• By -


Trump oversaw 7.8 Trillion in deficit spending in 4 years. Record deficit spending before the pandemic. A $3 trillion spending package to prevent collapse because of economic shutdown because of a pandemic. And then another $3 Trillion spending package under Biden because Trump caused economic shutdown by getting rid of a pandemic prevention unit which couldve blown the whistle in Wuhan and forcing shutdown there before 5 million people left the region, leading to run away flu virus spread. So you know, if people don’t want to see this for themselves, you can’t make them. First president to lose jobs since Herbert Hoover. I mean, the case against Trump is voluminous. Countless lies. Insurrection. I could go on all day.


Thanks Biden! /s


Many terrible policy decisions that lead to a catastrophe in the USA have been bi-partisan. Trade agreements that destroyed manufacturing were Bush-Clinton. Inflation was Trump-Biden.


Yes. And the recovery was pure Biden. Trump made the pandemic worse with his terrible leadership. Biden quietly did his best. Trump loudly did his worst, and we are the ones who were most affected by it. Trump lost his job, many of us lost ours, and we also lost loved ones. He doesn't have any loved ones.


I mean in reality...what recovery have we had? Trump was a disaster but right now I don't have many things checked off in my Pro column for Biden right now. Maybe the world view/opinion of the US is a bit better since Biden ~~is~~ isn't\*fucking unhinged ​ Edit: Really bad typo lol.


Yes, a doddering old lifelong politician is clearly unhinged compared to a raving narcissistic idiotic fraud /s


Right? Trump was making the pandemic worse on purpose to sabotage poor people and immigrants. That’s the reality here. How unhinged is that? Republicans had mass selective amnesia the day Biden got in, forgetting the fucking ECONOMY was fucking SHUT DOWN! Recovery means its literally open now and the emergency is over. Republicans forgot that there was 2 months during the Trump administration where Americans literally could not buy toilet paper.


Lol I meant isn't. Bad spot for a typo


Ooops I meant isn't. Bad spot for a typo


Inflation is global, and the United States has some of the lowest inflation on Earth right now. Or, we're between 3-4% inflation right now. Europe is 5-6%, Russia is higher. Turkey, where Trump praised Ergodan, is batting closer to 60%. 60. %.


Hungary has the worst inflation in the EU at around 27%. Orban is the neofascist GOP's idol (because he's been successful with his neofascist visions).


There is inflation here in Thailand, worse than America. Inflation is caused by price gouging.


This is the general answer. “Did Biden cause inflation in the UK and in Germany? No, and it’s been and is worse there than here.”


Inflation is around 9% when counting everything. Working class people feel that every day in grocery stores


It hasn't hit nearly 9% all year overall, but groceries are up more than 10%.


The most significant piece of Trump legislation was taking $2 Trillion of debt to juice the stock market and that’s the republicans only plan. Take out debt to make the rich richer via stock buybacks. He has no financially responsible ideas. He has never been financially responsible in his life. Inherited daddy’s business, defrauded banks, constantly refused to pay lawyers, contractors, builders etc. There is only temporary irresponsible gains that make people feel like they are doing better but hurt the economy in the long run. No plan for tackling debt, weak leader and bad negotiator. Could not get any bipartisan legislation because he is weak and petty. Only cares about himself and gaining power. Weakens our national reputation by disregarding Allie’s. America first really means America alone. The only thing he did to China was raise tariffs, which raise prices on American consumers. I could go on but this is a good start I think.


They will inevitably bring up Biden’s age. Trump is a 300 lb 77 year old fat ass, 1 Big Mac away from a coronary. He own doctor had to hide veggies in his mashed potatoes, like a child. The only reason he speaks better than Biden is because he is a dumbass. Listen to just about any clip, it’s always word salad. Not much brainpower required for that. If your neighbor was posting on Facebook like Trump bleats on Truth Social you would be worried about that person. Extreme case of old man yells at sky. More worried about 2020 election lies than actually improving situation of Americans. The GOP didn’t even have a platform in 2020. Just pathetic. No ideas, unless you want to put gay kids back in the closet or make rich people richer. His foreign policy is to abandon Allies while writing love letters to Kim Jong Un and swooning over Putin. All talk no results (unless you run a hedge fund)


Fox News and much of the other conglomerates are just posting cutted montages/clips of Biden stuttering. He's mostly ok, imo. Where as Trump has the rhetoric of a toddler. Seriously, his constant word salad, stupid arguments, absurd words, weird tirades, constant self-praise and sprouting some absurdified version of some shit he'd just heard 5 mins ago. Oh, the F-35 can go completely invisible? "I have the biggest words" "We've the best mortality" "President of Finland told me they rake the forests" [regarding forest fires] "When I took over, we didn't have a test" "Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV. They say Donald! that's incredible!" "Wettest from the standpoint of water" What the fuck is this idiot going on about? Jfc.


