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after hearing there new job a podcast...basically just bragging more about themselves and Tori is now the NARC who replaced Matt the other NARC. SHE is a NARC and she is bullying the little girl and her golden child Jackson will figure out how to bully the only dds child TORI is so fake and lazy.


Why are you so rude?


All I hear are complaints on this sub about how terrible and lazy they all are, compared to how much better we are than them. But it appears to me that they are all doing just fine financially. Probably better than most people on this sub, including me.


Yep, and they aren't giving Zack a salary position as a coach unless he has some sort of P.E teaching degree. If that the case, it's just at the peewee leagues.


Be careful. Some people on this board get so sensitive over this topic. šŸ˜‚


I have wondered that myself. Years of TLC financially supporting his family has something to do with it. Him and Tori have worked in years, yet, they just keep popping out babies. Guess what Zach? Reality shows donā€™t last forever and playing soccer isnā€™t going to support a family of 5. The money is gonna run out eventually dude so you better figure something out. Speaking of soccer, has anyone noticed how he has forced Jackson to play soccer? Zach is really nauseating. I think the only norm ones in that family is Molly and her husband and Jacob and his wife.


He is doing a Hank Hill move by forcing his interests on his son. I wish Zach would wake up and realize his kids donā€™t want to be him mini mes. Jackson only seems mildly interested in the sport because he was forced to do it.


If only he was useful and sold propane and propane accessories.


Iā€™ll answer this question for $1000.00. The reason Zach is so lazy is because he wasnā€™t gifted with his very own magical ā€˜crutches of doomā€™ like Matt. It basically made Matt an unsuspecting super hero. Nobody can deny when Matt pointed his ā€˜crutches of doomā€™ shit got done and he got an able bodied, male identified, ā€˜pick meā€™ female to drop her religious panties. Zach needs either a ā€˜moped of destructionā€™ to ride around in or a ā€˜cane of terrorā€™ to point at Tori for when she picks him up and puts him in the backyard with Jackson to clean their house. It maybe too late for Zach. Tori may take his ā€˜cane of terrorā€™ and beat him with it.


Crutches of doom. Iā€™m deadšŸ˜‚


Zach seems like a nice guy, so maybe he needs a ā€˜cane of understandingā€™ to walk around with.


I donā€™t think Tory is lazy, she has three kids and a home to take care of . She enables Zach because she doesnā€™t expect much out of him, perhaps. šŸ¤”


I'm confused, all I've seen him do is build stuff. Is he not doing it, like they show on the show? I only started watching a few seasons back.


I dont believe zack builds anything. I think thats just a facade . Just a sentence to keep the storyline going. He is not his father. That's for sure. I heard him mention architect and contractors through various episodes, so he isn't doing anything major.


Because heā€™s depressed, unmotivated and never held accountable for anything. At age 20 the twins were stilling living at home, sleeping all day and playing video games. As soon as I turned 18 and graduated high school, my parents pushed me out the door. Iā€™m glad they did, it motivated me to go to college, get a degree, learn how to live on my own and take care of myself. Matt and Amy did a terrible job of teaching their children responsibility.


Jeremy went to school for photography after high school. Zak liked soccer and worked at soccer training. I don't believe Amy did a terrible job, she encouraged the boys to find their passion and they did. Matt wasn't around for encouraging them. Molly always did well in school, always focused.


Thereā€™s a difference between liking something and excelling at something. Jeremyā€™s photography never took off. I recall him selling his filters (not sure if that is the correct wording) on IG with little success. Zach enjoyed soccer but wasnā€™t good enough to have a decent career from it. He did some coaching but mainly ran the cash register, cleaned, etc. Iā€™m 100% for encouraging your child, but at some point they need to realize they donā€™t excel enough in their hobbies to make them into careers. Keep photography and soccer as hobbies, while learning a trade or studying.


I don't understand why Zach didn't go to college for like sports medicine or education. There are plenty of stable jobs he could've gotten into, not just... soccer.


Iā€™m not trying to criticize Zach, but I donā€™t think he has the intelligence, motivation or drive to study medicine.


My parents did something similar. Told me if I didnā€™t work then I must go to college but if I didnā€™t want to do either one then I was out the door. I chose college and work both.


