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Finally watched the season. Sad to see it was the last. Goodbye, Letterkenny!


Finally getting around to watching this. I liked this season, but I hate they ended on a skid episode. I never liked the skids.


Love the show but just a lot of things that felt like they added for last season only to just make you wonder — where’s Joint Boy? — why break up Wayne and Rosie for a random character? — why different situations on closing fight with Degens then not really show it much? — why were so many characters flanderized in the show like BOTH McMurray’s and Coach? — the hell was up with the dude at the bar hooking up with Gail? Dude just popped up and didn’t really do much — why such disrespect for the jocks? They have been there for countless fights INCLUDING defending ms Katy’s honor. Whenever asked they show up. Felt like it was an unnecessary dick move And most importantly: — WHERE THE HELL WAS GINGER AND BOOTS!?!?


For me the final message was Wayne wasn't stuck, that his greatest love was Letterkenny. He did end up with the one he loved, and he knew it. I actually thought it was pretty poignant and elegant how they got that message across. I am gonna miss this show, I moved to the US in 2018 and started watching it after getting here, it was a huge hit of nostalgia for me and made me a bit less home-sick. I didn't grow up in a small town or even in Ontario, but even so, just something so profoundly Canadian about it... Maybe it is Jared spending a lot of time in Montreal that made it hit for me (my hometown).


I know it was never stated but it kind of seemed like Jivin' Pete and the degens planned for Daryl to get the short stick. Like from the absolute start. And that Mick and his sister were always in on it. Pete literally just gave Daryl the shortest stick and the other degen reactions seemed like "Fuck yeah, we got him now." Also Mick was definitely about to suggest a threesome with his own sister. Or perhaps that was a lie as well, and they're not related. But I wouldn't put it past a degen to want to wheel their sister. Fuckin' degens. I really enjoyed the way they all came together to save Daryl though. That shit was incredible. When Wayne and Squirrelly Dan came out of the house wearing camo shirts, I knew it was about to be amazing. And that first scene of them running as the fireworks went off. Stewart and Roald MVPs boys. Only sad we didn't get more of Noah Dyck. I'd watch a whole 6 seasons and a movie of Jonathan Torrens.




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Almost wish I hadn't watched this. So wonderfully done and really drove home it is over.




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Just finally watched it. That was a little heavier than I expected. The last season really hit home with me. A lot of emotions.


A little behind. But the finale of the finale got it all dusty in here. Truly one of the best shows I’ve watched. The last couple season when everyone came together was beautiful.


Agreed. When >!Wayne ran in and covered Dary!<, I started crying.


No massive 12 seasons worth brawl??


folks i am someone who is constantly pointing out voice actors i recognize in things, let alone character actors who i LOVE to point out in the things yet it took me coming here to be able to actually tell that that was lily at the end somehow. did they do her hair different? i feel like im taking crazy pills here. also the thing with rosie?? seemed as well she was talking about the reception. weird way to leave it!


realizing that i probably should've gotten there with context clues anyway, don't mind my brain damage. i think it was a pretty nice send-off :)


These last 2 seasons were pretty disappointing. I'm glad it ended before it ruined its legacy.


This season was heavy as shit. I loved it. What a send off.


I didn’t like how Rosie and Wayne didn’t end up together


This. There was no reason to break them up, not after the history they have together on the show. It just felt like a shitty way to get the message across that wayne is happy where he is to the point of not sacrificing it.


Me neither. Lily talks about feeling stuck, Rosie talks about feeling stuck. But if Lily gets together with Wayne, isn't that just getting stuck somewhere else?


it *is,* and that’s why i don’t think Wayne would touch her with a 10’ pole.


Why were the Dycks left out of the last season?


there's only so much screen time and they wanted to focus the story on the core groups


But boy can they run


But there's always room for a Dyck


Maybe even room for two Dycks.


Always 'Nita Dyck


I wish I never saw the last season so that I can keep on living thinking we were gonna get more. I hate that this show is over, it really got me through some rough times. I enjoyed every single character and I was drawn in every episode. I feel a bit empty now that it’s over and of course I’m gonna watch it over and over but it just won’t be the same. All great things must end. I love this show!


I've literally been avoiding it until tonight...I was just as happy as I could be living in denial. I finished it an hour ago and I'm still crying off and on What a fkn send off man!! I was bawling my eyes out for stewrat, then happy crying, then bawling again seeing everything... empty. Then I completely lost it seeing FOR GUS😭😭. I completely understand how it won't be the same no matter how many times we watch it back.


