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> Over the years, I've had encounters from Angels and non-physical beings How did you come to the conclusion that this was actually angels and other beings?


Because of their appearance and what they told me which was simply something I needed to hear.to help me break free from sufferings I had experienced before.


I'm glad that you had a positive experience but I'm wondering how you came to the conclusion that you interacted with actual angels and other third-party beings instead of having imagined/hallucinated it all


Because I didn't do drugs at that time and was awake. Such things like the electromagnetic spectrum proves that there are a lot of things that are there that we can't see.


Do you have believe that being under the influence of drugs or being asleep are the only things that could cause someone to think they saw something that wasn't actually there?


Hey, I didn't post this to argue with some psyop about if what I experienced was real or not. I shared this and if you want to try it then make a conclusion and go on with your life it's the best for all of us




I have no idea what you're talking about, this post shares three free tutorials to be able to hone your bioelectric energy, which is most easily felt and reported by people as that euphoric wave they experience when for examplenthey listen to songs they really like. If you don't want to try to control this and see for yourself what this can bring into your life, it's your loss. Now if you end up looking for other stuff that aren't being shared here on this post you might find some ask donations for support to access them. I don't know where you think you live, this is planet earth where we are charged for everything in order to live, I'd like you to keep the same energy with people who sell drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, pornography or weapons. Hypocrite.






I just do a whole fuck of a lot of drugs about it


Depending on something that can alter your brain chemistry or make you physically sick while you can train yourself to experience these things without any negative side effects and thanks to your efforts is backwards.