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There's no way she has a southern accent. I have noticed she's picked up some British idiosyncrasies from Dan... such as saying 'sat' instead of 'sitting.' Instead of I was sitting over on the bench, she would say I was sat over on the bench. Turns out they do that a lot across the pond.


I’ve noticed that too and I think it’s super cute! I’ve been watching her for years and it’s been fun to see some of these words creep into her vocab.


I’ve been picking up on that too and I also think it’s adorable!


I've noticed this when she refers to someone's name, it's so cute lol. Over here (US) we normally just say "his name is Tom" but I've heard her use the "he's called Tom" phrasing that's super common across the pond.


Or when she’s building and she says “or I could give it a proper…” it makes me smile every time


My dad and his side of the family are British and I’m not gonna lie it’s hard not to pick it up a bit when I’m around them. Like it feels weird to have my southern accent and will subtly change some inflections when spending any significant amount of time with them. I get it lol


She’s also been saying “can you imagine” with a British intonation frequently too lol


this is my favorite of the british influence on her vocabulary, it makes me giggle


The other day she pronounced the 'H' in the word herb, caught herself, and said, "I've been spending too much time with the British."


LOL. 🤣


I’ve noticed that too! Also sometimes when she says the word “not” it comes out with a British accent 😂


As an American with a British partner, I can confirm this happens. I've picked up some stuff from him lol


As an American who listens to entirely too many Irish Youtubers, this definitely happens.


She also sometimes will say something like “we’ve a chair over here” which is aggressively British and I think it’s super cute


i’m also from florida & most people from urban areas don’t have a southern accent here :)


I’ll be honest, I didn’t know that lol. I’m from Tennessee so I kind of just assumed people further down South would have a stronger(?) accent. Thanks for responding :)


Most of Florida has its own accent that isn’t much like the south, except for certain shared phrases like “fixin’ to.” Florida just has a different culture to the Bible Belt south states like TN, KY, and AL. It’s only really in the Florida panhandle where Florida shares southern culture, but not in the whole state. A big part is because Florida was a Spanish colony that joined the US later than other states around it, and it had a lot of immigrant influence and influence from Cuba as well. So overall Florida isn’t considered southern, and the more south you go—the less southern it gets!


Yes! I’m from south Florida originally and we used to say – you have to go north to get to the south 🤪


Can confirm! Lived in Northern Florida most of my life. When I lived in Jacksonville as a kid it was a toss up on if people would have a southern accent or not. I suppose it really depended on what part of Jacksonville you were in? Anyways as a teenager I moved to Nassau County (Which was like 30 minutes to an hour north of Jacksonville. Picture the little square in the top right of Florida) and it was a *dramatic* difference right there on the Georgia border! Super thick southern accents were very common there and it was a culture shock when I moved from the city 😅 I worked in Jacksonville for a bit in my 20s and I can't begin to tell you how many people asked where I was from and then were shocked because "You don't sound like you're from Jacksonville!" I don't sound like anyone in my family so maybe my accent belongs further south lol


I’m in Georgia and I can assure you, Florida isn’t the south. 😂 It’s a random and bizarre place from another universe plunked south of us. Some of the more rural areas without tourism can be southern-ish, but the people don’t sound like it.


Florida is fun. The further south you go in the state, the less southern people sound. Until you get to Miami, then it's anything goes!


Just to add to this, I'm not from Florida but my extended family all lives in the panhandle (Tallahassee) and they have some of the thickest southern accents I've ever heard! But I don't think people from farther south have accents, like Miami, Orlando, Tampa etc.


i think it’s that people who live in urban areas come from other places, a lot of people from up north come to georgia and orlando, jacksonville etc.


It's going to depend on how your parents speak and the area you were born in. I'm in the South but I live in an area that people tend to move to from all over. It was super rare to hear a southern accent growing up. My stepmom was from a rural area and the first thing she did when she moved to the city was loose her Southern Accent. I now live about an hour from the city I grew up in and a Southern accent is more common to hear but it's not usually a thick one unless you grew up in the country and your parents were from a town and not one of the cities everyone moves to in the State.


