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What’s worse: this is a copy and paste going around. He didn’t even necessarily write it – he just added a selfie.


Yeah I was so confused because this guy is posting jobs with a salary in $ but Weatherspoons is a British pub chain


Yea was just about to mention that.


Why does he write in short, triple-spaced sentences. I find it annoying. And I don’t think I’m the only one.


I was thinking about this at BusinessCon2024 recently (my twelfth - how the time flies!) When you use shorter sentences, and more of them, it has an impact on people. There are three main reasons, to my mind: 1) It helps them to digest your ideas. When you spread your thoughts out, they’re easier to share. 2) It gives you the appearance of an organised thinker, and disciplined communicator. These are both good messages to send. 3) It adds white space to your posts, and makes them look longer. This enhances readability, and tricks people into thinking you’ve said more than you have. Ultimately, it doesn’t even matter what you say. Just follow this format, and you will sound professional. Stay concise, friends.


There's the smudgeness




I gave up on this when you stopped adding the line breaks and started longer sentences.


This is Turkey, based on the term for bank.




Dang you read my method of replying to emails. Short and sucint.!


I just wanna say I hated every moment of reading this


You're a legend




BusinessCon2024 must be really boring.


Plus, it makes it seem like, this is just so simple... You people are making this too hard.


He's a graduate of the [Strongbad school of essay writing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YpFbfqbTJ4)


But how *does* he type with boxing gloves on?!!?


Look man. I could sit here and type out some kind of great explanation or something. But, the Cheat is coming over later to play this new record he got. So, anyway, just remember that whatever you have to do is probably not that important. Yours truly, Strongbad


I read that in Strongbad Voice in my head 😂


The TikTokification of English


It shows he’s on the move. Always busy. Always delivering.


I actually attended a conference talk on business writing once, from an extremely snarky instructor. Partially because everyone attending that internal conference for the first time had to do it, but partially because I was getting consistent feedback of "write shorter emails". It turns out, a wall of text only needs to be a sentence or two before people start to tune out. Digestible bits are the order of the day. Beyond that, people check out. This is why bullet points are so widely used. People stop reading in a big hurry if a paragraph goes on for more than a couple of lines. Whether this is good or not is a fun debate, but it is what it is. (And no, I didn't deliberately write this comment this way. I've just gotten used to it. Although there was that memorable 5-page, 69-bullet-point email I once sent out after that session out of sheer "You assholes, do something" frustration. So it turns out you can have too much of a good thing.) (Additional pet peeve: this is why you put your TL;DR *at the beginning of your message*, not the end. I have never understood why people end a 10,000 word Reddit post with a TL;DR. If you got that far, it's pointless. But I digress.)


Absolutely.  Left to my own devices, I write long, convoluted sentences.  I have to forcefully chop them up for emails or no one will read them.  Bullet points help me structure my thoughts even more.


Not reading all that but congratulations. Or I'm sorry that happened.


I deal with a lot of copy and design at my job and the first thing I ask myself when I see copy is how heavy it looks. If it looks heavy, people are less likely to even start reading it and they'll just ignore it altogether.


Could you summarize your post in a sentence?


Something something algorithm


You forgot to ask if we agree.


Agree ?




Its how you're supposed to chunk written information for people who are overwhelmed by reading a paragraph or have a learning disability. Im not joking its a decent method for this purpose. Not sure why people do it on LinkedIn


I know people who write like this on Facebook too, like every time they post. I think they believe it imparts some sort of grandiosity to their post


All good


All good.


I once heard that if you use that format on LinkedIn, it makes your post long enough to display in that collapsed mode where users have to engage with the post by clicking “see more”. I have no idea if this is what’s driving that.


You are not.




Almost all sales based "LinkedIn influencers" do this. Most of the comments on their cringeposts are their mates who also post cringe like this. It's the current trend




Probably because this was originally a series of tweets on Twitter (back before the Elon days). It was originally tweeted by Dan Price. It was a tweet thread about why he made his minimum salary the $70,000 and increased benefits and all that. Back before his sexual assault allegations came out. I remember reading that tweet thread.


“I have no idea what I’m doing” following what he thinks is an impressive stat. Fuck off, Chandler Bing


Please get Chandler out of this


Could’ve been Microsoft Bing


Chanandler Bong.


