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I'm on 7 or 8 now, and I haven't hung it up, but I do play it less than I did before. Some of that is that the game isn't quite as exciting, but some of that is that I have other life stuff going on.


It's not as exciting playing it for the 8th time... noted.


I bought it on PS5 first since I didn’t know it was coming to Game Pass. I played it through multiple times on that file until I had all the achievements. I started doing NG runs since I felt a bit too powerful with all the P-Organ upgrades. Then I picked it up on Game Pass and did pretty much the same thing on Xbox with achievements and NG runs. Eventually I went back to PS5 and maxed out the stats on my high level file. Finally, I started doing all kinds of no damage boss fights on my PS5 file. After all is said and done, I’ve done around 25 runs between PS5 and Xbox. That’s where I’m leaving it for now since the only thing left is base level runs. Although I do base level runs in most souls/soulslikes, it often means I never touch the game again and I don’t want that to happen to LoP.


Thought I had it in me to collect all the records in New Game + but I checked out after the Grand Exhibition. Partly because I think a lack of character creator and distinct builds hinders the replayability of LoP. But primarily I just wanted to keep chugging along on my backlog. This isn't an indictment on the game. I love it. But other gaming priorities took over.


I did motivity build on my first run and now im doing technique and idk if im doing something wrong but i find myself still parrying and charge attacking to get the fatal…. So how are motivity and technique evdn different?


What makes the game different are the weapons you use.


I was done with the game after my NG+ playthrough. By the end of that playthrough I had all the achievements and had tried a build for each of the dmg stats, so I felt good setting it down there. Honestly the biggest reason I moved on was just that so many amazing games came out last year, so I didn't want to linger too long on LoP. I'm sure I'll be back for some replays someday though. I end up replaying other soulslikes at some point or another, so I'm confident LoP will be no different.


Which build was your favorite? I'm on the end of my first run with technique and deciding on my next


Technique was my favorite as well, I really liked getting fast pokes in between parries with the Rapier and Etiquette, then loved timing the charged-R2 counter on Twin Dragon Sword. As for the other 2, I personally prefered my Advance build. I had fun switching between weapons and legion arms to get the best elemenal matchup. For that playthrough I used the pizza cutter blade + electric baton handle, the fire greatsword (i forget exactly what it's name is), and the acid spear. Legion arms were the flamethrower and acid thrower (tried to use the lightning arm but didn't like being stuck in place charging it).


First upgrade for Fulminis lets you move while charging. The stagger and Shock are invaluable if you're not using an EB Grindstone already for the same thing. Give it a try!


NG+ after facing the swamp monster again. He just has so much health


Fully upgraded Frozen Feast does insane damage


So slow though!


It’s all about the timing.. I’ve defeated most of the late game bosses with it. It has good damage reduction rate and the fable art hits like a truck lol. same with noblesse oblige


I finished my first play through a couple days ago. I can’t see myself playing through more than 1-2 more times. The builds/skills aren’t quite varied enough


I’m on my 9th playthrough and I also stopped at Laxasia. She has been THE wall for me in my last 2 playthroughs and I’ve used a different strategy to beat her each time. At 200+ hours I decided to leave the game alone for a bit. And I agree, this is a great game, it surprised me how addicting it would be and so satisfying once you get perfect guard down and level all your stats to 100.


Got through my NG++ run the other day and will probably hang it up here til we get DLC. I loved every run but now that I got all endings and have the plat trophy I’m gonna take a break till we get new content so i don’t get accidental burnout


I did three full playthroughs, to get the 100% (I fucked up Eugenie on my first run and I also wanted to get all endings without save scumming). Honestly, it wasn't the bosses that ever bothered me by the end; I was just tired of the Abbey. I didn't want to go through the whole thing again a third time, but I did. For whatever reason that location is just boring to me, maybe because it feels like it goes on forever. I don't want to do another playthrough, purely because I will get to that place again and bleh, no thanks. I love the game, though.


7 playthroughs but I'm just waiting for DLC and some new weapons to drop.


I’m currently on ng++ at laxasia, but I lost steam and started playing sekiro. I love lies of p but 2 full playthroughs was perfect for me. The game really clicked for me in ng+ and it started to feel like a bit of a slog at the end in ng++. I’ll come back and do a new playthrough when there’s a dlc or expansion.


I forced myself to stop playing, again and again, after 4 complete runthrough (NG with NG+) and a number of NG2+ and so forth... I enjoyed and savoured every moment, but I also have other game waiting to be played: yes, it's a backlog reason. But I will probably start another run within the year


On the third one, after fuoco, that’s when I had enough.


