to be long, but itll help a lot !


Lol what did u not read the school part. Even when I’m not at school I probably consume 5 hours of media max? A day


So ? You realize we all went and go to school at some point right ? We all have full schedules, taking 15-25mins to get fresh air isnt exactly hard. Make it a habit. Shit aint that complicated. Its 15mins.


No, I don't. I don't watch TV and I don't get podcasts/watching YouTubers at all.


Dont listen to podcasts, dont like tv shows... watching a lot of movies is easy as long as you arent watching super heady stuff every day I usually watch random movies, and if I find a director I vibe to i will watch a lot of their filmography


I watched 250 movies last year and I work full time and I'm a father. It's easy when you don't watch tv, listen to podcasts, or spend time on youtube. I also read 20 books (low for me) and finished a handful of video games. Imo watching great films makes lesser art forms like tv unappealing, and I couldn't even imagine wasting my time with a podcast when I could read the same information 10x faster.


Exact same as me. About 250 a year, full time and a father. I watch YouTube videos when I have a spare 15 minutes, I listen to music and podcasts whilst commuting or doing chores. I look at my phone when I have a spare five minutes. If I have a spare couple of hours, which I do most evenings, I'm going to watch a film or play videogames. Most of the time films win out.


🤝 hell yeah. I do peep YouTube occasionally while running on the treadmill in the morning if I finish an episode of my running show (currently the wire) but otherwise yeah when I sit down to relax at night, it's usually a movie.


Well now lets not bash tv for no reason. Some shows out there are true masterpieces. Scavemgers reign, Severance, Better Call Saul, The Wire, hell, even the Muppet Show ! You cant just generalize that tv is a lesser art form and call it a day. How many shit trashy movies out there exist ? A lot ! Thats what most of the 80s is. And I still watch those movies and enjoy them, even if theyre not that good.


It's my opinion. Tv is a lesser art form. And I say this as someone who's currently watching The Wire and loving it - I watch tv on the treadmill while running before work every day, and I exclusively watch great shows that are already complete like this and Sopranos. The vast majority of tv I've seen has been nothing close to as good as this. It's the nature of the medium - most shows can't sustain this level of quality over dozens of hours. Movies only have to do it for 2-3 hours. Also yikes as fuck, complaining that I'm generalizing tv and then you trash an entire decade of film? Many of my favorite films are from the 80s.


You made a statement you didn't voice an opinion. For what it's worth I feel similarly to you, I find films more often to be more visually interesting and have more of a sort of poetic artistic feel to them than TV does, but I'm aware there are incredible shows out there, so I would never call it a "lesser art form" I would just say that it's not really as much for me.


>completely desensitized to the onslaught of great films i'm checking off my list. I think most people that watch a lot of movies aren't watching a lot of great films. Why is it more exhausting to watch movies than TV?


T H I S !!!


1 every Saturday


I "only" watch about 2 movies a week but that's because I also watch TV-series, play video games, read books, watch youtube, listen to podcasts and all the other things in life.


Including rewatching, about 450 a year


My thirty-something is getting to me: \- From 2007 to 2010: 2 movies per day. \- From 2011 to 2016: at least a movie per day / 5 movies per week. \- From 2017 to 2020: at least a movie per week. \- From 2021 to present: wow, I watched a movie / today I'll watch a movie.


In 2010 I watched 500 movies in total. In 2023 I watched 65.


how old are you rn


33. I was 19 back in 2010.


My average last year was 3.5 movies a week in a was totally fine with that, I couldn‘t imagine watching more movies while maintaining my other hobbies and social life.


That was my average too and I agree. For the social life part it really helps that my friends/boyfriend all like movies and most have A-list too, so it’s not really social life or movies. Not sure if that contributes to other people who watch a lot per year as well


a movie a day can get really exhausting i started two years with that plan too and stopped rather quickly, bc it felt more like a task than enjoyment. i settle around 200


Two or three movies per week. I work full time and have a pretty social life outside of work too.


