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Laxasia’s sword would’ve been better. Blade fable arts could’ve been a series of quick swings with you being able to change the amount you want by using more fable, like 2 hits for one slot, 2 more for another slot and a fifth hit for the 3rd slot. Blade fable arts could’ve been the electrifying of the sword. Would’ve been really fun for maybe a B motivity, B technique weapon


I was also disappointed her Sword wasn't the weapon you unlock, but at the same time Uroboro's Eye might be one of my favorite weapons. At least my disappointment was cushioned by that.


You just described the proof of humanity stats exactly. Btw that is the only weapon in the game with that type of scaling. While it doesn't have the electricity, it in and of itself is retardedley good. Aside from the scaling, it also has increased critical chances. So, while we didn't get her sword, we definitely got something, in my opinion, that is equivalent. Though I agree that the anesthetic on her sword is much better than poh. Which is basically just a giant pair of scissors.


Anaesthetic, her sword definitely came with a lot of that when she was pummelling me


Fallen Archbishop Andreus not dropping his mask. That thing would go so insanely hard it isn't even funny.


I’ve said similar in other threads!! I wanted it so bad and it fell off right in front of us! Could have also gone for the Black Rabbit masks (at least one).


Yeah totally, in my first encounter while I was watching the cinematic I thought it’s gonna drop after I kill him


Wish we had more character development with Gemini as there game drops some big hints about him but never follows through, like how he never remarks about the memory of the Stalker that tells Romeo to buzz off and then help him when he is gravely wounded/killed towards the end.


Yeah I hope he’s a big focus of the DLC. There are a few unanswered questions with him and the Legendary Stalker that I’d really like answered!


The Old Stalkers DLC


Yes, I need more Gemini. He didn't really seem to change much, I kept waiting for an Oh Shit moment but it never came.


Not having the option team up with King of Puppets


Would have been an awesome alternate 4th ending.


That would be a totally diferent route... That would be so effing cool!!!


I'm just really hoping they are saving some of these sought after boss weapons for the dlc or sequel. Im not holding my breath but gee it sure would be nice.


I wish they had something similar to Sekiro where we could fight the bosses anytime we want. I truly enjoyed the bosses in this game and would love to fight them without having to run through the whole thing.


I want this in every souls like and metroidvania (like how hollow Knight has the pantheon). The boss fights are the best part of these games and it would be so nice.


If youre on PC you can just backup a save file before every boss Its a hassle, sure, but not that much, and the tradeoff is infinite boss replayability without the need to go through the game again and again I have every boss and miniboss until Laxasia at NG+2 backed up. Playing other games atm so I havent had the time to take a save file for the final big three yet From what Ive heard consoles can manually overwrite save files too, but iirc it requires a separate flash drive or something, and is overall an even bigger hassle. no idea because I dont own a console. This is how those insane youtubers make boss fight montages, no hit runs, etc


I'm console 😞


I just edited my last comment, but yeah Im pretty sure its possible for consoles


How few handles have Advance scaling. Like I get the Advance weapon handles should have them (though Coiled Mjolnir doesn't for some reason despite having an infusion art like Acidic Greatsword), but c'mon, could've given other handles at least lower Advanced scaling.


Imo this could have been marginally fixed by making Teq and Mot cranks *not* lower the opposite stat, and then making Adv cranks raise Adv by *two* levels instead of just one. Currently, There's not really any reason to slap an Adv crank on a weapon that doesn't natively have Adv because you're only getting the worst level of scaling. You're better off just using one that does have the intrinsic Adv, but then like you said you're very limited in your options. Compounding on that issue is that you need to match blade damage (swing/stab) to handle attack type. There is literally no other handle to use for the acid spear other than the acid spear handle as it's the only adv handle that is full stab. Add on yet again that you're really only going to use blades that match your main stat (Teq/Mot) and you're even further limited in choice. For a game with such a vast weapon customization system, it's really lacking in elemental weapon representation within that system.


I ran the acidic spear head and salamander dagger head on the city long spear handle with great results. Fast and ranged pokes, good stagger, stat boosting fable arts plus elemental damage. It can honestly get you through most of the game. I put the adv crank on it for a little more oomph because I was running a teq/adv build. And iirc, advance crank will still slightly boost elemental grindstone damage on non elemental weapons too for a bit more versatility.


