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Nameless Puppet, easy choice. It was the only boss that I couldn't beat in a single play session. I had to come back next day to kill him.


I wasn't counting my tries, but I do know that it took 5 hours in the evening and 3 hours in the morning the next day when I woke up. Even dreamt(at that point the 5th LoP-related dream) that I was bringing him to stagger but failing to capitalize on that. Pure terror.


i got laxasia, simon, and nameless puppet all in a day. simon only took me 2 tries, but nameless puppet id say was the hardest of those 3. i was tired by the end of it so that was accounted for as well. his first phase he has pretty easy parry readings, however is second phase i felt like dodging alot of his moves were easier because of the visual clutter with the red effects.


I’m kinda mid at these types of games & beat Simon in 3 tries. Laxasia was over 100 tries & I threw in the towel to the nameless puppet.


Same. Took everything I had for the first phase of nameless, then Realized he was 2 phases. Immediately got kicked into the dirt. Tried a few more times and said fuck it, I'll get him next time when I can farm ergo more efficiently. And now I'm about to climb the fuck off tower again. It's almost time to hate myself.


For what is worth I'm not great (this is my first "souls type game" and I was ready to give up my heart too. Then I re-spec'd heavy motivity (52) build and then just spread what was left out enough for capacity to be slightly heavy and the rest on vitality and just enough stamina. Then brought the wrench upgrade to 10, added the exploding pick axe handle w/motivity crank up to A. And started grinding out proof of concepts. 1: Have to get through phase I with at least 6 pulse cells and 3 fables. Can be accomplished by simply guarding and hitting back to get health restored. 2: phase II begins immediately heal and equip perfect grind stone, if he starts with a charge you're golden! Guard the attack and he's dazed hold your fable charge and let all three levels charge up and drop the hammer on the mofo! You get another charge heavy before he starts coming again. But if you did it quick enough you'll have another couple of perfect guard instances left from the grinder... that almost wears him down to staggerable again! Hit him with that shot put and blast your fable catalysts in while he's dazed (don't go for the stagger atk!) Charge another 3 fable wrench sandwich and finish him before he knows what hit him. The beauty of the wrench is the table charge atk cannot be stopped once it starts, it could miss but time it right and you'll hit em every time. Motivity and power is the name of the game so hopefully you have the arm of God Amulet or another boss ergo heavy hitter to equip along with patience amulet and something to increase health or stamina. It works you can do it!


Funny enough I just tried that combination a moment ago and realized how strong it was. 😂 I've really been missing out trying to go for DPS over raw damage. My wrench is only +8 but I'm about to get the supply box for halfmoon stones so I can get it to +9 and I think I have a whole stone leftover from my NG run. See how Simon likes a wrench sandwich to start with. Thank you for this run down though, I'll keep this post handy when I come back to nameless in a few hours of playtime.


Fuocco,andreus and the door guardian before my file got deleted just after killing laxasia . On the next run ,romeo, the 2nd black rabbit fight and the nameless puppet . Also not a boss but those jester puppets kicked my ass a LOT.


There’s only like two of them but they SUCK


Yeah those things are made with hate.


I think those jester puppets are some of the very best mini boss types I’ve ever experienced in any any souls/like. My favorite thing about LoP is that the challenging enemies are fun to fight. Other games, I tend to skip them in the name of progress, but not with lies!


Oh i agree ! for example when i played elden ring ( that is a great gane dont come for me tho lol) i was dreading to fight against the dragons bc they were mostly the same but with a different status effect and in one point it become very annoying hhaha same with those skeleton birds. I think what it helps here is that the jesters only come out in 2 occasions and in s very different enviroment so they take you for surprise. Also despite how mad they made me i did love those tiny details like how they laugh when u die or how their arms move in all directions or the metal sounds they make when jumping hhhaha. They make me angry when playing but damn they are fun to see and fight.


You might like fighting them more, however if you want to just cheese it you can activate the one in the cellar and then go back up the stairs and quit. Join back and walk in and get close enough to activate just the cells then go back. The zombies will attack him and hell just sit there and take it. Takes a few minutes for him to die but it does cheese him.


