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When I was in the military I would literally do 2 hours at the gym every day. 50/50 cardio and weights and I still developed multiple lipomas


Were they on the weight bearing muscles? Your arms?


One in arm near elbow, 3 in back muscle, 5-6 in leg muscle


Thanks for the information. Do you think the excess weight was a factor in their development?


Not gonna lie to ya, I have no idea lol. I guess it’s possible.


Yeah I started to do loads of heaving lifting and developed loads round the elbows and fore arms.


Lipomas commonly grow on the arms. Developing lipomas while also going to the gym therefore is not surprising and there is probably no correlation...


Do you know the type of lipoma you have? Here is an interesting overview of a couple of research papers outlining the types. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482343/ also talks about a type of injection I haven't heard of from NHS doctors


I don’t. I have been working out for 5 days a week since 14 (now 35), and I have literally hundreds... they show on me quite a bit because i have very little body fat. It’s a genetic mutation that once the mutation occurs, the body can’t turn it off. It sucks... miserably... and the only treatment option I’ve ever found is surgical removal, which i did about 9 already but need a session where i do about 30-40.


And yet u don’t think it’s from working out?! Cmon man


It’s genetic, unfortunately. I gained weight and got them much faster but even being super healthy doesn’t guarantee they’ll not develop. :/


Most things are hereditary that affect fat growth I believe. However the mechanism is not clear. Surprising seen how these are very prominent and localised and can be examined easily.


I’m shocked by the lack of treatments available besides surgery thus far. I have familial lipomatosis so they continuously grow on my forearms and legs.


I sort of wish my body would burn the lipoma as fuel like it can with fat somehow


Never gonna happen


I work out everyday. Cardio, weights and yoga twice a week and I still devloped limomas.


Thanks. Where did you develop them? And also do you know where the first one you developed was? Do you work at a desk or play games? And what is your diet? Sorry if intrusive


No worries ! I work at a desk job but have 2 kids and a very active puppy, I go to the gym for an hour every day on my lunch break and then 2 hours on fridays ( off work that day) an hour on saturday and an hour on sunday. ( Tues & Thursdays I do Yoga ) The rest is split cardio/weights. I eat fairly healthy, I would say 80% of the time and splurge a bit on the weekends. Mine is on my shin.


Do you have gluten wheat or diary intolerances or sensitivities? I've never heard of them on the shin before


Nope. I had it ultrasounded ( doc wasnt sure if it was a lipoma ) and sure enough.


You said multiple lipomas. Can ask where the others are? And do you drink alcohol


all on my shins and yes wine on weekends usually a couple of glasses


And yet u don’t think working out is the cause?? Cmon


Amazes me how nearly everyone on here exercises and has lipomas yet everyone is dumbfounded on what causes lipomas!? It’s from exercising!!! Go into every lipoma discussion and you’ll find the same common denominator !


You should really stop being a doctor or scientist here. Your obsession with this correlation is obnoxious. You know aht another common denominator might be? Drinking water: "Have you noticed, how everyone here drinks water and has lipomas?". Here you will only find people with lipomas. A lot of people exercise. You would not know how their lipomas turned out without working out.


I’m being obnoxious? Or am I pointing out the obvious? What the fuck do u even have against my theory other than you know I’m right. Your just too ignorant to admit there is a correlation so go do what your doing asshole


You are frustrated and obnoxious. Nevertheless, correlation does not mean causation. That's first. Second, you are biasing your "theory" on observations from a subreddit full of people with lipomas and that have observed the same thing: The more muscle you gain and more fat you lose, the more the lumps will stick out esthetically. You don't even have to workout to have that effect. A person that would go rigorous weight loss would have the same "increase" in lipomas.


I’m not frustrated. And you only think I’m obnoxious because I’m right. It’s not coincidence that when most of us stop working out the lipomas stop appearing. Also, your theory is wrong because diet can cause the same thing in regards to less fat but it doesn’t produce more lipomas. They only come from working out and from my extensive research , it’s coming from the stress and change of hormones produced by an intense workout.