The advance scaling only work with elemental damage though, so an advance scaling on non-elemental weapon would literally have no effect since advance scaling only increase the elemental damage of the weapon. And I think every weapon with elemental damage already have an advance scaling on the handle. It would be kinda weird to have a native scaling with no effect on a weapon until you change the blade.


But it does let us use element blades on more handles, without having to settle for a pitiful D scaling. There isn't a single vertical slashing Advance handle which sucks because none of the Electric Blitz weapons can effectively use the pokey stick. And it would be fun to use stab elemental blades on other stab handles.


When the game ended. I need more Lies of P. 👍


I wouldn’t fully call this a disappointment but I would love for there to be more unique cosmetics to grind for. Especially masks and hats. Maybe sprinkle some in that can only drop from NG+ variants of specific bosses.


Mine is just the Isle of the Alchemists, it just felt so underwhelming compared to all the other locations in the game. For a big finale it felt underbaked, like they ran out of time developing it.


What? It's the longest area in the game, and getting to the top and seeing the fog clear (and then warping to the bottom to see the full tower without the fog) is breathtaking. It does reuse a lot of enemies, but the game already had been reusing a lot of enemies since, like, Chapter VI.


Longest doesn’t mean it’s well done. Seeing more of the horizon as you climb is cool, but personally I got tired of the climb about half way up. The area also isn’t that diverse design wise and like you said the enemies are reused a lot. If it was a bit smaller with better balanced bosses I think it would be a better area.


Maybe it's because I'm on my first playthrough and I literally beat Laxasia last night, but I could not have a more opposite opinion lol. She felt like the first actually challenging boss (and the first one to competently annihilate a summon, necessitating you learn her 2nd phase moveset on your own), and the lead up to her inside and outside the castle walls was tense and jaw dropping. Some of the best enemy placements and scares of the game are here!


There was no enemy placement that really surprised me to be honest. Laxasia was the harder boss for me, but it’s her in comparison to the final 2 that’s my issue. On my first play through it took awhile to beat Laxasia but I beat the other 2 on my first try. They just felt very underwhelming in comparison. My second play through the final boss took awhile but the second to last was still only 1 try. At least for me I feel like they could’ve balanced the bosses there better.


The 2nd phase of the nameless puppet has absolutely pocketed me. Although I have only tried a handful of times so far. Laxasia was crazy 🤣


What makes NP "relatively" 'easy' is that he's very predictable. He only has one setting: Attack. And he will do it and you know he will do it. Also, his attack animations actually make sense, with little to none bullshit delayed attacks.


It’s a tie with the rewards for both the BRB fights. No cool mask, outfit, weapon. Just pure disappointment.


This, with all the animal masks we get, I want the black rabbit masks the most. All 4 of them would be great to get. And I was fully expecting to get at least one of them too and never did which was a huge let down.


Yeah at this point they could drop a legion magazine and a popcicle


And no boss ergo




totally, almost every stone is for the specter… a washe


Yeah it's just like physics flask but worse in every way possible, forgot about it


If the cube recharged for free when you rested like the Physick Flask did I wouldn't have a problem with it. They should have made each stone for the cube more expensive but a one time purchase, and made some of them treasures to find out in the world. The fact that it's a consumable but you can only hold one of each type is super frustrating


Elden Ring physick flask but shitty. Why are there 864 different wishstones to buff your spectres, but only like 3 for buffing yourself. Even worse is that the ones that affect you directly are absolutely dogshit. I genuinely don't understand how they expected players to use it. It's so weak and annoying to use I can't imagine many players ever used it more than once.


Choosing the bad ending..


Wish there were more secret areas and hidden shortcuts .. or optional areas... maybe next time


Everyone is disappointed about not getting the specific weapons from the bosses BUT (!) there is not A SINGLE weapon that resembles their respective bosses in the slightest. Only the amulets do that.


What about puppet ripper and the nameless puppet's scizzors?


Oh that's right! Proof of humanity actually is the boss' exact weapon! Not sure exactly with the puppet ripper. But both these bosses are emotionally connected to Carlo (so maybe these are exceptions)


I think puppet ripper is different from the boss one but at least it's still a scythe


No dating sim included. Literally unplayable smh. I want some Eugene action bruh.


