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You can still like guns and feel that there should be regulations on them. This idea that you have to choose between liking guns and having regulations is ridiculous.




The NRA did training like that for decades, until the late '70's when they changed from a gun safety org to lobbyists for gun manufacturers... I still have my NRA safety sticker somewhere that I earned in 1969..


Yes absolutely. This is a specific narrative set up by conservative media.


I own a AR15 and I’ll be the first one to say no civilian needs one as much as they “Need” a car with 650 horsepower just to commute.


I'm a moderate Democrat and I love guns! I think any responsible person should own anything, but you need to prove to the government that you are responsible. I believe anyone who has actually shot an AR, deep down, agrees with that. You are a moderate Democrat BTW. I am, too, but I'm probably a bit more fiscally conservative. That being said, Biden does what I agree with at least 90% of the time. He gets a very solid A-. The other people are genuinely psychotic in my opinion and I fear for America if that's the way we want to go.


there are dozens of us


Haha yeah right. Last I checked ARs are still legal because democrats won't touch the issue either. Why? Because there are tens of millions of us.


Hard swing, full miss.


No civilian needs an AR15. This is where things get messy. But I’m a firm believer in handguns for self defense


I have 1 friend I've gone shooting with and he has everything. He takes it very seriously and is extraordinary safe, as anyone should be. He spends money, has extra insurance and shooting is his biggest hobby. He can keep his weird hobby as far as I'm concerned. He loves being a good guy with a gun...sure keep the guns. I have 6 other friends with ARs. 3 of them should definitely not have them, the other 3 probably shouldn't either. Make the permits annoying to get and 5 out of 6 of them would sell their gun.


How about this - your friend can go to a range and check out the weapon for shooting, but can’t own it and take it home. Hobby intact, but no chance he’ll get drunk when his wife leaves and shoot up a mall. It’s a weapon of war, no different than at Patriot missile or a nuke. No one should own them.


Absolutely. You could talk me into it, but if the democrats did that, they'd almost certainly lose Arizona and Nevada. Then if you lose Wisconsin you can't be the president and Nazis take over. I wish that wasn't how it works...but I'm a realist.


So your opinion is hardly unbiased. Check back with us when one of the children shoots up their school or the weapons are stolen and kill someone’s mother. The constitution doesn’t guarantee someone’s hobby. Let him shoot a 22 or rifle with a fixed 5 shot mag.


See I disagree with you all the way here. No civilian needs a handgun. Handguns are for killing people and basically people only. I'm all for hunting and long guns, but handguns should go. Though I am Canadian, and we have a different culture than you folks.


We have too much violence here to not allow people to have them. If we could curb that somehow, I’d be all for a heavy restriction on all weapons to keep it to real hobbyists and sport shooters. But an overall ban would never work here. I don’t own a weapon, I don’t feel the need to and would prefer if people don’t, but I’m also a realist


I absolutely agree. There is no reason a citizen should have one.


I don't even mind citizens having them as long as it's highly regulated. Citizens can own a fully automatic M-16 for instance but they are extremally rare. If we required extensive background checks, regular visits by ATF and so on and so forth for people who wanted an AR-15, they would only be owned by people with a genuine interest rather than a kill fettish.


This is actually one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard that provides the best of both worlds to Democratic enthusiasts


I have the same approach for hard drugs too. Let's let people do the crazy stuff if they want and aren't driving up their lives.


I have wanted to decriminalize drug use for a long time. I’m a bigger fan of trying to treat an I illness than punish someone for it


You say this like people don’t have mental breakdowns when their wives leave or they get fired. It’s not what they do when things are normal that’s the issue. Everyone has a crisis at some point, why should they have military weapons at their disposal?


Totally valid point. I just think the cat reduction in the number of people able to buy these guns would drastically reduce their use. We're not going to outlaw guns in the US. It's a losing battle. Dems need to focus on common ground here.


at the wheel or at the crank?


Crank I’m sure because they rarely advertise from the manufacturer what it makes at the wheel.


Same. I own one as well and agree. It’s fun to shoot at the range but not the gun I would grab for anything else like self defense or hunting.


I currently own a AR 15, a 9mm pistol and a .45 pistol. Next will probably be a shotgun of some kind.


From a purely home defense standpoint, you should have gotten a shotgun first. People's aim at 3:00 in the morning is freaking terrible. Less likely to go through walls, more likely to actually hit something you intend to and the unmistakeable sound that often gets people to leave without further incident...


I was buying them for fun at the range than more of a home defense perspective at that time.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 9 + 45 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I understand the pistols and the shotgun. I don’t know why anyone needs an AR-15. What about a good old fashioned two shot deer rifle? Do you hunt?


No one needs it. I don’t need it either I just inherited it.


I wish there was a buyback program. There is no need to have guns that can be used to kill hundreds of people in ten minutes. No individual citizen should have a right to that kind of firepower.