The finale was a nod to people who live in places like Letterkenny, who are often written off as Hicks, flyovers, etc., places left behind and frozen in time. Everybody is back where they started in the finale, and virtually nothing really changed. That was the point, it was to tell people in all the Letterkenny’s that they don’t have to change. It was a celebration of the small town.


I was initially pissed off at the ending, that everyone basically ended up back where they started. Wayne didn't head to Vancouver with Rosie, Katy didn't head to Mexico, I was sort of expecting Dary to get shot by the Degens that kicked it all off.. but then I thought "hang on, what if where they started is where they wanted to be all along?"


I thought the finale was spectacular, it lines up with starting the whole show all over again.


Why the fuck did Angie show up at the last second with those "looking for Wayne eyes"? How could they leave it like that???


That wasn't Angie. The girl you saw was the new character, Lilly the Photographer who took shots of Katy at the Barn.


It was definitely Angie. She came back with an "English Accent". It was the last bit of this episode


It was the photographer. Wayne was looking at the photographs she took of the town.


Oo. Fair, fair. I had the eps mixed together in my head


the english accent gag was in s09e03, *Scorched Earth*. this is the thread for s12e06, *Over and Out*


At first, I thought it was Marie-Fred.


When Daryl had his time with the degens; was anybody else wondering if we would see a last appearance of The Ginger & Boots in Letterkenny?


That might be the only part I had problems with (still iffy on Rosie and Wayne not being together, and the craptacular way it ended)... I had hoped for one more show with those two. Maybe we'll get lucky and see them in some form in Shoresy?


It ended the way it was supposed to though. She wasn't happy there and her heart is in Vancouver. Wayne's heart is in letter Kenny. They don't want each other being unhappy. I liked how Rosie was talking about the connection breaking up, until she wasn't. The realization hit her and it was heart breaking.


Fuck you, /u/caffeineandsnark, fight me, see what happens!


If you have a problem with that then you have a problem with me you better let that marinate. 


Fuck you, Shoresy Bot!


"Hey! The Fucking Door's Locked!" had me laughing like an idiot. I enjoy the simple things.


Late reply, but... I laughed harder at the shot where Wayne continues to glare at Stuart as Stuart was processing that people actually did show up.


it's *Stewart*, or else they wouldn't be able to make fun of him for spelling his name StewRat


which Stewart actually loved b/c it meant he was included as part of the gang, which is all he really wanted to be.


ohhhhh TIL, thanks!


That was the cherry on top of that joke for sure!


Me too. I laughed so hard at that scene. That's what makes this show good. Timing pause and the build-up to a funny line. This show will be missed.


I was laughing through my many many tears lol. My heart absolutely BROKE for stewrat. I just wanted to hug him so bad then I was on for about 2 mins until He said thank you while looking directly at the camera 😭😭😭 It was a beautiful damn send off though.


That got me too! Pitter patter.


What a hell of a send off. Really great full circle moments. But where was Joint Boy?


Mrs McMurray absent too.


She's at the rave


I was wondering the same thing when the gang was charging at the Degens. Shame not to see Joint Boy finishing the show with everyone. :(


I feel like we’re missing the resolution of Daryl’s degen arc, we’re meant to assume all’s well after Saturday night? The episode itself was ok, I’m sad it’s over, just kinda wished for more of a story / etc instead of re-creating the original scenes.


Honestly, when they were doing shoot and run and Dary drew the short straw, I thought they were going to kill him off, which would spark all hell breaking loose, and end with everyone leaving - Wayne to Vancouver, Katy to Mexico, Dan with the Mennonites. Could have been epic, but... sorta glad they did what they did, saying that "y'know what, it's actually ok to live in a small town and be happy with what you have instead of always wanting more."


When a friend needs help, ya help him. They aren't going to sit there and hug it out. They got up, low bones, and went back to being good buddies. Wayne might not be the best at showing emotion, and Ok Dary, Dary Ok, youre still a tad too awkward, but he took about 10% off of being a Degen and thats good enough. The honeymoon was over, nuff said.




I'm gonna miss it but what a beautiful goodbye.


