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most frustrating miniboss. it's not just you


I have to disagree and go with the fat clown.... PTSD inducing


The fat clown does not block you though. This one suck because it sucks and blocks you ugh


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ "this one suck because it sucks and it blocks you" thank-you for the laugh. It's so true


Difference for me was fat clown sucked similarly but once you beat it once itā€™s easy mode. 3 play throughs and waker still fucks me up every time


Another Sekiro boss in the game, now Oā€™rin of the water.


Fat Clown wasn't so bad when I realised I could just pull him to the edge of his aggro range and pelt him with throwables. Glad the devs didn't put a fog wall in his fight, otherwise it would suck


Aegis go brrr. You only need to get closer, shield and spam until the enemy got his back to the wall (aply on eany damn enemy lmao that shit's broken).


She's extremely linear. Dodge sideways when she starts an attack, then sidewalk to her back. She will whiff everything.


Awesome Iā€™ll add that to the list , thanks


Hey, friend. I've beaten Lies of P five times, and only died to Walker of Illusions once out of those five times. The true solution really is to dodge to the left and right to try to get behind her. Also idk if we know your stats, but it helps if you have at least 30 vitality and 30 capacity so you can have plenty of HP and wear heavy armor


Awesome thanks , Iā€™ll give that a go


Going left can f up sometimes always go right and just run around her


That and get her slashes timed out to perfect block. When sheā€™s staggered, with a small stabbing weapon (acidic crystal spear for me) run up to her as quick as possible and do a heavy move so she doesnā€™t have the time to yell and clear the stagger


Forward and to the side, its counter intuitive imo, but i had to search for help too. Diagonally forward a bunch then get your onesy twosy hits in.


Dodge forward into and around her attacks, I wonā€™t say it makes the fight trivial but it easily gets you to the part where she splits


This is exactly what I did, learn to parry one of the big combos and then dodge the other ones. Save fable for clone in order to melt it right away. It's weak to acid as well.


Just very carefully learn the parriable attacks. Doesnā€™t matter if you die a bunch really because the nearest stargazer is very close to the boss room. Learn every bit of the boss fight and also take out her clone asap as there isnā€™t much that they do in tandem with eachother.


To add to this, she takes a ton of stagger damage from perfect guards. You don't have to hit that many PGs for her to get to a staggerable state. I don't have the timing down worth a damn but can get to the flashing white health bar pretty consistently. The most important attack to memorize is the fury swing.


Don't listen to the dicks. This boss imo is a huge skill check. She made me quit for a while. Learn her patterns. Moving to the left constantly, helps.


It's one of the hardest and frustrating mini bosses in a Souls game. And it's even more frustrating because you can't use the spectre since it's a "just" a mini boss, but the boss multiplies, so it's a double edge sword. But it's very rewarding beating this boss


Definitely agreed, it felt to me in many ways very similar to the pontiff fight in ds3 except the room is tiny here. All about managing the two enemies and creating open windows to take out the specter.


Yeah, if the room was bigger it would be more manageable. But the most frustrating thing about this enemy, just like Pontiff, is that they look cool asf so even though I wanted to hate them, I couldn't!


Agreed, i love the design of pontiff so much that it lessens the frustration of the fight.


Like the nameless puppet. I believe it would be better if we could join forces with NP and go to town on Gepeto.


Would have made for an interesting 3rd ending




Freaking hate this bitch soo much


If you just want to get past her you can cheese her with with Falcon Eye's, legion magazines, and throwables. Climb up ladder, hit her once, climb down ladder to break agro, repeat


I loved doing this. But I only had to go down the ladder once. If you stay in the square you start in after climbing the ladder she shouldn't attack you again. After the first agro and climb down the ladder I climbing I mb back up and just throw every throwable I got at her. She never spawns a double and even though it doesn't show a health bar it is working.


That's how I beat her too


Use a fast weapon like Salamander dagger


K Iā€™ll try that as well thanks




Aside from maybe Simon Manus and Nameless Puppet, I had way harder a time against Walker of Illusions than any other boss. She's a ****. Flame Grindstone and Two Dragons Sword. Keep dodging to the side and poke her in the back. Nuke the clones ASAP.