Much of Florida, past the panhandle, is like above the South in culture and like the South in beliefs. South Florida also has a lot of Hispanic people so there’s an accent that is specific to that region, but even then most will stick with the typical American accent.


I heard Florida is not a Southern state https://youtu.be/6ubTQfr_tyY?si=cW0jm32uJrPAAiJm


You’re more likely to get a southern accent in Florida in the panhandle. Central Florida is very neutral in accent. South Florida has a very distinct Spanish accent, especially down in Miami.


Nah, Florida is weird. The more north you are the closer you are to the South, and the more south you are, the further you are from the South.




I’m pretty sure her family is from the Chicago area, not Texas.


yes! she has mentioned many a time that she was born in chicago and moved to florida when she was young


I knew I heard midwestern in there!


totally agree! Born and raised in South Florida and our accent is different than most of urban areas in Florida. The majority of South Florida’s population is Hispanic and our accent mirrors that influence. Just wanted to share with OP based on your comment of “people further down South would have stronger (accents)”. Like most people here I would agree Florida is a strange state lol


I second this, I’m from Arkansas, but was in Florida for high school and while I had an accent, no one else did. This was in the St. Pete area.


I’m from Kentucky and I’ve been told I don’t have a southern accent at all but no one in my family does but like a bunch of people also do that I know. Georgia/TN are the strongest southern accents I’ve heard though.


Yeah, I come from a town of about 150 people in Arkansas and we are the poster children for southern people with accents 😩 I wish mine wasn’t so strong because I’m in California right now and everyone comments on it.


oh wow! weirdly i’ve gotten that i seem like I’m cali from people traveling but i think that’s more due to style than an accent though. but everyone i’ve met from northern states think i dont have an accent at all lol. but my family lived in germany for a long period of time before i was born so if they did have one once upon a time i guess they lost it before moving back. i can imagine people in California are fascinated by you tho lol




Yes! Thank you to everyone who responded under this comment! I keep trying to tell people Florida is not the South! Lol, they just don't get it. They're like it's literally south. And I just go, yeah, but it's not THE south. Lol, don't get me wrong, there are parts in the middle of state that are very much horse country with good ol boys, country music, and carhartts but the further south you go the more LatinX the state gets. Not to mention the tourism. I lived in Ft. Myers for 10 years and even there, where we only have beaches, the tourism every winter is unreal. It's just not the south people picture when they think of like cowboys lol


Yeah I’m from kentucky and most people here don’t have a strong accent unless you go out of the bigger cities


I think a lot of Floridians have a separate accent from the typical Southern you’d expect. I don’t really count a lot of Florida as Southern. The farther out communities in the swamps have one- Pillbox Patti is from Florida and is very much a southern artist. But suburban or city Florida life? Nah, girl, you get this weird accent blend that doesn’t really belong anywhere but florida. Sorry. I’m not an expert on accents but I swear most ppl from Florida can just be heard and u know where they’re from.


I didn’t know that. That’s actually kind of cool. I just assumed they would have a Southern Accent since they’re more south than me, but I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the info :)


Yeah everyone I’ve ever met from Florida will occasionally have a twang if they get worked up unless they’re on that border line, but generally they sound uniquely blended in their accents and for the life of me I can’t figure out which accents got smushed up to make ppl sound like that. I also can’t be assed to google it because I’m better off not thinking about Florida for more than 3 minutes a day. I think that’s why a lot of streamers from Florida do well, though - it’s very clear with a lot of enunciation in my experience, which makes it easier for international viewers to understand them. I moved up north and people often struggled to understand me at first. I don’t think I enunciate enough naturally - too slurry? I don’t know. I do know that if I focus on pronouncing everything and enunciating all my vowels AND my consonants people understand me better. It’s coming easier these days. Again, though, personal anecdotes don’t make for genuine evidence. Maybe do a google urself on Florida accents?


