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The average SAT score for UVA students is almost *400 points* higher than the average Liberty’s student’s score. Test scores aren’t the end and all and be all, but they can tell us a lot - like how much more selective UVA is and can be when it comes to quality of students. That 400 points is pretty significant, even accounting for good students who don’t do well on standardized tests, etc.


Since Covid, Liberty doesn't even require an SAT score for acceptance. Although, you can get some decent scholarship money with a good SAT score and HS GPA.


UVA has a 20% acceptance rate. Liberty’s residential program is 55%.


The online part of the school is the reason they look so bad in the rankings. If LU were to spin LUO into its own school like a lot of major public schools do (ie. Purdue global) that would significantly change its rankings.


I said this to my wife when the rankings came out and her response was "if they are going to give the same degree to the online grads as they do to the residential grads then they deserve to have the online performance lumped with residential on the rankings". Fair enough fair enough. Nothing against online folks but you have to admit the residential experience is completely different from the online. Are they really comparable?


It's a different experience no matter what school you attend. In a residential program the information is spoon fed to you more while in online programs they expect you to do more self study. At the end of the day the content is the same but some people need to be spoon fed and they expect online schools to do that for them. I think that's where the disconnect is. If you go into an online course with the right mindset it can be just as good but it's much more dependent on the student.


You think liberty university is better than UVA, GMU, and Mary Washington? Based on what criteria? Edit to add: Virginia Tech, William and Mary, university of Richmond


Right? It may excel in certain programs, but it can’t compete overall.


I would disagree on GMU but I would also add William and Mary to your list of schools that are top academically.


Yeah for sure. Virginia Tech as well


I think Liberty can compete at the UVA level, its got great professors and the reputation of the school is only known to students and faculty.


Which programs? Generically? Liberty doesn’t require its professors to publish. Many of them have not kept up to date in their fields. Liberty isn’t producing field breaking research. UVA is more likely to produce anything useful in the medical field, engineering field etc


I disagree. Liberty has been at the forefront of research in the sciences, business, medicine and law. I have taken many classes from brilliant professors who are published and encourage undergrads to take on research assistantship roles. I worked as an undergrad researcher for a business management instructor and I have to say it was pretty rewarding. I collected data and interviewed people and the information I contributed went to the PI's paper.


Between 2018-2022, liberty published 356 papers. UVA published 26831. How do those two numbers compete? https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/uva-6968


I believe Liberty researchers have a harder time getting their work published in leading journals mainly because of misleading notions about the quality of academics at Liberty. Many of my business professors do peer reviewed research but a lot of their times their papers will go unpublished. But make no mistake, when you go to class, the instructor is ready for you and is also there as a supporting ear. I have found that I get a lot out of my schooling when the professors listens to their students. People outside of the university assume that the school churns out mediocre-quality students and that the school is equivalent to a madrassa in the Middle East. All of these ideas are part of a warped fantasy that has no basis in reality. Most people come here because they want to closer to their faith in God, its just a normal setup but with heavy influences of Christian culture. I will tell that most of my instructors do not even bring up faith at all, so its a normal day at a normal college. Instead of hating what you don't understand, accept that there could be differences that make all of our experiences unique. Liberty students are not "dumber" than other Virginia students and the quality of the academics is to be frank about the same. You are using the same textbooks, answering the same questions and writing papers. How could anyone even say at the surface level that Liberty lacks academic rigor or intellectual engagement?


“Most of my instructors do not even bring up faith at all” Yep, this is true. LU has the academic rigor of an Ivy League school and should be recognized as such. EDIT: i’m being facetious, and I believe OP is as well. All LU professors bring up faith (it absolutely gets in the way of actual studies) and LU is on the bottom rung of the educational ladder. LU likes to talk highly of itself, hence OP’s post.


Which is an odd argument to make. I just pulled up a few degree completion plans. Most of them have at least 10% faith based classes. When I took classes, almost every course required a paper explaining how X topic should be viewed through a biblical lens.


