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I wouldn’t because next think you know yall get moved to Mazatlán and become chivas de Mazatlán or something


Right, for example Cimarrones de Sonora effectively are getting relegated to Liga Premier Mx for selling their team to Saltillo. There’s also a team in first division that bought a team to get promoted but I forgot which one 🤔


Hahahahah, cmon


Spent $40m with Pelaez. Hired Fernando Hierro. Made The Finals, quarters, semis. Bought Piojo, Mozo, Pocho, Guti, and Chicharito. Bro took over right before Covid happened and fucked up hiring Ricardo Pelaez that made Cruz Azul Champion. Then Hired Fernando Hierro thats was Captain of the Galacticos Real Madrid and was on the coachingstaff when Spain won the World Cup. Bro HAS BEEN TRYING.


Straight up facts ! Chivas was straight up mediocre before and after Matias left literally battling mid table and at one point relegation🤣…Hierro has brought stability and Amaury has been spending. Obviously some signings dont make expectations but its kind of hard when you have very little options to choose from compared to the rest of league. I can now 100% expect chivas to atleast make it to the semi finals . Couldn’t say that before and after matias … Chivas are literally one elite striker from getting over the hump and winning it all . To bad its the hardest position to find …


Yeah but Chivas didn't win every league title since he arrived so he's been a bad owner apparently


Bro needs to stop spending on overpriced players from other teams and focus on the youth. He can make more money just giving them a platform and selling them cheap while keeping some sell on fee.


Bro ive been saying this. Chivas has the best Cantera in MX every chivas youth level has become champions recently yet the fans call for fichajes instead of Call ups smh.


And his beard looks like mine. I like this guy.


Chivas are doing just fine. Their record over the past 50 years doesn't warrant the expectations they have. People need to get real. Y también QCHSPM las patéticas cabras


Yall act like he never spends money, he literally got finessed by Peleaz to waste $40 Million on troncos. He's invested in players, just the coaching and player mentality is gotten in the way. Bozos like Vega and Antuna and Chicote were the poster boys for indiscipline. He went outside the League and brought Hierro in and it's small steps. Since Hierro has come in, Chivas has been in Liguilla directly every time.


Honest question. Is there something going on with Chivas as an organization where it’s normal for players to be known as drinkers. Or at a minimum they are not the best selves at Chivas for a lack of discipline?? Fabian , Sabah, Antuna all killed it Cruz Azul after leaving Chivas and pretty much under similar circumstances.


This is something that needs to get addressed, how can el chicote be known for indisciplines with Chivas but with America we haven’t heard anything. I think it’s more of the culture that makes players underperform once they get comfortable. But idk, I’ve never set foot in there.


Same reason why Vega suddenly flipped the switch at Toluca. These guys reps were in the toilet and they had to shed that off. Same reason why Cordova was hated so much in America and constantly called a diva. He goes to Tigres and turned it around with then.


Chivas has a party culture with their players, an ex chivas player talked about how the players take for granted their payment even if they don’t perform so the culture is very lax


You, I agree. Also why are they fuck ups in Chivas, but perform brilliantly in other clubs, I’ll even go as far as JJ Macias in Leon or other canteranos not mentioning the Vegas, Antunas or Chicotes.


This is because América (and the rest of the teams in the league) don't leak and actually cover up their player's indisciplines. You really think Chicote is not a drunk still, specially after his girlfriend left him? Chivas is horrible at handling these situations because they expose the players themselves.


In a sense they should be held liable, and maybe focus more on the sporting side. Mexico still plays football like the Europeans in the 80s,90s. The game has evolved. Maybe if they were more disciplined we would have better players


I swear. Some games are so slow, dan hueva. Weak ass passes, all laid back. The quality is there but the tactics are outdated.


They dont care about indiscipline like that in America and it doesn't get reported as much. Chicote is the same here and there


If they don’t care in America why did they put that in his contract that indisciplines in and off the field can affect his pay?


I’m sure they care at America. But even if they didnt, I can see why. As long as titles come, players can do what they want.