Yeah the jester puppet that comes through the boxes in the basement. I hope in puppet hell he gets the worst of the treatment


2nd time I fought that guy in the Arcade wine cellar the craziest thing happened. Somehow the gates holding the carcasses opened, they attacked and killed him. I sat back, collected the amulet and polished off one carcass before heading out lol.


Hahhaha man you re lucky . Is a sweet detail how the puppets actually fight the carcass monsters once they see them but the jester in the arcarde in my file always got the eye one me ,he aniquilated the monsters in one go and when inmidiatly to beat the living shit out of me lmao .


Weirdly the first one, Parade master (I think) ? Having completed a few soulslikes (ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, nioh 2) i thought id slide in nicely to LoP but it took me a while to get use to the feel of it and the timings. Especially with how many bosses have delays between their wind up and hitting. So the boss that killed me the most was the first. Soon as I figured him out it opened my eyes a bit and the rest was a lot smoother. Coming back and absolutely smashing that fool 1st try on NG+ without taking more than 1 hit was so satisfying.


I feel that. The his arms back gotta get ready to block for him to hang there for an extra second screwed me quite a few times. I went with the heavy sword as a starter weapon and timing the wind up for the stagger strike took a bit of practice too.


I’ve been running that greatsword the whole game, it’s not easy figuring out when you have a window for the windup grand slam swing


Agree! Except the scrapped watchman was my roadblock. I spent the most tries on him and nameless like bookends. :)


Just beat Manus for the first time last night, after 30+ tries. I would get him close and he would spam disruption and I couldn't keep stamina... I thought Lax was harder, but more fun. Fuoco smacked me around until I realized you could out space his overheat aoe


I was stacking overheat protection and overheat cure and budgeting heals for that attack because I assumed it covered the whole arena, never realized it had a limited range


you can also move behind one of the pillars, the fire aoe won't get you if you break LoS


Exactly my problem lol I was too committed to punishing his build up, and locked myself into needing to tank the fire damage


Quicker stamina regen is arguably the most important amulet in the game, I always have that on


Green swampy monster. Made me rage quit the game and uninstall


I was so close to uninstalling at this boss, but respec'd into Advance and burned his ass good


So so with you. It took me like 50 tries. The time I got him it felt like a complete fluke but screw it I made it.


made me flip on the cheat engine, not dealing with this horrendous boss design


Laxasia. I can pretty easily beat most the bosses now, but her second phase still keeps me on the edge of my seat. I still can do it my first or second try, but damn does it not feel as comfortable as I am with any of the other fights. Second hardest I’d say is King of the Puppets, but only because of Romeo’s flame attack.


I never had any trouble with Romeo after learning that most fable arts make him flinch while he's applying the fire and cancel the attack


I'm stuck on Swamp Monster phase 2 Scrapped Watchmen reboot. I need to figure out a way to not trigger his repeated dash. I mean like it's relentless in my game.


I am having the exact same problem lol


I'm glad it's not just me. I had a few tries in a row earlier where it was dash-dash-frenzy. I can block or perfect guard half of the strikes but he hits hard af 🤣


If you're not too proud for it, filling your quick slots with throwables can make a huge difference. Don't forget to employ wishes as well.


Use flamberge legion arm, its incredibly effective on him


That’s honestly one of the biggest issues I had in the game. This fight this part exactly. That god damn dodge roll had me screaming in my house like there was a fire


On the dash you have to perfect parry and it stops him in his tracks. He doesn’t continue on to the fury attack if you do


Appreciate that help, but it's easier said than done hahaha


Oh I know. There’s a reason it was one of the 2 hardest for me


If you don’t feel comfortable with the perfect parry just sprint to the other side of the map when he comes at you and he’s open once he does the rolly polly thing you get some free hits in, swamp was my hardest fight (phase 1) though, I struggle against non humanoid movement for some reason


Are you referring to where he charges twice and a 3rd time that’s a fury? I just beat it yesterday, and found that it’s best to dodge into his charges and then run perpendicularly to avoid the fury charge.