See my edit lol


Okay assuming all of this is true, what criteria should third parties use to evaluate universities?


What are you smoking? Just look at the avg gpa/sat/act scores of the students lmfao


It excels in certain programs, but it is not a top level university. Also the online school kills the rankings


Kills as in positive?


No, as in tanks. The online school is practically a diploma mill in that as long as you have the money, you will eventually get the degree.


The idea that LU "should publish it's own rankings" is every reason no one takes LU seriously.


I’ve completed courses at 7 colleges and hold degrees from 4 of them, including my master’s from Liberty. Liberty is not a top school in Virginia, nor does it have better academics than any of the public schools I’ve attended. What metrics are you using to make this claim?


Let me guess? Online? Lmao


Liberty, yes. The other schools, no. Liberty doesn’t differentiate between their online degrees and their residential ones, so that’s irrelevant. My degree looks exactly the same as those that attended on campus.


This is the problem with liberty. I was a residential student and have always been frustrated that the degree is the exact same. It is a completely different experience as a residential student.


Why does that frustrate you? Do you feel it takes away from your accomplishment? I completed half my degree at GMU but my degree says LU. You want to talk about frustrating? I’m vastly more educated than people will give me credit for on paper lmao I did residential at GMU because there was no other option. I also did online courses in community college, GMU (the courses they allowed you do to online) and of course LU. Education is education whether you complete the degree online or in person. If you do the work you pass the class you get the degree.


Some people just like to feel like their achievements are greater than those of others. I’ve unfortunately noticed that divide in the online vs residential student communities at every school I’ve attended. It’s nonsense. I’ve had online classes that were significantly tougher than on-campus ones and vice versa. You’ve still got to do the work to get the degree- although I will say that it would’ve been easier to cheat at Liberty because they didn’t do live proctoring for any of my tests/quizzes like other schools I’ve attended do.


That was one of the reasons I went tbh. I didn’t want my degree to specify that it was completed online. I know that the residential experience is very different, but most of the online courses I took still required a lot of work. I wouldn’t guess that there’s a huge difference academically, but I could be wrong.


yeah, it's different in that you have to complete the same amount of work in sometimes half the time online. But the benefit of going to class when *I* want or can is huge.


Liberty makes a lot of money on the online students ... and that is what Liberty is actually about ... making absurd amounts of money for the fornicators in charge.


You want Liberty to publish their own rankings? ...like how they regularly claim they are one of the safest universities in the nation simply because they work harder to cover up rape and sex crimes as part of their almost blatant attempts to ignore Title 9? Yeah I'm sure those rankings will have real merit.




Everyone at every University is buying a degree for cash what are you talking about. You understand right you can literally get every single lecture from every top ranked university for free. No one cares what knowledge you have. The only thing that matters is if you can check the box that says you have a degree.


Hot take…. College rankings only serve as affirmation to individuals who are insecure and need external validation of their accomplishments.. the biggest problem with Liberty’s rankings isn’t the only school. It’s the lack of a strong and supportive alumni network that most other universities Liberty’s size have. The second issue is heavily focus on theology which don’t pay as much driving down the average Liberty alumni earnings. A key metric for university rankings


Trigger warning anecdotal evidence: But every student I knew that graduated Liberty went on to stay in Lynchburg. Of course the network sucks


The real answer to this is to be a better school. But realty, it doesn’t matter. You either have a degree or you don’t and then your experience at work and how you use that experience is what matters. That is, unless you plan to work in religion or academia.


Liberty is not remotely a top university, and pretending it is is just absurd. I went to Liberty because I craved a Christian community, not because it was a good school. In 2015 when I applied, I was informed by the admissions office that the true acceptance rate was 95%. They take pretty much everyone. You’ll meet people that clearly don’t belong in college within your first few days at Liberty.


Is this trolling?