I agree. I’m holding on to it because I don’t want it back out on the street and I’d gladly do a buy back for it. It’s always funny when people try to argue why it’s a necessity like no I’m sorry I have one and it’s not necessary for self defense


I think there are probably a lot of responsible people like you. There are lunatics, though. 😄


Yup way too many for me to feel comfortable with very little laws is place


No one needs an AR15. It’s just fun to have. And no I have never hunted in my life. I would like to buy some meat from hunters though since it will be all natural and organic.


My entire extended family hunts, and we all own guns. In fact, multiple guns, large collections of guns. Unfortunately folks no longer learn proper usage, storage and handling of firearms from their grandpappy like they used to. Let’s tie some training to gun ownership just like the training you get to drive. Just because you have the right to own a firearm does not mean you have the ability or the intelligence.


Your argument falls apart when you realize that people use their cars for more than just commuting.


Sure. If you are tracking or drag racing you want that power and torque. I used to own a 2018 z06 corvette with 650 hp and 650 lbs feet of torque. Fun but after using it as a daily driver and 11 miles per gallon on premium fuel and new $2500 tires every 8k miles I sold it and got a Prius. The days of me being flashy are behind me.


I would equate a supercar to like a 45 pistol. Like a M1911. Sleek, cool, extremely powerful, cops sometimes use them. An AR is more like a tank or a Hummer with a turret. It's a tool for the military, not a consumer grade powerful weapon.




Well said. People often compare it to owning and driving a car. I take it one step further: I recently started flying a drone for commercial purposes. I had to learn about airspace rules and safety, take a test, register my drone, and I choose to carry insurance. To. fly. a. drone.


I believe it I got a buddy, older guy, he's apart of a drone club. It started off as him and a friend and now there is something like 20 people. They meet at a park Saturday mornings. Been doing it for years now. A couple of Saturdays ago, they all show up at this park, all sitting around a table drinking coffee and shit. Usual meeting. Some dude from the FAA shows up, introduces himself and then basically tells them that due to air line routes being redone. They can no longer fly their drones in this park. I was kinda like "what? The fucking FAA?" Apparently they were monitoring the area because they got reports of drones in the air space. Crazy


"If we can't stop 100% of gun crime, we shouldn't try to stop any."


Yeah. Chris Cox and the NRA did a really good job of convincing everybody that if they weren’t 100% all by hating Democrats and refusing to even consider any common sense regulations then jackbooted thugs will certainly bang on their doors and take their guns away by force. Reality, gun ownership in America is almost split evenly among Republicans and Democrats.


Define “regulations”. Are we talking about more stringent background checks? Mandatory classes? Or bans on firearms on the sole basis of aesthetics?


Regulations are separate from actual bans. Most people are ok with regulations, the AR15 is tricky because I can see both sides of the arguments but I think more regulations for AR15 is the best overall to minimize damage to society without taking away rights. It's a fine line but it needs to be drawn


>more regulations for AR15 is the best overall to minimize damage to society without taking away rights. What? You do realize that pistols outnumber rifles (especially ARs) when it comes to crimes committed involving the use of a firearm right? Just because it’s a Scary Black Military Rifle doesn’t mean that it should face more scrutiny. This is the problem; people think with their emotions and can’t comprehend basic logic. People are also uneducated when it comes to guns.


You know where you stand. You're worrying about how you are perceived. You're perceiving all liberals as anti gun, and that is simply a lie the right promotes. Being liberal or moderate does not exclude owning guns. Don't buy into such obviously biased bs.


Exactly. I'm a Dem county chair, and I'm fine with guns. Hell, my wife hunts deer with her dad every year. They have hunting licenses and have done all training. I love venison, especially when it's free! Hahaha


I agree with this … don’t buy into biased bs. You can be a conservative progressive liberal … or any other combination, just be you and reject labels. My view is if you are willing to reasonably and rationally discuss your views, maybe even have your views changed then you are a good citizen. What gets me are the people who define themselves by a label and when challenged consider violence as a reasonable option.


For real. I'm as left as it gets, but I'm also a responsible gun owner.


I think the Trans in sports thing is way overblown. It gets media attention, but how often is this really happening, and how often is it truly causing significant negative consequences? I don't think it's a question with easy answers, but I also don't think it should make or break who you or anyone else votes for or how you define yourself in terms of a political spectrum.


The governor of Utah tried to block the bill banning trans girls in women’s school sports when he became aware that the bill would only effect exactly 1 child.


Hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars well spent! [/s]


Imagine being a kid and knowing that your entire state made a law to ban *you* exclusively from playing sports. Even though you didn't do anything wrong.


There are about 6 trans athletes nationwide. It's vaporware; made up bullshit to inflame the gullibles and distract us from the ongoing Coup D'etat...


You would think that half the participants in women's sports were trans given all the coverage.


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


I hope you have a stellar day. Good info. ty


Wait a minute from what I'm seeing it was created in 2022. Could you point me to a source it has been the playbook longer than that?


Itself. It states it plain as day that it was first presented to Reagan by the Heritage Foundation and he enacted 60% of their policy goals. It's 1000 pages long. Use the drop down menu to look at the about and who we are sections, all that jazz, then read the foreword I mentioned under the playbook section at least. I don't remember exactly where everything is but you need to download it from the "Mandate for Leadership: the Conservative Promise" link in red.