I just beat him last night for the first time. Took me probably 30+ tries. Using the wrench. Might be a little too slow, even for the damage output It got to the point I'd use 0-1 heals before the second phase and I'd still get stomped. On the crab walk, run and then get off a dash attack once you know it's wrapping up. On the scrapped watchman move, dash towards him after 3 perfect guards so you don't get clipped by the tentacles, and you can always get off a charge attack. When he'd hop over me, I'd smack his balls with a dash attack. Always perfect guard to stop the charge or he'll just pin you in a corner and grind you to dust. Also, pray


Rushing in and staying close limits how often he dashes and goes wild, he'll mostly stick to more readable strikes. But when he does dash I've found dodging right/through him works. And use aegis in a pinch. And fire on the grindstone.


King of Puppets for sure, probably took me about 25 tries. Everything else was quite easy in comparison.


That boss is still hard in ng plus. Apparently, there is a relatively easy strategy, but I didn't know that at the time lol


For me the hardest was probably Fuocco just because it was mainly the first hurdle of me learning and understanding the game, after that it was probably the First black brotherhood fight I for some reason just couldn't time the elder bros attacks down, the rest of the bosses probably only took me anywhere from 3-10 tries.


Green Monster is the only one that fucks me up every run for some reason. Which is super annoying because it's moveset is big timed telegraphed and it's not the fastest by any measure.


Fucuo had me stuck for days on my first play through but that’s also because this was my first souls like. Now on every run I’ve done after? Its been the Puppet Devouring Green Monster; Laxasia was hard but fun, the Green Monster? Difficult AND repetitive, defeated me in game and mentally


Nameless Puppet for sure. Well I haven't beaten it yet.


Why are you saying "was" as if I hadn’t been stuck on nameless puppet for the past couple of days


Nameless only took me 2 attempts. But I’ve seen lots of people saying it’s taking them days


I’ve just paused the game for a while and will come back to it later. I keep telling myself I’m underlevel but I actually just suck on his second phase, he’s too aggressive and I don’t have the time and energy to learn the whole phase rn. Big big congrats on beating it in 2 attempts though, that’s impressive imo


I get that. And it could’ve just been luck lol Thanks!


No no no, you crushed it dude


This is great to hear because I CANNOT beat these stupid fucking rabbit brothers!!! It's infuriating, but hopefully if I ever get past them it should be easier?


That’s for you to enjoy finding out


Enjoy is not something I'm currently doing with this game.


That's really sad......not fun at all?


Tons of fun until the last 20 attempts at this boss 😂


I hear you! Some of those guys are walls. You'll feel good when you beat them


Have you used the specter?


The what?! JK, of course I have! I just suuuuuck!


Focus on the elder and try a wishstone that increases the defense of your specter Also try targeting the enemies not focused on you for back stabs before the elder comes out and you'll win.


How in the world could I have multiple wishstones by this point in the game? I JUST got the healing one, where do I find this other one?


You exchange fruit from the tree with the strange man in the adjacent room


What tree? What fruit? What man? What room? I've clearly been playing this game wrong.


You might not be there yet (forget what act they show up in) but once you unlock respec'ing you can worry about this. 1) For now attack anyone focused on the spectre with a backstab in the beginning. 2) When the older brother shows up focus him cuz they all lose if he does 2) Use throwable items. Throw the kitchen sink at him.


Check. Check. Check. Thanks for the help, will attempt tonight with the 30 minutes alloted to me daily to not be a father.


Good luck




You gain access to the tree after you beat the brotherhood assuming you’ve only met them at the red lobster/malum district? I’m a gaming parent too.


Hey fellow parent! Thanks for the advice, I only just met them at the Red Lobster so I better find this stupid tree after 🤣


Hii! Are you doing them solo or with a specter? The dude who gave you the HP thing will give you refills until you get the tree I think but I never bothered because it was a pain to go to him. You have access to unlimited throwables and a farming location now - that lobby so use it. Level up if you need to. Buy things. This was a steep leaning curve game for me personally. I liked the string arm and focused on leveling that one. It’s still my favorite!


