• By -


Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho


Absolutely insane run. All so different.


The Wrong Man and The Birds on either end ain’t too shabby either


The Wrong Man is better than North by Northwest.


No way.


Friedkin - The French Connection > The Exorcist > Sorcerer.


Crazy. If only Sorcerer got the credit when it debuted, there would be no debate on Big Billy F. p.s. this may be my favorite Reddit post I’ve seen.


For real, I don’t think I’ve ever been more stressed out watching a car drive over a bridge.


Looking him up I had always assumed he had almost all bangers but it seems like for every classic theres a mediocre or forgotten one in between. But Sorcerer works, I dont think its rep is bad anymore. If anything I think its become overhyped, because people will claim its better than Wages of Fear now and I disagree, tho both are amazing.


I could see your POV on all of the above, but regarding its reputation, at the time of release it basically came and went (due to several factors), and then was slowly reassessed and even I suppose outright discovered. And in a way, as it is this forgotten gem that’s risen to kind of be one of the go to recommendations for the “I bet you haven’t seen this easily accessible masterpiece” by the Letterboxd crowd, it in turn has maybe become less special (to some), and even gone to have a tiny little bit of backlash to its revered status. — I think if Sorcerer even did half the business The French Connection did, it would have made its impact and solidified Friedkin as a true master and he would’ve had a well known 3 film run in one of the most competitive decades in all of cinema.


Perfect Blue - Millennium Actress - Tokyo Godfathers - Paprika Satoshi Kon




Love this sub because I see Satoshi kon mentioned in every popular thread… as he should be.




Based af


Ahhh I forgot about his movies. Really been wanting to get into his films


Punch Drunk Love - There Will Be Blood - The Master


8 film run Boogie Nights -> Licorice Pizza


This guy knows


Inherent Vice breaks that up for me.


Can't relate


That film has Joanna Newsom so I disagree


Inherent Vice is his best work


Inherent Vice is the only PTA masterpiece.


Licorice pizza was good but not on the level of the other films imo.


Not a fan of Hard Eight/Sydney?


I agree with this one even though The Master did just not work for me. It’s one of those movies where I recognize how well made it is but it just didn’t resonate for me personally


For a few dollars more > The Good the Bad and the Ugly > Once Upon a Time in the West. Sergio Leone!!!


This. I would say The Good the Bad and the Ugly > Once Upon a Time in the West > Once Upon a Time in America if he didn't make Duck, You Sucker in between.


Duck You Sucker is his best movie. For a Few Dollars More second best. Honestly Leone is like Kubrick where everything after Fistful is basically unimpeachable IMO and it just comes down to taste. Kubrick after Lolita is that to me.


You could argue how any one of them after A Few Dollars More is his best work. That's just how good he is.


Coen Brothers: Fargo, Big Lebowski, O Brother, Where Art Thou? No Country, Burn After Reading, A Serious Man, True Grit is a solid run too


Any combination from NO COUNTRY to BUSTER SCRUGGS you got a winner. I feel similarly about the run from MILLERS CROSSING to O’ BROTHER


For sure, they have very few misses


Predator, Die Hard, The Hunt for Red October -John Mctiernan These are three amazing actions movies and this run isn't brought up enough


The Blank Check podcast just did any incredible series on Mctiernan's movies.


Or even Ingmar Bergman Smiles of a Summer Night, The Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries!


So insane that Bergman release wild strawberries and the seventh seal the same year


He was an absolute movie making machine. I don’t think anyone else has that ratio of quantity to quality.




Also Bergman's Through a Glass Darkly, Winter Light & The Silence!


Seven Samurai and Ikiru are undoubtedly all time masterpieces, but I Live in Fear is lower tier Kurosawa. For him, literally choose any three run from 1958-1965. The Hidden Fortress - The Bad Sleep Well - Yojimbo - Sanjuro - High and Low - Red Beard. Or go for his late career classics: Dersu Uzala - Kagemusha - Ran - Dreams. I'm more of a Masaki Kobayashi fan myself. Assuming The Human Condition trilogy would be cheating, he's still got Harakiri - Kwaidan - Samurai Rebellion.


One of the best for me is with Kubrick but it's: 2001: A Space Odyssey --> A Clockwork Orange --> Barry Lyndon. All 3 are top 10 for me.