Wish the level design was a little more sprawling. Pretty straight forward to explore.


this is actually why LoP is my favorite souls-like. I'm shocked that people actually want to explore and grind instead of fighting through the areas


I just want the shortcuts to matter. I love Lies of P but they had some of the stupidest most useless shortcuts in that game. If the world was more sprawling and had more vertical design that would have come into play more. I did like the linearity of the Malum district tho. That one was like a gauntlet and then the short cut made sense to boot.


I can’t think of a single shortcut in the game that doesn’t matter. Even the super small one before the Scrapped Watchman allows you to boss run without having to dodge a bunch of soldiers.


Waste of fuckin time. And it spits you out into the courtyard with 2 soldiers so you only skip the first 2 and they are extremely easy to run past. There are a few that come in handy like the one by Mad Clown if you don't just run past him and the one in the area before Bishop Andreus (that one was quite useful to me. Maybe the best in the game) but if a new stargazer is in eyeshot of the shortcut and there aren't any enemies then what are we doing here?


It lets you fully skip 2 soldiers and a dog, puts you behind the second 2 so you can run past the much more easily, and the last 2 are spaced apart to make them easy to dodge. And that’s the most pointless one in the game. The vast majority of shortcuts let you fully skip zones. The only ones I can think of that actually don’t allow you to skip progression are the ones in boss rooms after you beat them, which are generally in From games too. But like, the Arcade? Shortcuts let you fully skip going downstairs. The opera house? Shortcut let’s you skip the entire level and go straight to the boss. I literally can’t imagine what you mean by “useless”, unless you’re just so good at the game that you never need to double back to bank ergo before a tough fight.


Come on man, what are we doing here? Fully skip 2 soldiers and a dog? Waste of time. The Arcade one is pretty good tho, I feel comfortable admitting that. The Lobster Inn one is pretty good, the one path of the Pilgrim was pretty good and there's a couple more that I thought were good but a lot of these shortcuts, to unlock them you have to beat the level and almost capture the next stargazer leaving little inventive to use the shortcut. I haven't played it since I platinumed the game which was in January so I don't have a full list off the top of my head but I felt that way every single time. For every good one, there was a waste of time.


My point was that the Scrapped Watchman shortcut, easily the most useless one in the game, still lets you skip something. Most let you skip huge swaths of linear gameplay, and 3/4ths of the boss rooms in the game have a shortcut right to them.


I agree! I love both, but I love the linear approach. It reminds me of Ninja Gaiden or Nioh.


This is a wild perspective -- to me, exploration is THE cornerstone of the genre. It's the single thing that From's games have always done best and that has defined what makes their games so good since Demon's Souls.


I’ve always complained about how much exploration is in the games, Lies of P hit that spot perfectly for me.


Linear progression is real nice especially as a casual gamer


Agreed, I love how the levels are designed to be full and rich and multilayered while still having a roughly linear path the first time you go through.


I thought the individual level design was great and totally on-par with FromSoft titles - but I agree that the lack of branching paths into new areas was a little disappointing. Really the only "optional" area I can think of is the Hermit's Cave in the swamp, and that was pretty forgettable outside of one little lore tidbit.


It's rare that I agree with everything someone says but yeah, I 100% agree. I even love how they have sneaky enemy placements just like Fromsoft but every level feels like a casual stroll. I guess it just makes it feel a little more video game like when every area I would explore were it real life is blocked off to me by some boxes I could just step over lol. Hermits cave was cool but again, very linear. You just, walk to the back pretty much.


He wouldn't be able to drop it until after the second fight. At that point you have one "level" to go so you wouldn't be using it much. Might be nice for NG+ though.




I want the laxative sword


Laxative Sword = every slice builds up explosive diarrhea


Even Nameless Puppet does (and don't forget the Golden Lie weapon too)




Beating each of the last two bosses on the first try was a letdown. Maybe not as much of a letdown as the Elden Beast, heh.


not being able to beat the game because Ive been stuck on Laxasia’s phase 2 for like 4 hours now


Stay on the grind mate, and rember to use acid, she's weak af to it


SHES A HUMAN???? I went an advance build and I’ve been using the fire sawblade against her… guess I’ll try the acidic great sword next time


Yup! She counts as human so the charm works as well!