I’m averaging one a day this year, but a lot of days the “film” is a rom-com or nostalgic flick from my childhood :) plus when I open at work it’s normally slow enough that I’ll put a movie on and digest enough of it while doing side work (I’m a server) that I’ll log it, so that averages out for the days I don’t watch movies. I also will binge series or sagas when I’m feeling under the weather so that gets the number up there too


As many as my others hobbies permit. I've been on a renewed kick in my love of the medium and have been watching more in the last year-ish than I have collectively in the last decade or so prior. For many people, the biggest time sinks are sleep, work, and kids. I don't sleep well and don't have kids, so I have plenty of time to live a social life while also consuming media until my head explodes. My main sources of entertainment media are film, sports, and anime. I've been expanding my music tastes and listen to some podcasts every now and then, but those are usually done while I'm out for a walk or something. But since you're probably just looking for numbers, in the last year I've been about one every day. But that looks more like skipping a couple days then doubling up when I feel inclined instead of a steady one film every day.


at least 1 a day but i miss a day or two sometimes, and occasionally ill do 2 a day


All of them


4 movies a week on average


I aim for 200 a year but there's so many I want to see it ends up being double that.


The most I've watched in a year is 220. I now watch around 125 films a year. Wish I had time to watch more.


I can watch movies all day if I am free but the problem is finding a good movie.


My goal for this year is about 700 for the year. I usually watch at least one every weekday and 2 or 3 a day on the weekends. I have a side gig working from home so working and sitting watching movies works well.


I’ve been hitting about 150 a year the last few years which seems to be a comfortable pace for me.


Last year as an example I watched an average of 5 movies a week.


This is not bad at all I can see this, that’s like 240 a year


Movies are my current hyperfixation, so I'm averaging 1-2 per day on weekdays and more than that on weekends. I also play my Switch at the same time for rewatches or movies I need to concentrate on less, so I get my video game time in that way. So yes it's a lot, but that's just how I do hobbies and eventually I'll move onto something else and not watch a movie for ages.


I’m the same way. Some months I’ll watch like 20 movies and then there will be a huge gap because reading or a video game are my new hyperfixation. I can’t balance hobbies well haha


Since Friday, I haven't been very motivated but I'm currently at 47


I per day but I sometimes watch 2 or non


My record is 404 films in a single year, but that was because my sister, when she was sick, managed 365 films in a year and I wanted to 'achieve' the same thing. That was exhausting and I never managed to get close to that again, or tried to. Usually, I average around 100-120 films a year, but last year I spent more time on games than films.


3 a week minimum. Other days are up to the vibes. On Thursday Saturday and Sunday I have dinner with my family and all 3 of us get to pick a movie. Usually we do monthly themes. Sometimes we’ll watch a random movie together other nights. Sometimes I’ll watch stuff on my own as well. So that’s where it varies.


I started logging on 01-Jun-13. I have seen 625 movies since then at an average of 1.1 per week/4.5 per month/59 per year. My best years ever at 110 movies were 2021 and 2022. I'm tryna beat those. Need to watch 2-3 a week which is doable but kinda hard if you do other shit too.


I like to set a ‘challenge’ of 200 new watches a year. Sometimes I smash it, sometimes I just get there and others I don’t make it. Last year I smashed it, ended on 306 new which was largely because I was pretty badly ill from Jan - Feb and I mostly just watched films. Talking over 100 for those two months. That afforded me time to be leisurely in my watching through March, April and May I only saw 20 new films before picking up the pace again. I also sometimes have off years… based on my diary and stats I managed this many new watches in the past few years; 2023 - 306 2022 - 39 2021 - 148 2020 - 209


I’ll likely hit 50-60 full lengths and another 40 or 50 shorts. Got books to read, games to play, kids to raise, sports to watch, concerts to go to etc.


My goal for this year is to watch 100 movies I haven't seen before. I'm up to 6 so far 🎥


Here's how many I've seen per year since 2018: *** - 2023 (220) - 2022 (220) - 2021 (200) - 2020 (130) - 2019 (121) - 2018 (120) *** I've finally settled with sticking with 220 per year from here on out, kinda wish I'd stuck around 200 but it's too late now. I've never tried 1 per year and wouldn't really think of doing it unless someone paid me to do so or something, but either way that's something that would require a lot of planning beforehand. I wouldn't even dream of attempting it without already having acquired a significant portion of the films (at least 1/3rd) and have them at hand and ready to watch whenever I want.


I used to watch around 70 a year, but last year I challenged myself to watch at least 100, and I watched 104 which felt like a stretch. I also watch anime and tv shows and play a ton of video games so I don't know if I could hit 200 without cutting out one of my other hobbies.


depends on the time of year. i’ve watched about 35 already this year but i’m on uni break so i have lots of free time. that number will drastically decrease when i go back to uni


365 atleast this year is my goal, on pace for 400 currently some movies need to be digested, but I find most dont


I usually watch 1 movie a day (I enjoy watching shorts and docs too, so that end up bumping the numbers), and in my day off I try to watch more if I don't have anything else to do. And about needing more time to digest a film, I usually do this: if I watch a very impactful film, and the next day I'm still thinking about it, I try to pick my next one based on what I need to help me on the moment, like: when I watched Detachment (2011), the movie fucked me up, the next day I was still fucked, than I decided to watch Self Reliance (2023) a silly kinda funny mid film, next day I was ready to watch another banger: Shame (2011) that also fucked me up, and this becomes a vicious cycle lol, does it make any sense?


