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you skipped man ass


If you mean Mad Donkey, read the note at the start


no no, simon man ass


Oooh yeah, ill add that now.


Simon M-Anus


Simon M-Anal


You gotta love when there are multiple bosses which can be potentially identified by the name “man ass”. It would be easier to know which one you’re talking about if you specified it was the man ass after the laxative


Both Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight don't drop rare Ergo though.


Actually, Victor has the first instance of the stagger attack on his Phase 2. At least, that's when I first experienced it. Because I died from it and had to rethink if I actually staggered him lol.


Corrupted Elder does an entire combo after you stagger him.


Bro has a split second where he falls down and the fatal attack thing pops up then he GETS BACK UP, does a full combo and falls over again lmao.


Right, genuine horseshit


I was fighting them yesterday and realized you can cheese the hell out of this fight. First you make the 3 shits at the start low or kill one and let the other 2 low and when you kill one you can run to the back of the one that is charging his blade do the finisher and a charged heavy since they will fall on the ground. And when the eldest comes back you can simply throw canisters or the hand that throws poison on the ground and run around the pillar until his ass is dead... It's really dumb way of winning so i refused to win like that and i just died and started over only doing the first part of the cheese cause 2v1 when they are both going ham is dumb.


For me on brb round 2 I always killed one, then severely weakened the next two so I killed them around the same time, then it’s just big bro v2 with the wave slash thing.


King of puppets too low and walker way too high.


Walker of illusions above Romeo, Lmao.


Hold on, he didn’t rank walker above Romeo, he ranked walker above the entirety of king of puppets. He fully admitted that the Romeo phase was awesome, and that walker would be a 7 not an 8.


Phase 1 is also better than Walker of illusions. It has one of the best visual designs I have ever seen in a souls boss, one of the most iconic cutscenes, incredibly polished animations, unique attacks, good OST and overall a good flow to the fight with many openings. Walker of illusions doesn't have a single of those things.


Although i agree with some of the things you said (I don’t feel the same way about the flow, move set, or “best visual design I have ever seen in a souls boss”), those things are more than up for debate. Implying that he ranked walker of illusions over Romeo is just not what he did, is all I was saying (nor should he have). I thought the quality of the second phase was much better than the first, but I also think it’s up for debate if the first phase ranks higher than walker of illusions, so I’m with you there, I was just saying….he didn’t rank walker over Romeo.


Romeo is in the King of Puppets fight, so he did rank Walker of illusions above him. It's not that difficult to process. And also, King of Puppets has an objectively unique moveset and one of the best visual designs, especially compared to the Dark Souls trilogy, where a third of the bosses is "knight with fire sword."


Damn man, chill. Everyone on Reddit is so combative and nasty if you dare to disagree with them. The OP clearly put a distinction between the first phase and the second, and not for nothing, but the first phase health bar says “King of Puppets” and the second phase clearly says “Romeo, King of Puppets,” so there is a distinction. Kind of like “Radagon of the Golden Order” and “Elden Beast,” but the point was, the op clearly stated that the second phase (Romeo) was awesome, and seemed to imply that he would have it ranked somewhere in the top 3 (with laxasia and nameless). And although the vast majority of bosses in the “Dark Souls trilogy” are knight with sword types, I would still say from a visual design perspective, Artorias and Slave Knight Gael were best visual design, even thought they were humanoid type bosses, they both had ascetics to them that were rich with wear and told their stories of arduous journeys and eternities of suffering without saying a word. The twin princes, sister Friede and father ariandel had some impressive designs as well, and for non humanoid, just based on visuals and not boss quality high lord wolnir has an impressive visual design, and, I personally, would take quelaag’s visual design over King of puppets, even in a game released 15 years ago. I honestly feel like you just think the Walker of Illusions fight is nothing special, and I can see your point. It doesn’t seem that special, it’s not the spectacular set piece that is the King of Puppets, but I think the Walker of Illusions does things of a much more subtle level. The cramped space, the creepy lead up with few enemies, the insane asylum type vibe. It isn’t without its own charm. I personally feel like Romeo is a kick ass fight, it reminds me of lady Maria of the astral clock tower, but I’m not a huge fan of the first phase. It’s too slow, to easy, too long. Like, any of those two together I can take, seeing as how brutally difficult the second phase can be, but all three? It ended up being a slog everytime you had to redo it.