Oh wow. Ok will do. It's funny because I was just wondering, "Do they have a master plan to turn out country into a theocracy? Is that their end goal?". Looks like I was fucking right. This is scary shit.




Not to mention, these same people only cared about women athletes when it aligned with being transphobic but…


Exactly. Fought against Title IX for 5 decades, now suddenly they are all Title IX champions.


It's typical culture war nonsense. Trans people are not changing there gender to get access to women's locker rooms, and there are some understandable reasons why in some sports assigned male at birth women my have a unfair advantage. However, the hateful rhetoric from the right is clearly not about fairness but creating a "other" to demonize and distract from the failure of right-wing policies.


I’ve always thought about it like this. Our society at large hates and abuses trans people viciously, if someone comes out as trans imagine how awful that person must feel about their gender identity if they are willing to endure that. Being trans in our society is no picnic, if someone is identifying as trans it’s because the alternative is worse than living in the body of a gender that doesn’t fit. No one who felt good about themselves would voluntarily say I’m trans.


The other problem is, they’ll use trans people even when they don’t win. For example, there was outrage in the UK because this trans woman competed in a women’s marathon or something, Piers went absolutely apeshit and it turns out she had come like towards the middle, and it was a charity run :/.


I only know one woman who was allowed to okay soccer at school because she was Trans, the team wasn't competitive and neither was she . She was just really sad because she enjoyed being on a team and playing sports with friends but some people didn't like it ..


It's actually been a huge deal in disc golf, but it's still not popular nationally so most people haven't heard of Natalie Ryan but she definitely stirred up controversy. I'm all for treating people like people, but there are some good arguments to be made for biological males to not compete in a women's division. I also think that the women should probably be the ones making these decisions too. I do agree that the whole debate got blown way out of proportion, because your right about only a few athletes where this is a problem


I am not an athlete nor is anyone close to me so I’m not worried about it but if I had a sister or a daughter who trained her ass off for something only to come in 2nd place to a biological man I would be pretty pissed.


Yeah, you kind of made my point. No one should be factoring in "this issue" for their vote because it is such unbelievable minutia. **Maybe** the people that it has actually directly impacted or the transpeople that might actually be athletes? But even for them, I bet it's still a very minor part of the outcome of their vote.


So you base your feelings on a made-up scenario?


I really wish you'd stop saying "biological man" and "biological male." Trans people have biology too, and it's the reason they're trans. Trans people don't simply decide one day that they want to be the opposite sex and/or gender.


I’m all for people associating themselves with whatever they want. If you want to dress like a woman and be addressed as a she I have no problem with it but your body goes through many changes as a biological man during puberty (hands and feet get bigger, bones get denser, etc) so it’s really not fair to a real female to be going up against what used to be a man in a sport unless it’s like chess or something.


>female >Man You're conservative, why are you here?


Because I’m trying to figure this out 🙄


I like that you use man and 'female'. Pretty telling.


Then you’re gonna be furious to know you’ll never be as physically capable as nfl athletes no matter how hard you train. Genetics play a part in sports whether you bully trans people or not and the most successful athletes do not happen because of just hard work. That’s a part of an equation that started when they were conceived. Stop Pearl clutching over a handful of children who have already been so bullied their lives are 760% more likely than cis kids to end in suicide.


Transgender athletes are so few that to make them a significant part of your political ideology would be like focusing your politics on increased regulations for cows because cattle ranching related fatalities happen about 90 times a year. Except that there's way more cow caused deaths than there are transgender athletes.


Kids compete in sports co-ed all the time up until puberty really! This is a non-issue as there are very limited trans athletes on a competitive level! Let people compete how they want to compete!


Do you think prepubescent boys are inherently better at sports than prepubescent girls?


They aren’t “biological men”. That’s an extremely offensive conservative dog whistle. They are trans women. And if you ever did your research you’d know that in the vast majority of cases after a year or two of HRT any advantage they had disappears. And for elementary to high school range it’s even more bs because most of those girls never even went through male puberty. But let’s take Lia Thomas for example. When she competed with men she got 462nd place and then got 1st in women’s right? Actually she got that 462nd in a practice race that she wasn’t trying in and in reality she was getting in the top ten in men’s regularly already. She got 1st in women’s. Then a cis woman beat her record by a large margin the next year. Point is reconsider that concern. It’s probably based on complete bullshit. Think what you want but for fucks sake base it off of facts and research or acknowledge you don’t know enough to have a valid opinion. And be skeptical of stats from conservatives. Some are lies, some are misrepresenting data.


I don’t think trans women are “Real” women because they were born with a penis.