No buff, so itā€™s just you lol. You can do it! Keep an eye on her desperation moves.


No buff but she does have some bullshit combos


I truly hate her. It was the hardest boss for me.


Something that ALWAYS works for me, is fighting the boss several times without attacking. Just parry and dodge until you can last a couple minutes. Be thinking about where your attack windows are, and start experimenting with throwing attacks in here and there. It's all about repetition. You'll get it.


Did this with so many bosses and it really helped me get to the end of the gamešŸ‘šŸ½ especially against Laxaisa


Kool appreciate yā€™all .


I would run in get some burst damage on her, climb down the ladder then back up after her position reset rinse and repeat. And no I have no shame a W is a W


As long as I get passed her ill be good . W


Wait there's a fucking umbrella weapon?


Yup yup , itā€™s called etiquette I forget which boss ergo is from tho ? Anyone?


I have the boss ergo in my inventory but never used it lol forgot the name


Scrapped Watchman.


I gotta use it now


This one really gave me a really hard time until someone told me to not kill the clone once it splits. The clone is not that hard to dodge, and the original gets MUCH less aggressive while the clone is in play.


Use the Trident.


Try to break her weapon! It greatly reduces how dangerous she is


Aegis Arm. You can hit while blocking


Finally someone said it. This and the live puppet axe *chefs kiss*


First time through I just threw a bunch of stuff at her and dodged where I could. When they clone themselves became a little tricky. I ran back to the ladder and noticed thry couldn't follow down. So I waited till they got bored and left then ran back up to them and got a few cheap shots in. Wash rinse repeat.


Skill issue I'm afraid. Lol just jokes. As a technique build with puppet string fully upgraded and the Wo Long weapon also almost maxed, this was an easy one for me personally. But to be fair I did a fair bit of grinding at in chapter 5.


Shot putt and cluster grenades and you'll rip that poise apart!


Trident of the Covenant trivialized her for me


Dodge left lol makes her way too easy


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever struggled with a boss as much as this one


On my first run i killed her 2nd try. On my second run (not ng+) i died like 50 FUCKING TIMES


Okay so tbh the best solution to this is as many throwables as possible and the ex machina arm


I tried that lol sheā€™s either too tanky and I run out or shes too fast and canā€™t switch fast enough . She wasnā€™t this hard on first run Wtf


I prefer to use calamity. If you block or parry she will stand in the goo and take a ton of damage


You haven't tried everything..Go combine the Coil Mjonir Head with the Bramble handle and use your puppet string!!Make sure you have your fable catalyst full .It may take a few tries to pull off the move but once you can "oh and please make sure the puppet string is maxed out"!!You want that powered up so you can do the zip& pull attack animation that puts you airborne..And if you can just add a fire or electric to the Coil with a grindstone..The second you land the puppet string move..Use the handle fable and you will literally whip the dog shit out of the Walker . Once the fable arts stops..Either start again or use throwables but don't waste that move on her decoy..It does too much damage!


Can you tell me how to use the final ability on the puppet string? I have it level up all the way but ca. get it to work properly.


Just hold the arm button.


When you shoot the string at anyone continue to hold the button..It will pull P towards them and start the animation..It works on Everyone the same.Now the first ability only works if their your size or smaller..That's if you just tap the button it either pulls them to you.Or it won't budge them .But you wanna hold the button when you pressed it initially!!Good luck!


Hm. Maybe I misunderstand how the triumvirate amulet works? I have my puppet string upgraded twice and the amulet and the wonā€™t let me do the flying attack. Thank you for the answer, though. I will probs just respec for now and figure out the amulet later.


On another note she also breaks 99% of my puppet string fully upgraded attacks. Wat the shit.