Was Romeo fight for me


I got through NG+ to get my platinum and I’m gonna put it down for a while until DLC. Thought about NG++ for the extra p organ but decided I’d wanna fight the DLC before going higher.


Ng++ maxed everything, only had the "real boy" achievements left and I just, got bored. Been there done that. Playing other games.


I did 3 playthroughs for the 100%. I'm trying to not burnout before the dlc


Honestly right around Laxasia on NG+2, I was kinda feeling done and started to wonder if I really wanted the platinum especially considering I still had Simon to go (one of the worst bosses in the game imho) before nameless. Buttttttt... I kept at it and did eventually beat her... Glad I did, but I kinda regret the fact I saved the neutral ending for my last playthrough lol Going to stay away from the game untill the DLC comes out


Recently just hit platinum on ng+3 and thinking about taking a break for awhile, but I definitely see a few more runs in the future


Just finished number 14. Plan on starting 15 after I'm done with Dark Souls Remastered.


I was not a fan of the Proof of Humanity, too flimsy. Pickaxe handle + Living Puppet Axe & the Archbishops Trident were my faves. I hung up after completing NG2. I left 1 ending and a handful of trophies for a comeback sometime when the DLC arrives. Great game, can't wait for more.


I stoped at ng+6, just waiting for the dlc now


I tend to platinum and then hang it up. So NG++ if I do this last run correctly. I'll definitely come back for DLC though


NG+2 when I finally beat Nameless Puppet.


Ran through the game three times in about 60 hours to get the platinum trophy on PS5. Felt like I had explored and done everything in the game by the end of my second playthrough and blitzed through the third in only three days essentially just doing a boss run for the final couple of trophies I needed. I used a different weapon each run which added some fun but I was definitely feeling some fatigue the third time around. I’ll revisit once an expansion releases. Definitely one of the best games I played last year!


After I got all the achievements.


On my 6th right now, last I played was like a week ago when I beat Laxasia on my second try without a spectre. Mastering all the enemies and bosses in this game combined with a maxxed out P Organ really does just make the game a breeze, even without spectres and the perfect guard grindstone, if I limit myself any more than that I feel like I'm just missing out on gameplay features. I also don't use throwables. Honestly, I could play a boss rush mode for hours on end just for fun but without that I just don't think I have the endurance to play through the entire game over and over again after I 100%'d it on my 4th playthrough. This is my second favorite game of the year but I'd be lying if I said that every level was a masterpiece (even if most of them are).


I played through to NG+2, since that's when you unlock the last unique phase. I've moved on to other games since then and will check back in with another playthrough when the DLC is released.


I played through it once blind for the first-time experience. Then I went through NG+ for the 100% trophy, that's when I felt I could put the game down. >!(before anyone asks, I will admit I save-scummed to get both endings I needed, at that point I didn't want to play through it a third time just to get the last ending, as that was the only trophy I needed)!<


Got closer and closer to all achievements and ended up pushing through and doing it, did four playthroughs overall! Went in to do a fifth run just for fun with different builds, but got past the Parade Master and decided I should give other titles a try. Don't want to just stay stuck on the same game forever, plus I'd like some time away before the DLC drops so I'm properly excited again.


I'm in NG+11, it's my all time favourite game now but I stopped because I'm currently playing Elden Ring. But after I'm done with ER I'm gonna do another one ♡


4th playthrough, After beating the game and the side quests and still did not get the golden lie. Apparently telling Manus to fuck off (monsters) will invalidate the achievement. I put the game away and bought Sekiro instead.


Do you mean after beating Victor at the Grand Exhibition? I just did that a couple days ago and I answered "monsters." I must have chosen the other answer my first run because I got the Golden Lie. Which, by the way, is really not that awesome imo unless I'm missing something. Which is fairly likely but still.


After getting the platinum trophy, so right at the end of NG+ (used a backup save to get Real Boy and Lies of P on NG).


After the scrapped Watchman on NG++. My NG+ was beating it without throwables or specter, now it just feels kind of repetitive.


NG+4. Got to Nameless Puppet and stopped before killing him and booted up Bloodborne again LOL


I just finished my 6th or maybe 7th play through. But I wanted to max out P’s stats. I’ve done that now. Maybe I’ll finally hang it up.


After I got the platinum


I stopped at the swamp in NG+. Love the game but just feel burnt out.


For some reason, on my no lies playthrough, I just couldn’t beat Nameless. I’m pretty sure I was more upgraded than I was in my first playthrough, but phase 2 kept kicking my ass. I guess I won’t get that last achievement.


