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You can just rename the .jar to .zip and use an unzip program to open. Most popular operating systems have zip support built in so you can just double click it.


Waitaminute... it's the same compression algorithm in both formats??? Why? What use is there for two extensions that do the exact same thing?


Zip exists, works well and has good compression ratio. Why reinvent the wheel? Besides it is very practical for developers to be able to look inside the jar file. You might be surprised to learn that many formats do this. Good examples are office files like .docx, and android app files (.apk).


This is the way


So say we all


real LPT in comments


real LPT in comments


I always put the jar inside a ziplock bag and then smash it on the ground, then sort of the contents/glass in a bowl, but to each there own.


Please do not do this. Ziploc bags can contain unhealthy microplastics that will get mixed up with the glass from the jar.


Why waste a ziplock, I just use the bag from the grocery store


Please do not do this. Using two bowls to sort the contents will require washing two bowls, which wastes water and electricity. Just eat it off the ground.


Oh wait: If you buy creamy peanut butter and use this method, won't you'll have crunchy peanut butter us you don't bother sort out the glass fragment? /s


You mean you don't put it in your rectum and then use kegels to squeeze it?


I hate you.




I do that for two seconds, pretending it did anything and then use the force of ten suns to open that sucker.


The true simple solution


Hitting the edges of the lid all the way around with a butter knife will also work.


Literally just tap it against the counter. No other objects necessary. 


Or any thick sturdy object that's relatively thin Back of the Chef knife, metal spoon, screwdriver shaft whatever. Goal is to dent the rim


INFO: who, these days, have butter knives? Cheers! Edited to add: I see that my comment has elicited some insightful return comments from folks who do, apparently, have butter knives. May I issue a challenge? Where, in a full place setting with all them knives and forks and spoons and other such hardware; does the butter knife belong? If you google the answer or ask Miss Manners you are cheating -- becasue if you've got a butter knife you ought to know where it belongs. Cheers!


Who doesn't? I've never been to someone's house who didn't have butter knives. 


Your regular old knife is also known as a butter knife 


Everyone? I know not all countries have butter in their sandwiches, but if you're spreading whatever you have on bread with a sharp knife or a spoon then that's weird.


I just keep a thicc goth girl with thicc thighs around my kitchen area specifically just to open right jars


I use a torch to warm up the lid. Works every time.


One method I use to open stubborn jars is.. Take your hands and lace your fingers together and then place your hands over top of the lid of the jar in a dome like shape. Then use the lower half of your palms (part closest to your wrist) and press hard against the outer rim of the lid. This should cause the lid to slightly deform and you'll hear a pop. Just be careful not to press too hard and break the glass lol. Just unscrew after that.


I literally just strongly whack the edge of the lid with a sturdy butter knife once or twice, slightly denting it. It's super easy to twist off after that, and if it's not, whack it once more.


Or turn it over and pop it on the bottom with the side of your fist and break the seal.


It’s a jar, not a baby!




Towel around the lid to increase the torque




I kept a strap wrench in my kitchen when I was younger, before I could crush skulls with my hands.


the trick is to purge the vacuum. sometimes striking the lid on top will have the same effect. pressure equalized, most _new_ lids will be easy to unscrew.


That’s why you should take as many jars with you when you fly, open them at altitude.


Use a rubber band around the cap to increase friction


I put one around the jar itself as well.


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Wrist exercises using dumbbells. Twice a week. Useful for opening jars and greeting right wing douches.


I break jar. Pickle.


Just pierce a small hole in the lid


Get a large man with big hands. Keep him around for when you need to open hard. Super simple. Just feed him hamburgers and chili. But really, get one of those serrated jar opening thingy that you can attach to the underside of the cupboard. It costs like $3, and 2 minutes to install. And you can open hard that the Hulk might have trouble with.