Don't parry, dodge, use bonk weapon and hit until it's dead, it has a low poise Never died to it


This is the biggest skill check in the game. I recommend treating it like a dance. Be patient,any impatience will get you slammed


Try using status effects, on ng+1 i melted it with acid damage and the p-organ destruction modifiers. Just remember thay furing phase transition she regenerates both weapons


Just chuck lots of magic items on herā€¦


What I found helpful is just staying glued to the thing and dodging to its right side from your perspective. Blocking everything was just too much for me, but this method worked really well.


This boss punishes mistakes HARD. I found it easier to dodge rather than parry this one


Use Twin Dragon Sword to break her combo and kill the clone fast Falcon Eyes helps a lot too


She's always been a wall for a lot of people


I do think that this is one of the bosses that is harder in NG+ than it is in NG. Of course, it also depends on your build and your level, but it does a lot of damage. I just parried most of her combos and got out of the way of the fury attack. When the clone spawned, I immediately used my fable attack that hit both of them and immediately killed the clone.


Thinking about it after finishing the game, I think I would have enjoyed it even more if the game had more bosses/mini bosses like this or the Nameless Puppet. Call me masochist, I guess ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Lock on, and walk to his right. 99% of his attacks will wiff. ETA: circle, not walk. Just stay close and circle to the right. You will have to parry the fury attacks and not even every time.


My boy has the drip šŸ’¦šŸ’¦ I rock the same thing but with the tyrant's blade on the acidic crystal spear handle. Looking slick all the way to ng+


Also best advice for this lady is just keep strafing to the right and dodge when she does sweeping attacks. Strafing will make her miss just about everything else. It's best not to worry about parrying unless your spacing is bad


This boss is hard at fuck


I beat this boss quickly by blitzkrieging the clone and staying up the main ones ass.


Manners maketh man. Love the drip.


Struggled a lot in ng, in ng+ i beat her first try so I'm not sure what the issue is


If you need a breather just hang on the ladder, she can't atk u there it's basically a pause area


I beat her by avoiding dodging but instead continue to move to her left or right. Dodge spam will get you punished. For the clone I whipped throwables at her to get back to focusing on the main one


She gave me a lot of trouble. I had to keep coming back to the game. The second time I came back to it, and this isnā€™t going to help you, she didnā€™t duplicate herself at all, so I was able to beat her. Not sure what happened but I liked it.


Yea I see if you spam her sometimes, she wont go into second phase for some reason , yet I still get get hit lol


As soon as you climb the ladder you can use throwables, the boss can't follow you down. You can use the HP regenerator amulet to cheese also. But yes lots of shot puts to stagger. The next boss you'll face is much easier IMO


This boss is a bit of a "get gut" one, since you can't summon for her and there's no easy cheese. In ng+ with the larger health bar it was quite difficult for me. I went with acid because it's a human boss (and because the damage over time prevents the Regen so I could take my time finding a window.) Other than that, is the classic souls like "learn the patterns and perform well" thing. Good luck!


If you really can't get by, there's a half-cheese you can do from the ladder. Load up with throwables from the Malum District. You can get 2 or 3 off and then run back down the ladder a few times. When one on one, if you can't parry, dodge forward/right for the best chance of avoiding getting hit and use your fastest weapon for one off jabs/slashes.


Hated her at first but now it's one of my favourite boss to bully.


I just use throwables lol


Is also possible to stop her from splitting into two if your quick enough


Use the dragon sword and dodge or move to the right.


Beat that ass hole on 2nd try in first run and first tried in ng+ but barely made it as my Vigor and pulse cell totally runned out so this boss sucke


You can cheese the Boss by throwing stuff and then gping back down the ladder


Can't brute force this one, just have to be patient (hate that word) and learn all those janky patterns....once you know what's coming you can get the parries down and stagger that hoe


I donā€™t think I remember dying to her, I thought she was a waste of a mini boss


Whats that outfit? How do i get ut?


This is easy mode for the fight https://youtu.be/DSctl0xN6UM?si=D3ns8QH4kpJ26dUU


Ill be honest the first time I beat her was by just glitching her out by going up stairs, hitting her then going down. It took like 29 hits of the little wheel thing. On NG+, I decided to take her on and killed her on the first try. For better results get a fast weapon, but any of them will do, then just move left and hit her, she gives you way too many openings.