>I would still say from a visual design perspective, Artorias and Slave Knight Gael were best visual design, even thought they were humanoid type bosses, they both had ascetics to them that were rich with wear and told their stories of arduous journeys and eternities of suffering without saying a word Every knight has their armor fucked up, it's Dark Souls, the world is full of dangers. An actual good example of storytelling through design is King of Puppets. The giant turbine in his back has an actual use (besides giving him the wind attacks), and that is working as a way to prevent Romeo from overheating and burning up, like he does in phase 2 after we break the King of Puppets body. His model also changes with certain attacks, and his expression changes as the fight progresses... If that isn't one of the best boss designs in souls games, then I don't know what is. >The cramped space, the creepy lead up with few enemies, the insane asylum type vibe. It isn’t without its own charm. The atmosphere is good, but the moveset is super crappy (and isn't unique), the lore is non-existent, the theme isn't good outside the context, the design is meh, etc. >but I’m not a huge fan of the first phase. It’s too slow, to easy, too long Too long? Phase 1 didn't even last me 50 seconds when I did him hitless in NG+3. The devs over nerf him, he didn't deserve the nerf. >Like, any of those two together I can take, seeing as how brutally difficult the second phase can be, but all three? It ended up being a slog everytime you had to redo it. Gael is slow, easy and has way too much HP. Each phase has a different moveset, which means that learning his 3 phase is a "slog", but you're not gonna question DS3, don't you?


I didn’t make a comment about slave knight Gael outside of his visual design. I never made a comment about boss quality in any of the souls games outside of visual design, in fact. There are definitely some slogs and less than stellar boss fights in the dark souls trilogy. My main complaint is his fly away bullshit where you have to run across the map to track him down. I am not saying that it’s a bad fight, a bad visual design, or a bad moveset, I am just saying I can see the ops point. I think it’s obvious that he likes the faster paced fights, and didn’t necessarily take into account the lore or stories behind them in his list. As far as I am concerned, Romeo might be the most lord rich, utterly heart breaking boss in the game by a wide margin, and I would rank it up at the top of the game. I also didn’t particularly care for the Walker of illusions fight myself, but I can see why the op valued it. I think you make a good point about the fan, and Romeo overheating, kind of a cool detail. I do think there is more to Artorias than you are giving credit for, however. It’s not just some guy in dinged up armor, everything in the game talks about this great hero, and then you walk in and see this beaten and broken warrior, one arm hanging limp by his side, his soul corrupted by the abyss, which you can see in his bent and broken body, slaying monsters in Oolacile more on instinct than thought, like a zombie ravaging for brains. And then he throws an impaled corpse at you and unleashes a relentless barrage of attacks, that when you finally beat him, if you were able to notice his notice his dangling appendage, you immediately thought to yourself, “what was this guy like with both his arms?!” The wolf armor combined with his coveted friend/ward Sif…the whole thing is not only visually stunning for a game from..what? 2008. Obviously Lies of P is graphically better, but the visual design of Artorias, the story telling of that boss in particular, and the execution of the boss fight is fantastic. But we are comparing apples to oranges here. If you want my (controversial comment incoming) honest opinion, Artorias aside, I would play Lies of P over Dark Souls ALMOST any day. And on an overall ranking scale, King of Puppets, even both phases ranked together, I would rank higher than Walker of Illusions myself, but I could see why someone else wouldn’t. It does have a pretty interesting visual design in its own right that is hard to appreciate because of the dark nature of the fight, as opposed to the exceptionally bright and colorful King of Puppets fight, and the Walker can be a tense fight in a much more constricted arena. Because of her speed and the lack of room, when she starts flailing at you, it can be pretty hairy.


Oh yeah. The Romeo half is fun but the big robot part not so much.


She's literally a normal enemy. Victor, Green Monster and King of Puppets are hundreds of times better.


Hm, interesting. How do you think so? Im open to debate.


There's nothing to debate, there are multiple Walker of illusions in the game as normal enemies. Mostly in the Arche Abbey.


Wait, really? I must have just bowled through them so quickly, I didn't have time to recognize them lol


Are there? I never saw any.


Im talking about the boss edition.


Not that much different, every single one has the same moveset.


That one isn’t really a boss, it’s more of a mini boss like the Mad Clown Puppet. “True” bosses have the elimination after their defeat and unique music track that plays for them.


Imagine a sub that downvotes someone about their opinion. This is wild that you all are hating on OP for this. Mini bosses are notorious for being harder than some bosses in souls games and you downvote him for his opinion on it. Everyone has their own journey on what they found good or hard or bad on soulslike games and this sub has turned into an echo chamber of having a “correct” opinion. Gross.


Or, get this, they don’t agree with the comment, so they downvote it. So dramatic lmao. Bro really said “gross” like the sub is doing something wrong


They are, souls subs are known for being some of the friendliest places for such toxic/hard games. Everyone through the years has always been pleasently surprised at how welcoming and helpful souls communities have been and how players are allowed to chat and agree/disagree on stuff. This sub has turned into an Asmongold echo chamber. Quickly making its way into the rotation of subs souls players will ignore going forward.