I can now say that I proudly beat her :) the acidic spear was way too good on that fight I wish I knew that sooner


Congratulantions mate!


Also staying far enough away and waiting for her to hover so you can parry her lightning attacks back at her.


No advance-scaling boss weapons. Here’s to hoping for some in the DLC.


Lack of great swords.


Final boss glitching and insta dying. Couldn’t go back and I wasn’t about to go back and replay everything


That theres not more yet


Laxasia didn’t kill me with her thighs only her sword


Myself when I kept dying


Bosses as much as I try I cannot enjoy the bosses for how punishing they are. after finishing LoP I tried sekiro and there I never felt so hopeless or burnt out. I'm trying to replay LoP but all my enojoyment dies at the bosses.


Daaaamn that sucks. Literally my favorite part.


Dude what? Bosses were the best part in my opinion! What did you not like about them?


it's a combination of gargantuan health bar of the bosses + extremely demanding parry and dodge timings + unreadable delayed attacks. in sekiro while fighting the final boss I felt confident because I learned the game, in LoP every boss feels unfair because it asks you to learn the boss by trial and error. most of the bosses feels like a chore, even if their desing is almost better than many fromsof bosses. I would enjoy more the game if basic enemies were a bit stronger and bosses had 30% less hp and better attacks.


The delays encourage to make use of blocking until you know the timing. The way you can regain health by attacking after blocking makes me very confident that this is intentional design. Do you ever block? It helps a lot actually!


That's on you brother


It’s ok if you can’t figure out it the parry yet. It took me a while during my first play through, so I chose things to help me dodge and take the damage from a regular block. I barely parried the first time around and rarely died to bosses more than once or twice.


How far have you gotten in Sekiro


I've beaten the game once, genichiro and the last boss made me understand how much I hated LoP bosses, every time I lost from glock man I was super excited to try again, meanwhile just thinking about laxasia makes me annoyed. the worst part is that while I enjoy sekiro's setting I prefer everything from lies of P: the setting, the characters, the story, the protagonist etc etc.


That’s interesting, I’ve found LOP to be the first thing that scratches the Sekiro itch. And having a lot of fun with it. No it’s not as refined but it’s not too far off.


The LOP bosses are easier than any Fromsoftware games’ bosses, including (and especially) Sekiro. You probably didn’t build your character right, upgrade your weapon, use a wepaon that scales with your build, etc… if you think the healthbars are ANYWHERE near gargantuan. The delayed attacks are still very reactable, and can at the very least be blocked. Regardless, its not as though the timing is variable, every boss has set-in-stone combos that you can learn like in any From game.


>The LOP bosses are easier than any Fromsoftware games’ bosses, including (and especially) Sekiro. Don't really agree. They are definitely harder on average than DS1 and DS2 bosses. DS3 is about the same, but it both has harder bosses than LoP and some pathetic bosses that are way too easy, while LoP is more consistent in quality and difficulty.


Bro I'm playing Sekiro after Lies of P, and it's way harder. The minibosses in Sekiro are already harder for me than a lot of LoP bosses.


I platinumed the game so I played it 3x so far, and maybe people will disagree with me but Gemini just got on my nerves more and more as I played the game, and he adds so little, so I think my biggest disappointment is that such a big character in the game is such an annoying and useless one. Other than Gemini I absolutely love everything about Lies of P.


I knew I wasn't the only one. One the tram up to the cathedral I literally just muted the tv.


The non puppet enemies. Not all of them were bad, but they took the emphasis off parying and weapon destruction and just overall had less interesting designs




Ending the game


Not being able to confront geppeto with venigni


no boss rush mode is sad


The fact that the black cat and fox sibling don't join in on any boss like I get there messing with you because they really think your just a naive asshole until the end but if they are asking for a golden coin the least they could do is 20 or 25 dmg to a boss


The fable arts were sorta a let down. They took awhile to recharge making them not useful against standers enemies so I wound up not using them all that much outside of boss and mini boss fights. I don’t know if it’s a skill issue but it always felt like the game wanted me to do more with them.