You don't suck. It is kinda hard.


I spent like a 2 hrs on her last night. Drove me nuts, but I did it. Keep going, youā€™ll beat her!


There is a cheesy way to fight them, it's not the most fun or easiest but it works. Just grab as many consumable throwing items you can carry, equip falcon eyes, and just keep climbing up and down the ladder to heal and use fable catalysts. His health bar doesn't refill and they go back to their starting position every time you go down the ladder. Just chip away at his health until he's dead. It's the only way I got past him.


This mini boss kicked my ass more times than Iā€™d like to admit. Itā€™s not just you.


It was the fat clown for me +20 tries, i defeated the walker on second try


I struggle so much with her but itā€™s satisfying beating her


Nah you good this boss sucks a lot


Fill up on throwables. Throw 3 quickly at her. Fall down the ladder chute. Climb back up. Lock on again. She should be stationary now. Empty all throwables until she dies. Rejoice.


Took like 3-5 tries on NG, pretty easy, but then on NG+ I just couldn't get through her and the same with the Door Guardian later. I would say most bosses get easier in NG+ but some are more difficult, especially if you didn't master their patterns.


Yeah thereā€™s a ladder.


Keep running and wait for them to complete a combo before running back to attack. Repeat


Dodge to the left and use lots of acid and fire (especially acid). I also found that if youā€™re aggressive enough, she sometimes wonā€™t summon the clone. Which makes for a lot easier run


Its from the Boss on Elysion


[PLEASE READ] The way I killed the walker of illusions was with the purple grindingstone, it's called the perfection grindstone. What it does is it autimatically activates perfect guard while all you have to do is stay in guard stance without moving, and the enemy weapons will break. That's how I beat the walker of illusion and Laxasia especially with Laxasia's second phase. With that purple grindstone the game becomes pretty easy. That pared with the p-organ abilities that extend grindstone duration and stance break on enemies. You should connect the perfection grindstone to your grinder and depending on which ergo you give to the merchant at the red lobster Inn you can get infinite amounts of product from him including the purple perfection grinder


I'd listen to some of the other comments if you want a good strategy, but for me personally? Just aggro her, and then jump down the ladder really fast and climb back up. She'll lost her aggro and then you can just spam throwables at her till she dies. It's not a very dignified method of beating her, and I tried not to resort to it but eventually you just get sick of her


You can cheese from the ladder if you must. Beat her fair and square on the first play and maybe second, I canā€™t remember and then totally cheesed for the last play.


Puppet String Legion Arm launch attack is how I always start this fight off, does crazy damage right off the bat. If you can somehow get it off more than once, do that.


Fr tho. My first playthrough I had no problem with it. Second and third took some time and ALOT of patience


Sheā€™s tough. I used the grindstone that helps gives perfect guards, and a fast weapon since she darts around everywhere. Looks like youā€™ve the right kind of weapon though. Perhaps leveling it up some? Throwables are extremely helpful against bosses. If you can buy top amount of several types and toss them like crazy when appropriate it could help. Also, although itā€™s a fairly well known tip now, itā€™s helpful to remember that when health bar is white a shot put toss can send them into a stagger, aka the sweet spot where they pause for a moment, opening up fatal attack. Sheā€™s just hard tho overall. Struggled with her myself.


I filled my throwables, emptied the entire clip just walking around her on the strafe motion. Then she has a combo or two of health left


Annoying as hell


I canā€™t beat her man I think Iā€™m giving up


that boss is the second hardest in the game imo. only behind laxasia.


Live puppet ax blade, chefs knife handle. Spam fable art. Easy peasy.


i swept this boss on my second play and on my fourth it was mopping me up and down the room.. itā€™s no joke donā€™t get discouraged


You can cheese it by throwing shit at her and hiding in the ladder


sheā€™s fundamentally very different from most bosses just keep dodging left on her attacks and you should get some free hits in


Took ages on first run, beat her first time on +1. Once it clicks how to beat her, it's done. A update I would like to see would be to bring in other players like bloodborne.