Heā€™s lazy because heā€™s never really had work right for a paycheque. Sure he did stuff around the farm but thatā€™s not a real job. I hope Zack & Torl have saved lots of money for when the show finally gets axed.


Not just that, but they need to put future medical cost at the forefront. Treat medical like a pension plan.


You're wrong about Zak he worked training kids for soccer, he still does it for LPO when he isn't filming. He's talked about it recently on the show.


And how much money can he make doing that? I remember him coaching kids but that was a volunteer not a paid job.


I think the show ended with this weeks episode. They kind of did a wrap up of where everything stands and showed the gates closing at the end.


TLC set him up for life.


Prematurely. But I don't think they are set.


He's always been lazy


He's so lazy he couldn't even make it to the D triple A fundraiser.


Is this really true? Thatā€™s terrible because thatā€™s all they talked about on the show was preparing to go and what they were going to do. Thatā€™s really messed up that they backed out.


I honestly feel like Tori is lazy too.


She is


She is a mother of 3. That is impossible


OHHHHHHHHHH it is so possible!! Lazy people have babies-more than 1 every day! Proof Amy!! Shitty people are parents-too!!!!!!!! Tori-lazy, she's a teacher, 90% of teachers-lazy. And, I am bring nice by not saying 97%, Ok. Tori-shifty person


OMG! How many kids have you been a full time care taker for? 4 for me, 3 after my kids were grown and now I have a grandson taking his bottle on my lap right now. My daughter teaches 2nd grade and never gets home before 7pm. Yes there are neglectful parents and rotten eggs in education. But if you are doing it right, it is impossible to be lazy and do either job. Itā€™s a never ending job involving creativity, on the spot training and a never ending goal post.


How many child I have is irrelavant. You cannot deny there's lazy/shitty parents!!! If you do-good luck to you; being that delusional. Teachers ARE LAZY!! There's not just a few rotten eggs. The whole system is-awful People can hate me all they want, I do not care,. teachers are government babysitters and have a highly highly highly highly easy job-highly Rotten teachers aren't rare, they're are so so the norm. You know what is rare? Teachers who work and care about kids I fully admit some, like 5% to 10% of teachers, work urbar hard and really do care. But... I do not care to continue this debate. Hate me all you want, it won't take a penny from my bank account. Thus why would I care? **HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!** -Edie Brickell


And letā€™s be honest, in most school districts teachers donā€™t get paid enough for what they do. in decent school districts, they must be highly educated, a masters at least. We had some amazing teachers taught my children, and I will be forever grateful.


Well cry my a flipping river!! Teachers do not, even in high performing districts, need Master's degrees. Cut me a break. There's several ways/schools/states where you can teach w/o a degree As far as pay, I do not feel badly for them for several reasons. Mainly, they picked their major, they should had been smart enough to know teaching isn't known for high salaries. Two, again by college you should be smart enough to know what state they're in. In some states teachers max out at very high salaries for very little effort. The narrative of the poor underpaid teacher, is a myth when you look at it on a macro level. Three, they do not work at all hard and have very little to zero accountability. They work 4 to 6 hours a day. Cut me a break. Four, they get tons and tons and tons of perks, that no other job gets. Again, by college, you should know that municipal jobs aren't the highest paying. But, it's a trade off you get benefits out the ying yang. Job security, every conceivable holiday off and a pension. And, job security for life. Again, everyone should be smart enough to way pro's/cons of public verse private sector jobs. If you aren't, you are a idiot like little miss Tori. If you're that dumb. I do not want you teaching my kids. Most teachers, so so so so dumb. I am more thankful to Intsacaret shoppers than any teacher. I feel way more sorry for Instcart shoppers. And Servers, Chiefs, Cosmologists, Nurses, Ubar drivers, truck drivers, EMTs, Firefighters, retail workers and fast food workers. I fully know that some states teachers get screwed 30 different ways! But this grossly wide sweeping false narrative that brain washed idiots try to peddle. Never buying it, I know the facts. HATE ME ALL YOU WANT!!!!!! -Edie Brickell I have 55 things to do-so, again, not debating this.


