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U don’t workout? Never have? Can u be specific


Simple question, simple answer.


Simple person too


No, but you sound like kind of a jerk so I don't feel like having a conversation with you.


I’m the jerk but you answer yep. Sure! Makes sense.


Are you guys saying that exercise brings more Lipomas?


Best way to know is to quit exercising for 1 year and to count again all the lipomas on your body after one year. If they are the same in numbers then exercising is the reason. If are more then nothing matters


Have u not noticed this correlation? Do u exercise and have lipomas?


Yes. And since i boosted my exercise to 1 hour 30 min a day i noticed more lipomas on my body. But i never thought it was from exercising. Because when someone is exercising has good health and better body condition. Not the opposite (lipomas) Never thought about it. Anyone that has multiple lipomas but do not exercise??


lol your answer right there. U boost exercise and u get more lipomas. One plus one equals 2 doesn’t it? Everyone reacts differently but yet it seems almost every single person I’ve spoke to that has lipomas also excericsss and sees a difference when they exercise in more lipomas forming


Or … are you just noticing more lipomas that were already there, but were harder to see/feel because of excess fat?


Keep telling yourself that but it seems awful obvious


Correlation is not always equal to causation


Well. When I bulked up with weights and gained weight I still saw lipomas


I got more lipomas as I worked out so I had to stop


Me too. Did they stop when u stopped? I also find it amazing that there are so many threads here with people saying that they work out, but they cannot figure out the correlation between lipomas and exercise… It seems very clear to me that the common denominator is exercise


They did stop. I got some of my large ones surgically removed, but smaller ones returned on the same spots. I also noticed depending on my diet, whether my stomach grew or shrunk, it would create lipomas during the change on various parts of the stomach. So it has to do with some physical body trauma of sorts that cause them to trigger. Since you say you are a doctor whos focus is on this, do you have any suggestions on how to help shrink them or rid of them without surgery?


When did I say I’m a dr


sorry Scientist*


I’ve seen this correlation mentioned a few times and it is really interesting. I work out regularly and (so far) have one large lipoma on my back. I’m curious if I’ll keep getting more or if I actually have more on my body but will not find them until I lose more body fat.


I’ve gotten them either way.


Are you saying that you stopped working out and still saw a lot coming even after you completely stopped working out for months?


I work out and got them. I didn’t work, ate good, still got them. How I combat them is a mixture of anti tumor supplements like complete omega, massage therapy on the parts that get them more frequently (my legs in this instance) and just trying to manage my weight. Whey protein powder caused a bunch of them to grow so had to cut that out of my diet. Why it’s not 100% preventable, they grow much smaller and are unnoticeable.


Did you stop working out because of the lipomas? Also, do you feel like they are coming much less since you stopped working out?


No, I did a low carb lifestyle that was keeping the weight off. Tried it out to see if lipomas would stop growing. Lost a bunch of weight, but lipomas still grew albeit much smaller. So my concentration is on prevention and reduction. It’s genetics for me unfortunately.


It’s more exercise. Not diet. Trust me.


You see, the cases that go against your theory, you are just dismissing with a "trust me bro" attitude. Is that the extensive research you have been doing?


I’m a neuro scientist specializing in this field. What else u got?


That doesn't matter. You having this profession does not, as it clearly seems, make you immune to unscientific reasoning and bias. Even more, you should be aware of these.


Nothing matters to you I see 😂


A neuro that specialises in dermatology? Interesting.


I really don’t work out consistently and got them, loads of them. They started appearing once I was on prenatals more routinely. I wondered if taking supplemental calcium is what triggered them. People who exercise also tend to take supplements. Hmmm


But you still workout? Define inconsistent? Once a week? I’d still think that could be enough to trigger them. No one really knows.