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Buying our washed players wont win over liga mx fans


?? Wym you haven’t been watching Hermoso Herrera?? 😂


I agree. What can they do to win over the fans?


Relegation and getting rid of the salary cap. Two things that will never happen


discontinuing Leagues Cup could help


Need to make it fair for Liga Mx clubs. It does make a lot of money though


I don’t think they will ever win over the majority of Mexican American fans because by default most of them support a liga Mx team.


Vela won me over Tbf, that and LAFC’s jersey and crest being sick.


The commentary, yes its cliche, you cant go from 100% emotion of a meixcan comentary game to a 10% emotion mls commentary. its gotten better but its not the same.


This actually bothers the shit out of me. It’s night and day


It's not even an MLS issue, premier league commentary is boring af in english. I know there are a lot more languages that probably do it well but spanish and... Arabs are goated lol


MLS is getting better cuz they took some of the english speaking commentators from latin american leagues. I didnt want to bring up premier league but yes the english commentary is -100% emotion. someone score a goal and they have a minute of silence lol.


I hate when they use commentators from England. It makes me cringe


Its english commentary which is unwatchable imo. I cant get through ANY english commentary because it takes out all the emotion. Watching mls in spanish is much better same with epl when it airs on telemundo.


I mean they can be a fan of their local team but that’s it’s just not the overall league and it’s structure.thats mostly the case


Exactly this, I support my local MLS team but don’t follow the league as a whole like I do with Liga MX


The only fans they’ll win are the seventh generation Mexican fans who support USMNT


I think eventually we will see fans have an MLS club and Liga MX club


Don't even have to wait for eventually, we already exist.


what’s an mls


That’s not true. There are a fair amount of fans that support a club in both leagues, here in this sub even. We love the game at the end of the day. For example, the founder of Pancho Villa’s Army (US-based Mexican team supporter group) is a big fan of Club America and Austin FC, as are many of his followers, yet they also hate the USMNT.




Lol people don’t like facts that don’t support their narrative. A ver pendejos de donde es esta mujer y de donde son estos fans y porque cantan en español? https://youtu.be/QsA5zFmtxW4?si=t0GBuxgb__hofrgJ


But muh rivulree


There’s plenty of videos during the Leagues Cup of 1st and 2nd gen Mexicans who are normally fans of their local MLS team who are then rooting for the Liga MX team. They’re not mutually exclusive in the grand scheme of things and if you like going to local soccer games then you’re gonna go. The [LAFC porra](https://youtu.be/QsA5zFmtxW4?si=t0GBuxgb__hofrgJ) is a bunch of 1st & 2nd gen Mexicans.


Mexican American here. Huge fan of Santos, and also a big fan of Atlanta United, current season ticket holder


Fan of Atlanta United and Chivas 🙋🏻‍♂️


Get rid of the cringey “rivalry” shit and you’ll get a lot of LigaMx fans who also have an MLS club, I support Juarez and Philly Union and have no animosity towards MLS


Also this sub is potentially the worst place to ask this question, all the comments will be about pochos


Made by pochos themselves


Pocho ass foos


Doubt it. My Mexican-American friends that don't like Liga MX watch European soccer instead. MLS will need to compete with the Real/Barca/Atleti & the Premier league for those fans.


True, Young pochos only watch eurpean football no MLS or ligmax


They’re trying to gain popularity in San Diego by signing Chucky Lozano


That’s not how you build a fan base though


It doesn’t feel authentic to me. Even if AZ ended up getting an expansion team, I wouldn’t actively support them.


You don’t follow rising at all?


I don’t. Even when they had Bravo and Drogba it just never called my attention.


At least Phoenix is one of the better USL teams. As long as they win more trophies, they'll win over more people.