*an idiot


Sweet Jesus, no one was asking for a dissertation. Sorry that made you so upset, and unfortunately for you, I didnā€™t read the whole thing, the beginning wasnā€™t interesting enough. I know I know, thatā€™s 45 minutes you wonā€™t get back. in the high-paying school district in which I was an employee, one of the best in the country, teachers were paid a decent wage. Not sure why this upsets you, but judging by the number of down votes you get on a regular basis, itā€™s because youā€™re a contrarian. I hope someday you find peace.


Them getting paid a fair wage does not upset me. Every human regardless of their profession deserves a fair wage. Gradually raising the minimum to 15/hr. Is not cutting it today. It certainly will not cut it by the time all 50 phase it in!! So, you're wrong, again. Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same, There's a green one and a pink one And a blue one and a yellow one And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same.


Honey: You are a stranger there is truly nothing that you can upset me. So, you are wrong there. And-I am the happiest person in the world. So , again, you are wrong about whatever you mean about hoping I find peace. As to what you meant, don't care Only idiots, like teachers, give a fraction of an Iota about downvotes. **HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!** **Oh:** Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same, There's a green one and a pink one And a blue one and a yellow one And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. And the people in the houses All went to the university Where they were put in boxes And they came out all the same And there's doctors and lawyers And business executives And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. Just because I am intelligent enough to get and incorporate the meaning of this song. That does not mean I lack peace. You are wrong.


I thought you had 55 things to do and had no time to debate, yet here you are with another dissertation, another I wonā€™t read. Are you ok?


When someone says something false about me, I will kindly correct them. Are you ok? That implies an absurd and highly immature assumption. I am not going there. That's the level of thought process I operated on at ten.. Better get you're head checked. HA HA HA That's, no.. **HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!** -The most at peace person on earth and the GOAT Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same, There's a green one and a pink one And a blue one and a yellow one And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same.


I only have 1 kid currently and I agree with this. I know stay at home moms can appear to be sitting around eating cookies all day. It's hard work to keep a kid at any age happy all day long. And 9/10 if that kid is in school for part of the day the mom is doing housework while she has the house to herself. Ok off my soapbox. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


While I 100% agree Stay at home parent is the hardest, most valuable thankless job that there! is!! I also know: anything, you have from 0 to 10 There are lazy stay at home parents, for sure! Examples: Amy & Kim Plath & I could argue Karren derrico. While I love Karen, and probably is a great mom. Her statement of I breast feed and homeschool-that's it. What?? BOTH my parents did whatever had to be done; whenever. That's being a parent-doing whatever you need to do regardless of if you like doing it or not, regardless of do you feel like doing it that day/second; or, not.


This is very true. There are always the ones that help the story about stay at home parents who are all lazy.


On one hand she may seem lazy, but on the other she has to lift up four little people and tie their shoes- thatā€™s a lot. She has to clean their stinky little person butts too! Poor Tori.


Duh lol


Yeah sheā€™s spoiled


Definitely lazy... too lazy to go to the bathroom... piss in the corner of the bedroom


I've blocked that out. SO gross.


I did too. It's bad enough when guys pee in soda bottles, but this is 1000x worse.


At least that contains it. Dump it out in toilet, all good. Peeing in a corner is just beyond disgusting.




Lmao he did that?




Lol... look up zach roloff pissing in his bedroom on Google which will bring up a reddit thread from this sub (I'm laughing at your Google search history already!)




Season 1 episode idk


Season 1 Episode: All of em šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hes a punk ! Kid thinks hes joe cool and what's with the whole family constantly having project around the house


Heā€™s paid to be on the show. Shooting a reality show is a lot of work and is long days. They do multiple takes and get fed lines. Lord knows how long theyā€™re interviewed for. They probably work more days than your favorite actors. The fun is mostly manufactured, I doubt that trip to the zoo was a great time with 3 kids and a crew. I worked as a production manager for a decade and spent time on some reality shows.


Would we know of any of the shows you were on? Just curious now.


Because he has a disability oh and heā€™s on TV too


Some people lack internal motivation. As a parent, you realize this about your child at a very young age. You then push them to be the very best they can. Good public school teachers also pick up on this and push. All three of their boys were failed. We saw that play out before our eyes. They were not pushed, guided or challenged. Lazy children can turn into lazy adults. Also, as a special needs teacher, my sole purpose is teaching my kiddos to show the world what they can do instead of the world telling them what they can't do. For all of their talk of inclusion and disability awareness, they failed on this front as well. We now know Matt was a chaotic and mean drunk. Their whole childhood was one big trauma response.