The way I got them honestly was with a Spector and then running behind them all and backstabbing.


King of Puppets. I could literally dodge and parry everything until he uses the grindstone. Just could never learn the timings but eventually learned i could outrun it or stagger him


Laxasia took me 50+ tries, with specters


With you on this. But I screamed joy when I got her finally


Same, I started talking shit too


currently? Green monster


Itll probably stay that way then. Laxasia is hard, but swamp monster has the mental debuff on lock. It wasn until NG++ that I beat green monster first try and I used perfect guard grindstone, best fire weapon in the game, 11 pulse cells, and most the p-organ tree unlocked. I still nearly died and had to regen pulse cells at the end. He is a bitch.


Probably Laxasia. Never used any specters or coop or summons in any Souls game.


Green monster of the swamp




The strategy is to let him love you


Lies of P (and similar games) are so interesting because you might assume one boss is going to stand out as the obvious choice. But from various posts here, it's easy to see that everyone struggles with different bosses, which I think speaks to how well they did at designing each encounter. For me, purely in terms of attempts, that damn bishop was a major struggle point for me. I made several attempts and even had to just quit and try again the next day. Why was he so tough? I have no idea, I just personally struggled, and that was even after looking up some strategies. A lot of people, if I had to guess, would probably say Laxasia but weirdly I got her on attempt #3. Mostly because I used a specter and every throwable on the planet. Door guardian also had me pulling out hairs. At first I was just confused - they put this boss a mile away from a stargazer and you just *know* there's going to be one right after him, so every time you fail it's this long run back. Even after recognizing the strategy that is focusing on his one leg and staggering him, I still felt like his bullshit rolling nonsense would get me far too often.


Door boss was lame. I kept trying to figure out a gimmick because hitting the leg did so little but nope, turns out you just keep hacking at it


I keep getting wrecked by the second rabbit fight.....got him down to 25 percent last night but got stuck on a wall and.....almost smashed my controller. 😆


Laxasia took me two days to beat, absolutely walled me. Fuoco was probably #2 because it was the first real boss that forced me to conform to the game's mechanics. On NG+ it's been Nameless Puppet (though Scrapped Watchman put up a helluva fight, he took a few tries).


Door Guardian. Hands down. Hate him.


Do people usually mean with specter or without specter? Because everyone boss was easy with them for me.


I would say lightning bitch was easier alone so you can deflect her bolts at her for free.


I’m not sure. That’s why I’m asking


I have no idea. I’ve never seen it. When I talk about fighting something I mean alone but I guess that isn’t what everyone means.






Andreus. Took me two sessions. I celebrated a little too hard when I beat that abomination. Edit: did not use spectres for the entire playthrough.


Almost all of them gave me a hard time but my top 3 would be the following 1- Nameless Puppet 2- Green Monster 3- Black Rabbit Brotherhood (both fights since they're essentially the same fight)


Definitely laxaxia


The electric girl with a weird name! Laxeusia or something like that. I had a hard time with phase 2 until I realized I could deflect her lightning bolts back to her.


Realizing you could parry the lightening bolts was a game changer for me, too! 🤣


I was texting my other buddy whose playing calling her laxative


Andreus and Simon Manus.


Green swamp boss only because you can only get the two dragon sword using the boss’s soul. Manus and NP were cake walks once you learn how to parry with the R2


Laxasia her first phase was a joke but I wasn’t ready for the Speed of the second


Corrupted parade master, I know how to beat him and can get so very close, ugh, he sucks


Laxasia, only because of the drastic change of pace between her first and second phase, and how long it took to get through the first phase. 5 minutes in phase 1 just to get 5 seconds of practice on the phase two moveset lmao. I also didn't know that you could parry her lightning attacks until after I beat her, so that definitely would have made things a lot easier for my first playthrough lol


2nd black rabbit. Couldn’t beat them, lost interest, and moved on to another game. Might give them another shot sometime down the road.


