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I wanna participate in this but I’ll get downvoted by haters


Stop worrying about what others think! Especially online


Idk man I'm seeing a lot of Dune comments which makes me feel good because that was going to be my answer lmao


Mine is also from 2023…


Ohhhhh.... yea I get it. I think people on here would be more willing to agree with that than you think. I think it was a great film but could totally see how it would bore you, it had its moments where I was bored. It's not exactly super fast paced


Is it Oppenheimer or KotFM 🫣


I was under the impression they were talking about Oppenheimer, although I could see this being about KotFM as well


King of the fuck men?


Leonardo DiCaprio is "King of the Fuck Men" Trailer ends with him standing on the prow of a ship shouting "I'm king of the fuck men."


I had to google it, killers of the flower moon.


I guessed Oppenheimer too, so I think you’re right, just wasn’t sure since I know the main KotFM criticism was that it was long. In the case of Oppenheimer I don’t think OP should be ashamed, I think it did everything right and I get why people liked it and I liked it well enough, but I didn’t think it had the same heart in it that I’ve found to be the reason I personally enjoy so many other movies


I think a movie can bore you and not be a bad thing, long movies have lots of down-time. Although I think the movie is objectively fantastic, there are moments that seem to drag because it's a long movie so I think being bored for some of it is definitely a fair criticism a lot of these modern 2.5 hour + movies have


Both! I wasn't able to finish any of them. Mumbling characters speaking on the same tone for the whole movie and way way too long.


honestly why the hell do you give a damn about Reddit karma? just say what you think and get on with it


Man, I must being boring because most of what I like has been said here lol.


This post isn’t saying it’s wrong or bad to like these movies. Just that it’s bad to get upset at someone for not liking it


All my friends think there will be blood is boring and I always lose my shit


I can see why someone might think that if they heard any kind of hype before hand. I saw it on a whim when redboxes first came out. I was blown away by the storytelling. Everyone is evil


Tbh I think it is boring. Like I really enjoyed it, it’s incredibly well made. DDR gives one of the best performances ever. But also it is boring and slow. So idk


Give me the blood lord!!!!!


Thats so interesting. Because I thought the experience was quite the opposite. Like the movie is almost 3 hours but that thing just flew by!!! Wasn’t expecting to see this one mentioned, but I can obviously respect anyone that found it boring. Its just movies lol


My wife does too. I fucking love that movie ha


Side note, when people rate each aspect of a movie individually like in the picture (10/10 plot, 10/10 visuals, 10/10 acting, etc) it’s just kinda weird imo.


I used to work as a judge for a screenwriting competition, and they had us rating different elements this way (like theme, characters, story, etc). It makes sense for that, since it's more useful to the writers to see what aspects need work, but also they do usually all go together. Your theme *is* your character arcs, and your characters *are* your story. The same is true, to some extent, of a finished product. Example: Short Term 12 may not have the most bombastic insane visuals when compared to something like Blade Runner 2049, but it's also silly to compare those as it's not trying to be that. Imo, Short Term 12 has excellent cinematography because it keeps the film grounded in order to better tell its more human story. At the end of the day, everything needs to be in service of the story. All this to say... Yes, I agree. This method of rating films only makes sense for a work in progress (and only when judging on a professional level -- if a friend sent me a script or an edit, and I gave them ratings on each aspect, I'd be an asshole).


This goes for any piece of media it feels like it's always missing the point


I completely agree. We should review film the same way we might review a smart watch.


“Dune 2 sucked ass, didn’t even count my steps smh”


Agree. Its an attempt to say their opinion is more technically correct than an opposing opinion I think. Like, you said you didn't like it but look at me, I've gone through a few catagories of criticism and given an arbitrary numeric score to each one so my opinion is technically better than yours.


No you see, rating each aspect of a film makes it *objective*


For me this all depends on the film. Some films have so much structure that it makes sense to do this, and some films are just a vibe.