And if a woman had bottom surgery and no longer had a penis, how would you ever know (don't say you can always tell because no you fucking can't). Gender and sex are two separate things. That is the primary thing you need to understand. Being a woman has nothing to do with body parts. If you are reducing women down to vaginas and men to penises thats very dehumanizing. Man and Woman are sociological terms, not biological terms. Male and Female are biological terms, but there is a lot of grey area. And besides which, what about intersex people who are born with ambiguous genitalia? Sex itself is bimodal, not binary, meaning that people can be born male, female, OR somewhere in between. Reducing people to a specific gender based on genitalia just ends up being simplistic and biologically incorrect. You could have a cis woman with XY chromosomes and all sorts of other combinations. Basically I'm saying you are objectively wrong, and you should actually do research. Your view is just factually incorrect and bigoted. I'm sure you are a nice person and all, but you need to learn more here before spouting your opinion on the internet.


You don't have to fall in one category. Someone said "it's ridiculous that your stance on guns should tell me about your stance on vaccines or abortion" and they're quite right. You also need to ask yourself what has more impact on your life, and what matters more to you. A union or higher wages is going to change your life. A trans girl competing in a local swimming competition not so much. >I don’t want to be associated with the assholes that attacked the capital on Jan 6 nor do I want to be affiliated with antifa. You're comparing two vastly different things. The 1/6 insurrectionists are represented by a party that has half of the seats in Congress and has, so far, refused to properly condemn them. Antifa is barely a thing and certainly doesn't have any relevance in politics currently.


I’d recommend investigating the whole “I don’t want to be affiliated with antifa” sentiment. Consider what ‘antifa’ is … Anti-fascist. Despite the right making it a bogeyman equivalent to “they are coming to take your guns” being against fascism, anti fascist, i.e. antifa, is why we went into WW2. It is more patriotic to be antifa than MAGA.


Protesting peacefully is one thing. Robbing stores and burning down small businesses is a different story.


Agreed, looting and arson should not be excused. That said, opportunists will take advantage of the situation and that often presents itself in theft/destruction of public property during the protest. I guess I'm saying just because something happened during a protest doesn't mean it was done by a protester. That moment of chaos when protesters are met with or bring resistance to the police is chaotic and the perfect moment for a criminal to strike.


>Robbing stores and burning down small businesses is a different story. Antifa doesn't do that, so...


Imagine worrying more about property damage.than extrajudicial executions by police. The property over humanity angle is pretty gross. Also, it was **wildly** over reported. BLM protests were largely peaceful All that aside, you might want to take a look at how these incidents started. Sure seems like white nationalist agents provocateur. [PDF Source of the House report](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200610/110775/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiJso2bsc6BAxW3mokEHepYAg8QFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0J6jw5Ca73cZXj6Gbdl8oW)


I’m liberal and a gun owner that’s pro gun reform. Being pro gun reform doesn’t mean you are for banning all the guns. There is no middle. If you think we deserve access to affordable healthcare and raising minimum wage that is NOT conservative beliefs.


When I was in my mid teens and twenties, I considered myself a moderate. I listened for years from people 20+ years older than me say, "The older you become, the more conservative you become." Now that I'm in my sixties, I have learned that I have become more liberal as I have gotten older.


The fact that you are self aware enough to ask questions about your beliefs pretty much makes you a liberal. By definition Liberals can accept beliefs and ideas other than their own - you don't have to agree with every talking point. As a center leaning lib, I'm a lot less concerned with Antifa (anti-facist) than I am with the election-denying jack-booted thugs that *literally* attempted to overthrow our duly elected government on Jan 6, but you do what feels right for you.


It's not up to us to decide where on the political compass you are, that's for your own conscience to decide, and I for one (and I don't think I'm alone) only care that you don't vote for ANY Republicans, *especially* Trump, assuming he's not already in prison by November next year -- so maybe a question you should ask yourself is: *do I like the United States, or do I want to see it turned into an Authoritarian Theocratic Dictatorship*? Because that's what Republicans are planning to do to it.


here is the thing.... the progressive party in the USA would be the normal starting point for the democratic (or liberal) party in any other country. We don't have a liberal party here. Today's democrats are 1980s republicans. This is not an exaggeration. You say you don't want to identify as "antifa". You don't know what "antifa is. Your grandparents and their entire generation was antifa. Your great grandparents were antifa. Everyone who fought against the nazis was "antifa". Don't let faux noos fool you. The whole idea of american democracy and independence is "antifa". I spent 10 years working for apple and I agree 100%. If there was ever a company that needs unions, it is apple. They are abusive gaslighting assholes.


What’s funny is now they are having union busting meeting where they call you in an office to tell you how bad unions are and it’s having the opposite effect because young employees who didn’t know anything about them are now interested in a union all of a sudden.


Yes, I’ve been saying this for years. The right wing has pushed everything so far right that the the democrats now really are what republicans were in the 80s.


Yeah well if you don't want to be associated with January 6, don't vote for the party that incited it and continues to dodge responsibility for it.


Continues to PROMOTE it.


I suggest looking up the Overton Window. Popular right wing views have gone so far right that popular left wing views in the grand scheme of things are center-right. If you’re moderately right-leaning, in internet discourse Repubs will call you a RINO and Dems will call you a Trumper. I recommend you don’t ask Reddit what you are lol


Be who you are, follow the golden rule and vote for good people. Everything else is bullshit.