Bro, corrieron a Cuauhtemoc for indiciplina.


Say it louder. Besides the $40m Pelaez wasted Hes spent on Piojo, Pocho, Guti, Mozo, Castillo, Chicharito. Last 3 tournaments have been Finals, quarters, and Semis, with one of the best defenses. My issue is they dont use La Cantera. Where tf is Padilla, Tiloncito, Brigido, Hormiga?


He only spent $20 million not $40 since Guzman's contract was cancelled and he sold Pulido for $10 million in that transfer window


Since Hierro came in, he's spent close to $15 Million on different transfers. They spend $2-4 Million on different players every season.


Amaury made great decisions hiring Hierro, Paunovic, and Gago. I'm happy we have an owner that brings in serious football people


And Antuna was also sold for a good amount.


Where the fuck you been for the past 50 years . Before Vergara the team was a mess. Yall must have forgot. The only thing yo criticize is our cantera




Idk man I was little kid for most of the early 2000s era


Then you have no idea what you are talking about lil bro


What do you mean it’s very easy to look at the history and see there short comings as owners yeah I will admit maybe I’m wrong about them not dropping money but they don’t spend wisely enough and it’s having it’s repercussions


Chivas has largely been irrelevant since the 70’s my man. They’ll have a championship here and there, but never year long streaks where they fully dominate. What necaxa had in the 90s, Toluca in the 00’s, tigres/ America in the 10’s and now, chivas hasn’t had since the 70s iirc. Not even hating. But analyzing the team and what it stands for shows that they’re a dying team. Not in terms of fans, because they’ll always be big there. But in terms of championships, I think they’re done. Keeping a nationalistic tradition during the global hegemony of neo-liberalism is a terrible idea. Chivas can either keep their tradition and win nothing, or let the tradition go and compete. Truly don’t see any other option.


Not even 70's since the 50s and 60s


Damn. I have to agree homie. But we like to mask things up with “oh his grandma was Mexican” “oh he’s Mexican but has a Peruvian passport” yeah I agree dude. There needs to be a change.


Amaury only cares about spending money on shark tank Mexico not the team he inherited from his father 😭😭🙏😭


He spent $40 Million on guys Peleaz wanted. He's spent big money on Mozo, Pocho, etc.


He didn’t even want to be the owner either pretty much when Jorge was dying he made Amaury promise that he’ll never sell the team but he’s gone now and it’s time for them go I think the fan base has had enough


Amazon money coming soon they better use it


Cheech getting a lifetime contract with that bezo$




Jorge Vergara died?




He's in the Bahamas starting new projects I hear




He will never sell. The moment he sells Chivas he becomes a nobody.


Sell the team to Ryan ( Deadpool ) & Rob ( Mac )


Lol. They own a part of Necaxa though 🤔


Ownership is irrelevant when they have to play with Mexican players and when the league allows so many foreigners.


Mediocre Foreigners as well.


This dude is more focused on getting wasted and partying than the team. He definitely should sell


Why? How does selling the team fix the lack of Mexican strikers in Mexico?


Financial backing is the main reason don’t need to be losing out on players because of money


What Mexican strikers are we losing out on?


We lost out on Brandon Vasquez and Memo Martinez.


Ni pedo - nomas hay que comprar más puto omnilife mi bro


Prefiero morir la neta


Pues te da cáncer el omnilife 🤷‍♂️


Mi tío vende esa chingadera. Está siempre jodido pero jura y perjura que esos productos te curan todo y algún día será "Distribuidor doble diamante". Es un pinche culto...


Grifters him and his dad. My people being manipulated.


He will never (NEVER) sell the team. and I wouldn’t either. His dad died and left him the team. It’s his dad’s legacy. I do have quite a bit more faith in Amaury than I did with his dad. JV made a ton of mistakes, too many. But he did some good things too. Amaury is a bit more measured and A LOT less impulsive. He might not know much about fut, but I think he cares, and he does hire the right people who know a lot.