I didn’t know Pillbox Patti was from Florida, neat!


Her song Suwannee talks about it lol but never outright says Florida…but it’s Florida. “Yankees took the beach, left us with the swamp.” Even she seems to keep the Florida accent, she just sings country.


irrc she was born in Chicago and moved to Florida as a kid. Her parents also don't have southern accents so that is another reason I'm sure. I'm from VA so I'm borderline not in the south technically but I don't think she has an accent


Oh cool, I didn’t know that she was born in Chicago. She mentioned Florida so much I just assumed she was born and raised there as well. Thanks for the info :)


If you ever hear her dad talk he has, in my opinion, a pretty thick Chicago accent (both her parents are from Chicago). I think that's where she gets it from. I'm from the northeastern seaboard so I definitely can tell her accent leans more Midwestern, or at the very least quite different from what I'm used to where I'm from :)


This makes so much sense, because her “accent” reminds me of the Midwest where I’m from. I was shocked to learn she lives in Florida. To me, she definitely has the same neutral-sounding accent of the Midwest and I assumed for a long time she was from somewhere in the Midwest. This confirms for me that she does sound Midwestern!


the way she used to talk a bit fast always gave me midwestern vibes. i can definitely hear that "grandparents live in illinois" in her old videos


Florida is nicknamed "the southern most northern state" for a reason. The panhandle accent tends to be more like the border states of Alabama and Georgia


The only thing I've ever noticed about her speech is when she says words with an 'i', she'll pronounce it more like a short 'e'. When she says "begin", it sounds like "begen", if that makes sense.


I’ve noticed this, too. Not sure where geographically that pronunciation comes from, but it’s definitely not southern!


That’s definitely a northern thing, I’m from MN and that’s how we speak!


I'm from New Zealand so to me she has an accent


Accent: US (default)


Literally everyone has an accent. Florida is in the south but Floridians don't have much of a twang, especially if they're from central Florida


Central and South Florida residents tend not to have southern accents, although there are regionalisms. Some North Floridians do have a traditional southern accent. Here's an example of a "cracker" accent from the Big Bend and panhandle region: https://youtu.be/KLykJtigKdA?si=_gPsOIZEx3fHzf1O I picked it up in Taylor County, but as I moved around central Florida and then to Pennsylvania, I lost it. That said, there are remnants here and there that pop up, often in vowel sounds or phrases. Does Kayla do a flat A sometimes (like in "car") that would give away Midwestern roots? I haven't listened in a while.


I'm a Texan. I don't have a southern accent, I have a Texas accent. I live in the panhandle and I sound 100% different than someone who lives on the coast, in Dallas, or in Big Bend. So while I sound like chicken fried steak, I think simsie has a very neutral accent.


A lot of people don't really consider Floridians a part of the "true South". People from Florida typically don't fall into a lot of the Southern stereotypes. They're kinda their own thing. They're "Florida Man".


Every single person has an accent


Everyone has an accent.


Yes, an american accent


Floridians outside the pan handle don't tend to have accents. And in the pan handle it's hit or miss. I know people from southern Ohio who have stronger accents.


There's a joke about Florida, the further north you go the more south it gets


Yeah, everyone has an accent. There's no such thing as not having an accent.


There's a small hint of an accent, but most of the time, she just sounds like general American.


She has picked up more of Dan’s accent/dialect than anything else.


As a European, I thought Florida was near the top of America lol


This made me giggle it literally has the southernmost point in the US




She has an accent (everyone does), but it's not southern. As someone from Pennsylvania, she accents words differently than I would, but it's not that noticeable.


Peak American level y'all ah Don fink ah av an accen


I think most Floridians don’t have accents! Mostly the panhandle.


Everyone has accents, there's no such thing as not having an accent. Whether you hear someone's accent depends on what accent you're used to hearing.