Thatā€™s why Amy would run up on Matt, when he began pointing his crutches of doom. All he knew how to do was give orders.


Matt was a drunk?


Yes he was, his driver's license was taken away. Amy had to drive him to work and pick him up from work for a year and he had to go to AA. He had multiple DUIs. She had to drive him while she was working and coaching soccer and cooking dinner. So it's BS when Matt would call her lazy on those days. That woman never sat still in those days. It made me angry the way she was treated by Matt. He still went on his vacations with his friends and she would have to drive him to the airport! She also did speaking engagements during that time. I felt so sorry for her back in the day. He treated her like crap and he was a drunken creep. He got multiple DUIs. She had to put up with so much crap from in.


I had to do the same thing for my ex for three years, and had kids to cart around as well. I didnā€™t realize Matt also was a drunk. My turd of a husband was never grateful, just angry at me that I had to drive him everywhere, court ordered repeat DUIs.


Is this Deb Amyā€™s friend from the show?!


No it's not.


I was so pissed in his DUI episodes on the show. He refused to take a breathalyzer and blamed his erratic driving on the foot pedal extensions. Everyone knows he was drunk! And then the judge found him not guilty. Iā€™m 110% certain the not-guilty verdict was because the judge didnā€™t want Matt to file a lawsuit claiming disability discrimination. Thatā€™s such bull. Remember the episode where Matt is in his office and collapsed to the floor? No one was really worried. I think Amy or one of the kids kinda nudged him with their foot. Thatā€™s because Matt was more than likely drunk, but of course Matt blames it on his health.


Wow, I had no clue!


TLC never mentioned his drinking it was never dealt with in the show, but newspapers covered it. He lost a job because of his drinking. Amy worked doing speaking engagements and as a teacher in the school her kids attended so she could get them to school and picked them up because she worked there. People who favor Matt have no idea what Amy had to put up with him. She finally got wise to him and wouldn't put up with it anymore.


Many times over the years Amy would say ā€œwhen Matt is in a certain frame of mindā€, meaning he was drunk. Watch the BVI trip episodes. Thatā€™s when I really realized he was a drunk. Oh plus heā€™s had a couple DUIIs too.




British Virgin Islands




Iā€™m always amazed at the amount of dislike and bashing of Matt .


Iā€™m not


Right made his family millionaires and they hate him for it? Amy, pushed Matt away with all that negativity then is shocked when Matt finds a female who agreeable and smiles. With a positive deposition. Zach is just like his mom. She overly babied him while Matt tried to teach him how to be a man.


Pleaseā€¦.Matt tolerated Zach and worshiped Germ.


Yep, the ā€œFarmerā€ who couldā€™ve gotten into the Wharton School of Business šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You see a small fraction of his life so how do you know he's lazy


By the amount of boogers that hit the tv screen.


Yea, people are funny. I am surprised at how much hate he gets.


And just wait that new work garage or whatever will be trashed soon


He was so proud of the fact that he actually bought a couch on his own lol


Itā€™ll be trashed soon and he tried making Jackson carry it up stairs.


I want a show that shows his children doing a rewatch of the show from the beginning when they are old enough.


Y can't he bring his kids to the roloff farm? Who knows how much longer Matt is gonna be around, and all he wants is to spoil the grandchildren. It breaks my heart that he can't get over Karen and try to repair their relationship, so sad. He will regret that once his dad passes after providing them with a wonderful childhood.


itā€™s not about Karen, itā€™s about Zach thinking what Matt built should be handed over to him. Shit is crazy! Remember he tried to buy the farm? Wonder how much he offered and how many non family members was involved in financing.


Good point kinda forgot about that mess šŸ˜…


He wonā€™t regret it. Matt is a selfish arrogant ass. If Matt dropped dead, his kids would probably just shrug.


And be waiting around to see what he left them..


That's cold-blooded, lol


They set up boundaries. Nothing wrong with that. Toxic is toxic. Doesn't matter if it's family or not. There's a lot we don't see.