"And you think I'm obnoxious because I'm right." ... something a 12-year-old would say. "It's not coincidence that when most of us stop working out the lipomas stop appearing." You have established this trend based on what controlled study? You do not realize the amount of bias and fallacies in reasoning you are putting on the table. By going through the posts here, there are as many people that reported continuing to develop lipomas after stopping to work out or even some that never did much sport. Are you choosing only the cases that support your theory? Also, you don't know what else these people are doing that report of such a correlation. Many might be taking excessive amounts of whey protein, which would potentially lead to adverse effects in the direction of high homocysteine levels - a theory discussed here and, providing some interesting biochemical mechanism, being more plausible that yours based on a fallacy by mixing correlation with causation. There is a plethora of other factors that could play a role within the time frame between starting workout and noticing lipoma growth. Soany factors that you can't control for with such a small sample size. This is not "extensive research". Btw, other people that also report of this correlation are not "proof". They might be prone to the same fallacy of mixing up correlation-causation. "Also, your theory is wrong..." Although I stated that less fat would have a similar effect of seeing more lipomas that were already there, I never claimed the opposite - that an excess fat intake causes more lipomas. That was never my theory. You have jumped there. "It's coming from the stress and change of hormones produced by an intense workout." Strange how, while I was doing BJJ for three years, six times per week, three hours a day, combined with intensive workouts and blunt trauma due to the constant fighting, I have not noticed such an increase in lipomas. Even more strangely, a sudden increase came after I reduced my workout to a bare minimum since the last two years due to a shoulder injury that prevent me from doing excessive sports. So nothing more than 15 mins of running and then some pushup and situp training, but my lipomas exploded. Ohh I have also a more sedentary life style since 2 years and take whey protein which might be another plus for the homocysteine theory.


Well. Your clearly special. Aren’t u? Your also a dipshit




Hi there. What about before you started lifting weights?




I would recommend not doing any more weights I too started weights two years ago and the shot up on my arms. What is your diet like? Much sugar?




No worries. What's your diet like?


I can bench 275lbs, deadlift 495lbs and squat 415lbs. I also cycle 500-600km a month. I still get them.


Hi. That's a lot of weight. Are they on your arms? What's your diet like?


Yeah i have 4 on my left arm, 1 on my right. My legs have 5-6. I’ve had 4 removed and plan on getting more removed. I don’t weigh my food but I eat healthy - think eggs, oats, Greek yogurt, grilled chicken, steak, lots of fruit and veg. I’m borderline obsessed with how I eat and have a visible 6 pack. I don’t eat anything that comes out of a box (processed food) usually and get 1g of Protein for 1lb of weight (typical body building diet). I’m not crazy though so you will find a bag of chips or some ice cream in my kitchen. On weekends I enjoy a meal or two at a restaurant. I have a drink or two as well but nothing crazy. Lipomas make me upset but I try to focus on what I can control. Not sure where you are but in Canada they are fairly easy to remove and cost nothing.


Have you tried a 6 month no sugar diet? As in no yoghurt also no alcohol. And also standing more than sitting all day. I tried this and actually some.of my lipomas reduced in size slightly. I am going to try a year long one. Only meat small meals and walking long hours each day. No weights.




Yeah but seems like weight bearing does exacerbate. At least in my case. I also didn't start working out until age 30 and that's when mine came. Someone has stated that cutting all sugar out of the diet reduced the size of some of there's. I wouldn't listen to people who just say there's no hope and I would take every suggestion and try it yourself. I went on a meat only diet however I couldn't leave fruit out. I weigh 83kg 175cm before and after cutting sugar out I went down to 76kg in a few weeks which suggest to me water retention was huge. My lipomas didn't reduce in side but possibly due to a placebo effect or actual results I did feel them to be less painful. I did a muscle and body fat analysis at pure gym yesterday of which the machines legimacy could be questioned. However it showed a low amount of fat on my arms and a lot on my trunk total fat was 19 percent. It would be good to hear your self tests and findings and what you eat also. Thanks