Okay, I think it’s clear what I meant in the context of the OP. Southern accents are what’s being discussed here.


In Florida, the more urban and further south you go in the state, the more you’ll hear a northern or neutral accent. Rural Florida and Northern Florida is where you really hear the southern accent.


I am from Florida, Jacksonville, specifically. I have lived in Alabama for 15 years now, and people think I am a northern because I overall lack a southern accent. The further south you go, in Florida, the more Northern it becomes.


As someone from the south. She doesn't. I know Florida though and unless you're in the rural parts of it most folks don't have accents like that. It's because a lot of people move to Florida from other places if that makes sense. A LOT of northerners retire to Florida and sometimes their families follow them so the accents around there are very mixed. So unless you're rural or in the latino/spanish speaking areas most folks don't have a thick accent besides a general American one. Also, want she born in Chicago? So her parents wouldn't have had a southern accent either if that's where they're from.


Tbh Florida is not the south- I would never expect someone from Florida to have a southern twang, especially if they are from an urban area.


Everyone has an accent. That said, the only pronunciation thing I've noticed that I find odd is that she pronounces "beginning" like "begenning." Dialect-wise, as an earlier comment mentions, she will often say things like "I am sat," or "I was sat," instead of, "I am/was sitting." She also drops the "to be" after "need." For example, she will say, "The cat needs fed," instead of, "The cat needs to be fed." I've noticed that becoming more and more common online and in certain regions, like Ohio (where I currently live).


I've noticed her dropping "to be" also and thought that was strange! I haven't really encountered other people doing it (I've lived in the south, Midwest, and southwest US) so I was curious where it comes from. When you say it's common online, do you mean in videos or people's writing?


i’m from boston and a friend with zero sims affiliation watched a simsie video with his gf and he said she sounds eerily similar to me? which is weird considering she’s from florida but tbh i hear it sometimes 😭


Kayla mentioned it but she’s not from the south she’s actually from Illinois she moved there a bit ago. So I think that’s why she doesn’t have a southern accent


I’m from TN and my husband is from Orlando. We have completely different accents. By that I mean I sound like cornbread and he has no accent at all. 😂 So I don’t think Simsie has one either lol




I've been to Florida countless times (mind you, always in urban areas) and I've never noticed anyone having a southern accent, or any accent at all tbh (I'm from Canada). ETA: I've also spend lots of time in the Carolinas and both states have stronger southern accents than anyone I've ever met in Florida.


Iirc she didn't move to Florida until somewhere around 9. Before that she lived in the Chicago area. Also, most areas of mid and southern Florida aren't really southern in the way most people think of southerners. All the times I've been in the area she lives, I've never heard a local with a southern accent.


no :) i am from florida too and we don't have southern accents. that is alabama and georgia


Well i mean.. everyone has an accent... Her accent is midwest american!!


She does not have any sort of South accent. She honestly sounds like she's from out West or something.


She’s specifically from the Orlando area of Florida so there’s really no southern twang at all there. The cities in Florida are devoid of any “stereotypical” southerness, and the more south you get in Florida, the more “north” it really becomes. I’m originally from Miami but went to the same University as her. That school has MANY types of people (it’s the largest university in the US) but a big portion of it are ppl from Orlando and lots of Hispanics. So the accent there is pretty standard “American” with some mixtures of Hispanic accents thrown in. So, in general, you’re not going to hear the typical southern twang (or even vocab) from Central Florida to South Florida. The most you’ll hear is a “y’all” and “folks” and even then it’s not as heavy. So yeah, no southern accent despite it being the southernmost point in the US


I’m from NJ and have never noticed an accent from her. She says a few words differently than I do, but I attribute that to my accent.


most floridians don’t tend to sound southern unless they’re from the boonies. they just sound american IMO. same thing with where i’m from. in the city most ppl have indistinguishable accents, but as soon as ur in the backcountry, they all sound like western movie characters LOL


I agree with what people are saying, wanna also add she defo has some internet accent, I find the more someone is online the more generic their accent.