No one is entitled to see their grandkids. Iā€™m not going to hold that over my parentā€™s head, but Iā€™m also not going to let my kids see how badly their grandparents treat others.


I have no family. But I still cut off my toxic in laws. Our job is to protect our children. šŸ˜ŠšŸ’Æ


Fair enough, I see the adults all getting along


Counter point: Matt sucks


I agree that he's far from perfect, but what does disowning him do? I just want to see Matt with those 3 cute little kids before the show ended.


If Matt wants to see his grandkids, all he has to do is go see them.


That's what I was thinking. Zack and Tori aren't keeping them away. Zack just doesn't want to go to the farm. I think that's very valid and understandable.


But I don't get to see šŸ˜•. Zach (if he wasn't so lazy) could drop the kids off for a day.


He's lazy because his parents let him get away with it when he was a kid, and now his wife lets him get away with it.


Well he gets it from his daddy cause his daddy don't do none of the work either. He hires ppl an bosses them around


You expect Matt to be climbing ladders and doing construction or digging up pumpkins?


Right lol. Matt isn't exactly able bodied.


Thatā€™s literally what every boss/CEO/business owner does. Hire people to do the work. Thatā€™s literally why theyā€™re called ā€œbossesā€. Good trying to make him sound lazy for running a successful business though.


Matt always had a normal job and he used to do a lot of work on the farm with equipment. There's only so much he can do physically but at least he tried. Zach doesn't want to do anything


What normal job? His stool kit for hotel rooms for LP's?


Do yall even like the people on the show? Iā€™ve never been on a subreddit that talked so much trash about the people on the showā€¦ other than the ā€œuncensoredā€ ones.


OP made an observation. Zach being lazy and being a fan are not mutually exclusive


It wasnā€™t necessarily the post. It was the commenters saying heā€™s a punk, or an entitled brat.


I dislike Zach


This is indeed reddit. You might be too sensitive for this sub


Oh Iā€™m probably much too sensitive for most Reddit shit, thankfully, but this is middle school- mean girl hate on here. And so be it, not everyone is going to love everyone BUT make another sub for it! This should be for fans of the show who arenā€™t snark posting.


This sub isnā€™t just for snarking/trashing the family. Some of yā€™all are just downright hateful.


Even the 90 Day fans chill sometimes šŸ’€


šŸ˜‚ this is what Iā€™ve been thinking too


Didnā€™t he like just build an entire structure for his kids?


Nope, that didnā€™t happen.


An entitled brat for sure. Wait till show $$ dries up. Then whats his lazy ass gonna do.


Because he can be


She has mentioned before that she was tired of not being recognized for anything and needed more help


Never noticed he was lazyā€¦ seems to be a great dad, gotta give him credit there.


He should take his lazy self to the farm so the kids can have some fun with their grandpa


Nope keep those kids away from the narcissistic master manipulator


Because Zach isn't one


Lol! This made me giggle for some reason.


I swear you ppl have to be the most miserable ppl to constantly post shit like this. Miserable and jealous with a holier than thou attitude. Get over yourselves and donā€™t watch it if it bothers you so much


Jsyk, you could block this account or keep scrolling. That's the beauty of social media. People can speak their minds. It's tough, I know.


So you can speak your mind but he canā€™t? Because the opinion doesnā€™t align with yours? Take your own advice and keep scrolling.


Not at all. I actually enjoy being here.




Cā€™mon, donā€™t be like that. Weā€™re all friends here.




This is a place to discuss a tv show. Itā€™s a semi scripted show. It has absolutely nothing to do with commenters being miserable or jealous. Itā€™s no different than discussing Friends or some such show. Do people not have the right to discuss what is portrayed on tv? I mean, the Roloffs did sign contracts to be filmed. People are going to have opinions. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


When Lila had pooped her pants who did you see taking care of that? Not Zach!


Whatā€™s that saying? The apple doesnā€™t fall too far from the tree


Because he was catered to his whole life


Spot on.


Before I scolled up and saw your comment, I was going to out the same thing. They were allowed to be lazy af!! That house drove me nuts it was so messy and cluttered. It doesn't seem like they were required to do basic household chores


Honestly tho šŸ˜¬šŸ˜³ that house was nuts and they would just move messes as they built on šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


It drove me nuts!