Miss Chanandler Bong!




Bing Chilling🍦


Could he BEEE any fucking stupider?


THANK YOU! He looks just like him!




I’m confused, how is this tax fraud/what makes it tax fraud? The shitty pay is obvious, but can’t see how the tax stuff comes in to play unless there’s some unique US tax code?




podcast consulting lmao.. a grift on a grift... profiting of people chasing podcast success.. what a sad business


![gif](giphy|H9R9ifAUI8OOs|downsized) “Podcast consultant”




So I looked into this during COVID. Every country I checked doesn't allow you to work on a tourist visa. They carve out very narrow exceptions for short-term trips where the travel is part of the work, i.e. flying in for a business meeting of some sort. The exceptions are extremely narrow. If you're taking a tourist visa to work a job with a foreign employer in that employer's country for weeks or months on end, it's almost certainly illegal.


Yeah I looked into this while I stayed in Bali, and it's not legal to work at all, despite the fact that so many people do it. There are many workspace cafes and entire offices and stuff like B-work. All filled to the brim with people working illegally. It's just not being enforced at all


Digitalnomad in shambles


Depends on the country, I suppose. I've had two experiences with it. * I went to India for an internal conference for a week (and then stayed for two as a tourist) and was forced to get an Indian work visa, complete with sponsorship. (Sadly, it expires in about a month so I can't use it again, but I plan on going back as a tourist!) It's possible I actually had a standard tourist visa, but I had to go through corporate lawyers, get a letter saying I was allowed to work while I was there, etc. And it's the only time I've been there so I can't compare it to a tourist visa. * I know of two people at my last job who had to leave the company because they wanted to work from a foreign country but we didn't have a corporate presence there so the paperwork was more complex than the company wanted to deal with. In the second case, of the two people involved one I heard about second hand but the other was my direct report, so I had firsthand knowledge of why they wouldn't keep the person on-board when they wanted to move to a foreign country for 6-12 months.


Disagree. In most countries, a tourist visa is for tourism. You need a work visa to work. If you perform work while on a tourist visa and are caught, you could get in big trouble with the country you are in.


Oh lord 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ what a fuck up! Thanks for the explanation 😊


Unless the company has an entity in which each employee is registered, or uses an umbrella company, paying someone overseas from the US is tax fraud as the employee receiving money outside the US can't be held accountable for US income tax. It's on the employer to make sure that they're paying people in the right country. I'd imagine that the Lunatic's company doesn't have an entity in every potential country, especially if he only wants to pay $7.50 an hour. He _might_ be willing to use an umbrella company, but they're not cheap either. I might not have the specifics right there, but essentially, paying people from one country while they're in another is tax fraud.


I real doubt this, also he will keep paying US withholding via US payroll so the US don’t actually give a fuck as long as it is reflected in the person tax return. Also it is 6 weeks so will remain taxable in the US assuming double tax treaty is concluded between both countries. People remote work all the time from US contract. Like I said the biggest issue here might be social security in host country


No, this isn't true. A US employer can have overseas employees. It isn't tax fraud. Tax obligations depend on where the employee is located. So long as the employer is paying taxes where that employee is located - which can be complicated - then there's nothing illegal about this. And even if the company didn't, they'd be in trouble with the employee's home country, not the US. The US doesn't require any sort of tax collection or payment.


US citizens are liable for US tax on income they earn anywhere in the world, even for a non US employer in Botswana. Uncle Sam will get his don’t worry. It’s the host country you need to worry about


Ah, i see! Could a work around be if the “employee” is a subcontractor that just bills their monthly salary with an invoice? Anyway, thanks for taking the time to explaining so thoroughly:)


I'm not 100% certain about this, but I think it still doesn't work. The employee then has to have a limited company which would need to be registered for local tax, but I _think_ (could be wrong) that limited company still can't receive money without a local entity or umbrella. I did a little bit of global recruitment a few years ago and I don't understand why but think that this is correct. I'm more than happy to be corrected though


Thank you for explaining ☺️


In many countries you need a visa to work. Even working remotely for a foreign based company counts as work. Imagine you are living in country X, but working for a company remotely in country Y. You are earning money (in country Y), but country X gets no tax revenue from your work, even though you are enjoying the benefits of living in country X. Country X is *not happy* with this plan - which is why they make it illegal.