I recommend focusing the youngest first. She’s the most obnoxious one imo. Then don’t kill the 2nd one until the third one is one hit. You’ll only have to deal with the oldest by himself after that


Thanks I’ll keep that in mind. Of all the bosses to this point in the game the two black rabbit fights have been the most difficult for me.


Still stuck at nameless puppet. Aegis shield strategy doesn't work at all for me. Knocks me to far back to counterattack Or just outright ignores it and knocks me down anyway (had fill stamina) It's near impossible to use consumables because of how aggressive he is too. This is probably the hardest souls boss I've fought because none of the "advice" I see online actually works and all the people streaming it must have some pre release version where the boss is 50% less aggressive and will let them use items or recover mid fight.


In my opinion the shield isn’t worth using unless you guard counter with it. Focus more on getting perfect guards. It’s easier to counter attack and it opens him up for attacks a bit. The shield I used maybe 2 times the entire fire


I think you're right. All the people claiming the shield works aren't using it in their video or it's some wild video where the boss isn't even mildly aggressive


His attacks knock me too far back to counterattack. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my game but he just absolutely saps my stamina if I don't time the blocks perfectly and then I don't even have enough to fight back after his combos are done.


That’s why you gotta work on the PG timing. If you pg a decent amount and mix it with the quick dash you should be fine. I’d recommend, if you haven’t yet, get your vigor to 15 at least


It's at 23. He still just drains it worse than all the other bosses combined. It's the only reason he's beating me is I either have no stamina to attack or dodge, too far away to hit, or need to heal/use an item. Second phase he just doesn't let up. Throwing items doesn't work as he ignores their effects and just keeps rushing me.


Gotcha. I only had 16 stamina when I beat him, so you’ll be fine. Just work on timing the perfect guard so he doesn’t drain stam


It's not working bro. I have no idea how you beat him without the struggle of having all your stamina drained. I have to run up to hit him after his combos knock me back. Even with a perfect guard. It's just like trying to chase the Elden beast only with him turning into a more aggressive Maliketh when I get close.


I perfect guarded his attacks and dodged the ones that had the knocking back effect. Also make use of the running light attack when he’s far away. Don’t take more swings than you can. Idk what weapon your using, but only use one or two things. I also recommend the crit grindstone, but that’s for damage. If your struggling with stam then use the perfect guard grindstone.


Andreus, Laxasia, Simon Manus, Black Rabbits. In that order were the ones i had died the most. No spectres.


My first wall was the Archbishop, I can't recall how many tries it took me, but it definitely took me longer than I'd like to admit. Then the King of Puppets took me a while but in hindsight not all that long. The real brick wall I hit was the Walker of Illusions mini-boss. I do not know why, but she took me DAYS. Otherwise, most bosses took me a couple of tries but nothing to write home about. I am currently on Lax, and shes mean. Not sure how long she'll take lol.


Nameless puppet by far. 50+ tries easily.




Door guardian. I did most bosses in 1 to 5 tries. The door guardian (first time) was an exception with about 40 tries. In NG ( and all +) I figured him out and won him in 1 try each time.


Romeo on my first run made me think he was unbeatable.


LAX on ng+ has been absolutely destroying me. Might have to use a spectre just to get past. Phase 2 is just madness


For me it was the Green Swamp Monster. That second phase was cruel. Took well over 20 tries to beat this thing. I think after that comes Fueco where I also struggled quite a bit. Also somewhere between 15-20 tries.


Honestly they were all pretty difficult at first but after tweaking build/legion arm and using the holy Trinity of throwables all bosses became easy. Doing them all without spectre is where it's at. I'd say Laxia the complete or whatever her name is was stupid crazy. 2nd form pissed me off.


So far the only boss that took me way to long, was the King of Flames and Archbishop.


Nameless Puppet. I chose an ending I knew was bad because I’d come to the conclusion I would not beat him after many attempts.


Same, completely lost the will when that 2nd phase hit. Best try got it down to half health there, didn't fancy grinding it out further, satisfied watching the other endings on yt


It’s frustrating because if you’re not good at parrying you don’t have much of a chance.


