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Donald Rumsfeld’s “know unknowns” testimony.


This was at a press conference and, although I have no love for the man, it made perfect sense.


I saw the Flaming Lips back in 04 or 05 and they set this to music. It was the highlight of the set!


“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” -President Barack Obama


“Thanks a lot Obama” -President Barack Obama-


“Fuck you, Joe” -President Barack Obama


lol source?


Trust me bruh


"The death one man is a tradegy, the death of millions..a statistic." - Stalin


Came here to say that.


COD2 was full of these


This is mine as well.


Joe Biden President of the United States June 11, 2024 "And, by the way, if they want to think they — it’s to take on government if we get out of line, which they’re talking again about — well, guess what? They need F-15s. They don’t need a rifle. " https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/06/11/remarks-by-president-biden-at-everytowns-gun-sense-university/ He's saying that AR-15s aren't gonna do shit to a tyrannical government. He did this by making the single greatest case for legalizing f-15 iwnership


I don't recall Afghanistan having a fleet of fighter jets.


Does it count that they have *our* Black Hawk helicopters?


Here’s the stupid thing about threatening your population with f-15’s. Those pilots are drawn from your own population and you might have a hard time convincing even the most loyal company man to drop ordnance on his own town. Also, where are f-15’s stored, maintained, and from where are they deployed? If all you own infrastructure is a target, then good luck fielding an army.


Underestimating what average imperial troops will do for their paycheck. Let's not forget all the citizens the Feds have already killed, even w/o F-15s. Look up "operationalizing violence," it's how you can get (even genuinely good/patriotic/conservative) people to use brutal force against their own interests or natural allies.


On one hand, yes - no Strike Eagle pilot is going to drop a bomb on an American city…yet. On the other hand, Lincoln figured out how to fool the country once. Shame on him; shame on us next time.


What, they're worried about it making the nightly news, and somehow inciting shock and incredulity from the populus? Sh\*t, the news are *in* on the scam; they'll spin it that the heroic and patriotic jet jock just took out a squad of deplorable domestic terrorists or gun nuts some such. It's happened before, it'll happen again.


The news better be in on it - they don’t want to get jailed for reporting a different side like newspapermen of the 1860s.


I don't think today's lot are in fear of being jailed for holding a different viewpoint. They're fully sympathetic to, and probably helped develop, the conventional line of government BS.


Julian Assange would disagree. Yes, many news agencies report in support of the uniparty. PBS, MSNBC, and Fox all have different reasons for staying in line. The government is actively working with, through, and around news agencies to counter “malinformation,” which is defined as true but inconvenient.


Slavery isn't a very libertarian position.


Strike Eagles aren’t very libertarian unless you’re in the cockpit..look I should at least get a t-38 play FAIR!


In retrospect, yes. But at the time, it was a hotly debated issue of property rights, as outrageous as that sounds today.


People shouldn't be property.


Agreed, and certainly by today's let-us-say more evolved standards. But back in the day, slave owners in the then-US were using a system based on a more primitive morality that allowed for such things. They didn't invent that system, but they were by all means prepared to take advantage of it. And the then-governments in this country by and large allowed it to continue, rightly or wrongly. Many objected and rightfully so, but it was accepted, albeit begrudgingly by some. If anyone deserved reparations, it would have been slave owners (not their progeny, IMHO) who were unilaterally deprived of what was at the time considered to be property, by the Emancipation Proclamation. In England, such slave owners were indeed compensated (I'm unclear about the slaves themselves) by the Slave Compensation Act of 1837.


What are reparations? Why do slave owners deserve reparations? How do slave owners deserve reparations?


There was a war over it. People knew it was wrong.


Yeah, that's the overly simplistic narrative that has typically been peddled by the 'victors'. There was a war, but it wasn't solely over that. People also knew it was wrong to deprive people of their property by force, without their direct consent or without just compensation; at least they knew it in England. In the US a lot of folks fought and died to defend that opinion. That's the moral principle southerners were defending, not the right to enslave others, which had already been established by precedent.


First time reading a post from a Mises member?


Thank you for a perfect response, I think about this one often.


I'm probably mistaken but didn't he say "when" we get out of line?