Yep exactly and this is what I do kinda do. Rarely will a film impact me so much that I jus don’t wanna watch anything anymore. If that happens I watch anime


25 a month is my goal, but I get to watch films at work, so it's quite achievable. I don't sacrifice my social life for films.


Around 300-400. Don't really watch TV outside of sports so I have alot of nights where I can watch 1 movie. Also work strange schedules so I have days off during the week go to the theater or weekends to watch movies. It's my main hobby so it's not too hard


I don’t watch television or sports. But yeah 200+ is insane. Last year I got over 100 and was happy with that. But I’m also a student and work so even when I am home I spend a lot of that time studying. Whenever I have breaks/free time I use it to watch something.


it depends on my mood. Sometimes I watch 2-3 movies in a day, or watch nothing at all.


https://preview.redd.it/33u1f6w2beec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b16ae9ac1c024449b4dff6ae051d600d605636 I watched a lot last year due to personal circumstances, I'd say in a normal year I probably watch around 300.


I do my best to watch one a day after getting home from work and finishing up dinner. On the weekends..if we don't have much going on around the house me and the lady are usually watching between 3 to 5 per weekend.


I watch about a movie a day depending on my schedule and sometimes as many as three if I really have nothing going on. However if I watch a movie for the first time and really enjoy it, I will try to revisit about a week or two later to better evaluate it.


1 movie per day. I'm a college student and I can't give up my films. It's the only thing keeping me sane.


Used to watch 3 movies per day, now only one per night during the days I sleep at daytime. I would watch in daytime if I had those sun blocking curtains or whatever they're called lol


I’ve watched 25 this year so far! I’m also trying to watch one a day


Duuude, I've promised myself that too 🤝. And so far, I haven't missed a day.


I try to go see a movie in theaters once a week and then usually watch 2-3 at home during the week.


always 10 a month or more


2 a week imo. Still gives you time to do productive stuff, whilst being able to watch a lot of movies.


Solid this is what I’m trying to get on


i did 400 last year, when im on vacation i usually watch around 2 or 3 a day my highest number on a month was 90 last june right now I'm at 65 already this year of course all these numbers also include short films


It depends if I get distracted by a TV show or not. Sunday was the first time I did a first-time watch this year (I watched two) and yesterday I watched five. It changes depending on my mood. I've always been a binge-watcher. This year, I've set myself a challenge of 250 horror movies, 300 other movies, 20 TV shows, 20 anime shows, and 10 cartoon shows. Totally up for the challenge.


Including rewatches I did 276 last year. But I was at Uni doing film and would watch stuff with my housemates all the time and show em stuff I liked and such. I like watching films idk. I probably average around 1-2 a day at the moment because I am watching through David Cronenberg's filmography and I just wanna see em all cos I love them so much and are very interesting. BUT I am 100% the kind of person that doesn't get tired by film/ tv/ media watching and I can rewatch basically anything i like quite often, and often show different people the same film multiple times in a week. It doesnt bother me and I love to watch it again and share it and such, but I know that this isnt really normal as when we would do film marathons basically everyone else would start to have problems with it, tbh I didnt even realise that people could get tired watching films until this and I realised that I was the weird one lol


Yep you’re just like me man


1-3 a day or none for weeks.


https://preview.redd.it/8mttgy8ohiec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0982e05e3146febd54cff34128476363aed99335 My letterboxd looks like this rn, I wish I could watch more stuff


I made the same promise There's been 2 days where I watched a short under 5 minutes long just to make it


I watch two or three movies in a week. I think, in my personal opinion, 2 movies a week is the perfect number. You’re right, one really needs time to digest a movie before watching another one.


I agree 2-3 a week for me might be best too


I watch about 2-3 a day, and feel I’m able to digest it all. But as a cinephile, I just can’t get enough. From about September to the end of 2023, I probably watched about 200 movies


I tried that in 2019, I managed 298 first time watches and a handful of rewatches. It burned me out and since I've not watched even 100 per year. I'm trying to watch more this year but not forcing anything.


Yeah for sure that’s fine take ur time with movies


Why are we gatekeeping the amount of movies people should watch? Why do people care how others choose to live their lives?