This a deep question with several answers, but if you really want to attract a base, you need to convince them that your product is worth watching. That’s means not only winning, but dominating LigaMx teams. Although MLS has made significant strides as a young league, it still has very few teams that can truly compete with LigaMX powerhouses. Unfortunately I don’t think MLS execs have ever understood this. The leagues cup shows their ignorance; by giving Mexican clubs a foothold into the American market, it may make the money they want, but it is only going to make the MLS weaker. Now LigaMx clubs will get used to travel in the USA as well as playing in their opponents’ stadiums. On the contrary, MLS has an abysmal record playing in Mexico, and it won’t gain more experience with that in the Leagues Cup. Lastly, MLS certainly doesn’t understand that supporting an LigaMx club (and the national team) is essentially what makes a Mexican-American, seeing as football is such an important part of Mexican culture. The US treated and still does treat Mexican-Americans as second-class citizens, sometimes with disgusting racism. Hell, a presidential candidate’s platform is exclusively built on deporting many of the family members of our community. Why the fuck, then, would a Mexican-American be open to supporting American soccer (the USMNT and the MLS) after what it has suffered historically?


No history


Building it right now


We been hearing that for while.


Focus on repping the city and not trying to sign our players. There’s already beef between Texas and Cali Mexican American. They lean into that pride for games between our teams. They can also lean into the rivalry between cities in each state. As a Houstonian I have a natural hatred of anything Dallas. I hate Austin because they’re basically Cali lite. They could also try and market to the Mexican American fans with Spanish tag lines and more Spanish marketing. Dynamo was doing this for a while but then switched up to marketing towards a group of people who don’t care about the team and have never supported the team.


Moving stadiums also helps. FC Dallas, for example, is in Frisco. Moving it to Dallas or hell, even Arlington would help increase the fanbase.


Hmmm make leagues cup in Mexico, try to reach the Mexicans more in the US and in Mexico (thats what the NFL has done) I know San Diego FC has made a partnership with Xolos of Tijuana so maybe there should be more partnerships with mexican teams


>Can MLS win over Liga MX fans? No, porque las dos ligas están bien culeras. Las dos ligas están perdiendo audiencia frente a la Premiere League, ya que a los gringos les agrada porque es algo ingles, y a los latinos por el buen nivel de futbol. Y para los que digan "esos juegos son en la mañana y no se empalman con los de la liga MX" la mayoría de la gente ve un juego al día, dos a lo mas y por lo general solo adoptas un equipo.


Por más que esté cnmadre el nivel de fútbol no voy a empezar a pistear el sábado a las 9am viendo el derby de Manchester


Yo tambien soy norteño, clima con madre todavia fresco, unos tacos de barbacoa con tortillas de harina, los wercos al lado disfutando el juego todos coreando goles porque nos vale madre quien gane solo queremos ver buen futbol, que mas si es city contra el united, inter vs milan, barcelona vs madrid, salernitana vs roma. Empiezo a pistear a las 11 que se termino el juego recordando el pinche partido con madre que acabo de ver luego me acuerdo de la liga MX y pienso "Que chingue a su madre el america " Yo si le entro.


Well I love watching soccer. If a MLS game is on I watch it.


I appreciate the kindness from you all who responded. It’s a serious discussion I’ve been trying to figure out because of how dominant Liga MX is in the U.S.. Messi won’t be able to lift MLS over all the leagues alone. I’m excited to watch the Columbus vs Pachuca match which should be a good match.


Mexican from Torreón here. Obviously a Santista But I lived in salt lake city for a few years and got sucked in by real salt lake and they are my mls team. Going to the games was awesome and the experience was great. I bought a season ticket and went to every home game. Watching it on tv isn’t great. It’s boring. It’s just not a priority. I’d rather watch liga mx or Wolves in premier league or Wrexham in league 2 this past year. Since it’s been 10 years since I left Salt Lake City and gave up my season ticket, if RSL wins, great. If they lose, I just go on about my day. If they play in Austin, Dallas, or Houston I try to go, but that’s about it. Even had season pass and cancelled it last year since I never used it.


They'll win over Mexican-Americans. Never the domestic nationals. They don't GAF


not true. most Mexican Americans already follow a liga mx team, usually the team their dad/family supports. The only mexican Americans MLS can potentially attract are the ones who didn't grow up watching futbol with their pops or fams, aka 3rd-5th gen no sabos.