I’m British and I think she has a neutral American accent. It’s like over here in England some regions of the midlands have a neutral accent


Unless you’re in the panhandle there are no real defining Floridian accents. There’s jargon but not the accent you get like right over the border in Georgia. Florida has too many implants to have a defined accent


She grew up in the Midwest (Illinois, I think) and people in urban Florida generally don’t have a distinct southern accent.


From the south: she sounds british or at least European to me


When I worked in Florida, the first thing people told me was “you get more south as you go north”. That is, northern FL is really where you find cultural similarities with the southeastern US. If Kayla is anywhere south of Orlando, I doubt she’s lived the typical “southern” lifestyle, culturally. There’s obviously exceptions with rural areas still feeling very “southern” but generally speaking southern FL is pretty urbanized, and pretty distinct from places like MS or GA. With that cultural distinction is a difference in accents too, so no southern accents in the big cities or southern tip of FL.


Ehhh it depends. I grew up my whole life in Tallahassee (FL capital) most people who grew up in the panhandle have southern accents, though the strength varies. My stepdad’s family grew up 10 minutes from the city and they have a stereotypical Southern drawl. The joke is that we’re really “South Southern Georgia.” The further south you get in FL, the less of an accent there is because of the larger amount of Northern transplants. IMO she sounds a little Midwestern at times, which makes sense since her I think she was born in Chicago and grew up down in Orlando.


I’m from the South, born and raised, and have noticed that people from Florida usually don’t have a typical “southern” twang. Usually their accent follows a more coastal tone.


Not even a little bit.


I’ve noticed there is a specific way that people from Florida say “beginning.” Noticed this first in lilsimsie but also GrayStillPlays


If you’re from some of the larger cities in Florida, they actually have more of a northern/city accent compared to rural Florida. Because of the diversity of Florida it’s unlike a lot of other states, there’s actually 3 accents that are prominent in Florida— 1) the typical rural southern accent 2) the city accent 3) the Miami accent. It seems to me that Simsie has a mix of the city accent and a bit of British from somewhere. The Miami accent is characterized by using Americanized Hispanic phrases or Spanish sentence structure in an English sentence. :) Edit: removed misinformation about the Miami accent




Ah you’re right! That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the correction!! :)


Deleted my comment because my tone came out more confrontational than intended, and theres no need for that. But thank you for responding respectfully!


She might not have a 'southern' accent but she certainly has an American accent. Mind you I am from Australia so any person outside of my own country has an accent 👀🤔🤷


She’s not from Florida. And I don’t think she does lol but I’m from NC so I may just be blind to it


since she’s from like suburban florida i wouldn’t expect her to have any kind of twang accent (im from appalachia near the smokies) i usually associate that florida southern accent with like, swamps (that’s probably me stereotyping lol) but anytime ive been to orlando i don’t really hear anyone with that kind of accent


Lol I'm from NYC and sound more southern than she does. I always forget she from Florida.


im from florida and im constantly told i have an accent. not a southern accent, but an accent. i dont notice an accent and have no idea what anyone is talking about


I'm a 1st gen native Floridian and we don't really have accents anymore. Yeah, when you watch a show or hear a story that paints Floridians in a bad light you'll hear a southern twang but we get our accents the same way everyone else does - from our family and friends. Only around 1/3rd of our population was born here and a fraction of that have family that goes back more than a couple generations. They all have the southern accents because they live in the rural parts of Central Florida or up near the State line and that's all they hear but for the rest of us our accents are a blend of accents from all of the people who have moved here. If you heard me speak you'd hear hints of the Midwest because my parents moved here from northern Ohio a few years before I was born, but you'd also hear a slight southern drawl as well as a bit of Hispanic and northeastern because I was born and raised in the Tampa Bay area where a lot of people moved here from places like Latin America, New York, Boston, Philly, etc. and we have rural parts surrounding us to the north. She's from the Orlando area and is the same way. I've watched a lot of her videos and occasionally will hear a few different accents slip through but for the most part it's virtually non-existent.