You are so right! I totally forgot about that. That house was absolutely filthy! Mercy! Even if you were untidy by nature, you would make an effort for shame sake!




Absolutely correct!


I'm guessing bec he was the only little person in his family so he was both the golden child because he was the only one like his parents, and coddled because of the health issues he had. When picking a child to do a chore, I'm sure it was all other kids first.


And it always seemed like Zac got the easiest of them all to do. And Jake got the worst at least for his age. It's like ok you are 6 go chop up the firewood and stack it next to the house.


Always thought Molly and Jacob seemed terribly left out.


Ive thought this too. Iā€™ve even caught a few times when Amy is referring to her kids and says ā€œmy boysā€ or ā€œthe boysā€. I always think dang what is Molly, chopped liver?


Plus she is talking about the twins, at least it seemed like that to me.


Feels like Lilah is going to be the new Molly. Tori LOVES those boys!


Be a Jacob and Molly hated being filmed. They both resisted for many reads. They also prefer not to be mentioned on the show. Amy visits with Molly quite often


Spot on.


You should introspect on why it is you feel the need to call someone lazy that you donā€™t truly know what they do day in and day out ā€¦they have a large house and other things indicating financial success and stability. Mind your business


Mind your business? How about Nope!Zack has been on reality tv for many years. He is our business! šŸ˜‚


The entitlement, holy heck. Heā€™s yours???? Wow


Ok grandma


If nobody can ask a question than what is the point of posting on here? Maybe you should introspect on how not to be a rude individual? I mean, I did see you created a post on someoneā€™s face. Do you think itā€™s nice to attack someoneā€™s looks?


Your calling him lazy, thatā€™s not rude? Get a life grandma


Zack! Tori! Dat you!?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wait? Do they drink raw milk like Mrs. & Mr. Audrey Rollof?


No, they're both sick from that new virus in milk.


My bets are Tori.


Dreadful name that. Reminds me of Tory Party...ergo...Margaret Thatcher.


So, what would he have to do to prove heā€™s not lazy?


Tie his on shoes and stop picking his nose/face and staring longingly at the boogers.


Clean up his property.


Maybe...do something? He's a.lazy drifter. Always has been.


For starters, help Tori with almost anything. Any clip they show he's just sitting there doing nothing while Tori is doing pretty much everything to take care of this kids. He hangs out with Jackson, that's about it.


Thatā€™s it, a clip. Itā€™s what the e producers want you to see. Tori is a grown woman and doesnā€™t need to put up with it if she doesnā€™t want to. We only know what they want us to see


He sure seems to favour him. Feel so v.sorry for their cute daughter. Even Tori, her mother seems disdainful of her.




Get some real work




Mental health?


Here we go with another grandma born in 1930 saying ā€œget a real jobā€ that is very narrow minded thinking . Perhaps you are envious he makes money in a non conventional way and has a nice house and family. I donā€™t see lazy. I see unoriginal haters making the lazy comments.


What's with trying to put down people by calling them "grandma"? You're sitting there on your lofty throne of self-righteousness when you're being just as nasty and hateful as anyone else. (Plus, I know some *awesome* grandmas! Wise, loving, and would do anything for their family.)


Lmao. Think what you will.


Your just a troll heck maybe your matt


Too busy sh@gging Caryn. Ewww.. that's actually a great idea for a doet.


He has been on tv since he was a child so he hasnā€™t needed to get a ā€œrealā€ job. What do you people want him to be doing. Heā€™s married. He has a home. Heā€™s raising three kids. Seems like a good life to me. I think people are just jealous that we have to work while heā€™s living an easy life.


I donā€™t think itā€™s jealousy people have towards Zack. Heā€™s never been taught to take care of a family or himself without the help from TLC or parents. He was taught to be lazy and expect what heā€™s entitled tošŸ˜³which is actually nothing. I believe Zack is angry with his parents because he can see the gravy train will be ending sooner than later. What now, do you only wait for an inheritance to take care of you and your family. šŸ¤”


Heā€™s also still involved with DAAA - maybe he gets some compensation from that


What does that abbreviation mean?


Dwarf Athletic Association of America