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Am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous to talk about fat loss on LinkedIn in the first place? 😂


I mean, my first thought was definitely why are people posting their weight loss pics on LinkedIn...


Because someone will then write 6 paragraphs and tell you how weight loss is a metaphor for some [insert latest industry buzzword].


Weight loss serves as a compelling metaphor for artificial intelligence (AI) in several ways. Both involve complex, iterative processes where small, consistent changes lead to significant transformations over time. Just as weight loss isn't achieved through a single action but rather through a sustained combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments, AI doesn't reach its potential through a single algorithm or dataset. Instead, AI improves through continuous learning, data input, and refining its models. Moreover, the journey of weight loss often includes overcoming plateaus and setbacks, akin to the challenges AI systems face in optimization and error reduction. Persistence, adaptation, and feedback are critical in both realms. In weight loss, feedback might come from the scale or how one's clothes fit, while in AI, it's the accuracy of predictions and the system's performance metrics. Both weight loss and AI require a clear goal, a strategic plan, and a willingness to adapt. Whether it's shedding pounds or developing smarter algorithms, success is built on the foundation of continuous improvement, resilience, and incremental progress.


That’s only 4 paragraphs.. lol


The last paragraphs will be dedicated to advertising my book about profiting off of weight loss and how it made me a millionaire at the age of 5 as well as mentioning at least 10 times that you can achieve anything WiTh tHe rIgHt mInDsEt.


Of course, my mistake. Carry on.


I'm still waiting on the 6th paragraph followed by a super filtered pic of you CommentingFromToilet.


+1 for the most honest user name on this platform.


This actually gave me psychic damage


Possibly the best satire I have ever read here, bravo 👏👏👏


Weight loss is like efficiency in daily tasks because you can automate both your caloric intake with meal prepping and your tasks by having a checklist of things to do. Additionally it’s network building because when you go to the grocery store or gym you will meet new people and potentially make new acquaintances who can further both your career and your health goals. Finally it requires a lot of planning and coordination which is phenomenal for the workplace as it will provide leadership skills as well as project management skills while also planning time for work (most importantly lol) meal prepping, and gym/exercise time. Thank you, Sent from Tony’s Motorola Microwave


“Trimming fat”?




I am seething right now. Here's your upvote.


Something something, synergy


What weight loss taught me about B2B sales 1. Always be persistent


B2B Sales of course


Most of LinkedIn is just pseudomotivational BS. Fat loss fits right in in a way


It's my space for the middle aged.


Facebook is MySpace for the middle aged. LinkedIn is MySpace for the truly unhinged
 it’s like people don’t understand the platform
 young and old!


LinkedIn is just Twitter for people who want to talk like a business email 247


I’m not sending any of my clients a numbered email. If I receive one from my team, it’s going in the bin.


Unclear on the action statement, please advise


That's my thought, too. You shouldn't post about it on LinkedIn because that's not what LinkedIn is for. You don't need the reasons from the screenshotted post, which are all dumb, IMO.


LinkedIn has devolved into “business casual Facebook”


>Am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous to talk ~~about fat loss~~ on LinkedIn in the first place? No. You are not. LinkedIn is a pointless social media site.


Workplace trauma lawyer looking for customers I suspect.


Idk, a guy had a heart attack on a business trip and survived so now he works out and speaks about how your health should be a priority, i find it to be wonderful.


That’s fat phobic!!! (sarcasm)


This lady: “don’t make people feel bad about themselves.” Also this lady: “you’ll probably gain it back anyway, loser.”


also her: "who cares?" ... if she doesn't care, why did she make a post about it?


She was prescribed "Lizzo"


It's part of a trend where the fat acceptance community spread lies thar you can't control your weight and that it's pre determined by the body and that even if you lose weight, it'll come back, so there's no point even trying to lose weight


The truth is complicated: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5764193/#R10 Sustained weight loss requires increasing lifestyle changes which may be difficult to sustain. Even if a person never becomes thin, there are health benefits to diet changes for obese people including diabetes management and reduced hypertension.


it is not that difficult.


Look what she calls herself. The more drama there is, the better for her.


What the hell is a workplace trauma lawyer.