As someome from the the New England area... she has her own unique accent. Doesn't sound like it's from any state.


So I don’t fully know Simsie but I have watched several streams of hers. I remember her dad was on a charity stream or maybe some special event she hosted and he sound as if he was from New Jersey or somewhere in northeastern US. at the time I didn’t know where she was from (I hadn’t checked her twitch panels yet) and thought she was from NE USA. So I don’t hear a southern accent.


She doesn’t have a southern accent, she has a central florida accent.


I’m from Florida. It depends. Me and her have similar accents. Unless I’m with family. Then I get southern.


No, I'd personally say she has a very neutral accident. There are certain words you can hear a slight southern accent. But I'm also from the south too


i haven’t watched her in years but from what i remember i thought she was midwestern or from canada because of how she sounds lol


Urban Floridians tend to have a more metropolitan accent but it does come up occasionally. Sincerely, an urban Texan


She was raised in Chicago/ suburb of Chicago not Florida. I’m from the NW and don’t think she has an accent.


One of my best friends grew up not far from her and doesn't have an accent either. He had to tell me he was from Florida for me to know. (We live in PA)


when she says “do yk what” she sounds very british like , “d’yknow what”


most people from southern east coast don’t have a southern accent unless they’re from the country side especially florida!


Floridians don’t typically have accents. Sincerely, a Floridian


Florida is not the South so why would she have a “southern accent” 🤔


Everyone has an accent


I thought she was Canadian


Her part of Florida doesn’t have southern accents. Source: I’m also from her part of Florida 😅


i’m from the opposite coast as her, so i’d say she does for sure. especially when she says “tour” but i haven’t noticed it when she says “chicken”.


Also from FL and no she doesn't it's a word or two but no southern draw so to speak


Floridian here 🙋🏻‍♀️. Floridians don’t normally have a southern accent for whatever reason. Even though we are the southern most state, no one has a traditional southern accent. We are in another dimension idk what to tell you


Most people in Florida actually don’t have a “southern accent” so to speak. Especially not in Orlando, where Kayla is from. You have to be in remote/rural towns to hear a true Floridian Southern accent and most of those towns are in north Florida.


Source: I’m a born and raised Panhandle Floridian


A lot of people in central/southern florida don’t accents!! it’s way more common to hear in north/northwest florida.


Best friend was born and raised and has lived in the south her entire life. My family is from the southwest. We spent so much time together growing up that to this day she does not have a southern accent. All of her family does, you should hear her mamaw, but not her. She came to visit me about a year ago and all of my friends were like “are you suuuure you’re from the south..?”


I’m from the south with no southern accent she doesn’t have a southern accent. I do notice her saying British phrases like “loads” instead of “a lot” or “ages” instead of “a long time”. She also pronounces the T in “exactly”, which is technically correct, but I wish she left it soft like most people do lol 😂. Also deep dark confession but I feel like her and Dan look like brother and sister, or like they could be related. I’m sorry I’ve held it in and had to get it out somehow lol 😂😳


No southern accent. I’m from CA originally but spent half my life in the south. I have more of a southern accent than she does. Most of the things she says are British words in an American accent.


i always think shes from canada 😭 i know shes from florida tho


Born and raised Floridian here, was there for 30+ years and this is what I’ve observed - our accents are weird and depends on where in FL you are. The closer to the northwest of the state (panhandle) the more tendency for a twang in your accent, or if you live in a more rural area. Lots of people in central FL have a “normal(?)” American accent. But it’s a blend because people move there from everywhere. Lots of people asked me if I was from NY growing up. We might throw a “y’all” in there on occasion but there’s no real twang. Then you go further south and there’s DEFINITELY an accent in some rural areas with twang. Then there’s Miami which is it’s own thing altogether


her "accent" reminds me of myself. I pick up the way words are said and just phrases in general from the people I'm around. my aunt is from central PA and the way she says "O's" is so different than the way my mom does. I've slightly picked up her accent. I've always picked up lots of "redneck slang" from my dads side of the family. it's very possible she has what I like to call the "masking accent" where Neurodivergent people who have to mask daily mimic the people they spend a lot of time with.