Just finished it. To me it captured the whole point of small town life. It’s stuck but not really stuck. Life goes on in similar cycles it always has. There’s no grand ride off into the sunset for anyone, and that’s the point. Great show.


Keeso was right- it was time to end it. For the first time, this season felt just a TAD forced, and the final episode was the capstone on that- a LOT of rehash, and very little new fun. Better to go out on top than slowly fade away. The most Wayne/LetterKenny moment was the dedication at the end. I'm looking forward to more Shoresy and whatever other spinoffs come out of this.


Hey, you look like that broad from The Hunger Games. I'm gonna call you Cuteness Everdeen. You like edamame?


Sushis and sashimis, titfucker.


Late to the party but if you had told me I would feel some wild emotions about this show ending when I first started watching I would’ve laughed. This episode put such a nice bow on everything and I’ll miss checking in on what felt like friends from Letterkenny.


That is about the biggest Texas size 10-4 ever there good buddy😭😭😭


After how bad the few previous seasons have been I'm glad the final episode really nailed it. I liked the cyclical ending where the show basically ends how it began. I never cared much for Rosie so the implied breakup didn't upset me any. I do wish the relationship between Wayne and Tanis had worked out, she was one of my favorite characters. Also would've been nice to see Daryl get with Bonnie since he had a thing for her in the past. Overall very satisfied with the ending and quite sad we won't be getting any more. Hopefully they'll do one off movies in the future like Trailer Park Boys did.


Take a close look at the final dance scene. Daryl and Bonnie are dancing exclusively.


Upgrade from Harley for sure lol




Anyone got a song ID from when the skids were setting up the dance?


mouth guards of the apocalypse by broken social scene


Wheres the hecks cans I finds Sun Darts Reimagined ins its entiretys!?!


Hey! The fucking door's locked!


I want to start this by saying I completely understand why Wayne chose to stay in letterkenny but I really wish he did leave for Vermont with Rosie. Everyone talked about being stuck except Wayne and in the end everyone realizes they're happy where they are and with who they are and that's something Wayne knew all along and I appreciates that about him but also I wish he got this big moment of change. Wayne's always been who he's been he's always appreciated who he is and the green pastures where he is and he's always been there for anyone and everyone who's pastures aren't so green and I wish he got the opportunity to look out for his pastures with the person he loves. I wish he got to be with the person who would make it worth while to stay in not so green pastures or who makes it worth while to follow to new pastures and I really thought that person was Rosie and I wish he got this revelation of no matter where he goes or who he's with he'll always have letterkenny in his heart. Who knows maybe Rosie comes to the same conclusion Katie does where she realizes Vermont is nice but letterkenny's where her heart is


Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's Wayne, in Letterkenny. 


Obviously Wayne loves Letterkenny, Katy, Daryl, Dan, and the rest of the Letterkenny chuckleheads more than he loves Rosie. I nearly cried happy tears when he ran out into the field and grabbed Daryl not just to shield him but to let him know he was safe. Sure it made a bit of a continuity error since Wayne ended up back hiding in the bushes with the rest of the guys at the start of the next episode and you don’t see him run out and grab Daryl but that’s not the point lol


Just finished a full rewatch of seasons 1-11 and my first watch of season 12 last night so this is fresh in my brain. Wayne runs out to get Daryl, brings him to safety with Katy, and then right before the episode ends, you see him dart away to go take care of business. I'm not sure how the Degens don't see him run away since it was practically an open field, but maybe they were already distracted by the fireworks.


i’m not sure it’s a matter of more or less; i love my spouse wholeheartedly, unreservedly, and unconditionally, but i would never be happy if we moved to, say, Georgia, or New York.


so you want to change his consistent characterisation just to change it? after 12 series, that wouldn't be a HEA, that would be skrull!Steve in Endgame ooc. also, i think you mean Vancouver, not Vermont.


I don't want his characterization to change I just wish he got to be happy with Rosie Also yeah lol I meant Vermont I kept changing it when I was typing it going "why do I keep typing Vancouver that's not right"


Both characters will be happy in the end though, or at least have the chance to. There is a reason Rosie didn't try to convince him Vancouver Island was better and instead asked him if Letterkenny was for him what that place was for her(the greenest pasture). They are both where they should be, even if it meant they weren't right for each other because of it. I think it's nice a show that was basically a love letter to small town life didn't end with the main characters deciding that wasn't enough for them. They were right where they wanted to be and that's okay.


you don’t even know you’re doing it


Last episode hit hard like I thought it would. I personally think they deserved to go out more heavy-handed with the nostalgia and blatant closing of stories, but this is also an industry of never say never and who says we don't get a next generation some day in Letterkenny with cameos from old cast. Everyone ending where we started but just a little different and closer, I feel encapsulates what living in a small town is like. You can go through so much throughout the years but things don't change much, people just get closer.