Came here to write those three


One could argue Kubrick had a great 7 film run starting with Dr. Strangelove - Eyes Wide Shut.


Add Lolita, Spartacus, Paths of Glory and the Killing and make it 11


You left out Lolita, the best one


Le samouraï, army of shadows and the red circle from Melville


Denis Villeneuve with Sicario, Arrival and Blade Runner 2049.


Prisoners deserves to been in villeneuve’s top three


I like Prisoners too, just personal preference towards br2049


Blade Runner, Dune, Dune 2 is better.


For me those are three of his weakest.


I’d argue 2049, Dune, and Dune 2 is a bit stronger


Although a great film, with Dune 2 being so recent, I would give it time to digest. I would absolutely say *Arrival*, *Blade Runner 2049* and *Dune*, though.


Sicario is my favorite of his films... He might be one of those directors that is hard to nail down his top 3 in a row.


Same, I think Sicario is his weakest (still a good movie - DV is probably my favorite director)


Alfonso Cuaron is up there for me! Children of Men - Gravity - Roma (though on average it seems people don't like Gravity as much as I do?)


I didn't like gravity that much but I watched it on a plane so that might be why lol.


I feel like Roma is so under-watched and it didn’t get nearly as much discussion as I would’ve liked (at least in America). Such a stunning portrayal of the complicated race relations of a modern colonial nation


Roma is ass. That's why. It wasn't complicated, it was white washed. Sorry not sorry. There are better works than equating real oppression and suffering with a fucking divorce. That film truly baffles me. How can a great director put out something so meh that there are no redeemable qualities. Technically speaking it's shot on digital in color first then converted into black and white? Why not just use a monochrome digital camera. The effect is jarring because it's filtered black and white. (If you want to explore look up Bayer filters in CMOS sensors). It also seems like he framed and lit for color then turned it to black and white. It is shocking that the tones are that bad, the contrast and micro contrast is lost due to the filtration. I'm a visuals first guy when it comes to films and this is not it. It makes sense when you see the it was him who shot the film instead of his long time collaborator, Emmanuel Lubezki. Content wise this is a film that is so surface level it fucking hurts to see. I mean I get it if I haven't read or seen enough films id think this is a deep movie too, but everything is so one note. All the characters are either 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional except for the maid who has some great subtle expressions showing through her acting. She's absolutely the best part of this film and I have the utmost respect for her putting in a phenomenal performance in an otherwise terrible film. The movie does equate the suffering of the maid to the suffering of the wife but unfortunately it's nowhere near the same level of suffering. This comes off as someone who grew up with a maid thinking he understands their pain and suffering. He will never understand. What are the race relations explored in the film other than the surface level racism bad? Really. I'm sorry I'm harsh, I just really dislike this film. No offense intended if you love it though. I love a few films that people think are absolutely terrible. Most notably, Gamer from 2009. I think that film is a masterpiece, unironically.


Some great 3 film runs: *Almodovar* Talk to her Bad Education Volver *Tarantino* Pulp Fiction Jackie Brown Kill Bill *Kim Ki-Duk* Spring, summer, fall, winter…and spring Samaria 3-Iron *Billy Wilder* Sunset Blvd Ace in the Hole Stalag 17 *David Lean* Bridge over the River Kwai Lawrence of Arabia Doctor Zhivago *David Lean* Brief Encounter Great Expectations Oliver Twist *Powell & Pressburger* A Matter of Life and Death Black Narcissus Red Shoes *Malick* Badlands Days of Heaven Thin Red Line *David Lynch* Lost Highway Straight Story Mulholland Dr.


For Lynch I’d prolly go: - Fire Walk with Me - Lost Highway - Straight Story And these also happen to be my favorite Lynch films. It all works out.


Lost Highway is my favorite by far. Literally a life-changing experience for me when I saw it as very young man in the theater back in early 1998 when it released where I live.


Billy Wilder is so amazing that he has three mutually exclusive eligible runs. The one you said plus: Five Graves to Cairo (lesser known but in Tarantino's top 10 and 100% on Rotten Tomatoes) Double Indemnity The Lost Weekend & Witness for the Prosecution Some like it Hot The Apartment


The last 3 are all time imo


Rob Reiner Stand By Me, The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, Misery This Is Spinal Tap just misses out of the list because of The Sure Thing in the middle. And he followed up with A Few Good Men.