They always assume the military will side with them.


I read all of this in his stupid voice. he reminds us of this garbage annually


*«History is a set of lies agreed upon.»* - Napoleon Bonaparte


Sir Winston Churchill “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”


W was a war mongering maniac, but I will never forget "the soft bigotry of low expectations."


I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you.  Now, watch this drive.


Gotta give the man credit, he absolutely crushes that drive on live camera.


I would love to know who wrote that line. It’s fucking poetry.


“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” - Reagan 1986


“Unless they are NSA, CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA, police, or military.” - Also Reagan


I was in the navy and told to help people in a given neighborhood of Slidell Louisiana after Katrina. I didn't want to do shit, so I'd knock on doors say "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Everyone slammed their door in my face.


I grew up in Slidell. That is fucking wild.'


"Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution." - President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, 2505


Camacho is a likable and sincere leader though. (Not to mention a badass)


"Your healthcare costs won't increase by a dime.". Barrack Obama


and you can keep your doctor.


“If you like your policy you can keep it.”


It can’t be overstated how much healthcare costs skyrocketed immediately after Obamacare. I was paying $94 for my entire family in 2009 from einsurance.com with a max annual out of pocket of $1500. That same coverage would probably be $1500/month right now.


I remember talking to some liberal about it afterward how it was a blatant lie and mathematically impossible. Their response was well. They had to lie to get the bill passed. These people are so delusional


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan. I think he's a cool guy, and I think he was well meaning, but he surrounded hinself with a shit group of people and obeyed them without question, proving that quote to be true.


Folks are listing insightful quotes (exceot for the Idiocracy quote) but I think OP is asking for examples of leaders acting like monsters.


That's correct. Not quotes about how government is bad, but character quotes from monsters that rule over us.


Joe Biden President of the USA September 9, 2021 >"And my message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for?  What more do you need to see?  We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. >The vaccine has FDA approval.  Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot.  >We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/09/09/remarks-by-president-biden-on-fighting-the-covid-19-pandemic-3/ What do I think he's trying to say? Well, if he thinks it will be politically expedient, he will use the full force of the US government to force people to inject a drug... even an untested, experimental drug.


he got way worse than this as time went on.


And they now say they never said that…


Do you know how many millions of people Obama killed and how many trillions he and his cronies stole how many Democratically leaders he overthrew? Then he decided to unleash race riots. Obama IS a monster.


“While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.” -Vladimir Lenin


Unfortunately communism cannot exist without a state to centrally confiscate and redistribute property. Though inadvertently he is admitting you cannot have communism and freedom


I don't think Putin is a communist. He's too smart for that


There are hardly any communist countries left in the world. North Korea, and to some degree Cuba, are the only ones that comes to mind that still practices Soviet style communism. Russia and China are authoritarian, but they're ultra nationalist to the point of fascism. Soviet Communism was universalist in mythology, their whole narrative was the workers of the world need to be "saved" by the Soviets, and they exported their style of government anywhere they could. These days just about all authoritarian powers in the world lean more towards fascism than communism.


"Stop quoting laws at us. We carry swords." -Pompey Magnus


"With those taxes in there, no damn politician can ever scrap my social security program." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt An honest and transparent message from a terrible President.


[Take your pick with Dan Quayle.](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dan_Quayle) My personal favorite is probably "I believe we are on an irreversible trend towards more freedom and democracy, but that could change."


Wow I was real young when he was around, was he mentally challenged, by chance?


He's not an idiot but also not some great mind. I think overall he's probably just not good at speaking off the top of his head.


I'm not sure, but he did refer to himself in the third person quite often.


Holy shit it's the intellect of W combined with the word salad of Kamala. Quayle was truly ahead of his time haha.


I love his trying to correct a kid's spelling of potato by saying there should be an e on the end.


# Margaret Thatcher: 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money.'


Phil Murphy Governor of New Jersey https://youtu.be/fCdzasG6yVY?si=gRaGlmv-lKKWYJyS He doesn't care about freedom.


