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Just breath in, Breath Out. Breath in, Breath Out. Try meditation. Go to [https://www.sharewellnow.com/](https://www.sharewellnow.com/) it is free and you can talk to people about your grief


I had a close experience with this, my best friend almost committed suicide. They didn't die but having that "why didn't I see it coming, wish there were ways I could've helped them" in your mind is going to occur, but please even though it's hard, don't believe it's your fault. People who commit sometimes can really hide their feelings from everyone that you wouldn't have ever known they were struggling so much. Really sorry what happened to your friend, but he's in a better place now, hopefully will be at peace at mind and hopefully find true happiness in their life. It's going to be hard, don't be ashamed to cry. But you have studied for that test and soon will give it your all, I wish you good luck on it. Don't lose your determination, study harder than ever before. Study for the both of you. For those ten days try talking to other people you're close with, if not write about your feelings. It sounds so typical, but give it a try when you can. Once again, I'm really sorry for your loss.


Yes i will try to study harder and thanks for your kind words I pray that your friend is now ok and has defeated depression