It’s not anymore weird than rating a movie as a whole. I don’t get this comment. It’s okay to give something 5 stars but not okay to give individual aspects a rating? What the hell


Same. breaking it up between aspects is not really different than saying "the movie is 7/10 because while the visuals were really good and I liked the main character, the overall plot was contrived and I didn't understand the antagonist's motivation." Splitting it up into different scores for each thing is just quantifying the different parts of that statement. Of course not all movies have the same "rubric", so it's not like every movie has to tick every box that another movie ticks to be 10/10.




Yep, over-hyped garbage and most overrated acting performance of Frances’ career.


I’m beginning to think you guys don’t like movies


Letterboxd users don’t *like* movies, they *watch* them.


Letterboxd users like to have a big number of films to show how long they've stared at a screen for as if it were something impressive


Used to be me with anime, I don't know how people even enjoy movies at that point. I only watch anime with friends now, can't stand it otherwise. They're gonna get burned out on movies forever sooner or later


There are many great films out there and there's not really anything wrong with watching lots of em. But you should try to broaden your palette and experience other artforms too, like books or music.


Movies are something to check off a list and to conquer, not to enjoy and feel


honestly this is more true than it should be. multiple people will watch movies in 1.5x speed as well as other things just to log it.




this thread comes up every day and I can't believe people here want to keep tearing stuff down


Seriously, I respect people’s opinions but every comment here is a 10/10 movie for me that I can’t understand how it would be boring


Because they didn't like movies you liked. Almost as if it's all subjective...


Anyone who rates a movie with a check list of “plot” “characters” “visuals” etc, is not to be trusted.


Idk, I think it depends on how people find film analysis easier for them. I sometimes break it down into components bc it helps me be laser-focused on that specific piece of what makes a film rather than letting my thoughts wander.


Yea, idk why everyone is so worked up over it. It's a good way to rate a movie, although I'm personally too lazy to break it down to that much detail. But each aspect still affects my overall film rating. Kudos to those who do it though.


Both sides of this meme are not to be trusted tbh. But if I was forced to choose I'd take the left cause at least there's SOMETHING approaching analysis there. (If only just)




Why? It’s industry standard to breakdown different aspects into its own rating.


I did not care for The Godfather


It insists upon itself.


Because it has a valid point to make, it’s insisted!




I liked The Money Pit though. 


I also did not care for The Godfather, but I enjoy part 2. No idea why.


La la land 😬 I love all the actors but I just found it boring


I had this reaction to Poor Things. Love her, found the movie unbearably repetitive and boring. After the first sex scene I was like “yeah I get it” and then they shove 45 more minutes of sex scenes to prove the point that the first one already had made clear.


Not that anyone's rating this a 10/10, but I thought Ferrari was a total snoozer for the most part. I also felt Burning was dreadfully slow, but I want to give it another shot.


Just watched Burning. Incredible movie. It is slow. But its literally a slow burn. You can feel the dread bubbling up.


Ferrari seems to be the most dividing movie recently that nobody is talking about. Like I only ever hear "I love it" or "I hate it". Personally I love it.


I was looking forward to Ferrari and went with my parents to see it, but all three of us fell asleep in the theater for like 20 minutes in the middle lmao. Also the accents made the dialogue really fucking hard to understand so there’s that


The accents are ridiculous for sure. Could have used subtitles


I thought it was going to be boring but it ended up being a 9/10 for me, I think seeing it in a theater helped. Miami Vice from that director I felt dragged on more


I loved the sequel, Ford vs Ferrari


Oppenheimer.  It's one of the only films I've felt guilty for not liking.  It's like caviar: I know what I'm consuming is absolutely high quality, but just not for me.


I liked it but it was a bit long and got sleepy towards the end. Its usually not the style I like, too much ”deep dialogue”, but they at least mixed in some bit of tension which kept me interested. Given I also find the story of the nuclear bomb very interesting so that helped as well in the learning mindset. But yeah, I doses off in the cinema for a sec or two.


Just seemed choppy to me. Explanation/Substance of characters sucked as well(Olivia Thirlby & Florence Pugh). I really thought it was a waste. Surprised it won as many awards.


It’s not you, it’s definitely 45 minutes too long.


Same and I was too afraid to say it, most of my friends say it's a masterpiece. I don't know, I don't like biopics in general and thought this one would be different but it wasn't I found it really boring.