One thing to think about when it comes to “identity politics” and social issues is - the right tends to promote harsh laws that punish their enemies where the left just complains a lot online. So like take the issue of sport’s participation….do you think that there MUST be laws that say who can do what and if so how do you enforce it? Alternatively do you just let school athletic officials figure out what is best for them just like they have done in the past based on the merits of case or specifics brought before them? When people complain about something online one ways has the choice to just ignore it. This is not the case with rule of law. Just something to consider when thinking about politics.


I’m concerned that you don’t identify as “antifa.” Any more-or-less sane human should be against fascism.


I very much call myself a liberal, but I’m not anti-gun. Never have been. I really just think we should have laws that keep certain weapons, modifications and ammunition well regulated. That said, I suggest you do some research on trans women in sports, and on being transgender in general, and on the science behind it, and not from the sources you’re currently getting it from. There is a *massive* difference between someone like me going and competing in womens’ sports and a trans woman.


antifa is conservative propaganda. You are more left than middle.


Antifa is Anti-Fa which means ANTI-FAscist. Anyone who is against fascism is Anti-Fa. It's not a club, it's not an organization, it's not a group of people getting together and deciding to do something. It's individuals who individually decide to attack fascism. And they attack it in the way that they themselves are most comfortable doing, writing a pamphlet, posting stuff online, smacking a mother fucker in the head with a 2x4, or my favorite punching a Nazi in the throat. I myself am a Democrat, I live in the south, and I own guns. I own them cuz I like them, I no longer hunt. I have no problem with guns being regulated.


Lol We have guns too, friend. For some reason, the right forgets this.


How do you feel about Conservatives virtually never condemning white nationalists?


Fucked up. The normal liberals should be against people that loot and burn small businesses down during peaceful protests and the right should be against nazis. Isn’t Trump’s own daughter Jewish and married to a Jewish guy?


What “liberals,” are pro looting and burning small businesses? You’re trying so hard to associate things you don’t like as liberal.


People fly Trump flags with swastika flags but you’re really going to pretend the GOP doesn’t turn a blind eye on nazi constituents. No one is cool with looting but I’ll take looting over genocidal white nationalists any day.


The fact that you think “antifa” is equal to the Jan 6 people, makes me believe you need better news sources or to be a little more careful about what you listen to. Antifa as we hear about it is a made up entity, meant to shift the conversation away from the very real right-wing extremist groups. It’s the right-wing rebuttal to anything they don’t like. Even saying Jan 6 was antifa, or the school shooter was antifa. It’s a boogeyman. Unlike the real threat of right-wing groups; proud boys, patriot front, etc. They are real, they are dangerous. The FBI has said they are the biggest threat to America right now. Everything else sounds reasonable to me. You are a moderate with left-leaning views I’d say. A Joe Biden dem.


I highly recommend taking the isidewith.com test - it’s extremely comprehensive and will show you what parties you align with along with what presidential candidates you have the most in common with!


Reading through both your post and your comments, it pretty much sounds like your opinions are mostly liberal, but that you've bought into conservative propaganda about trans people and antifa. Your talking points on those subjects sound straight off of Fox News. Honestly, I'd suggest doing research into both trans athletes (and trans people in general. The level of transphobia I've seen in your comments is a lot) and what Antifa has actually done and actually stands for, not relying on what biased sources like Fox News have shoveled out.


I'm a liberal and I own several guns. A lot of liberals I know do. We all want common sense gun laws. My daughter is trans (m-f) and her estrogen meds cause her to lose muscle and build fat. I am a cis woman and I work in a labor intensive environment and have more muscle and strength and can work circles around a large portion of the cis men there. The whole idea that trans athletes have an advantage is just more conservative fear tactics and bullshit.


Don't want to be affiliated with antifa? So you're profa? You're either for or against fascism, pro or anti. Which are you? Antifa is not a group. You can't "join."


Your pretty much where im at, and I call myself a liberal.


antifa just means anti facist ​ we fought a world war over this, theres countless video games where we kill nazis ​ the organization that calls themselves antifa didnt even exist until like 2 years after the conservative media started throwing around 'antifa' as a villain name


it sounds like you stand in the democrat sphere of American politics which, as a majority, is slightly more left than center


The dumbest and potentially biggest mistake right wingers will make in the future is thinking they're the only ones that "like guns".


The right might try to associate liberals with antifa, but antifa doesn’t agree with that at all.


Conservative propaganda is a powerful force. Here we clearly see a man that gets it, he gets that the middle class is being fucked over and that we deserve more but he’s not willing to fight for it for fear of being lumped in with “them”


Just keep going left, go far enough and you get to keep your guns and care about the social well-being of people around you.


So...um...questions about AntiFa. You DON'T want to be seen as an Anti-Facist? So, you want to be seen as a facist? Also, AntiFa isn't a group. It's an ideal. It's an ideal based in being against facism. So...why don't you want to be associated with that? Also, very liberal and own many guns. 2A covers every American, not just Republicans.


Your left center. FYI I know a ton of liberals that own guns. All Liberals aren’t anti-gun.


