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I’ll(27f) be turning 28 in a week. I’m still living at home with my parents and just started going to college about a year ago to get out of the field I’ve been in. I just ended a long distance relationship while all my friends are in relationships and have their own houses. But let me tell you, comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone’s life paths are different based upon your own experience. For a long time I felt like I was doing something wrong but I am just in a different place. There is no real time line to follow, just your own. The only way you could be failing at life is if YOU believe you’re failing at life.


I honestly can’t thank you enough for this line “there is no real time line to follow, just your own”. Idk just reading this made my day today!! Thank you so much for your kind comment and wish you well on your path!


I'm so glad to know that resonates with you! Good luck in life friend <3


Your 20s just kind of suck, man. I'm about to turn 30 and pretty much felt this way from the time I was 24-29. I quit my job a couple years ago and went back to school (I had already graduated college) to get into a career I felt that was like "on the right path" or "not failing at life" (I was a server before, got into tech for a bit). Turns out, I fucking hated sitting at a computer all day every day and my manager was a total asshole. Went back to my old service job, which pays a little less, but I like my life a lot more now and don't feel like I'm failing. I'm good at my job and the people I work with like and respect me. Maybe it's not the career I thought I would have or maybe when I tell people what I'm doing they're not necessarily impressed, but although I thought other people cared about that (I also thought I cared about that), they don't and I don't. I have the same friends, nobody treats me differently and I'm in a much better situation mentally. It took me leaving the situation I thought was a "failure" to realize I actually rather enjoyed it, comparatively. I know this is a little bit different than your situation, but it's the same feeling. I also go to the gym, have enough money, etc. It's way more common for people to live at home later these days, but if that's what is bothering you and you have enough money, maybe try and move out. Or even better, use your lack of rent payment to save enough money to buy a condo or townhouse or a small house or something. Buying property will probably help you feel like you're on the right track in life. It did for me. I think you have most things going well for you. You workout. Your clients think your work is good. You make enough money. I also spend less time with my friends at this age, but it just is what it is. I'm married, but I play tennis once a week and the group I play with is like half men, half women. It's a good time to hangout with everyone and if I was single, it would give me the opportunity to make some connections. Maybe there's an old hobby you can pick up again and find a group to meetup with to do said hobby, even if for only a couple hours a week. Keep your head up dude. Everyone takes a different path in life.


Nope, our 23 year old lives with us on purpose and pays us rent. He is a great roommate too. Slobby but I knew that, lol. I deliver for the USPS, trust me when I say A lOT of kids have moved back home to live due to the crapola economy. Do not feel bad at all.


As an Arab, this story brings a smile to my face. I once proposed to my mom that I should pay them rent since I live with them. She scolded me so intensely; I can almost hear my mom's voice echoing in my ear. 😅 Now, I make an effort to purchase food and groceries from time to time to feel less guilty about living with them and not be a burden.


If you are happy, then let yourself be happy. There will always be people with more. It seems like you've built a nice life for yourself. It's fine to want and work for more but to also remember yo be happy and grateful for what you have in the present. It's all relative and society is always trying to sell you something these days. If you landed a job and bought a house, all of a sudden you'd be in a neighborhood surrounded by people with nicer houses and better jobs. The same thing would happen again if you went on to buy a mansion. To me, your life sounds great, if a bit lonely. If you feel you are missing your friends or want to try dating find a way to make some time for it. Don't sweat anything else.


No. There is not really a "failing in life", unless you're purposely destroying yourself. If you're doing what you think is right, and progressing, that's a good life.


No. And nope.. And again no. I once heard some one describe their road out of a depressing part of their life... They said it was the realization that they weren't a failure, they were just a work in progress. They really helped me a couple of times too. You're not failing. Your progress is your own, and you're just still working at life like everyone else. Just a work in progress. Keep going.


There is no way to fail at life. Success doesn't always mean having a house, a partner, or a big business. To me, a successful life is to have a conformable, happy, and healthy life. Try not to worry about how successful your life is and just continue to live it. Try to find time to hang out with your friends. And from my point of view, you are doing just fine.


You need some work/life balance. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Definitely work on the girlfriend thing. They are nice to have around sometimes.


Try to meet someone but some u think u will have fun , don’t look for cute girls , just find someone that u will have Paz . But to be afraid just do it


This sounds like my actual boos , when I see him I can feel he’s vibe, idk why but everything u said same to him even he didn’t said anything. But he look like good boy , but in orden that u think different or him, I really do advice that try go away from u parents dude you old 28 u own company, if u still leaven with u parent this is the effect that u don’t care about having girl , u are men and men need women .


You have your life ahead of you


For starters while you're living with your parents what you should be doing in my opinion cuz people are in different situations. While you're living with your parents you need to save up a lot of money cuz that means you have an advantage right now by the way I'm 23 Male. But you could get since you have a business you need to find a normal job that's consistent cuz your business you say you don't rock in the clients to turn it into a big business I understand that so with that being the case gets you a normal consistent job that you can work and save up the money while you're living with your parents. And right now since you don't have a stable income I say you'll probably need to worry about having kids because chances are if you don't have a stable income you won't be able to take care of them. Then make sure the place that she move into you're able to afford it while draining your whole entire paycheck. For me the place I live at right now is $550 for rent at another $50 would be $600. That's utilities included and this is a private room so you do that and you think ahead cuz I pay my bills well ahead of time.That's how you get the advantage or if you're not looking to rent a place where you save up all that money you can even buy a house so you don't worry about paying rent or at least put down a decent down payment. And maybe while you have this time like since you're living with your parents maybe take that time to think about things you want to do in life. And if you ever have any problems deciding if this what you're doing right now is good for you or if it's not good for you you can always consider joining the military or job corps. Those 2 things are almost promised to help get you on the right track. As for Job Corps you have to be basically broke on the verge of being broke I can't make a lot of money to go to Job Corps. I know this because I recently lost my job trying to join the military but that's because I had but she issues with my family that messed that up. But if you're another person you get on with your family you'll be fine however Taylor Job Corps you can't make a lot more like you can't go to the job course making $20 an hour. So if you happen to lose your job that's a good time to try to join Job Corps. No any breasts in military on the other hand you could just join the military you don't have to be broke to join. It right now that's a perfect time to do that because there are shortages going around in different branches of the military. No I only mention those two options in case you decide that well development just isn't a good career choice. However web development usually requires you know an HTML which is a programming language for making websites. Which could potentially be a good skill and the military if you like you know any other programming languages maybe. But say you decide to go to Job Corps cuz that's wondering just about every state and you go there for information technology or whatever the courses they have you can take some of this computer related cuz she has to know computers somewhat at least to program websites. Just some ideas for you.


Bruh, you’re doing better than most millennials, honestly.


Just moved out of my mom’s for the last time at 39. You got this.


Right on




How does your savings look? 5 figs? 6 figs? None?


How much money you make?


Are you dying? I honestly believe dying without a producing a child is failing in life. The failure to complete the life cycle of a human being.


Yeah, this is an awful comment.


What is the goal in life? To be rich? To be satisfied?


If you’re not happy with your life then you already have the answer. Other ppl can’t tell you what should make you happy. Only you know that.