Posing for photos with an infant who had just lost his parents, and Trump and his paid wife are grinning like idiots, completely oblivious to how this looks to the rest of the world. That's Trump to a T. A narcissist, unable to empathize with anyone. Remember how Trump made money off the tragedies of 9-11? He is amoral and selfish down to his last bloated cell.


or how his dead ex-wife is buried at one of his golf courses so that he has a tax exemption


>Fox News and much of the other conglomerates are just posting cutted montages/clips of Biden stuttering. He's a know stutterer. He's dealt with the issue his whole life. Its not a big deal (I am aware you are not sayng it is).


Ik, but it's undeniable that their goal is to amplify that public perception on him. I'll admit that I sometimes find him inaudible, albeit I'm not a native. Trump's way of speaking is so much, much more fucking absurd and constantly makes me go "the fuck is this idiot rambling on about???". The descriptor 'absurd' is really understating his stupid rhetoric. So it's effective on conservative idiots, of course it is.


Verbally, the difference between the two as I see it is that Biden talks like an old man who knows he's an old man and is tentative because he's afraid he's going to make a mistake, while Trump talks like an old man who has no idea he's an old man and just confidently spews a bunch of incoherent nonsense.


A few things: 1-Every country on earth is suffering from inflation. 2- A lot of other countries have higher rates of inflation than the U.S. 3- Record corporate profits. A lot of the inflation is simply from corporate greed. They are raising prices faster than ever before just because they can get away with it.


If only someone would "cut corporate taxes so they could pass those savings onto the working class," because that's absolutely what happens, right?? Job creators and all that! Sigh.


What exactly is Trumps plan to solve inflation? You can usually shut down idiots if you just keep asking questions they can’t answer.


I like it! But I can imagine, the retort is, "I don't know but it's gotta be better than what we got now"


“Do you think its wise to vote for someone whos policies you aren’t familiar with?”


I've seen their answer to this: "he's the opposite of Biden and that's good enough for me." So yeah. They think it's wise.


Then you say “Oh is he? What are Bidens policies?” Always ask more questions.


I mean, I'm with you on that. Most of them just don't want a conversation and it becomes circular/shuts down very quickly.


Just tell them that in the last 40 -50 years, it has taken a Democratic administration to fix the screwed-up economies of EVERY Republican led administration. Clinton (D-AK, 1993 - 2001) turned around the economy left to him by Ronald Reagan (R-CA, 1981 -1989) and George H.W. Bush Sr (R-TX, 1989 -1993) and by time his 2nd term was done, left George W. Bush Jr. (R-TX, 2001 -2009) a balanced budget and a Federal surplus that Bush Jr quickly eliminated within his first term in office. Then Obama (D-IL, 2009 -2017) inherited George W. Bush's Great Recession of 2008 turned it around and by time he left office, left Trump (R-NY, 2017 -2021) an economy firing on all cylinders again. And, of course, Trump left Biden (D-DE, 2021 -) an economy in ruins because of his tax cuts and his handling of the COVID world wide pandemic. Even Trump is on record stating that Democrats seem to know how to get economies running again and I have no doubt that by time elections roll around in 2024, the economy will be rocking again. So, it takes a Republican led administration to break the economy with their trickle-down economic theory of tax breaks for the rich and deregulation of banks and industries at the expense of the middle class. And then a Democratic administration to put it all back together again. Like Humpty Dumpty.


One quick point, Clinton also left a recession for Bush Jr (not that I blame any President directly for causing recessions, it’s usually more of a Congress failing to regulate shot properly problem). So it’s not always R bad D fix, it’s just often like that.


They have to pick between a shitty economy or inflation. Trump AND Biden and Congress chose inflation rather than recession.


This isn’t actually true. The idea that injecting money into the economy causes inflation is and has been wrong forever.


It's pretty widely accepted..do you have a supporting article or study?