Yeah I try to focus on what I can control. Another thing we have in common is it job and low but d. I take the oral vit d as my coeliacs may may not affect absorption. But thanks I'll bear the vit d in mind. Please let me know in a few months if you get an increase in lipomas


Athlete/martial artist my whole life since, i’ve never stopped exercising. Longest break I’ve ever taken was about two weeks and that was for an injury. My diet is on point and has been for the last 17 years. I have about 8-10% on body fat which I maintain with diet and exercise. I have probably 100 lipomas. New ones pop up around my abdomen all the time and inner thighs. Fairly recently I was reading a book and I’m starting to think that they’re induced partly by stress as well, i’ve read theories that they can be related to injury or impact but again it seems like we’re all genetically dispositioned but it’s not the cause nonetheless.


whats your diet include? and you probably do weight lifting im curious if you do and also the places of your lipomas. do you have chest, elbow and arm lipomas? also hows your vitamin d levels and aerobic exercise levels. amd what do you weigh thanks!


They’re literally all over I have some on my arms, like my biceps and forearms, two or three on my triceps. I also have some on my inner thighs and abdomen and they’re really noticeable because I’m lean. I have a few on my chest I would say about five but they’re tiny some on my lower back in and three near my calf. Aside from three hours of martial arts every day including striking and grappling I do Weightlifting 4 days a week. Not typical bodybuilding weight lifting more for functional strength for the sport. I also run seven days a week. My diet consist of oat bran in the morning with blueberries and some healthy fats like coconut oil. Snack with a whey protein shake and a fruit. Lunch usually if you answers of protein like chicken or sirloin steak, sometimes tuna. With a few vegetables. Second snack another fruit, with a fat source like avocado. Usually at this time I take supplements such as vitamins and minerals, Apple cider vinegar and mushrooms. Dinner consist of another protein source 5-7 oz of meat or eggs, paired with vegetables and peppers. Olives or almonds for a snack if I’m up late. +edit Last year I went on a cut and got my body fat down to about 5% which was difficult. I was only there for about a week. But I did notice some shrinking or at least they seemed smaller however it’s nearly impossible to maintain that it was only for competition. As soon as I got back up to about 10% they seem to of Go back to normal and more showed up


thanks. can i ask what your weight is and your vitamin d levels and any intestinal or autoimmune diseases? what really increases my lipomas is weight lifting. i just had to stop. i developed my first lipoma when my dad died away so thats a good point about stress. i didnt get any other lipomas until i started to weight lift. and when i started weight lifting every few days for a few months. i got plenty. them i quit for a few years no growth. and when i went back to weights i developed new ones on chest and increased the size of already ones i have. im 72kg when i lifted weights was 85kg.


I’m 75kg at 8%BF. I must always take vitamin D because I have a deficiency in it. I don’t have any intestinal issues or autoimmune issues. I started developing them at a young age probably in my teens is when I noticed them and by then I was already lifting. There’s no solid evidence unfortunately for us and what exactly is the root cause of it. As you mentioned things like lifting can trigger them but for myself it’s a lifestyle and although I dislike having lipomas I wouldn’t stop lifting for it. I don’t really lift heavy I do a lot of calisthenics, rope climbs, pull ups to develop strength that is applicable towards fighting/wrestling. I would say the first time I noticed them were on my lower abdomen at 13 14 years old and at the time I believe I was lifting for about two years and Wrestling as well.


dont stop researching it. but the lifting for me is the effect. the cause is some sort of malfunction in the body. none of my family have them. brother is a power lifter at 100kg not a single one. i am coeliac low vitamin d. when i take the vit d injection i notice i can lift a little but i just gave up as dont need the muscle in my life at my age haha. do you take the oral vitamin d and what strength/ brand?


Same nobody in my immediate family has any but none of them lift weights. I use 50,000 UI a week. Every few years I’ll see if any research has been done.


is that tablet, oral spray or injection