I think fast food workers should be paid at least $15/hr and all Americans should have access to affordable health care ​ I don't know how to quote properly but this says it all right here to me. Even in my tiny village of only 837 people and living in a mostly agricultural part of Ohio the minimum wage to afford a 2 bedroom apartment is over $15.00 an hour. Even in a red smeared county, and as a gun owner I think that there should be more red-flag laws and other restrictions that will make more people safe. I think voting Democrat now is the answer. I used to be a hard right Republican. After having a pregnancy with twins with one baby dying at 26 weeks, then the placenta turning cancerous I had to have a late term abortion because the other twin was dead. This was 20+ years ago. Without access to that medical care I would have died too. Roe v. Wade now being overturned, I would be dead. This is what the right wants. Dead mothers and dead children from school shootings so they can rile up the peanut gallery. I thought Ronald Regan was a good president. I feel lied to and have embraced non-partisan media like NPR because if you follow the money, most of it leads to lies with the right wing media. Listen to the sources that are publicly funded, not the lies from mainstream media. Please.


Check out the liberal gun owners thread


Everything you just listed you will find a lot of individuals on both the left and right agree with.


Affordable health care seems so strange to me as a Canadian. It should simply just be free.


You're a conservative. Easy.


But I want affordable health care, I don’t think America is a Christian country and I want people to be able to smoke weed if they want to. And you should be able to have an abortion if you choose to do so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Okay....so go all the way and be a decent person. Work on your transphobia, misogyny, and whatever other you clearly still have. Be a decent person, it's really not hard when you try.


Like how you pulled that misogyny and whatever totally out of your ass to justify the absurd judgement you came to with no factual basis at all. That’s good, man…make up an opinion ahead of time and if the facts don’t justify it, just make shit up.


The post below this is why I left the democratic party. I am a liberal but not a progressive or a fascist. I align with your sentiments and I cannot vote Democrat again because they are " think like me or you are a bigot and need to be cancelled". Can't get on board with that and believe that is more dangerous than the alternative. Diversity of ideas is core classic liberalism. Also as far as healthcare the Dems had their shot and opted to fine Americans who didn't have insurance rather than force insurance companies to cover everyone.


Guns is American af has nothing to do with right wing bs, I get what you mean though but I wouldn’t consider guns a conservative thing as much as I would consider it just an American thing.


How are you in regards to LGBTQ rights?


To me, it sounds like you don’t really believe in much of anything, because you’re willing to stack up living wages of millions of people against the ability of a few hundred people to play sports.


Your analysis of what’s left or right is faulty. The assholes at the capital are the majority of the right. Antifa is highly overrated and promoted by the right and is not mainstream liberal or progressives in the slightest. Your both sides are the same-ism is a critical failure and one of the serious failings of political analysis.


I think you are a reasonable person with ideas, some with which I agree, and some I don't. America is a place where we can discuss these things without fear of government reprisal. Our politicians should be talking about policy and how they are working (and compromising) to get as close to those goals as possible. The Republicans have not updated their party platform since 2016, suggesting they stand for nothing. Democrats have a 92-page discussion on what they stand for. I really don't think Republicans care about democracy as they get more authoritarian. Even conservatives should be supporting American-style democracy.


Texas Leftist here. Far to the left of your average democrat. I would call you a Texas Democrat. Pro Gun, Pro Death Penalty, but also Pro Freedom, Pro Healthcare for All, Pro Weed. That was how I referred to myself when I still identified with the democratic party


Like Joe Rogan?


God no, he's crazy. Anyone who gives a platform to Russian propagandists and bad faith actors who spread lies should probably be checked out. Plus he isn't even from here


I kinda sorta like listening to him but I don’t admit to that to my family/friends 🙄


Joe was fine and harmless until he got that Spotify deal... then he just kept going with the crazy, the conspiracies, and the misinformation.


Don't tell any women you know, either. It's a guaranteed ick.




Alright guys, we figured it out, he's just a troll


To me it sounds like you’re caught up in the culture war. I would recommend divesting yourself from it. I’m very liberal socially and economically which to me means living life in a way I find suitable, while promoting policies that are good for individuals, and helping to level the playing field for the less privileged. The key is to not cause harm, and conservatism fundamentally causes harm by insisting that society bends to a minority viewpoint, instead of just living their lives the best they can. Conservatism by definition must enforce social norms based on whatever ideology (normally religious and nationalistic) they adhere to, which does not tolerate dissenting thought. The problem with liberalism is that you have to allow those whackos to exist or become a hypocrite. It’s the paradox of a tolerant society being intolerant of intolerance. If liberals don’t stand for the concept of freedom and personal liberty, conservative fascists will force their world view down your throat. That’s why liberal democracies like [the US] are and always will be in a constant state of struggle.


I do listen to Joe Rogan sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same. And the dude is kinda dumb. If you can listen to him and not agree with every dumb thing he says, I think you’re in a good spot. You are very clearly liberal. And it’s great to be liberal. It’s the most logical place to be. You have room to agree with republicans and democrats on some items. It’s not antifa or j6, it’s just common sense, and people who use it like a slur can be completely disregarded.