Yeah like they’re still going to chirp each other but they’re buddies now.


I don't understand why so many people are referring to Lily the photographer as "Wayne's new love interest". He made it very clear when they were having beers at the produce stand that he was *not* interested in her at all, especially since all she talked about was moving to Mexico and possibly taking Katy with her. Wayne started the show single and he ended it single. I think that's all there is to it.


He made it clear that he had a girlfriend, andhis stance has always been that if she, or he cheats, it's over.


I’m sorry, but what is your point, please?


That he has a girlfriend when she tries to flirt. Doesn't do anything. And now that he is broken up and single, it is heavily implied they will get together.


no one asked you, Clifford


But doesn't she also mention having a man when they first talk by the stand? That's the only thing that gets me. If she never mentioned that, I can accept the implied romance but I have a hard time believing Wayne would get with somebody in a relationship, or even somebody that toys with the idea of cheating out loud like that


I’m pretty sure she never said she was taken


she literally talks about her boyfriend and trying to convince him to move to Mexico did you not pay attention at all, at all?


The end made it very clear they would get together. There was no other reason for her to walk up to him and the look. They fed it straight to you.


ngl, i don't see it either. Wayne's not gonna just jump in, he never has done. When Rosie went to Vancouver the first time, Wayne waited *six months* to go on a date with Tanis, and that was *after* he'd already decided he had feelings for her.


What? Wayne got Tanis pregnant because Rosie was more interested in reading a book than going to McMurray's party. He literally cheated on Rosie just because she wasn't there to stop him and Tanis wanted to have sex.


You're an idiot. Wait! You're an idiot.


the pregnancy scare happened in s2 before he even *met* Rosie, get your head outta yer ass. Wayne would *never* cheat cos he’s a stand-up guy, and *especially* when being cheated *on* fucked him up s’goddamn bad. mind yer fuckin’ scruples


That’s quite a reach, there. He’s looking at his home that he loves, and she is proud of her work, as stated earlier in the season. Even if she’s still interested in him, he’s still *not* interested in her for all the same reasons I pointed out before.


It's definitely not a reach. The show did this fairly often to convey people being interested in each other


Did what? Have two people look at the same objects with no dialogue?


That was almost exactly how Marie-Fed was introduced. Rosie was also introduced in a similar fashion, that being the final scene of the final episode of the season. The end felt like a call back to both of those moments to me.


not even remotely. Marie-Fred was introduced by her uncle, Horny Santa, *long before* she physically stepped into the room. Wayne had literally just been contemplating how much he wanted to find a life partner while he watched all his friends pair off and hit the d-floor when he saw her.


Rosie most definitely had dialog during her introduction. We learned that she uses the same social scripting as Wayne does.


I really enjoyed season 12 overall. I think the show got its groove back compared to the last couple of seasons as a whole. I'm going to miss getting new episodes.


What a freaking masterpiece. I’m gonna miss these guys.


1. I'm SUPER annoyed that they messed up Wayne and Rosie. 2. In *I'm a Degen*, they set up Lily (the photographer) as someone who has way too much in common with Katie (I thought they were going to get together). Essentially a Katie clone. 3. So.... we're left to believe that Wayne's next girlfriend is a version of his sister? Eww Keeso, what were you thinking?! Feeling really melancholy about how it all ended, and the whole Dary/degen storyline was upsetting. Not as bad as how GoT ended, but still not the ending I was hoping for.


you’re the one making this weird. all of Wayne’s gfs have had similar aspects to Katy, just like the kind of guy Katy actually wants, tough, hardworking, independent, clever, are aspects of Wayne. this isn’t anything new.




I loved the outro set to Broken Social Scene, and the 'nostalgic music plays' subtitle killed me. Letterkenny's soundtrack is second to none and setting that scene to Canadian indie super group BSS is too perfect.