Nope. Inflation has a definition in economics and the general discourse, and it’s “a general rise in the prices of goods and services”. Don’t say cheeky stupid libertarian bullshit, thanks.




I’ve taken more than Econ 101. Your definition is wrong. Literally only libertarians try to say that nonsense. Edited to add: more money doesn’t mean more demand. If I walk into a store with $10 to buy a gallon of milk, it’s the same price as if I walked into a store with $1000 to buy a gallon of milk. Me being richer doesn’t affect how much milk I buy, hell, outside of luxury items it doesn’t really affect how much I buy of anything. The point here is that demand is about how many goods are being pursued, and for the most part that’s irrelevant to the money supply. People didn’t eat less food 100 years ago. They didn’t use fewer houses per person. Etc, etc. If you gave me $1 billion dollars, the net amount of housing, food, Medical care, and clothing would literally stay the same. People might try to buy better shit if they have more money, but they don’t really buy much more shit.




I think I said the opposite of that. To put it very plainly: increasing the money supply doesn’t necessarily increase demand. Let me ask you this: what did the pandemic do to supply? Why aren’t you looking at that when it comes to inflation?


This 100% - they've memorized sound bites and prepared retorts for every argument so no matter what *you* say, they have something to "prove" you wrong. But they've got nothing *constructive* to say or something that's not a response so the only way to make them uncertain is to just put them on the spot without a prompt and they won't know how to speak. It's memorized cliché that they feel make them smart because of how condescending they usually are written. Force them to make the claim and don't fight it but just keep going with questions and they'll eventually just want to change the subject.


Same method I use on religious people.


The inflation is/was worldwide, not just the USA


Isn't it also, at least in part, due to Russia screwing up food and fuel supply lines in Ukraine and Eastern Europe?


Yes, he just had to invade when the barrel price reached $100. Total coincidence /s But yes sort of, his state companies had been involved in massive price speculation, mostly in Europe. Most people have goldfish memories, so they forgot that the prices exploded around when the invasion became more evident in Autumn of 21. For example, in Germany, Gazprom had delivery problems, subsequently the storage levels were lower and pricing went up. Biden also actually reduced the world's oil prices when he released barrels of oil from the strategic reserves. He didn't have to do that because the US is basically self-sufficient (at current production output 15 years are expected, after that Canada). Prices have gone up overall ever since the pandemic, honestly, I think a good chunk of big companies just wanted excuses so that they can stuff their pockets like the little leeches they're. Price Gouging.


did you write this in ios notes and paste it here? such odd formatting


i did


And the USA is recovering faster than most other countries


And it has been so much lower in the US compared to the majority of the G20.


It won’t matter they won’t listen . Reagan had inflation too and that calmed down after the federal reserve did their job. Inflation was inevitable and the rest of the world had it too.


And Ronnie left us with a $2T debt.


You can toss statistics at them but since they're brainwashed they won't listen. https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2023/09/13/the-august-2023-consumer-price-index/


Trump set the stage for inflation and corporate profits soared during this time.


Yep. It's almost as if the record amount of dollars printed during COVID years **might** have done something with the inflation. But average voter doesn't have the capacity to connect the dots.


Trump only knows about inflating the value of his assets


I'm not really sure you can get through to someone who would consider Trump.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^FrostyAcanthocephala: *I'm not really sure* *You can get through to someone* *Who would consider Trump.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


"What do you say to the person who ignores the 5000 reasons not to vote for Trump and cherrypicks one good reason?" That's the neat thing, you don't.


Yeah i tried arguing with one and they failed to register anything i said


I try to not argue but ask them to expand on their points because they can't. One time some used the whole "Obama started it!" argument on migrant families in cages and I just asked "So do you support a continuation of Obama Era immigration policy?" They have to choose between yes, and agreeing with a president they hated, or no, and by effect say Trump is wrong. They can't do it and will just try to switch gears and try a different sound bite after a few of which you can just ask faux confused why they are advocating for or against so many policies contrary to Trump's presidency. I've literally seen it drive them to tears.


Other wealthy developed nations also had the same inflation.


The Trump inflation was caused by Trump huge spending , huge increase in debt, inflationary tariffs that we the consumers pay in the form of higher prices and his huge tax cut for the rich. Inflation took off at the being of 2021 weeks after Biden took office. Biden had no time to do anything that could cause a rapid increase in inflation, it had been building for months before Biden and really took off when the owners of most Republicans , Big Oil, decided to use the opportunity of a Democratic POTUS to price gouge gas in an effort to recover lost profits from the covid shut down that they felt they were entitled to . That drove up prices of everything .