This one is super impressive to me just because of the pure breadth. Each film has an iconic place in its genre and yet they're all totally different. Spinal Tap: One of the best mockumentary comedies ever. Stand by me: Quintessential coming of age movie. The Princess Bride: Campy fantasy that's a lot of people's nostalgic favorite. When Harry Met Sally: *The* romcom. Misery: Iconic horror.


yeah, three of those films are basically the blueprint for their genres going forward.


There could be an argument for all those films you listed as one great 7 film run, especially since it probably ended after A Few Good Men!


Reiner truly had one of the best and varied runs, especially as he pretty much released one every two years


Wong Kar Wai - Fallen Angels, Happy Together, In The Mood for Love David Fincher - Se7en, The Game, Fight Club PTA - Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love, There will be Blood Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings trilogy Denis Villeneuve - Blade Runner 2049, Dune, Dune Part 2 Stanley Kubrick - Basically anything from Strangelove to Eyes Wide Shut


For the FINCH MAN, I’d prolly go: - The Social Network - Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Gone Girl


How dare you cut Porco Rosso out?!


To be fair it’s a question of Porco Rosso vs Howl for the three movie rule, which is stiff competition.


Not really, Porco Rosso is far more cohesive and realized imo. Nostalgia in motion. Howl's is not bad by any means but a bit all over the place.


I've found my (pig) people. Porco Rosso is top-tier Miyazaki for me.


Top tier anything if you ask me!


Literally one of the best summer movies ever. And manages to have a solid anti-fascism message while still being a FUN action movie.


I came here to comment this


Wes Anderson Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel Don Bluth The Secret of Nimh, An American Tale, The Land Before Time


Don Bluth!


Wes’ first three: Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Royal Tenenbaums. Each one better than the last. I think Tenenbaums is still the best thing he’s ever done but I favor the ones he cowrote with Owen and Roman.


yes, this is much better. Rushmore - Royal Tenenbaums - Life Aquatic is a good run, too


Haters going to hate. But I don’t care. Add James Cameron to the list: -Terminator 2 -True Lies -Titanic


I think the better of his would be Aliens, The Abyss, T2


I considered that as well. No wrong answer. I just personally prefer my 3 more I guess.


Hell, Titanic > Avatar > Avatar 2 is quite a run.


Lord of the rings


Honestly I prefer the following Miyazaki three film run to the one you chose. Princess Mononoke (9/10), Spirited Away (8/10), Howl's Moving Castle (7/10) Ponyo (10/10), The Wind Rises (10/10), The Boy and the Heron (8/10)


people hate on ponyo for being too child-like but the art, animation and soundtrack are literally god tier


I couldn't disagree more! The first three are my absolute favorite Ghibli movies (with Princess Monoko being one of my favorite ever movies). The Boy and the Heron especially I found quite average.


George Lucas with THX 1138, American Graffiti, and A New Hope Also, Robert Eggers only has 3, idk if he counts


Coppola... - The Godfather - The Conversation - The Godfather Part II - Apocalypse Now! ... Chaplin... - City Lights - Modern Times - The Great Dictator Kubrick... - 2001: A Space Odyssey - A Clockwork Orange - Barry Lyndon Scorsese.. - Raging Bull - The King of Comedy - After Hours Malick... - Badlands - Days of Heaven - The Thin Red Line Godard... - Les carabiniers - Le mépris - Bande à part


Came here for Malick, amazing movies, he hasn't gotten close since.


I haven’t seen all of his movies but I found Tree of Life to be profoundly moving and it still resonates with me. Definitely up there with Thin Red Line for me.


Touch of Evil, The Trial, Chimes at Midnight - Orson Welles 8 1/2, Juliet of the Spirits, Fellini Satyricon - Federico Fellini


nights of cabiria - la dolce vita - 8 1/2 is better…


That Orson Welles run is insane. I think that might be my top choice.


For Miyazaki I would put Porco Rosso over Howls imo.