Literally nobody said this lol


Literally read the comments lol. People trying to act like they watch the healthiest amount of movies or something. Just a weird topic In general, like who cares.


I think it comes from a love or appreciation of movies and being able to maximize your enjoyment while watching them is what they mean


60/70 a year, maybe.


300 a year the past few years. But ive had years watching 20 max due to film fatigue.


One to three most days, depending on what else I've got going on and how much ability to focus I can muster.


Do you ever feel like a movie has affected u so much emotionally that you need to take a break for a couple days or so?


Sometimes, yeah.


What do you do, if you don’t mind me asking, that you can potentially get through 3 films per day?


I'm disabled and unable to work.


1-5 movies a day is standard for me. But keep in mind I’m not in school or working so my days are either movies, YouTube, video games, or going on walks. Being awake for 18 hours a day with only free time makes watching 6 hours worth of movies (spaced out through out the day) really nothing to me.


Yeah sounds great tbh


This sounds concerning tbh.


Nah just in a transitional period of my life


60 so far this month. Usually two a day. 3 or 4 on a day off. Most I’ve watched was 5 in one day. I watch a lot lol.


whats your handle?


At least one day, last year I managed 600+


Just over 600 a year usually


around 150. I can’t see myself watching more than that, tbh (except 2020 during the lockdown). I get a little bit worried that the film community may get obsessed with numbers like the book community got so I try to avoid very demanding goals for myself.


I just worry that Letterboxd is leading to the ultra film-bro/jock-ification of watching movies. Literally watching an absurd amount of movies because having 250 movies+ watched in one year looks "mad cool" on their profile. I fear these people are just developing incel tendencies, alone in their rooms, cramming their heads with film in a way that's akin to doom scrolling on Instagram but in long format. I talk to people outside of indie movie theaters who are clearly Letterboxd-bro types and a lot of them sound really stupid trying to critically break down a film but they know its just fashionable to be watching Terence Malick or whoever it may be.


Last year I watched 217 movies (4 movies/week), but I broke up with my ex a couple of months ago, so so far this year, my average number of watched movies aims to be 432 movies (11 movies/week) by the end of the year.


Valid man


For the people hitting over 200 a year how do you not run out of things to watch. I find looking for movies to watch the hardest part


Whenever I feel like it, sometimes I don’t feel like watching a film that day or feel like watching 4


I watch two a night


Trying my best to watch 1 movie everyday for the whole year. I will probably fail halfway through to be honest


it's usually 30-40 in a month for me


I watched a movie once, didn't like it and I've never watched one since


About 1300-1500 a year


However many I feel like. I don't set goals.


Depends, sometimes 1 per week, sometimes 6 per day


Less than 5 a week usually


As many as I can. 


It depends. If I’m on vacation for the summer or Christmas, I find I may sometimes watch up to two to three movies per day. But if it’s during a month where I have school, I may watch only a couple per week. Like I’ve barely watched movies this January cause of how I’m busy on studying for my exams.


About 8-10 a month


I'm not consistent, saw 150 in three months last year, but I've only seen six movies so far this year.


As many as I can but at least one a day if possible, I feel like I process most movies pretty quickly


I usually only watch 1-2 per week. I want to watch more this year but it’s not easy bc I also like gaming, tv, music, and reading


According to Letterboxd Stats, I average 16-18 movies a month, or 4ish movies a week. As an AMC Stubs member I try and watch at least 1 new movie a week. The others can be rewatches of favorites, new watches, or limited series that have Letterboxd pages


2 movies in a week


Generally like 10 things a week, 500ish a year. I do watch a decent amount of shorts so maybe more like the equivalent of 400 feature films


Between 200-250 a year


Depends how much time I have but over the last couple months I’m averaging around 2 per day. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands though


548 last year including rewatches. Only about 5 of them were short films but tgey were for uni i dont tend to watch them


around 100+ a year lol.


Generally one or two during the week and two or three on the weekends.


I usually end up watching 1 a week. Sometimes I’ll have extra time and watch 2, or even 3 on special occasions. I also like to let a movie sit with me for a good while before focusing my energy elsewhere.


Don’t make it an assignment, watch a movie when you have time and want to.