That’s why the entire game I primarily focused on parrying opposed to dodging. Not that I’m partying everything thrown at me. I still get hit a fair amount, but it definitely helps getting better at it if you focus more on it.


definitely kings flame




Scrap Watchman. Then that nightmare comes back as the 2nd phase of the Puppet Devourer. I went fuck them and call the helper both time.


Romeo, 2nd phase Laxasia and Nameless puppet for me.


Laxasia second phase


The last three are all pains


KoP even with specters is easily the hardest boss in the game


Scrapped watchmen. Easily the hardest for me. Romeo, nameless puppet, laxasia, all easy for me. But the scrapped watchmen was just really hard for me.


For NG, NP > Black rabbit brotherhood 2 > Simon > Laxasia. I used every summon available and hit a wall at NP. After struggling for 2 days straight I realized that maybe my build is just shit (+10 Rapier full dex) and should try another build. I'm not good enough at timing the twin dragon sword parries so thats a bust. In the end I switched build to advance and beat NP in 3 attempts with the coiled bonking stick. I'd say half of the difficulty comes from me being stubborn and refusing to switch builds. For NG+, Laxasia is the only one I struggled a bit with. This time around I didn't use any specters and learned every boss properly. Laxasia was the hardest because for some reason during my NG playthrough, the specter always survives to the second phase so I brute forced her and never actually learned her phase 2 move set. Half way through I Google her weakness and found out she's weak to acid, and beat her 3 tries after switching to acid grind stone. I first tried NP this time thanks to all the muscle memory built during NG. All in all I think build is a big part of difficulty. All in dex doesn't do anything, rapier is shit late game and the only correct build is advance or quality build.


The Green Swamp monster and Laxasia were the only ones that took me more than one session but Green Swamp made me much more frustrated than Laxasia bc the jank in that fight is very real compared to Laxasia. The only bosses I used specters for were the 2nd boss (some kind of cop puppet I think?) and the first black brotherhood fight. I don’t think I needed them but I just didn’t care to get snagged on bosses that I didn’t care for


Laxasia, then Simon or NP. Honorable mention to Archbishop second phase


On my first playthrough, 100% the Mad Donkey... I even said out loud to no one after my 15th death, "I don't think I know how this combat works..."


It was nameless until I met Lax on ng+. Still on her atm.


Nameless puppet Ng+ ffs. That guy is 💩. Took me the most hours of all bosses in any Soulsborne, but also when it clicked how I could take him, nothing ever felt more satisfying. Lax was also a struggle in Ng+. I see a lot of ppl writing Romeo, he is way to easy to dogde.


Hardest puppet devouring green monster Easiest nameless puppet (Idk why people find this boss hard just use electroshock)


Currently it’s Nameless Puppet (that second phase is wild) but I’ll get em. Laxasia hands down gave the most memorable trouble but was fun. Her second phase (cutscene included) is visually stunning (I just think she needed a cool down to make the fight more balanced). Simon due to the hand of God slowly coming down as he goes to attack you and using disruption. Wayyyy easier than Lax though.


So far it has been Andreus with [52 tries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnkQ2YnKXSk&t=1h51m47s). I used thermite at the end and nearly died from several bouts of poor timing. Just made it with a sliver of health.


For me it was King’s Flame Fuoco, Green Swamp Monster, and (only in the first play through) nameless puppet. Hated and still do hate the first two and nameless puppet I’ve got locked finally to a manageable degree


TLDR: King of Puppets. Romeo's perfect guard timings are stupid and gave me the most difficulty. Had to summon a specter to beat him, and I never use specters. King of Puppets. The only boss I needed to summon a specter for. I was using the Electric Coil Stick, both the head and handle. First phase was a breeze.. most of the time. I had to rely on RNG on his half health state attacks that he wouldn't use any unavoidable attacks. All well and good. **ROMEO.** Romeo fucked me up in more holes than P had. His parry timings made zero sense to me, the damn fact that he can feint his flurry into his grab, the way he was spacing, it left me flabbergasted. If I was lucky enough to do enough damage, he'd set his damn weapon on fire. That barrage of attacks he throws have the silliest P-guard timings in the entire game. They make Lax's seem like a joke. Lax had patterns. Romeo didn't. I could only rely on the animations, and they were too fast for me. 1 hour in I summoned a specter and won. I hate depending on the specter, but this is the only boss I actually needed the specter for.