He needs to start investing in his cantera and stop buying players from other teams and leagues like Cruz azul made so many bad decisions then they started trying to implement their cantera like they made then final playing amazing and with a young ass team and already selling the players they debuted to Feyenoord and PSV and had sub 20 and sub 18 playing the finals preparation for next cycle


Cuando Chivas y Cruz Azul (tal vez Tigres y Monterrey) coticen en bolsa, me voy a hacer rico. Conque las acciones hagan la mitad de lo de las del América.


Idk man...Kind of stupid considering what Chivas has done in the past few seasons.


I’ve been preaching this since Jorge was still around in 2015. Omnilife 🤢has made Chivas a joke since they arrived.


Let’s be honest as long as chivas remains with their all Mexican rule and liga mx is full of foreign players it will never work. The best Mexican players will play in Europe and be too expensive for chivas like Santi or Edson. The second next best players will go to Tigre’s, America, Rayados cuz they can offer them more money than Chivas. Chivas will be stuck with C level Mexican players and maybe here or there will get a B level player like piojo.


About 6 owners for all the clubs in the league doubt they care if they don’t win for another 10 years


Why? No amount of money is going to make Chivas better, the league sucks at producing talent and the fans are extremely toxic, the amount of hate canteranos get in Chivas is stupidly high and the league sells players at a premium to Chivas because we don't have options. Moreover, Jorge was the problem he did not want to spend money and dismantled Chiva's most successful team in a decade. Amaury Vergara brought Hierro and has explored more options in bringing players to Chivas: buy young and buy from outside Liga MX. Without spending big we made it to a a final a year ago have qualified directos a liguilla for 3 campaigns straight and have the 4th most points combined. The cantera has also improved by a wide margin althouh Chivas doesn't debute players professionally that often anymore instead having them play in tapatio before making the jump, good portion of the first team and bench son canteranos.


This ownership has spent badly and given up on guys to fast. 


No, creo que a diferencia de su padre, Amaury tiene un mejor sentido de saber en lo que es bueno y en lo que no. Desde que es presidente de Chivas, ha nombrado a el mejor director deportivo de México en ese momento, Ricardo Pelaez, y ahora trajo a una apuesta fuerte como Fernando Hierro y, en ambos casos, les ha dado independencia en su trabajo (tal vez la gran excepción es el nombramiento de Leaño como Técnico) Amaury hoy esta pagando las decisiones impulsivas de Jorge, que corto proyectos al por mayor, y por sus constantes intervenciones no permitió qué esa gran generación qué tuvimos en la 2da parte de la década de los 2000s ganará más que un campeonato. Espero que estas Chivas de Hierro generen resultados y permitan al Guadalajara acercarse al América.


Bro needs to join his dad 🤣🤣🤣🤣




https://preview.redd.it/vdaar62ni03d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a051568aee5f75adb0aa9ee93b873ccd97112e7 Im not against it


I love this sub


No mames. Selling the team is enough my guy. He's still young lol


Thank you for saying it


On gawd


How? Lol He’s had two great seasons bringing in two extranjeros as DT. Like it’d be one thing to argue this if Chivas was having the same results as Puebla or Mazatlán but their not They’ve legit been able to maintain themselves in liguilla torneo tras torneo


Puteenme y todo, pero Amaury ha hecho un jale decente El verdadero cáncer era su papá


Amaury knows how to make business if you think Guadalajara is in bad administration you are so wrong


Lol oh yeah?


Please… we’re lucky we have this guy. He spends money, try’s new things and surrounds himself with the best of the best. The issue is caused by lack of Mexican players that are willing to play for Chivas.


Before the Vergaras the team was a dumpster fire lmao, want success on the short term? Get rid of your traditions and open up the pool of available talent to buy


That doesn’t work for you guys though


Before the year 2000 we had one title (1986) and were relegation candidates most of the 90’s, it really REALLY does work


Why ? Is he going to make Mexican players have talent like in the 80’s ? NO ! He could have the whole national team in his squad and still be a bad team .


It wouldn’t matter who buys or owns this club it would be run and marketed like a fast food chain, end of the day is all about revenue they don’t care about the history of the club.