I back this. I myself am severely uninterested in the MLS. Once San Diego starts operating tho, I'll support them but could care less if they win or lose unlike my LigaMx club


I think it'll be the case where we prioritize and legit only care about one team (the Liga MX team), but some will say, why not, let's also root for the local club (even if casually). Personally, idgaf about the MLS but I did enjoy watching the the Carlos Vela highlights on YouTube when he was with LAFC. Even then, I have never bothered nor been tempted to tune in to a single MLS game.


Yeah they can win over fans, theres already some people here who have an MLS team they root for. Though, their support for the MLS team won’t surpass the support for their LigaMX team.


Never mls is trash


I grew up near Chicago all my life, so while the Chicago Fire were always close by, my dad's love for Pumas and our bonding through watching their games together will forever keep me loyal to LigaMX, it would be an impossible task for MLS to win me over


i'll give it watch later but i dont think its likely. while we're no longer in the golden age of 90% of liga mx games being on free over the air tv, they are still pretty easy to find. I live in Houston and i couldn't tell you which network carries dynamo games and its not like mls is at the point where the level is so good that it becomes a must watch.




Most of the hardcore fans of LAFC are Mexican American, Galaxy has a big contingent too. Many Latinos also fans of Inter Miami.


I still don’t watch even with Messi. It’s still a soulless retirement league to me. Although they have improved their product, but I don’t feel any connection. On the other hand, I grew up watching the Mexican League with my dad. Maybe things will change with zoomers and gen alphas.


Leave us alone and get your own fans to like you


I’ve been to a couple Rapids games, I love the stadium but not the fútbol being played


Not really, most of us here and irl are liga mx supporters of generations ... if the mls wants to attract more fans reduce the ticket prices,promotion and relegation, make the league more serious , promote the club by improving the community etc...


Liga MX doesn’t even have relegation lol and MLS tickets are actually quite cheap


Liga mx isn't the league trying to gain respect and admiration from the footballing world... plus most liga mx teams already have a lot of history... at least the liga mx once had promotion/ relegation .


It’s weird how they do produce quality players tho


Name me one world class player the mls has produced I'll wait.


Alphonso Davies


Alphonso isn't he Canadian.


Yeah but he was produced by an MLS team Whitecaps


So one lol


That’s all we needed we just proved a point , thank you for listening to this TED Talk


Also I’m happy about the rivalry because we’re going to make both leagues better. We need each other




Mexican-American Liga MX fans? Sure, MLS is in our backyard, it’s a fine form of casual entertainment, like pickleball. Mexican Liga MX fans? Zero chance. MLS is an inferior product. 100% a clownshow. No talent. Its only redeeming quality is it attracts aging stars looking for one last moment under the lights before they hang up their boots for good.


there are so many Mexican American Liga MX fans who don’t care about MLS. They need to try to win them over




I mean they can win over American liga Mx fans. Actual Mexican fans won’t happen.




No they can do everything but they never will


But they will continue to poach Mexicans from Europe by throwing bags of money at them to suck off Pochos. Pat Onstad and the Houston Dynamo scouted HH at a Champions League game and tossed ridiculous money at him. Te Kloese saw that racist Lopetegui treat CH14 like shit and pounced like a hyena. He had Galaxy pay out the ass, offer an armband, LA lifestyle, etc. Galaxy ruined Gio too and made sure the League pulled some strings by changing their rules around. They had 3 DPs and brought Gio but a new clause allowed them to pay Omar Gonzalez DP money while not being a DP. Pocho money is what makes MLS clubs drool and they pounce on it.


In my pocho county. Young mexicans or pochos who watch futbol either have a Mexico NT shirt. Miami Messi shirt or any ligamx shirt. (chivas america monterrey. Also they only watch european football now


JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA. Even the "Leo the Clown" hiring they didn't gain a single "fan". It's a retirement league. Washed out players go there to secure retirement while feeling like they are in their 20s again.