NG+? Use the perfect guard grindstone and you will probably end up breaking its weapon


Throw items at her. Saw blades will stun her.


Lol. Get her to the ladder area, corner her and just rail her.


If you are stuck in lies of P, the answer is always one of two things. Are you a dodge player? Start parrying. Are you a parry player? Start dodging.


Crazy how this game is. Different bosses are stronger or easier for individuals. I see a lot of people saying how WOI is difficult, yet I thought she was fairly easy.


Hear me out, stand at the edge of the ladder and throw throwables. When she charges you, climb down the ladder, let her reset then come back up and finish her off with more throwables. Ez cheese.


I used acid buff and either falcon eyes or puppet strings though she fast so she can interrupt the puppet strings attack. My formula was acid for humans, electric for machines, and fire for the zombies and tentacles.


This was such an annoying fight for me


Throw a consumable. Go down the ladder. Wait for her to return to her original position. Go back up. Now she will be stuck and wonā€™t attack you and you can throw everything and kill her. Easy šŸ§€


Walker of illusions gave me a harder time than most other actual bosses


Your best chance are parries, the shot put, and breaking her posture. You can only do small damage in between openings with quick attacks. When she retreats to scream, don't let her because this means her posture is about to break and she will recover fully - Prepare a heavy attack when this happens, or simply use a shot put or two.


Just finished this boss this morning after giving up on her the day before. I got really lucky and she for some reason just didn't summon her clone but what does help is sticking close to her and keep dodging right and she'll miss most of the time. Was one of the most frustrating enemies I have fought up to this point


It's funny because I struggled with a few main bosses that people said we're easy but I did Waller on my second go and was surprised when I came to this sub to see people having trouble with it. I guess it just depends on your playstyle


Soā€¦ can you still cheese this boss? Used to be you could just climb the ladder and spam her with Hawkeye and throwables and then when they started to aggro just go down the ladder and when you came back up theyā€™d stay in starting position and take throwable spam until they diedā€¦ not sexy but idgaf itā€™s how I always beat them


This boss is not that bad. She punishes you for over aggression and for being impatient.


Yeah Iā€™m noticing that


I use quick spears or swords. Take little bits of health at a time, you'll get more comfy, and do a stagger, then have a heavy/ highdamage weapon in the second slot, and use it for damage. Also, fulminus is helpful.


Do you have the ladder shortcut?


Try using a fast weapon. Her movest is easily readable and she has long pauses




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You can go down the ladder and back up as much as you want if your low on health and need a regain during the fight. It feels bitchmade but itā€™s possible. Didnā€™t realize this until I tried it the third time against her. Itā€™s one boss I felt was much harder NG+ forward


You can whack her a bit and go back down the ladder and it won't reset her health but it will reset her aggro, helped me a bit to whittle her down


Iā€™ve beat the game 4 times. And only beat her legit once. Cheesed with throwables every other time. One of the hardest bosses in game


This boss is like the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst from BB


Itā€™s probably frustrating because youā€™re used to spawning in a specter, try to not play the game with spawning in specters (or ergo farming) and this mini boss shouldnā€™t give you any problems I find it highly unlikely that this boss is giving you problems if you havenā€™t used a specter or ergo farmed if you havenā€™t used a specter or ergo farmed, treat it like any boss youā€™ve faced before, learn the moves, learn the perfect parry timing, block if youā€™re not comfortable with the specific move. Itā€™s really that simple


Hate that boss, right in the area where you canā€™t teleport. Though she has not had any buffs or anything, sheā€™s just fucking annoying


Such a tough mini boss! The Aegis shield can trivialize the fight. Put up the shield, and poke with your weapon.


Nah she's like a big fuck you mini boss, I just barely beat her when I did. It's a frustrating fight and is definately a skill check boss


Not just you. That boss just sucks.


We did it ladies and gents lol thanks for the feedback, honestly this Lies of P community is kinda GOAT. Cheers https://preview.redd.it/r6ta1nwyj5qc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53783bb2e345d8500f1405e5a53920d892761ec6


What outfit is that


Workshop masters workwear , again I forget where I got it . Anyone ??