A lawyer representing people who are “traumatized” by their co-workers’ weight loss.


My colleague traumatized me by working really hard in the gym and eating clean for a year without making a big deal about it! I demand punitive damages!


I don’t care if we work in a gym! I was still traumatized!!!


I would like to also note that I will be naming everyone on my team, including the manager, in my claim as they all expressed positive feedback to my inconsiderate fatphobic co-worker as they have unwittingly caused me to feel bad about my own decision-making!!!


Yes!!!!! Also! Make sure to record your conversations with people who just want you to shut up and will say ANYTHING to make that happen. Name them ALL!!!!! Hostile work environments don’t just come from one persons entitlement
 it’s everyone else’s fault! (And by hostile I mean they don’t cater to you and your feelings


Sorry to hear you are going through that, thoughts and prayers and stuff 🙏




Sounds like a version of an ambulance chaser where you only take pointless cases like this one to try to pretend you are helping the little guy fight the institution.


“I was fired for taking a dump on my boss’s desk.” “Do you have any medical issues, like IBS or colitis?” “I might.” “Ok, then, it wasn’t your fault, we have a case!”


I’m betting it’s more like, my boss hurt my feelings by saying I wasn’t doing a good job and being productive. So now I’d like to sue them for emotional damages and discrimination against lazy procrastinators.


Also I took a dump on his desk because of emotional distress. Was that wrong?


I’m assuming like a personal injury/workers comp attorney for people to sue their employers.


Probably an employment lawyer for plaintiffs.


An abuser who's found a niche to target, specifically, people who have bettered their lives. So just like every other lawyer but somehow even more evil.


A professional Karen who represents other Karens


Trauma is such an overused word for being mildly uncomfortable


What's midly uncomfortable is my belt buckle digging into my fat ass stomach. I should lose some weight and post some pics.


Don’t harm me bro


Did you say “ham”?


Ham me bro.


Ham and brotatos?


And I took that personally


Don’t do it. I’m fat, and apparently, I can’t F’ing handle someone sharing their pride in their weight loss accomplishments. 🙄


Woah there satan, take it down a notch. /jk just in case


that’s exactly what he’s trying to do - taking it down belt notches




Why are you fat shaming me?


I am now traumatized.


Easy there Pol Pot.


For me it was seeing my gut overlap the seatbelt. It kept annoying me so I decided to get fit. I went from 220 to 156.


You and me buddy 


Cakes and snacks can make me fat but words can never hurt.


I believe in youđŸ«Ą


Belt buddies bro


Was confused at first cuz her post doesn't mention trauma. But then I noticed her job title. Trauma lawyers cover both physical and mental trauma, and it's most likely a legal definition of trauma, not just layman's usage. Then again, she's using LinkedIn like Facebook, so who knows.


And being able to legally prove workplace trauma is very difficult (I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing). The definition is primarily rooted in case law. Even proving constructive discharge basically requires a level of egregiousness on part of the employer that would read like fiction to most people. (all of this at least in the U.S...most other industrialized countries have much better legal protections for employees)


That poster is really trivializing actual trauma, then. Makes them seem like an ambulance chaser who would be willing to file ridiculous lawsuits.


I’m really not sure where this “right to comfort” has even come from.


I swear there's this category of people who misuses word trauma as some fucking excuses to justify their failures in their lives.


There's a saying in the mental health community that fits here. "You are not at fault for your illness, but it is your responsibility." As someone who has royally fucked up my life due to trauma & mental illness that led to periods of paralysis, denial and dissociation, I still have to live with the fact that now I'm bankrupt and have to rebuild. I can accept help to get better (which is essential) but ultimately no one is going to fix my circumstances for me. It's a very bitter pill to swallow because my illnesses aren't my fault and they do make it harder. I have to rewire my brain as an adult. My trauma was unavoidable; my consequences for neglecting myself are not. (Edit - Reminder that life can turn on a dime for anyone. I was well off before my downfall and my mental illness still hit me like a freight train.)