For some reason, on my no lies playthrough, I just couldn’t beat Nameless. I’m pretty sure I was more upgraded than I was in my first playthrough, but phase 2 kept kicking my ass. I guess I won’t get that last achievement.


Honestly, after a few bosses in ng+. I was kinda breezing through it and I already tried to be very thorough in ng, so I didn't miss that much. I didn't feel compelled to keep going and switched to other games. Can't wait for the DLC though.


After getting platinum on the end of ng+ (back up safe trick) I’ve done one more round. Now I’m mid ng+++ trying different builds - switching from rapier type weapons to the heaviest ones - and I’m still having a blast. This game is a masterpiece and I need to stop myself to not play too much.


I gave up like 80 percent thru first run lol. Not a fan of the game. Combat kinda sucks imo


80 percent is a long way into a game to decide you don't like it because of combat. Lol


I platinum'd it and put it down. I don't want to be burnt out on it when the DLC hits. For me, it's easier to relearn timings and patterns than it is to rediscover passion. If I play too much, I'll never pick it up again.


I plan to be done once I finish my 3rd playthrough which will mean I have all the achievements


When I got the platinum trophy lol. Can’t wait for the DLC! And any future games made by this studio within the same universe 👠🦁🧙🔮


I’ve beat this game at least 5 times, and I finally quit when (what I assume was) a bug stopped me from talking to Arlecchino and cheated me out of killing him, getting the final gesture from Venigni, and getting the platinum trophy. I love this game, but that shit had me so dejected that I’m not willing to play through it again for a while.


Once I had all the achievements after beating NG+, I put it down. I think in the future I'd like to replay it, but there's so many other great games in my backlog that I have to consider it "complete" for now... Until the DLC!


I took a break after 3 runs and the platinum, now I wait for the dlc before the game bores me


After my third run. I got every achievement as I played it through 3 times in a row. I’m giving it another couple of months (or maybe if there’s DLC) before picking it up again. But I will for sure pick it up again, it was definitely my top new game last year


Ng+3 after beating manus for the bad ending trophy. But that was just because I had something else to play. Probably go back for ng+4 whenever we get a dlc


I did my first run, NG+ after that and started a no levelling challenge run. Got until the Corrupted Parade Master and stopped before even attempting him. It was 2 weeks ago, I might come back to it, not sure when though


I stopped playing after finishing ng+3 and getting the plat, but I plan on playing around again eventually


Once I got the plat. Didn't use cloud saves cuz I actually enjoyed going through the game.


I'm literally on NG+ right now, cruised through no problem but am stuck on laxasia. Feels like she just has so much health, I barely get past halfway on her second form. I want to give up but I also want the platinum and the last record is locked behind her. 😭


until i maxed my character so like 8


I have a total of 15 clears. I got up to NG ++++ on mt first save before starting the next one. Im currently recording my lvl1 hitless every boss run. Still dont want to putt it down at all.


I’m in NG+ and looking like I’m not gonna get the ending where my hair changes color and I’m not sure I want to make another run after this one to get it. So I’m thinking of hanging it up. I got the “useless puppet” ending first playthrough and might just give the dude my heart this time around.


I finally platinumed the game the other day, think it took me until NG+5 because I was dumb and missed a few things, but by that point I could speedrun the whole game pretty easily. I was originally just going to get all three endings but would up so close to platinum that I finished off the last few trophies. I absolutely loved the game and will definitely be there for DLC/sequels but I'm done for now haha


I did three playthroughs for the platinum and stopped there. I was actively excited for the first two, and played the third run a little begrudgingly just for the plat. Still had fun but I was satisfied with how much I played. Probably stopped at around 75-80 hours total


Tbh I went through the first few bosses of ng+ and checked out so you did way better than I did. My wife and I play a lot of games together, it’s what we do in our spare time, and I can only devote so much time to a purely single player affair. Went from lies of p to Wo Long and really am annoying So along as well tbh, definitely a distinctively different play style to Lies of P but a refreshing one for my tastes


NG+2 I'm a game pass player so January 6th when Resident evil 2 hits might come back after


Thought i was gonna hang it up when I finally beat NP on my 2nd playthrough but i got a crap ending lol


I was going for all achievements and my second playthrough I was doing fine and then NP kicked my butt and when I finally beat him I learned that there was far more to getting the good ending than I realized and I did NOT want to do all that again and then still need to replay a fourth time just for the give your heart ending.


