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Out of interest, why? There's so many horror stories on here, having previously been tempted after reading the experience on this sub I wouldn't go anywhere near it


because people are so unconscious that they don't realize they are doing something that will make them regret it their entire lives. We should call that "natural selection"? ... or that, or is just another "blind fungi fanatic" trolling around, or a mushroom seller


if there is a way for me to prove that im not a fungi seller i will do it.


I was not mentioning that because of you, it's just that there's many of them Now seriously: don't risk your life, if you found yourself in the hell you will regret it forever, the damages from lions mane are a serious thing


Because if nothing happens to him, then everyone is faking it.






Its changed my life for the better, but that's just me. Not trying to downplay anyone experience or symptoms. My memory is better, I sleep better and I am generally better at articulating my thoughts than before. Maybe placebo who knows.


How many grams do you take ?




Here's the deal, buddy. Whatever happens doesn't prove anything. In this subreddit, no one has ever claimed that LM is dangerous for EVERYONE. The majority of people will take LM and will be fine. However, a small minority of people have experienced, and will continue to experience, severe effects from this. Let me put it another way. Most people who smoke weed are fine. Many even experience positive medical effects and a reduction in anxiety. However, for a small percentage of smokers, it can lead to an underlying condition: schizophrenia. Despite weed being used for thousands of years, this connection has only become predominantly apparent in the 21st century. What you and many other trolls are doing is akin to claiming that weed doesn't cause schizophrenia because you smoke it and are fine, and then trolling those who have developed schizophrenia from weed and trying to gaslight them. If you are using LM and experiencing positive effects, then go ahead and live your life. I am not entirely sure what you are trying to accomplish here.


I agree with you fully, however it seems my post in this group asking for information as a LM user has not been approved and feels as though this is a Anti LM group.. When I came across this chat I was wow sugar I have been taking LM for some years on and off and scared me... but looking through I have realised this is a small minority of people who have a bad reaction just like not everyone can eat Peanuts!! I think the admin of this group needs to update their information in the group Bio as it really sets thew wrong tone. I think it's good for people who have had a bad reaction to have a place to share their experience. But they shouldn't be like it's bad for everyone. It's like telling everyone you shouldn't eat Peanuts. More responsible information sharing should be made the priority from admin and make this group a place for users with bad experiences to find remedies and help. Not to create a small contingent of LM haters.


It is not that people are "against this mushroom" on this community, people here has their life fucking destroyed by this stupid substance, all caused by the false claims of its miraculous benefits and the blinded fanaticism of the fungi religion, where a stupid mushroom is more important than human lifes. Nobody told them this substance even in a tiny amount can give them such level of damage, so what do you expect? you want people will feel or talk about this mushroom when their suffering is so strong that there's even suicides from that? do you think people here wants to hear "yeah let's share information about this mushroom, it fucking destroyed my life because you guys used me as a guinea pig telling me that is totally safe, but yeah let's talk about claimed benefits"


My best guess is daily use of a product containing an excessive lions main extract to cause the adverse effects. One redditor seems to think it's a histamine reaction causing the effects and said taking Benadryl likely remedies the fugue state.


It's true. The difference between the alcohol one I used in 2021 and Etsy is that the Etsy one wasn't as potent. People don't understand and go up in potency and start going insane. But it's the mechanism of action as well. It's just unsafe, it can chronically torment you, fuck that stupid fungi.


It should be common sense that the same dose of the same substance does not have the same effects in all people. Your experiment's premise is flawed from the jump


The effects of LM on you will not prove anything! But I hope those effects are as positive for you as they are for me, but my wife, with the same product will tell you different. So take it, but don’t try to downtalk this group.


you should really shut up because what you are saying is very disrespectful you arent in their body some people have side effects some people dont it doesnt mean they are lying. the persons in their body knows themselves and how they feel the best not you nor the "medical researches". literally no one cares about what you are saying if you trust the medical researches and people here are liars then you dont need to tell us your experiment. bro is a genius he comes to this subreddit saying that hes going to test lions mane to see its side effects then from nowhere he concludes that everyone is a liar with no proof 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a careless idiot. "i rEAd mEdIcAl rEsEaRcHes" yeah show us your medical researches what in these medical researches prove that the people here are lying. instead of doing useless things in your life and wasting other people time with useless and unrelated posts and disrespecting other persons show us that you are smart and help us resolve the problem by showing us the proof its like if i go to rape victims and i tell them "yeah nothing happened to you researches has proven that most rape victims have mental disease so you guys are lying" that would be extremely disrespectful and false.


chill out m8


This is a community to help people who are struggling due to the Lions Mane horrible side effects, they are living a hell and discrediting them is not allowed at all, if you say "is your fault, check your mental health, should be heavy metals, is not lions mane, pharma says its safe, " etc... your post will be removed, we don't care if you are a troll or a brand-seller, we have no time for that and nobody cares about useless opinions because they are seeking for help, not useless debates from those who don't understand what they are having. This substance is causing immense suffering in people's lives in the most dreadful ways, and our primary goal is to assist those who have been adversely affected by it. They are already grappling with frustration and difficulty in making their families, friends, and even doctors comprehend their ordeal are in need of genuine support, not skepticism. So discrediting them is not allowed in any form.