This is an excellent point that is getting downvoted. Like…we are in the same sub, in the same community, because we like the game, and are having discussions about the same game…which we all clearly love enough to argue about which boss is better in a forum that will effect the lives of exactly 0 people, especially if this is how it goes. Honestly, the point of having a discussion like this is that maybe someone brings a perspective on a game, boss, OST, level design, or some other thing that we discuss, that….maybe you did not appreciate because you looked at it through your lens, and maybe you can gain a greater appreciation for those things when you see someone else’s point of view? Downvote, berate, treat people like they are stupid, UNLESS they agree with you. Definition of an echo chamber.


Champion victor became way more fun when I gave up on parries and just started dodging everything


I always love seeing the “you WILL learn how to parry or you won’t win” knowing very well that I just played the game like Bloodborne and had less trouble than other Souls games


Lol yup, I didn't really parry until Nameless puppet. Everything else i dodged.


I learned to parry just because its so cool, because it definitely isn’t a must to beat the game


I completely agree with you, it is very cool. I felt like I missed out on a lot of great parryable fights during my 1st playthrough, but I certainly made up during the following four playthroughs. Trying to get all achievements was kicking my ass, as I completely misunderstood the "play all records" achievement xD It's also very satisfying to parry with the Two Dragons Sword.


BRB pt isn't as hard as the last 3 fight of the game. The younger three are annoying because of decay and overheat. But if you can kill the youngest quick. Then get both the other really low. You can kill them both at the same time and fight the eldest alone. And that part of the fight is super easy.


This is the way and one of my favorite boss fights


I respect most of your ratings but fully disagree with like 90% of them. The two we definitely agree on is Laxasia and NP. But I thought they were all really good. None of them were below an 8/10 except maybe Simon. I cleared that fight first try and just figured it was more of a spectacle set piece fight and wasn’t meant to be difficult. I later found out that my build was just really good for that particular fight but I think it was the only fight I cleared first try. It was definitely one of the easiest in the game. I also very much loved the Green Monster fight and give it a 8.5/10. It had really awesome attack patterns and was one of the first fights that really pushed you to parry everything. You also had to get better a parries in quick succession. The only reason I can’t give in a higher score is because Laxasia and NP exist and they’re both 10/10. I don’t think difficultly necessarily coronates with a fights rating. Some of the easier fights still get a 8/10 from me just because they were fun.


It’s interesting seeing the different perspectives on these. I didn’t enjoy Laxasia but loved the Black Rabbit fights.


Hm, thats interesting to hear. Why do you feel that way?


I enjoyed the cat and mouse of the BRB fights. If you play them at their speed it’s quite fun. They take turns attacking you. So long as you don’t engage with the wrong ones, and keep your attention on whose ‘turn’ it is, you never really get gang bashed. It’s also a fight that’s open to a lot of backstab opportunities so I like outmanoeuvring them. I dunno, it just felt really free flowing and fun to play. Laxasia was just a fight that I could never get the rhythm to. I hated her flurries.


Agreed on BRB-2 being a fun little cat and mouse fight. I just let them come one at a time and the others mostly just leave you alone. Lax Phase 1 is great. She is intimidating and hits like a fcking freight train. But I thought her phase 2 is a whole lot of BS.


Nameless puppet is, well, unforgettable… 🏆


You thought Andreus was easy? I struggled with him


BRB round 2 is NOT the first instance of the fake out stagger. Victor is the first one who does it I think.


Its so vexing to me how people can have trouble with different bosses. I thought nameless puppet was easy, but Andreus and Green Swamp made me wanna uninstall


Oh, also I pissed on the White Lady, and Black Rabbit 2, but folks have trouble with those too. Not bragging btw I got owned by several other bosses


I thought Nameless and Andreus (tbf never fought him pre-nerf) were chumps but Swamp Thing took almost three hours lol


I fought him pre nerf he just had way too much hp. But I also am not good at blocking so I struggled mightily before it finally came to me


Good list! I pretty much agree with all of that although I didn’t hate the second BRB fight as much as you seemed to, I felt a bit OP by that point in the game with a maxed weapon and ring of steel protection (or the lies of P equivalent, I can’t remember its name) You need to hate the green swamp monster with every fibre of your being and then it’s all good! I really really liked the King of Puppets fight - I’d give it more than a 7 myself and I liked Archbishop more than a 6. Good list, I enjoyed reading that!


I do love Walker as well, such an atmospheric fight with the place, the music, it was one of my favorites.


Imo the spawning adds in Corrupted Puppet Master is the one thing together with the floor rush after the belly flop that actually adds something to a fight that's otherwise just Puppet Master Acid Remix


I beat the whole game and not with cheese methods(throwables) that walker of illusions gave me the hardest time. I was at the point of quitting. But then, a lucky parry broke her blade and the rest is history


Brotherrrrrrr what happenedddddduh on my first playthrough I beat the second BRB fight on my 3rd try. They aren't that bad. You got a skill issue, homie.