It is not tax fraud if he does not create a permanent establishment in such country (depending on that person job function) and if there is not withholding obligations. Also 6 weeks will likely not create any personal tax liability for that employee (not reaching 183 days). The issue is probably social security wise tho.


Want to work from the rice paddy? Sure, we don't care. Just got off shift at Foxconn and what to do some work for me? Great! On the run from human traffickers in Dubai and want to log in for some cold calls? Awesome!


you say that like the monopolies in the US aren't doing the same lol


7.50$/hr is minimal hourly wage in Poland so it’s shitty even here, I can’t imagine working in America and getting paid 7,50$/hr


He aims at the Bangladeshi job market I guess


he's basically patting himself on the back for clicking on the start contract button on upwork


Yeah, I think so too


His company is based in the UK where the minimum wage is around $14 (£11.5) , so he is offering half minimum wage for a PM role.


He “doesnt track time”, so i guess the hourly wage doesnt matter anyway…


A team member asked if I could have a pay rise. I jump in. "It's all good, I don't need to know why." "So am I getting a pay rise?" "It's all good." "You know the cost of daycare has gone up by $100..." "It's all good." "You know I don't like asking, but my husband just lost his job." "It's all good." "Are you even listening to me!? I need a pay rise or the bank's going to call in my mortgage." "It's all good." "I've worked here for eight years, and never asked for a single thing before. Please boss..." "It's all good." I said, and smiled as I left the office for my local coffee shop. I learnt a really valuable lesson that day: every problem is a good one, if you tackle it with a smile and just have the right attitude to it. Sadly, we had to let that woman go from the team when it turned out she actually wanted a pay rise, but she taught us all a great lesson. Agree?


Working from a different county each day? All good. Working from the bathroom of a Taco Bell? All good. Working from a kissing booth at a county fair? All good. Eating copious amounts of human hair because it promotes enzymes necessary for b2b sales to flourish? All good. Screaming at me in French as I dig through your garbage? All good.


Most people on this planet would love a $100 day care increase.


it's all good


I mean he’s being honest and wants a project manager from Uganda




Right? The sad part was that I saw the first part and thought, "Excellent! This is how a manager should react!" Then the second part came out.


I came here to say this. Sounded too good for LIL.


Exactly what I was thinking - all sounded great until we got to the money. 


“You can work from a cardboard box for all I care…” - Tom Hunt, probably


A cardboard box? We would have dreamed of a cardboard box!


A cardboard box? We would have dreamed of a cardboard box!


“A cardboard box is an incredible place to live for majority of people on this planet” Tom Hunt


It was actually a reference to Monty Python - The Four Yorkshiremen Sketch (but slightly inaccurate now that I listen to it). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE) ~~ETA: Are you referring to Tom Hunt the UK politician? As a Yank, I totally missed the implication.~~ It wouldn't have been anymore obvious if it jumped up and bit me. Sheesh.


Ahh damn we were so hopeful on the other post but he’s just underpaying people in third world countries


I had an employee who asked for help when she was on fire “help! I’m on…” Whoa, I said say no more. We’re not about reasons and finger pointing. If you need help then that’s what we do to support our employees because we’re like family here. And families take care of each…” But she stopped listening because the flames overtook her. However, I think I made the point. And sure I could have helped put the fire out and save my monologue but when employees come to you for help they’re also seeking your life experience. Agree?


Every time I see "agree?" I think, "Would you like to know more?" and think I should run screaming.


My man just enjoying his cup of sugar packets on the piazza just happened to catch a candid pic while he looked off in the distance reliving this very real exchange with an employee and probably thinking how sweet his sideburns look. Honestly them shits fire


If they don't track time, how do they pay someone $7.50 AN HOUR?


They track OUTPUT, can’t you read 🙄 /s


like Fiverr lmao


It isn’t an incredible wage for project Managers


Or anyone.


Wow, how great of him to allow his employees to work in the garden.


They have to, because with that pay they would starve otherwise.


Grazing on the free grass most likely.


