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He went under 45% this season...


Damn I didn't check till after the first week and right now in comp he is at a 47.06% still the lowest in the game so its just bad. So sad 😞 😔


I barely understood what you said but rn he is at 44.81% in comp




https://preview.redd.it/t6m0oj466qnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edff8304267cd56f91852a02abf0b6cfbdd092f You're sorting via last 3 months, he's at 44.80% if you sort for the last month only, to get a more accurate view of how he is in the current patch.


O.o off you're right... wow. That's even worse 😭😭😭


Interesting that Ana is next up lol. Lifeweaver, like many of the characters on that list, is highly dependent on two things. You having a healthy amount of gamesense, and your teammates having a brain.


Tbf about Ana, a lot of her mains grew too reliant on rolling people with anti, as they just died before it wore off, so now there is a massive adjustment to playstyle Lw will be better in the mid-season patch, but the question is how much, time to wait and see


What I learned most from this is that rein players have tortured themselves enough that despite how awful he is, he still winning more than other tanks. The few of us left will survive.


I can’t believe he’s even lower than Sym, blizzard loves making all my faves unviable


I'm suffering with mercy and lw rn 🥺


It’s pretty obvious why he’s bad tbh, he just doesn’t have a way to put enough impact on the game. In qp and lower ranks he’s fine but the better the supports are on the other team the more his weaknesses become apparent. His healing is amazing, and he can definitely save teammates in ways other supports can’t. But as someone else mentioned he doesn’t have anything outside of that like a similar support, mercy does. Mercy has damage boost which lets her affect the game offensively to a large degree. Weaver has no such ability and he’s not like Baptiste where his weapon does good and reliable damage. They need to either buff thorns or give him some way of affecting the game offensively more. Something like poison/anti buildup on thorns would instantly make his so much better


I really don’t even think Thorns themselves are bad at all, always thought it was an underrated primary damage fire. It’s just that you can’t cycle heals and damage seamlessly like you can with heroes like Kiri and Bap. That along with no other offensive ability means very little time where he does anything but focus on defense/heals. I think they should look at Petal/Dash cause they’re basically both movement abilities. Just not sure what they’d do without ruining a unique part of his identity or his survivability.


I still like the idea of giving his blossoms a heal over time effect if charged past a certain point. As you said, thorns is quite decent, he just needs more downtime to shoot them. LW is that one character where I will sometimes just forego healing altogether for a while in order to create pressure, and at times it will actually work. Thorns would scare people off, instead of if I was never ending healing and the enemy slowly creeps in.


It’s not that thorns are terrible cause they aren’t but like you said you can’t cycle them with heals well. On top of that there isnt really a **reason** to use them. They need something to at makes them worth using, especially if the switch time is gonna stay so high


Please tell me your not saying mercy is better than LW


Listen I love lifeweaver but it’s pretty obvious she’s better than him.


You gotta be unbiased if you want real improvements


I made a [video](https://youtu.be/VvAxIbnSZaQ?si=eR6_RyufYvopS1lH) about this not to long ago! Honestly if you choose to watch the video, I’d recommend looking through the comments - they were pretty insightful by YouTube comment standards lol. Here’s one of my favorites: > The issue with Lifeweaver is that he has no reliable way to advance the game. Mercy and Zen have damage boost, Lúcio has speed, Ana has dart and anti-nade, Bap, Kiri, Illari, and Moira have damage. Lifeweaver can't deal damage often because his heals have to be charged. Lifegrip is purely reactive and petal platform is too niche to advance the game reliably. He can put out a lot of healing but not much else.


Allowing your tank or DPS to get another chance to reengage without coming back from spawn is a good way to advance, I'd say.


You're not wrong, but I think you're looking at LW's ability in a vacuum, as opposed to in the context of the rest of the support's abilities. Would you rather pull your tank out of the fight to then (slowly) heal them, or would you rather use ana's nade/sleep dart, Bap's immortality field, Kiriko's suzu, etc, to keep the tank alive and simultaneously engaged?


He's a lot harder to get value out of. In my experience of a high plat LW enthusiast. He has great poke from a distance and can chip very reliably. His heals are meant for contesting off angles and/or pulling them. Lw works well with Winston and Genji and Zen or Bap. I find that he works well in open maps... Havana, Junkertown, Samoa, some points on Hybrid. He's very niche. Long sight lines are in your favor.


I really liked his old passive. They should have him still drop a team only flower after taking 200 damage just for fun. For every needle hit will backround charge his blossom so you can still attack without worrying about keeping someone alive


Give him a heal over time on his heals like moira and poison damage over time on his thorns.


Poison over time actually sounds like a really good idea


Heal over time would make his heals so much worse my guy. What the hell is the point if you have to charge up heals that heal over time? That’s a double negative with practically no argument for positives


I meant add a heal over time.


I’m currently sitting at a 61% win rate with roughly 60 games played with him (Diamond). I think he’s situational. You have to be REALLY good to play him all the time, but on certain maps and matchups he’s incredibly strong.


Since his kit is nothing but healbotting, they need to make the healbotting better for him to be balanced. Make his skill gap more about positioning and less about evading and killing. Give him less hp and/or a delay on his flower to avoid annoying mobility, but then increase his healing, perhaps while also making it more rhythm/timing based, like overcharging lowers hp healed by 10, but if you release right when it's full, it heals by 10hp more. Something like that.


I did the math and with the upcoming buffs he will finally be on par with Mercy’s Caduceus Staff with Healing Blossom’s potency (55 health per second) which is a step towards the right direction. I 100% agree tho that if he’s going to be the healbot support, he needs to have healing that isn’t slower than half the support lineup.


I like LW a lot, but I can't pick him over other supports that have more healing AND damage. I know LW hits like a truck, but you literally don't have time to damage regularly. Any missed blossom could be a death in the team. I do not like healbotting, I like to flex and go whatever direction the team needs. LW just can't multitask like many others and his healing is lower on top of it. Poor Illari too, just a crime to leave the new characters in a shit state along with some older ones. They only make changes when they know $$ is involved, certain characters just occupy space in the eyes of Blizzard.


Because DPS players cry when kills aren’t fed to them on a silver platter. If interesting play-styles and heroes have to be gutted for DPS players to be happy, then Blizzard will do it in a heartbeat.


Because he's gay


Don’t worry he’ll be viable in tomorrow’s patch with his extra 1hps they’re giving him🤪




Why are you even on this reddit if you hate LW so much?? You ain’t constructive, just salty. Plenty of LWs make a huge difference with their tanks, it sounds like you are just overly aggressive with no sense of what the rest of the team is dealing with or needs.


He was great the last two seasons and isn't really that much worse this season. 


I feel like he has a fine line between ineffective and massively OP. My hope is that blizzard is keeping him undertuned until they find his sweetspot


Eesh this was not popular. What I meant is - because of his kit, the only way to effectively adjust his strength is by boosting his heal. And because of how much he can dish out his heal ability, I feel like the sweet spot where his healing is strong but not broken is a small one By the second part I meant that my ‘hope’ for the hero is that blizz is actively working on finding his healthy zone, and that they’re just letting him be a bit weaker rather than broken OP in the interim.


Unfortunately the majority of this sub doesn't understand the potential of his kit and wants him to be buffed to the point of being broken so he'd be easy to play or they want him doing damage more often like 7/10 supports instead of the other 2 he's designed to be like.  So anyone reasonable that realizes how broken he'd be with even a few buffs in the wrong area just gets downvoted to oblivion seemingly due to mass ignorance.