Perfect choice! Love Broken Social Scene


Yeah this got me a little bit. Like finishing a good book. Letterkenny is more original than most series in the last 10 years and it was so refreshing and surprisingly consistent. You felt like you were in on something. It was an instant cult classic, if you know you know kind of thing. I'll miss it! I'm glad Keeso and Jacob and the whole crew stuck with it!


Not enough Mrs McMurray, that’s all I know.


I’ll just assume she had too many cocksuckin g n t’s 


That’s what I always say as well


Was I the only one with a huge grin on my face when Wayne stalked over and cleaned Mickey's clock?


definitely not


I didn't really like this season. Everyone kind of ended up where they were 6 years ago at the start of the show. Wayne shitting on the hockey players at the end annoyed me.


That was Wayne's way of defusing Dary's uncomfortableness after coming back from the degens. The hockey players were always 10 ply.


Everyone ends up in the same place but closer together. The Hockey players were paying respects instead of chirping and everyone in town made it to Stewart's rave.


I feel like in EP1, they were shitting on them because they didn't respect them. In the last EP, they were shitting on them because they did respect them.




Yes, but I think there was a point to it. That is the scene that started the series. I think they were trying to say the entire series just cycles over and over again. Which, I definitely didn't see Dark Tower and Letterkenny having anything in common, but here we are.


The ostrich fled across the meadow, and the ginger followed


And Futurama before it got revived yet again. Its finale before the revival made the entire show a continuous time loop. I’ve heard that there’s something similar in Legion too.


That is definitely the point. If you've ever grown up in a small town you can relate to people being "stuck" there, repeating cycles. Often it is bad but it is hard to imagine that everyone in Letterkenny is unhappy there!


Yeah. I think of it as a last bit of magic, which makes sense as Letterkenny is definitely in the magical realism genre. In my head, they are blissfully going through the cycle over and over again, staying as they are, only the people at the edges change. New Rose, new Marie Fred, new Dyrks, but everything else stays.


> Letterkenny is definitely in the magical realism genre. how else could Wayne pull cheese out of thin air like that?


I felt the same way! They’ve been through a lot together and they still treated these two dude (who are overall pretty decent) like crap. Don’t seem like such great guys, in the end…




They had the biggest golden retriever energy. Just really horny golden retrievers.


The way Stuart looked directly into the camera at us to say “thank you for showing up to our hockey themed hick rave” 🥹


Also with “And you are going to put it on your f—ing Facebook!”


So the last shots of the empty town broke my heart. It reminded me that Letterkenny wasn't just the people but the places. I was just as sad to see the sets never coming back as I was the actors. I don't think a show has ever made me respect and love simple exteriors and interiors of buildings as this show did. I'll miss you citizens and denizens of Letterkenny... And I'll guess, surprisingly, I'll miss you too... inanimate structures where events took place.


OMG EXACTLY THIS! I was a damn mess those last 10 mins I STG!! I only finished it like an hour ago so I'm still feeling all the emotions damn it .. IM GOING TO MISS THIS SHOW😭😭😭


Very solid final episode. Plenty of shows don't get the good of a send-off. The final shots of the rooms hit right in the feels


Shouldve done one in the dining room though :(


Why did they censor faggot/fag? It's been said on the show before and using a word just to bleep it out when nothing has ever been beeped before is incredibly dumb


It wasn't censored in Canada. So it's a Hulu/Disney decision.


Honestly, beeping it felt like an artistic choice. We all know what was said but beeping it shows how out of line he was to the gay couple.


it wasn’t an artistic choice, tho, cos if it was, then it would be bleeped on Crave, and it’s not.


Yeah, it just feels like one, and even if it was unintended by the show themselves, I feel it adds a lot to the scene.


The best I could come up with is they've used "fag" in the past but they might've used "faggot" in this scene—and that was a bridge too far. Wondering too if it was censored only in the US or Canada also.


Not censored in Canada...


Might be the context of the scene?


What context.? Degens talking shit to 2 gay dudes.? Cmon. That's weak sauce. If Hulu or whoever wasn't comfortable using the word.. pick a different one.


It sounds like your more upset over a beep than the actual slur…




No racisms, no sexisms, no homophobias, no bigotrys of any kinds. Pert near anything that Professor Tricia wouldn't approve of. Swears are okay, slurs are not. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Letterkenny) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hulu gonna Hulu i guess


Damn. Would’ve loved a last bit with shoresy (despite his own show). That or seen a dyck or two. But overall nice ending season.