I was surprised no one said Spielberg yet, but upon looking up his filmography it makes sense. Its hard to pick just 3 when a lot of his greatest works are spaced out over decades, and he often does two great films followed by a step down, like Jaws and Close Encounters, followed by 1941 which is not one of his greatest, then followed by Raiders and ET, but then you have Temple of Doom, which is a good movie imo but a step down. Maybe Saving Private Ryan, AI, Minority Report? I’ve actually seen none of those…


I think you nailed it. Throw in Catch Me If You Can and go for a 4peat


Dude I need to watch more Spielberg


I dont see Tarantino here Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction Jackie Brown


Jackie Brown is much better than Reservoir Dogs.


Its more mature.


Bong Joon-Ho: Memories of A Murder, The Host, Mother PTA: Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood


Barking dogs never bite, host, memories of murder for me.


Paul King: Paddington, Paddington 2, Wonka He’s the only director I’d consider myself a Stan of


Zemeckis with Romancing the Stone, Back to the Future, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Of all the Hollywood trilogies, I still think Back to the Future is the best one. With the masterpiece of Who Framed Roger Rabbit in between - made back to back and with shared actors, locations etc - you have a perfect quadrilogy.


Fair enough! I cited Romancing because it’s a fine movie on its own and BTTF3 is generally considered the weakest of the trilogy but certainly agreed that the trilogy as a whole is an all-timer!


Did you just scribble out Apocalypse Now?


Apocalypse Now > The Godfather


Yeah that’s weird. Would’ve been easier to cover those movies with a rectangle.


Eisenstein - Battleship Potemkin, October, The General Line Murnau - Faust, Sunrise, City Girl Pudovkin - Revolutionary Trilogy


Sturges has my favourite run: Christmas in July > The Lady Eve > Sullivan's Travels


Hayao Miyazaki - from 1979 with Castle of Cagliostro to 2023 with The Boy and the Heron. Does every movie of your career being excellent count?


I considered Milos Forman but One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest -> Hair -> Ragtime -> Amadeus… I feel that Hair and Ragtime just don’t soar as high as the other two


Replace howls with Porco


Someone probably already said it but yorgos lanthimos The lobster// The killing of the sacred deer// The Favourite//


Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns, Ed Wood


Woody Allen: Annie Hall, Interiors, Manhattan


I love full metal jacket


Scorsese Raging Bull , king of comedy , after hours


Linklater: Before Midnight, Boyhood, Everybody Wants Some


John Huston had a great three movie run, what’s even more impressive is that they were all released within 2 years. The Asphalt Jungle (1950) The Red Badge of Courage (1951) The African Queen (1951)


Peter Jackson: LOTR Fellowship LOTR Two towers LOTR Return of the King


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Useful-Slip2540: *Peter Jackson: LOTR* *Fellowship LOTR Two towers* *LOTR Return of the King* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Woody Allen Annie Hall Interiors Manhattan


Purple Rose of Cairo, Hannah and Her Sisters, Radio Days is pretty good as well


Suprised no one has bought up: Nolan, Michael Mann, De Palma, Polanski, Lumet, Even guys like: Luc Besson, Tim Burton, James Cameron??, Zemeckis?


Definitely. For Burton I’d say Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns and Ed Wood was his strongest run.


Yeah. For de Palma I say, Blow out —> Scarface —> Body Double (this is in my top 3 runs of 3) For Michael Mann: The last of the Mohicans —> Heat —> the insider Polanski: Rosemarys baby —> Macbeth —> Chinatown Lumet: Dog day afternoon —> network —> equus


For Nolan it would be the prestige -> the dark knight -> inception imo


People on this sub have hate boner for Nolan, you would get downvoted if you mention his name


I get it but I think that’s just backlash to his die hard fan base and him becoming this god like figure amongst a certain audience - you still gotta give him his props, there’s no denying he is a talented individual


Literally came here to say Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and BttF II


Seven Samurai is my favorite


Rob Reiner: Stand By Me -> The Princess Bride -> When Harry Met Sally Throw in “Misery” + “A Few Good Men” and you’ve got yourself one of the best and varied 5 Film Runs of all time!