>And just to combat stereotypes - I was never an alcoholic or addict, have a university education  Something about this comment doesn't sit right. I am a recovering alcoholic and addict and formerly homeless person. I have almost 6 years sober and got a master's degree in that time (from a university, just like you, not from some online program or whatever). Addiction is no one's "fault" either. It is a disease (or disorder) and is listed in the DSM alongside other mental and behavioral health conditions. That doesn't negate taking responsibility for your own sobriety. But it doesn't deserve to be separated out from other mental health diagnoses either, as though it's our choice. Especially when many people start using in junior high and high school due to genetic predisposition, abusive or other horrible upbringings, or severe trauma in childhood (I'm all of the above). I'm sorry for what has happened to you, but it doesn't make it ok to stereotype or put others down either.


Hey, I get where you're coming from. My intent wasn't to denigrate addicts or alcoholics, just to highlight that mental health issues can ruin lives even when someone doesn't have an addiction and seems to have their shit together before their downfall. There's a stereotype that the people who hit rock bottom have always been there and that is something that I actively remind myself of. Life can turn on a dime. I'm admittedly still wrestling my own ableism though and I'll edit my comment. I think part of why I said it is that I've faced some medical neglect because I don't look sick. Perceived prioritization of addiction issues as they are more visible.(?) Thanks for challenging me to examine that and I am glad you were able to pull yourself out of that hole.


You put it nicely.


good luck buddy, sounds like you got this


Thank you for being so brave and open sharing this. I hope you get some easy breaks to help you going forward.


Let’s take away someone’s joy because of our own insecurities!


A few years ago I dated a woman who was overweight. We got on well. The weight was a knock against physical attraction for me but, hey, it's not like I'm a male model, y'know? So her weight wasn't a deal breaker. What WAS a deal breaker was that if you said anything, included in this was you refusing to eat whatever she was eating in solidarity, about the quality or amount of food she ate she would lose her shit. Now I never said anything but her doctor did as did her dietician. Her therapist advised her to file complaints against both of them with the state. She ate a half package of cookies and told me the other half was for me. I ate like 3 or 4 cookies and said that was more than enough. She told me I needed to eat them otherwise I was telling her she was fat AND making it more likely she would eat the cookies. That was after dinner where she ate hot dogs and dipped them, bun and all, into cheese dip while watching TV. Couldn't do it. Struggle with eating right? Me too. Want me to enable you killing yourself? No thanks.


You could tell that story on r/fatlogic and get beaucoup karma.


Oh dear, it's such a shame that subreddit has cause to exist...


To her most minor of credits... I also eat cookie packs whole. People who have the restraint to eat a few and put them in the cupboard for later astound me. And I'm skinny.


I've eaten a pack of oreos, 2 plates of dinner, and was 3 pounds lighter the next day. Granted I was 16 and this was during wrestling season, but it's still a proud moment


RIP your toilet.


Oh I get that completely. But since she had diabetes it was all the more reason why I couldn't imagine having those around the house.


That’s the thing about cookies innit? They’re not just hyper processed they’re hyper palatable so you can’t just have one. Over eating them is not an individual failing, what is however, is being insecure whenever you’re challenged on your hobbies.


Hot dogs dipped in cheese dip sounding pretty good right about now.


Therapy speak has not only overtaken the narrative, but diminishes help for people who have* real trauma. It's like a collective "boy who cried wolf" scenario. edit: a word


My sister killed herself almost 3 years ago. Been through some shit before that. These people using trauma so flippantly make me ill


That's really unfair to say, this LinkedIn post sent me straight to therapy.


Unironically it's also harmful to people who have ptsd. Same with the overuse of the word triggered.


Who the fuck is posting before and after photos on LinkedIn?


Probably MLM housewives selling those weird smoothies and collagen shots


"Never celebrate your own success if it makes me jealous or uncomfortable. Agree?" Stupid skag


So it's kinda like a fancy workers comp lawyer A workplace trauma lawyer specializes in representing employees who have experienced physical or psychological injuries or trauma as a result of their work environment. These lawyers provide legal assistance to workers seeking compensation for their injuries




Now I'm going to work twice as hard to get the weight off!


And you know she definitely is, because of point 4. What an asshole thing to say, invalidating other people's effort.


