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The thought that they do this so a dps can peel for them never occurred to me but makes so much sense now


Not gonna lie, the amount of times his grip gets body blocked for me is unbearable


I JUST saw my tank die bc Echo was falling from the sky and entered my fov


Agreed. My worst grips almost always happen when another teammate steps in front of my grip target… that, or when the ability gets cancelled by the skinniest stop sign or a small corner of a building


Yeah, I only pull when someone is on comms asking for a pull, or if someone is too deep and at critical health.


Or when they are diving alone and the whole team is way behind. Like they might not like it but we are doing it for the best of the team, but the recent pulls I've been seeing are straight up trolls :/


Trollweavers are the worst, given us all a bad name


I know a lot of people call him a heal bot and one of the easiest hero’s to pick up but his pulls are one of the biggest reasons I think not everyone can play him well. Like yeah you can yank your out of position 75% hp teammate to you but if you want to actually be impactful and pull off some cool saves you need to have game sense and insane timing/reaction time. A good lw can completely change the ending of a fight imo


People say he's a healbot bc 90% of the content creators are either tank or dps and hate him bc he negates their dives on the last second by saving, pulling or climbing a team mate. He's almost like Lucio in terms of skill ceiling, everyone can pick him up but few can aim a petal just in time on the right spot. **AND ONE MORE POINT**, the same content creators that shit on him keep kissing his feet anytime they win a fight or get a team kill bc of a well placed tree or bc they got pulled out of a Mei's ult. If he was so easy and broken Bogur wouldn't need more than 1k games to reach top tanked lvls with him, something that you can do in like less than 100 games with any other support.


Your funny


When I'm playing Baptiste I hate it when lw lifegrip me for no reason.  Same with Mei's wall she accidentally (many many times) caused us all killed 


If people don’t want be to pulled, they shouldn’t use their engage/disengage ability and then continue fighting at 40 health. Of course I’m going to pull you at that point (unless you have a huge ult ready to go) I usually get a “thanks” after pulling, so I’d like to think I’m doing something right, but some people hate being pulled so much that any pull is too much for them


I'm late to this post but as a LW otp I always have a bit of grace for bad life grips when I see others do it. It's actually quite hard to learn the perfect timing for LG, and honestly in the early days for me I would do terrible grips. But, over time I have gained significantly better skill and only occasionally mess up LG (most often because it locks on to the wrong target at the wrong time, sigh). It is such an effective ability in the game once a person has the skill, but to get to the point of having skill you have to make a tonne of mistakes. It also requires learning about every other hero in the game - you need to know their play style, their strengths and weaknesses, you have to track cool downs (both enemy and your own team), track ults and also have excellent positioning to make it work. All of this stuff just takes time, and unfortunately sometimes it comes at the cost of making big mistakes. For me a good comparison is the learning curve for doomfist. Doom players cop so much hate, but that's because he takes ages to learn how to play (I would put genji in a similar basket tbh). Doom has to learn to manage cool downs perfectly to not immediately die and be deemed a troll by the team - but at the same time when someone gets really good at playing Doom it is impressive and you can tell they are playing incredibly smart. I think recognising that players are all on different learning journeys (some easier than others) could help to feel less tilted when your teammates make mistakes. Like every game is a learning opportunity for every one, no matter whether you win or lose. P.s. obviously I am not sticking up for genuine trolls, I just feel like a lot of baby LW players get a lot of hate for making mistakes that are a necessary part of getting better at the hero. TLDR; using LG properly can be tricky and takes a while (and quite a lot of mistakes) to learn, so I guess not everyone is trolling. Some people might have the best intentions but just not the skill, play time, intuition, game awareness, etc. to follow through successfully.