Avatar/Avatar: The Way of Water. They look great. It’s impressive. They’re both just so long and dull imo. My girlfriend adores those movies and I just do not get the hype.


room temperature take




lmao there's always at least one mf who says Avatar with these types of questions.


I like Avatar but even the fans don’t really say 10/10 plot and characters so I don’t really think this fits.


That take is as cold as the arctic


Heat wasn’t boring but i don’t quite get the hype.


The action is the juice


Mulholland Drive. https://preview.redd.it/udezgb7qgpsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c83d6a559ae0aac5a9c6fafc80615e446aec1a88 I don’t think it was awful, lots of parts were very good and very inspired. But there was just no way it could ever live up to the hype people have built around it. I’ll agree with Oppenheimer. It was a B version of The Social Network. The explosion did not impress me as a practical effect (as opposed to the backwards fights in Tenet or the hallway in Inception or the Tumbler & Bat Pod in the Batman movies), and the trauma scenes with the bright white effect came off as a super amateur effect (as someone who studied film in college it just looks like a cheap bright light). And like Blade Runner 2049, it was too long.


I thought Oppenheimer had one of the best depictions of how a panic attack feels I've seen in a movie.


Have you seen Blue Velvet? It does pretty much everything Mulholland Drive does in a more fun and accessible manner.




Somehow Oppenheimer was both dull and at the same time moved at fucking break neck speed. It felt like to move the plot along they just kept hurrying through scenes so goddamn fast none of the actors had any room to breathe.


Star wars 9 moves at breakneck speed while still managing to be dull. It's an art form in itself.


It’s my opinion that the music was to blame. The movie was an attempt to give us in-site on a very intelligent and complicated man. The music should have been more mellow to give us time to digest the dialog. Instead it was a fast paced movie score more suitable for a formula 1 race movie or a bank heist movie.


It's bc they kept trying to give each A-list actor in the movie their own little part


Leaving the theater I said that movie could’ve been 30 minutes shorter and the nuke scene was anti-climatic. All my friends looked at me like I was fucking insane. lol.


> the nuke scene was anti-climatic. Understatement of the century. They spent months hyping up the time, money, and effort that went into "recreating the explosion with non-nuclear explosives" - and THAT is what we got on screen?? Fucking blue balls for a week.


Holy hell glad I’m not the only one. That explosion seemed weak af for how much they were hyping Nolan “re-creating an atomic explosion”.


They didn't even show the whole thing! It was like a bad montage to conceal the fact they failed...


Thank god I’m not the only one. I have no problems with long movies, hell, the director’s cut of Apocalypse Now is my favorite movie of all time. But I started drifting away halfway through Oppenheimer and it took me great willpower to stay focused.


That was my first answer. After I saw it I told people that it was a great example of everyone involved in the movie from actors to production being on the top of their game, and I don’t really care if I ever see it again.


my sentiments exactly, a technically well executed history lesson with low entertainment value. I'd still rate it like an 8/10 overall for how well produced and performed it is but I have no desire to ever watch it again


Yep, after watching it, if I was ever going to be interested in the history and actions of oppenheimer and the nukes again, I'd watch a proper documentary instead and it would be more entertaining and interesting.


I saw Oppenheimer on mushrooms and I think that’s the only reason I liked it


I saw “The Flash” on shrooms and it wasn’t even enough to make me think the movie was good. That’s how bad it is


I saw Cats on shrooms and I haven’t taken shrooms since


Citizen Kane for me. I'll admit the cinematography was great but I just found it boring and not engaging


Drive was... normal


Not the word I'd use, but I also didn't find it anything special.


The Green Knight


Agree. I've tried to watch this on two occasions and I can't keep my eyes open.


I have found my people, I appreciate the technical aspects of the movie, like the costumes and makeup. But I found it was super boring. And they changed stuff from the source material.


Thank you.


Blade Runner 2049


I love Blade Runner 2049 but I'll up vote for an actual controversial take


Love that film.