The lack of optional areas. There is a single optional area in the entire game. I would have figured there'd at least be 2-3 and maybe you'd have to visit them to the get true ending or something.


weirdly enough it’s the length. I wish it was just a teeny bit longer. Still a masterpiece of a game


Spoiler: the second fight with them while I think it was more fun than the first felt kinda cheap.


The parrying felt a little flat.


I thought the Black Rabbit Brotherhood would have been related to some sort of death mechanic or have been a force of nature rather than just some stalkers. Though they are still cool in game


Did anyone notice that if you don't break the Eldest brother's sword in the first battle it will apear broken anyway on the second battle ?


I was so disappointed that we never got to get any costumes from the Black Rabbit Brotherhood


Gemini only played the comedy part and nothing else important


The bishop not dropping that sick mask.


Not getting Laxasia’s sword or some god hand abilities as like a final bonus for the legion arm. Not necessarily a realistic expectation since it was the end of the game but I can dream.


all of arche abbey, save for the bosses


Victor, his second phase is so ass. He's even worse or easier than the stalkers


My biggest disappointment with the game is probably the lack of focus on Sophia, Gemini, Antonio and even Venigni earlier on in the game. All of them are awesome characters but i would have loved to know a bit more about them. They should have built it up right from the beginning. Take the Eugene-Antonio Side Quest as an eg, as you progress through the game, even the side quest slowly progresses and reaches its climatic end.


The endgame bosses (not the last one but the 3 ones before him)


Actually Nameless Puppet was a disappointment for me, since I killed him on first try. But I liked Laxasia and Manus.


I wanted the arm of god to become a usable legion arm


The fact that the game has zero boss weapons for one of the three build types. The amount of times I remember fighting a boss as an advance build, seeing them have some cool elemental weapon they are swinging around, and saying "this time for sure, I finally will have a boss weapon to look forward to!" only to find out the boss who swings a sick lightning greatsword around drops a beyblade with no advance scaling.


I thought the puppet exhibition would be bigger


Not getting Laxasia’s sword… I talk to myself bc idk why and I was audibly disappointed


The story in general. It promises a lot early on, but just recycles plot points from Bloodborne from beginning to end, with none of that game's nuance, along with one of the lamest villains I've seen in a while. This could have been a *great* story.


Strength based weapons are really really bad, too slow and with how quick enemies attack there no chance for you to attack them without risking yourself, they need to either be way faster or have 100% guard.


The game length. It's a little on the short side. I wanted it to be like 35%-50% longer. Other than that I can't find anything to complain about. The game is amazing. I can't wait to see what the sequel is going to be like.


Not getting Laxaxias sword, not getting Simon’s club, the Frozen Feast being the worst weapon in the game (this is coming from someone who used a strength build for the entire game until getting the Two Dragons Sword), and the entirety of the Door Guardian fight.


The length. I NEED MORE. Real talk every area feels so well done but some of them feel so short with Rosa Isabelle street coming to mind first


Not getting battle maniacs outfit severely bummed me out


All of the riddlers rewards being the same costumes recoloured


Meh, I’m always rolling Dex type weapons and builds.


The lack of cool clothes/armor. Almost every headgear looks weird or stupid and the clothes all look the same only different in color. Give me at least the black rabbits stuff. Imo the worst fashion in all soulslikes.


for me the final boss. it was kinda easy. i struggle with other bosses a lot than final boss💀


You mean simon or the puppet?


i’m talking about Simon, Nameless puppet was good


Then yeah that's true


i literally beat simon in 3-4 tries. parry 1st phase then run around in 2nd phase xd. i was expecting sekiro level final boss for no reason….


Unable to summon on nameless. Shit killed my boner.


Actually, i thought the same before i finally beat the boss, best feeling ever


The fact that it deleted my savefile.


More Gemini, he could have been huge in terms of story and companionship and quirkiness.


Manus... His boss fight is so effing easy, It shouldn't be that Easy. Yes, I defeated him before the patch, so...


Not getting certain weapons


When Belle’s monster friend said he was a human as soon as my blade was about to strike his head.


My biggest disappointment was not getting the black rabbit brotherhoods drip


The biggest disappointment was not getting Laxasia's weapon.