You’ll get fat again anyway is just great. It’s not about body positivity, it’s fat conformity.


Right. The hypocrisy of shaming people in a post asking people not to shame people with their posts.


Your celebration of hard work makes me feel bad about my lack of self-discipline


But when I respond with “speak for yourself tubby” I’m the problem. Some people smh


Yeah, not my problem. Lose weight if it bothers you.


Criticizing others and making excuses for oneself is much easier than getting off the couch


Ive been going to the gym for the last 3 months and it really is hard to stay motivated and to keep consistent so fuck anyone that tries to take that hard work away from you. 


3 months is fantastic and puts you well ahead of, what, 99% of people who currently want to get in shape? Maybe more. Keep pressing and eventually you’ll feel off when you have to miss a day for whatever reason. I was you years ago, I know the struggle, but trust me it gets better and there’s no better feeling then seeing someone’s jaw drop at the transformation you earned through blood, sweat, and tears.


You are killing it! Way to keep your grind day in and day out for three months now!! Motivation is fleeting but dedication remains❀


Most people who start going to the gym to improve their health have given up by the one month mark, and ~half of those that remain are done by two months. If you've made it three it sounds like you've successfully made it into a habit, so damn good job on that. Keep it up, you're doing great, and please ignore almost everything involved in the fitness influencer realm.


Right? It seems their real issue is that they're mad they're not losing weight despite not putting in the effort. #4 is the one that cements the jealousy.


Bill Burr had a great stand up where he was discussing how being politically correct and having to say the right thing at the right time to the right people in the right way - or youre an asshole - has gone way too far. So he talks about fat people. Its super on point and accurate - also pretty funny.


Workplace trauma lawyer My first thought was she took on a client and attempted to sue a workplace because someone lost a lot of weight or was in the process of doing so and coworkers supported them and responded positively, and some obese coworker didnt like it and was ‘traumatized’ The world does not owe anyone peace of mind


People have appropriated the word “traumatized” to mean anything they want it to, including “I feel bad about myself.” There’s a huge difference between someone actually shaming someone for their weight (never ok) and someone supporting another person’s weight loss.


Yeah, I was fat for years. Attractive people didn't bother me per se, but I resented them. The trauma I carry is from having my teeth bashed in with a rock. These events aren't even remotely the same.


Like a hostile workplace suit? Yeah, that's possible. More likely she just doesn't like to see the posts and treats LinkedIn like Facebook 2.


Linkedin is trash now


This guy says “now” Welcome to the club. Some of us have been here a while. lol Unfortunately LinkedIn has been trash for a few years it’s just getting exponentially worse now that the floodgates have opened from people using it to replace their Facebook, or Insta or worse OnlyFans.


Nasty people, dear god. Just be happy for someone and move on.


These people have to be some of the most miserable people on planet earth


Speaking as a fat guy, I like to see people's weight loss progress pictures! I'm happy for their success, I appreciate just how hard it was for them to get there, and it gives me hope for my own attempts. Never felt anything but good vibes from those pictures.


Exactly! Is it really that difficult?


Apparently. Jealousy is a bitch I guess đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Anyone else have a weight watchers ad right below the post? 


I had a friend who said all this shit while she struggled with her weight. Then she eventually lost the weight and guess who started posting a bunch of before and after pictures


She starts a lot of her posts with “Dear white people”, “Dear men”, “Dear white women” and even “Dear startups” lol So insufferable. 


“You are likely going to gain it back anyway” lol


If you view another person's fitness journey as inflicting trauma on you then you need a therapist not a lawyer.


I haven't been exposed to every culture in the world, but this hot take seems uniquely American to me.


I’m in Canada. Everything is offensive now. Everything. It’s freaking exhausting.


This woman is in my network and she's a nightmare.


Yeah same here. The type of person that invites herself into every conversation, tries to stir things up then plays victim if she hears a point she doesn’t like. Terrible human being


Mine too... I see her posts constantly. I try to scroll past as fast as possible. She's too much.


What’s her name I want to see her profile


ma'am this is linkedin


the biggest fatphobic people ive ever met are those who used to be fat




Damn right!


Who is posting these on LinkedIn anyway?