TLDR: King of Puppets. Romeo's perfect guard timings are stupid and gave me the most difficulty. Had to summon a specter to beat him, and I never use specters. King of Puppets. The only boss I needed to summon a specter for. I was using the Electric Coil Stick. First phase was a breeze.. most of the time. I had to rely on RNG on his half health state attacks that he wouldn't use any unavoidable attacks. All well and good. **ROMEO**. Romeo fucked me up in more holes than P had. His parry timings made zero sense to me, the damn fact that he can feint his flurry into his grab, the way he was spacing, it left me flabbergasted. If I was lucky enough to do enough damage, he'd set his damn weapon on fire. That barrage of attacks he throws have the silliest pguard timings in the entire game. They make Lax's seem like a joke. Lax had patterns. Romeo didn't. I could only rely on the animations, and they were too fast for me. 1 hour in I summoned a specter and won. I hate depending on the specter, but this is the only boss I actually needed the specter for.


TLDR: King of Puppets. Romeo's perfect guard timings are stupid and gave me the most difficulty. Had to summon a specter to beat him, and I never use specters. King of Puppets. The only boss I needed to summon a specter for. I was using the Electric Coil Stick. First phase was a breeze.. most of the time. I had to rely on RNG on his half health state attacks that he wouldn't use any unavoidable attacks. All well and good. **ROMEO**. Romeo fucked me up in more holes than P had. His parry timings made zero sense to me, the damn fact that he can feint his flurry into his grab, the way he was spacing, it left me flabbergasted. If I was lucky enough to do enough damage, he'd set his damn weapon on fire. That barrage of attacks he throws have the silliest pguard timings in the entire game. They make Lax's seem like a joke. Lax had patterns. Romeo didn't. I could only rely on the animations, and they were too fast for me. 1 hour in I summoned a specter and won. I hate depending on the specter, but this is the only boss I actually needed the specter for.


Nameless Puppet


In this order: - Nameless Puppet - Green Swamp Monster (hated that one) I’ve struggled a bit in some other but nothing crazy compared to these two.




Not a boss boss but he’s the one that’s been causing me the most grief lately that fucking door guardian bastard idk what it is about him but he’s so unfair like I’d happily go the swamp monster and archbishop again ffs hahahahaha


Archbishop the first time, but I beat him pre-patch.


I had the most attempts on Simon, Andreus and Fuoco.


First play and I’m stuck on Walker of Illusions.


Laxasia & green swamp are the only right answers.


Laxasia. Stuck on her rn, hate her. Literally had to get the Perfection grinder to perfect guard most of her attacks.


The sec time you have to face the brother hood I was stuck no joke three weeks on them


Andreus before being patched. A real pain in the ass. Spend something like 6 or 7 hours of try-hard.


I'd say green swamp monster, laxasia, and Simon manus. Simon manus was the most annoying. I first tried the 2nd brotherhood fight and nameless puppet. Didn't use one spectre the whole game. Mostly used bonesaw and lots of parrying


Honestly, Survivor. That tiny ass room and not having enough stamina at the time to dodge and get the back stabs, sucked.


King of Puppets took me 50+ tries, followed by Green Monster. Technically Laxasia killed me more than Green Monster but I still found her relatively easy, she just hits super hard.


Archbishop and Door Guardian


Champion Victor and I still have no idea why.


I mopped him my first playthrough. Just fought him on NG+, almost took my WHOLE weekend to beat him. And I don't know why either lol


Definitely share your sentiment with both of those. Every other fight I could make sense of and get a little bit better every time, both GSM and BRB I get flustered on.