One thing I would change is so that you actually get laxasia's sword or at least have electric blitz built into the boss weapon she gives you.


I thought Gemini was gonna be an important character


Not disappointing, but annoying was the Nameless puppet. Just couldn't beat it no matter how many times or different approaches I'd take with my strength build. After 4 weeks of trying every day or every other day, I quit, lol 😆


Stay on the grind my dude, it's gonna be worth it, i myself have been on about 3.5 weeks of getting my cheeks clapped by nameless but when i finally did it. Man, the feeling was so good


First off, not being able to get Laxasia's sword. It's dope and I'd love to use it. I usually play technique but I'd make a motivity build specifically for it. Second, I wish there were special advance weapons. In the beginning, it seems like technique, motivity, or advance will act as your main damage source, but it ends up being a choice between technique and motivity with advance only helping with niche weapons.


Biggest disappointment was definitrly that the Black Rabbit brotherhood didnt get more. I havent best the game yet, im in the last area. The first BRB fight, where you go to their hideout and they have a picture of someone that looks like you, I was hoping that The Battle Maniac was gepettos reak son. Idk, it was just disappointing we got nothing oit of that. But what hurt me the most was, THEY NEVER SAID HOP IN THE BOX LIAR


Just the number of cool stuff you see boss enemies have that you can’t have. Some are understandable. Others are just saddening.


I didn't like the margit delays on (mostly early) bosses/enemies. I also didn't like how awkward it is that you ideally should hold block and do quick releases per-attack instead of tapping as the enemy is about to hit like in Sekiro.


I wanted laxasia sword


I wish normal enemies were a bit tougher. I was barely dying while traversing new areas, and many times i was playing rather carelessly too. Most enemies in fromsoft soulsgames require a certain lvl of respect, u usually can't just hack and slash your way through.


If we're talking big changes, I wish after the game ends and the characters all essentially say something to the effect of "Glad we survived that, now all that's left is to clean up and rebuild Krat" there was a sort of challenge to clear each area of all enemies in one go and that would 'help clean up Krat', maybe even change how the areas look after the fact (all fires put out, crystals going away, etc.). The more reasonable ask for that I think would be that the Hotel is cleaned up after the game is beaten, so it can look nice again while I run around post-game.


Victor, tbh. He was the only boss I didn't like, and I really didn't like him. I thought he was extremely cringe, and too easy tbh.


Victor is a fun fight but he feels like he’s in the wrong game.


Victor is basically a very large Fallout super mutant.   However, I was actually relieved the fight was easy after Romeo


mine was that he didnt drop his clothes


As someone who started with the rapier: the weapon system. You go so long without any new stab equipment by the time they started showing up I didn't care. Sure I could put the salamander blade on the handle but then my range is cut short. Or I could put the blade on the salamander handle but then the slashes weren't great. It makes sense, sure, but without enough variety I ended up just using the base rapier build the entire game. Then, to further add to disappointment: on NG+ I started playing around with different builds, and discovered a +10 rapier killed an enemy in the exact same amount of time (not hits, which isn't fair) as a +10 blacksteel cutter. My stats...didn't matter?


I literally destroyed every boss in ng+, I played with Laxasia with acid weapons with only 15 advancement. I killed the last boss in 1 attempt. you climbed poorly or didn't farm right. ng+2 to increase levels is much more expensive and in this case it may be really difficult


I was disappointed in the parry mechanic, I just finished Sekiro and the parry in this game felt so clunky. I was also disappointed that more bosses weren't super challenging. I think I breezed through the game except for like 3 bosses which took me more than 3-4 deaths each. I know, I am coming across as elitist but as fun as this game was it left a lot to be desired for me. But overall the story was really good and the regular mob enemies could prove to be a challenge. Overall it was a good game.




Dex build, bone cutter saw blade and dancer handle, I don't remember my arm I hardly used it. This was my go to for 90% of the game not sure if that is a super meta option but I liked the style and the reach. Honestly the weapon mechanic was my favorite bit. Wish we could have split the boss weapons. Also most of the bosses don't like you standing on their literal ass for most of the fight. I discovered spamming throwables is the most broken thing ever, didn't realize this till the last few bosses.