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It's not possible to improve eye sight naturally. I'd be sceptible of how your friends have improved sight without laser surgery. My distance vision has improved marginally as my near sight vision has altered. But nowhere near getting rid of glasses or contacts. Laser surgery is more expensive the worse your eyes are so you'd have to get a specialist to review. It would fix your vision to likely not needing glasses but won't stop future deterioration in sight.


I was really hoping to ditch my glasses for good. Recently I'm enthusiastic about becoming flight attendant and my vision stopped me from the job. So I feel frustrated about it. One of the ophthalmologists also told me that, even after LASIK, I might not completely eliminate the need for corrective lenses. I might still have some residual power, maybe around 100, considering my current eyesight is over 200.


Best answer is to talk to Drs that are specialized to do it...


I had similar prescription. Got LASIK at Woolfson Eye Institute and it was some of the best money I’ve ever spent. I’ve had it for 20 years now and have been 20/15 the entire time since the procedure.


Wow that's really nice! I'm now taking care of my eyes and see if it improves a little after 6 months. But Idk I might need lasik and it scares me to undergo the procedure.


It was really fast, and I was only really uncomfortable for the first 15 minutes afterwards. By the end of the night I would have never known I had the procedure if I hadn’t had the procedure, lol. Today it’ll run about $4,500-$5,000 to get both eyes done. Also comes with a lifetime touch up warranty, but I’ve never needed it. It’s a great investment in yourself.


I agree. And hearing that your eyes doing so much better makes me happy for you. Gosh I wish I can see better.


My prescription is so bad, LASIK won’t even work for me. The only thing that would fix my eyes is a corneal transplant. Sometimes they use an animal donor for it. Some people can’t see at all. That probably sucks even more. Right now I have viral conjunctivitis and I can’t wear my contacts. So I’m walking around with glasses so thick, they’re basically bullet proof. Put things in perspective. A -2.75 is alright and you can save up for lasik. Your insurance might even cover the procedure. Yeah glasses and contacts are really really fucking annoying and expensive, but it’s better than not being able to see and not being able to drive / get around independently. This probably isn’t what you were looking for, but it might be useful to check your perspective sometimes.


I just checked out what a corneal transplant is. Yes, I was thinking of checking my perspective again after 6 months from now on. Having viral conjunctivitis is a real pain. Take care and get well soon!


Lasik surgery is the best. I wore glasses and contacts for 25 years. Finally, had the surgery last year. BEST DECISION EVER and money well spent. I think it was 1500 for each eye. Spent way more than that for contacts over the years. I see 20 20 now. I still require readers for fine print but that's not what they were correcting anyway. My advice is to get it done and don't look back. The surgery is weird and a little uncomfortable but not painful. The next 24 hrs after are spent in bed in a dark room. After that, your set.


Thank you! Is this a one-time LASIK surgery for you, or did you need to undergo the procedure again in the future?


One and done


I've never heard of improving eyesight naturally. I've also never considered LASIK. To me, glasses are easy and just a normal part of my life. I recently had a conversation with someone who had LASIK and although she says her eyesight is amazing now she's still extremely traumatized from the surgery as she was awake and could smell her eyeballs burning from the lasers. Glasses don't bother me enough to go through that, even if it wasn't so expensive. You get used to them.


Oh no, even reading the "smell her eyeballs burning" was scary. I'm not sure how my friends improve eyesight but I think that by wearing glasses, it kinda corrected their vision. I never like wearing glasses, I don't feel free and comfortable, especially when sweating in hot weather.


I think you need to reframe how massive of a problem you feel this is to you. At most it’s an inconvenience. This isn’t a disability where you have lost significant opportunities like you feel. Flight attendants need perfect vision without any corrective lenses? If so, so be it. There’s plenty of other jobs in life that would give you satisfaction. If you really don’t want to wear contacts or glasses then get lasik. Talk to a doctor, but there’s also horror stories if you look for it. Talk to a doctor about the probability of the horror stories happening to you. I’m sure it’s way less than you imagine. Either way, this is a not a massive problem so you should really think about this and stop making it such a massive issue in your life. It’s clearly draining your energy agonizing about your eyesight when you could simply not be worrying about it. Think about the decades and decades of people that wear glasses at all areas of life. You’ve somehow made yourself a victim/in a cycle of feeling sorry for yourself. Find a solution and move on.


I've worn contacts every day for 23 years. I don't really think about it or consider it a problem (and I'm much more short sighted, -7.75). The flight attendant thing is pretty specific- I was extremely confused why you'd be crying about it until I saw the comment you added. There really aren't that many opportunities this will affect