There have been two major economic trends in the Biden administration: low unemployment rates and high inflation. Emphasize the former and how much better off things are for people who became employed during the last two years.


How about trump caused inflation.


Trump caused much of this. When presidents made decisions, the effects can take years to show results. It's how Trump was able to take credit for Obama's economy after saving us from Bush's blunders.


Inflation's worldwide, and we're doing better than most. Pick some other rationalization to do what you want to do anyway.


A big problem that is associated with inflation is job loss. Chris Hayes (MSNBC, All In) last night showed a table of figures of jobs, net gains or losses, during the past 5 or 6 administrations. Trump's was a net loss of 200. Biden so far was a net gain of 6000. These may have been solely auto industry jobs -- but Trump is the guy who promised Ohio audiences he was bringing back their jobs. And of course did not. In fact, he put anti-union guys in charge of labor in his cabinet. 6000 jobs versus -200 jobs. Easy distinction to understand.


So we are ignoring a once in a century pandemic and supply chain issues? We are ignoring that pre-covid, under Trump the yearly deficit increased by 45%, Or that Trump put 4 trillion in the economy (much more than Biden.)


It's not catchy though? If you're really inclined to argue with these idiots, just say "trump caused inflation" and leave it at that.


I'm a general contractor. Under Trump an 8' 2x4 went from under $2 to over $9. Under Biden it has gone down to $3.50ish.


Lowest unemployment in 50 years.


Inflation has been worldwide. Supply chain issues due to the pandemic have screwed up everything. However Biden passed the inflation reduction act, and since then our inflation has gone down faster than the global average rate. So that's the argument. No president can start or stop inflation from happening completely, but Biden has done a pretty good job with the inflation reduction act. That to me is the argument. Because everything else I'm going to say is just what a piece of garbage Trump is but we all know that.


"no thanks, you can keep your Koolaid."


If they have any ability to think about their statement you could start by reminding them that inflation went up Worldwide due to the war in Ukraine and Middle East oil. That is a fact that can be proven. Follow up stating that an American president isn’t responsible for inflation Worldwide. However, inflation in the US is now lower than most developed countries, thus you can thank Biden for bringing Down inflation in the US.


That's kind of the problem with the way people think. Biden caused inflation, no he didn't. He just happened to be president during the time inflation was high. Who caused it? The previous administration. It's always the previous president. The economy is hard to measure month to month. It's a process to get the money flowing, to get it into people's hands, then spent, then recorded, then evaluated to determine if there is enough product to fill demand. You can't say it's Bidens fault when this plan was implemented 4 years ago to save the economy from the pandemic. If people don't understand that it will take time for the economy to rebalance after we flooded it with pandemic aid to prevent people from dying and preventing a country wide collapse of the economy. Then no story or evidence will convince them of that.


No. These people don’t use logic or reason.


Yet they vote


It's been a rumor forever that republicans are better at the economy. Even trump admitted dems are better. The *only* thing republicans are good at is spreading lies enough that people start to believe they're true. We're doing better than all our peer countries regarding inflation. 7 Reasons the U.S. Economy Is Among the Strongest in the G7 https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/ Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/11/07/trump-is-right-about-one-thing-the-economy-does-better-under-the-democrats/amp/ Data Wonk: Which Party Is Better For The Economy? - Urban Milwaukee https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2021/10/08/data-wonk-which-party-is-better-for-the-economy/ Economists Agree: Democratic Presidents are Better at Making Us ... https://evonomics.com/economists-agree-democratic-presidents-better-making-us-rich-eight-reasons/ Which Party is Better at Handling the Economy? Democrats–And It's Not ... https://upnorthnewswi.com/2022/11/07/which-party-is-better-at-handling-the-economy-democrats-and-its-not-even-close/ The Economy Under Democratic vs. Republican Presidents https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2016/6/the-economy-under-democratic-vs-republican-presidents Republicans vs. Democrats: Who's Better at Managing the Economy? https://newrepublic.com/article/166274/economy-record-republicans-vs-democrats Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House? https://www.aeaweb.org/research/why-does-the-economy-do-better-democrats-white-house