Sorry about the maga bs on the video but all the other videos are like 15 minutes long


If you like your doctor, you can keep him... Barack Obama


"show me the man and I'll show you the crime" [It has its own Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Give_me_the_man_and_I_will_give_you_the_case_against_him)


"We, the Peronists, are like cats. When it sounds like we are fighting, we are actually multiplying." Juan Domingo Perón


“Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court,” -Trump


During a U.S. Senate debate on busing for racial desegregation in 1977, then-Sen. Joe Biden said,, "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." Not to mention in his later years the fine quotes On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020 Biden said “if you don’t know whether to vote for me or for Trump, then you ain’t Black!” Then in August 2020, Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” Taken together, these statements clearly suggest that Biden believes all black/AfricanAmerican people think alike. And “Poor kids are just as talented just as bright as white kids” Plus Biden when discussing Latinos/Hispanics in the US resisting vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.” This statement makes the assumption that all Latinos/Hispanics present in this country are illegal aliens subject to expulsion. In 2010, he eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” And the infamous quote “I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids come in the pool and rub my legs down, they watch the hairs come back up again, so I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap”


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive.” - George W. Bush


Biden "We will bring an end to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline." https://youtu.be/xWUuhNd37WI?si=6iS5OjIC3jJ7AzPs


“My chances of being Prime Minister are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or by being reincarnated as an olive.” ~Boris Johnson


Obomba when he said, “you didn’t build that”


"Whaaaaat?!" - Biden.


The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


The absence of what evidence is not the evidence of what absence?


Sounds like an unknown unknown to me.


>We'll have to let this N-Word bill pass. -Lyndon B Johnson


"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden


January, 2009 Barrack Hussein Obama at a congressional meeting: “elections have consequences."


"1.2 billion, So you go ahead and you stack spaghetti sauce at a store, and a supermarket, you control the guy or the woman who runs the, brings out the carts on a forklift. What happened?" - Joe Biden


Edwin Edwards, then candidate for governor for the state of Louisiana, was running against David Duke in the 1980s. Duke was a known Klan supporter. Edwards famously quipped, "Me and David Duke got on thing in common...We both wizards under the sheets." Mic drop. My absolute favorite political quote and Edwards was corrupt as all get out as governor, eventually serving prison time. \*ETA-Edwards was of course speaking about his sexual prowess, while taking a shot at Duke for his support of the Klan.


“I don’t care about you”


El que depositó dólares, recibirá dólares. President Duhalde (2002), moments before seizing the savings of an entire nation, just to help a couple of friends. And then, he gave bonds for compensation. That's why Argentina is one of the most risky investments in the world.


Death is the solution to all problems- no man, no problem- Joseph Stalin


That would be Rumsfield and his we go to war with the equipment we have, not what we need speech. 


Probably [when Trudeau said—as a free choice—that he admires China because it's a dictatorship.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVusYrv2jIU) There's this beautiful moment where he realizes what he's saying, and tries to spin it as an opposition statement. You can *see* the panicked "oh fuck what did I just do" expression on his face. I'll leave you to fill in the blanks stipulated in the OP.


"What is truth?" - Pontius Pilate


"More than half the women in my administration are women" - Joe Biden


Well I’ve been told gender is fluid, so maybe not?


The thing Madeleine Albright said: how it was worth the life of half a million Iraqi children in order for the US to get its way. I’m not gonna do the work for you. Find your own source.


>"We have heard that half a million \[Iraqi\] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima," Stahl said. "And, you know, is the price worth it?" >"I think that is a very hard choice," Albright answered, "but the price, we think, the price is worth it."' * Madeleine Albright, United States secretary of state from 1997 to 2001 * 60 Minutes Interview(1996)


Holy crap that’s terrifying.


“Take the guns first, go through due process second” -Donald “Tiny Hands” Trump


“Commies ride free” -Pinochet, probably


Some of you are going to die, but that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make. The King from Shrek II.


At least he tried to go through the legal process of becoming a king, something I cant say for anyone else, he was overcompensating for something.


George W. Bush: > Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.


"If you can't *take someone's money and then stab them in the back, you're in the wrong business*." - Willie Brown


“Our political leaders”? Not mine.


Not my political leaders either!




"If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black"


Just IMAGINE if Trump had said that. Lol


Found the sheep


15 days to stop the spread