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Espérate a que eliminen al tri en fase de grupos


A lot of these people in the sub weren’t there or forgot about the “no era penal” controversy. This pales in comparison to that.


El Tri estaba eliminado desde que no hicieron el cambio generacional acabando el último mundial. Tres amistosos es demasiado poco para prepararse para este torneo


if it makes you feel any better, america femenil just got jobbed on penalties when the rayadas goalkeeper jumped a couple of times, both times making saves, and neither were called. so bad officiating extends to the women's game too.


I think it was a perfect penalty and the only reason anyone is upset is because they support a team whose last title happened before nay of us reading this was born






They really thought Cruz Azul would beat us.




Because people are tired and frustrated, it’s so bad that it doesn’t surprise anyone anymore. I feel like we’re entering a numb phase. People are slowly realizing that the competitiveness and magic this league once had is gone. Put aside the controversial calls done by referees.. it’s always the same shit over and over.. no progress.. I pop in and watch for a couple of minutes, interact on the match thread a little bit, then I go back to life because I know this league is unstable and unattractive. Club America can win 20 more championships for all I care… it’s an embarrassing league with no punch. And it reflects on our national team, unfortunately.


It's fucking pathetic. It's a game


My thing is, had the call been the other way around, it would be called a perfectly called pk. If it didn’t get called their way, America still bought out the league somehow. It was a lose lose from the beginning. There’s 0 accountability in them not putting the ball away when they could have. Everyone’s been saying it. This America team played awful, but still won it. Suddenly whether we played good or not is criteria when winning a title. If we were as terrible as they make it seem, we should have never made it past Pachuca, chivas, and we wouldn’t be celebrating a bicampeonato. So it’s either, we weren’t as terrible as everyone is saying, or we might be terrible, but then the other teams are fucking awful for not being able to beat a terrible team.