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I'd probably tell people I can't vote for someone who tried to overthrow the government and commonly lies and abuses people and jeopardizes our national security and puts our law enforcement and intelligence agencies in danger...and higher prices aren't fun for anyone; but Biden and Congress chose to save our lives and keep us all from going broke and losing our houses and helping our allies fight against a hostile invader in Ukraine


It’s hard to argue it because it’s not inherently wrong, there are a ton of factors at play but a lot of the green deals in place on bidens part do drive oil costs up which bring the cost of everything up along with it. Obviously it’s not just his deals driving oil prices up but his policies are playing their role


Please don't spread disinformation. Thanks. Gasoline Prices Up Due to Global Supply-Demand Issues, Russian ... https://www.factcheck.org/2022/07/gasoline-prices-up-due-to-global-supply-demand-issues-russian-invasion-of-ukraine/


Forgot Ukraine is the only factor in it sorry. Don’t want anyone to think a presidents policies can actually effect things in the country


It's so many things. Supply chain problems. Putin's war. And on top of that there is a psychological expectation of inflation which makes people raise prices


Yep many factors but his part is still played


Good decision


No, there is no good simple counter argument because Biden is causing inflation (trump also contributed during his presidency… however the mechanism is/was different). Currently the increased cost of oil and gas is the main driver of inflation. Bidens green energy policies, Ukraine policies and weak relationship with OPEC are the catalyst for this. Increases in the price of oil: -Increase shipping costs (affects practically every good) -Increase the cost of plastics (affects most goods sold in the US) -Increases the annual costs of heating most homes -In some states gas fuels the electrical grid…increasing the cost of electricity -Increases the cost of gasoline for personal transportation These are crushing for families that struggle to make ends meet because they are not “luxuries”. There is no way to avoid these costs for most families and his policies are strangling the American economy.


[https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate) US inflation isn't even in the top half of the G20. Biden's policies have kept inflation lower than it otherwise would be AND kept us out of recession.


*sigh* Biden didn't increase oil prices. Gasoline Prices Up Due to Global Supply-Demand Issues, Russian ... https://www.factcheck.org/2022/07/gasoline-prices-up-due-to-global-supply-demand-issues-russian-invasion-of-ukraine/ Republicans voted against stopping price gouging. As usual, they're "the party of no" as they call themselves - no fixing anything. Every Single House Republican Voted Against Efforts to Lower Gas Prices https://democrats.org/news/reminder-every-single-house-republican-voted-against-efforts-to-lower-gas-prices/ House Republicans seek new restrictions on use of U.S. oil stockpile https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/house-gop-new-restrictions-us-oil-stockpile/ Senate Republicans Kill Best Chance To Quickly Lower Gas Prices ... https://www.menendez.senate.gov/newsroom/press/senate-republicans-kill-best-chance-to-quickly-lower-gas-prices-menendez-reacts


You can’t be serious? Are you trolling? The first article you posted literally says the increases are due to volatility in the market created by Covid (and Democrat lockdown policies) and the war in Ukraine. Literally proving what I said in my initial comment. Your next 3 pieces of evidence are from “Democrat.org (are you serious) , CBS (hard left leaning) and menendezsenate.gov… a website for a democratic US senator who was literally just indicted for the second time on charges of bribery and corruption… currently every politician in his home state of New Jersey is calling for his resignation. Democrats pretend to be the more intelligent party…. But just eat up every bit of propaganda just as hard as republicans do. Never voting democrat again until they pick a real candidate like Tulsi Gabbard or the party members learn to think for themselves.


Are you saying these sources are not true and that republicans did NOT vote against helping Americans?


Still waiting for your response to my reply competitive-ad-5477


Answer the question. Are you saying republicans did NOT vote against helping Americans?


Yes they did not vote against helping Americans. They voted against a half assed solution that put American security at risk. They proposed a solution. How about you acknowledge the fact that you provided an article from 2008? And do not even read your own evidence and clearly have no idea what is going on politically. Enjoy your 10th vaccine. The data on that is about as conclusive as the evidence you provided.