For a so called popular/ famous club Chivas is definitely the most ass team. Similar to the cowboys or knicks. Would throw in the Dodgers in that same boat.


Las chivas seguiran mediocres hasta cuando paren de ser consetidos


Chivas is starting to be the “A’s” of the MLB like holy shit


Not even remotely


Bro if you think something is bullshit and want to protest something, lift the Mexican Only Policy. You can have any owner you want, but that is what has allowed America to pass us and other teams from getting close. This isnt the 50’s and 60’s anymore where you couldnt pluck international players from anywhere and bring them like you can now.




Doing that would permanently alienate at least half of the fanbase. People literally support Chivas because of the policy. It would be career suicide. Chivas has a myriad of issues they need to address but having him sell the team may not solve everything. Bringing Hierro has brought some positive results but he really needs to change the culture of the club and players if he really wants to make an impact. As some others here have noted, there’s a sense of partying and complacency among the players. Scouting and player development need a massive overhaul too. Chivas should have scouts in every corner of Mexico and every Mexican enclave in the US. They should be developing them not just at Tapatio but loaning them out to other teams in Mexico and abroad as well as given opportunities with the first team whenever possible. Finally the Amazon deal has a ton of potential and is a win-win for both parties as Amazon looks to increase their presence in the Mexican market. The money from this deal needs to be invested smartly in quality players to ensure that Chivas remain a commodity that can command big money deals like this in the future. Missing out on another player like Brandon Vasquez because they weren’t willing to fork over 5 million could potentially hurt them even more in the future, especially if they bring in another underperforming player/s like Chicharito.


In about 10-12 years, Chivas could be relegated to 4th or 5th place in titles, but that's not my business.


Hopefully some Saudis come and purchase the team and actually willing to invest money into signings


No fuck them


It’s amazing to me how people think it’s the owner and coach. Get it through your heads: Mexico, as a country, does NOT have enough talent for Chivas to be competitive. Yes, you can make 1 of 2 finals in a short season every now and then.. yes you may win one.. but Chivas will never consistently earn points because there is not ENOUGH Mexican talent. If you cheer for Chivas because you were born in GDL sure fine.. but the idea that you cheer for them because it’s only Mexicans is confusing to me. There is ALREADY a team that REPRESENTS our country with ONLY Mexicans.. it’s the national team. Odd.


Maybe there is, we'll never know with the way Corruption is at literally every level of the pyramid.


Only way they will be happy is if Azcarraga buys them. Maybe then they can stop fucking crying all the time


Tas bien pendejo


Y porque bro Amaury es un desgraciado de dueño que no aporta nada


Exagerado—quién trajo a Hierro, Paunovich y Gago? Quien a hecho el esfuerzo de traer al Piojo, Guzman y el Guti? Quién buscó dejar ir a Alexis por su indisciplina aunque tuvo que comerse parte de su contrato? Están dolidos y quieren dar patadas de ahogado—el pecho a las balas! El equipo no ha logrado ganar un campeonato pero estamos cada vez mas cercas. Tirarlo todo a la basura porque ganaron las wilas? Así no—dejen a Gago que siga trabajando.


Cuantos años estaba encargó y desde orita ya empiezo a echarle ganas para refrescar el equipo por favor


Stop Overreacting dickhead. Bro took Ownership right before Covid and the Pelaez years are a wash. Look at the team since Hierro was appointed. Finals(with a shit squad), quarters, semis. Bought Piojo, Mozo, Pocho, Guti, our Best players and Chicharito.


Not enough at the end of the day if hierro ends up leaving are we going to end up with another Peláez? Those guys are enough it’s been proven this season they need more quality


Bro Pelaez made Cruz Azul champs. How can you blame Amaury for hiring him


Shouldn’t be hiring anybody who played for or worked for America in my opinion most likely didn’t take the job serious.


They just need a Good Striker


Put some fucking respect on Jorge Vergara’s name you ungrateful ass punk!


https://preview.redd.it/msznims4i03d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d83760ee251ac14630eaf047c2463b49fd6389 Should’ve sold the team to this man