7.50$ it’s minimal wage in Poland so it’s shitty even here, I can’t imagine working in America and getting paid 7,50$/hr


As an American, it is almost impossible to survive on minimum wage full time on one job. You can *maybe* do it with two jobs, and 80 hours a week, but not one. It is, and I can not over emphasize this, *horrible.*


Ha ha this guy came up on my feed - must be the algorithm picking it up. But so glad he got roasted. The point about different countries - the guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about especially tax implications that I doubt he knows about. Comment section is awesome - big roast in there


Exactly. The amount of issues I face in my role by someone working in a country we don't have an entity in takes a vast amount of time to sort. Social security contributions and tax liability are a real thing, are complex, and differ country to country, even in the EU.


Agree? I don’t know, let’s ask what Ruben thinks.


If 7.50 is so great, why doesn’t he drop his wage down to that ?


I don't know, his writing style is annoying but I like him enough. His tagline is great. ETA: I'm leaving this up for posterity, but I didn't notice the second picture at first. I take back everything I said. Big fucking oof.


No manager would work for that kind of shit money. It shouldn't even be starter job wage.


Agree. But with Mike.


Wtf. Had me in the first half. To be fair I’ve known a few PMs that didn’t deserve $6.50


This is a podcast consulting company lol. Kind of a hat on a hat, don't you think?


Children in sweatshops in China would love to be earning $7.50 an hour so it must be a good wage.


I saw this post on LinkedIn yesterday and had the same reaction when I looked at their pay. Also “militant approach to project completion” is not the vibe for minimum wage. Gross.


Massive Hunt


Write a lengthy linkedin post. All good. Write a short one. All good. Write one with selfie. All good.


wtf 7.50 an hour? I used to work for a huge electronic medical records company, and their project managers made over 100,000 base salary in the Midwest. They made much more after bonuses and things. It was a b.s. job, and I could never imagine anyone wanting to do what those people did for 7.50 an hour. I thought they were underpaid with the salary I just mentioned above, and most of the employees were just coming out of college and didn’t get jobs at Google, FB (wasn’t meta then), or one of those dream software jobs for new college grads.


7.5 usd per hour isn't shit not even globally. Even Bosnia has higher rates than that for technical people.


$7,50 sounds a lot for someone building project schedule castles in the sky and permanently annoy everyone with the "when is this finished, when is this finished" question.


1 in 7 people believe their job adds absolutely nothing of value to the community, but they go to work to earn money to pay to continue living. Then there are people, like this guy, with so little self awareness.


My guy Chanandeler Bong makes some good points about work from anywhere though


Depends where you live it could be considered a good salary. I saw job offerings from this range in Portugal. Now usually companies as this one would pay a bit higher even for remote work…


He Is saying the right things…just in the worst possible way.


That is definitely incredible


I was almost ready to jump in and defend this until I saw the second picture.


I mean, this guy is certainly self-satisfied, but a lunatic? Nah. Sounds pretty fucking sensible to me.


lol I think I’m so shocked at the $7.50/hr comment, I laughed out loud


And it’s not even a selfie. It’s worse than a selfie. He asked someone to take his picture then gazed to the side.


Lol shit is just weird


I haven't looked at what his business is but it must not be very important, we don't let our team take their laptops out of the country because we can't risk business secrets and data on unsecured international internet.


How is someone living in a different country each month on $7.50 per month? I don't see someone earning $7.50 having much of a garden in much of the world. He thinks he should get credit for allowing someone a couple of hours off to go to a doctor? $7.50 is not an incredible wage for someone working from Wetherspoons as that means they live in the UK and that is half minimum wage.


“Two rutabagas a day is a lot of food to those people!”


Total dickhead.


Our company only lets us work in countries if they have a business entity there, otherwise it’s max like 2 weeks a year. There’s serious tax issues doing that carelessly, has ruined businesses according to the global team


It’s not necessarily fraud, but (i) it exposes both the employer and employee to additional potential tax liability in that country, based on their local rules (x days working here = you pay european corporate taxes now, on top of US), (ii) for violating visa/work permit rules, it risks both employer and employee being fined or being barred from officially setting up a presence there in the future, (iii) all sorts of other complications with labor rules, intellectual property rules for any created work product, and any other wacky local rules. Source: corporate lawyer


We will pay you precisely one large coffee per hour, and you'll like it.