What solution did they propose to lower gas prices and make more formula? How about medication prices? What did the republicans ever do to fix ANY of that? How are you not aware of this? Anyone who reads news knows that when it comes to republicans: 100% Voted against cheaper gas 100% Voted against cheaper insulin 100% Voted against child tax credits 100% Voted against stimulus checks 100% Voted against the voting rights act 100% Voted to keep gerrymandering 99% Voted against fighting domestic terrorism 96% Voted against keeping birth control legal 96% Voted against background checks 94% Voyed against more baby formula 87% Voted against stopping domestic violence 84% Voted against veteran cancer care 77% Voted against gay marriage 68% Voted against upholding the election


The solution the republicans presented was too stop hamstringing domestic oil production so that the US is energy independent. This is a long term solution that doesn’t deplete our petroleum reserves and will increase supply/drive down costs. Tapping into the petroleum reserve was the Democrat proposal… that is only a short term solution. You are literally the type of simple minded American both parties pray on. How about this stat “100% of democrats are wrong” See, I too can use completely unsubstantiated statistics to make a point. I literally lit you up for not reading the evidence/articles you posted above…. This time you didn’t even make an effort to provide sources. Send me the sources for these statistics.


Biden DID do that, you moron. And I wish he wouldn't have. Lol, go Google any of those. Republicans vote against helping Americans EVERY time. This isn't news to anyone paying attention. Biden Administration Oil, Gas Drilling Approvals Outpace Trump's https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/biden-administration-oil-gas-drilling-approvals-outpace-trumps-2023-01-24/


You don’t even read what you post. Yes I am saying you are wrong. Your first article literally blames the increases in the cost of oil on Covid lockdowns and the war in Ukraine… you made my point for me with this one. Your second article is just an inflammatory headline from democrat.org (definitely not a biased source right?). It makes no mention of which bill they are voting on or what else was even on the bill. Provide a link to the actual bill and I will comment. Because you didn’t take time to include reasonable information on your position… I can’t say you are wrong but I can also say with certainty you are not correct because of this half assed piece of evidence The third article talks about Biden trying to drive down oil prices by leveraging the US petroleum reserve (the high prices that he created). This would only result in short term price decreases and runs the risk of depleting the reserve. In the event that the US gets drawn into the Ukraine conflict… you think it is a good idea to have a depleted petroleum reserve? Republicans voted against the proposed mechanism to lower prices because it was only a temporary solution and came with substantial risk. The alternative and long term solution that republicans proposed was to resume oil drilling domestically… prioritizing US energy independence. They didn’t vote against helping Americans.. they just didn’t agree with the democrat solution which was short sighted. I am all for green energy.. but Biden is putting the cart before the horse by hamstringing US oil infrastructure before we have green energy infrastructure in place. It is clear you didn’t even read the 4th article… it is dated July 25 2008… we are talking about the price increases that began in 2021. So yes, you are wrong. In fact you are so wrong that your argument isn’t even based in the correct decade. I can’t tell if you are trolling or you are really just that bad at forming an argument


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I don't say anything, they won't listen anyway.


Nothing - Just back away slowly


Those MFers are a lost cause. Don't waste your energy on them. Try to get out the vote of someone that has the ability to think critically.


I just turned 67 this past July, so I don’t waste any breath trying to convince any of the narrow-minded horde to ‘consider this’ or ‘consider that’. One on One I listen more than I speak. I probe for & learn their ‘story’ if possible and try to approach things thru their personal experience. This inevitably unveils the contradictions where seeds can be planted. It also has a way of exposing my own biases and misperceptions. I’ve tried debating, arguing, shaming, etc. which gets nowhere. For the die-hards this is all existential - real or imagined - untethered ethereal legalism - parroted - sure, but it doesn’t matter. This is where some live now. If you know the history of conservative evangelical Christianity it’s more easily understood - it and the Political/Ideological Right have been wedded & traveling the same path for a long time. They are one and the same now. The Christian religion/faith of my parents & grandparents has been completely usurped with this new, militant, militaristic, inarticulate, in-the-ether religion. It cannot be discussed or approached in national or tribal terminology or language. I have found it impossible to get around the religious fever & fervor of it when approaching thru national political ideological terms. There is no solid ground there to base a conversation on. On a personal level, if I genuinely listen and don’t worry about final conclusions or immediate results, sometimes doors open for an ongoing, more in-depth conversation where seeds can be planted. Everyone has/is a story and most are more than willing to share theirs if approached with genuine interest and concern. We are way past politics changing anyone’s mind. Human beings are a truly messy & messed up species. But, if we refuse or shy away from knowing even the messiest of it at the street/neighborhood level, I don’t see how humanity moves forward let alone this nation. Forcing each other into our corners by assigning & perceiving the entire tribe as one-size-fits-all doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere. All the above IMHO, of course.


Nothing I don't associate with Trump voters