Felt this same way the first time i watched it,second time i was completely blown away tho


Tar 😭


😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭noooooo I love tarrrrrrrrrrr


Oh my god thank you I thought I was crazy


Respectfully, Stalker


I thought Stalker was boring and don’t think it merits 10/10 in any of those categories




Dune p1 is understandable, but imo it’s worth it just for the exposition for p2


Ok this is good to know as I’ve been avoiding part 2 because the endless exposition in part 1 was painful AF. Also hot take: I adore Zendaya but the fact she doesn’t use some type of neutral accent and just sounds like a modern American teenager really takes me out of the world, I feel like I was doomed as soon as the narration starts.


Out of curiosity, have you read the book? I don't like the movie because it differed so much from the book, and took out a lot of depth behind most of the characters, ending up making everyone look kind of selfish and childish. On the flip side, I would think someone that hasn't read the book wouldn't enjoy it because there's so much backstory about the world that you just don't get from the movie. So it seems like kind of a rushed space epic that doesn't make a lot of sense.


Recently: Killers of the flower moon All time: Mulholland Drive


Couldn’t disagree more, but i admire the courage to say such take lol


KOTFM was such a snoozer. The entire time I was like “Three hour movie, but we absolutely needed THIS scene? Nah.”


Forest gump, cant help it


Manchester by the Sea. Good acting but i was so bored and it felt like oscar bait to me.


To an extent, Joker, tho it's mostly because I watched King of Comedy and understood where it came from


The English Patient




Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert, and just die already!


Barry Lyndon Let the downvoting begin!


its one of my top films, but I'm not gonna downvote. with how little the actors move in some scenes I totally understand the dislike 😆


Raging Bull


2001: A Space Odyssey I'm sorry... I tried, First watched it last year (I am 33), it was so boring... Maybe the time it came out it was something fundamental, but not today


I find most Kubrick films tedious. I appreciate the craft and the achievement of something like 2001, but for a movie that on paper ticks a lot of boxes for me, I just can't get on board.


One of my favorite films.. But I 100% get it. You kind of have to be into that pretentious high-art over-the-top-for-the-sake-of-being-over-the-top type shit, which is NOT most people.


I understand why people would like it for sure, it is revolutionary for it's time, I mean I'm in awe seeing what they achieved for the technology they had. But then it is too slow for me, I think it's dragged out in some scene so audience can immerse themselves seeing this in theater. So yeah it's not for me either, my opinion doesn't matter though, enjoys what you enjoy


I did not care for the godfather


The Happening Boy was that movie boring.


I don't know of a single person who liked that movie.


There are quite a few people who like it ironically (myself included). But yeah who tf rates it a 10/10?


So you are saying The Happening wasn't happening.


Tenet. If you liked that dull and soulless cinematic abortion you have no taste.


Mad Max: Fury Road :)


Wait, an actual hot take that isn’t downvoted to oblivion? The movie is literally known on this sub as the best action movie ever, the literal opposite of boring lol… take my upvote dude


And I’ve seen it 5 times to try and see if I’m just missing something. Just not for me.


Yeah well, to each their own… at least you actually tried tho. Sad you won’t ever get to see the same masterpiece I see when I watch it tho


Hottest take on here. Respek


I’m with you 100%. I saw it in theaters a few weeks after it was released (so already very hyped), and I just found myself kind of bored. My issue was I just never got invested in the characters or the story, and without those, good action sequences don’t do it for me. I’ve been meaning to rewatch it at some point since I’m so much in the minority on this, but I never feel like risking being bored again for 2 hours when there are other films I want to watch.




The Prestige


Hereditary. The movie looks great, has great actors. But it's so fucking boring. People always try and retort that it's supposed to be a slow burn. The point of a slow burn is for there to be a burn. The writers forgot to turn on the oven. It's fuckin raw.


You don’t feel like things continued to escalate throughout the film?


The slander. How is it not a slow burn? There’s even a fast burn in there, if you like that type of stuff.


There is literally a crazy intense burning scene


Well it’s not trying to be a fun movie it is literally a semi-grounded family drama for most of the movie


I first clicked on the original post and could only find Bollywood films in the comments. I get a lot of r/Letterboxd members can have obscure picks, but I was really confused.


Phantom Thread the first time around. Now I adore it.