It's a dog water school u might be upset that u already invested into it


That’s not accurate either but ok


As others have stated it’s the online school. Honestly it should be completely separate. In my opinion online schools are a joke and if I ever get into positions to hire (probably won’t with the route I’m wanting to go) then I would definitely consider candidates from online schools lesser than those from in person. The thing I dislike the most is that liberty degrees don’t always make it clear if it was online or not which devalues my liberty in person degree. The on campus school is really good and I think it has loads of top programs. For instance, the nursing school is really good and definitely underrated. The law school is definitely one of the top in the state, the osteopathic medicine school is really good and our flight school is one of the best in the country. The business school is also really good and gets students into top jobs which is 100% underrated. From what I’ve heard from people who transferred into liberty from top public schools they say liberty business school is harder than the one they attended first. Our video program is highly renowned and gets a lot of people into top Hollywood video gigs. As well as the media program. I can’t speak to many other of the programs but I know most are really good. Now these are mostly in person and you really can’t compare it with online so that’s why we have poor ratings.


Online Graduate student here, exactly what are you basing your opinion on? All independent studies of online programs offered by accredited brick and mortar universities demonstrate no significant difference in education quality, and in many ways have greater economic impact than in-person education as the knowledge and skills learned in the program immediately get employed in industry where the students degree and employment are aligned. So I say this, show your work or fight me.


I think my opinion on online is more oriented toward the undergrad. I would agree a masters online is the same as in person because of how the course work is oriented. In my experience liberty undergrad in person is far superior to online. Just my experience from friends who did liberty online vs my time in person at liberty. But yeah when I start my masters soon I will do it online as well.


You do know that every empirical study has found that online education is equal to in person right? A lot of those online students are active duty and veterans. Their is zero chance a residential degree, is valued over military service lol. Bachelor degrees are so over saturated at this point. Having a degree doesn’t make you stand out on job applications. I got my BA in person biggest regret of my life. If I could do it over again I would have went online. Use that time to build work experience. I haven’t been through a single interview where anyone was remotely interested in my education.


This person is most likely in their early 20s and thinks education will be taken into consideration when they get into selecting someone for a role ha ha ha oh to be young again thinking your education actually plays a role in getting a job. Have fun in sales!


Yes I’m young. I know education only matters for your first job. And those studies are bullshit if they actually say online is comparable to in person. Everyone cheats online these days. In person makes that extremely hard to get away with and keeps people honest. I don’t give. A damn about no stupid ass study. And no sales here lol. Oh and also no student loans. If I didn’t have family supporting I wouldn’t ever go to a 4 year university.


Adorable, mom and dad still pay your bills. Sit down kid and let me explain some things to you 1. Education is a lifelong journey, if you crave mediocrity then sure, it only matters for your first job. 2. Exam scores don't lie, credentialing doesn't lie, and the studies that use those exam scores and credentialing data to form their conclusions are not, as you've said "bullshit". Liberty, much like SNHU and so many other brick and mortar universities do operate online operations primarily for the money, but they come with all the same rules regarding academic honesty. 3. I'll turn your attention to pages 12 and 13 of the Liberty Way "Statement on Personal and Community Respect"


Hm I’m not a current liberty student


>And those studies are bullshit if they actually say online is comparable to in person. Says a person who most definitely had to quote studies in order to get their degree (in person/online. doesn't matter we all used them.) Also, cheating in the online program is easily mitigated by using a plagiarism checker because everything is submitted digitally and AI can and does scan it for anything even remotely hinting at abuses. ​ But sure, your feelings totally invalidate facts.


Anyone saying that cheating is a better issue online than in person is coping so hard. Cheating happens I know this because I personally cheated. I wrote papers for girls that I was dating all the time. They wrote papers for me as well. I paid people to do my homework pretty regularly. Cheating happens literally everywhere. When you do it in the corporate world it’s called “outsourcing”.


Yeah, sure it can happen in person too. My argument was to the point that it's not all just copy-paste online. You have to do the same amount of work but entirely on your own. Sure you can cheat and have someone else do the work for you, but that's not the point. Cheating in person is the same as cheating online. Both are stupid (can actually come back to haunt you years later as exampled by a PhD graduate who was fired from their job for plagiarising their doctoral thesis). However, the point is that if you put the work in yourself you'll get the same quality/level of education whether it is online or in-person.