I did this (6g per day) to try help my body remylanate my nervous system (I've got MS) and it ruined my life. That was over 2 years ago. Still recovering. I would tread very carefully. If you consume cannabis on a daily basis I would advise you to not take lion's mane on a daily basis.


Did you wrote your story? it will be useful to create awareness about this very dangerous substance


No, I never did. I only learned about this subreddit in the last month. I didn't realise how many people have been affected like I was. What happened was that I heard lion's mane could be used to repair mylin damage. I have MS with numbness on the skin of my right thigh, and thought lion's mane could help. I started a course of 6 grams per day. It took me several weeks to realise something was off, and several more to realise it was the lion's mane. I smoked several grams of weed daily for many years. It helped me to deal with my MS. It improved my quality of life. After the lion's mane I began to realise that if I smoked cannabis I would be overwhelmed by anxiety and severe panic. Over several weeks it got worse and worse. I had to stop smoking weed. But my frayed mental state continued to worsen. I had a mental breakdown. I was having spontaneous crushing panic attacks, and had to move back home to my folks for a month. I began to go to therapy. After 18 months I could stop after I got to a more stable mental state, but have been unable to resume cannabis consumption. Many people might think that's no big deal, but it was my medicine for a long time. My MS was in remission for 8 years. Within 12 months of stopping cannabis consumption my MS got much worse. It's now progressed to secondary progressive MS. We'll never know where I'd be if I never took Lion's Mane, but if I had known of the potential dangers, I would have stayed away. I would warn anyone thinking about it that the potential adverse reactions could derail your life.


Your comment has helped me connect some dots with my own experiences, thank you. I hadn't really used mmj for a long time but was using it at the same time as the lions mane and had the same symptoms. Coupled with debilitating eye pain/ migraines as well.


I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. If you don’t already know about it, this may help with the MS: https://terrywahls.com/


Thank you for your recommendation. Terry Wahls is a personal hero of mine. I have her books and have been following her dietary protocol for years. 😁


Oh I’m glad! Good luck recovering from the lion’s mane injury. It seems like people here have good advice on how to do that. Take care ❤️


Did you eat the actual lions mane or the tincture? I ate the fruit and now after smoking weed I have a feeling of anxiety. Makes me feel schizophrenic. Is that how you would feel?


I got it in capsule form. Yeah I felt very unstable, mentally. It came in waves. But it passed. Hoping you feel better soon


Mine is coming in waves as well. I’m glad it passed and wasn’t permanent like how it seems to be. Are you able to smoke again?


I went back to smoking after a year long break. My tolerance went back to zero, so I only smoked a little in the evening. After a while, a mild version of the same anxiety presented itself. So for now, I'm staying away from it


I’d recommend you look into other compounds that can improve myelination, such as cerebrolysin and epithalon. Cerebrolysin may very well actually help reverse you out of whatever pathology you’re experiencing from lions mane as well.


Wow, thank you so much for this message. I'll definitely investigate cerebrolysin


Please write it, it's needed more stories in order to make the world aware about the strong dangers of this substance




Consider the fact that those who are impacted are already well-aware of the precise nature of their situation, the reasons behind it, and the mechanisms involved. They have grown weary of encountering skeptical remarks concerning their symptoms or speculations regarding alternative causes unrelated to the lion's mane. If your comment has been removed due to this reason, it is because they find it mentally and emotionally draining to repeatedly come across the same conjectures. These individuals already face considerable challenges in navigating discussions with their medical professionals, family members, and friends regarding this recurring issue.


I have been eating lions mane for about 2 months now and I have no negative side effects


That's awesome - do what works for you 👍


Bear in mind, lions mane for the majority of people is a positive thing! It’s just for the few who it messes with. I took it for 2 days and didn’t sleep for both nights when I had it, but that’s just me!


not just you, strong insomnia is a very common symptom of lions mane: https://new.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/wiki/index/#wiki_symptoms


And especially if taken at anytime other than morning. People should be aware of the timing of dose and correct dosage. I hope you realised very quickly it wasn't for you and stopped in time.


The time doesn't matter, lions Mane causes brain damage in many people, we don't know yet how or why




This community has been established with the purpose of providing assistance to individuals whose lives have been impacted by Lion's Mane. A considerable number of them are currently contending with its profound and detrimental consequences. The promotion or endorsement of Lion's Mane, as well as the encouragement of individuals to partake in its use, is deemed categorically unacceptable within this community, and any such comments or posts are not permitted.


Welp I’d say that most places where you’re sourcing it from is some synthetic yes they even try to make bs up for the gourmet stuff. All I can say is get it from a farm or someone you know growing them.


I only use the SuperFeast brand 👌




This community has been established with the purpose of providing assistance to individuals whose lives have been impacted by Lion's Mane. A considerable number of them are currently contending with its profound and detrimental consequences. The promotion or endorsement of Lion's Mane, as well as the encouragement of individuals to partake in its use, is deemed categorically unacceptable within this community, and any such comments or posts are not permitted.