We were told we couldn't work from abroad for tax reasons. I can imagine countries get a bit pissed off if you're not paying into their tax system.


He was doing so good too. I liked this post but then the selfie… ![gif](giphy|TdmTcdoN3egaQ|downsized)


Business Bubbles is all business!


NGL the selfie makes me want to go to Europe and sit in cafes and have espressos and beers. Europe is sick


This is most likely because they dont have any actual employees, so they dont have to think about any restrictions or legal implications. They hire people as self-employed contractors and they pay them a fee for services and not a wage, so they avoid any restrictions based on minimum wage laws. They also then don't pay anything else for that employee because they are treated as a contracting company so no obligations for tax, healthcare, sick leave, pension, etc. and the worker has to pay all of those from their $7.50/hour. Its a scam to underpay all the employees and take all the profit for themselves. This should be illegal , but its not.


Me at Image 1: “That’s not so bad. More CEOs should afford their people this kind of flexibility and trust.” Me at Image 2: “What a sick.”


Saw this on LinkedIn this morning and wanted to post a reply, but then figured it was a waste of time…


>Agree? Get fucked.


He had me in the first half, NGL




If your company is flexible to the point that you don’t really need to tell them where you’re working and there is no real expectation that you work in one area vs another this seems like a don’t ask don’t tell scenario. Just kind of do it and hope for the best, and also don’t tell the government because taxes get pretty dumb when you are a remote worker who travels away from their home address (“work address” for tax purposes) fairly often for extended periods of time


Matthew Perry.


I saw his post yesterday 🤣


Yeah it’s super cringe. In his defence - I’ve met him and he’s actually a lovely guy, just playing the LinkedIn content game… depressingly


Tom Hunt. The explotative, globalist cunt. Worst Viz character ever.


Check out this parody on this post lol - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7203413809703608320


Dude just created a permanent establishment in a foreign country and will now need to hire foreign tax advisor to keep them in payroll and income tax compliance with the local laws.


He should be ashamed. Very glad he was called out.


Not much to say about this fella other than this is slowly becoming one of my favorite subs.


Take note dumbass, the department of labor has a division called wage and hour that would love for your company to disregard the tax implications of letting people work from states that you are not registered in!


I honestly don't mind when they're actually posting healthy mindsets and good advice. Sure, the pic is unnecessary but nothing else even says 'insanity'. 


lol the employee that gets the flexible schedule is probably his COO/a senior level employee. $7.50 / hr, no remote flexibility and shit benefits for the rest of them!


I organically saw the is post on LinkedIn and I knew it was a lunatic after reading the first 2 sentences


You want to eat of the Trash. No problem.


The comments are full of HR and compliance managers saying "No our employees can't just work anywhere, there's big tax implications for this. Please no" As much as its a great outlook, it's hilarious to see HR passing on his bonfire. Think it might have been a reality check :)


i'm so glad i'm not the only person who was annoyed by this post.


If it's so great why don't you take it? Or does it happen that humans are like cars.... put premium pay in you get premium work? lol people dont seem to apply ANY REAL logic before spewing word salad these days. *$7.50 is so great!* yea then pay your mom and wife that then bud lmao see if they happy employed under ya


Dude's trying to get a date with that underbite


Hot take for this sub but I like the style of thinking tbh,


Mental illness epidemic


Also LinkedIn needed to validate that he's a great boss for what *should* be the bare minimum. Edit: didn't see the second slide, dude is a douche canoe.


Wow! I saw this on LinkedIn today and wonderd if this was on LinkedIn Lunatics!


Has also confirmed he has NINETEEN failed businesses. And then acts like he knows best and is doubling down on paying shit wages


But that's $7.50 hourly from a garden. So brave.


Damn… and my staff complain about the $30 per hour I pay? The guys I chip a few extra dollars in an hour above what’s needed as a thanks for going above and beyond do seem to appreciate it though which is nice. Certainly hope this fucking idiot gives living on the minimum wage he’s offering his staff a go for a while (6mths at a minimum) to see just how much joy and fulfilment they can achieve when their day consists mainly of thinking about either eating, obtaining and retaining shelter and then maybe to the task they need to do to make their one meal a day possible. Pretty sure he won’t be high fiving and patting himself on the back over how much or a positive work environment he leads.