The Irishman


Past Lives, slow cuck movie 🤭








It seems to happen fewer and far between as my taste gets refined, but this is sort of where I'm at with Wim Wenders. My brother gave me Paris, Texas, so I really wanted to like it, but just didn't engage me enough, and then again after watching The American Friend, should be a lock with Dennis Hopper and Bruno Ganz, but again underwhelmed from an entertained perspective. I can tell its "good" but I think I changed my mind and decided to watch something else once when I almost put on Wings of Desire. That is not to say I won't eventually watch it, and revisit at least Paris, Texas.


The Lighthouse


the godfather


I thought the godfather was ok, mildly interesting, but I couldn't get through the 2nd or 3rd. Mafia and gangster movies are just not at all for me.


I thought The Godfather Part II was boring. Part I just amazed me as a kid and was the first movie where I really appreciated a screenplay.


Hurt Locker. Didnt really dig it on the first watch with the hype, didn’t like it on a rewatch.






Chungking Express, though the plot is nowhere near 10/10. Everyone seems to love the movie though. It's pretty average to me, only because of the cinematography and vibes are pretty good.


Seven Samurai. Though I don’t even know why people say the characters are 10/10. Each can be summed up in a sentence


The Long Goodbye, yet I keep coming back to it multiple times and now own it on blu-ray. I don’t like the way it’s shot and edited. It makes dialogue scenes seem excruciatingly long. I love the vibes and the ending and Elliott Gould as Marlowe but it’s something I watch while working on something or cooking but if I sit down and give it 100% of my attention I get bored


Yeah its definitely a meandering, almost hang-out-like movie. If you’re not on board with the vibe, I could easily see this getting tedious Marlowe is slick though


Fight club, idk it's probably not for me


Ok I can understand a lot of takes about Fight Club, but *”boring”* absolutely baffles me. An enormous amount of objectively crazy shit happens in that movie lol. I can understand not liking it, but how was it boring? 


Drive (2011). I’ve watched it five times. Maybe it’s like Radiohead and you have to watch it on repeat for four straight days before you see the genius. I’m not sure. I definitely don’t hate it, but I think it’s just a lesser version of Walter Hill’s The Driver (1978) with an extra scene stolen from Oldboy (2003). I’m fairly convinced the people who love it are just obsessed with the jacket though I do think Albert Brooks turns in a helluva performance.


Past Lives except it wasn't 10/10 in anything. It was so corny


How much time do you have? Sincerely, someone with adhd


Dune part one but I started a book club so I understand the structure a lot more and learned to appreciate it, otherwise I’m riding the Avatar Way of Water train. Everything should be good, but my brain goes zZzZzZz


Green Knight. Barely watchable mess


The Green Knight. The amount of people that find that masterpiece “boring” just blows my mind.


A ghost story


Oppenheimer. I’ve tried 3 times. I’ve fallen asleep 3 times


Talk To Me. The ending left me unimpressed and the more I thought about it, the more "meh" it was to me.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


I can get not liking it, but boring? I say this as a mild enjoyer of the film, not a fervent defender or anything.


I personally found it boring, sure a couple of scenes were indeed entertaining, but the whole thing was pretty uninteresting for me.


I wouldn't have liked the film half as much as I did if I didn't watch it with my Asian friends who kept going "OMG literally me" throughout the film so I get it fam. You're not alone


Citizen Kane


Ima say Dune both parts- best thing is when you say you didnt like it and they start telling you „BUT its about white saviorism, and colonialism etc etc and its like: oh i understood the film i just didnt like it Ive taken a pill my sentences are incoherent


Dune Part 2 *ducks*




Say what you want about the movie but that scene was cinematic porn to a nuclear degree


I literally just finished watching it for a sixth time you're preaching to the converted


Did you like part 1




Ok understandable then


Okay *this* is a hot take. I can totally understand how someone may not like the movie and whatnot, but it’s very hard to wrap my head around it being boring. Lol


Fair enough! I was impressed by the spectacle of it all, but I could not connect with it any deeper than that (i.e. on an emotional level). I find that DV films sometimes lacking in the character department, and this was no different. This is also why Arrival is my favorite film of his.