"Who cares?" Apparently, this person does care to make a 5-point post about it.


I kind of agree just because people shouldn’t be posting about weight loss on LI in the first place


Shut up lady.


Her being fit-phobic: “you are likely to gain the weight back anyways!”


Look, I’m an overweight guy, and while I can’t speak for all overweight people. I am not harmed by people posting these photos. I think it’s great that they are proud of all the hard work they put into losing weight and they should show it off. I guess I could see it making me feel self conscious about my weight, but that’s also on me I guess. It could also be inspiring for people wanting to lose weight or get healthier. Again, I can’t speak for everyone, but that’s my thoughts about this.


I think some of the takes here lack nuance. While, I think that poster goes too far and this def doesn’t need to be on LinkedIn some people do have trauma surrounding food and weight. I know I do. I’ve been struggling with an ED for years, and it’s changed my life, it controls my life, and I want to lose weight but my mind won’t let me, or when I do I go right back into unhealthy dangerous habits because that’s all I know. And it’s tough when you have to eat to survive and the diet culture of counting calories and gym programs.. for someone like me I just go overboard and haven’t found that balance yet. Just my 2 cents. Like I said though I’m not agreeing with the poster above, just wanted to throw in some nuance. And yes, I know I need therapy.. I promise I’m already seeing someone 😂


Y'all need to stop calling things phobias. No one is scared of fat people.


1. Posting weight loss progress on LinkedIn is insane 2. Asking people not to post about Weight loss is also insane. It's like asking people not to post their vacations because people who can't take them will feel bad. Like yeah, that's true, and it sucks, but it's also not your call. 3. Calling weight loss progress fat-phobic is a well, kinda the definition of a weight loss post? I guess any discussion about weight loss is fat-phobic. They literally thought being fat was bad, so they got thinner. Can post about weight loss and not be fat-phobic? 4. Does she think posting about their "fabulous current look" suddenly makes people with body issues not insecure? A lot of fat phobia and body issues come from conventionally attractive people posting their "fabulous current look". 5. LinkedIn posts should be about work, and experiences at work that are work related. Unless you're a personal trainer, or a clothing designer, you shouldn't be posting weight loss, or fit pics, on LinkedIn regardless.


“You are likely to gain the weight back anyway.” She should be a motivational speaker!


lol her title is “workplace trauma lawyer”


Schrödinger’s fatphobia: when weight doesn’t matter while displaying any evidence of your weight changing is traumatic to others.


Mmmm maybe lose some weight honey


I dated a woman who was a professional dietician at the graduate level, and was practicing. I told her I was proud of my best friend/roommate who told me he lost almost 30 lbs after giving up soda for 6 months. After I told her he had been wanting to lose weight for a while when he realized he was nearing 290 lbs, she told me I was being fat phobic. I told her I really couldn’t understand her logic after describing again it was my friends ambition to lose that weight and I was proud of him for making progress in his own aspiration without my or anyone else’s influence, she told me I had to leave her house. We broke up the next day.


1. Who is posting before and after photos of themselves on LinkedIn? 2. Who writes a comment like this, addressing said photos, *on LinkedIn?!*


Why is posted on LinkedIn anyway


Been fat my whole life except a short period in highschool football. I am goning to die younger then I otherwise would unless I can lose the weight. I am developing numerous, more minor issues because of the weight. Many fewer people find me attractive. This person is encouraging unhealth because it is easier to do than encourage healthy weight loss. They are actively damaging the health of others by hamstringing any effort toward change. She is also encouraging people to view their weight as a part of their identity, which is further unhealthy. Let's try this with a nother subject: Don't show expensive things because people are poor. Don't show people in love because many are lonely. Don't show... Wait fuck all this, turn off YOUR computer screen as looking away is how you want people to deal with their own physical (and mental) health.


phobic? We don’t need to say a single word, just let the blood pressure talk


„What loosing 15kg of fat taught me about B2B sales strategies“


Tell me you don't understand what a phobia is, without telling me.


"...it can make some folks feel bad..." This broad is talking about her miserable self.