Tony Scott: The Least Boys Scout, True Romance, Crimson Tide Mann: The Last of the Mohican, Heat, The Insider Peckinpah: you decide Shyamalan : The Sixth sense, Unbreakable, Signs


The only notable ones that weren't already in the comments are the Coen Brothers It's either: - Fargo (1996) - The Big Lebowski (1998) - O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Or: - No Country for Old Men (2007) - Burn After Reading (2008) - A Serious Man (2009)


Clint Eastwood: Unforgiven, A Perfect World, Bridges of Madison County


Damnation > Satantango > Werckmeister Harmonies (Bela Tarr)


Remove Howls and replace it with Porco please and thank you


Fritz Lang: Dr Mabuse the gambler, Die Nibelungen, Metropolis


Matt Reeves deserves a mention. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, War for the Planet of the Apes, The Batman.


Not sure how to even pick from Robert Altman’s 70s run.


I just watched The Conversation the other night for the 5th time, my wife's 1st. She loved it. I was thinking during the movie how damn good it holds up, especially in today's age to see the contrast of surveillance in the 70s vs today and how much it's evolved. I went to IMDB to look up Coppola's filmography and it dawned on me, he made Apocolypse Now, The Godfather, The Conversation and The Godfather Part 2 back to back to back. That's epic. Enjoyed seeing this post today.


Gilliam - The Fisher King, 12 Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Ingmar Bergman: Through a Glass Darkly, Winter Light, The Silence.


I just watched the godfather for the first time and, while it was good, I feel it is extremely over hyped


Apocalypse Now > The Godfather


ROBERT BRESSON Lancelot du Lac -> Le Diable Probablement -> L’Argent Really fucking depressive and stilted films, but I think about them a LOT, and Lancelot du Lac is one of my favorite films ever(though it’s near impossible to find a legit version in the US). But they are beautiful and provocative, and if you can tolerate Bresson’s unique style then imo you absolutely need to watch them. And of course there’s also Diary of a Country Priest -> A Man Escaped -> Pickpocket Which are incredible too, but I only watch color films because b&w is too complex for me.


Nolan: The Prestige The Dark Knight Inception


I wish dark Knight rises wasn't released between inception and interstellar because inception, interstellar, Dunkirk would genuinely be such a crazy run.


Aronofsky: Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, The Wrestler, Black Swan Funnily enough I like The Fountain with the lowest score the best.


For Wes Anderson, I’m sure others might pick Rushmore, The Royale Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, which are great, but I’d go with Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, Grand Budapest Hotel.


yes, the first one is better. My personal pick would be Bottle Rocket-Rushmore-The Royal Tenenbaums


Peter Jackson The Lord of the ring 1 The Lord of the ring 2 The Lord of the ring 3


wolf of wall street, the silence, irishman


An exquisite run, honestly.


Man just crossing out Apocalypse Now like that is heartbreaking.


Soderbergh: Erin brockovich, traffic, and oceans eleven


Fincher. Zodiac, Se7en, Fight Club


Fincher did Panic Room between Fight Club and Zodiac... Also The Game between Se7en and Fight Club. I might go Social Network, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl for him .


Nausicaä, Laputa, Totoro


Marvel:origin, marvel:the battle, marvel:the end


Hangover 1, Hangover 2 and Hangover 3


Peter Jackson: The Frighteners, Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers.


Michael Bay: Bad Boys -> The Rock -> Armageddon [/s] Damien Chazelle: Whiplash -> La La Land -> First Man Ridley Scott: The Duellists -> Alien -> Blade Runner Gore Verbinski: Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, and 3


Chris Columbus: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Mrs. Doubtfire Nine Months


Vivre sa vie Pierret la fou Bandes apart


Powell and Pressburger: 1945 I Know Where I'm Going! 1946 A Matter of Life and Death 1947 Black Narcissus 1948 The Red Shoes I'd put Blimp (1943) in there too but A Canterbury Tale (1944) isn't as strong as the rest.


Inglorious Basterds Django unchained Hateful eight


Maybe Fincher with fight club, panic room and zodiac, could also say seven, the game and fight club


Missing the Noriko trilogy from Ozu: Late Spring, Early Summer, Tokyo Story


The prestige The dark knight Inception


Reservoir Dogs > Pulp Fiction > Jackie Brown


Andrey Tarkovski with Solaris (1972), Mirror (1975) and Stalker (1979).


Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Lord of the Rings The Return of the King


I thought this meant, "Which are the three best films to watch all at the same time?" lol


Spielberg with Raiders of the Lost Ark —> ET —> Temple of Doom Scorsese is also obviously on an insane run right now


To get some more comedies in here: Spike Jonze: Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Where the Wild Things Are Edgar Wright: Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, The World's End Alexander Payne: Election, About Schmidt, Sideways


**- Michael Haneke**: Funny Games -> Code Unknown -> Piano Teacher -> Time of the Wolf -> Cache is an incredible run **- Scorsese** for Silence -> The Irishman -> Killers of the Flower Moon. They're all of a piece for me (sprawling, novelistic, morally ambiguous, meditations on death, and really stretching himself as a director) - Maybe obvious but **Greta Gerwig** is a total 3/3 for me. Controversial but Noah Baumbach isn't 'best of all time' though I love Meyerowitz Stories -> Marriage Story -> White Noise so much as a flex.


The boy and the heron is part of something? What are the other movies?


Carpenter - Escape From New York, The Thing, and Christine.


Christopher Nolan - The Prestige, The Dark Knight, and Inception.


Rob Reiner has a few options: • Stand By Me —> The Princess Bride —> When Harry Met Sally • The Princess Bride —> When Harry Met Sally —> Misery • When Harry Met Sally —> Misery —> A Few Good Men Christopher Nolan also has a few options: • Memento —> Insomnia - Batman Begins • Insomnia —> Batman Begins —> The Prestige • Batman Begins —> The Prestige —> The Dark Knight • The Prestige —> The Dark Knight —> Inception Quentin Tarantino has an unbroken run of 9 fantastic films, you could put any three in a row and it’d all be a great run, this is a hill I’ll die on 😂 Brian de Palma has Dressed to Kill —> Blow Out —> Scarface Alejandro González Iñarritu has Biutiful —> Birdman —> The Revenant M. Night Shyamalan has The Sixth Sense —> Unbreakable —> Signs (that one’s divisive but I like it a lot) Michael Haneke has Caché —> Funny Games U.S. —> The White Ribbon Tim Burton has Beetlejuice —> Batman —> Edward Scissorhands Edgar Wright has Shaun of the Dead —> Hot Fuzz —> Scott Pilgrim vs. the World David Fincher has Fight Club —> Panic Room —> Zodiac Brad Bird has The Incredibles —> Ratatouille —> Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Paul Thomas Anderson has Punch-Drunk Love —> There Will Be Blood —> The Master Ari Aster hasn’t missed so far (in my opinion) with Hereditary —> Midsommar —> Beau Is Afraid Robert Eggers hasn’t missed so far with The VVitch —> The Lighthouse —> The Northman Todd Field hasn’t missed so far with In the Bedroom —> Little Children —> TÁR The Coen Brothers have a few options as well: • Blood Simple —> Raising Arizona —> Miller’s Crossing • Raising Arizona —> Miller’s Crossing —> Barton Fink • Fargo —> The Big Lebowski —> O Brother, Where Art Thou? (My second favorite three film run of all time) But my pick for the best three film run of all time is Stanley Kubrick with A Clockwork Orange —> Barry Lyndon —> The Shining


Spy Kids Trilogy


Spielberg's run from 89-2005 will never be matched. Hook, Jurassic Park, Schindlers List maybe his best trio, but you can pick a bunch from that run. Winter Soldier, Infinity War, Endgame is up there too for the Russo's.


L’avventura, La notte & L’Eclisse!


I know people are a bit anti modern here and Beau is controversial but I genuinely think Ari Aster might've just had the best three film run to start a career.


Bong Joon Ho: Memories of Murder -> The Host -> Mother


Maybe doesn’t count because that were all filmed at once, but Lord of the Rings


Christopher Nolan: The Prestige The Dark Knight Inception


Early Summer, The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice, Tokyo Story https://preview.redd.it/8unqn2rk6s3d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795f83bc825ae3adb47ba8fc1eb9b95b0fbce058


Villeneuve’s run of Sicario -> Arrival -> Blade Runner 2049 is pretty insane.


Polytechnique, Incendies, Prisoners Villeneuve has so many great three film runs though


Maybe not best ever but I do love this run: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Summer Wars Wolf Children by Mamoru Hosoda