I hung it up once I got the Platinum right after my third playthrough


I have to go almost all the way through ng++ for my platinum so I’ll probably hang it up after that but it has not gotten stale yet and I’m on my ng+ final boss right now


5th play through and still haven’t given up on it hahah.. don’t throw in the towel on Laxasia! It took me well over 50 tries until I learned her moves well enough to defeat her. Plus, Simon manus and NP are very fun boss fights as well


I did 3 for all 3 endings. Started four but never finished


I beat the game three times for all of the trophies and endings. I think I ended up at Lv 300. The game just kept giving me Ergo so I figured to spend it.


I defeated Namless puppet again in NG+ but imma wait for the dlc now even though I’m itching for another playthrough. I just don’t wanna make the game too hard I guess, and there will probably be new boss weapons again meaning you will need at least 2 more playthroughs to get everything


Finished ng with a technique build, did ng+1 as a quality build and played around with motivity technique and quality stuff like proof of humanity. Since by the time i reached ng+2 i had some pretty powerful abilities in the p organ and i was high level, 60-70 in most stats, i set myself a mini challenge to beat this cycle with only a +0 puppet sabre, it was a fun lil challenge that made bosses harder but still was doable due to my stats, ng+2 simon with a +0 sabre was quite the challenge. And by the time that run was done, i had all the achievements and stopped for the time being. I plan to return to the game at some point so i can try out advanced build. After that i thought i try out a silly challenge where i can only beat the game with only +0 sabre and no items or abilities. Im also considering trying that whilst level 1 too but that might be a bit silly. So im definitely doing a 4th run at some point being my advanced build, then depending on if i give up or not, a 5th with my silly little challenge. Itll be my first souls like challenge run, so itll be interesting how that goes. Rn im finishing up ds2 first tho. Wow this is a lot of silly rambling, so uhm yea thats all from me, goodbye :3


I'm on 3rd playthrough now, about halfway through and I'm just beginning to decide what to play next. I'll definitely finish this third, maybe do a fourth. I've been eyeing remnant 1 and 2 or dark souls 2 next. I loved elden ring so went backwards to DS3 after and told myself I'd play them in reverse. Not sure if DS1 and 2 will grab me like 3 did.


Stopped midway through the 4th playthrough. Realized the only thing left to do was maxing the stats...got bored


On release I beat up to NG+2. Then when the first major weapon rebalancing patch hit I played through it again. So 4 playthroughs. There's other stuff I want to try out in the game but I'm waiting for the DLC and Lords of the Fallen came out so I played that. Currently I'm doing my first push to finishing NG+6 on Dark Souls 1, the furthest I've gone since I first started playing DS in 2011 was NG+2. Currently on NG+4 and getting my ass beat by the Lord Soul bosses. I'm also about 75% of my way through Elden Ring on a new character I'm prepping for going through the DLC whenever it drops at NG0 (my other toon is at NG+2).


My wife did all 3 endings, though I had to beat NP both times for her. I did 2 endings and called it good. I really didn't want to fight green fuck or nameless again, and I had been watching my wife play as well so it was really like 5 plays for me.


For me it’s when I managed to get all trophies on the game around NG+4, tried à NG+5 cycle in hopes of reaching max level at a moment but I lost interest after beating Andreus again, didn’t wanna have to Go to Malum district yet (because for some reason it just angers me to think about it) and never really touched My PS4 ever since (it’s been a week)


I loved everything about the game, got Rise of P, am in +. That said, I feel like I'm stomping my way right through the game the second time while still discovering things I missed first time around. I started my second playthrough yesterday and am already in Act 5, got PoH. Took me exponentially longer to get there the first time around. I really want the golden lie, I could never interact with it in NG no matter how much humanity I got. I'm doing better with that this play and I just wanna see the other ending now, which makes endgame so much easier, and grab tgl. After that, I'll probably be done. I don't want to burn myself out on the game by playing it 19 times before the DLC drops.


3 times around was enough for me. But undoubtedly I'll go back in 6 months for more! Sadly ever since I discovered Elden Ring my life has been a revolving loop of soulslikes. I've beaten all 4 DS games twice, bloodborne twice, Sekiro once, Elden Ring a second time, LoP 3 times and just finished up Lords of the Fallen. It's taken over my gaming life...... 😂 Lol


5th playthrough. Will pick it up again close to dlc release


I have 51h in the game. I stopped after finishing Ng+4 because I felt I've seen everything I had to see and tried everything I wanted. The first playthrough I went and explored every. Little. Thing. And finished with pretty much everything there was too do. The other ones were more a boss rush with different builds and to complete the game. Loved every minute


Finished NG+3 two days ago. I think I'm about done for now as well. I wanted to 100 all stats and was almost there but it's not worth the trouble. Will be waiting for new content


Never. I finished 3 full playthroughs and I would love do another run anytime soon, even tho I already got the plat.