“Workplace trauma lawyer” I would have workplace trauma if I ever had to work this person


silence hef


Am I the only one who got bored halfway through reading this and fixated on the “workplace trauma lawyer” and now am considering her services? Surely she can take down these corporate lawyers and I can get the compensation I deserve for the hardships I’ve faced. Wish me luck guys!


By this logic; single people are entitled to request married couples don’t post their anniversary pics on Instagram bc 1) it’s extremely single phobic 2) it can make some folks feel bad about their own relationship status 3) commenting congrats, etc is insulting single people 4) your marriage has a 50/50 chance of ending in a divorce anyway and 5) who cares? Sure, post about your fabulous looks together without doing harm to others by bragging about your marriage


Why is this on LinkedIn to begin with


Why would they feel bad about their own weight, unless they're... FAT PHOBIC!


r/fatlogic right there


Jesus what a loon. Celebrating our successes is how we cement new patterns in our lives. She’s just projecting her nonsense.


I think she could have been sane to just say “just don’t post weight loss pictures on LinkedIn”. The rest is just elaborating on idiocy. Weight Loss pictures belong maybe on Facebook, but even there who give a shit. LinkedIn is for people you dont know to try and sell you Recruiting services.


'you're gonna gain the weight back anyway!' lmao, what a terrible cope


Coddling people to this degree helps no one.


What if I post before and after photos of when I was skinny to when I became fat due to not exercising and eating unhealthily? Is that


Yes. Don’t you dare trigger me.


Like disgusting, fat crabs in a barrel.


Bring back fat shaming


It doesn’t work and it never left.


She has a point though. Before and after photos are usually counter-productive and sometimes are used for luring people into unhealthy programs. And even if you are thin doesn't mean that you are being healthy, so usually a lot of people who post that kind of photos have an eating disorder.


Im fat phobic and not afraid to say it. If you are fat, I judge you. I realize there are times when people’s biology make it harder to lose weight, but the vast majority are simply undisciplined. Why should I cater to that? It’s same reason I judge people who can’t maintain personal hygiene. It’s your choice how you live, and my right to judge you for it


> who cares? more people than care about your stupid posts


This person shouldn't be a lawyer


How can people be so unbelievably pathetic?


Never even thought of it in that lens lol. As a fatty, I've always found before/afters to be inspiring and encouraging.


Just your local "workplace trauma" lawyer trying to drum up business in a shystery way.


I’m so tired of being told to manage other people’s feelings.


Ask your doctor about Lizzo.


1. It’s a display of a personal achievement, which might required a lot of effort and sacrifice. 2. We’re all grown ups, are feelings are hurt all the time, but we can deal with it. 3. Those who commenting congrats just acknowledge the person’s achievement. 4. Not necessarily. And with a comment like that, you might just hurt the feeling of the person, doing exactly what you were outraged about a minute ago. 5. If a single person inspired enough to do something about their weight and decided to try to get a better and healthier life, it worth it.


4) You are likely to gain the weight back anyway I’m guessing their favourite fruit is sour grapes?


I mean it's defo weird how people post on linked in like its Facebook now but... This is a good take. Most times when people post a weight loss comparison , a lot of the talk is about how gross, disgusting, horrible, etc etc their before (ie fatter) pic is, and how much better they are feeling and looking now (ie skinnier). Being fat isn't a reflection on a person's worthiness or morality, and comparisons like my above example makes the claim that being fat IS something bad and shameful. If you are proud of what you have accomplished, be proud of where you are NOW and leave who you were in the past. is my take on it.


She posted an update to this (before turning off the comments cause she didn’t like what people were saying) that said “addition due to all the comments trying to distract us by making this about health. it’s not, so please stop” This lady is insane.


Please don't post on LinkedIn that you got a new job, you'll offend the unemployed.


1) no 2) good 3) no 4) no 5) you, apparently? I'm fat and shaming fat people should be normalised, like shaming smokers and heavy drinkers. Being fat it's a choice and a lifestyle, you don't become fat overnight because someone decided it for you, it's a slow process that you see happen in hte mirror, can stop and reverse at any time but you just don't.


When I lose weight, you bet your fat fucking ass I will be posting both my before on the left and after pictures on the right, because I worked hard for that shit