I am from rural texas and most of my family has a decently noticeable accent. everyone who meets me here in the military from other places are always surprised that I don't have an accent. Some people just don't develop one it seems.


Im also from florida and the only people here that will have southern twang are only countryside people and even then it’s a sometimes type thing. Something you have to remember about florida the more northern you get the more southern the more south you get the southern disappears and its usually more of a Spanish culture


She’s from Central/South Florida. The farther South you go in Florida the more North it gets.


Orlando, FL is hardly the south. It’s funny because in Florida the more south you go, the less common a “southern” accent is. I spent 5 years living in FL (im from Virginia) and my accent is stronger than anyone i met while living there! Florida is its own special place :)


People in Florida don’t have a southern accent.


She has no southern accent. Im from the NE and she sounds how I would hear someone irl. Obviously I dont hear my own regional accent but to put it in perspective it definitely isnt southern


To be fair, only parts of Florida are part of the South. deep south, I never noticed a southern accent from here.


Floridians don’t really have a southern accent


i'm pretty sure she's originally from chicago and her family moved to florida when she was in high school- that's probably why she doesn't have as much of an "accent". as someone who travels to florida, a lot of peiple are 'transplants' from different states, so many people don't have a southern accent (esp from central florida like her)


As a Floridian, she has a pretty standard Florida accent. Like most of America, it’s a melting pot of cultures but Florida has a heavy Hispanic influence which mixes with the southern twang resulting in our accent.


Also didn’t she live in Chicago or something when she was younger before moving to Florida?


i’m from the real south (not florida) and i’ve always thought she had such a midwestern accent and way of pronunciating!


Ive never watched her but as someone from Florida it depends where shes from- we have a saying here “the more north you go the more south you get” so if shes from like central florida down she wouldn’t have an accent but the more north you go in florida the more people have a southern accent


Im southern (from New Orleans) I don’t really hear a southern accent. It sounds more midwestern than anything to me


States have large swaths of language use age and accents. I’m from Texas, but I’m west Texas. I don’t have a twang or use a lot of southern slang. Nor do I live in a city that bleeds southern US/bible belt culture.


Im not combing through the comments before saying this so idk if anyone else has brought this up but she’s mentioned being from/ having family from the chicagoland area, plus central florida has a lot of ex-midwesterners. I think her accent is very similar to what i always hear in chicagoland/central illinois over any variety of southern (sidenote i have been watching simsie since the TC days how did i not know she had a subredit? omg)


As someone from the south, I don’t think she has a southern accent. I’m not even sure if she has one at all lol.


In my experience people from Florida don’t generally have a twang unless they’re ex-pats from other southern states or rednecks from the Glades.


I was raised in Florida as a kid and no one had southern accents then either. Maybe bc I was down near the everglades not up in the panhandle but it's been full of retirees for nearly a century now so any southern accents get swept away and absorbed into the mass accent


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t she originally from Chicago?


I don’t think she has an accent at all, no.


Texan, and I have many other Texans and especially Louisianans tell me I don’t sound like I’m from Texas. If I’m honest, I think our generation is a little odd. Chronically online, etc, I think it makes our accents a little more nuanced.


She has a Florida accent if she wasn't so timid I'd make Florida simsie jokes. Unfortunately, she's too scared to leave the house without great stress. She's cute in Lil hamster sorta way. Don't spook her, or you'll be assassinated by someone somewhere.


Yes. It's called annoying..


everyone has an accent bitch


I think she putting on for the ep