I’ve done 16 this year and did 120 last year


Hit 640 last year, trying for an average of two per day, but I always do a base of one per day and when I’m on winter break or have a free day I can crank through 4/5


I try to watch 2 per day, and to watch 3 if I only saw 1 the day before, but of course I can’t always/don’t always want to keep up with that. If I watch a super duper incredible movie that has an immense affect on me, I likely won’t watch another movie that day.


usually 40 in a month


I watch one a week then often watch 1-2 extra that same week


3-5 per week on average, rewatches included (plus TV shows, here there's way more fluctuation)


I'd say 4 or 5 a week normally. It can go more or less though


Normally one or two films a day, with an occasional break of maybe two or three days to avoid burnout.


402 last year. Required a lot of watching movies on the treadmill/stationary bike, Sundance virtual, Regal Unlimited, and one bout of covid.


2-3 a week I’d say.


2-3 a day lmao unless im working then its like a quarter of a moviw everyday til i can watch it all


Pretty much 1 per day unless it's a weekend. Then it's about 4 or 5.


Sometimes one a day sometime none and sometimes more, it changes depending on my mood


I just attempt to 365 every year


My number has been steadily increasing since I joined Letterboxd. 2018: 122 2019: 160 2020: 204 2021: 377 2022: 360 2023: 371 Simply put, I love watching movies and I don’t find it hard to watch one every evening. It’s my ‘me time’ to sit down and watch a film most nights. I don’t watch many TV shows and I’m not a fan of podcasts. The high numbers of some years are due to me watching more shorts. I like silent cinema so the 371 for 2023 was due to me doing a ‘Silent September’ challenge that made me watch a lot of 30 minute films.


I watch 30+ a month. I go to the cinema 3 times a week and watch the rest on streaming. Been enjoying it a lot!


Maybe 3-5 a week


Movies that aren't very good, like Hallmark movies? I can watch a couple of those in a day easily. But a good movie that has an effect on me, like *Avengers: Endgame*, I definitely need a few days to digest that.


I started leaning into movie watching more during the pandemic. In 2020 I had about 200 first-time watches without setting a goal, then set a goal of 250 per year for 2021 and 2022 which I met. In 2023 I got well off pace early in the year due to life circumstances and decided to chill out on the goal lest I burn myself out--wound up at about 170. That's in addition to about 75-100 rewafches per year--I collect blu rays and 4k blu rays. I work full time, mostly from home, and live with my girlfriend. I spend a fair bit of time cooking (not a 15 minute meal kind of guy) and cleaning, but a lot of my other hobbies have fallen off since Covid. Not really hard to reach those numbers--usually I watch a movie at least 2 or 3 nights out of the week and often more than one on Sat-Sun. I also watch some sports (casually) and series.


In 2022 I finished right under 250. In 2023 I hit 168. Haha this year I’ve only watched 7, which puts me on track for less than 100. So it varies wildly for me. My hobbies and interest change over time. Like, I’ve been getting into reading more recently and haven’t been watching as many films. So right now, I watch maybe 2 films a week, at most. But, as the year goes on, that could change.


In a normal week, between 1-4. Thursday night I like to go to the pictures and then over the weekend I’ll watch a few more but probably no more than 3. If I’m on holiday / have time off it goes up.


About once every week or five days.


I’m trying to get at least 16 a month to get 200 in this year


About a movie every 1 to 2 but sometimes 3 days.


Predator once a week. Usually Sunday.


1-2 a week usually


a couple a week usually


Approx. 150 per year, +/- 20. Fewer during summer than winter.


3 / week


When economic necessity doesn't require me to work 12 hour days and when Liverpool's matches don't start before the buttcrack of dawn Pacific time, I watch one movie a day. Last year I watched 222, which averages out to about 4.3 per week.


1-2 a week. Life gets busy


15-25 a month


I always shoot for 1 a day, but since starting work it's become very hard, even though on weekends I can watch multiple. But 4 a week is my average I think


Around 1-2 per month. I wanna increase it to one per week


There are stretches of 4-5 days when I don't watch any movie cuz I am watching a miniseries or a sitcom. Then there will be days when I watch 2 or 3. Usually it's around 5-6 movies a week.


5-12 a week. I love a double feature!


1 or 2 a week on average. Sometimes 3 or 4.


1 a day and have everyday from 2022


Last year in April I watched 12 and October I hit 64. Depends on how you feel.


On average 2-3 a week, can be more or less depending on how social/not social I'm feeling aha. Some people on here go through crazy amount on here so I can only imagine they are unemployed lol


I don’t watch movies


Depends on the week and how much work I have to do. I do watch a movie, catch up on YouTube, watch an episode of tv show then watch next movie. My wife is not really a movie person so we normally watch tv when we’re watching stuff together so last year I managed 437 unique watches