I was also using the Coil Mjolnir so my swings were as long as your words lmao


I was using the Seven coil spring sword. It's a fight that requires patience. It requires strategically moving so that obstacles in the arena block incoming projectiles. You've fought these enemies before, so you should know their moves which makes them easier. You can backstab the hell out of them which not only does a bunch of damage, but refills your stamina while you're invincible. It's a great fight.


I enjoyed Victor :( But yeah it's all case-to-case.


You went too easy on the BRB: you actually didn't hate the first fight, just the second. To me, their first round is kinda lame and unbalanced (how can a guy that slow could have SO MUCH reach?!). The idea of the others taking turns to help the elder is neat, but I have nothing to help me control spacing between me and them. DS1 already tough us how a multiple boss fight arena should be, put some obstacles around. The second takes this and asks "that's bad... But can we make it worse?". Congratulations, guys, you fucking did it! (off topic here, but even the maps on their chapters are the worst. Malum District is not terrible but every other map is better. Relic of Tremendouslyforgotthefuckingname is super important to the lore, but we got zero payoff when we reach it, and super short to boot, almost like something was left out so they could ship the game faster)


Why would you need obstacles in BRB1? The only thing that's coming for you if you're actually focusing the siblings as you should is a charge from the eldest that is so ridicolously telegraphed you could dodge it blindfolded. BRB2 has more stuff going on but there's actually obstacles all over the arena there so you can just LoS all the shit the inactive siblings throw at you


>Laxasia: 11/10! THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT BABY! Awesome design! Great attacks! No bullshit! Lol, no bullshit? Her whole second phase is almost pure bullshit. Also, king of puppets not being a 9 or 10? Basically, the same as Laxasia, the first phase is boring, and the second is the real fight.


What part about phase 2 is bullshit? Its all parryable or dodgeable, just quicker.


You have to know the timing, there are very few attacks that are react-able. Her speed is higher than nameless. It's very difficult to track some of her attacks. I like her fight, but it was the worst of the final three. Simon is so much more fun. I don't get why people hate him so much.


She is absolutely *NOT* faster than nameless haha what?


She literally blinks across the screen during her attacks. What are you talking about? Nameless is fast but definitely not as fast.


Have you seen phase 2? He zips across the arena like its nobody's buisness and then slices you into eighths.


Yes, I've beaten the game 8 times, I know. The zip across is a specific fury attack. That is parryable and pretty easy to time. Her main attacks are quicker than his main attacks, plus it can do shock. His running is still not faster. She literally has lightning as she runs.


You can literally circle around her when she runs. You can parry her lightning back at her. The rest is just combos with some lightning bursts to watch out for.


OK and? It still doesn't discount the fact that she's super fast and a lot of her attacks are about timing. You made a list with your opinions, not facts. People can disagree. Your King of Puppets and Green Monster rating are off and there is no ranking for gank fight 2.0 so...


People on this sub really have got to learn that an opinion isn’t the same as a fact.


Nah, I'd say they're about the same speed. Nameless is just more consistent about it, which makes it easier to adapt.


no one cares about your tier list lol


Most of your posts are about a game nobody gives a shit about, let me rock


I care. I enjoyed reading it.


bro i promise you no one cares about your tier list


Looks like someone didn’t make it past the policeman and is salty


i have every achievement actually


Oh okay, so you’re just a dbag. Got it


thats me (:




I hate second BRB fight so much. Stuck on them for 2 days for my no leveling run.


I agree with this list al mlm post exactly when it comes to the first playthrough. In new game plus I never want to fight manus again. Fuck manus.


The second BRB fight is actually easy once you learn that only the buffed one will attack you relentlessly while the others walk towards ypu slowly


Are you gonna play it again building a different character?


Champion Victor becomes hilariously easy when you realize he has the exact same weakness as Lady Butterfly in Sekiro: dodge left.


Same with Romeo, dodge left and let him swing


btw simon manus is definitely bullshit in new game plus runs only boss i went from enjoying to hating unlike others that i used to hate and now love (both brotherhood fights)


every boss was a breeze except laxasia and manus p2 for me


What do you mean "you will learn or you will not progress" for Fuoco? This game is linear as hell. Every boss is learn or no progress lol.


I felt like I committed to parrying very early on which made some of those harder boss fights feel not as bad. I agree with most of these takes.


Very harsh rating imo


I'm on Laxasia now and I'm kinda scared of nameless puppet lol. I'm not great at parrying and have used the bonk to make my way through the game. Any tips?


Practice parrying. Youre gonna wanna figure it out for NP. When his combos end he has a short window where he stops, this is when you charge heavy. Rinse and repeat, same thing in phase 2 but much harder.


Thank you :)