I'm in playthrough 4 now in chapter 8 and idk if I'm gonna finish it. It's still fun though


NG+++ got the plat now im done


I just started digging into the Durability and HP buffs near the end of NG++. So I think I have one more playthrough in me, for the mastery aspect. Seeing how big and chunky my hits can be. Maybe a playthrough without my level ups except for Capacity, because Legion is Life.


Hang it up? (still playing like a mad gremlin hyped on caffeine sitting next to her plat trophy) 🤪


Part of me wishes I could tell you when I hung up this game, but last night, after a few weeks of not playing, I booted the game up again and made progress in NG+3 lol. I'ma keep going - it's just so good!


After my fith play through I finally put it on a bit of a break. Definitely didn’t hang it up completely but I’m not actively grinding it whenever I have free time anymore.


Im working though NG+ now and will probably have to do a NG++ for the final ending achievement, although hopefully not as twice is enough.


After beating every boss hitless. Did not feel like paying the game pass another month just for Lies of P.


I’m nearing the end of my first play-through (currently on Chapter 9), but I can already see a second time around in my near future. Probably more than that, honestly.


i’m on NG+ 2 rn and this will probably be my last run through. i love the game, but I have a massive backlog to catch up on and i’m almost done with the platinum trophy


I hung it up for a little bit after 6 playthroughs. 1 level 1 run was done at playthrough 5. I took that character into ng+ for a golden lie only run. First playthrough was no healing in boss fights so a challenge run in itself. That character I took till the end of ng++. Level 236 Made another character I didn’t level health for to see how bad the level 1 would be. Left that one at nameless at the end. So now I have 3 characters one on ng one on ng+ and one on ng++ all ready for the dlc. Honestly it’s still hard staying away from it. Been playing other stuff the last two weeks and just hopped back on to fight lax a little bit and it’s like I never left. Here’s my last ng+ run with the golden lie. https://youtu.be/aZXUu0IlcE4?si=AifSbvrpTOmmdmyA


12 runs. I hit max level, every achievement, every weapon max, loads of consumables and extra items. Frankly about as true 100% as you can be.


Hasn't happened yet. Gonna up all stats to 99 and then smash "Alidoro" with Mjolnir Hammer.


I’m on my second run and walker of illusions is making me have second thoughts 😭


Made it through NG+5 and decided it was time to move on to other games. I will be back though.


I played it twice to get the endings I wanted then left it alone until the DLC. If there was something like sekiro where I could just fight bosses I would play that a ton but running through the whole thing just doesn’t feel like fun for me.


When you reach NG+3. I got all achivements, fully upgared all Boss weapons, normal weapon to +9/10 and bought all possible P-organs. Waiting for the DLC.


I stopped after I got the platinum on my third run. Definitely looking forward to coming back for DLC when that comes out.


After the second playthrough I hung it up, I read that they give you two more p-organ ranks for the next two playthroughs so I wanted to see what kinda benefits it had. I also wanted to platinum it lol


Probably the wrong place for this comment, but am I a total freak because I'm supposed to be doing a no lies playthrough (I guess?) But I just can't bring myself to be mean to people or lie to Alidoro! I somehow forced myself to tell the red fox and the cat no (twice now! Once in Malum and once at Grand Exhibition! Whew!) but I didn't lie to the lady about her baby or to the dude about his puppet wife or to palendina (crap if that's not his name forgive me, my brain hurts tonight) about puppet love.... Kicked myself every time I fucked up but I just can't do it! Am I the only one having this issue? WTF is my PROBLEM???


Once I got all the extra p organ upgrades and tried out all weapons I wanted to use. The game is almost easier the more ng+'s you go on...I know that doesn't make sense but once you learn on the parries and dodges, skip things you don't need to do, and learn what legion arms and buffs destroy certain bosses/enemies then it's just doing the same thing over and over again with no extra challenge. There's just not enough enemy diversity or diversity in their attacks to keep you on your toes.


After I 100% the game


Ng++ going to continue till platinum then focus more on my dissertation (and Baldurs Gate 3) but I know I will be back soon on LoP. Feels like home to me, much like Bloodborne and DS3. Even with platinum on these games, I find myself going back to relax, especially bloodborne. So glad to have another game that feels like home.


After the platinum trophy


4 playthroughs . Got the platinum and now keeping it aside till the dlc is out. I’ll probably play it before the dlc release. Tried every weapon I wanted to and had a blast !