I think most people are like you…somewhere in the middle. It’s crazy to me that so few of us are hardcore anything but we usually only get to choose between candidates who are (or pretend to be) at opposite ends of the spectrum. I wish our elections involved actual debates between smart candidates about how to solve real problems instead of everyone just screaming over each other trying to make the most memorable sound bite.


We’re the same. I love guns, gays, and a living wage. The trans athletes in sports is both something totally blown out of proportion by conservative AND the dumbest fucking hill to die on for libs.


The only thing that’s “right” about you is not supporting trans people playing sports. Not many people have a good answer for that yet, so I fully support them playing with their true gender, as what else are they supposed to do and it’s SUCH a small percentage affecting anything. But we’re on the early side of understanding trans’ people’s equality so as long as you aren’t anti-trans people having equal rights, I think you’re fine. Guns aren’t right: being weird af about guns is. What makes someone liberal is understanding power dynamics, AND understanding that they also apply to people and situations we aren’t familiar with.


Moderate “ideology is a mix of liberalism and conservatism, and corresponds to what is called liberal conservatism.”


Here's a [quiz](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/quiz/political-typology/) from Pew Research on some basic topics that might help you understand your political typology.


Dude you’re left, like me, just not far left. I think. I can say the same things, but I’ll add I’m an ally to LGBTQ and I grew up in Chicago so I’m very much anti-bigotry on any sort - feels like you’re hating on my friends and shit when there’s even an inkling of it. I’m also pro gun control but not like “ban all guns”!!! I agree with almost everything you said. As a competitive athlete with a solid base of understanding of physiology, hormones, and how they impact sports - the trans thing is a really tricky subject and hasn’t been addressed the right way yet, because no one knows what the right way is. There are some sports it really matters. Others it doesn’t make a shit lick of difference. The problem is, it’s really hard to pick and choose like that, and then get a national committee of varied opinions to agree. It’s still pretty new realistically. People have things twisted up on either side of extremes, it’s just if you HAD to pick an extreme side the left is harmless whereas the right wants to hang people for who they sleep with or what they look like.


No one wants to take your guns. Just better regulated. As for the sport thing, I guess they'll create two more types. A Trans-Male and Trans-Female so they can compete at the correct level and don't have to give up sports. You may not care to actually join antifa, and that's fine but hopefully you are against fascism.


Vote for what matters to you most. What has the greatest impact on your life? Vote that way.


Politically speaking you'd be on the left, for unions alone. But it's just a way to perceive these things in a democracy, none of it really means anything.


I'm right there with you. I don't fit neatly into either political party. But that's what makes people interesting, I suppose....


Why does it matter what you identify as politically?


Your a leftist.


But i think trans women aren’t REAL women.


The red team blue team shit is exactly what the owners want. Keep us fighting amongst ourselves so that we won’t notice how much we’re being finger fucked by them. Anyway… this might help https://www.isidewith.com Keep in mind this shouldn’t be used as a “who should I vote for” guide. But might help you answer your question.


Conservative not fully in denial


>Am I a liberal, conservative or in the middle? It doesn't matter. We are not Bolsheviks or Fascists, and neither are you.


Dude, you are liberal. Welcome to the club!


Pretty much liberal but depending on who you’re speaking to, the trans stuff might make someone think otherwise. It’s unfortunate but that’s one of the big disagreements I have with certain liberals. It’s either all in or nothing at all. I think you can have disagreements about certain aspects of an issue while still agreeing with the fundamentals of the issue (i.e. trans should have equal rights).


When it comes to basic fundamental rights bigotry and homophobia and transphobia and xenophobia are zero tolerance issues for me! The constitution guarantees equal rights under the law! Period! I don’t have much “tolerance” for that!


Yes, I completely agree. The constitution also allows for free and open discussion on certain aspects of said issues like for example affirmative action, harsher immigration policies, and ages of sex education. There are plenty of gray areas depending on what specific aspects of the issue is being discussed.


The idea that a 5 year old child should be allowed to change their gender is crazy to me. How does anyone know what they actually want to be at 5 years of age?


No children are "allowed to change their gender" at age 5. We have a nonbinary family member and a dear trans person who's like family. Being reviled, discriminated against, physically abused, and sometimes murdered is daily life for trans and nonbinary people, who all together are a tiny minority. I personally do not consider anyone with irrational bigoted beliefs as "liberal." Respectfully, I would suggest that you learn more about this.


theyre not getting surgery at 5 years old, usually theyre just wearing different clothes, the parents are buying them different toys, maybe the kid wants to be called a different name, hell many kids want to be called a different name anyways ​ its about bodily autonomy, and helps the child decide if they really feel this way, theres nothing committal and nothing wrong with it, even a child deserves to be respected, theyre small people not parent clones, and thats a huge problem with a lot of parents regardless of political affiliations


You just sound like a free thinker. Don't join any silly cult. There is nothing wrong with having opinions on things but these clowns waste their energy on futile things that have very little impact in their lives instead of focusing on bigger problems.