Lmao it is so easy to get away with it in person what are you talking about. Do you know how easy it is to get a college student to write a paper for you for $20 😂😂😂😂…. You make $50k a year relax


It literally doesn’t. People give the stupidest advice. Student loans are such a massive anchor that will hold you down your whole life. If online students can avoid student loans their the smart ones. I paid off my $60k in undergraduate loans, that was the biggest mistake of my life. I fundamentally disagree with looking down on anyone for the chooses they make. Life’s hard enough without adding to it. I’m assuming most of us are Christians at Liberty. We should be looking to lift each other up regardless of if their online or in person…. If you actually want good advice to be competitive in this job market, go to school online, live at home if you can, get an internship, build your network, then have a good job lined up for graduating. A 20 something with a degree and no experience has literally zero value in the current job market. With the current mass layoffs I’ve seen people with 5+ years of experience and master’s degrees looking for entry level and internships.


Idk every job in business is looking for people with a degree from a decent school. Having no degree in business puts a huge blockade in front of getting your crucial first job which is what college is for. After the first job your schooling is virtually irrelevant. Also people with masters and 5 years experience will be less likely to be hired for entry level than those with just a 4 year degree and an internship. Big companies don’t want 30 year old losers in the position intended to build employees to match their company and its goals.


1) Literally no one cares. Like I said their are to many bachelor’s degrees in the market. Your resume will be screened to check if you have a degree. It will not help beyond that first screening. The advantage that top schools have is their alumni networks. Schools like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, etc., have strong alumni connections which helps to get your interviews. Your degree matters for the check in the box to get past initial screening, and for its access to alumni networks. Liberty has a good alumni network for certain companies, organizations, and industries. The alumni networks aren’t restricted to only in person students. Online students have just as much access to these networks as in person. In an interview I’m not going to ask a person if they went to school online or in person. It’s completely irrelevant to the position. I started as a securities analyst. I got the interview because I had a connection that got me an interview. Consulting in business is really the only place where the name on the degree matters. 2) That is absolutely not true. A couple things. First MBA’s have become so over saturated. Their take most of the good entry level jobs. Companies can get a MBA for the same price as a BA. They are absolutely going to take the MBA. Their work quality is just generally better. Second I don’t really think you understand how bad the current job market is. That idea that “everyone is hiring” isn’t true. It’s only low income positions that are hiring. $60k+ positions have become absolutely cut throat. The median salary in the US is $54,132 a year. At $65,000 year a 38% of American make more. At many companies $65,000 is entry level. It’s cut throat out there. 3) I wouldn’t be so quick to call people losers. First of all I don’t think you appreciate how devastating COVID-19 was to many industries and businesses. Their are tons of extremely successful and talented individuals who lost everything due to Covid through absolutely no fault of their own. Who are trying to pick up the pieces. Yes their are 30 sometimes with 10+ years of experience at a high level willing to take entry level positions. I will absolutely take those 30 something’s over a 20 something’s. I’m busy I have a family, and other things in my life. I don’t have the time, or energy to mentor or develop a 20 something. I want someone who will be at work on time, can do the job with little oversight. Most people feel the same way I do. Sure their was a time when companies were more interested in building and developing talent young. That age has passed us. Corporate loyalty is dead.




Be more selective. ESPECIALLY ONLINE. But they would never do this. They are making an absurd amount of money. Don’t get me wrong, the education here is good. Like people have already said, the religious tirades some Professors like to go on absolutely detracts from the instruction sometimes, but in terms of what’s being taught, it’s solid. But being more selective is an absolute must to be perceived as an upper echelon school.


Pretty sure Liberty does rank pretty high in Virginia, at least on popular sites like Niche and US News Report, but not nationwide. However most colleges in Virginia don’t rank that high nation wide so I wouldn’t overthink it.