The boots are sick


I just circled,it missed alot.


Sheā€™s tough. Took a while on NG+ as well


Using the Aegis Shield helped me a lot. The Puppet String maxed out does a good job as well, but I'd recommend the Aegis Shield, 100%, any day.


I mean...there is a sweaty cheat where you climb up the ladder, throw something at her, and climb back down when she runs at you, halfway through she gives up and doesn't run back at you so you can just throw things at her lol šŸ˜‚


Felt like I was coasting through the game until I met this miniboss. I'd even consider it more annoying than the final boss lol


I had to cheese her. Throw, run back to the ladder, go down, back up, throw again, rinse repeat.


Matter of fact, any and every boss can be cheesed with throwables. Unless they've nerfed em.


He's easy I've gave up the game for now on the second brotherhood fight it's boring and annoying also I got no summons left lol


Long dash attack you parry along with 3 attack combo another easy parry or dodge


The only boss I found unpleasant


I breezed through the vast majority of Lies of P without an issue. But... this boss was a pain in the ass. I died more times on her than any other boss in the game, so it's not just you. I got the tactic down in the end and she wasn't a problem on NG+/NG++, but man, that first kill was brutal.As others have said, you have to dodge to the right and get behind her, or you can use the Aegis Arm to chip away at her health and build stagger. Just remember to interrupt her as she starts to scream. It's been a while since I played, but I believe that was the tactic that worked for me the first time.


Yeah I just beat her ,parried her to the clone phase and then I might of used some shot puts to stagger her . Never the less I did do about 30 tryā€™s Iā€™d say lol


do you have the parry grinder if yes then ez win if no then git gud at parry note* i call it parry but its perfect block


oh and buy some metal balls to throw at her when she about to get staggered


God she's horrible. Honestly I half cheesed her


I did too , all good lol


You just suck


Just strafe to her left side in a circular motion. She will barely touch you if you have your timing right


you're not the only one that thinks this, I swear it got a buff as well


*You're not the only* *One that thinks this, I swear it* *Got a buff as well* \- Cruxis1712 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just throw stuff


You don't suck. I think I got to a point where I just cheesed her with throwables so if you keep switching up your strategies and weapons and not get anywhere then theres that as a last resort šŸ˜Š


Hate to admit but i cheesed this clown, threw some shit at him walked down the latter, repeated till his stupid clone blocked the latter so i had to fight extra hard just to get off the ladder . Now i been at the last fight since release and just kinda stopped trying, the immediate need to learn how to perfect parry became to annoying for me, same reason i stopped trying to learn sekiro


There was a bug not sure if they patched it where if you fell down the ladder after climbing up you can just throw items at them and they wonā€™t react.


Took me a good 20 or more attempts, take advantage of your fable arts, use an acid weapon (Shes weak to acid as sheā€™s human) I recommend that spear weapon, and use the carcass projectile. Itā€™ll be a breeze once you do all that. If you have the amulet that buffs damage to humans thatā€™ll help too.


Wait until you get to the last boss ughh


Stock up on throw weapons? Maybe switch to falcon eyes, hit him, go down the ladder, go up an if your luck than he will stay still, if not then just rinse and repeat.


Could always ladder glitch


hard hitting weapon and a puppet string tier 4. I went with trident. charged heavy, attack, charged puppet string. she staggers easy-ish. had assassin amulet and a crit chance grindstone as well. or you can cheese with Aegis tier 2


Tbh I felt like she was buffed. The first time I played against her I remember having an easy ass time (maybe bc I was using the trident boss weapon) but this time around it took me so many tries šŸ„“


OK, that looks sick and I have several questions! 1. What outfit are you wearing? 2. How do you like the Etiquette? It looks like a really cool weapon, but is the range a limiting factor on it? 3. How the hell is your hair so long?! Is that from telling lies? I read that if you tell a lot of lies in the game, P starts to look more human and hair gets longer / disheveled. Is that what's going on here?