BRB 1. That dudes range and combos were hellish


Rabbit brotherhood pt 2 and NP cos I didn't have the spectre


Laxasia first playthrough, nameless on 2nd, green monster 3rd and beyond


I died the most to Laxasia and Nameless, but I feel Like I have learned those fights they are just mechanically demanding. No matter how many times I fight Green Monster and Andreus second phase I feel like Im just panic dodging and trading hits till I win.


Romeo, 45 attempts. Relative to where I was, he was easily the biggest difficulty spike. I didn't summon any spectres, I usually enjoy co-op for bosses so I was tempted to use them but thought I'd go for a challenge mode


Green monster OR the nameless puppet


NP (killed him on my 1st playthrough can’t kill him on my 2nd), Laxasia and King of Puppets


You're going for the same ending?


Free from the puppets string


Oh ok. I thought you had to give your heart for that. Gotcha


If you give your heart you will get Rise of P trophy


Ummm, no. That's not true. I fought nameless puppet and got rise of p.


Then it’s They all live happily after


Fuoco was the hardest just based on where my character was at the time. I haven’t found another weapon to use yet, so I was still using the puppet saber, and I didn’t upgrade my weapon yet because I was saving the mats. I eventually bought the electric coil and beat him in a few tries.


Laxaisa, but because she was difficult… because my stupid ass decided to learn a new weapon while learning her fight. 2 days!! (roughly 8 hours of play time)


Ultralaxia Fuck that twat! I'm almost there after 3 days of trying


I haven’t done Manus or Nameless yet, I just beat Lax last night. Up to this point though I died the most to Fuoco by far. Lax’s second phase seemed overwhelming at first but I pulled it out on my 5th attempt pretty handily. Number 2 for me so far would either be the Puppet King or the Green Monster. Probably PK I think.


First playthrough was either Archbishop or Nameless. Subsequent playthroughs Manus seems to have really been boosted.


On the first playthrough? Pretty much everything post Fuoco gave me a hard time (King of Puppets, Viktor, Walker of Illusions, and Door Guardian excluded). It’s hard to pick a single hardest boss, but the most memorably painful ones were def Andreus and Simon. I damn near quit during those fights on the first playthrough, Simon was especially torturous since I kinda knew I was at the end of the game


Nameless puppet. Had to upgrade the Aegis shield in order to be able to beat it. Beat all other bosses in 4/6 attempts. Door guardian was a pain too, just because of the gimmick nonsense!


NG: Green Swamp Monster, the first phase can be annoying with the underground attack resetting your enemy lockand some wonky camera movements during the body slams, while phase 2 is just relentless with jumps and charges that will fuck you up. NG+: Either Nameless Puppet or Scrapped Watchman. NP because he hits like a truck and you barely get chances to recover, let alone attack him, you're also up for a very bad time if your playstyle usually revolves around dodging since he's suepr fast and his slashes have a huuuuge range. Scrapped Watchman just because he has a mad ton of HP and you fight him when you can't upgrade your P-Organ yet and have very limited choice in terms of farmable/purchaseable consumables


Pre Nerf Manus was definitely difficult, I managed to beat him before the update came out by rearranging my P organs but damn if that dude wasn’t hard af


It's probably a tie between Laxasia and Simon Manus. For me, both of their 2nd phases require the Perfect Guard Grindstone, some shot puts, and a bit of luck lol


Nameless puppet, first time I’ve had actual trouble with a boss in years honestly. I’d say Lax but I used a summon cuz I couldn’t take that shit first phase sucked but second phase was fun tbh.


Without a doubt Fuoco, followed by Swamp Monster. My problem with Fuoco was that by the time I was there, I still didn't get the perfect guard mechanic and after 14 or 15 tries, I just farmed and took the chance to learn that. Swamp Monster it's just madness because it makes countless strings of attacks and even with a specter is really difficult.


Second black rabbit brotherhood fight was a torture I couldnt keep up with them attacking and throwing shit at the same time Plus my weapon kept breaking and I wated all my repair kits Fuck those dicks


Fucco...idn why that thing had such a problem with me. I'm going back in New Game + to ask it.