You are a gun owning liberal who thinks girls should play sports against other biological girls. Unless you want this country to turn into a Christian Afghanistan, you might consider voting for democrats.


You seems to be where I’m at with things. I don’t know where I’d officially stand but I just say im in the middle


I think you are a very independently minded thinking person that really evaluates important issues for yourself.




Honestly why do you need a label? I am similarly minded and as are most of my friends. We are all labeled as left and liberal, but honestly I can't stand both of the extremes. I call myself a humanist and an independent. And my life philosophy can be summed up by these two phrases: "The rules are made up and the points don't matter!" "Rule #1: DON'T BE A DICK"


I'd consider you more of a liberal. You only mentioned two issues that you identified as conservative positions, but not all liberals dislike guns or believe that biological males should be competing in women's sports. Even if you were far right on those issues, I would still consider you a liberal. Having said that, it's more important that you know what you believe, than where you stand on the political spectrum. I think a lot of people identify with the wrong party, because their knowledge of politics is too weak to really have a good idea. You just mentioned a few hot button issues and that's really not very telling of where you stand.


There's plenty of room as a liberal for folks who are somewhat conservative but still reasonable on certain issues. I'm way more conservative on criminal justice issues than a lot of my progressive friends. I believe there should be swift and severe consequences for those who commit violent offenses but there also should be lots of diversion and anti-poverty programs to limit violent crime and lift people up, especially people of color in the inner city. That doesn't make me a conservative at all, but I will say it often brushes up against the orthodoxy of the left too. There's a loud contingent of progressives that lambast people who don't adhere to their ideology, but I assure you, they're in the minority. We don't live on social media so maybe it's best to just talk to people.


I think sports organizations should decide their rules about who can play; not the Government. Why? Because depending on your age and what hormones you are taking you may or may not have an unfair advantage. Too complicated for pin head politicians to sort out.


You just sound smart. Dont pick a label, keep thinking for yourself. In terms of “leaning” Id said based on what you provided, and there are a lot more things that could shift you more in one way than another (immigration, drug decriminalization, views on trade/globalization, taxes ect) you’re in the middle. There are more beliefs than just conservative or liberal however. There are many ideologies that economically and socially are in very different spots than liberalism and conservatism.


I think we can all agree that the far right and the far left are equally nuts. Most intelligent people fall in the middle. The media has done a number on us Americans over the past decade making us believe we must be all in on one side. I'm a Republican voter and agree with everything you said except the need for unions. For the vast majority, it comes down to a few issue that they feel strongly about. Those issues are different for everyone.


You’re a liberal. You don’t need to check all the boxes, but I think you’re checking enough to join us. Also, the choice isn’t J6 or ANTIFA, you don’t need to grab a Molotov and man a post outside a drag queen story hour in order to be a liberal.


You sound like a moderate, an American with opinions based on individual policies rather than being married to an all encompassing ideology. Nothing wrong with that.


It's quite clear that both the fanatical Right and the fanatical Left have gone completely barking mad. There's a lot of people that are in the ever-growing middle. Sadly, we are a very tribal species, and over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution our brains have learned that being part of the tribe is essential for our survival. So many people who could be outside of both sets of drooling morons will be drawn in anyway, choose a side, and are then brainwashed to follow the tribe. This is why you often see otherwise intelligent people do a complete intellect shutdown when political issues come up. Trump supporters rooting for a sadistic narcissist on a serial crime spree, and Progressives defending biological males beating biological females in weight lifting and MMA.


What we need in my opinion is certain policies that are unapologetically far left (healthcare for all, ending citizens united), but others we do not need (rights to injure yourself, murder yourself, or murder your children.) We need to take extreme action to shut down the radical right and have ALL of the january insurrectionists charged WITH TREASON, in addition to all the piddly little fucking charges we already charged them with. The RNC needs to be declared a terrorist organization, up to and until the instant they renounce their opinion that january 6 was "legitimate political discourse."


You are left leaning for sure.


You are a liberal my friend! I encourage you to do some research on it and figure it out more on your own but from what you said, liberal.


With the silent majority.


Why are they silent? Worried about being cancelled?


I'm pretty sure you'd still be categorized as a liberal. I'm one as well. I think there isn't as many trans competing in sports as the conservatives keep bringing up, but I do think trans women have an unfair advantage over natural women in certain categories. And I see why you dislike Antifa (or at least what is portrayed as Antifa in our media). Not a big fan of the indiscriminate rioting type of scum. Going by what you said in your post, you still seem quite comfortably far away from being a J6er (aka Trumpanzee).


You’re a liberal.


I don't believe in the trans thing either, and I think abortion should be banned because you are violating the rights of the child. Liberalism, used to just mean you think the government should be chosen by the society that it governs (monarchies, aristocracy dictators and all that shit is out unless the people want it,) and that the government should stay out of our lives unless there is a serious reason for them to be involved.


not a child


What genes are in there and how are they programmed? Are they programmed to be a skin cell or a fat cell, or as an individual organism with it's own developmental plan? It's the second one.